t: rt - -...1 THE COURIER pi Wished m ihii centre ot a Une tobacco growing section, making it oafirl best .advertising mediums for niercKimts and V.arehoubeii e , in the adjoining counties Circulated largely in Person, Granville and Purhaui counties in North Carolina, and ; 2:difaxcounty Virginia. JOB WORK I all desoription neatly exeenUid on. sliort notice and at reasonable prices. 'When in' , .need of work give the Courier a trial.1???'"'1 Per son Go1 Gpurierj P-u Wished .Jfoexf -QwrJiQw '. ; t: HACKNEY. N0ELL; 1 W Ally -LLVU JJL 11 h 11 iU; a New Drug Store. " ICE COLD iS??L& NOELL Editors ami Proprietors. HOME FIBST: ABROAD NEXT. t!f. il i'itX-ii-'U 1 VOL. 5. $1.50 Per Tear in Advance; ROSBORQ, NORTH OALTM TttURSIJAT, NOVEMB1III lf 0J$lBfe: 104 70 Republicans and the . Internal lie venue- SODA W ATE a AITD 3r" iianoC MIOD FOUSD ALWAYS Q j.DkofiisCo.; Druggists Next;loor to J. A. Long's, where you will llnc a line lot 1 1 JUlU. DRUGS, f PAINTS, ' BOOKS, STATIONEKY, TOliACCO, AT TIIE MEDICINES, OILS " CIGARS, &C., HAIL ROAD PRICES. riIYSICIA"SS PIJKSCIUPTIOXS a SPEC IALTY ud at SPECIAL LOV7 nilCES. Callaud sec. Try us. J. B. MORHiS & GO., Druggists. KOXBOHO, N. c. "PROFESSOINAL pArDS S T. Stray horn . Uoxboro, K. 0. TUAYIIOBN & WARLICK, L. M. Warlick. Mi'.ion, C ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Practice in all the courts of the State ana in tin' K-sieral ctivts. .Manage meat of estates "sSl-ufsatteirUi.a given to cases in Person and C.iweii I'orinaes. ITcTsTruawiek. 11. V. Poone STRUDWICK & EOOKE, VRACTICE3 IN DUBHAM, OT.ASoE AND VEKSOS COUS I IK-'. ".V . Giiiliam. Y. Yw'.i-.lon. fi AilAil & witsto:x, ATTORNEYS iT L.VW, Oxford, K. C. Pvactifes in 'ipil bypocrisyof North fgaroKoa heals and their misrepresentations 1 on, th'e subject of ihe Tutvern;il Ileve tiue surpassed the past record. of that party, and nottd for its hypocrisy and Misrepresentation.' Let us state a few well known truths us a pre Tace. Frsi. 'sTiie IJadical party ouacted the.uternal Revenue Bystem. Wliea the time came when it wns necessary .10 decrease '.lie revenue of the gov -;rtQ(K:t thes iepeijod the tax qu iucomesr!l-y ho ifeJthy, end the tux on bank checks used only by men who are m business; No bur ien was taken off the fanner who converted a few apples or a little brandy. lie deserved no consider ation. Second. Daring all the time the Republican party was- in power we iievu heard .any propositions emana ting from them to repeal the Intcr ual Revenue system. From th-:-aiat the Democrats denounced the sjstem and demanded its abolition or an amcl. oration of ate lnirJhhips. Tile " North Carolina Dnvcrats pledged themsolves to use their best endeavors to tecure a repeal of the law. 'i iiiid. In the Nort'-, and in every SLiite txcei.'t North Carolina an! Virginia and part of Ueorgia, the people of all panics are opposed to a repeal of the system . The Kepubli- cui p;rtv in its Nultonal platform J;u say ihiit when it r.ud piovioea coast defences, pensioned all the soid.i'jrs, and effected half a dozen other schemes that would require hundreds of millions of dollars, then, rather than give up Ihe Protective sys tem they would favor a repeal of tire nterrnd Revenue system. la hi.? letter of acceptance,' referring to this consuming less than So-bushelg, pe, dy, to operate free from all restrW tions except the"paymnt of the 'tax which shall be assessed: oa tbe; capac ity of their distilleries. . " The substitute refuses to allovr-jhis on the ground that it opens the door to fraud. Between the lines, it m not mteuded for the beuefit of manufac turers. Section 37 of the House bid provide thit fruit brandy may be placed in warehouses, and the tax paid thereon when taken, out for re moval just the sine , as other, tp tits IFhy not? But the substitute says no the farmar who distiiU bis fiuit shall pay tho