Person County Courier. PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY Editor & Proprietors Entered aecordiug to Postal Regula tions, at lLePoetoffiYe, a Bt xboro, N C. j second cIsm matter. 1 - .... . The editors ar in no wise responsible for views expressed by correspondents, SUBSCRIPTIOK TERMS. 1 copy, 1 year, - - $1.50 1 vpv 6 month .T5 ROXBORO. N. C. Nov. . lfc88 Democratic Nominees. NATION A I. TICKET. For President: GROVER CLEVELAND, of New York. For Vice Piwider t : ALLAN 0. THURMAN, of Ohio. ElectorsTor the Stte nt Large: A M. WADDELL. of Nw Hanover, y. N. STRUDWICK, of fringe. Elector 5th District; J.H. DOBSON, of Surry, STATE TICKET. For Governor. DANIEL G. FOWLE, of Wake. For Lieut. Governor: THOMAS M. HOLT, of Alamance. For Associate Justice of the Su preme Court -to fill the vacancy eaused by the death of Hon. Thos. 6. Ahe: JOSEPH J. DAVIS, of Franklin. For Aso into Justices f the Suprene Court under amendmeat to the CoP8ti tation : JAMES E. SHEPHERD, of Beufort. ALPHONSO C AVERY, of Burke. Tor Secretary of State: WJI. L 8AUNDERS, of Orange. For Treasurer; DONALD W. BAIN, of Wake. For Superintendent of Public Instruct BIDN3Y M- FINGER, of Catawba. For Attorney Genera1: THEODORE F. DAVIDSON, nt Buncombe. Eor Auditor: G. W. SANDERLIN, of Wayne. For Congress 5th District. JAMES T. MOREHEAD, of Guilford. "If yon want to keep your taxes down, vote for Long, Hughes and Yancey. X3TVote tha straight Democratic ticket next Tuesday and to the long-f it day of your life ypu will be proud of it, Democrats stand to the front on next Tuesday and lets bury Rad iealism so deep in this connty that there will be no resurectiwu for it. ,yZf yon want cheaper clothing, cheaper farming implements aud cheaper every thing you need to live on, vote for Col. James M. Morehead for Congress. ZarMorehead is in favor of lower tales, cheaper necessaries of life, mm cheaper farming implements. Mr. Brower is in Uvor of higher taxes on the necessaries of life, now Which will you take? ms inriners, oeeu tins warning ere it is too late. The Iiepubhcans claim to be the friend of the farmers and working people of this country, but their actions speak louder and stronger than their vrora and free whiskey. Below we pnnt what ifr. Thomas C Piatt, a leading Repub ,,wuw org, sua wis the plan by which bis party proposed to carry this election. It shows verv phwuly what, the Republican leaders tbink Qf the farmers. Read," think ana cast your vote next Tuesday ac cording; Our farmers are easily fooled have no aff0..flv. ... . - r yj MinuianaH no rua , sun otner, and will remain -r t HUHticians. we oiust ;--o gole some and purchase others. We have the names of 1.000 m-oh- ist manufacturers, each oX- whom has -Krwu o ooniribute f 1,000 t carrv , the presides tial election nt iko shall not lack funds to putchase the . Tkw cold-blooded statement of ths master manipulator of Republican iheme in New York tidioatea ev. actly I ho genraj lijttbod that itat been pursued in tM iWliaeiitlal ft ,n- t-8t" lt6 lawnert or the coontrj caa be bought up that rway iney ate a better glaju of peopie than that. But, say friend, can y0n trust a rrty tht fpeaki of bnyiug your pi inciple ' a; it' it 'was on ly a butibel qI corn or-wbeat? we tilnk nof. Oar Last With- this we close onr work for thl9-cMrin . ere another CoC? ktERvpri $hctioriwill be over and somebody will be. beaten and somebody will be elected As far as this couuty is concerned we hive good reasons to believe that the entire Democrat tkkei will be elected. For two mo nibs past we bave worked as best we knew how for the interest of the Democratic party, believing as we do in its principles, we have endeavored to explain them to the people of Person county, and now await the verdict of the people. We are confident that if the eood and influential men of this countj will look closely