person Ccrnity Connor. jOHH"-A.'OELL, Editor. KOXBORO, N. April b, tsw It has been very cool for several 3av8 . y - The show-bat! are fast turning white.' - . :r ; --AiS.J, Barnett paid Milton a visit this week. , v. Firea and evercoats have elt quite comfortable tor the past several lajs. . . - Mm Bfittie TV.a'fV of Halifax -county, Va, , is in iowa visiting her Iriends and relatives. ' 1 Jrs. G. W. Buich, who lives near here, we regret to learn has been quite sick for several days. - Onr farmers are making consul arable headway ; in platting corn, . severul are through ulready.. Miss MoWie Stockard, of Barl inRton, N, C , is visiting the family of Mr. John Andrews of" this place. . A letter received this week from "Alpha," but it i unavoidably crowd ed out. It will appear in our next i&jue. y. , ' ; . - ' V ijesws'. J. T. 1 Strayhorn, J. L Catcher-J.. Vr. AVrenn and W. T. Daniel aro visiting Oxtord thi week. ,-. ' , " - : There was quite large frost here last Tuesday and Wednesday morning?, damaging We fruit consid erably we are afraid. i s Through an oversight the nam of Mr. Jhn S.. Cunningham was emitted from .the list cf delegates to the Democritic State Convention. Mr. Cha,s. II. Clayton has been -appointed United States S'orekeeptr and Gnager and has been assigned to thedistillery of Mr. James Burnett, near this place. Sheriff Fully, accompanied by Mr. Buckley IPalker, left here Jasf Monday morning for Raleijjb, where ihey go to carry Isaao Baily and Os 1 moud Lawson to tne i-emuuuaxy. On last Monclxj Messrs, "Gabe' Bailey and Philip Brooks brought liere one Jim T7lker a blacksmith, and nlactd him in jail, charged with the, Rt orft or J. J. Brooks & uisut. , ; . cV -V TiVssville. and stealin.2 ab -ut $15 in good 8 and abnnt $10 in cash 31 entered ihe store by way of a .window. Ono day last week as Mr. J. S. ' Tvobertson and Ins brother, Eddie was leaving town: near th? residence of lUr. (LG. Mitchells, thrir horse took -flight ft some wagons and ran awa) throwing them both out of tbe bnggr JMdje.was very badly, ..hurt, bin "Tobe" escaped with a few slight injums. , . Last Saturday morning as Dep nty Sheriff Pully and Frank Day ivas taking Osmond Lawson from Ibe jil, he (Lawson) breke and run while, Mr-'Pully was locking the jail door. lie was soon caught, however, and carried before the Judge who gave him five years in. the Pen'. Uv had been convicted of larceny- Last Week lwe were glad to see in our town that whole-souled Person -county boy, John U.7Iliit, now. of Sou b Boston.: Also wfr; glad to meet and form the- acquaintance oi the following polite and affable gentle men of that town; J. ;K. Atkinson. V. M.'Carter, J; SMoC and S. II. Smith. Come over" again gentla men, and,come of ten, ' A man was tme last week trav eling through thr country en r foot, claiming to be from diffarent places (as be informed different persons,) and prbfesslng to be a lawyer; and , by the . name of Lamont; As it .