-r ,4,'.... I- THE COURIEE Person Co; Courier, ' Ba UisLed ETery.Thafgday ' 7 ; the centre of a fin .tobacco - pQ?u6hi :::xl - , 1 - m -s j' .... , 7, - v - - - ' - " . i : ' - .c. v, - - , - , - v I T" " 1 1'T'l'l Ill"" I 1111 I ill I II I'l II III I 'I """ u "' "" "' ' ' ' - ' " " - ''- 1 --J! I I III ! ll in - , m---ri.'rvT-1'- Jr"""- i' "; J ' . : X irW in. Person, Granville and Halifax county Virginia, v p f . : ... JOB WORK .rindon neatly executed on short Beed af work-give the UotJBiEir a inui. . IIACKXEY & SOELL Editors and Propriefors. HOMETIRST:" ABROAD, NEXT $1.50 Per Year liildrance HACKNEY, &N0EUL, EOxBOktvlCC.-' " -i VOL. 3. flOXBGRO, NOBTH CAROLINA; THIJRSDAYv lprill 7; 1887. NO:32. One Copyix MonU ; . ' T$ " Jtemttacoa inu-i be mnde- by" Registered J Letter, Port Office Order orf Postal NoteV tries'. ''Brick" Pomeroy, in Pomcroy's Democrat One of the most disastrous tenants OtTH ,SASTEBN XETTEB. to ourv L6m$, and -enjoy, a-fireside chat' for tin.hQurnd ft halt with General Kews; ;:ir- ty all pcrm:tt:ng . tnemselves gamble. - " - V J, The habit' is prejudicial -to of ' t th close lfinylcon;mu: BrotEer Aehbylrnnd'Jiis good lad, "-Socretary'of the Treasnri Man bnsiucss interests, dctrimentalt'-to -all cation Mr. J. . IT. and my sell were dnring' which" time we arranze-to nin!? has s-iilp WPi.rAno a man can admit in his mind is a dis- 0f literary or professional advance- flc" n Ue eastern coa&t attne oyster j leaTe at aiven e clock" next morning. jnoment mentVand disastrous to .'brain, nervo ed. He expressed some little u'n- So we have" breakfast early and start nuiIamvv. .rattorr.-of otth tin craze takes possesion oE a man and human endnranco The good easiness as to, our .situation tearing jforjhe wharf.- Such. a i og-as I fcave . ,'nvvyww-pvinv position to ' gamble. Tbo fi- P4u. r4.,i ..1.4.- u.lf ikf a n-.JM.f k icn Vv tt,M I v - v .,.iA44 ' riwKUMK consul to JLSabia ing cards, checkers, ijacic gammon, way of braiu, heart and ability are VUe. a -we ,"ere lneicj9 tiie ocean jus; we can acarccly see what direction -hoiera. is .preTailin.tn'Sonth CcmMalaf IB03T itlik TVR& TEGETAP13 wojrifS. lltlT.tnd eBltely CLEISSES aft KJTEICMES TBS EiOOH. Aisat & actus of Ui larer aa juaaeis. un aylexlaB,Kal.C9tbBUmtatb. Hiomot 'ic., lor rcuicuuuii m vuv o unu mm- ucvei aniiit'iiiuu, out are always wuuuo, ui . : w.d jc ; ujiguw. i weugnc io. go -cut uauy w&ie ""..vm-a, ; auu r cma jjijccnuiions are liy is commendable,' "as it tefl.de:- to weakened and fretted away '.at " the . qnicksacd "tod .deep to get oat, but no on.: board . the steamer? an &t vtsoTing being taken to prevent its reachTnC Ifeep the lieaa ana. uniocinw ui uie gaming table, wheie mea are stitnu- sucd nappeneaio us..- tout into the dark log. ire had -nott-w, xoric., - :r pfcoor do not hort tbo tootu.' ? V JrJiyA .1m whoa a tr.iue wa VocSomi, d I bemrtii? ecmiuead it, to Ibfrw neoine a blood pngfiT. . n . Hlta. W W. McNASiic. Tns.jnip.bia. Ala .7- Koo4 and eropnon no By fac-tvro bottles c tZlL.. r UW.rs T-42i-d a perfect cmm. I L U0 "TC'lfJ I1WM4W M.4.i"U, "amily at home, the safest place-in jted to greed and broken, by excite- ".We am usedroui selves some twoor gone far tefoje the midst began to I . JLuhe t Czat of EuisiaJ"receiTes the ilia wnrM. nil.', ana? fmm tfiG thOU- munt ,v - 1 thrftA ItAIlVCl ATV fVlA bi&flpJl-. t.rjlVfil!lTlCy lflftl uwav nn I I ftrtrtn ell wTa .' Kti rH f J i .. J ''.' ; ;".'