afier the registration books, in each township, and see to it that every Democrat is on that iook, and then go to the polls on uci lueeuity aim mm, eveiy . rr j J iu . . , r votes, we win uave an ore: wneitning victory. Now friends can t you do this, oh, won't you do it? It is to rour interest end welfare, iust think for one moment of the dark days iu North Carolina in 18G8. C9. some of t lt: l. n .i ins same j.,euuuuius lijul Here .i ti i-nmnnn the nnrtv thfn am rnniiiim - 6 I -1 - v " b !t to day, can yon trust them aga:n, no! a thousand times no! We have given two months of our nine, wo:king to keep thorn cut of power, now can't you give two or three d iys to help tha Democratic nartv to success. I J I Our candidates for the Legislature, Messrs. J. A. Long, aud J. T. Yancey have made an excellent canvass in rlno (inn 11 1 w tTnow liaa ohnnn (U blUD vwuwvj , luvi tie. f DIIV TT H I Repnblican party up iu its true light on every etump, aud proven to the people conclusively that the Demo- cratic party was the party of the peo- pie, and for the people, and their arguments in no instance has been met ny a single itepuoacan. rne uepuoiicni parij m una county is ii ii? i , i . i looking to carry this county for that - I party by the use and influence of whiskey and falsehoods, and that ' ' aione. Lmocrats, and men ct rer -r-k . M I sob c unty, ns it come to aucu a pass that politicians can come to your county and say "give me enough whigkey and campaign lies and I will gne a majority to oer party ' I Ciin't believe it to be true; but thud ;s what the leaders of the Republi can party in this county ore paying and doing. e do not ask you to take our word for it, but watch them for yourselves and see if it is not rue. democrats go to work us you rhave rsver worked before ami help us bury Radicalism now and foi ever, If we all work till suu down next Tuesday, tic'ory will crown Our ef forts. Tbe prospect for the success ' ' . x'i: i j Oi. i .-l I uui iiwuui sou otaie iicKeis were never brighter. Do you want to bare a hand in over-throwing Rad- iealism, corruption and fraud, if so, o:n ns next Tuesday and work for the succoss of the entire Democratic ticket. We hone to meet von next week with a broad grin of success. w - 1 - . - i t& "CLR.eUuu buuib iit'puo- licau orators warning the people of tins county to vote against the Dem ocrats, for they say if the Democrats set control of th mvrnmnr thio tim thae will tU HfMl u.n - t w - vj " i'imv iiua xixiko u 1 1 1 . wage, au over mis counrry. l nat is perfectly absu rd, especially in t his County, where there is no manufacturing industries, Thet refer TOU to A lamanee ftonntv where there are several larce cotton iaciones ana says n tne Mill's A. 1 a a u:ii 1. v becomes a law these factories will have to shut down, to see the falsity of their argument just read the fol lowing article taken from the Ala mance Gleaner: When any one says that the Mills Bill or any measure proposed or advocated by tne uemocratic party, will lower wages or have a tendency to lower wages, he does not know what he is talking about or he ; is willfllll misre resentin Th 1 .... .. j . 6 P60? this county and of this section are in no way benefited by a high tariff. Free trade is an impossible absurdity. Revenue must be raised' for the government. Not one single thing grown or manufactured in Ala- mance county is protected by the tariff, The goods made here are made cheaper than any 'where in the world. Neither they, nor any like them to take their place, re made as cheap in this world aS right per' , ppr are they sold any where in the world as cheap. The man who says other- wise is ignorant or unmindful of tbe truth he is practicing a deception either purpose ly or because be knows no better. jKTCol. Morehead ;s in favor of the Mills bill which doee away with the oaiousness of the