Person Goaty- PUBLISHED WEEKLY By. jyoi:jLi. bkos; Propkietors. I " J031T A, JSrQEUj, Editor. I itered according to Postal Begula ions, t the Poetoflio, at Roxborb, K X f cond Ia98 matter?! v The editors are in no wine responsible for flews expressed by correspondents. . - , . SUBSCRIPTION TERMS, . j - 1 copy, J fear,' V J. 1 copy 6 months - - .73. ROXBOKO, tf. C. , an 17;tb89 The Legielatare of North CarolinaJ net Wednesday January the 9th. Thfl Senate, baTing fcaen called-to older by Lt.-Governor Stedt$n, or ganized by electing the following offi cers: 1 It, M. Farman, of Asheville, Principal Clerk; D. B. Nicholson, of Clinton! Heading CJerk; Mike Brad haw, of Askeboro, Engrossing Clerk; iy. U. Cliftop, Principal Door-keeper, and A. M. Noble, A-ssistamt Door beeper. The House was called to order Jay Mt. Gao. Bulla, who was Chief Clerk of the last Houbo of Representatives. The House was then organized by electing Hon. Augustus Leaser, of Iredell, Speaker, The following gen tlemen wre elected to fill the other offices of the Ilouse .: T. B. Womack, of Chatham, Chief Clerk; W. T. Crawford Et grossing Clerk; H. A. Latham, Heading Clerk, D. II. J a lian, Pi incipal Door-keeper. The points of interest in the work of the Legislature are. for conveni ence thus briefly enumerated : Elec tion of a United States Senator to succeed Senator Ransom; creation of a railway commission; election of one-third of the magistrates in the State; the completion or other die . posal of the GoTemor's mansion; the settlement of the rate of taxation for 1889-'90, the increase of pensions to disabled soldiers the repeal of the merchant's purchase tax law; the ex tension of the insane asylum at Ral eigh; the establishment of 'a perma nent camp-ground for the State Guard; the increase of the salaties of judges of the Superior Court; the Abolition of free passes on railways, &c; the disposal of the Atlantic and North Carolina raihoad; the increase of the juiiediction of magistrates; amend u.eut of the road laws. On Wednesday there was no busi, pees of importance transacted outside of the organization of bo h houses. Senate. THTJBSDAY, Rills and Resolutions. Resolution m regard to the in auguration of Governor powlo. Then taken from the calendar and. adopted. This resolution provides Sot a committee of three from the- 3enate and fire from the House em powered to make all necessary ar rangements for Got. Fowle's inaugu ration and to expend $500, and in fitructs the Treasurer to pay the war rants of this joint committee, I5jll entitled an act to reduce the ' legal rate of interest. Referred to the committee ou finance, Mr, Payne called up from the cal endar a resolution introduced yester day ky him relating to contested seats. This resolution provides that the committee on prifileges and elections shall report all cases before it at the earliest praet cable moment; that the - reports from the committee shall be disposed of st once, having dence over all other patters; that the unsuccessful contestant shall not re ceive mileage and per diom; Pro - vided, that a sitting member under proper certificate of election shall ro vceiver mileage and per diem for the - period sorved by him. FRIDAY. Bills and Resolutions. Petitions from citizen of Iredell county, requesting Hie repeal of the 'merchants' purchase tax. Jomt resolution requesting our Senators and members of Congress to use their biat efforts for the imme diate and total abolition of the in 4 ttrnal revenue taxes. Made special order for the morning boor to-mor-. row 1 . . - SATURDAY. . - ... Bills and Resolutions. - ; Bill regulating the sale of corn in Noith" Carolina, Referred to com- - mi t tee on agriculture, mechanics and mining. w;. " : Resolution of in&trcetion to our fneotbers in Congress to ose all means . - , . . : .. . thin theit power to prevent trusts I i'-. a. . find combinations npon the