.?.. 'i r"r v; :. "w " j "AV" , , , VM r"t-r I -m - j u -.vu. i," m aruRgr sa -irr t , a hr rn si nnn ' ..','' . m ' - . . I . W . .. J V') 0 annuailr.3 ' ' : ' f"-Seven.."n nd red and twcntj;one aum-Aadi www J" I iunaa ,ei wmpiauouo tiiwu i iv , mv it pains us to see a child r.urc ; to irom one.point 10. anotnex.; .uere j ana joyous; tne waters .are cainr anaiQOO annually WMt-- --j: i '- i ay wrthojit. w. lie playing or4 parlor gee a friend let himself down from I see great numbers of huge sea moc- lamootheand a two hours 'ride wiTl 4j .... . , : . tnni. a . -r ... ... omnpr. Tako u other. Made only by ROFESSIOM At, i W.GRAHAM, 'ATTORNEY AT LAW. HiU8lJoro,X C Vraettces Sb tte Counties f Caswell, DnraB, 6 uillora, uranfi aau rrK. w1 i). S. WlKSTKAB. , J. f. TiKRlf rISTKA.D fc TH&StT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Boxbro, K. C. prompt attantaoo to alibalmesieatrn8t tA to them. " N. ATTORNEY AT LAW, 3. W Grah'itra, Tbos. Ruffii GRAHiLM & RUFFIN, Attornej's at law, Ilillsboro, N C. rraetiee"i the twnntiesof Alamance, Caswe fc. UEUlilTT ATTORNEY AT LA S. Tames at nome, or in iuvj. paixi ui. tno mirner es:ate-ot maniioottanci use- sters. some near ua ana omera mues xaKe us agairuto tne civ oi n uminiz-1 riend. with the family taking part in fulness. Rtcreahon is goo.but d away. iThey seem to ?kiiw exar-tly ton.- If jou wllLixcuse me, Mr.', Ed4- make the Lmpressjot Japan 'he amosemeut, is far better for all not permit it to associate with desire how to swim or sink asbecsisiortmav ltot, I will write 02aitt when : we getR? v??.:V7!:7,..v joncerted, even if small stakes be to win money or to emasenlitediviiie( require, and also'sftem to be as much there sneered, thanVfor ihe head of the energies by gambling. Open vour at hnfe as if they bad been m the family to be away from home and the parlors to games. Eeep'ou t of these sea all their lives. - Far and ne.tr the ther members-thereof waiting ai.d stag parties, where men " pit them- se& fowls are to be Feen, someof them matching the best hours of the night selves against eachother at cards, and are teau.iful indeed and of "immense tway, anxioas for the roiurn of tne alwa3"s sooner or later become ene- size. - Just now two ships in full sail absent one. - mieB. Tne less of money is bad, but are heaving in view. How grand! Years ago wo learned about all ihe the loss of health, neive, self respect how strangfc! how;. beautifull they arnes of cards, taking 'pains to learn and loss.f business grip are greater come nearer, and as their approach is diem correctly and pnding cnrtelf ;ii than Jo83 of money. Play card$ at very rapid, they seem ploportionate oeiu? a clem, good card player. This home. Gamble with your wife or ly to increase in sizeuntil Gnlly they v as before home became more attract- children for odds, . ends and trifles, are at anchor in the bay near Smith ;,ive than the saloon. ' Then we. saw but never sit down to gamblo with a ville; they lower the life boats aiud ar brother business men and profes- view to thus acquire money. Wealth some oL the crew go ashore. ional men playing cards at odd hours thus obtained never benefits. Money Bather a strange looking set, and to lay and night in their oflices or id thus lost takts with it more of your understand their c'uaE is impossible. lodging places, for moucy, and drop- manhood. ; Near by' stands at anchor a Spanish o d into the habit as easy as a regular if you have not formed the habit, vessel which was grounded a few saloon habitne drops into poverty and do not form it. If you have slipped Ljays since'about '25; miles off the r-The: J apaneseTtnake-carpets of Yours truly, - feathers; said to be botbr durable and - Wii. As Forbes. ?J beautiful.