Internal Reve- nue laws: and hn!iKB i,A.M and it takes the tax entirely off tobacco. Mr. Brower says although ha voted for theMills bill he, is . now opposed to it and if m ftvor of the Senate eobstitutesee article on " the oat side of this paper entitled, The Republicans and the Internal Reve nue. Now do you want relief from this infernal Revenue Jaw, if so then then vote for Col. J. M. Morehead for Congress. tieth's Last. ' - This big the only opportunity thai I Will have before-the 'ejection 1 wish to Sty a' few things in the interest of arid tor the Democratic party,' t. . it yon see proper to give me space in your columns. v" WHAT ARB THEY DOIKQ? I fiet appeal to th white men f Person county to look and see what the Republican candidates are doing in this county i obtain victory. They have been and sue doing this: They are slyly using malicious false hoods, plenty of free corn juice and a drunken (half of the time) negro band to t-erenade the town at nights and to lend a soise to the public at certain public speakings. Not only this but the usffroes are and have been abusing the white peo ple of this county. Oh t yes, they sty, ''we don' i want to rule,'.' "we are not in favor of civil rights," &c. These assertions are simply and em phatically "not so's," and the nrgro8 and white J..pubHcanS even in this county Kn0w it Experience of facts have proven this not to be so. What did Frd Douj;- las. a necro Senator. do? He married a white (and Gd save the word) woman in the District of Colum hi Thare are but few netrroes ia ihit countv but what would demand social LUUU,J " equality with our fair and lovely white sex if allowed by our true and noble Woman and genuine .Personian sons Where the neirroes have the power " - they show and demand tbeir rights and claim the reigns of government. If we white men lag back and give wav to the soft head, white rat Inde pendent Radicals the next thing wdiL be the negroes will rise up snd say to the Independents; "This is a Rpu li- J' ' u . A i tore get out lor we are going to have the offb-es." The white Republicans that are lead ine the negroes say "we don't want the color line drawn," "don't call us the negro party." You doa'! want "Afield was the pensioner and that dnnu Uv thf. nocrrnp with I j-rtann (in. I ; " . lV . rT o ? 1 . P""cau' i , . n 1 . . . . I .. tj. nn f . the mu3K2. lie one or the two. a whit maarantgro. -Don't call us the ne Uro iDartv '' If vou don't want to be termed as such get out of that party wno leads thkm? No one can d ut that 8. P, Satter- field counsels the negroes to "stand firmly together and vote the straight Rtdical ticket"' ''don't scratch poth ing, poke it in straight," and the ne Kruc5 uym UWUflU uia WIU i . u J -i 1. : J ..: i riil niSMnt An tinhrotrpn front at. tit a rtollal r t 1 on election aay. in acnance oi tneee facts he has tbe audacity to bez white! men to scratch the Democratic ticket, to follow his load and vote with the negroes, lam not turprised that be hoa,J - commissioned to muster and dnl1 e neSro torceu but it is lurpns - ,n' asP"ating and. outrageous tnat u 4..H . u - ... .4. j I "o iuuiui icu iuc ucsivcg iu Obftu i n , , , , firmly together aud vote the straight Radical ticket," aud then turn to white men and try ta induce them to scratch the Democratic ticket and vote for him, to follow his lead and vote with the negroes. Ny more to twit white men with the charge that they . - ,rew""wl w-.muwiC prtjr au i -m a.1 t- .r t a airaiu io tote meir convicuons. r ! .1 . . . r - I v,uu mcrs ue tiny louser a uouuu iu w ineminasoiwnitemen astowneres. P. Satterfield stands? It is true he is not a candidate for the general asaem- blJ but ne ia doig 11 in his power te Iu V the negro votes, ia the county, I i : uu tu 'KUI" the negro forces toi h ,eadar . rPnre4entativa of tha negro pftrty in jergon county as though he was th candidate for legislature on that ticket, snd his personal friends I who are thinking of piviR0. him a vote are in fact heeding his advice and I .i I t.ab-incr t.hoir rtlujta in t.ha nairrn Tn . 