necessa ries ol life. Placed 4n the calendar VTlta reaorutibo" ofN.intrdotiu;oi V)Ur tnenibers in Congress Telative to " he iatfrnI--WH was.laken up and the fbllou ing.wVs offered as a "aubstituU'for the resolutions and ' jamei-dnients pwidwg a jesoluUon as -follows: -: -. ,v'.vsriR -The present syf-tm of -M'-';.ik4.iatr-untair and burdeniome Droven a heavy embargo laid up "- iaVr and induftiy nd Theresas tins i ... . i . " .1 ... A 1 1 . til. preme. court of the United S ates to be robbery under ?h forms of law; and 7 Whej-eas, ilt has beeu clenrly de monstrated that the present tariff supports and fosters monopolies, trusts and Combines ; and 7 Whereas, The present system of in ternal revenue U is oppresive, in quuitorial and contrary to the spirit and jcuius of our institutions, there- 0r$ " ' .:':y , y . jteiohed. By the Senate, the House of Representatives concurring, that our B.tufttfjrs in Coogrec be instructed acd our Representatives be requested to secure such a sound, hwrdthy and substantial reduction of the tariff as will make the taxation upon articles that are intended te be consumed as luxuries higher than the necessaries of lite and those materials, implements and machinery which are consumed or used in agiiculture and manufacturing. 2. That our Senators be instructed and our Representatives in Congress be requested to secure (as far as the same ray be io accord with said tariff reduction) an early repeal pf the entir internal revenue ssteni and alt taxa tion tberaoiu The above was amended by strik ing opt the words in brackets. In the debate that ensued npon the resolution and substitute lit Payne said that as the Republicans geeined to be seeking some political advantage and wished to put tho Democrats tn record, they would go on record and make a plain enuncia tion of their views on this question. That they favored havtug those arti cles in common lise and necessary to :he people taxed as. little as possible and higher taxes laid on luxuries. To the suggestion that Cleveland had gone to the country on that issuo and the people were against him, Mr. Payne triumphantly pointed to the large popular majority given to Cleveland at the polls, and showed Uiat by the peculiar system of the electoral college, while the majority of tho electoral votes were against Cleveland, the people were with him and that the Democratic policy was vindicated. Mr. Payne's substitute, after a lengthy discussion, was adopted, put upon its second reading as an origi nal bill and passed, and under a sua pension of the rules, put on its third reading and passed by the following vote: 34 to 13. House. THURSDAY. Mis. To prevent the spreading of disease among cattle. Is relation to recognizing the sov ereignty of God. - In relation'to the qualification ot voters. Calendar. -In relation to an appropriation for a colored orphan asylum. Committee on finance. In relation to roads and highways. Calendar. In relation to the encouragement of sheep husbandry to committea on agriculture. The Governor's Message was then read and sent to the Senate. Most of the session was taken up by the reading of the Governor's Message. FRIDAY, Mis, To prohibit the h'iring out of con victs, to calendar. In relation to carrying concealed weapons, to judiciary. Releasing the grand juries of the State from certain duties, referred to judiciary committee. - House bill No. 6, relatiag tq.the i . m s- i noYercigniy or woa, was tauen op and referred to the committee on education, SATURDAY, i There was but little business trans acted in the House; save the appoint ment of committees,-and hills pre viously introduced taken up and re fer red; to their xspectiTe; committees. Note. In each issue doting the present session of our General As sembly we propose to give a sketch of the proceedings of our legislature during the preceding-week. In the selection of this matter we will only irive that w hich is of most i m porta nee and of general interest to our citizens. There is a big exodus of e groes from Alabama. Instead of go ing North, they prefer Louisian, Texas and Cali forma. :':A boo t iloO negro delegates met the other day at Montgomery to discuss the situation .'ana the means to bnojr about a bet ; , .. .... . 