, : ' -i 4 ' - - - - ?SBBW.'H W A. Lea. .J3 Duke MOM! 6 5 y1 y 1 '';rvi .".;;-;'-:".T PLANING MILLS, - The Undersigned U- NOW PREPARED ToFnrnlsliToHls Person, County Friends AUY KIXD o Dressed Lumber, Will ill bill orcentraet for thaZereetion SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, BRACKETS. STAIBWAYS, BALUSTEKS, NEWELS, MOULDINGS &c ; Any EM of -House. ALL ORDERS FILLED m SHORT NOTICE. J. W. BLACK WELL, Proprietor Durham Planing, Sash. Door and Blind Factory, July 14 ly Durham, 2T. C. Pomona Hill Nurseries. CHEAP UUESEEY STOCK For Winter and Spring Sales 1887-8 I have a large stock of APPLE TREES, Two and threo years old, good varie ties, that 1 will PS Ac2lr! I SOUTH BOSTON, VIRGINIA. Since we suasmed charge of the famous ni 11 SALESMEN" John A.. our sales have shown a wonderful in- crease, lnis nouse is one 01 tne largest and best arranged in the South. We are better prepared than ever to! serve our friends, and guarantee td far-i mers as well as shippers the ' - Fli TOM HIGHEST POSSIBLE PRICES. ALSO, Plum, Cherry, Grape, &c. The firm of W . Duke Sons & Co., have Hi.e cheap, especially apple, send a s ta tioneci buy er at tne lor my Illustrated Descriptive Ckta logue and Special Price List of surplus tock for Winter and Spring galea oi J 887-8 oBly Address, J. Yan. Lindley, POMONA, N. C. JEYVEUiW BRIDAL PRESENTS! MUSICAL i INJ3TKUMENTS. Gnitars. Violins, Banjos, Accordions, &c. BtringB ol Every Description lor Instruments. 1 have jnst receiTed a large and beantifol stock of Jewelry. Fine Solid Silver and Dated Ware. Watches. Chains, Bins, Charms, and Clocks. OTTO SALZMAN. who will watch every pile of BRIGHT TOBACCO mmm sunn mm wuum uuuu uuumi. and buy eagerly. Our sales during the T. W. WOOD & SONS Past year were tne largest, with one ex- 10 & 14th ft. Eiebnona-Ta. eptiuii, 01 any omer Request all Gardeners, Farmers and Truckers to send for their HEW SEED CATALOGUE for 1888. It contains descriptions oi au new ana aesiraDle varieties of SEEDS PLANTS for, the Farm and Garden that are adapted to the South. Grass & Clover Seeds a Specialty. Catalogue mailed free. Send for it. Warehouse in k State, fell! Mill! and we will put forth every effort to come out nrst best tnis year. iwo new banks have been onened i?4 umnam since Jjecember, with over one nail million of dollars, facilities, besides tne other two banks that have alwav s re- jjuuueu iiuviauy tu Liie puoiic qemands. WE KEEP A COMPLETE STOCK OF NICE SEASONABLE GOODS. , . f I, - -x VA-r.A ..,:-t:.4.v : : WE have ample capital to bun our business. . WE T AVE HAD; CONSIDERABLE EX PEEIENCE AS MERCHANTS. . ; , r- - -, " H v v , WE MAKE OUR BUSINESS A CONSTANT STUDY. WE TRAKSAOT BUSINESS ON STICTLY. CASHPRINCIPLESw"' - - f: ' . Vl' " KT"UU1MJ. 153 THE LEADING CASH ANI EiCttAN yE STORK IN JsOUTJi JSTUN, VIRQINIA, 3 A..Ranj8ey,Jormeriy oi Mayj. Va"; AdU HIrV.TlaerlJ.ofVerll'Hll;YeC; nd i. Ed. dkerson, foraerly with Hrdy & Co lif.Thsre Is AnyOnT PLACE IN DANVILLE, Vi That will certainly pay a Man, Wo man or Child to visit more than a er it is the iGICESTT:8TABLISHlIESIO J Mr. Fricker has inaugurated the place of tome of the Jargest cities bt vw.u,us Wu or more bianche. 