Person County Courier. JOHN A. NOELL, Editor. KOXBORO, N. C, February 23, 1368 RELIGIOUS SERVICES: METIIODIST. 1 Trill preach each month according to th follow-in appointments: Bailey's KirstSumlay at 11 a m, . - r Koxboro-Second Sunday at 11 a m,-, - Mt Zion Thlul Sunday at li a m, r ;, 4-. X Oak Grove-Fourth Stiaday at 11 a m, Providence Fourth Sunday atsp m. I -will prtjaih at Provideuoe on theSth Snnday of January at 11 a m. As soon as the weather Alliens in the sprinjr I will preach on batnrday be fore Sunday Hii)ointment, at the same place, where 1 can get a congregation, xu. 11, Hoyle, raster. BAPTIST. Kphesns 1st Snndav, and Saturday before. Mill Creek aud m bethel 2nd Suuday, ( Nov. J. H. Vernon, assisting alternatively at these two places on this Sunday.) Rcxboro 3rd Sunday at 11 o'clock A. m., alia at 7 o'clock P. M. , . (;iement-4th Sunday and Saturday before. Koxboro Prayer Meeting every Thursday night. J. II. LAMSEKTH, PASTOR. Tied Mountain !st Sunday and Saturday be fore. , , Autioch-2nd Sunday aid Saturday before. Uorrv s Grove 3rd tuudav at 11 o'clock a. m. Caldwell 3rd Sunday mni til 1 n n'. GrossUoads, Halifax and Saturday b fore J. A. Beam, Pabtor. There was several in town last Honda?. m;oc ntta Mnrfnn of Leasburc. A, , 1 f . w v . ku)v uim well, was visiting the family of Mr. V. H, Webb the first ol tbe wek. Rav. J.H. LamberLh preached two excellent sermons in. the Baptist church labt Sunday morning and a! night. A nice lot of stationery on band. If you want soma nice job work done bring it right along to the Couuikk office. Pflreons'wiir.tMig to borrow mon ey on real estate security can be 'ac com modi ( ojf bjFap ptf i ag UAVi u stead & lVrfyot;Ixbo:rd. f Mr. W. E. Wugstaff", near Con" cT(l, hifdrma!3 Uhat .he lulled six hoatsiew JJays ( pgv that wsib 6 months and 18 days old that weighed 1,173 pounds. The heaviest weigh ing 214.,... Four Of tjiem averaged 210. VJUfl cl efPai,h" is requ es ted to brug in his cake. Not long since a young gentleman at the singing" at Story's Creek . was sitting by the side of his beet girl, and by soms caiue lie had to go, out of the house. On comiug back ho found another boy occupy ingM3 seat. He became very sick and had to go and iie down. This must be true us he told it himself. Poor fellow. " Your attention ia directed to the adv(' of Mr.' John S. Lockhart proprietor of the Banner Warehouse, Durham, N. C , to be fund else where in this issue. Mr. Lock bait uses every effort to soi'nre for the farmers the highest market prices. It is useless or ua to comment upon his excellent qualities, for you all The advertisement of Messrs. Pa8s,& Criicher is to be found in another column to which we direct your speciu attention. They are prepared to furnish excellent work at reasonable ligures. If you want a ragon, bugy or cart, or any kind of rf pairing dons cull on them. They will ba found in the "Old Chamber's DIED After four weeks sickness, of ty phoid fever, Mrs. Caroline, - the ex cellent wife ot riWSatterfield died last Saturday af her horhe, near Surh,, She vyas the daughter of Elder D. R. Moore. . .This . is, th third death occu r red i ft "t his f atnil j sin ceGrist mas. She was an excellent and no ble woman and her cheerful smile will be greatly, missed '1 he berear ed husbaud; pafeats,' brothers,1 sisters and friends have pur deepest heart felt sympathy. . f r V;rr r- Dr. J. H. Cook tlied yesterday about 10 o'clock. Those who were with bim sy hi death was peaceful.