- ' -1-. ' & - - VI, Jiids were opened -last .eek by .. - Going To Stay There. the Seci"etary of the Navy for imal . - , 1 armaments, A man. walking-along a quieti street, noticed a negro woman, who! - 'loo Pope-approves of 'thonew stood in a door yard, swinging her Catholic Universityao be rlccated at arms and swaying her body. What's the mattsi jWith you the m-vu asked: . " "Dain'i nethin' de matter wid me. H7ell, why do you jsrk yourself around so? Exercise, suh. ' Do yon perform any sort of work? Oh, yas; sah; I washes, a'n' . some times chops wood Washington; . -John J.- Viosta, themissing ship broker 0f iVew York, says he will le turn and meet his" creditors. . ' . -:"' - ...,,i-. . :; ?.k :!.. . if" ; :.. '.. ' The Legislature now in session in Richmond, Va., is mnkmgan hon test effort to a?just the State debt,- - : : ; . r- f---1: " . I'.. .. - : The Burke Oil & Chemical Co., New York, are seriously involved by into it, remember that, lko the habit Loagfc n6r crew h abandoned her I Rise and fied'to the life station about 30 1 1 pauper s grave. Oi e day wo would lose a few dol-oi annic, it is your enemy. lurs, the next day would win a few. auoye your enemies; aepart irom rJiie9 from this inlet. - Her Cargo A. thought came to kep: acco.mu them. Beach up and climb up - to 1ir nnsiatWl nf Rim-ar koIIt was . s - it . ? . . I,.. ... I . . .... valued at 43 thousand dollars, and was' consigned to a firm in Acw York both of -winnings and losings for a loftier-positions and betfer conditions nonth. Au eld memorindura book And a good to begin is this very Sat- !d enonh to vote thus turns up as unlay night. reminder. From its pagfs we find that in or.o month we lost at different h'ttings, $104.50, and that during the Baxer, ft. C. -Pnf'?ttntid fi ta tie ollctlom "iMalMMv ! C. E. Bradsher ntACTIOING Pil YSIClAN. " Besborj JjT. C. .tMloxkl -ri- offer t ltlr.T.J' BkxDoto aart tBTroanfiiBK euiaMiia tr; D PRACTICING PHYSICIAN. city; when found it wan leaking some it required coasiderable effort and the use of several pumps to clear it. of I water.' It was brought in, by sne of Don't you get enough exercise m j Law ton, who had , realized on . their that way - .paper to a large amount. un. yas, sau. v .- . '1 lie President has appointed Then, why do you take exercisa by Oscar S. Siraoss, of New, York, to be jerking yourself around F . Es voy Ex traordinary and , Minister Vll,T'il tell yer. eah. Yer see I Plenipotentiary of "the United "States wucks fur Mix Jones, whut lives ml toTurkeyf -' T h .in't m w'lrwlrnnf . oVi Tin la. but bow often Jo the majority of peo-' crah a'ndfinallv compromised by pay- . , , ,.. i - , ' , Jle al ho r?