"5 2 : -5 2- 5 2 r i Parson EountY Courier. I Krrrsiine.in:ijev..r6ric;ndL1 nlrtbr idtho'canditrona"dQri.td V ; ' C.,Mesecoad class matter. T" ' I fore tfie day wasover thejr to', Tbad Uaose two centef 8 " would reach this . .y-FOB THE SALE OF LEA? TOBAOGO: r "i. w 1, wise resoonaible to b to ,tbo t16".0: t Pton of the Oountj.Grst, but from ... .. i .ore an acdueni oaa occucixu u v I tu i viawk nrpMfid bv corrcsDOndents. I v t : i.-r. m.m. .rn Lt06 airectlOU i , rfhicb' one man 1ob h:s lifaanil. many wen e could reasonably have suHf -f J-.ill-Cwj iUlUU:j ' J jww;. s . A' - SUBSCRIPTION . TERMS. f ininrni. - is was ou uuumiiuwu i - - K: tl.Sr I Broadway and -JSigbt-A ve-tie wwe mau r pjscu 1 W6 months - - V . ,7f deeerkd bom xu, wagons and ettet wa8tiiro,6maller;r 't wouKl amount rto: rP f rrr f w v -rn ttniTOHULL lttere are tue uiauAcosoi tu raae j, u p ,bueoihto wind it 1. t 2 ;7Tq7 1 H ' V' r teles JeuWy7ove-ed wUb raountains oil -fc ;t terifio "distuib'alic the abundaueeoH;7 , l' i J ' i i . ' . . . 1 : vuffin m; I j...t Snrctna nrarlifitinnft , fnf thl8 I rj ?. -3 s 3 '"" 1 " ' 1 .TTooklyn was coiupieie-frurw u hi storm 'wera peculiar. -, un me -f peg S.3i2. 7; v r" - - AitYal?C fceaisf working inWw and AltS O V V'3C Editor -Proprietors. jnftcdyiiiooiitln8Tofiowwhea tbejr f tioi or two , or:?Jul. ,B. - tefi -r. '-V x O aJS Ldoftbeuhomesthonu onjthe northern lakes and one n fi j-Jg g. 7 K L ,1 (I Eaterod according" to Postal Regale . . (The Elevafc-d lUtlroadf train mfcde, sowe -Oe wUbWiRdtcojningTrODi .the --.-. j 3 5 J T UlfT'.V y t& It tions. at the Poetolhei at Roxborov I Peteu8 of Kfviuc the pubiic a service Lwjii5st Taooe bOjild' ttU- whiUi of I CZ V MKN .1 A " r m. taMMMHHMM T 7 , n,n. r (Ka nit-Petom - of tlx , ; - 7 "V, -i a' Lynchburg &airhani;Kailroad . called to W.feiBC6JJ?tJ4j.W- - B8nt'tbriflicatrtnat nar oeeu . gotiating for tfie build n of the road to e05f5jchbntgV or to eveo-ger . Wfegram.- were, cw'w v Mntri"! W9 fll nWlS. 1UI Hi A. faft was libt made. Air. J A. iiiSiai! i " X m . th:t ,ne,of Jthe wrector tays na - - t J H 1 M 1 A .'vLong, . as one President Utey was oonnaen. cnai - , , j . 1 COUW najB peBpreeo A totJlwttt! line to Duibam and woru commeucec t Ir. n ttkrm trKi!A Thr.llflfh f hi I 1. . 1 ... ... . , . n Nrtrfhorn cvn1iftt.A rfmKl,nOt Dt present the board of 'Directors did P&h-n pmthf not adjourn without iccom unmpthirnr a will he PflPn from thf I fnlfftwin taVAn from LvnchSurr Virginian of last Thursday : ; . . j s I A full meetinff of th dircctots ol I , the Lynchburg and Durham failwa - was "held In t' is . city yesterday Among Otherithings It as decided tc ing, trestliug and bridging of the ; road from Rustburir to the Halifax .line, ana lorten miles oi tus roaa from purtiam northward, the bids t-j . mn.tm.i;nn f nfiKu mnoi - ; encouraging. In addition to the above a contract for tbe building of the road from ; South Boston, Vs. to Staunton rirei was let on very satisf ?,fttory tt- or ; bntthe3olferito aotis 1 w .dicatg trtmerTJrwardniow aiid; hxakt satisfactory ""terms for tlie building of - the entire