- Capt; Ramsay informed us this morning that Dr. C'ok, a few minutes before bis decease, remarked, "I am so sleep y I don't know what to do," and gradually sank until dead. v Dr. Oouk was about CO years old. His remains, accompanied ly hh daughters and wife and Capt. O. R, Smith. Mr. H. A. R-ams, Mr. J- W. Wiggins, Jr., Dr. J, M. Manning, Mr. P, K. Smitlhand Mr. A. E. Lloyd, loft oa the freight train this morning for Warren county." - '".. Dr. Cork wg raisod in AVarren county and had baan a resi lent of Dar ham for about-eiht years. Ha had taany frieoda iu Darham, who will lamest his decease. Tobacco Plant. Your attention is directed to the new advertisemenl of M ssis Uurch iv Cbjton to be found elsewhere in this issue, Mr. Oscar Willson. of Surompr field and who has many friends h: Person county, is visiting his brotner, Mr, Chas. Willson of this place. Mr. J. L. Thomas, we regret to learn has been quite sick for seyeral wtukg with pneumonia, but am glad to ttato that he is now out of danger. : Mr. Chas. Hicks, of "Winston and who is a.fjrst-ckss wheel wright and buggy painter ba accepted a position with Messrs. Pa:s & Critcher. As an anodyne expectorant, Ay era's Cherry Pectoral is prompt in it. clion. It checks the advance of dis ease1, allays all tendency to inflama tion and comsonipti' n, and spefttlily reetons health to the afflicted. In another column we publish an article oti "How to -build up c t '.wn," and we hope our cozens will read it careful'y, as it contains eomc good adice which if fol'owcd will .reatly advance tie inlerist of llox boro. Do yon snffer from indigestion I -l .r. l a i t rr iosa oi apneiiier yre you irouo led with liver, or kidney complaint Take Ayer's SarsapariMa. 'ibis jH-epHration puriQe3 any vitalizes the blood, thus restoring health tmd strangth to the digestive and assimi lative organs. Try ir. A minister of the gospel, living in this county, we learn, accompa nied a yOung lady to church Eome time ao und beforo preaching com- j manced lie went around, as he usual ly doos, shaking hands with the. good Eistera. He also sho k bands with the girl accompanied to cluirch and asked her in regard to her health before discovering 1 ij mis take. Can you gueis who it wa;-? Your local paper does more than anything else to give your town chrcter abroad If you would come to our table and pick up a smail, poorly supported paper, without lib eral advertising patronage, you would decide at once that it was from some small village or lifeless town. If on picked up a paper full of live local advertisements, you would say that the business men of that town were full of en&p auJ- enterprise, and that it was a lively town. Mereojcr, advertising in a good paper will draw custom to a town that would other wise be attracted elsewhere. Your local newspaper has therefore, an in fluence io giving your towu character, and in drawing trade to it, that ehould cot be oyerlookf d, and the busincs men of the town owe it a litv cral support, and they are standing in their own light when they try to to cee bow Ii tie tht-y can advertise in it. The poorly patronited piper gives the town &wy.J5denton En quirer, . ' ... ' Bnr," near the jail. A large lot of Ui'ftins just received. Enconrage that that works for ?he promotion of jour own interests by supporting your county paper. There is nothing that does more for he welfare of the citizens iu a com munity than a good live newspaper. How can a newspap&r bo made live.? It is in your own hands. Then if you wish the be?t interest of Person county pushod forwaid come and imbseribe to-CouiUEK, thus aiding the cause. BUSINESS LOCALS. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF DURHAM ! CBLMITEREP SOI.Mi,1887. CAPITAL $100,000. OFFICERS: J. S.I C ARB, C. S. BRYAlTv President. I LEO.' D. HEAHT.T T"ice President. CHAS A JORDAN,' DIRECTORS.. 4 J' Jashier.N Teller Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The Bet Sive in tbe world forCut&, Bruises. Sores, UlctTS'Sa'.t Rln um, Fe ver S res, Ttter, Chappr-d Hands, Uhilbl-iins, Cm?, and all Skin Erup tion, and positively cures' Piles, or no p iy lequlreJ, vIt is guaranteed to give perfect si'itiefaction, or money letumled. Price 23 cents per box. For " sate - by ill druggists. ' One day lust week we received a postal -card witlout s ny eignatuie ana in wo con set nc read it no -vay, IVe reckon it wa3 intend for pabikalion, but, however, v.8 it could not be read by any one it; town, we decided uot to publish if. Persons wishing to write articUs for publication in this paper are request ed to write so that it can. he read or :jet some one io write for them that knows how. ' 9 . , ' Personal. Mr. N. H Frobbchstein, of ilnbi!e, Ala., writhe: ) take xvtkt p'easure in rerommcrd ng Dr. King's New,.Piscov ery loi Consumption, having used ir for a severe attack ol Bronchitis and C i' Ktrrn. it gare tne inst nt roin-r ana -i tirely cu eJ me and I have not heeu afliicted since. I aso beg to sta e that L had trud otltr remedies with no goon result. Hive also u-ed Eh'C tricBitfers i-nd Dr. King's Nev? L f Pids, btli of which I can recommend. Dr- King's New Discovery t"r Con ump'ion, Coughs and Bi-lds, ia seld ou :i pu8:tivegitaramee. T,rial bottles frve at ull Drug Sr-)re3. Wonderful Cure. W. D. IIoyt"& C'V, WhoVsile nd Entail Druggists of Rouie Qa.J saj: IFe have been selling Dr. Kins!?! New Discovery , Electric Bitb r and - Buck len'd Afaka Salve for four years. H iv cever handled- remedies ;tMt -sell as we' I,: or give such uniyeraa'.wntisiacjtin ri.jere have been sdrne wohtierfuf ?ures effected bj tlieio m dicinss m this i itv Pavtial cases of pronounced 'Consump tion have ben entirely cured by uaw of a few. bottfcs of Dr. King's N w Disdovery,, taken in : cncct iqn w it'' Eb ctric B.tterp. We gu-.rnntee vh-m fclways, Sold by all Druggiriis. Woman's Influence. Woman's splits lights up the drear est places of earth with a halo of brightness, and m ik8 he daket5 path radiant with the splendid efful gence of a "'brighter and moi lumi nous morning Her look of eocour- agrmeot wihgs'atEi'i i3U lr its upward flight t- still higher peaks oti the'diz zy Andes of heroic effort. Yev with a wotnan as a source of - inspiration a man will chai'b over tU Iiigliesfc Alps of "danger.-ftnd difficulfy in oder to4 rcac'i' tiiecjieFiHg ltiy-ot . nejr lov and approb.ition. - Any effort then to wi;such inspiring auxiliaries is "crown ed vnth- trruling ,vnterc8,t ana o rne- wiihin its If the very p e try and ptho; of the noblfst const'CrutKiR. It appt ox inrwtep.ftat'owM wotsUipv andfs iSiv self aJiind dt jjrAUgiou'bt';.Wlie:''matf inytrij object: as , pure. a6d good i p.. : . ? t . ... - - , ' "- - . spnilf ;'adoraiili -wblih? finds' liigUeit iuspiiratiqTi in her smi;e; ; that vetyiactJh vo0c; innefTnKTWtrisatri fnitsiiidrthe b;t!6iinal fires of a higher, pur r notlbr and diviner life. Wilson Mir ror,. ..