-. is generally a xule with us when liver a new lawyer come a Jong w lej'c his lalenti therefore, on Saturday morning a sharti rial was arranged, (simply' because oar people - did nN like his appearanee, not that we treat, all new lawyers 85) and the case was c died before-.h'.r Honor -Dniel f. A ndrewT, -Eq, 7 one; ot: the' parties1 .employing iLamoit,:.thether . o'ui ' Kiiial fn-nd, Mr.L. M. Warlick, of Milli. In the jjommencemen t of 'he tKal ilmpnt was -emart- enough to smejl the mouse and immediately withdrew fconrthe'.case timid ' a . roar oUaughter. .lie was ordered by - his Honor to leava town which be didju a very short lime. ' f-J Woa lh Knowing. . ' -Mr. W.H. "Morsan, merchant. Tke Gty F)a., waa taken with a severe cold, attended with a distressing ; cough aiid running into congumption ih- its firE stages. '. lie tried many so-called popular coijgh .remedied and steadily grew" worse. Was-ceduced inilesh, had difficulty in breathing and was anable to sleep. Finally tried Dr. king's - New - Discoveryfor Consumption and ..found 'im mediate reliefn and after using about y-a half dozen bottles found himself well and has had no return f tho diseased. Nojotherremedv Aow go grafid a record of cures as Drj iCing'g New Di8covery",fjr consumpii(Hi inarateed to do just what is claimed for at -Trial hjitljrc at all Drug stores. The fueeral of Mrs. Greon .at terfiold will he'prcached Antioch inhurchn th-s 2-id Sunday -ia June,' by Rev. A.beatn. - " - " ,;v'- l , ' " Lverv teacher in Person county is requested to attend the Teacher's Couneil to be held' a6 Be-thel Ilill next i'rldaV and Saturday 'Be sure aud attend . v.. r, ' ryi- , '"ift's 'l:,'-':-'f.-i'.j "J - ''iT'v??' " The AllensvUle nday jSchool is to have a pic 'nic at vllager's' moun tain onjYhit Monday, second Holi day Kevg, J, ,'B. iUnderwoodl and M . H, Hoyle will be present aid ad dress the people. T,'' . i We regret, to learn that - Mr. Andy. .TVbcMis, who HvfS;-on" Hyco, bad tb misfortune to have his gran ery aud '."f ted : stables burned one night last Week, be lost140 .barrel of corn. .Tho burning -is supposed to be the work of and-iucendiary. - Use Pine Island Tobacoo Gnan--is the most uniform-as y a? one of the' -highest grade, goods 6old. li ice $:J0,00 per tn.For sale by A. 11. FoushVe, Uoxbor9,li. B.i3ass, Ounnipghara a sjore', l7.Yalkei iMilionWJ, Pulliam ,-. Las bn rg, W. E; KiKhniond, lJuidt-t'a7 MillA- G' Cox & Co.; Durham, 'Mebane' &n Ro8emond, Hillsboro, Wh te' Bro.. Mebane. ; ' . 412 Bucklea's Arnica Salve. x J". The Best S ive in the world for Cuts, Bruges. Sores, Ulcers, Sa't Rhtunij Fr vr S res, Tetter, - Chapped U. nds, (Jhilbl'ins, C rn and all Skin Erup4 tions. o p itively cures Itm, r uo p y rquln J, It is u irant ed to eiv. o'erfeci H:iii;facuou, or nion-y ielunied Price 25 eents per box. - For sale by all druggUts. T The til al of Isaac Bailey for murder, the particulars of which most of our readers are familiar, reached j coiiclusion last Saturday morning. --The jury rettirned a ver diet of manslaughter, and the Ju lge place i upon him a sentence of 20 yearain the State prison, the ful limtt of the law. Isaac Bailer owts much to Messrs. J. T iStrayhoni nd L. M. Warlick for their zeal in his behalf. We hav "heard the speech of Mr. Strayhorn highly com plimented. , . .5. We were glad to see Mr Frank S. Woodson, of the D;nviile Register iu our town last. weak. lie said be L-tt'as yery favorably impressed with our people. This was his first visit to our c-uuty, and it was our 6rst H 4cquaintance w:th him; ne seems 10 be a model gen-tlemm in every seofte of the word, affibie, genial and iutel Iigent. He edits an excellent paper nnd we hope to Be him down this way ofatn, and that-be maylobtalu many subscribers in this county. . - ' Ib CoMUBiptton Incurable? - -f ' Eead the following: Mr. C. 1.