8 - , . i tee condition of their race. Relative ta ernlgra tion a dispatch says : ' "The sentinient of the con ven lion s . decided 1 aguirst: the, einigratios and cowuiZHtion movement;.. The speakers expressed themselves aa-aat' isGed-wiUi this i-enntry, and say the rce i decermji.ed to stay here with the white peopleif they are a lowed to do d,' and promise to do atf in their itower to live iu peace with all, endeayoring to educate their cbil dreo and acenrnu late property.- WASHINGTON, LETTERS From our Regular Correspondanf. Wastjingtox, D. C, Jan. Hth, 1689. S this Rreaf building and ihia army f clerks are tho adjuucls of your peasiou syatsin Jfour last war closed. I believe, pew ly r quarter of a Gentu ry ago. Thus tpoke t me a surprised German Army urgeon, a delegate -to the inter-national medical convention last year. What wotrtJ my Teu onic triend say had he heard Representative Dockery tell the House last weelc. ti Btt.nrnrva- fees in increase- cases alone, at $10 pr case, amounted to nearly $400,000 last year. Our pen sion Fystem i9 the most gig ntic jin the world. Fifteen hundred clerks, work year in and jear out in the pension bu reau adjudicating claims, and- tLe number of cases only increases. - E ist, west, north, south, travel two hundred and fitty special examiner investigat ing the more complicated ,;-6f .these claims. In the offices of the Adjutant General and Surgeon General twelve hundred clerks fill in the years search; ing official records of service. ; In the Second Auditors office over a hundred clerks are employed in. pension mat. ters. At the agencies another hun dred make payments. : . Nearly three thousand peop'e are thus exclusively employed by the gov ernment, at an expense, say of f40,000 ncr vear. in salaries slone. Enormous buildings are devoted to the business, hudred of toas of paper are consumed and thousands of gallons of ink shed in the cause. In the Pension office proper work accumulates faster than it can be disposed of andCongresa re- luies tho necessary number of clerks te adjudicate the claims within a reason able time. , And yet the last war closed a quarter of a century ago. The uninitiated reader must remem ber, however, that our pension system haabeen of slow growth, for although a general pension law was enacted in 1793, it was uot untit after the civil war that anything like a practice was established, and even thenthe praetic had to undergo a thousand changes of detail. Today the laws and practice of the Bureau, tbe decision of the 8tc retary and the commissioner, make quit9 a rspectable volume, There are a hundred grave decisions on "Sine of duty," as many more as to rights of attorneys, an avalanche of decision! on minor uoints and a wilderness of rulings under these decisions. - And lastly there is an amazing list of rates allowed, from the $2 per month allowed for tbe loss of a portion of a little finger to the $T per month given lor fr the loss of both eyes, both legs or both arms. There are fixed rates for every thins but diseases, The rates tor dis eases are fixed by guessing. And hero enters the first oLJrttiona ble feature of the system. All over thia country are resident examming surgeons, who devote a part of one day of each week to thv physical 'ex amination of claimants. " There are about a thousand ot these, people, and this branch of tbe terviee costs about $300,000. In disease casts their decis ion gent rally fixes the rate allowed. Of course the doetois are not all un prejudiced, and those who are not all