tx as the brancty cotnsd from the -worm. The professional; di&iilU era alone hall hayo the privileges of a Government warehouse Section 38 of Honse bill provides thtt' when the distillery apparatus of a smail di tiller is seized for any violation of law it shall not be destroyed, btft shall be sold os provided by existing b.w, Tho substitute s;iys No! The properly shall be destroyed whenever seized, though theie my have been no legal adjudication' of the guilt of the owner. S.ctiou 30 of ILiuse bill provides that whenever it t-hall be made to .p pear to the satisfaction of the judge having jurisdiction tluit the health or life ff any person confined in pris on lor any otfense a:iut these Kws is endangered by 'such close confine ment, the ju.lge nitty release himupDn b.-.ii or uutko any D:der ne :es'jary tor hs eoiniort ami well being. Tap substitute sriys No, let Inm suffer or die. In sections 20, 30, and 31 of Ilotr-e bill, it is humanely provided, rospeot- tve:y, t.iut the minimum &t puuish men'G j rovi'.ted by stature nor cff-aises Ilu'J- ..u n rnnvis c.i the S'.ate. ttl -i.v v - -, ;staie secuiu.. o. . inw;sUfcte tities. C. S. V INSTEAD. "J7T. TKiaiv. w TINSTSSAD & TEKRY, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Koxbwo, N. C. Prrmpf aStention (riven toa'.l lv-ifinMS entrust. , . ,Lr Have ant will rec eive woaey on LUNSi'OliD, . ATTORNEY AT LAW, Roxboro, N. C. 'leciaration on the t:ou;il C'onveutio, say?: par o: ti e Na- llarrison shal repeated, le iviue it tiie diacre Tii05. Rufhn. W Graham, GRAHAM & RUFF1N, . ! a Uw "VTillsboro. N C. Atxoi dj "v ' ' Practice in the conntiesof Alamnnce.Caswe m Guilford, Orange and 1 eison. M1 Tnvb J. S. Merrilt. EttraTT & KITCH1N, V. W. Ivitcaiu ATTORNEYS AT LAv. P.o.vboro, X. C. to the collection of rruiupt attention given 1! arc not JllcJj to he called upon. I think, to make the present Choice), between t earreudcr system and an entire re; ea! of the Internal Revenue system. Fiuh c. contingency, in view of the p-reecn: relation of expenditures to revenue, IS REMOTE." Fourth. In the present Congress the Democrats incorporated iu the Mills bill provision-; re hieing the tax and ameliorating the hardships of its collections. Ths Chronicle I:aa al ready pub! .shed those piovismns That bill passed the House over the sition of the Repub!ic.:ns. iiie lion f the jii'lge who acq u.iata hitii--elf with all the circumstance to say what punishment shall be inflicted, that no v,arr ifits of arrest &hdl be is pned npon tfilitUvit of cfcaiges up m mere in!ormati"n and belief except by the regular orlljers of the law, kcU iuriher provi io ttat no fees sh tl! ba p ml except where the defonder.t is con victcd "r the pr .soeutioii shall liave i):m i.pproveo' by the di-rtiivJt attorney oi the taiud States. And further. tnat all warriuns of an est for offense aitiat the Ui.ittvi s'atts laws shall be r ...-.i- - ; t-K!' "''""or tamable bri:oro c..i: i.trlio.i A nfficer oppOS ' 9. They oppose the mvision tnr hHding the destiuctioiifstdls of less than 150 guidons capacUjf, &c. , us set f Jrth in EQctioD 33. ' 10. They oppose the iprovision re pealing aR laws imposing special taxes upon manufacturers of stills, retail dealers in liquors, 5ce,; as set forth in section 40, Staie Chronicle, -- I o Something Remarkable in Politics. Please -mark th.s. From 1868 J;o 1888 twenty years nearly every leader in the Republican, party has had something to say m favor of tux reduction and Tariff reform a more liberal system of taxation through the Custom Houses. He have be fo.