-Morris, Newark, Ark., says: "Was down with Ab scess of the Lungs, and friends and? physi cians pronounced me an incurt ble con-unipt- ive." began taking Dr. King's liew Dis covery for Consunij tion, .am , now on my third bottle, and am able to overseer the work on my farm. It is the finest- medicine ever made. . ' ' Jesse Middlewart, Decatur, Obiu, says1 "Had it not been for Dri King's New Dis covery ar consumption I would have . died of Lung troubles. TV as given np by doctors. Am now in best of health." Try it. Sample bottles fret at all drug stores. Deputy Sheriff Pully and Col. Day Let the prisoner get away. Pully ran after the negro very fast -But Col. Day caught him at last. Pully run 'round and 'round, " And tho negro fell to the ground, fie jump--d up and started asvin - , - But Day seized him, causing him pain. Pully and Day some anger was showing And the negro prisoner was blowing.' - - Everybody was'running, 'twas a nice race; , The negro was brought to his lodging place. . On Monday, last, at thebreak of day - -PuHy and Walker carried the negro away, And as they passed through the town - The negro that run was securely bound. . Sheriff Pully andBuck Walker, ' ' - Neither is not much of a talker, But they held the negro Jast, ; ' . v ; Lauding him in the pen'.at last.'-:? - TestimotyuiL of If on. :Thos. PaulkyOf Jierrien County. ' WOULD NOT TAKE $1,000 FOR IT RE , JA EYED OF FIFTEEN YSARs SUFFKBING ; FROM DYSPEPSIA.- ''V ' ' AiAPAHA,-iiVJune;;'1887.'B.-B-B.-Campuny, Atlanta;.QA.Gentl(nneu;; I bad saffereiffrom ihat terrible dis ease. Dispepsia. tor over fiftten years, and during that time, tried everything I could hear of, and spent "over thiee hundred -dollars in'doctorbills; with outreciviug;, the Ullgbtestbeijefit Indeed, I continued t -grow -worse. Finally after Jde-p iired:of obtaining relit f a, friend recommended ;B, B. 15 (Botanic Blood Balm,) and t began use jug i j not, however, rxpectiog, to he bentfl ed. After useiDg halt a bottle Ivas satisfied that I was being Vent-- fiited, atd vdienithe; sixth ibottle ..was taken Lftlt fifre a nevman; -I would not take 81,000 'for the good it has done mi: in fact tVrcii:f I derived rfrorjFt ir. la Tric,els: " I firmly . bdieve that 1 L would have died had I not takn it.; r . . . y '.ll.sp otruiiy, etQ,. ' ; - Thomas .Pauuc, ' C1l on Dun hfe. Clayton ,foryonr hps for they have a nice lot of Ahem-'--" -1 - ' - . . ' i This season I used Pine' Island Guano by the side of thrre oter brands costing more money. "The Pine Island did as well a&anv of thrra. ' I .ill ute more of it next year than ever before. -My tobacco grew large and cured welU I can heartily recomend it as one of the best Guanos I ever used. ; -. - - ; "Baicst Waeben.:-: Corbett, N. C., 0.a. 17, 1887. : -.r - -. - - J Messes, Ediioks: tl'hinkiug pos sibly sm a of . your . many readers might be glad- to ; hear -from Hollo way VI will dropNou h Y.nn; The State of Holloway's : is. the: garden spot of the world."