capabies A very largo miaority may be feund either at one extreme or th other, the extreme of generosity or the extreme of distrust toward claimants. Very often a particularly grasping bo.rd of surgeons will rate every claim nnt high in order to swell the amount of their own -fees, as the claimants soon learn io any district where the ''easiest" board lies and ask ta be sent there. Politics sometimes bears a hand in fixing the rate allowed, I once saw going out or an examiniug surgeon 8 tfece n hearty, bluff, couaty commis sionerg and local politician, followed slowly by a raggd, painfully crippled, prematurely old man. I was not much surprised to leara a few months afterward that the commissioner had been allowed $18 per month far some mysterious facial neuralgia, and tlie cripple had been increased to $4 per month for his open and discharging ground of hip. .And my surprise was no greater when the suigeon was nom inated for the State Senate, on a close ote by the efforts of the aforesaid neuralgiac politician. - r . The office of a capable ex canning surgeon is a good ptocs to diagnose morulas well as physical natures. There comis -the allegud nearly deaf man, The doctor examines him. He begios by m yelling at him, and , the claimant can hardly hear him. Grad ually he gets him excited and finally is taking o him io a whisper, and the claimant hears perlectjy. Then -the physician suddenly renews his former yellinjr, the di&cjmafwrted countenance of the claimant shows that he has been shamming . " .. ,. -w ' ' - "President-elect Ilari iaon knows well how to keep his mouth shut Or if he talks he does so without telling anything. He has had many callers intent on finding out some of s his opinions' but; they return home no w:ser than -they went. r Theylvry often tell the newsjiapers tbe im pressions they. receivtd," but never yet uas one repeaiea a s:nte.:statement which M r. Harrison Thas made; "snd the country is still in the dark as to M'bst his intentions are. He has prob ably made up his cabinet but is wait- lug until the last rainuta before, an-J npuncirsg their nam8 so as to hive time to make such -coar.ges as may seem desirable before .his Ciuaugura- Sta ancj General News. The crop of upland rk? has been market ed. Tlte grade is not good andJbe crop is rather short. ; - ' . , - '7 - Jt maybe- safely said tha the Legi-la'ura will make no change in the present system of county government. : ' M. u Holmes, one of the oldest Citizens of SalisbujrVjTdied very suddenly Tuesday of paralysis of tbe h art. , - , ? - : Governor Fowle will open the fish, oyster, and game fair at If ewberne. f Senator Vance will spend one day there. ' r The cottou-giti house of Mr. John T. Al dridge, near Kinstpn", has been destroyed by fire.-; Loss, (lfiQOr'inBurancey'lSCO.'vC'''''' The jail ut Monroesville, Pitt co; caught fire under the fioor of the cells, and the floor had to b9 rut into in order to extinguish the flanigs. ; It required three hours'' hard work to save the jail. Tho j iil is new and is con; siderably damaged. ' - Thomas S. Edge was shot and instantly killed at his store, in Yancey county, by John Wilson in a dispute which arose over the .division of some whiskey. . . - -- There are now 2,800 members of the Far mers' Alliance in Wake county alone." The 1,454 alliances in the State have an average membership of fifty, it is believed. - Revv Dr. A. W. Maurn, of tlie State University, who, tratr paralyzed last month at Newberne, is reported to be in such a cpnditida as ta alarm his friends. . , The contract for dredging the Cape P ar river below Wilmington' has been awarded to the Atlas Dredging Company, of VVil minton, Del. Work begins February 11th. A two-year eld daughter cf Wiij. Faw cett, of Orange county, was drowned recently. As she and her sister, four years old, were crossing a bridge over Little river they both fell into