-c us oj)inions of this kied from Blaine, Tig iron Kelly, Iuga'.ls, Hugh McCulloch, Secretary of the Treasury, President Grant, McKin ey of Ohio, Warner Jfdler, Cepub iican candidate for Governor of New York, Senator Uawley. Kasson of Ii-.wa, 5euator Sherman, Senator H.de, of Maine, Blame's own State. President Authur, Gen. Benjamin Harrison, Senator alorrill, of Ver rnont, Senator Allison, V. W. Evarts, Senator Dawes, S-nator Trumbull; Senator Grimes, General Logan, Levi P. Morion (Money bags), Senator Plumb, Justice Mil ler, U. S . Supreme Court, Secretary Treasurer Folger, Hugh Cabot Lodge and John D, Long, Representatives from Jrassaehussetts, Represeatativo Ge-tr of Iowa, Representative Nelson of Minnesota, Representative Fitch of New York, Governor McGrill of Minnesota, Butchard- of Iliino-s. Emory A Storrs, udge Cooley, Kep restntatre Bntterworih, Represen tative Hay of lUinci-, lepresenta tive jlarshal. Then ihere are the Republican platforms of 1S08 auQ 1881, that are for equalization and reduction "of the Tariil, ti'.eu not v?o high as is now. 'c have also the oiiinicn of Vice-President Wil.-oo, o! MafSichuse'tts, the late abh-st l o pnhlicati Senator; Morton, ef Ini auua, the late Presidonc Garn. Id, and Representative Ka.-son in 18CG, ali kio'uing to Tariil reduction. Then we have the report of the Repullican Tariff Commission of 1882, which favored a decided reduction and equalization. It said that not less than a reduction of 20 per cent, average should be mido, and "it ie the opinion of the Commissior." that NEW I0M LETTER. New York Star Syndicate" Letter to "the COTJBIEK, : ; ., . , Araencw cny was a aigcovery yes- death In a miserable tenetoeht. Tho.i t were a 'Poh'sli i'toi"" 'tis sarall 6t children: ixlohe? 'of '(u'em'Had eaten anything forev'efaf 'Says, ye'i , toeir very existence was nnknowa to their " wretched fel t(m lodgers. " Betting on the result of tt elec tion is getting Very liykfjfjm "ax growt ' nearer. 'Every;' efemr the lobbies ot the aahiotiabje up-town hotels are crowded with well "dressep politicians and 'sporting characters. OdQs are slightly liTfUvor -of Cleve land, though many wagars are taken even. SJU.UUO was put up last uight in the Hoffman House lobbj inside of 30 minutes at odds of 9 to tipon Cleveland, In the Mtirry Hill Ho tell soap maker Higgms nourished a $10,000 roll and surprised 'everybody by offering to take it on Harrison's e'ec ion against $7,000. The words were hardly out tf his mouth when a gentleman who bad been sitting quietly by on a settee arose and -produced, the necessary money with which to back his Democratic opin ions. Mr. Higgin's crawled a little, offering to make the bet even. This, loo, was accepted, but the bubble man poeketed his little pile and slunk away, to th intense amuse ment of the bystanders. Ketting on the local ticket Hewitt has a slight call, though I saw" $33,000 put up even by Grant men in one of the hotels a couple- of evenings since The odds against the Republican candidata for Mayor are four to one with practically no takers. Frank E. Vaughajt. ;:o:g Some re.-iiisig sn the county of arrest, or if there be nune such in that county, then i'i the couuty nearest, the pi ee of ar rest. A: d J:'3'. ly it is provided by see tioa S3 (llou-e bill) thU tie Com mis siO.:wr oi lutomal hevenueand the Sec-, rotary of thi) Treasury may compro mise cai-es and reduce or remit any flues, nenalties. forfeitures, or assesx met.ts under internal ravenue laws, 'ts own proj osed 'Seductiou will Aii of which moderate and reasonable reach 25 per cent." That would have piovisions in bohalf of tb small d.s- !eit the Tariff at not more than 19 lh rs nd farmers r.f'tlie country, the ier cent m,j?,nty ladignnntiy i eject. Ihty art ju vjew 0f tje3G re0fds-in which r jr.. J T.iuni-Kw. pliACTICIN- PHYSICIAN. , - n U9"?ru 'r ,bvDr tuxes, from distilled spirits, as l!Stl make it easy fur thee disposed U K . Hi. I)J.U3li drag store "qTTbR AD S HE R twndoK to in rr CS iTne. lv rilinjr one6. D R. J. O. BBADSI1EU, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, p;OXBORO, N. C. Offers nis rROFKSSIOXAT. SERVICES to th PEOPLE t .xbo,o anfl -nrronnfllns coan. Fractieea ia all the nraniM.cn ... PcmoaHuTWwrseries. . POMONA, C Two andlaJlf miles 'west Greens. Wo N C. The main .line of the .IU & S" I.' R passes ibrougli the ground wawltbia JQO feeUf the office Sa lem traids ioWlKHlr etop3 twice iem utiiij ..