road,- this, some seem1 to think will tet be done, and we hopf -ithey are correct in their opinion, Cthat wodld.3 th:nk. give ?s a rail- burg onuthe Uih. The ttrn, aWetoget.bome. , . tioaaf o whether,or norte proposed : "7 fV.U -1 ..i .7.n5T5,Wzl.n?? -pee ! "t!?7llS?i 7 off; bat we art a little disappomfed .tfhe.first - to thes eecV mad t -during Itr.V r e,ir 7 7171 r ;7: 4r Vri -177' .K -7" .ZZr 7 jd not beiDg'abJe' tq gieur reader Stock Exchange has been cksed on account .7' b ' genatoL Ibjj. q -t , ' ; ''--m . ' .,ns rif if wri '7 7'--V .f--; ' - i.vjae, 7, - Jine had been, let. H M thought Fev Brt Tri,iliel u,, aiffer. hi h not the .lhteit Weaofrmik V- .. -. :,.GiuToTtt.M.nnftcwre ofETery,ilc!.f! . tJ -I. i -.-..".A ,j - A'-W ,3, Jrm 1htthvdtrotabJn atj.MSvtW!' fii.Mplj.-Tli Oraiomtw 8u- '-tt. ..t; i,,, , jAa;".. witattwrptuMthtn theV-Kw-leW with MrV-lScS'-wtd''iK A wien tht peeling wai called; bu mww tore ll prof c8 to be .delighted with ' : : ' a: :a rrirAl-'on'T1 'fn-H -! ' , .f'"; . tl" V Vi UTr..., onng 0lthe bi,ir jhn ..huJ- ot.thSlt aebit., r fiTATIDATlB ' JUSTTlIE5 SAUK'-''" 4V':::;" -v. iiffliW-.L.- . j-onu muen sooner man py oauauagienftito. ; Col. John M. Wilson said yes- iuv ruoueyuun.sB a ume, ;0U even at tnw tne road will be completed in less than eighteen months. 2 The GreatBlizzard. ' Tha tfirrihlfl mnv tfnrm niVni. x ' wmw. Bw.ua. PlbUUl V panied with ternflc winds, , that "fell - throughout the northern States, last ! 7 week was the heaviest that has been ; known iBtrmanj years. Our ex - . i . . . . . ... nevir been experienced down the Delaware since hV Spring iof 1850; Jnnnmerabie vessels have been driven ashore, and seafaring men believe thai ; many shipwrecKs anctibsslof life ayt- occurred, which, for the present, will - not be heard of. WW. V 7 w w ' w VJL iuvj . day and Monday night of the 13tl. . was so completely blocked -jthnow and blizzard hatlflwgtnesf,"wBjr , suspended,' elevated trait.ej stopped and wires blown dowBii-TheEast. river frozen over and the peopk crosseu ontna ice betweetf Jfew York P and npoklyn. ' Pbijadeiphia and ' Washmgton warlsjieab sufferers, . - e'ow we give a condensed-repori ol the storm in these and otlief d ties PI - " PiUtiADELPHIA, Pat,;' JUatclr? ti( h, man lives who can reckon the daBagtf t'oli . It is known that all'ihe wbes from here to everywhere .t;wUU;thejoi of a - few lonely, thick, longUncefephonespare : down; that the storm baffled and beat the matchless equibment of the Western UnioD' ' Telegraph7bat ihe mbrt than' matchless equipment of the Pennsylvania RaUroad. Ms tp ts'egraph communication the city was issolated completely' As" to" rulroad com- enacted in Pevon Cut whicli we generally rtuig.Q i me asses pt Ihe JXocky , Jf pUn tains. ..... On both the great railroads from the city trains headed by by two and three lo comotives were as helpless as hnman beings in tho reat 6noWdrifll.v- HoTises' were 'Un roofed, great tree blown downmen in terlaced with their norses in a descajdine ' vreb of telegTaph wiies ,by a wind whose highest speed was sixty-six'milesWhonr in an atmosphere tbtrdroprcLrom , . eight to fifteen degrees while-the eye watch ed the mercniy in the tnbe. New Yo,B?i . March JiThis cftyfipd - Ticinity has never experienced suchVstorm as t!iat broke out yesterday .