1 appeal to tne wnite men OI I'irson county by that sympathy which constitutes the band of union between honorable men Struggling in the cause of freedom to throttle this -viper of negroism by voting against the Radi Cfcl CaDdidates who are yelling " and screaming with delight at the prospect of its fastening its fangs into us forever. fl C1 " Ji,tvw nuiko men anu about 1.100 negroes registered ml Pr son county. Which shall rule" the county? the 1,700 wu-ite men oi .the 1,100 negroes? Which do you prefer? It white men fail to be white men tbe negroes will finally "lick the platter clean, Enough up m this point, though 1 could I write for hours upon the subject, but for fitr 0t crowding your space I Will pass; on to a tew remarks of Eepubli CJlu ruKiu North Carolina, the ''dark days" ov 1808-69, l nat legislature contained, members as black as the darkness of Hades, some of them were men who-bad just re- ceived thtr lilmrty from slavery and Probahly who had never been from home over 10 nwlrs before. I these years of darkaess and vitu Deration a scouudrel by tbe name of Kirk, of Tennessee, played as a prom inent character upon tbe political roe tram, to the degradation of the white people of North Carolina. : When the Noithern carpet baggers and scalawags were invading this State the Raleigh, Sttanddrd, a Republi can paper, in 1868 advised them thus: "But wherever else you work don't forget to go among the women. Go after the wo- fnen then. And don't hesitate to throw your arms around their necks now and then when their husbands , are net around and give Uiem'aphug. , They all like it. Our exierience with female rcbst is that with all their Bins tb-y have a vast amount of human nalnre, and only want to have it, appreciated to be the most loving creatures imaginable Scalawags and carpet baggers don't fail, therefore, as yon can vass .the State to look after the women." You, white men, who havo mothers, Sisters, wives and daughters; you young. men who.have mothers, sisters and sweethearts, can you suffer this contemptible party to get in power again? . Next Tuesday moroiDg before you go to the polls sk your mother, your swter, your wife, your daughter, your sweetheart (as the esse may be) "shall I today vote for white man, or negio rule in ' North Caroliuaf" Do as they say. Did your ever notice or think of the fact that over nine tenths of the white preachers and white nspectable ladies of North Carolina were Demo crats. CAMPAIGN BOODLE. It is rumored that when Dan" White the Chairman of the Republican Executive Committee of the 5th D's trict arrived in Eoxboro with his five hunJred dollars of Boodle" corrup tion money he wended hi way to the Register of Deds offlca and there be and Samuel PvSitteifisId locked them- selves in for several hours and hiv a citizen of the county who might haye had business in that office woull have had to wait until Sam could "fix"' the 'boodle,'' If however he was as suo .' . ceggful m manipulating the corruptive fund, as he is said to have been in manipulating the old. colored man, Purnell Peed's Pension then his co workers, iu iniquity will come out at .. e er.a oi me uom". it is rumored that the old colored man re ceived a check for about four hun dred and fifty dollars for his bacK pen sion, and that Samuel P. Sitterfieid 'fixed'' the matter up for him, and when Sam got through "fixinc" the old colored man very innocently r-. marked, that he had thought he was the peniner but he had just realized the fact that Mr. Samuel P Sitter- he . . (t6e old manjwas mertlj a witness "J " v-wco m the transactions, that he had heard that witnesses wero required ELI OUT LIBS EVEN