- " vj - . v Miss Lula Ilaskins is conducting a very; Hon railing school ,here.- Miss Lula is a great favorite with us. flid is thoroughly vaccbfnplished v and "We predict tor her a bright future and fife of mach usefulness, r , " ' Hon. John F. Woody, our popular Repref entative," spent last Friday in our neighborhood shaking hands with bismany friends. -'John", has a host of friends here' and we are al ways j?lad. to 66 htm. . Come again 'jCousin John,' 4 . ' ; Mr. II, N. Featherstone, of Ooncorh, is with us. tie is in the Jievenup service, as ; Btore-keeper and rgnag: find is assigned to duty at Mr. J. B. Neat'cdhilUerr.- "-Bob" fa a whole sonled fellow, and will ,nV- doubt oiake many friends among ut ; ' 1 r -The farmers here ate- btisv' plowi iug and prpparinsr their corv and to bxeco. ground, and the "Gee,! Who,! Haw,l and Come ur there',1!'' is heard in tre laud. - - . - -Pne spring chickens.-dncks and gjslings are here in abundano and .he good house-ife and .the' young ter are bapnv. - Mr. James Holloway, onr efficient Post Master, is a model P. M., the best jn the world everybody aays. , Mr. G. D . Nal wears a - broad smile. It is'said to excel that worn ov John Griffith, tho Colored Janitor, who accompanied Messrs. Cross and Whi-e t Canada, when" he Het foot on Jialcgh soil on his return, -It is a I'ouncmg boy. "G be" is o.e of our most enterpneing and industri ous farmers and hard to heat on t!-& vellow leaf.. " v dlr; VV, R Neal is a caudidate for Uargisi t"'r ' of Ddds. "Buck" "is a gond ft-ll'Wiand one of "the boy?, $ or know, and will be hard, to bandit when he goea o'u - the "stand" and don't tqu forget it. He too is a manipulat r of 4h yellow weed: Jeiiee D. Walker. Esq., is said to be a candidate tor the Hc.use ot Kep reeentatii?. Can the people do be te? Can't they go' further and do worsen MJncle Jesse's" name is a household word whsrever he is knovn (and he-is known nearly every wherei; 4ifl is a man whom no' obstacle can daunt and no mistortnb'ejilfscourage. If the girls could vote "Uncle JesV' wonl lba elected certain. , All -the grls 1 would Tote for him- I . am sure, and, then the boys. would hare to ' Mr. Thoma8 P. Dayh, at th mill is happy, (h "Knotty-heads' and "Cats" arc on the run, and the dis tiller wants meal. - II always greets his cQVomers with a broad smile, a warm shake and - a kind ' word.V but always has one eye iu the ; mam chancend never forgets the t. 11. Messrs. Scott & Smith, our- cuitT', prihing merchants, are doing a thrif ty business. Tm two Bob's' are clwer, gsBial .fellows and . mil no HdoubtbuUd up a large trade, ererr Jiony iiKes tnem botn. ; . Last but not least, Mr. W, T. Stokes is alwayr up and iFoing.' "Bose' fs unver satisfied unless he is ahead. Eternal perseverance is the p-ice of independence, is his rriotto, and the weed i urns to gold under his skilled tonnh. " T?n aw I' HoUowuys, N. (7., April 16ft. - CONSUMPTION SUEeZyCUBKD. ; ' To the Editor Please inform your reade thut 1 fiaye a pW.itive remed tor he above namtd disease.: By il' timely use thousands oi hopeless 0-tse have been permanently tur d. I sbal" be gld to 8-n6l two (Kittles. of my rem t dy'FREJS to any one of your reader who have consumption if they wj. s?nd me their express and post ffiV addrfus. Rspecifuilv, T. A. SLOCUM