- aftemodn and stil 1 continne with unabated, fury iNTrafie in t is city ti -day was paralyzed and besiness was at a cmj kte standstill. - 7 ' 7' "7? Yesterday afternoon, about 3 o'clock, rain b" an fallir- - 1 c7'7.j"V iiffl abouf oMwil?, when itlurned to snow- and sleet teath im toe snow. , xo-u.gHt u tinned with unabated fury and every .Hotel . ..v crowded; with; nntortnnat-- ,Veleraandsuburbari residents who were are4n r : - ; New 'Jersey.- New Jersey, was coTered 8no anjnany MWings. mpletgy. aeoroye oy w.""- nrB 11., n 1 . wo Wl ril.T 11110 f 1 1 1 rHK lll-UU 1 uiu raimv uiuwu mm mosi icrrmc ouzzara mait ws tf;riri;fltt dtylatelasrevehing. The snow has driffed .ntd eig feet deep in the t,nrrnohfiir .-11. blockini? and ob - r. "r - : ' . fl auspended. , An. teiepnones WF SSbLIS .uv, . - - . I OQWRa O "Iwo-Hvi-nt r-.o---,- i - - v.- ... ----- . . .ic-- , U II II .H . I 111 I I r. HU I IIJlYt - - ' ' - I n , - " ' " -(-t,, - . l. ja York and VVashingtw for over twentyfwrpOTtrtge applicable to 8 U ..ni n.i, xt.x I f?" weix wires down but hundreds of telegraph poles along bo.h the VVesteUoion aid raULd linear lines are brnkeni The temneratura Nwly deeei in ten hours. By 9 o'clock Snnday night tbe snow was six inches deep I &na " commumoauon cut on. xne wmu was blowing abcnt fifty miles an hour Travel thron-h the streets i of the city was da.igeron as Udrf. and chimneys went holding twenty and thirty Wres each were h.lown dawn in different narts of the citv. , Kobf. Va., March ,lAt n.earjyj hour yesterday morning the wind commenc-1 ... . 6. heavy gale, the velocity of the wind reaching 65 miles an h"ur. Considerable damage was done in the harbor. No casnalties have as et Defn wPr lrom the wmcn may Iwirea were dpwa.-Bat as the gale was ff tsoott'iittWapmehenslon lis fd conoeming" o.pa aisopoKe aerioug ari,,e disasters. '.. All- eut-toioe tor. protections S-enatiir Beck spoke shipping has been detained. .i . WAsHnrcToK,. D. ; G VTdington will lonS remember tne storm that began on the M " " LhbwCthe people of this Jty how hard He terday that there has , been twelve snow I storms this winter, which are. tnree more than last Tear- WASHINGTON LETTER From our Regular Correspondent J, . tu Washington, D. C. March 16,1 S88 Washington has ) been an isolated city since Monday last and is only now in limited .communication witl the rest of the world. '1 he blockade was partially raised on Wednesday and to-daytmbst; the' people- bound up in this city from, the North and tfrf liat irierrTitf warda theii destinations. -- ? 