0f hasioces in IMMENSK ESTABI.lsii MENT. to this end he has one of tbe Hnest JEWELRY STORES Iif the South -i ""w.wwaix uo loana fin endless.vaFittjriuf w DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY,CLOCKS SILVER WAKE. SPECTACLES ko Also n Extensive MUSICAL DfiPARTMENT Where can: bo found a Urge stock of PIANOS & ORGANS From di Ttin. v NEW ADVERTISEMENTS JR. ESTUS, HENDERSON N. a. ; "Dealer In Confectioneries, Fruits Candies, Nuts &a need oiprcfluble wo'rk" S)a?,Who can earn from $5 ta $25 Pr dlv a?ef- . dr sss: 1 YiiBH' - AilWATi AT THE OLD RELIABLE" More Floor Boom, Better Light And Better Accommo dotions Than Any Other House In The State. Notice. mM WE WAfIT YOUR TOBACCO. ALL GRADES. XS, EPTXEPSYor FAIXIITG SZCZQ7ESS, snai, And 1 1 wllf cor you. Addrest H.O.ROQT.M.C. 183 Pearl St RewYccv of Person, Caswell, Alamanca, Granville W ake. Durham, nhaho brine: us a load. Wa wi n ito interest Well work for you HAIR HAL ftAM 1 irtwn(BI !p!!Llui', fle the tuUr. l " r vBiaiui Mior. Carmacardlccaeind hair fiiin.f PARKLifrQCIPiCERTOflic 'rcatwTn(Martrfo(btaliMd.WaBPftteirt toj-fneM conducted for Moderate es. - Wur U?1" Opposite r. 8. Patent Of. S,1. vWt 08 ob aDdefl, all bnaineca oixeet, Reno can tranaact patent bndneM in law - 1121: dyl8e if Mtcniahle .or not-frae of r T 4toooHowvfi,taHi fatents,' with refeft. C. A. SNOW & CO. Our break last Tuesday was large End We ftVftrnjrorl nirai. Ol . .i- .-. P., grades sold. COlVtE ON. T f" A DIME,, -T rr - irv w II) liHJI 1 e C THE t&3 vcn 21 W Q C3 a; w err H a' a. CO ta w a o' r a H 1 O a? 1 ro a .- . : ,P3 . MANUFACTUREKS OF , : . Sash, Blinds, Doors; Brackets, Moulding, Window and Door frames and fc . - : Dre5sedsLumDeri of Every Description. ' T 1 ' ;"..: OUB LIATBE THOROUGHLY I)klED : . EDWARD L. EyANSrPVoprietoh nnhli - " ""Jn 1888. I Will sell t owimwI i.v u t i "'iooro, the tract of lanH iWacrea rooreor "uu conuioing Terms: tion -.kV" J- entaot and w mo d tSL b, lf.l? " 1 i?8,: J a "OMPHnfKS, Com. fllPIII VS?1" thow wLo "art 11 1 U 1 1 L iSLI??? theyaml hon take Om,T7LZ .( -i. S Plrm,ent tl't 'H not ( v! vv. w""aio luwiiu. ii ig boot fnr ininjr new. So apecial ability required- von reader, n lo i t aa vreil a ttmy-rSS. Vfr ill Si Mat once for fail parUculara, wbicfi w. mai free. AdJreaa htinuon . t-n w.". l A PERSON! WANTED. Male or TmmlbJ. - m . . ? . rleri Jtw MnUard historical !f?Jlrpu"i,lr beatr.wfnlBes8,and ac atona. Particulars on atin mtw - tiui . PHIXLIFS H17NT, 805 Broadway, N. Y. SAMUEL H;CATS, Dislei ol Fore Corn Wey, HURDLE'S mill; n. c. me I have nowvtn lianrl a lt? iTire Corn VVhisbevi rwhinlr T ?n n Bonable. ... . ', : r vj haffr made all necessary arrangements and are now rnnnioff my distillery, and in vtte all person wialimg 6od whiskey to to come and see me, . Yours Truly, -V; S. H. GATES. Notice! ri'J5?jfe? ot inthwrtty rested in tne, by an or-SiTiX.HnS?Ilor-CkmT Person county, I i .. . w'jhmws oicnier at tne court uouso rtoor in Uoxboro on Uie flret Monday, the 2nd flavor Annl laxi) . : . . i. i i i. , - rT3 i " irac wi mini i- wnana:tothelateJ.CJrooka,lt,dec'd,in Per- bvu.ub mis patera or Bold iirancfa mlimniog J H KrnAU. f a JnnM iuh . n...i.u. fi&te i to make real estate assets,, Termsof sal Sf.n!eS?red rt payinj- bond roJSIda3rof "l0. v 3 3 books, ' Vl-HtU 1 baV revointiOBtred the wnrld ring ue laat half ceDturj- rnm 1 ot least amonr ths wuIerfi performed all oyer tie coon- Hassle A, Tiiofmas, Superwtendeht. : ' . -. : - - try witljout it nara tiny the workers frert tbtp upmea. Pay liberal : any one can do tbe work; 'JT-1 l k needed; you are "tartrf re. Cnt tbi ont SBd return ft ton and wj will send yon freesotriethinr efjrreat vtlne snd importajDce to yon, (bat wiil start yon in Nrt; ne, which will brin ronia moMfmonaynfM away, than anythiigr efte in e werJd. &rona etTO. A4drtMTSVKft QO fAnguO tH 4-" S .