M. C. 181 Peat I st. New Fork 1127 6nt T use l Pine Island Guano on tobacco at the rate of 100 lbs, 1,000 hills. I also used several other standard brands, coating more money. The Pine Island did as well as any of them. One of my neighbors also used Pine I-land onvery por soiL It grew tne tobacco of good size and it cured well. '.From what I have seen of the Pme Lvand I think it a good Guarro. - ' . Db. J, R. Hesteb ' Prospect Hill, N, C, Oct, 25, 1887. - . k S. J. BARNETT & CO.; C, G. MITCHELL'S OLD STAND ROXBORO, N. C We haust received a fulfand comp'ete line of pur, fresh and, reliable. -';drugsand such will be krpton huud at art tiaies. ; "; - ' y , Fancy and Toilet -3.rtiolesv -&t-r, ifcc, foyether with" al lull line of the best brands bTChewinfc and Smoking -TOBACCO, ; S&uii. Cijjf-e .Cigarettes. A raiiine- 0f!Farii;7 Statioaery- Partkuiar attention paid tfllling PRESCRIPTIONS, at. all t-mes,;. ; ' Stonewall -Burnett having returned "to Jus old home .wis ue. in -chargnof rhednvg store, paying 'the strictest "attei.tiorv ihecom iioundinK of.prtscriptios at M hars, and returns; thnnVs tQhis old , - oiiuuM.go..F.""-- -v .1.. c triends and crrs'-omerB iin -vi'4i wvpuui v"--;-tt . also respecj fully solfcits a cominuance of the same. . - . - ?, - - - - ' r '. -- u ' - - ' - ' fv V ; i v: ; RESPECTFULLY YOURS, . j. Notable Name ia literature. Nt'iit Me names m the u-inth volume; nf AMeus Cyclopedia on Universal Literature, wh'ch orjtns with" Geibt J and closes with Guernsey, are Gibbon, Green and; Grote; histotians ,(what other letter in the: Hlpjiainst ,cau" show tlirte.- strong?);, " Gladstone, Grnt and Grely m t eminent as statesman; soldier id journalist, but of high rank also in the literary vrotlH Arcbibaidancl James Geikie, 6cienti-tSir Wl II, Gibson; 1 artist and author ; j vrrri uiui, , Mot;. rif, r- ijtoiusmun ; and Gray,- -pofts;s - Canuitighain - Geikie, prominent -iy Chnstiau littrature; Gogol, Bussian": novelist ;.3ndk a tmnlt host of ct-tber authors" of 1 aiev '"i note, perhaps, but -not n r-f -rriiy of ' less Fiular; interest forinstancp there" is tho; immortl author of s Pinafore," ind-vPciter PWrley,'' and Grtmm, the wonderful awonder-etory t taller. ' In act; this Volume ix is but further dem onstrative evidence that Aiilrn'aC'.cluM pedia of -UuiversMl . Literature is ' nDt my one of the most intereatinsj S'-rws 9t volumes ever'publisued,'tut as tn ducalinpr'and elevating influence tr a homi library, its value is beyond e8tiiunte; m. dollars and c ts-V And such handsome volumes as they ? are 't a price so marvellously low!- 50 entg lor cloth, 60 cents for hlf Moroc co, witt 9 cents extra lor postage. A pnvikgeof returfiiQgV if .-not wanted. The publisher sends free to any appli ) iirnucu irwiumv may dh or'icrea wicu Willi . canl an 84 pagecitklorueof bis pubii-, c itioua ; Joeit B; Aldkn.. Pubiisbf r. 393 Pearl Street New York - SJ8 Clark StrceChiCiigo. - - SIARBIED, -Qa Wednesday the J8:h. iust.. at .3 o'clck ' an .! 20 minutes'"atter, in h aftenooC h G-raiiville county;; Mr! Graveri.-SUotwell officiating, at the resi'tence of the bn - father, Mr." John AlwehdiMr. p. T. Divis to Miss An nie Mitchell. 