1 A .THE COURIER' Person CoCourier,.: published in the centre, of a fine tobacco .tewing section, making it "one f the best Advertising medhuns for Merchants : and warehousemen in the adjoining counties, nlated lareelT in Person,' Granville and VPtoied.Eyeiuysd :HACKNEYw&"N0ELErrv North Carolina, and jjuriiiiuj t - Halifax county -Virginia. JOB WORK HACKMY & KOELL Editors and Proprietors. HOME FIRST:; ABROAD NEXT. $1;50 Per Year la iterance. OneCopy One TearJ : fl A , - - - of all description, neatly executed on short r,, oi rpflsonable prices. When in 1 il.W fwn i - be .1.1 LI H'J)M"II Oae Copy Six Months" - ' " Uemitance nait be mad by Registered.' ; -" .' Letter, Post Ofiice Order or "Postal Note. " S. . , ' 1,1 , mt i , VOL. 3. ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, April 28, 1887. N0.35; I1U1.1- OU"i" T - - . . aeed of work giye the Courier a trial- I y ROFESSIONAL, CAIDS. A. W.GKA-HAM, ATTORNEY 'AT LAW, S . IKUsboro. N C. Practice in the Comities of CaBir ell, Duraam U uiUora, urang a" x r, urrwsniD j. f. Terry 'INSTEAD T EfcBY, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. lixbro, N. C. - Prompt attention given to all business entrust d to-covin. - LTJNSFOJtD, ' ATTJKNEY AT LAW, Boxboro. K. C Graham, im. nu. GUIAHAM it RUFF IN, Attorney? at law, Hillsboro, K C. Prartices'in the coxmtiesoi Araai Dnrtomf GnittSd. Orange and Person. S.MBB1UTX . ATTOENEYAT LAW. Koxboro, C. Pr.pipt:attention given to thu cMlection o C.E. BracLslier PRACTICINGPHYSIOIAN. . Boxboro, N. C. Professional services effMod to the citizens of KoxDoro ana aurroonding community. ySB. J I. FTJ-XEK, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN. Boxboro, N. C. urnen not Molessionally enfragert I can be Wnen no -whicli is the old Baml pteSs aSd Se S rU occupied by George Barnett.. OR. C. W. B53ADSHER DENTIST, hi Ervices to the public. l!s prorppuy 1 1 attended to in ttended to in Person and adjoininp connues. Tnv onrishinpworkinhis line, lv wnUB? m It Busby Fwt, N. C. will be attended at bira jonce. J. A. GEOGHEGAN Offers his PBOFESSIONAL SEEV1CES t the ciUzens of Boxboro and siirronndinpr fountryf special attention paid to diseases of FemateB and children t Fb. 22nd, 1887. ROXBORO ACADEFIY Of ea to Botli sexes. o-o-o Opened Jsuwiary 10th, 18S7. a AMES W. T1IXETT. Principal, is Pmrf C. Wyhe, Assistant. Tnition for 0 weeks, in Trimary Depart- Commof 'Enplih BranOuw HighfEngUsh and Languages, 20.00. advebti5:meits X I., stone, Baleigh, N. C. PIANOS & ORGANb, Sewing Machines. J'erjf Lowest Frices, Most Bearable Terms. ; . PIANOS 5TKINWAY, JCRANICH & BACH, BEHR BK03., XHICKERING, ; JEMERSON SWiCK. o : o ORGANS RE AT WESTERN, KIMBALL, , ESTY. MILLER. WHITNEY, , BRIQEPORT. Writ lor piicesancl terms. J. L. Stoke, , " ' Rliegh. N. C, : r 250.00 WlliXi BUY OK OF THE Durham Saw Mills core nlete. Beady for op eration with 43 inch soitu tooth saw. 80 feet of carriage, 6o feet of ways, Automatic set works Andfriction feed, two cant noo&s, hammer and ntouker wrencn. rarwcuiwruanu ib uu au pHcatioriraddrcss LEWIS BLOUXT, Prop'r. Neutral Iron Works, Darbam, N. C. apr2ly ; The Great American fOBACGO OBDiHG iDparalus. WaiTE FOB CIECUX BS AND PBICE3 T Kanafaotwer and Sales Agent Central Iron VMrin, Dnrham, B.C. p" :mi:-: New -Miller, , VU .Wholesale and: BetaU. Dealers in ; CmiAGES,WAG0HSJlARliE3S&ci f THE "AFRICAN RACE!. We recently met with a well-known ooloreil jporter of a; Pullman car, . who nms from mta to New York. His name is Angostus L. Grant, and he Eves at No. aso Hayne Street, Atlanta -?'t Atlanta. Ga. " He said .tcomfort of then- friends, how. many people think the colored people do not have consumption, but I know" from experience 'that it is a great mistake. Seven years ago I became a subject of this forlon? disease and was so pronounced by my