-rpHyS-p interested in daily each way elapse. in.ui . uit and fruit 'ffirS i nurl invited to inspsct this M Vx ur eerv m tke 3tate atid one Of the larg JaKnthoSMith. Stock consists of APPLES, PEACH .-PSAR, CniiBRY. PLUMS, APAKESE PERJMMONb, APRICOTS, fPJWi. JJERRIE9. QUlKCll GHAPE. FIGS 'CHESTNUTS. mm - . R03EB, EVERG EBJiN 3, SHADE TREES,' All the new "and rare varieties i eU as the oM ones wlJi my ?logue tor. 1883 will fi- G I order to my aulhorizcd agent or orHe, direct from the rursery. Correspond ence solicited. Descriptive catulo5u. jfree to .applicants. - fm Address, J. Van. Mntlicy, POMONA, N. C. Relialle slesmon wanted in every Vwniuty A good paying commiion 4ft -ill bo givba. Resrubliciti Sen ;te Couituittee re vie.vinrr the nrovisions of the MdL- ' r- - a bill sata.- ''These sections ccrnstilvte such a modification of our present revenue fyslem, as respects the collection vf will to en gage in illicit disi'diimj to do so with Impunity, and your committee cannot , but regard Ijiesa proviseons as serious ly endangering ihe ejjicacy of our en tire system if luws which provide for the collection of jeienui Jix m d si. I d spirits. " Thus we see that the Republicans enacted the tho Internal Revenue law, h-avo never favored uny legisla tion looktng towards a reduction, or amelioration of its hardships, and now that the Democratic Zouse ha3 passed a bill providing to give the neomo reliei. ju ms recent eueecij in tbe Senate, Stnator Vance spo! e the proyisions of the Mills bill ai d contrasted the Democratic record with the. Republican record, lie said ; As to tbe provisions of the Hoast bill which were intended to mitigate iu some degree the harth hatures rf our intern il revenue laws, which a: so much complained ef by the small operators in disuil itioa in many parla of our country, the sreru regard of the ni'tj'-rity for the rights of the Treasury has proven incomtptible. Section 36 of the Hous6 bill This is the Democrat ie House bill. Ed provided that the Secretary . of the Treasury might permit every farmer to distill hi apples, peaches and grapes free from all tbe regulations and ex actions of the law except simply the navment of the tax. The substitute sys no, let him "comply with all the m mifold and expensive rod-tape of the .aw or let his fruit rot upon the ground which it mostty does to his loss aDd that of te (jovernmant- ihe same ec;in provides that the Secretary of t.ie Treasury and the Cummitsiorier o! lutftiial Revenue may in their discre tion permit'all email uistnlers of g;uiu too smail andhumb'.e to secure the at tention ul tho.;e iiitelkcti who have been so long Btrr.ijgiirjg to ''Secure the pruner relation between the rates imposed upon the numerous articles produced in our related and in ti rdeptudent mdustriej.'' nearly all of the Republican leaders . hae spoken for reform in kuatbu. is it not wonderful to see the attitude iof that party at Chicago and siuce the Congress met in December last violently fighting all attempts on il,., - e r i But as they had no time to give to p',c lkl Ul w a io cut uown the poor and the humble in the boW- , d:llr(ms smnliis (!1 ing'of this great problem in customs Treasury ? dutie, of course tliey had none !o be- n tho light of this statement th? stow ti pon the farmer who distils 100 following from the Boston Post will bushels of appln. or to consalt the i;e read undiirstandingly and with m mt'. i ( a' of i rty of ihe small fry who terest: re Bftected by internal revenue-laws. 5.Xh(J Albany Araus- Dem. some It is a pity; but let us hope there is dnys ago offered to pay the Albany still justice abroad in the land which I Journal-, Rep, its hihet advertising will some day be felt. rates ir ;c would print on its editorial To sum it all up, it will be seer. H bJ T, nu uieoBai,ci vjiaiti, oaiaein, AUL,iur i ri Am U' he r no n 1 1 1' ft 'llfl r. T.r. t h (, ti- - 1 1 1 i I i , public-tn Senate puts itself against past. 