7rtie following were the ai tendinis : Mits E?ima Davis and J, VV. B .Glenn. Miss Lizzie Mangum and J, A. Shot well, sJits Roxie Burch and Durel Mingtni), Mtt?syMoliie BoA-lin and Wesley Mangum, Misa Ktie Brown and R. A. BurclC " - . , Muy "Finch" as he ia familiarly known, and his loyefy bride havw tl.e richest blessings this life can afford entwined around them while Chre on rarth, nnd thaj of; a ssreetor life in Heaven when they pasa the Autumnal Iiarve8b of death. , - : . . DIKO Near ,nurd!e's- 3Iill in .this county, on Tue-wlny morninsr. Anril 24th of Typhoid Pneumonia, Mr Jos.J iioy; Hgd 22 years; Mr. Loy ;was in R'Xboro.on Tuesday of court week and w s taken wit h a chill and uied in ju-t one week from the .day he wis t-kken. He was a ronRistent member of thr Methodist j Church and leaves a ho t of inandsand n.'lative . to mourn his tlea'th. . The . funeral 1 services -were conducted lj: -Rev. M. : H Ha e. To tho bereaved parents the COUEIEB" ex-t'-nds its fvmpathy. . " BUSINESS LOCALS. A 11 ice line of neck ..ware at Burch & Clnyto&'s, ' " ' ' ;- S'J. Barnett & Co is selling drugs at K. K.. prices. , i r . You will -.find prices on all goods very low at Burch & Clay ton's. - LYoo Twill: save money if you .buy your goods of Burch & Clayton. Hardware ti and crockery ware at bottom prices at A. R. Foushee's. " S. J.. Borcett & Co's.. drug store is te place to get your fancy stationery ' &S at yeiy low prices. Bftst groceries for family" use at .urcb & Clayton's.- " - . - . - ' Gents clotbing, 'piece goods and fur- "lisbing gds at A. PwFoushec'a, 1 ' ' . Lrgest ick of dred goods, gwjsrhams nd calicoes at low prices at A. li. Fou-hfce',s:' ' " - 1 : , ? Chip. Barrett will be e'ad o waif on his old friends at S. J.- Bamett's drug store. . , - , . " Great variety ?"ofr shoes and hate at prices tba t can't ue beat at A. k, jj ou- shee s. - - Large stock , of Spring & Summer goods, just received:; and very cheap at A R JjushceV.,jr '. J Call on" StOnewall "Barnett for fresh dr gs, at S. J Barnett & Co's., Mitch ell's old. sUndr, ' ' 4- 4t LAMPS,. LANTERNS, - Ghimney and Lamp Goods -ol all kin"d,- ' ; , WINDOW, GLASS,, "Labricalins-and Burning - .OILS. ;. ,V'' . " " o.wl.ri to him. and S. J. Barnett & :Co FIRST; IlATIOIliU BAllSa QFjDURnALT! CILIRTEHED JOY. Otbj 1887. CAPITAL $100,C00. : OFFICERS:' " J. S. CATtR, O. S, BJiYAN -J .''Preadent nt. J iVice-':v,atd - ' - - - . . t. s. c- CARR. : 1 - V, 1 I T7 r B I (J O rO(f 1 m n i4i u uEB J S. Cirr, E. JParrish, OW. Watts, Stokes, G. C. Farthfng. MA. Angier, T. J. H, bomhgate, T. B. Fuller, -J, Ed.. Lyon, C. 9: , Bryan; W. W.t,-Fuller, J."'VV.-Wnlker.'-J. B.' Cobb,-W. J. Exura,! Eugeae . Morehead, .Durhaoi; Pul C. Cameron. Park,. Jas A. Chkr HilLWoto; J. A. Bryan, New Berne J Ai-'Lone:. Bozb'orof Jno. S.- Cuunnghauaf CuoningluinV Stofe; Lawrence Holt, Burlington; Ash1ey Horne, Clay ton. n ' : y- - : I J A GMMAL B AIVR1XG BUSnElSS TRAiVSACTED. I ? ; Accounts of Banks, Bankers, Corporations' and Indiviiuals received on 'fa" vor hie Terms. . - - m', - - - 'CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT, bearing per wnL iaterest, , issued u'pen mony to .remain on deposit vfith the FiiT Natioxai. Bans 5 or lmoaths COLLEC TIONS ra'ide direct on all accessible rpoiuts in the "liittd Statea,nd remitted 'for promptly at lowest rates. , - t t k TTr,iTTT t . i x . 