7.:7b , While all te!egraph:o commnnica lion with the outside World was cut I off and the blizzard was raging as ii 49eiaonvna8 berore arou ad tnf xiation- al Capital, this city fh ought it&ell the storm center, singled out as a target for tbe special wrath of Boreas But a-comparison of notes With the various cities assaulted by the storm king and especially with few' York b.ere well-to dp people frozeon theii wa btweettftheir homes -and then f usJpaaK feel wer'e'gehtle afi'amb like, ' notwith tnding the, fact ihat Jie tore. grea. irees hp :bj th.;rtott tind Tfnrned ior-es aha wagons topside down, i ..'benftthtr.TJnlttd States Govern mfebt5 eitabiishes its proposed com pete pt jtal ,telegrpbsystem it is ti fa hoped that such "an eiperience'af that ; of tte p'astfew dayi rivilh have been provided against by undergrounf' tHegraphfwires7the, :nrvolva greatei' -ntlay at'iSrst of Ccouisebut the money saved from the cost of repairs would m a short time1 artoanl- fo tuivre inan tne pnginai. expense I A 3 :. at JV a 1 ' ' ak f ' a - -T-'.i I at. . .1 - . ' - : t ' aou now taat tne delayed and ac cumulated news, of 'Europe and the N,ortbf SonthWest and EistVcotri log to hand, the question arises,' How ai:a::jhepeftple7toj.refid opV the thirty or forty tons of-, delayed mail mat ter.' f For the 'people or the - Dis-" tnct4bf Columbia U 'has been soW xesieu mat uongresa declares a week's holiday and 'g:ve them v'a chaiice ito catch op and satisfy tfteir temporarily juspended curiosity."- : "7 : '3 T i;8rea.a(Io( of .the. recent atorra', j-Profc AWe who Is in chvrge bfthe vpiHVO;. U,8SOuii t!,erfi L 3 Senator Vest'seturn'Tfrom x ii' to,h8,8eat-.Jn, the .6enatf J. there ha& been, consMerable : specula. 3 some of them are so well pleased with lt that they have given for printed 0f.the'lngalls and Blackburn speeches. together, with the intention - " , . i7 V 'ttS ' f impaign document ,va' -Postmaster General DIcknson hai - ;.fa.fftrW ri1nH. f tka r.nfKot owwiHVKVij ' M V wl W vw vm w j (i shipping their goods to' agents in t:pepP,e4ln;,th1...&oo,r,.,.ilh.t.h, . t,tftrt in rri. th hiVhei rafM-nf - ' ' ' ? ; ...... I tne domestic mails ol the -United . - T " " -'- " . o.fa - - tl ' ftM.ait. i jV - WT ' ' flanke - however, Postmasters hare Sirecieq trj rate txpt postage on packages which bear. indications upon tneir covers ina inex were sQt; d dealers in the United States or their agents m Canada. . The order is jpe. fi g wh0 lV00.? YKtheinselffeL the lower postage ynder the recent parcel-post treaty compared-trith ihe postal rates in this country v7 UoiouiLof Ueorpia, made a speech in Sector Brown, madV another argn ment for protection, The latter seems to have made np his mind to deliver two mternal.revenue r speeches 'for U'ery tarriff reform spetch by Mr. .'0 , . , J , , on the (lemonitizatien-of the silver iollar, for whicli lie says Senator Sherman is responsible, and Senators Allison, Evarts, Aldrich. ilorrill and i Hoal took la li?elv dii crB8lon oi we unuervamaiion biiu Speaker jCarlisla's health is said to be much improved :by bis Western! trip. tfumington Star, ' . t , t 7. 7 -WVcW We all want goods , vi As Possible, Then Let Us Go To 7 BtFRpH & CLAYTON'S where we win fiud, , .. NOTIONS, SHCES, BOOTS. 1 -dl t TT11S -. 4 .. - Vf a Wta, a . -aWS t 47 TT e r,ect to. sell you goods as cheap juif H uuy fnein on tneiuiiroaa Piima at.l emm Aim; 1 .