physicians. . My lungs became badly affected, my cough was awful, at times almost shaking me to pieces. - My general health Jjroke down and so -declined that I became helpless and reduced in flesh almost to a shadow. Terrible night sweats ; no appetite or digestion ; more and more pain in my lungs. I suffered more and more-; my cough became ; exceedingly exhaustive, discharging great quantities of pus and consumptive matter,- - I had in the meanwhile the best treatment ; some of the best physicians prescribed for me and became interested jn my case. But after two or three years' treatment, finding that I continued ta ' grow worse, they one by one abandoned the case until at last they were all agreed that it was only a question of time with me, and the time was thought to be very short. In this condition, with one foot as it were in the grave, and making my preparation to go through' the dark , waters of death, one of my physicians mentioned to me a remedy whicH, might be' tried as a last resort. His reasoning was that consumption being nothing more than ulcers on the lungs, why is it that a remedy which will cure an ulcer on the body will not cure ufcers on the lunge I , At his suggestion I procured a bottle of Swift's Specific and began to take it. 1 felt so much . benefitted from the first bottle that I persevered in the use of it, and my improvement was ; "almost as rapid as it was wonderful. My appetite came back to me, my digestion was gpod, ' my strength was rapidly regained, my lungs healed over nicely, my cough left me adually, . and I went to work with a new lease on hie. For the test Jour or five months I have not,,. lost a day's wages nor felt a symptom of that brkik of the grave -trace of lune trouble. He to-day, July ioth, lyeician tnree montns lungs are as sound as any bod fed perfectly thai- I nw mv lifn to S. S.. which was orescnbed bv the physician. My advice to -e mybody s. 1 teel pertecuy man. woman and child who has weak lnnes is 1 it . . t . j n ii i! i j Treatise on Blood & Skin Diseases mailed free. oil thf Anr-tnr anrl nil nthfT mprlii-m had -" 'n 1 My Stock is now Complete in t EVERY DEPARTMENT. I CLAIM TO HAVE AS COMPLETE A STOCK OP . ", GENERAL MERCHANDISE AS WAS EVER BROUGHT TO PERSON COUNTY AND PRICED ARE LOW. EVERY1HING I WISH TO ASSURE THE LADLET3 THAT THE MILLINERY DEPARTMENT Is in good hantls. MISS HUGHES, of Baltimore, a lady of large iperi." euce ami welt up wiih the times is ia charge with a fiue assortment and aud well selected STOCK OF MILLINERY. MRS. MORRIS anil MISS YANCEY, Ladies cf experience, taste and good ju-'gemeat, Lave charge ul the DRESS UMING DEMHIENT, And will be glad to have the Latiw-s call and examine tbeir work. They have a NEW SYSTEM of CUTTING and guarantee perfect fit in EVERY UASJS-. - Io DRE-S GOODS we make a fine display of PRINTS, GINGHAMS, CASHMERES, nd oiher Woolens. A180 a full line of White ffoodssucirBe, INDIA LINEN3. BISHOP and VICTORIA LATFNS, ENUROIDESIED ROBS, ORIENTAL LACES and all over EMBROIDERIES &c. - IN READY MADE CLOTHING AND- f ; : gents furnishing: GOODS - WE ARE PREPARED TO PLEASE. Al?ogeiher we flatter . ourselves that we are in positiou -16 ttirnuh and satisfy all. BOXBORO. N. C. RELIABLE GRANVILLE WAREHOUSE, We are now leading in high prices for all grades. We &sk our Person county friends to examine the prices given below and r if. they., wilt: b'in us a load w will treat them m the same way. Here are tlio figure.' : - W. H. kyon, one $23.75, 40.75, 79, 12.50. ' R. J. Stemm. one lot 18.25, 30, 41. 35, 15. ' - S. A. Green, one lot $12. 