the stream. The older girl man aged to get out, but the -younger- one was swept down stream. The recent riotous demonstralion at San ford has resulted in the formation of a mili tary company, and application has been made for permission to organise. It is hard ly probable, unless the Legislature amends the law so that moie than twenty-five com panies can receive State aid, and that any new companies will be accepted this year. Fuller accounts of the accident at Clinton last week caused by the explosion at John A8hford's hoop manufactory state that Jaa. Ashford and a negro fireman were killed outright, that Pender Ashford and John Ashford were mortally wounded aud tLat H. H. Biitt was seriously injured by steam and may die. R v. W. L. Griasom, the Methcxlist m5n intf r who was twice assaulted, cruelly ad cowardly ia Conerd, has removed to new charge in Aiccksville. TLese ass uks made upon Kev. iir. Griuoiu arecoiultcined by the entire comtuunity in Co. c.-rd. It is said the charges m.sde against him were by aesigmng parues, ana allogetuer . without foundation. Gov. Scales h-is assented to an exchange of courts between Judges Gilmer and Merri- man, of the Superior Court. By this Ju 'ge Gilmer will hold the April term of Cumber berland and Brtrnswick, and the May term of Columbus and Jtobeson, and June term of Hichmond. Judge Merriman will hold the spring terms of Macon, Transylvania, Haywood, Clay, Cherokee, Graham, and Swain courts. Some of the papers are making a great howl for the sale of the Governor's mansion. It cost the State only $20,000. The money was secured by tbe sale of State lots in this city for the expi ess purpose, and the Raleigh people who bought them paid-fancy prices so that tbe erection of the mansion might be assured. - . s IN GENERAL. Receipts cf cotton at all of the ports since Septenber 1st, 8,983,591 bales. The Marine Hospital Bureau announces that travel may be resumed through the State of Florida. The third official trial of the dyuamire cruiser, Vesuvius, was made last week, when a speed of 21.64 knots an hour was attained, an excess of 1.64 knots over the speed re quired by the contract. The State Democratic Committee of Vir ginia have cecided that there is no necessity for an extra session of the Legislature. - Secretary Bayard will practice law at Wilmington, Deleware, as soon as his term of office expires. The Boston Stock Exchange will erect a ten story building at Kilby and State streets for its own use and to rent for offices. . Mrs. W. R Palmer was burned to death in the presence of her six little children, at Waterloo, Iowa, by her clothes catching fire from the stove. yip ''" -: Sulliyan says he. will go'to any part of the world to sign articles to fight Kilrasn if the latter'B friends are afraid to sign 'in New York. , 1 Nathaniel BlancharJ, a respectable far mer residing near Irburn, .N. X, hung hhuself in his barn while tetnporarilyun- The search for the victims of the deadly cyclon in Reading, I'a., has been completed, and shows that the dead number eighteen; in Pittaburg the victims number about 20. Tlie winter in Maine is of unprecedented mild character; not 9. pound of ice ha been 'harvested,' the rivers are all opeu and the lumber men are in a sorry condili'jn. Dun & C-i in tlieir review of the business iitu. tion, report tijat the i'ceiing tf confi dence ia the future 14 sti l mis'iaken; buai neos failrtresxluring the p4t wick number 3S1, agdiu'ot ?c7 for tbe previous vec-k. . Tree naval vssse'a will bo ready for sea in about, u .eek, tui iecre'ai f Whit uvf x fusea'to Say where llia-wilr- t) seut; .one of thesn will probfcly go jj',j.I:e,Xjthiittw, -"where trouble niay me fany time, 1 . 7 7 A"- messongfcr delivered to Micha.el " Mc-V Hugh, of Brooklyn, a box with a sliding lid upon was a anonymous-note. 