PROTECTIONIST A few evenings ago while looking ver the mail I found an article iu tbe Greensboro North Stae from R ocboro d.ted October 15: h. giving an account of Col. Boyd's ppaech, delivered in Roxboro on tbe 13ih. - He is the letter: It was rumored that - distinguished orator and Republican Elector at Large for North Carolina, Col. James E. Boyd, of Greensboro, would address . the people of Person county on Saturday. Oct. 13. at 12m t... . . . l i ., . . , j um at ioai nour ine court House Din -rang and the Roxboro Brass Band bean to nlav The court hons. whirb ha tliP nuritT - i j to hold 1 200 people, was at once packed with the hard fisted veomamrv of Person county, ith an expression of anxiety beam- rf ng on their countenances. Promptly the aisnnguisuea James uoyd, whose name - - x ,n, accompany bv manv Dromment gentlemen. entAred th oourt room ami(J applause and huzzas for ' o ' Boyd. "When the oxcitemerit had subsided, Capt. K' T S0'. Eletr f' hi Ingres sional Zistrict, introduced CoL Boyd in a very neat speech. Calls for Boyd, Boyd, went up when his manly form mounted the rostrum. S on nn nniisnnl BilAnn rtrprnilpri I 1 The aud;ence expected somethin2 bitter ,ori , T,t n. .;i t0 r,t i:.; :i,i i .itw caii vi ov v vi t uioiiiiiguioiicu gcubic men: T. R. Glenn. Hon. o. 8 WinatH jjon. W. F. ft&ide, G. G. Moore, Col. A. J. Ilester and J. A. Long, I "Col. Boyd, in a two hours' speech, held this vast crowd with such marked attention as was never witnessed here before. It is I nopsis of this great speech. He completely counteracted the effect of aU the Democratic speeches made here. The issues were care- fu,ly wvicwed and points fully explained. 0n the whoIe- ifc was the mcst convincing 1? j-u uenfc nas aau I r 0 ' i,ic!iKiirfa nj I mr in l ti rn inr voqm i Ah i co iciuatuauib uuai liiic UUWU III ter the speaking. O d reliable Democrats said, 'that is the best speech we have had yU,. "When Col. Boyd closed yon never he trd as many, warm congratulations, Buch as, "Boyd, this was a fine speech," "Boyd, that j was the grandest effort of your life," etc. Truly, withoutany exaggeration, this was a grand day for Person county, and all hands J Democrats and Republicans enjoyed the i d--o. uup w nail, mm wiiu us i agaija before tle electjoii. Come, Boyd, yu Bhall have a warm welcome. Eli." When the "court huse Bell ranu'' the "R.xuoo brass band" diJu't "play" It was drunken negroes blowing and making a terriule fuss on second class brats horns, while a few white 'bosses " stood ''uncovered'' and wondering "what a dust we negroes raise." I would hate. to be in our court room when there was 1,2'K) in it com posed ot "Puking Jim," the fear whiis Rads of Person .and the rest negrots. Not only would the windows nave to be raised bat the roof would have to be removed for any one to get fresh air.. The court room will not seat over 800 act he outside aud it was not over two tmrqs mu on ina1; u ty. aii the huzzahs for Mr. "Boyd co ne frm Begroes only ' . Mr. Boyd d.d not enter the cotrt room acC'impinied by "'ojiny prorai nent gentlemen.'. H- was only acoom paniel by Capt J. T. Strayhorn.. As to bis speech it was a very slim weak afEair for a man ot his intell igence, and I think every white man preseut became disgusted at his false and msUnificant assertions an i at the whacks upon the negru buss drum whenever anything was said in denuir ciatioa of tbe DcHiocmtic party, N Democrat never said that" it was : the 'Kst nu)i vro hnvm fiaard vet.'" ."". "Poking Jim," Col.; Jama X. Boyd, may be truthfully called the v?B-rpa Munchausen" of North Carolina. For bis speech bete proved it. The falsi-, fixations he heaped upoo the JDemo crats would have even brought blushes of shame to the cheeks '-Jonathan Swift?' . WHY CHAKOE TOUB KAKEt . New a few words to "Eli1' and Beth will drop' his quill. For the past year I have noticed correspondence from Roxboro to the North State under va rious Non U plumet, though preaching tbe same rotttu, contemptible and lying Radical doctrine. All f these letters have the same tone and I dare say came from the same writer. I have asked him to write under hs own name, ne ret used, and changes bis name, like a a man that has done scmeth"g wn ny. from "ProteciiO' ist" r "Eli " Next Tuesday g n th p h vote s I hall and have udviMtd jou, and the court, houg' win . re'n.