50, 35, 63, 30, W. IL Thomas, J . v - . Load up and drive along to tho OLD GRANVILLE. - " ? . BULLOCK & MITCHELL, : Apl 213n North CARbLisVlSuPFBi",? Coitbt,;: C Person County j March 7th J887. - James Khue et al PlnT.) " - VS." v V Summons. ThomasEJaaeet.aJPft.J ' - - . - ' - Petition for partition by sale. To tbe Defendent9 Thomas Rhue, Caroline ia Daniel: Jess Rhue Jess Bowls, and Jane Daniel, you and -each. of you are hcreoy requireu to uc.omu uom Le. tha t larli of the SunerioT Court at lus office in Roxboro,on or before the 2nd day of M aJV 1887 and! answer or aemur t ine com plaint in the above cause, or otherwise judg ment wiir be rendered in favoT of ihe PUin .i - r- Mlth 'dar-nf- March: 1887. , r vu T ' jno tx pass, a s. c. x wouia like topoblisn tor.tne nennt ot consumptives ana tor tne . ow. I have been rescued from a consumptive's CTave. ,1 know that " lemble disease mat naa orougnc jne s near iu x made another examination, and tens me mat my ago pronounccu uuuu nM u well, and I ksow I am entiraly cored, and lanon, ana icus nn uuu ta jw I am cntiroly oored, an ician. My advice to ever weu, ana x ksow l am tamw araa, to take Si S. S. It cured me sound and we failed, and I want eveTV SUit sufferer to know it." The Swift Specific Co., Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga. BEING PRICED UPON A J, A. LONG. 16 50, 45, 20, 20.25, 16 25" one lot $11 7570, 50,.35, 60, ' L. Enaery, . 30,' 15.; - -' - ' one lot $60, 40, 90, 15.50, - Moore & Bullock; - 24.59,37; one lot 0 -45 30i;'69i 70, - A. D. Moorp, 87. 33. 23. onp lot $30,' 90, 6V 24.25"--r"JrHIIrii" -39.75. 5; . ' '"on o lot 25. 25,-39:60-69, Oxford, N; O. s NotideV : The Directors and stock holders of the Boxbo ro Kailroad Company are herehi called to meet at;thktrt Hoiwe iif-Koxboro, "on the 2nd rtay ot May 1887. Xtd is a -ery important S, S.JJEBITT, Secretary. o. 3. w lAxALu, rresment.' Sale of Valuable Property; - 6n the 9th day-ot May"18S7 .on -the -premises bv vnlae o a-mortgajre executed to us. &n the 9tb dny of Septembep I81i by James 11. BJack well ad Martha Ulackwell, 6is "wife,"we wiU offer tor sale a tract st .land in reT3on connty adjoining tbe lands of Siehrucnd A Coo per a. V: Moore, M. L. Morgan and others containing 129xao.res, ' more . or less, ,. situated on the waters of : Unshy Fork, ., i Sale at .12' m. and tennis one third .cash it ad balanee at six and twelve moaths wj tb interest from day of sale. . NOBTHEEIT GEANVTLLE. t Blub WingN. Q,. MatPh 3rd '87' fJZdito? of lhe :MUlhimfourwl: Your-spjcy Journal ia a weekly;; visi tor and is read with deep interest., We have been thinking!-that - the news irom tuw .part oi itne soutu SPould peihapg be interesting ta your r6adei-8 :&nd specially mere so when some will-loiirn that JD, A. Mnsser Esq, , from jour .town' and known"bj alaoost .by every citiaar of "your country, baa spent several days with orTouTveor nr.bread; and lye calse and who winrno-.'ubt ajrrovaier.hat we say, unlets we-get ox cited re we are. done and make- visionary: asr' tions.' Bivt we will tey and lilus fats faintly to your leaders reality, fact and figures in paiutnig the cliroat. chancesi, fortunes agricultural prod uct8, vast -timber forests, and im mense mineral depesits. , THE CliMATE ' iXfar superior to tbafcjof Pennsylva nia. xne winters a the coldest weather e mild and shoit. being about like M area weather ib the Keystone blustery March State. Stormy and here ia like ilay ii .Pennsylyaiiia We have to day peacjh and wild plum blossoms. Need ni fires and are mukihg gaidens. Tbe eummers are not any warmer tha in Pennsylva qia; while the nigh tj are much cooler and we can sleep wal. We have fine and beautiful weuthl r until the first of December; very little snow, sbds, and sleighs are unkhown here, thus the climate with shrt and mild win ters is more heatljiy than in the North where the wiiters are long and severe. A?am this country abonnos with mineral spring! containing med ical properties, piacia jiere oy prov- idence for the heali g of the nations. These