-4tly eceapiel by George EivJoytlfe. What a truly beautifu' wotM we live iul 'Nature irivea na srandftiTr nf mnnn. same time at other sittings we ha(lLainSt gleos acd eanp, and thousands the steamers of tliis place, without .von l.b. ltere was a winning (if tRPHna of cninvnifnt. . Wa-osm .lnm;i t.ith rarno. J he-narties l -j ' r - - " - - o f 519.3a net caisn ahead as the resuu sire no betier when in perfct health; concerned held negotiations by tele f one months gambling at odd time, liieu we lounu mat we were gaining a reputation as a a pleasant, ,fcutlemanly ; card player.. One Siilurdny niht."wl:en mental "y undergoing a trial before oiuself us udge and jury, we came to the cou elusion that there was no great honor it being a gambler of renown or a card-player of perfection. In the this house. "De doctor tole her dat ihe mus' take exercise, and she is is able ter hire it done, sha gits me ter do it'fur her. . v Yen not he 4 Day? and Wight During" an acate attack of . Broneliltls; eeaselees: tickling- la . th. throat., and a exbaustlag, dry, hacklnj cough, afflict the sufferer.' Sleep la banlsbed; and great '' - - prostration lollows. ' Tbla diseaa la. alt " attended'wtth Hoarsenesisnd sometlniei ; ;c : Losa oil Voice v It la llabl to becoma 1 chronic, SnvoW the lungs, and termtnata ' ; fatally. lAyer's Cherry Pectoral, afforda,' . apecdy relief and cure hv casea f Broxw , cliitls.- Jt- conirala th dleposRlon' taC,- cough, aadluducesrerreaWng sleep, v' I hav been practicing" phytc tan for v ' 1 twenty-four years, and for- tha past - : ' twelve, kave suffered from, annual. attack: ot Bronchitis, - After exhauntlng all tha -" usual remedies. ?. w.t . . , ,yvifhourRel!efa Vr ' I tried Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral. x Itbelped "'s me: Immediately, - and effected speedy1 V . cure,-.StovualUM.DirCatrolUonf4lIbBu.-v Ayer's Cherry Pectoral la deeidedly tha l. 'o.' best remedy,. within my knowledpre, fot -". chronic jBronchitis, and all hiMr disease. II. AUust. M. D.- South Paris, JIe-' i I was attacked, last Winter, with a aevere ' Cold, which, f i-om TToure. irKw wora '.-.- . aud finally settled, a mv tunes.. Br night sweats I was reduced almost t ' '.. Keiewa mj coui;n.was incessant, ana J, ip;.,-;: ! :; frequently spit blood-My physician told ?'-? : .' me to give up business, or 1 would not- . p. l.va a month. After taking various rem ' dies without relief, waa anally Ji ' ' Cured .By Usinff two bottles of Arer'a Cherrv Pectoral. : f am now in perfect health.' and abla t' 1 . resume business, after having been pro . ' ' nounced Incurable with Consumption. V Bi P. Henderson, Saulsbiirgh, Fens. , '.- 4' For years I was hi a decline. I .had. ? weak luuga, and buffered from Bronchitis and Catrrh. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral re- stored-me to health, and I have been for v - long time t comparatively vigorous. In 'r j ease of , a sudden cold I always resort to " 4 " the Pectoral, and find speedy relief.- " '. sr I Edward E. Curtis, Rutland, Vt.; ..,.-. r' f . " Two years ago I suffered, from a severe Bronchitis. The physician attending m ' Z became fearful that the disease would ter-.-" " mmate in Pneumonia; ' After to'ing-arK :.:; oua medicines, without benefit, he finally prescribed Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, which t m Lrelieved me at once. I continued to.tabii''?y-.: this medicine a short time, and was cured, v." Ernest Colton, Loganspor t,Ind. - .V Ayer's Cherry Pectoral; a Prenared bv Dr. J. C. Aver kC LowalL Maaa. Bold by all lOruggiata. Plica $1; sis BoUlaa, l I E. C. HACKWET, . . ;.