-v-t-ei" and-:l dirty. liBHlini- mort hjuse rng will I e bv swept r.h winds to ail quarters of the earth. I kindly bid you adieu and say nothing mere as the campaign is fast coming to cloee. Yours truly, Seth Rollins. READ AND THINK. Prepare your ballots, gentlemen. Away with Morton, booJle and all! Blaze the way for Fowle and Holt. Brave the danger and save the De mocracy. If you want lower taxes, vole the Democratic ticket. Awsy with high taxes, saj the Dem ocratic party! Register in ordr that you may vote toon and late. Democracy first. Democracy last, Democracy lor us all the iime! If you want better times vote the Democratic ticket. If you want the war tariff reduced vote the Democratic ticket. If you want better wages, working neu, vote the Democratic ticket. ' Cleveland and reform grow with each rising and Setting of the sun. If you want more money in cir culation vote the D.-m cratic tick et. If you want to break up "hurts' and monopolies, vote the Democratic tickrt. If vou want to site white mn rule this country, vote the Democratic ticket. If you want t lighten the burden of farmers, vote the Democratic tick et. If jou want the internal rr-venu-system abolishad or modified, vote the Democratic ticket. Djmecrats, let no grass grow nnder your fet between now and the 7th of November. If yeu want as economical adminis tration of our pnblic affairs voto the Democratic ticket, Let us march to the polls on elec tion day in one solid phalynx, if we wish to bury "Radikil ism." The outlook for the Democrats at this time is simply brilliant. And it grows brighter every dry Hur- ah. boy 8, we've got 'em on the runl If yon want to see peace end pros perity shine all over the land, from every bill and dale, vote the Dean craMo ticket. . If you want to pro'ect your sacred fi sides and wives and blue-eyed children against the "torch and th" dagger,'' vote the Democratic ticket. Greensboro Patriot. 3T Remember that when the Re publicans had control of this State the last time, taxes were SG cents on the hundred dollars worth of prop erty, and now under Democratic rule taxes are only 20 cents on the hundred dollars worth ef property - now which is the poor mar. 'a friend Echo answers which. Absolutely Pure. This powder nercr varies. A marvel of pmitr. strength and wholesomeneBS. More economical than the ortlinary kitirta, and cannot be sold in competition with the tnultitmleof low test, ahort weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in, can. Koyal Baking Powdbb Co- iOS Wall 8t N . Y. ' JTR. E. A.-MOHTON, PBACTICIKa PHT8ICIAW. Offers his professional services to tha nnonlA of Uoxooro and irroumlinr country. Practices in an toe nrancnes ox zneaicine. - 10-4-iy - . . mm iiin oR Tlie Sale of Danville, Virginia. To our Fsiends and Patrons of the Star Warehouse ad to the Tobaceo Growers of Virginia a d No th Carolina: We take great plea? ure in announcing "that we kave associated our elvs together under the rm j and syle of "STAR WAREHOUSE COMPANY" for the purp vef conductiutj a 1c f tobacco Warehouse and Commia aion bu-in 8 and f r th ifc purpose hnve purchased th -'old reliable' STAR Warehouse, which is s welt Hud fvortbly kuovn throughout the entire tobacco section. Every department will be undnr the direct SU j erqiior. it a memoT of the firm, and with experienced assistants. Tiiis hou-e has or yr-t enj y-d h reputtin of beig the leading Warehou-'e in the Danville market, and its record lor promptness, ac curacy, huneaty, ir d alii gs and high prios is known to all men. We commend onsinw w Mi the full determination and a p )sitive assur Htve that there shrtll be no effort lacking on our part to serve jour eviry iuteret aQd obtain tor you at all times the Very Highest For x our To Dace . Our facilities and accoramodnti.