'The Jonrnal offered to print every rc-medul feature of the Mills the quotations it the Argus would bill in regard to the distillation of -4"ai space to quotations from i 'i lt k r i i:l iij ra rrn t'n infr irQ e .. j- .-j.w.w . v.,-.. ."i j.ivu f1'-1- idCiit Cleve and and his nnlmv. 'r hi, ihey oppose th? provision giving was accapted, But Journal wanted the Judce discretion in the matter, ef to .print ia the Araus the quotanorie punishmentj as Ret forth ia section 20.' that ha ve bei-n prov. d to.be forgeries; 2. They epposo tbe provision forbid- and after some delay caused by the ding warrant's to be issued unless by Juiirnal'a endeavor to authentica'e n-oval ol a collector or deDutv col- l otner quotations it desired to locior &e.. as set forth in section 33. ase 8()in& 1,ieoie extracts t.oin i ory papers appeared in the Argus, All i: c u tr.nck'nl ru" iuubuo.w vuo wiamvorr "t a p.ti in I m 1 crn tliuh f.-itroa u I i-.:id i 11 . Ma nnleftR thfiie t-a a flonviciton. as Ret r. , : & ' UTJO oan iifiwsrwnfir t.n imnnn. :!rmi frtn in section 60. . msnt, t.ru of t.ii,lfu0 iui i'FHttBW ouiiet to tue iHtorau-ces as its ereat rmg warrants to ue tnea inline coim: party leaders in the "past ty of arrestee., as set tonkin section -ne party organs have been afraid 31. 5. They oppose the provisions gif- iug t'ae Judges tbe power "to appoint and remove commissioners &c, as Set forth in section 32, 6. Tbej' oppose the provision g'.vurg the comnaissioner of Internal Revenue power to reduce and remit fines," cc. as set forth in section 33, 7. Tliey oppose the provision. reducing - - i ' of the utterances of their own chief i representatives. Wilmington Star. : Turn out the' Trusts. f There is one fact that should noi be lost eight of in the coming election. ... . . , i , and especially by the laboring man, and that is thai all Trus s and mo- p ndty froin 100 per cent, in case of I nopolies are controlled by the i:epub failure t i m -ike return. &c, tis se. means. By the cry of"nign proteo forth iu section Si- tion thev seek to delude the laborer 8 Tney oppose the provision exemp- into the belief that it w ill be to bis tin rrom tin revenue laws ail uium- ueneui., wueti in rea' iny, u ""'j Lenes masliiny; less than 25 'nshdl.x.f rain per day, &C, B.Svt lorth in se--tio 33. perpetuate me trusts ana comoina-' tious by which the et)pie are being robbed . ush villa Amealcj.ii, Another registration day in this city his passed, and the same marked increase is shown, compaired with four years ago, as on the first clay. The total as compared With the high est previous" registration for. a .similar period, shows a net gain .of S3, 000. The larger the increase,,-the greater the majority for Clevelend and. the State ticset. " ; - looks very rnnch from the ont eide as though the Republicans had abandoned any lingering hope of carrying this Sta?e, and were looking to other sections for votes enough to save their ticket. They have one stroDg card growing out of the un fortunate divisious iu the Democrat ic party of this city. As I have said before, there is no cause for real apprehension on this accoum, but of course the managers on the other side are making the most of it by spreading wild tah-.s over the country-of the alleged demoralization of the party in 'his city. It 13 quite as to the interest of one of she lo cal factious as to the other that the State and National tickets Bh-iuld receive their cordial support. No -one who has studied the situation doubts this. Ex-Mayor Seth Low of BrooKlyn, made a powerful speech in Cooper Uuion last niht in favor of Cleve land and Tariff Reform. Tbe Re publicans are very much chagrined rver what they are pleased to term ihe "ingratitude" of a man whom they twice put in the mayoralty m air m tae city of churches. Mr. Low is personally one of tne moat popular men m the two cities as shown by his election in a city that usu d'y giyes a Democratic majority iu excess of 10,000. He will make ither speeCi'.es during the caaipvgn, and use all bis lou'ic and his influ ence for the Democratic ticket.