--? ' - ...... -T , Burch & Clayton will give you bargains in pant goodd. They have a large stock on hand. -Get the best, Eandreth's garden seeds for sale at the new drug store by Morris & Merritt. First aale or lnet, Jo!in Lockhart'e Banner warehouse is always on to with high prices. Morris & Merritt have just re ceived a large lot of fresh garden seeds which will bo sold cheap. A big booai in tnbaCC is going onat Jones Tr.ii',; house at R-detgh. Tobacco is higher tlun ever known, If the. farmara will but only go with a load and try th-m they will find out that Jon s gets more for topacco thnn any honrt in tbo Sthte. Fine wrappers run from 75 to $1 00. . ' - Fresh lot of the celebrated Lan- dreth's gai den seeds of every variety for tale, -cheap, at the new drug efbre. - - Give ns a call and we will surprise ' you by selling you goods so cheap. Eeipectfully Bukcii & Clayton. 1163t. R. A. Burch at Allensville i having his storw enlargrd ' anci will scoa have in a Sna line of goods of all Jeariptiona. Buck -Thomas is again at the "old" Star warehouse. Danville, audi will bo glad to eerve his North Car olina fiieuda at all times. Buck is a b ird worker, when you go to Dan- yil' try the old "Tar Ueel-" and you will be well pleased. Notice. I desire to rent three rooms bf ray neV dwelling and niv old residence 'which con tains 4 comfortable rooms, on very reasona ble terms. Apply early to MKS. BETTIE L. WtJfSTEAD, Roxboro, N. C. NOTICE . ' To the loVacco planters of North Carohni and Virginia, aftor an expo rieuce of 20 years in handHsg ob icc on the Danviila market- I now offer you my services t John S. Lockh irt'a B inner Warthous-, Durham, N. C Where you shall have my -t.ttenti.ou. and as good if not the highest aver&ge of any heusc either in thi or any other State. . Balpu D- Williams. Talmage .on Sport. . h!s,-- Rev. Dr. Talmage said to bis audi ence Sunday morning. "Iu the first place, I commend among indoor reere atioa, mus:c. It is a grand thing to havo oar -children brought up amid tha melody of musical instruments. Lot ail those who have the means and can afford it have flu'e, harp!, pino 'f-'" -CA8,.. Ifly.JSWOy.'V j G, W. WATT 3, 1 J. WrWATiKEE, J AS.' A.BRTAN, ' W. X. DULLER, TO. J. PAttRlSn, I X. D. JONES, A. H. 8TOICES, j jfi. S.BRTAN. STOCKHOLDERS. . .... ..... . . J. S. Carr, E. J. Parrwh, G. W. Watts, G. S. Watts, J. T. Mallory, A, H. Strikes, G. C. Farthing, M. A. Angier, T. D. Jones, H. N. Snow, A. E, Lloyd, J. IT, Sont batei T. B.-Fuller J, E l. " Lyon, C. S. Bryan, W. W. F al'.er, J. W. Walker, J. B. Cobb, W. J. Exum, Eugee Morehead, Durham; Paul C. Cmeron, D. C. Parkt, Jas. A. Cheek, Hillsboro; J. A. Bryan, New Berne; J. A; Long. Roxboro ; Jao. 8. CUon'wgnanj,"' Cunningham's Btoxe; Lawrence Holt, Burlington; Ash'ey Horne, Clayton. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. e, . .. . Accounts ot Banks, Bankers, Corporation and Itfdlvidu&ls received ou fa vorable Terms, - t ; ' f" s CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT, bearing 4 1er cent. Uterest, isfued uppil mony to remain on deposit with the First National Bank 6 or 12 tnoatb ' COLLECTIONS made direct on all accessible points in the United States, and remitted for promptly at lowest rates. PARTICULAR attention paid to the business of Correspondents. THIS BANK., being recently organized, is in' condition to do all classes of! Banking BusiuesS upon as favorable terms as any other Bank in the State, BANKING SECURITY. The Uaited States Government requires that a lull Statement of tha Inabilities. and Assets of all National Banks shall be made and sworn to by at least three of the Directors every few weeks, and besidff this Bank Examiners are sent out at the pleasure of the Government, whose duty it is made to thoroughly examine into the condition of the Bank, hencs Na tional B tcks afford a larger maasure' of protection than any other Banking system. - - CHARACTER AND CAPITAL The character of the Officers, Directors and Stockholders of the First National Bank ia the very highest, and each Stock- h6!der is, under the National Bank law, responsible for double the amount of hia Stock. No Bank has more character or credit, or better facilities than the First National. We want ihre ol rnnr bailnets. We solicit your patronage. We gaarantee entire satisfaction In all business intruated to our care. l:' fW ft Wth WEBS,;:READ':THIS! bimujv iu, 4? 