-. ' . ' - Pa-BXAX,;.. $. -Collections-of .internal revenue during the first eight months of the fiscal year, ending June' 30, " 18B7 were S74.248.868. beino- 917.60T1p ;lpbMrjroDSe"rc!,8ae r - 7M Un: -! support itcur; But I am digressing..': TTe have been walking on the sand and- shells history of great men and heroic j He r-dache, Costi verier. Nervous Pcs- stan,a the hhieoiis appearance DR. C. W. BRADSHER DENTIST, , - Oilers hi. aerrires to the P. tCaJinrUT aj will b. attendeA a. him once, A. GEOGHEGAN. . Offer his ' . PROFESSIONAL. SEKVlCKS : fountrr. special attoteon paid to diseases t rraaii8 ami children. - j - Feb. 3air,'lg7. R O X B 6 R O A O A D E W V to Botn ssses. he i ween a young man as plaintiff and i card player as defendant, that the card player had in one mouth won j19 30 caeh, and that in this pflriod tho.young man had lost 154 hours of lime, which; employed at typesetting, i less exhaustive business than pla?- ng cards for money, would have earned him at least $46 20. That at toneat Iabwi 'we would have in he 154. hours lost at gambling have been Op ao-o 9 r iotk.iiast. jiaMRS W. TIi.I4.KTT, 1'riariaal. atlaa rael C. Vyeli, A3sU at. Titia tor l weeksia iTlmary Depart-. HiKUer Knghti and Iujfiwge, ADVERTISEiKNT Vf fcaiesala and IteUil Dealers ia (miS,W180IS,HilESS&e rhjt far test In The State ; Danville; Ya. HOVARDifiOIJS&r VA. A favorite Hntel vvih the Travelling Public. Every accoiumedation any attention.- ' :,,..r;r-;i; :7X'':. :Sr Stop at the HOWARD when; yon" visit Sonth ostoo. Cbarxes very1 reHeonable.; ia-iy.v ::fiKS25o;oo::! wiEiinmos e -of .thh rinr eaw Wiira Wntrtete.: Beadr for"0Tt- eratioa.witli solid tooth saw. 0 feetol arriage, So f eet of waysAntowatic set works andtrletlon leed, twoantook9, hammer and aonker wrench. . 1'artilarsaod terms on ah miMMAa. .iiiimi l.Rtt IS BI-)UST. Pmp'r. Ceatral Iroa Work, Darfcam, Ji. Cs 7 apr iaiy The Great American T03AC50..0BBEHIS5 iDpaafdS, WttlTK OB CIBCCX R3: aXU, PlHCES t XEWIS IXK.0173T, KMafaatarer ... , ..,1 4. ..n. j: ina, as every suffjp.n r cn easily-obtaiu atL.fiCtorv nrofif. that. Grfek'a Atimixt. Fiercer, wiilinhk.e them free fiom di utl we. are lirc-u anu are ui stu w esse, as when born. Dysprpsis and return, we call at the ..fort and see Liver Complsmt are the direct causes some very heavy artillery stdl in po of seventy five per cent, of such uiala-1 sition as when left by the-Rubel army, dk-s ns Biliousness, Indigestion. Bick but your correspondent (uotwith einuff ter think dat money will do anything. I'ge gwine ter stay hare, auh; arter while I reckon she'll hire me ter do her eatin fur her, an den I will 'joy mersef sho' naffr Arkdnsaw Travelr. . , v year. -A" register .of every horse and mnle inlFrance is kept' by the gov ernment for reference in case of war, when the goiemnient may need to call for horses'. , Anew attachment to the micro-1 scope has been devised, the object of which is to observe tlie melting points of minerals : while under . the process I t HL C O UH-T Y PAPEftj v A I hnndl-v- achievements gamunng appears to khiu 01 u e ujyi thege huge gun4) Couldtexerctse a lit- " : w aeldom ,avc no desintble place. We find in tion of ...e ft a. t aud other uistress - Voposure now than I onti. J our tescimonv oreseuitu on tuis iriui ,vv"wv "vv'. y: l,,,. i --i i iusb J7tuu.tr wi:i jirovc its wnatTIU 1 I i.'nimii: la efftct. it. Sample bottloi, 10 cents. Try Pore Pnturo ad.Hind Future. .1 -i i . - . . i -I ..... moctn aunng ine- great civu war. w-ij: i