7 P ne ousiress-ot uurrcponacnts. . THIS B1NK,1 being lecwntlf organizid, is ia condition to. do-all-classes of Banking Business npn as favoi able terms BANKINQ SECURITY,- The United Statement of tbe'XiABjUTncs. and Assets of all National Bnks shalb be mafle and sworn to by at teat three, of flia Directors every few weeks, and besid hU- Bank Examiners are sent out at the pleasnre.of the Government, -whosa duty it is made to thoroughly exarbina into tional Bicks aff'rd a larger measure system. . " - CHARACTER ANU CAPITAL The Stockholders of the First National Bank holder is, under the Nation til Bank law, responsible' for double the "amount of hw Stock. No Bnk has more character or credit; or better facilities' thau : the Fust National. ' -1' We want a sharo of jtvar bastness. W solicit satisfaction la all business What I wish to say is that I am now itoel ol GiBrallEHC Of which I am proud; My object is Good Quality , Pretty Styles and o o T keep no trash but give every one . WORTH. OF?HIS MONEY. t . - , t , - - ' - . - - A , - , . ' . . . ... -f.jj . .. .. - -. . i. . . .J..., . .v.r..-:... -. . . One of my if ecialtis is ' " . V Ladies Dress Goods .and TRIMMINGS, MY. STOCK OF ' ; v. ' '.JV - - A - " , ' s - ,.- -'" .. . ' : Embroidered Dress Goods ; is inlmense, both in White and Color." ' -: r ; , Oriental & Egyptiaii Laces & Flouncings, : AlLWool Henrietta ClothsSittineay Domestic andlmported Ginghams, - T Lawns and While Goods in amost 'enaless variety, .aie amoDg ray- ee Kctions for the ladies "My - - ,t w " " j, ;; - ,V ' .- ; Milliiiery & DressJ Making Department ' is io'chHTge of MRS- OELL and MISSES LUCY & MAGGIE BAR, ; 1 ' NBT"rtjladieat)f taste an t . refinemjrntvwlta plenty io-eergy; lodamv ' bition to succeed and plaase.' courteous and obliging to all and a' ' Splendid Stock' of Goo ls. : .T am cure no one will regret having;calied on them for ggods-q Prk "-in their ImeJ - 4 4 1 ..T wiVsnjp ' Have the Young Men Been Proy lded For? HA I -H A l I Yes Iodeed.'i In vf act every One from the in fant'to the old ; and defcreped." "No ehnce to mention one aricle in a hundred. At one bold strike of the pen I will say a little .of -everything thatyou my ex . - pect t- find ia a4 ,y : ' ': 1 " ; .. ; , and much more 'besides,' and .at aatonishing'LOW PRICES,:, - - - : ' .r . -v s ; Come and give the : Boys and GiflsVa j Slio wing Is All We Ask But Dont ALL COME AT ONCE " . -- AprTl. 10th; 1838J, I ' ''I S ' ' ' v ; "S ! - ; WILLIAM ; furniture and , mattress; ijanufacturer -, 143(5 and 1438 Miu St. 25 Governor S, (Governor and Franklin' Sg j V LEO. D HEART.T CHAS. A JORDAN, " , t - -" - -- --....! i ' S " : Cashier. . Teller alobt, i J. wv walkeb; i jas, a. bbtax, i j -it .... . I . .t r-...,n... 1 . . . . BSYAX. . s. G. S. Watts.' J. T.; Mallory, A.,H: Jones, H.'N. Snow,- A. E. Xloyd, : : - . as any-othr Bank xq thetate.- s States Government requires that aJtUl the condition 6f the Bank, hence Na f -protection, than any -otherBanking -.. - , - - - character of the Officers;Directors and is the vry highest; aea Sockc . jour patroaape. -We r laraatee entire Intrusted to our care. - ?- receiving a in sell goods of ; 5 .-. the ." -T. ' ., ' ... j - ,.