- . , . -' ' ' J. " I . ' ta!X' X '-r '. , t And Be? 7 ;,conyinced:. i?. WeS.dl , s ?7 ?'7"' 7" Strictly; Fdripasb SEbrOUHdMHAplT; :. " . 7 BURCH & CLAYTON." . : II irl If.' . . . I II 113 11, 11 1 . 1.1 m I .1 ' i IC : PI Li -Sg t:7 TIUT:R00F10: AD7QUTTEQKQ.7 aai gill. 7fm l 1U1 1 -Lr :r-"---T 1$$$ I si pi Shosld bo cscd a few months IxJorc conflncment bod foe book T3 lIoinfiEs, mailed fpeo.' ' '.. - ': ' -' BApraui' XUavCaTui: Co., Atiauta Ga. - - - 1 v"..; I V 4.0". - . - : ' :.; V - rT JTJIjIUXJ - m w...v m m mm mm m mm mm ' urn m w.m ill M "- k. - HA3-BEEKUSED - " ; f . 4- V 7 niniTra T-5- , - s J f. . . .Virginia and North Garolina s o7" . . , . . . , , w, F, , , . . t. . -vmI . - ' . ; xur xniuj icon, j v.... j , - 4 - - " l' - . . , , InsUfCS TOU FK1E J' Try it TMs, Year if You Want - a Crop of . ,iVV'.J7Hi?;,T.r t None Better On TheHnrket. -Rfer You Ta Thousands of .Planters t-1 . fi : i Who Have nsea It Tear AJter Year. , Caioa i . ALong7fciboro; krini:roiBoIy.Pr D.-W,' ; BiehmondHuxdle'a MUlac; C. 6 Winstead, Wmstead. s ? 122301 OXFORD, N; 0.i - , 11- " . j - .. . , . .... n IT .-1 - - 4 - ' aaa ... - ' aaa . iv-.f-r--' - 1 : 7 7.- ' " " a CO : i 1 iliilG Stoves; COTTON; 1IA1TILLA . -'" ' 7 V -:-.77 -V- --3- i i-i:r - 7 -.7 , COO BEST,. SEOBTING.:RIFIiE-POWDER ,iA ' f, - WTTOTTt MrtmiM Ttwrf "iririrtTc-: CROCKERYrLAMPS LAMP GOODS. SEWING MACHINES. And c t nrvoda nf nvei v descriolion m the. n..i.idt n.lita. attention tu natrona' " - XA7 -7J v- ? 71 . - i -r -H .. . .. : - . '.,,'::, ,... - : ? i"'"r 7-. ' 1 s-rr-" 7. S.-ry ' - r - 'U mAt) A HnH am mi t r m -wm m - b am am v a.ak H.B m 11.1-1- -( ... -.-1 h. ,''!;'' ,',5 "'i '.' 1, " : , ' , - "v " "-,'' - v - ' - ' il nana a iy - r i BX..THE FABMEBS OF.:, , : . f - - ' ' . . . , ; . i . I - - - - - . - i . .... " . ... - a CrOD Of .. -, -- '5- .. ... TOBACCO: - f. t , . a , . - i. -A - 1 9 ! 3 i S! e!3 ill . ... 7 5 ''.r1 A1TL JU. TE ROPE, -'f,"'t.'-. . I - r , -- ;f A- att a : ; n a twto :' Va tjtt otire r. Hardware Bnea Low Drieea. beat '1 77-Ty-T?.HT7J . .v an .&. : .Ail-a. a UlL li.aJ.'' - ..: fillaAaenr fit VaraaJ. jf T loves, &v a a AaVU lUiv tJ j'. ; -t.-jia .; "i 7 ri 7.' .... . .. , Wi'' - . I;-' 1 X ,:rf i. jt i1 i 4 . ' 1 ',11, ! i. v-i tWe-gijaranteaypa;.tli.etD':f.!thftiiarktit for every pouad sold cn 'ottr floor. - -f7 kf - -- T 7 " T ' v , - ,.7'"-.-. ri ,"'A.7 .. . w rMi am ra - Ba - m urn m : . i- AND COMFOBTABuE CAMP, BOOMS ; v 'f? v. 7- i -6 v ... GIVE US- . . . v ' 7 I MILT02T, N. C. -7 T J FARMERS, SATHEYilARE GOMIN& HOME i ";-.'' "5.-. 7- .JUi iJ'o- flL, 7T 7 7S-.. , -,tL!iiiif7 U- lULA-i stv7Jr -Vf -a. u- ' Opened last weekend was crowded notwithstanding tha co'd .reei m weather ' Evnybodyweut home e jtistid. .'sFrt d-ya sale nreraffed t34t14 for eYerrtbiotr' old, and not rery gniid tobacco at that.. :N.t single pi YiImb' ow Thirty five Tiwusan dollars CASH paid out. Below lW2n5 3 iarSE made;.1- 4i ."i-' r ' E, J;BovKng-,:77-:56 m 20 00 tl 20 '76 ju 7-28 00 2128 186 ; 66 00 - ? -76 16 . 72 00 -'89 00 84, 88 iM) -' 31 93 166 .,25 0042 33 84 - .28 0- 23 52 190M ?1 50 7 40 85 i-07W 60 00 80 00 16 , : 74 0011 4 4 75 00 . 