ios, sir, i ve inea nom. we exam y pride cosfc mQre thaa hunffer thirEt inea tne bomn-proor and ji'magazme aR(j Coj but did not go inside. There are ? Jefforson'e, Ten Rules. - " Take things always bj the smooth of 6xammation. Aa extensive deposit of unre as- repent of eating toalit. phaitum has-been discovered "near Thistle Station, iu Utah. It is worth troublesome that we dol 340 a ton, the expense of mining is about forty cents. There re 318 women employed THE COURIER, i A youchrul ma'els'udcnt in one of our popular instiluts in tha county has just been liome on a visit" to bis parents, but "before returning" to his Confederate shots aud shells here yet loaded and capped, and are a' little dangerous to" trifla wi h Passing from this point we go to the right of i Inn rv?ornvRRi-n)f1a vTITi' Fnrrlnnil ni'fli' -. T . a 1 MU 4 IWVM VU4V.W4U I U . 4 II C i(.lV4 , IT .'141 IV ova T. aT-.tf T..-1 . -WfrtilTP rvfn J.V hArArAI- . aaiai49 tbijiu 1.1 vui vva.ci iu "Ptfvu j SZb.'JO better on in purse than wo wns entirely too ynunrto bethinking 1 - - were frdm gambling;. It tl.en oc- on that eubj-ct, hud said to him at last: curred to us that had these 154 vain "What sensible young- -lady would able hours been'-' spent in study of have you with all yonr future before Dolitica' rphnion. efrenls and cansos. y.?u toWK :'A1 be,;;.lt. would that, tha rftsnlt wmild ho. mpntal train. . , , 7 in fpsifr with oil his juture behind bun g aUu .auuuuiuiiauuu ui nunLieugt; jGreo Uo Q Workman. to be used in after yearn, worth many times the amount won by eamhliogj When John Sherman learnr-d that or earned at type settings -the no fence law was in . force in Then we- thought of the smoke. North Carolina he declined to stop ldftn " rooms we had oohnoied: thA and pushed on:- to' . Charleston-.: a I - . ... x x t . - tudies he had quite an in tc rest in e of Smith villa a short distauce we en discussion of tht matrimouia! problem ter a'-large. opening at the back with his eldest sister, who thought hel of Fo: t. Caswell and fronting the ocean for 'several miles, here are long you have it. . Never buy what you don't want be cause it is che?. p. Never trouble another, for what you cvn do yourself. per v annum,' and m uddiiion fuel, lights, quarters and nniform. n' r ' Farmers who . riise " turkeys in Lehigh county, "Pa., drive them", to Onl ,-. 4. 4' .'".rf. Paper Putjllslicl La P E R S 6 El ?C OUn T Ya Udss of old Confederate breast works. In looking over the field my very soul seems to be stirred up,-my feel ings ave inexprtsaible. Right herejdred. (Mr . Editor) I felt like getting down Never put off till tomorrow what I market as they would sheep. ?ome- vnu ran do to dav. " - ' J I times flocks of two hundred are thus i How much pain evils , hate corf us driven along the public road ibat have never happened. - Nine-teen the of ;the men who When angry, count ten before you -appiy for relief at tho. London work speak; if very angry, count a hun- house are unmarried. This ia indi-1 rcct. but striking . testimony, to the I Sanitary Progress, goodllects-ol- matrimony. , , - -. i ! r- IT 13 4 imnn mv knrPA and nr.rvrir.tr nnt. tK M'wu J " " " -4 M - 44...4.4g V W W .U4 1 . ..... . . . ,: ir - ' . eratitude of mv inmost toul ' to Al- ' The earliest health" law enacted in t Kauway -.property - now cqnsti- miirh iv God that" I have- heert nro- none trv was Missed in