spring, we know, have virtue in thena. Any one coming here need anges, if any it foar no climate clj wiil.be for the betttr- ' f ' CHAXCES FOB FORTUNES. Well we have promised in the first part of our lettar; to tell something about 'chances for fortunes. Of course this is wha! we all are look ing ani working for and we want to consider this artLf onr letter more carefully than any other part of it. Wks would not hrfve your readers un derstand that alt that is neccess&ry is to come here wijli a scoop and sack go to scooping and in a few days amass a fortunf Oh, no: not so fast as this; but we will say that there are fifty chances for every man that conies here, while in Pennsylvania there are fif1 men watching and waiting" for one chance to bob up. Business in aH its branches is not overdone, neither is there as much competition, ner the large amount oi capital to tmw agnost. w izn a capital of $1,000 or $2 000 a man can make as much' profit in onAyear in the mercantile j busicessr than is made with $10,000 Tn! 'most places in Pennsylyania, Aid so it is in - all branches of busiaess. But ,thia is not where the-fortunes are made and will be made here.1 There are thous and of acres of mineral lands that can as yet be bought cheap And which are sure to ' yield 'fortunes io those who are fortunate enough to buy in time. We will mention ono tract which .will give ?ihe readers some idea of what va lortnne is- There is a tract-of 200,' acres holding tour veins, one vein is10; feet thick, while the others are about 3 or 4 feet. The length :sJ about one half mile: and can be mined 1,800 feet., deep Two tons to the, cubi, yard, worth $30 per ton. - Ltt some one make the calculation.' 7im tract- can be bought-? for .$4,000 cash: - Deduct $400QTrbnv75 .-or 80. million dollars and see-what the fortune wiU Jael So there "''is, . as" wo said thousand8 o: acres as valuable as this tract.'". Who wants to imakemilIions?";v Here; are chances', to ' make them. We , wil now drop this subject lest some one will saywe af e " exoited :or .yibiohary If so; weTay 'come and sea The" agricultural t produetsv aj"e obief ly ? corn and tobacco. vTobacco is hatilei to I5to40rmjic9 throuffl; muddy roaas io.' matte i, F'our j meat uu .;uuuu " jjwuuu , ivi. vuc monyrelized from - the . sale - -of ; tow bacco." iWhy.not raisri this at home and save. trispfofits1piade by tfie bay era and sellers -V- ?. J , ' ""yAST'lIMBEBTOEEST.'Vr- . r r There are yet -millions wi-. acres o orinal'growth i the- 'oathr.whicH can be bought for 5 tof 10 per:cre mostly tiuibedand. witii :yeliow -pise Of the best kind and white bak;Tiiis timber. wiLcor&e : into I market" in "k fe w y eaTs and fortunes ? will bemade yut, lb. - . . vlt has - been said- that 7in- Kortfi Cafofina every kind of minerals found in tbe known world baa beea discov ered; ; W-6ether this be w true ; tit nst we cannot Raybufgold "and copper, there, are billions of the richest kind. TliACES jOP iWAR may be found aUlove. the SQuthln"0 Fully one third of the men whd.were an dJ broken" down "in- heatlh, 'and, maqy were wealthy ar to dajrjjovertyj stricken, J aim worn uy my u ay jn ine ntiU8 uhile! gray hair and old age tell, the sad tale that their days" are nunbcr ed. ; . During our travels in therlSouth we have visited1 the battlefields of Wilderness, Cedar Creek, .Winches- Chester and Fredericksburg; - IVhile standing among the graves of the Fed eral and " Confederate . soldiers w could but weep and breathe a silent prayer that Ko more shall the war cry sever. : Or the winding rivers be red, Ow anger is banished forever, K ' ,. When laureled the graves Of our dead. Under thesod and the dew; x " s " Waiting the; Judgement day, Love and tears for the blue," ," Tears and love for the gray. ,' We have one' thought fqr soldiers ; Living