- Chairman Barnura, like Ctiairman Ooav of the onpois.vtioo, is not at all garrulous, stud woea he makes an an nounoement everybody listing 11 hen seen by your correspondent the other day, he said poaiively that in all his experience and he has generalled several National cam paignsthe party's prospects had not been so bright at a corresponding period before election. He regards success as absolutely assured. There has been a aeal of unfavor ib e comment on tho part ol tbe Democrats at the peculiar attkude of Tammany Hall with respect to Congressmen from this city. At 5 his time the Metropolis ha only one Congr83.-man who was elected as a Republican, Hon. Ashbell P. Fitch' and he hs since publicly left the party on account of its attitude on the question of the tariff. He will jo back to Congress; but as a Dem ocrat. In some of the ttys ais t:icts the Republicans would have a very good show of winning with a divided local Democracy; and this is what Tammany Hall threatens. Negotiations are now going on with x view to a settlement of the differ ences between tho factions, so that the party m iy not suffer. All sorts oi rumors are in the air. One of the most interesting is that the recent visit of Postmaster General Dick inson to this city was for the purpose uf negotiating for such harmony. It was said that Tammany was to have he disposal of the New York Post Uffice after the election in case of their acceeding t cera:n stipulations. rhis is not giyen out as news, as it ias quite a fishy flavor; but it has been much talked about. Tho amusement public have ben much excited oyer ti e production of Gilbert and Sullivan's new opera, "The Yeoman of the Guard"- The rit:cs having little respect for repu tation have been pounning it with serv considerable force They all :ulmit, thcjugi, that it is" tuneful md has a good action. Apart . from this there is very little-new going on iu the theatrical line. A novelty in realistic stage productions was the recent introduction in a meladrama of t wo noted ex jcouvicts to crack a safe in full 'new of the auditors 7 he be.rg'ars drew lumooa'iy, .aou thev m-ido money ;or tae enierni ism projectors ot 'tne piece which other wHe W'Uid liave lguominioutly faded. A striking coramntary'on. the civ- iiiatiou and charity of the richest TERMS hj?i -lZ&SCI&TfaN.-i jt -r One Copy.One Year - - - - - $I-"5" ' One Copy Kx..Moolh8-:-H--''1'r'J3 7-5 'Remittfuco mu.t be made byEegistered ' ' Letter, Post Office Order or -Postal 'Note! MA C INI ft (UPRCM-IAIIM DIDPC 1 n i"wm. itmiM m . Alunrfan Methods flt-Alie. Wtfrksliop. of its Lightness, sofiWssa arid "white color, : which sujrests, anrmblance-.tpirfS&ea fpatn." . The Frehca' paLl U jseoume de mer," which niearistentially 'flie same, , and by Glockev.HUi-HaiiiBirJeralo-gist, it was terined rWebcanjp it resembles tiie' Wcalled,' ho&b'oi the. epia" or cuttle fisuVIt ;ii-an opaqne earthy. Bubstance oftWbite.Tfayish'or -yellow color, , compaet ; mi textarei wdy oreads witn a concfioaaai- oeearaiy Taxes must come, or Home steads must go, The Constitution dojs not protect tbe hornestead from tho sheriff's ham mer. Taxes must co-no or home steads must go. And they came very near going once. ry- The Radical Leg slature of 1868. '69 issued special tax bonds to tbe