PhiJadal- tntes about oue-fifth olhe accumci tectcdin all the many bloady battles phiain 1700.' "Massachusetts passed lated. W1 of-t,hia country,' gives in waich I have been oneaeed in the one in 1701 and Rhode Island follow- employment to Co0,00O" people, and past, and am yet alive and permitted ed s on' after." .The general assembly m0Ies :W.Q0A00? ' t0"f . of ; ?j'eigut twenty years after the conflictjs'over had I immediate supervisibn - of all annuawy, ou iiau ta, uxcu is luuu to enter theld blttle Vrouhd in health reffulations, bnk their Texecu i an.d f nel. - t- peace and safetyX , i . tion' was entrusted to a "naval officer., South Carolina is tohave aig" . The field as once stained' with i As the sanitary knowledge and re- tune'on lhei2Gth of April." sTfae Cal- ih lifev;blood of nian y a mother's qui rerae.ts increased, the - necessity hon ri monument on t Marion Square, boy. who bravely-end aed the hard- icamo about for a health oflberand Charleston, Js ' then rto; be. uxi veiled ships of soldiering through thedeath town councils took upon: 1 themselves and as the ? 2Tetc&. q,n& Courier saysi afrno-ola and here lost life. .T7 I'm 1 tha flnfti.t.mftnfe of lorai" Ranitiirv -"vio'.r'In. honouring Calhoun the State Energy will , do ahnost anything, , , , d f - . Il1ftllinil . Tlins -rfn-ii- thp will be honouring itsalf." - ? Kn t if ran not at tat if tlio hlftnfl la f m. 1. . . . . .... . I - -.-r44."-- r " - - - "'V" " r.M r "-' "" , . ,"vTr ' 1 in Andout or the ditrhes 'l h ari Iv-nl r' annnrintpnflfnf. f hpaleh 1 ' nnte.,i- vr v r'mifA.t;- ;-: "oi j . ... i j.v i .-.- . - ..,... -: i - - c . 1 1 ..v uuu(uw...i..1L aa. i ioiiivu. ui a wasfoatunately accjnittcd and Pu.re oe .wuggiwiy iu ui D y looked f a - Htt.e seriou the locals "board : of", health, destructive'fne recently.-ThV Rich " ca-rct player,- as a' gammer iJ.; - -. .. tuougnvwmie we s'ooa upon ground j and rfcoaiiy . tne. . &tate aboard Jmond Ilo'.el and St. James Hall were prospective, v was. found guilty and uluu" "" ai"" that had in "the past been so vervlof health, which, m mode Islandis buruearTwenty persons were burned L..,i,.iri.i;:,i,.l t...'- t. at.?- energy to the system as Aver s bar- , .'- e at. '-"-." -:. m.m.-.i.'ct.i. -: r " " . . . urtiiicjiii.-!.!. -i iimi . umi. iiuuimu hub i . - . - - j. . - i i .i.i.. as uautciuuj, auu. vuu4tt.9 u1 iuo luaur fui v euiuiou uai: unm oww sui 1 tn ripntn ana othfra rerftrei v lninreri we nave -jaarpr-t tuuugui, oi uiaiaiiTg uv drufo-ista - Miooi lejiona.nuu uau lubii-meir uvesjierea quilts crtiijiu- t-Kriy-iiuieii ihy nro and lallS.- Ine loss - IS 6tl u 4.j 1 . 1- ! .it V - " - li 4.. -1. iu'- - til - .:s !..-- .11 w.r " - ii' I - , ' : - - - iiiwucj uj Jsii vi, J.MHJI lug ! or oj inuuig-1 4- ., . . ,. l itfie, uui, 1 .j;uees uv.'iu 014 us WUUIU I irom epittemius 01 smau puij uuu iue 1 mated, at $ 0UU,UUU.-y -ing in what may be called gambling. J . a ect..ui noies iub pci.unar 4 have felt more so had we baea-there J attempts to paa? Jawa: to prevent, its 4. 