and" dead; . Cheers for the living And tears for the dead. William Raker in the sMiMJieim, " T - ; (Pa,) Journal. ' ,; " ; 1 ) ; - Their Last Tarn. Henry "Ward Beesher and Presi dent Lincoln used to get together and swap yarns. The last tim Mr. Beecher eVer 6aw the president alive he ponied this story into his willing ears; An aged dominie way. back in Illi nois, Used to look carefully over his congregation every Sunday and note who was absent. Then Monday he would call on the delinquents and find out why they were away, One Sunday he missed oldfman "Cooney, and'truo to custom called on him the following morning. Bro:her Cooney, you were not at church yesterday? , Went fiahin', said the old man go ing right on with his hoeing. Why did you stay away Preach in' too long. Brother, there will be no preach ing in hell - " 'Twont be fer want o' parsons. The dominie give np calling on do- liuquents. Ex. ' : - A Champion Jiiar. There is a liar out Ust trying to head ofE the liars who get up the cir cuiation statements oi same or . our daily papers. "The western liar says; - Bill Vanders who fell t a rough tho roof of a saw mill when the boiler ex ploded last, coughed up a - circular saw and niece of lnng to day. Dr. IFdkins put the lung back under Vander's shirt, and set it np by the steam guage. Hewaa so far recov erod this morning that" he blew- the bottom "out of the lung tester, and tbe water in " the machine "nearly drowned a Baptist preacher, f it is believed that the ducking the preach er received will prevent, him from wheezing Sunday. V anders i who was the" eeginecr at tha time .of .the boiler explosion was not only docked for the fifteen minutes he as m the air, but the owner of the mill made him repair Jhe hole in the ifoof at Ms own expense, besides; bringing- suit for the recovery of the saw.A Ex. AstonlsbiaS Success. " v - f, - ' It is the duty of every; pesoB who has used Boschee's Oermdn Syrup to let its wonderful qualities, be-, knowatp ........ - .- . . " srye;e Ooug hS Uroup, Astnma,- rneu raonia; and iff fact; all throat and lnnp disessssi-Ntf Person can use-it without 4ininvediat6 relief . uThreo doses will re. Ueve any cise, an.d we consider ;it the doty 61 all "Jruggistsr 5 lar.rtcommena it to the tne poor uying wmsumpuve. at feast: to try ft t bottle, aa- 80,000 doaen bottles were "toldlastryeari apd oo"one case where ifaiied.was report d.- Such toedicintr as 'German. Syr tip cannot be loo .widely" known.' '.Ask your druggistaboat I,it,-'Sample';bot tlc to try. Bold "&t id - cental JRegular sizer75 cents.; SoJd-byall.I)iiJj?gi3U and;DeUrsr in tbeyTJnited States--and Canada," - - " ' x. ; - -- Subecrib0.to tBe. CcrftlEFf ; ;$L5Q BOYS- TABBy ON" "THE TABU.- Thew .are; always; somV-jestless spirits in the world.who tbink ii tliefr mission to sow ine seeds ox discontent in tbe iomd8 " of tfie ryoang.-They seem never . to 1ie so - well pleased Sss wnen tney catj make t&em dissatisfied with'tbeirjife surroundings and jm- patientto drift into ways and circum stances newand all -untried Many a boy happy and contented with ibis tome and its ntrmberless acces sorjes- to rational enjoyment,lia8 been disqaieted and lured away by entic- n, stories of gayer sqgnes, fewer har dships and greater opportrihities fof making mone f-in'-tbe : ctties, only to find at length ;that in tbe new'de-- par ture be had ."not realized the "ob- octs of -bis expectations. Qtthe gayer scenes of cif y: lifjertlmay be sad that they are generally; expensive, costing ime,- money and often health ana ;fetime"regrets.rypppbrtunittesTthero are for maKtng" money ,by city-. traffic and ventures, but for everT'Wize here are many blanks, and generally years of hard aud. patient struggle. Boys, if you woli Id like to satisfy yourselves more folly about the dif ficulty of obtainiug paying employ ment In the cities, look over , Hia 'want' columns .of their daily pa pers. . In them von- can con n t the applicants for something to. . do by the; hundred. .