3?0 60 ?'r 36 50 21 90 ' 55 j 87 00 rJZVT 72' 116 lbs,-' .$21.80.? 24 S5 50 - ; 43 00 .. . io 00 19ft 25 00. - .47 50 oft 62 007 6(J 74 42 49 - 1872 Average S7. 04. Story & Cox . "86 2150 f -- 7 74 46: -lVr 23 00 -U0 50 2Q ' ' 7 S3 50 7 18 30.,. " S27W0.',, 810 tt'-" v."40 00 ?7 2 80 16 :. . -50007:8 00 wlTCraffe 35 t Average ?0 18. -- -f .toort & Lotagr , -40 lt -v 20 00 f 800 80 ' '7 23 50 3 '18 80 G. L. tjatta,'--'-'30 i 20 BO 4, I0 25 :Mvf 29 50 14 75 U0v . -28 50 ' 8185 80"' 4100 - '8280 ."i-iV :, ' ' . " j, , , , 152 - i 89 50' 60 04 92 W s- v.46 93 394 vf -5 " t 290 t ... - 133 76 AveraSre'80 747 r " KWllliams, 80 -25 50 20 40 Ayerge 36 75. . ; v--i O. L. Don el ass. . , 148 w' ' 8100 45 88 16 rTCO 88' - SSoO-i 11 06 62 1. 26 JJ0. 16 43 i24 i-ifiSO I 2914 1C$; 83 50" 38 07 40?' ' . 1 w o ''--zo w 328 .i. - - . t Average 448, .18244 J. D. Hamlin,-' 68 " 5 25 00 24 60 - - :40CO ' .-22 40 84 ,..,53 00 44 52 467 ' 26 50; t 12 19 '43: S0O0r .,12 60- AJrerage 29 46. i . ; - : J, A.HllMway, U ' I800-. , 15 12 tU! "27 00 1 . 'SO 78 f .-i' .2a 5v 8a 24 U-iS 29,06 81 9t 14a . -84-50 48 59 326 ."' r" 164 1 ;il 55 K ' ff 9cr 2 p Average: 34 li; Ir-5 ;T. D. Hall. 310 . 82 50' - ,8 25 156 ; '"I 8oo -I '"46 8o 27& J 4o bo; - i; llo U 41i"7tYWtMi,., "5a3.o 74-'.,r.M9 2tfV-;$7 :6OJS3 .72 'U.Ji, 61 89 i . . " ,75 00 ; 2951 5u 2.392 'l4. l,o6J32 203; "7 Average 4 Joe. j. .- . a "1 eould iiot;put down alt that Was sold: way the wind i blowing, vJSow ready to do the sam for all tcbaccu I c A 7 t Io!act;the outlook improving and, farmera will 5e sure to i get biir aware r Viwm i"r nii ivoww juu aril ru me. ; X naYB aoOUt WOTked off fill nld etaW and with three large Prize -Houses-mciudidg-the wn Iar?hoS22l- have plenty of room to store wh.tj buyndc.bny ocean !i iU I 'Jhrik ttJ farmers for standing by ma, ard - ' ' ims iBt wront yon stact to harket, WHERE YOU WTLL NOT ONLY GET B:? The, Best; .1 ! DURHAM, N7C. ; V . 1VILLIAM DAFFRON. ' ;, tDmirninE :Aim UATE3S : IIANUFACftl?.ER, " ' 1" .? -, . , - r 1 J --t"t' T r iV fv 7 m m w - as ... ... i m i " A. lit. FOR YOURSELVES. A TRIAL. .V t ' 7f-iL' Tj,S .J. - J. TiDgea. .7" -'88J ''83 5a J ,w aJr7 64 4o 00 , 25 60 74:f r. 00 $i 84 K . . ? .Taiiaaj I8ST7T: "TT'-TTT . o'''1--AYferaga41t.'K 'tr yJ.S.WWuma.- 7 J9tf -J 82 00 80 T2 J ,54 32 5o lf'5 46 . .f " J49 00 " 'tS 54 "78 65oo- b'7 2q Jod 00' " 1 2a op X? ao 49o if'-s f "?r4-;- Z5 -. . I ' - 237 7t . jlverage 67 55. . -DrJV NaHisk -8.r ;83 54., a. 82 88 t257'l 00.;7;t JB4 26 358 -?7 - VVV --a 6 97 Average 57 817VC . 79 7 ! so "i& 00- '"'S OOj ' WTK 'v. -r '- V 27 60 7o u - 86 50 ,v725 55 ... .j w 29" 94a r r ' 12o 'v- -0 oe" 7 72. oe '5wf83 Oths41'f 716.' l5o ooMS4 oor 446 - ' " t -j"' . 59 1" c Average' 49'81., ; UJlV'WiJliamSjv., 2oo r. 89 oo'-::- 78 ao r I itf 4r. 75rj4"6t 00; 7 -702 00 - . - 6 60 00 ! -'8672 L96 84 5a i .f 1 12 5o v7oo S5eo - 1 00'. - 122 V 612 '.Sm ; T ! -.Mi!.i'Tj.i' Average 42 e3 r - T " - Trs 45 am. . '- V -. t s - r but the ahflv6TrT.7.-.:" coins to :' ' . BIG PRICES. AccommodEt'ibns: rn:. -T T3 at t? toti ; -a,., 4abaA 2ee aa aaa .? 7