'This excited suspicion and he-refnsed to open it. A friend volunteered and work.ed Tvery cautiouslyi prved to ho an infernal machine with tsutficitjut charge to have killed any; person Tlie Darbttm ColLon aiiMmfocturinfr Co. ' " 'At the annnal-stockholders meet ing of the Durham Cotton Manufac turing Company upldflWrstWy, the 10th, , the following were elected: '; ' ' "r J . V 7 Capv J Odell was elected pres- rident for the year 1S89: Mr J. ,P. Car r, v lee presi den t j M r. W I It. B ran son secretary and treasurer.".."' - The' fullowing gentlemen , were elected d i rectory J , M . Ud el I,-J; S; Catr, J. A, UdeJl, U. Odoll. V. H, Bianfroov - v r. The board of directors declared a serat annua) dividend of; G per cent, upoiiv the capital-of the coin pan?. During the' year 1 88the ' company paid to openttives $44,501.3; mill rti n 30ft 4ays. The Plant says : The Lyear 1888 was rithcrati.;imfavorabe one r cotion spinning, yet the Dur ham factory p-id 0 per t ent, dividend in J til v last, and. another thia Januar Come To See Us! By the permissin f kind Prevt tence we av permitted to o grt-et-tbe new year of 1389. and- to juivraa :oar many old f ... :Friends and Customers that we served in bur line of business for many years and believe we bay given satisfaction by fair dealing, and honefet wovk. We enter, upon this, new, year wishing our old customers and friends a h.ppy and prosperous year and solicit a continuance of their pat ronage, promising theai - Good Work at Prices to euit the hard times. We have on hand txpect to ketp a line of , Hissen Wagons, Bugles, 1 AND COFFINS of ali sizs to suit our trade so we can furnish them very short notice and at pnfios ill at cannot be undersold. Thanking our friends aad customen for their mayy pst favos, we earnest ly solicit a cnunuauce "ot the same We will ba (ouDd at Our Old Stand in R-ixboro to serve them-at all work j'sg hours. Rcepctfu!ly, H. K. DANIEL & SON. Winste&d House, KOXBORO, N. C, W. H. Williams,' PROPPJETOR. f - . . . .-,-.'"- This house is open to the PUBLIC GENERALLY and for Drummers Particularly. Good rooms, 'table fare tbd vejy best the markat will afford. CHARGES MODERATE. Call and see me whenever an oppor tunity afford, Iamabo prepartd to take care of horses, , W. H. WILLIAMS. Notice. Having- this day qualified as Executor of tbe estate olJ as. M. Bnrnett, deceased, I hereby iifttify alt persoBB indebted to said ostate to come forward and make immediate settlement, and all persons holdinp claims against the de ceased to present them to the undersigned for fiaymenton or before tbe 10th day of December. 889, or this notice will be plead in bar of their This the 10th day of Dec aber, 18S8. nJSi s.J. & i . M. Carkett, Executors - Jas M. Barnett.' Notice. - By virtue of powers contained in a deed Of trust executed to me as trustee in a de.ed of trust inaa oy John r. woodvana wife to me as trustee for Trayers, Snead Co.. I will r n the 21st da r of .January 1889 eeU at pnbllc aao -ton to the hirneat bidder in front of the court house door in it ox boro- the interest of said John F. Woody in his father's (the late Jas. U. WoetiyLtract of laqd at Bethel Dill, Person eounti", 7N . C, Also aset of black smith tools in shop at Bethel inn. Also one horse, named tiiny" mortgagea to saia Woody by Isaac Bettt: also upon the crou raised br anid Kftta auirng tae year isas and )887 and the lands of said John F. woody.- -Also abont II acres of land adjoining the academy lot, ttie lands of the late .;no.r. nonranio, ttiimn - w oodv and others. Also lot of black smith tools in slum at Tlntim! Hill. Terms of sale cosh. ThU n-imlir 8;t iocs. - n J.. MKanriT. Truitea. Jiotice. ITaving oualiScdas executor of the will nf V V. Hariris I hereby notify all oeraona hnllin? claims againt said estate, to present them for payment on ot before the 16th of December '.88tt or this notice will be plead in lar of their recov eryAll icisons owing intestate are hereby notinea to come xorward and pay the aamo at ouce. xuis jjecemcer join itsa. J.