- Advertisements for clerks and salesmen are few, but each one of them brings a press of eager seekers. for the means of subsistence. Our advice to you then, is to tarry on ! tho farm. Stick to the honie- stead,'where your fathers and grand- fathers lived, prospered and died. There you can at. least have plenty to eat and wear You can find some thing there to do which wiirBubstan- tially pay you better- than most of the . employments' in the crowded cities for which there is ever such a feverish rush' -and "scramble. vYhile you are plowing the furrows ' and rearing the harvests, yoa will be away from many creat and disturbing temptations, and you will stand a good chance of ' securing fj; your selves health,; strength and length of years. Americnn farmer, BaUimorri . Talbot's Iiong Head. "The Lake Shore folks were awj folly glad when" a - certain; mini died! up in iuuaio me oiner aay, saia a conductor."" "The ma n's name was - i Talbot. ' . About twelve -years Talbot saved a tram. Irom going intq washout, near Ins farm, and. of course the ' company felt very. gratC-j fuL P. P. Wright, Superintendent of the Buffalo division sent 4!of hiinj and loaded him with thanks for himi self and the company, ; Talbot;mod- estiy aeennea- v money present o 500, butsaid . he didn't object -when .If.-.' 1 j. -' -j' i.f. " i . : " ! uugukinupuacu uiunu. uuuaw, mia a pass good; for the remainder- of ; his life. While Wright was wtitingiOn the pass Talbot inquired '.. Say, Mr. Wright, have" you any you any objections to making "thai read- good for-me and a friend? ; may want to take .a friend up to Cleveland with me some time to see an uncle ef mine. - - v. 3- v Wiight was so foil of "gratitude that hevcouldn't object to. anything, and he: man - got bis pas8, . good far himself and friend, and U; was after wards sentn- to beadquarters and countersigned by the President'and general passenger; agents ' j ;'WelI, now," whai do you think? For more Hhan-' ten-years that man j Talbot has been -riding coustantjy jbetweeir-.Buffalo and Chicago," Buffalo and Clefelandjor Buffalo and ToTedp. He was never alone'; . He always had fa friend' with bim.; "The friend wjis usuall y r some commercial "tjavelleri In shor V-Tal bot has , madejailroad riding his regular business. 3 He made arrangemen U jvjth "various wholesaje and jobbing hduses io catryrtheir men andJbboked his - engagements months ahead sometifiesr; ITheu these failed he- picked ,ur strsy passengers ?Uejre and there. "After paying his sleeping cairancf other-: expenses, he" had $6-jr $& :dayleft asolear; iprofiandiojtt of-these profi ts he managed to amass a gnagaiiueonune. r;ne tried to.nse Lis pass jon the limitebf -express,, bpt the company :wbnldn't ,have i t; . n fact, they wanted to . refuse-' to arrryt eluded ,that"the sftit for-damages nould be - tpo ,exrjfcusive. ; Talbot lis dead now, tliough greatly ? to -the te gret of rayelllog salesmen. C7u,(igo neraHLs t otepnen Aiiena jfocjcec iiece a V ? Amonj the -victims; of the,fienry t CJay disaster,-which happened July ':; 4;. 2$th.1852, was Stephen' AllenEsq.,'f f an aged man 6t the purest charactei. formerly a mayorof New .YoikTij4 . loved and esteemed by all-who koew" h-m.1!;Ia hk pocket book". was-' foutfd - aj printed slip,' apparently cut from, a 1 S i npwHny npr nr nmn run Tniiniumff n . 'jr a-copy: - , . - i;:;- - xveep gooa company pr . nonet--UTever be idler"" If vourhandscanot--- be osefully employed attend to ther-y'i uinraiwu ujL.your miuu. jflLiwaya -f speak the traih. Make few promises.- -Live up to your;e1&gagtments."'