1Kb r DAY OF: JANUARY, 1888, 1 HAVE SOLD AND s I- -n DELIVERED FROM MY FACTORY . "ii Mf 1 1 I n Atl P n n A A i " a n n a a r t i IO liJudNtHUd Ur lUUIlbUU s - f 1 f5 . 1 -y: . ... Making over 90O,6ob pounds of tbe weed. V THIS, WITH MANY LARGE SHIPMENTS MADE IN DECEMBER. V has nearly unloaded me of my last ye&i purchase ' 5 which now places me witu " '- Sumcient Room ; Plenty . Money 1 To Handle Quantities of Tobaceol My salca Jor the past tea days, in the Warehouse, have teen very larW- t lull from da v to day and last week closed with prices stiff , , " ' . and general satisfaction io all who had sold at 1 ' w - ANN it TOlilGGOIGOTTOn HIGH GRADE QUICKr REIIAB14S. - j FAJ.IvIBRa CAN'T HELP LIKIriQ, THE "NATION Al S. W. TRAVEES & CO., ,T1SSS3 AOEf73 WANTEt). PRICE REDUCED. Writ for Testimonials and Prtcta. The farmers endorse it They say it tells in the field and on the WAREHOUSE FLOORS. EUblishtd 18GD, PIEDiGUT GUANO FOR TOBACCO, made expressly for growing State Fair id i 1SSS and the Supplies' all requisites of the crop ia every stage of its growth, maturing and curing. Tne TWO HIGHEST PREMIUMS ';. at the N. C HIGHEST PREMIUMS at ihe D-nville Tobacco Fair in 1887 were gained by Tobacco grown wita Piedmont Gnono. piEDMQNT qjjaNO AND MANUFACTURING CO., ; ' ""' - OfiVt e'No-. 109 S tub St., Baldmore Md. For Sal By Our Agents Throughout North Carolina. , , em 1 DO MY DRU5DIING ON THE FLOOR, BY HANDING OUT THE HARD CASH TO THE PLANTER. MY LIGHTSORE fcTHEl VERY BEST CLEAB,: THH' GL4S ' :- Which Shows TobaeeOk to the Jery Best Advantage-; ; I GIVE MY MWN PERSONAL ATTENTION TO EVERY PIT TC ..... OF TOBACCO PLACED ON MY FLOOR, AND SES . THAT NONE JS JNEGLECTED. ' " EXPERIENCED i-lElj IN W EMPLOY! -My first sales are WEDNESDAYS andTHUR3DAYS,;sec6nd, TUES s, DAYS anFBJDAYS. -. But firs or last sale, I am ever ready to work J oiin S. iLockhart. DURHAM." N. C i PASS & CRITCHER BRO'S., ' "i" i , Bheu you want any work done In bur iiner We'carry 'a good'Tine oi W. T, BLACK WELL, Pr-jsiaent. W. S. HALLIBURTTON, Cashier. "" . r? I r. -I uggies. Carls anfl :Ta ' ' ' ' ' . . I ' ?' -. f- -M-r 'fWt'WS'W. Vf:jJtJi W fell - M 'A. L n i gODSi! or organ", Mr. J. Ji- Stone of Raleigh has a largo stock of these instiuments and ieelting.pheap.. ' -""..-'"' ""' S llinff very cheap at A. H Foushced toftiake room for si ring stock. . The spring is coining and Burch- & Clay ton has a gooil lot or spring goods coming in which you canjbuy cheap for cash 1163i JPnen you come, to Roxbcro don't fail to call on Burch and Clay ton to buy your goods They are: offering extraordinary .inducements. . y " Landretbs irnrden seed.' New' crop. Adl iroods at Jovv -price. at;-A R: Fou-tiee's. ; : .'1 k x. nig tales of Tobacco. . .' . Cp JoHtf S. Tjockhrt has so d si nee Decemb 3 1 st? ; 730,000 poiiuds :3f tobacco of hij own purchase ta mania facturers. It you goto D arh am with tobacco ind uoat ijo tothe Batioef, don't leave CONSUMPTION SUKELV CURBED. - n To THE Editok Please inform your Vedtfi that I haYela'popiiiye; rtmedy tor the abovjB-named disease By its timely use thousands oi hopeless c-ise have boon p ruianently cured.. I shall btj glad to S'.'iHt two bottles of my rem-l who hve cou8'icption it- tftVy will 8;;(! me 'heir. xpress and j;"6t ofSou h id.v-sM Ti p?