- .1 DAFFRON, : HAKE , 1 lve ?st "Wived a large and lull line of - SPRING GOODS. Pnch an'assortment ae is rarely found la"; f.r . ...-.-,...'.. ... ... t . A; Country Store VJ ' .LeoBSiBUn.of . - GEOCERIFS, - s ; ; (f DRY. GOODS, ' " . r V' : , ; :- KOTIJNS ' . snoss, : . .. V"' .,TIN-and " ' . -."i"' ;', ' - EATIIEItNWABE,,. " READY.MADE-CLOTJJIJtG,' - rtt'HATS- 't X - ' 'S HARDIFABE,;' ; . drugs, : ;v - -J, - ; y ( MEDICINfl, - ' . :- '- - , N ' TOBACCO, ClffARS, S.XUFF &c. , " " 1 'AH of -which I propose to sell al . , V Rock Bottom Jrlces Tor Cash. ' Jnst ive ma a call before making 'year "pur- ; chases and I will'! guarantee that you -wriU be satifled hat that yoa have foaad the place to buv " ' ' ' MiUCreefc, To Mj Friends of Person. - i , , ... ' x 1 ' ' : Having again connected myself with ' rThe StarWareHouse; - Noblin , ITntsoa 4 1 Levelace, "proprietors at south Boston, 1 lake this opportunity of inform- mg ym of :,;s v. .-(.-.: ......... . .7 , .-'v. -. THE FACT, and while I solicit a liebral patroqag-e from the PERSON FARMERS I would not forget'to thank you foryourliferal patronage :xtendedto the past three' y ears and I must say for mySaif that I have al- 'FOR YOUR INTEREST. ' -' and wita- more experience do feel that I can serve you to some advantage ; . So hopino- to s youoonat- ...... . . - womm - . The Star, - t ' ; " -,,' - " I am yours most truly, ',' each ?28m, . G. E." WOODY, standard; brand fer tilizers; ; ZELLS, 7 - - ; "..'"' V" OBERS,.;: f i STAE BRAND, -" ' - . , ; plow brand; FARMERS FRIEND, , - BRITISH MIXTURE, " " and DURHAM BULL: ' J Keep This Season All -The kbove ' BRAlfflS OF EERuTJMS' , x v- -j-, :' - Which Will Be Sold As Cheap As Any One Can Afford To Sell Them .'' - We all want goods ' 1 : As -Possible, Then Let Us Go To . BUECH& CLAYTON'S where" we' will, find J. : lV. ' DRY GOODS, n ;'!... v.- ..' OO o o ( NOTIONS, : BOOTS, SHOES, --'"HATS,'. , V . ' ' HARD WARE, ; - j - ';' - . and . . " roeeriGS. o.oo We expect to sell vou eoods as chean - as yon can buy them, on the Railroad , ' . ,jr - - r uome and - . ' - v im.usAm ' AndBef. ' 'v T j; 1 CON VmOED. r . .Stf ictly-For ' Cash. and wc will SEND YDTJ HOME HAPPY. ''"'''Very'iJespecifulIy -r BURCH& CLAYTON. Qeo. D. Tbaxton. . A. Judsoa Watkinsk " THAXTQN & WATEIN3, r r ' " -JOBBERS ' " NOTIONS, WHITE SOODS, ' f A.KT GOODS, OVEEALLS, - r LADIES' DRESS GOODS. AC.,.. -14 S. Fonrteentb St.,' -. Bichmoad, Va. Notice of Trespass.. . AllBcrsonsar.1ierebT JforDidden- to tresncsa ion onr lands which are bounded as follows: J, M. Cates' widtr; N. T. Hamlin.' Jas M.; Bla- tiee will be punieUed to the lull extent of the law, - ' - x - , t - ' .' 6. H.CATKF, . - ' . , ; r 'A-' r '-'ii": , J'CL CATES. v JUbtice. By virtue of a morfajw eKriited to g. W, waitins byZ; M.- P Dovmy and tain wife Snsan . K. Dovtot, and recorded iu book Z ps?cg fil7 a SIS, I -win sell sell at public outcry tor cash at. the ourt bouse door in Rxliowon the 2tfth dnr of M-y WS8, nn tmnivdecl one tbirrt interest in a certain rrar.i oi jana niuatea in fernon comi ty on lhvaters of Ta river, containing 19 acres, and twunded as follows Woori?on.LToa on the South', T, L.. Harjn-nve on the West, R. D. K.Tdteron tbe Kortb, and othfrs. This tli2Srcl daT of A pril, 1888. -; - JA ME3 ELLIOT, Per Lan0ford,Attv.' r : ;-.