-ns2re unsurpassed and in mery respects superior to any in thi niirkct? We offer eveiy accommoda tion ueediut lor bih m-ii! nd beast, so as to make tbe Star W art houfce a comfortable home for ur patrons and learns while they stay in "the city, and evt-ry ftt i ity tht c uld bs dired for hundling and sale of th'ir tobacco. Cur lilit and sales room are all that could bepoesiblj desired to show i.fl tobac to the very beat advantage. Webave tie gant lodging rooms with ?epnrate :partments foj white aud colored. We two large brick stables built as near fire proof as they can lc made, so the stock ot our patrons will never be left exposed to the we ithtr. but wili be taken earn of comfortable and safe AH bggge and harne-s are locked up and a check given for it. Our lot is paved with stone asid is free fr u mud, even in the wettest weather.: Try us ! We wi 1 do you right. If th3 last cent can be had for a pile of ,tobiC o the STAR will get it tor you. If yon wish lis to hold your "tobacco at any time for h inore favorable market we will do 80. and make you lilrnl advmeon it, holding it insured at our'ownIQOSt, that you m y get the benefit of the most favorable market HOGSHEADS Will te furnlshei oa Application to all desiring to SHIP TO US BIT RAIL ROAD. We have ample storage room in on r lare, dry and airy basement and tobacco is never le:t on the sles room floor to be pillaged ai4 brken to piects. We c;tu ea-Hy store over 500 hogsheads' and never have to roll any packages in the street or wagoa yard to mker room for a sa!e, not even In heaviest gluts." Consignments by rail are giv en our spocial t'entio, and pmmpt returns mde for the same. JOHN R HUTUdXNGS - has ben connected with - this house J2 yars and throughly understands the farm rs interest. C B KEE SEE has heen lok kefc-p r with this hdusesix years atd will always be found at bis post. CLEMP. COVINTGTlN has been connr-eted . with tbin house one ye -r. nx " with as experience of -ihr Tfars aa . th WHfphouse bus itr ss, Invited aH his friends to the STAR',' aud p'eder;s htg best efforts to pri-Vnote their interest 1 , ; I ; Taking in consideration the fact that D mville is-the Ingest Jeal to C bice market In the world and the "STAR'.' is the bestrquipped nt has so many experienced men m"n for handling aud selling .your' tbbae co, we fe l safe in saying tbnt Danville is the market and-the STAR is the house to sell your tobacco. Danville will haye a big 'y," - TOBACCO N OVEMBER, 2IST 22RD & 23D -v,; V'.'" . "... . ''V?- J WO THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED AND ' FIB TT l)OtLAllS wili be given awy in premiums. We wili take tdesuria UkiLg tare of and placing on exhibition any eampkssent to our cart.i 'ry'--i"1': We cordiatly iuvite you to make the STAR . WAREHOUSE year headquarters when, you .come "to- town. - -'t '"V:'-.;rT You will always tind us at our post ready and willing to do our duty and to promote the interest thf iUKredt nd . comfort of our friends. " . . Very truly, jour fri;u; is, : . , OUR ITORCE: ' JNO.R; H ETCHING S, Auctioneer; CLEM. P. COVINGTON, CaawelK N. C; JJNO, B. ANDEFbON, t - -E I MOiR; R-cki.igh .m 0 N. 0. C B K . ESEnV ta the offlje. R. I FEATHER8TON '.. Person. H: C. JOB. B NjUElSONl- i . v W. A. M ILLS. Pi? cv i van iiC, V v ; JO. ii C UAJSE Yt-1 iooi-maugvr. We iuviit ail of oar tnends to the "STAK,'' f iiVPlUETulttS "' - Str W i cLoUte Ciiiiptuij v.; n am uC am Leaf Tobacco ! Met Prices AND TIERCES