-Kcep i your own secreis, n y on- nati any. , Vhen you spe'ak't ajperson' lo'ok:;?', j' b!im in tbe facsuood company and' -. ; good conversation are the rue sinwl j yirtue. 'Good character xahnb? ? S ; issentially injured except by.; 'ypQrJll;; own acts. " If any one speaks j iU!ffe J6u let your own life be so Wiii:fifi. Wdl 'believe 1;-Drink:dp-i intOiio itrag' tifar?. ? Pyer live imS1!? fortunes excepted) within jburiti-fv?-v -pome. -W hen ypu'retu e To bed iSuiki5i bver what you have btek doing" 'Atfr'& if t-xi'' Infithe day. , Make no haste' to pa rich, if you would ' prosper,: Smallf- with tranquility of mind. NeTetf t' play at any game of chance, "; AybH temptation;' through fear yoa may" not -P-; withstand it. Earn money before y'orl I ?fv you see a way to get out again. Never f borrow, lryou caU pOifiibljSiyoid It l:v ; Do not marry until vou are abJeto 1. support a wife. -Never speak eviroiJ any one." Be just before you aro s generous. Keep yourself innoceul ji W yoa would be happy. Save when your are young to spend when you are old Read over the aboye fliaxims akleast; once a week. He Thanks His Paper. - . Mr. Editor: I was induced by. read ing your, good papo'r to try Dr. JIart er?s Iron Tonic for debility, liver disrf-; order and scrofula, and three bottlesS-'V' have cured xne,V Accept my thanks j OS- C. Bogga. Ex.- - i"v- Hullo, lit Brown.1, JFhat are you , . doing up at tuis time omorninJ Ohl I'm tryiog to scarce up an8ppei yi the forlmy hreakfastJ-Why are "you V' "I up so early?, I'm trying toacareup, a breakfast for'my appeitite, Vvtige. r: , : . , , M,,r K!A. j The exhausted arid drowsy feelings, common to spring time, indicit6 van ; t impure and sluggish condition , of the blood, which many, be remedied by the usejof Ayer's Sarsaparilla.- It is tbfi mtowerfuI,and, atthesarre -s- time, most economical, blood putfifiefc : , u known. :;-:i.:r;-rv;Bf - - ' .An X)ld;iSfettler Gone, read Dr. .Bo lus in the obituary xolnmn in the lo cal paper, and then he added thought rntlffWAlT. Ttfp'nka mav haveibeea ;a, set tier .in one sense, out ne) ai ways managed to forget fo settle ith. me. Em. -.-' . ' -v ft i saaoFUtA I do not believe that : Ayer'i Sarsaparilla has an qual as a. temedv. ry. for . Scrofulous f II u mors. It ia cleasant d . mike, give ircus . . X 1 .1 .. Li .1 - . - vj rji ana vigrorxo tneYDoay Humors, and produces a ''more " permanent, lastlnsri rfi-. ?r sult ihan any mediclno -I -tver n d .1B " Haines, NoLlndale.O. - I have used AVerVl . SarsnpartUa, in my famV . Uy," for. Scrofula aad know ? It it U taken -s" falthfntly,'-it will thoroughly -eradlcatp this terrible disease. r W; F. Fowler, JL Greenville, Tenn. j i vFor,fdrty 'years? I have suffered with Ery slpelas. J. - have triel : all sorts of Temedies , for my icoraplalut, but .v found no relief until I commenced: cHng - -Ayer's 6rsapari:i. ', After.. taking' tra bot- " ties of this medicine I : am completely.; cured, r ITary C. Amiesbury, : Boekport, Me.. : , . I have-suffered, fori 'K: years, from. Catarrh, .-,' , which was o-ever , ; . that It destroyed my' V-appetite-and weakened r my system. ";After try Ing - other rer.icdies, ,";" and getting no relief, t . - began to take Ayer's ' Sarsaparilla, and , in a -fewmonth,wascurd. Susan Jj..?,Cook,LS09 ; c . Albany stA Boston I : Highlands, Mass. . -. ,; j 'Avert " Sars.-Twllla - .. Erysipelas, Canker, and Catarrh, r1 Can "be cured by ipfrifying !the blcof with :?. i Is superior to aiiy blood I puriner that il, have ever tried;- il; havs - ; taken It for Scrofula, i Canker,' and : Salt- 1 r, i'r '-' Kneum, and recetrea . much benefit from it. It is good, also,' for. a , weak stomach. llillie . Jane Pel rce, , South ' Ayor?s ySarsapariila, Prepartd by Dr. J.O Ayer 8c Co.; Lowell, Hiej. ; Pr!ce SI ; six fcottles, C 5. 'f LTJFSFOEpAtt'y Jor rut. ' Vr ,r -t 1 v. " - r - t