7 ALWAYS CIVEQ v '4 severe mental strain the anxiety; tlie bad feelings at limes engendered as petty quarrels arose f ok a. moment; of - the sover e headaches we - had not enjoyed, that camcfrom an abuse of the .nervous and physical systemi.and that in a short tjme, should we con tinue jogging ; along that road , we would end in a general break down. h'. As a result of the trial, the youtig man : : f while Greensboro North State, -. Tliis is-the best result we have no ticed in con necton with the fence law. j If it keeps out John Sherman, one efl the most csirupt of Vvi-iiting slates- bd, 'and keeps out the hogs it uimt be an excellent law, .IFihuiDg- ton Star. - ' - . v-l '1 J LOQAL tni MDSTiTS . y J"il"i SUBSCBllTION .PBIC3 : vUnftUt m-nA va.kn Zm trt Ani -0. tfact tliat ' tbouffb 'lion. Allen G. irra tw t - 1ot. . i i.; Lk.wi oom i Wa r4.A'..iiii hon I 'TrrTh. -.celebration of thePOthanni- cue and saved' ns to more of health rburm'ah is a' rich , man he owns' no L, readful conflict'tont nlace. - 4 , LnVpd a"t in the lis?ht "of thr kn'owl- tmhyj .of the birth oJ.Emperor Wil- trenkh.V'anai8efnIne88' than ever horeesbecause his wife is afraid to nfcasionallvwesscead liftl hille . of to'-dav.r The' natients were Hiamnr Berlin was arand affair ;toe1 wmes to any person who allows b- Uts- Thnrman ' is ; probably And 6n some of them stop and gaze fumigated and smokedinstead oftbe city, was decorated; it never was desifs toambleastenV itself intolftfra that in sorae evil, hour the a2ain upoB the old ocean which is of infected rooraaas'afe. pirsentJ 'Io bef"e5 e churches were all opened 'hlSSrLxIiucvJr 1,'.- 1: breaks might fail -to worfana the OWE YEAH G HOSTH9 4' V j . ' v . thev machinerybf hi life- and ex riding turn out4o be int re- than-br- absorbmg interest . to r hs .,.v--... t 4V : 1 1 44 i : ivx4i.iiot .u 7 a: .,.' .m.id andVCrowded- there were lonz proces-1 how.-thP nor was introduced rint -Newport. Biyus uu liMht and and "inoculation parties'Vgrow fash j Htreet,'. . : . -r. V,; .' jj l I Too" cannot po'f slb Jitejtte. aaH amoaat thug speat. J - - Th Coat ol !:;- Absence of knowledge of -the vlact pectations. , , , , . . Uained for. It is not common for anl UmS jn the.evsmng- bunnff twen v fi ve veaii of "ob 1 A merican woman to be afraid to rid e. j bell baa ron g. for service tor servationy we have seen scoreso lovour,- stopping- place ;injionaDic, ai wnicn aancing ana otneri ten ilV:rt.V. f.;A walking. Greensaoro -Jjnan.' t0WD;after Supper according, to amusement were, .mixed in with' the thiir ) .: clientsphys.ciftns Jvse "Jtheir j , A slight cold oftn proves the.fore- poittmentVe.-gc-Vo chureb.;;; I -find more serious business of : being inoc-1 that physical-and jnentai eakness, A1 tiVaews el the Couaty will practiceohticians lose their support, former of i compViut wKicrfmay ht "er a we1 behaved- and, ap ulated., a ne -progress . irom f tnese indigestion, impure blK)d,- aud sick L - t0 and y jn will kaow tverytaiBg- artiit lose their geuins,' ;hook keepers ratal :Avoid tnis result by taking ptvciauye. congrfganon -assemoiea, primitive u p.cu. wuvu aeauacue can ueaveneu oy ur. xaar- - hi.e their v-ositious. 1 husbands lose 'r- nhprrv Pprtira tlwtw win. preacn to mem an tninit x uaverea yacumauuu . u .Mu..HBu;:t i., ier nun ioiul, .cu.w .miuions oi ir iam I edv tor- cuuia'cuus, ana au luroat 1 uoii-wi uou uvo no wf.wa c- ioow.ivuuiuv,i.w..:..iy. . i yi.mrj nuuumijr ui , uuuci ia,ia. auu unreliabls decoctions.? iraportance traa7t. : ring arouud yo - . . . ' f, -r- teir wires and tre lore of their lam edy tor- cohis, cougus, ga' sntMoac soa w aoim mai- o-jw tm &c bwi aiuuu,- .uikU JcoUaied; After'serTise wereturdUndcnco . j ... i

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