-ci.iilj-t T.Ji. SLOCUM M. C. 181 PoarUt. New Fork 1127 6ai th till youTgt around and see John L(Jckh3it worker the tarmeTr's'itjT- est. fl.i. is undoubtedly .the out work lnggest manfof hn'tfade in Durham, THE aad will sell tern cheap just a littl"cheaper tnaaanybody else. 13 Capital and Suipius, ioOX)0O. Transacts GeneSal Banking Business. Col loc'ions a Specialty. Accounts re- ceivea on Vlie lavorauw itnma. " " a - 4 ". - We have a firat class workman in' our shop, nf"iCti guaratlteo"fiotir woik to give satisiaction. All kinds o--$ tbXT V REPAIRIJSG iND PAINTnjai MAIN STREET, DURHAM, N. 0. 3f done on short notice and ia theVjesjpossible inanner, 'X-j ' mm ". -V I L M.fn-Al1 fmm An4 rAarlablA tme Oil STOCK) D T n " i -CaH at A. :R. Foushee's -cheap store aud see the bargaiua he offers. vigh ' ' joheB AVarthouSe-lead thelRalg ir th if - j teady ntfkeOatidBs h&idqufrrsqr the fcobacci l.irmsra, so -et ajOad .ret 1 . nnhiiri.ii in x.nnhldt form, printea irora kooq iwuu tn ino iraowioKuw..r- ------r They are without exception thectoeapeitt boufcs eyer puo. ritVhich aie ara. here -offered. Each one is complete in itseir ' ala nr. )TitnuL anb Otbhk. Con- Wmdeiwrf the Sea- A description of the mr wonder-. fi i thtaiftaaiMl U bottom 4U.., with PPWrtlaa OtieW Skefhei. By Joinr"ie7l wSE ' i olltU.n of rrlBlbiy fnim, ketches bv tbe most popular humoroM wrtfer of the day. ffiiil Keslak Papers, ly Cla-1uobt . ntlor f Th. K"l Dement.." Aoet ridicalouy funny book MrlTt" mc-mlns Chmtma. .torl t written St the createat writer who r lived. Each one li complete. KndtAe Even In 1m, of!,torl8,'plCtUT' neVanlinine. for the little fclka at home, j: . . 'TbaSvlf.inade He f Modern "Bates. ConUinaporr 4rinIbloTphioffcmo, ISTnrfnUin.nrth.o hip of many phrasea frequently met inreadins ! cova- tton. A valuable work of reference. - - .- .-- wmcn an may main -- ., ' .w-tlr and comic, Inpl noms "'V.r "J . " Vio it? J C ? The Foroctllnl Kabfes. 1 Kovel. By M.T. Clbo. The Old Onkcn Cbcat. A Kovel. BySTLVAMtia CoMjt The Peart orthe Wc-catn. A. Kovel. By Ci.aa aoouwa. IfVA lleMe. a Hovel. J7 KT. " . . imv - TlKrn.'; - - ;, , Li ff'if-'W iia.-eiie The mamnno' uraeefes. wt.u., Wood. ILLnsti atcd. t . , n.aM The Sew of Or. JekyU d Mr. Hyde. . A ft WIcKM bin. ----- - Ldr DVCHESS.' lletweeo Tnoriie. ' The B lorla'a A U The The Moat - Korrliiar ' A PluTwriirkt' Kalr but Falae. A Xovel. By tbe author or Dora Thorn e." JOwttt&tcd; . . !j- - .. ri-,. lao-ter') Cebfat . A of 7 "JiJ'0 The Caillornia iaoia. . W F .. ... . . . . ..... " 1 i " jajif mK.iiii-ff, ,r-r, " .0-r" ... ' m,.yij Tar.,. ei. We give especial attention to this part of oammsinesfand can -fill Vftiwortaa jnaw. - i ,oraerB on vtrx. buurt auiw at iiiiwa ra;i:iuK uvui uuo. uoir tte rettet . A sovei. -.-"-rr "T ' w . t f rl Vti. 1 ' r A rill IV" 1 mill.' 'a Vaacktor. AKoveu jsyau. a.u i . "Vn a i j . --r . ,ui'ms-4 ' i . V, 1 ifa. a Novel. By Marios Bai.akd. J.nsieriBce. i hovel. By . 8. PTWe wtn .end ny rth. abb iv f..r.fln.far SO Cent t the entire iiniw5;" , T . ? i At-.v.x.i.ntjE'e.of it.- Ki.ii,mthejwininieKveTeHrcu. u u. -'rr -T.ii.v,;ii.- , - i - mtii t lom nucii, mr 0i "'"r prfi tmnB taken forfractionewr aouar. '"""r:-.- .. . i .i. i tUnTn . -i ! ni..rri(. s.;.h.f.-mmiiTrmforfMnirrvnd(l. rortage v"P I...M.L All Ardent fit led by iick home nxppy inev navfe poou i lewnmau. ui accommodations fer the farmers. - . - , JbU - . 1 ? ?1v. "i .' 1 ..f'"o , o r -it , HOXOIiO,' Cy .-t 'fe. ' - t - . 4