amount of $53,6SO,000. That was a pretty big sum, almost too big for U3 poor people of North Carolina to understand withjnt stating what it 3D was. It was very nearly one-third of all the real property in North Carolina. The taxes collected for that one Legisiatnres waste neaily bankrupted the people, and did bank rupt the Radical party. It has utv er bad another Legislature. Since then men's lives, liberty and property have been safe; peace, quivt, plenty and prosperity in have I once more gladdened their hearts; and they have felt the State govern-, ment rather . through ,the blessings it bestows than through the injuries it did inflict. Look to the Legislature! Dishon esty, 1 1. com potency, extravigaut and aud wasteful expenditure of the peo ple's money will result now as m 1868, and now as then lender high taxes inevitable. And taxes most come or home s;eada most go! Democratic Cam,' paign Book. A or Tracture. .It adheres to ie tongue" ancf is so soft it can.M seratxdied wiln the finger naiL Most, of aoar Jeerechaum comes from- Asia Hrieiy especially from the .plains of Eski-shehr, ' where it is funliodtdar mjse f-rratile6izS" and irrularape.tjitijte?eng& alluvial depd&s.f!th& plain wlfihare systematically worked 'for its extraction by means of pit and galleiies. j, These roughly shaped pieces are sent from the !ast, principally to Vienna and to various parts of Xiermanyi Arriving at the work8lop tkeytare; soaked in water to make them soft, and keep down the lust when they are ctit' and shaped- ,.. A piece is tttrued into tie shape of "a" pipe c or cigar lioldor. bored and carved in'out-' is T line. If it grows, dry under the worky man's hands it is dipped"' in water, apd. " when tlie rude carving is finished tbe pipe is thoroughly "dried. Care'lat taken Uiat all moisture is evaporated,1 for when 1 they are subjected to the next rfrocess-r- vk., suuuieixeu in a vain ot not sperma ceti the presence of a single? dropof8 u ' water would crack them. Previous to t putting them in. the lipt Jbatb tbbpwl and draught hole are securely plugged to prevent the spermaceti frbin touching the inside. Should., if dp so the pores tho meerschaum would close, conse quently the nicotine of the tobacco would not percolate, frpua within aud tbe. pip would never "color." v , y - The boiling in Fpevrnaceti is done to give a degree of resistance' to the fine carving tools and. so it will not? ''flake off.'' Tbe carver again lakes it in hand, and with his cape tools liefore him, which resemble iu some respects those used by dentists, carves the finer details ? : X of tbe grotesque faces, tracing the deli cate combination of vines and leaves pr bringing the shapes of i animals, Irants men or comical figure to a final degree of perfection. The more artktic his skjll and taste the more' beautiful the evoKi tion of liis work. The whole is now r rubbed with glass paper . and pohshed with Dutch rushes. Then, the plugs not baring been removed, the whole is set in warm wax. ; -,; . ; f The bath of warm was ia applied to render the exterior firm in 'texture. anJ impervious to dampaiess. arid is' to the1 pipe what, the ena&el le- to rlie--tfeol - . -From' the wax tine pipes fire taken to the polishers, when they 'are again rubbed. down with bone ash"'arid clialk.T!1ie plugs are removed and the mouthpieces, t screwed on. On expensive pipes thesa . are of amber, but for less expensive ones imitation amber or horn is used. Phil- delphia Times. it The Merry Maiden and Tar." She was merriest before the 'struck' the tar. Her spirits sank as she be held her bow white gown blackened by the ur. This tar belped a wagon run instead of helping rnn a ship Just ao a thousand trivial accidents' and neglected "small things'' tike tlio merriment out of the lives of yung ils and maid.n?. Particularly is this the case with diseases peculiar' to tli ir m x which take so much onjoy ment and happiness from life. How ever a remedy is found in Dr. PierceV Favorite Pic"ip i n for all female weaknesses" or irregalnrii'n s, nervous ness neurnlgi. ai d uterine troubles. Ask your druirjiit. Dr. Pierce's.Pellei's, or Auti-billieus Granutes, have no eqmls. 