-T. JONES, Executor of will of O. V. Hargjs. Notice. TTavine this dar aualifled as administrator of the estate or Jesse Maiotie. 'tiee'd. i iumhr iu,t.u fy all persons owinjr said estate to come forward and make immediate settlemenf.and all persons nomiHtr eixinu against saia inrstaie to present them to .me on or before the lOtb dav of Janua ry 1890, or this notice will be pi end in fear. of ineir recovvrr. jlius me jtn or jannarv. 1889. W. A. WAURKN. Adm'r.. I106t a. . of Jee Malono. defeased. - Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Patent bueiBesa conducted for Moderate 1'ees. . . ' Oar OOlce Js Oppo.ita U. S. Fatent 'Of ficK. We hava no snb-agendes, ail business direct, hence can transact ptent busiaess in less timo aud at less -cost than those remoU froaa Waahington. - : --.- j- . - t Send ruodel, drawing, or photo., wltli descrip tion.' Wo advise if patentable or not. free of charge. "Oar fee not e'-je till patent is secured. ' A book, ' Kow to OWain I'ateiits," wii refer ; .encos to actoal clieuts in your State, ecanty. ot town, tent free. Addres8f . , ' .'. vmmmomM co. - ' Oppcgit PateatOfflee, Washington, D, fj. 7 C PARSER'S CIKCES TONIC -wlt5nt deiiy. Arara medjuuial coin pound timt earea when all eteefaii. ordan ol tlie Btomawh and Sowela. eoe. at DruasiitB. HiripERConno. Tha nfrt. cureet and bent tnirn fnr rw. Un nim. fossesses manr Important Advantages over all - other prepared Foods. - BABIES CR Y FOR 4TT 'Tr7T . : . MALM RELISH IT. & Makes Plump, Laughing, Health jr. Babies . , , Sold by Prugglsts, 3c 50c, 91.00 . WELLS, RICHARDSOW 1 CO., BBBUaT0H,VT. Baby'Pdrtraitc. A Portlollo of beautlfhl baby portraits, ' printed on fine plate paper by patent photo process, sent free to Mother of any Baby born within a year. Jivery Mother wants these pictures ; aend at once. Give Baby's name and age. - - : WHLL5, RICHARDSON di CO., P,pp8 Burilngton, Vt. and After ilie I will sell goods Oil H will pay you and every THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN: CASH AND GREmTpicim .ALLIANCE MEN WHO kRE PROPOSING TO ESTABLISH THE CASH BYSTEM WOULD DO WELL TO GIVE MET A CALL AND LI2ifTi PRICES .. .. I KEEP pNr HAKD A WELL SELECTED STOCK: IN WHICH ARB OVB 0.e Tbousaud Fairs of Boots and ShGcs Large lot of ladies cloaks at. about cosr.f I Need Ready Monsy and Must Sell Country Produce taken At Full Prices for Goods -Cow Hides. Green and Dry , Wanted. ' - . -" " 7 - 7, .' . . - . '.'g-Z:t. tw' i "; ,''"7. 7- BOXEORO, N.C.Dec, 20th. A- R. FOUSlief " CME RIGHT THIS WAY mm 1 Call on i. as our w rkis dona at very na Jfderate prices aad ataTflf- v Special Attention Given ALL t1' ;:.,:7. ;'PASSiiMMEl!BioM in the Critcher building. PAID UP CAPITAL . , " MANL'VACIURERS OF BOSinESS AIlD PLEASURE VEHICLES. Proprietors and Sole Users of ' Sjbhler's 'Improved Qerfectlon Fifth All mrk Guaranteed as Represented, V-:.- SED FOR;CATAL0(5UB t If you are needing printing line, call at lot of Stationery; "T . n ' j rii.7 a. '77- wote J3.eaus, piaxemenxs, iiinveiopeo vc; will be in in a;iew days, :: '.V-V SiStJp. : ;i NOELIi BROS, 7 ' sy to Dye 1 with J YES Oupcrior treneth, Fastness. Gfmplloity. Warranted to color- mora aooda than in mh. dye ever made, and to girt mora brUliaot and durable colors. Ask for 1Ztfiiammd, aad take na other. 36 colors io cents each. WELLS, RICHAttDSON & CO fitrrffngtoa, H. For QUdiag or B rod zing Faacjr ArtldM, VS9 .DIAMOND POINTS, . Gold Silver, Bronze. Copper." Oaly M Cata 1st ol Jan. 1089 at greatlly reduced TIMES. STOCK,:$26Q$0Qimm CINCINNATI, OHIO; u It'sEa 7. .... MJv-'! . . ; ... ;V-7 -CV. . any thing ; viiftHe job this; dffice i-A-rioTV isuchas fXetteri end . ' 1 j ' , r-i - ' " opening ii unwariry. " r-f " 9nr. IcatstPtU58ta, ftaoo & Wv K. tana 'A s

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