25 ; cents a vial; one a dose. Care headachy, coa- stipatton and indigestion. Irrigation as Old as History, Irrigation is by no means a, new plan, t . Tt is as old as histci r, if not older. Both 4 in tho Old World and the Nev the irrl-',' gatiDg canal hm been an impprtanti" t factor in civilizatiorjuTliexeyawf4.he Tigns and Euphrates were made the gar-g jv dens of the world's civilization by It, arid v , with tbe destruction of the, system 1 of Sl' c,n irrigating the fields, once made fertile by a it, again became arid, sandy " wastes. .-.t The Romans used irrigation totneteaso ihe productiveness of certain parte of the . ? ; Italian pon insula, an d- tbeir cid y8ten-i8 still in use, and makes fruitful 3,500,00 acres. -.When the Spaniards conquered v'" ( Peru, Prescott tells us, the realm of thep' Incas was a garden in fertility owing, ta. ,,. ,.'3 a vast system of excellent irrigating ' canals. The Aztecs of Mexico1 knew the " " ' ' ' secret of the irrigating ditch and he.t'J qweathed a knowledgeof it tohjBjmcern Mexican. In the Salt Iftiver. valley, p Arizona, the Ilemenway expeditionhas found ample evidences of a complete ,t-l systems of canals which renderedl whatj ,.;, is now almost a desert 5 plain a fcdrtfiit . valley capable of supporting thousand! of ' ' K people. It is no new plan, then-rJnew,.ijj ... idea that is now being broughlintb use f to reclaim and fructify the no!rialrable" 7 ' lands in the vast atatoa and tejTitovie.of Ihe west and southwest. Cleveland, Leader. "'' '" 8" YOU WANT A CLEAN SHAVE OTA. mCE HAIRCUT : OR A ' CALL ANP K,B - . - J. W. BRANDON, Tonsorial Artist Ue is prepared to do excellent work.iAud .always accornmo&iting. . 1 . : :t u 1- VTht-tLt Thrcsliing Ont West Today, Thm men now are no longer the-'farm c ' ' ers boys of the neighborhood ;. cope on be to help; they are nomadic fellows froni , i somewhere nobody knows e where to help harvest and to help thresh. iThey - ' are rough, swearing, drinking fellows, -with whom the farmer has as little to do as possible. In 'Dakota the' flireshiiir i4jx ' even carry a tent and a cookj aad, X eoft and .lodge the bands whom -jUieyjJtaMj m, with them. In ' this way Hie k farmer hardly comes . in contact with the'ufen,, ' and all of the old time bustle and neigh- . borlirie8S" are gone. " " 4 , There, are ; picturesque pnases xo modern methods, withjita fraction ert--gines, the sleeping tent and the cooking. rf jar. but the spirit winch maoe tne 01a Jme threshing a festival," ha cic?idw iX ' stances which made, of it a deiiglrtf ul V meeting together Of iM2ighbors,'are to;-. k : - many places, a memory, The growth pf : - .the farms in area, the further increase of, , ' machinery, the ijhnge" In, proTuct--ari ,( a; e w orking tc-jrenaer the farmer m6re -. independent of HOutadoTielp, Mi,tf ihft ft' " Eame time, separatlngr.hfin froiahe"feli " l6w?ship of his ,neig4ibors.-Hainiiaar m- -land in Amerlcanfagazinef.ja!l m v - ,-- ! "' ' ' "- '"- -'4v Viv ;:: 1 f Whafa In "Naipt ; f f f , , - ' A young- lady; the otfe eeHng, Mis- Cussing tho dilferent n?di9jKiaging ""' ' -the?hairT said slie cpuldn't abide a ,,; r Pish' -i jtwfst, Another4 gai said slie , never feawt aiPrXitrtWfSshe' ' 'he 8JlteU.k!t KIS. tfie-- i ' ' wconind V? itette wpmeri n4 fr re :Vitowu lierakL Cm -.;-- ''r. ' n Ediihl-Onj, pyiiniaJiaM Wflrtstrou r '-; ' horrid . tiottitig Ixette 1 1. ft inak ss , in -- , hudder to loofatlriin. - 11 ' Wmma Why my dear.' it's' exactTj ' Jike that; gokl one jou wear lor 4 breast -pin, Judge. ' ' . --" . . 1 ;l