Person County Courier. KOXBORO. N. C, March, 14, 1889, BELICIOUS SERVICES j MKTHODI3T, 1 will preach each month according to the fol- lowiup appointments: ... rt lev's Urstsundayatllain, . Koxboro-second Sunday at II a m, and i p. m. li Ziou Thiid Sunday at 11 a m, oak Grove Fourth Sunday at 11 a m, I'rovidenoa Fourth sunjay at 3 p m. p avr meeting every Wednesday night 7 p. in , at'KoxbJro. Sunday School every Sunday :)-m T.N.IVBY, Paetor. Allonsvillo- 1st Sunday at 11 a. m.,and Satur vr before at S p. m. f nnity 2nd Sund ly at 11 a. m., and Saturday heforn r't 3 p. m. at Hebron on Sunday 3 p. m. Mt. Tirzab 3rd Sunday at Ha. m., and 7 p.m. Webb's Chapel 4th Sun lay at 11a. m., and fnturdav before at 3 p. m. Jlolloway'a 4t.h Sunilay. J. K. UnT'Erwood, Pastor. BAPTIST. Fphesns 1st Sundav, and Saturday before. Mill creek 2nd Sunday, and Saturday before. Koxboro 3rd Sunday at 11 o'clock a. m., and at 7 o'clock r. m. Clement 4tli Sundav and Satrtriay before. Roxboro l'raycr Meeting every Thursday BUht. J. II. Lambgeth, Pastor. Tied Mountain 1st Sunday and Saturday bc iore. , Antiocb 2nd nndav and Saturday betfore. r.ethcl Hill 3rd Sundav and Saturday b'i e. Cross Itnnds, Halifax couuty, Va.4lh Sunday and Saturday b. fore. a j aw, Pastok. Mr. J W. Noell, of th j Courier firm was in town last wfek. The exact sum which the pen sion bill mil yield this year is $78, 500. Mr. R. A. ru.s. of that popular firm, W. T. Pass & Co., spent a few days in Milton this week. Krv. r.N Ivey will preach a Sunny Side, at 3 o'clock p m. next Sunday evening. Mr. S. r. f-afterSoM returned Hsl Kri !;ir, h reported a bg time at the in-iviur;it:oi?. Mr. Ernest Cheek R'?d wifv. of K eulle, spent a fe div the fp'si cf the wetk with Mrs. A. R. Fought. Messrs. John Nelson find CIihs A. Whitfield called in and renewed tliis week. The Legislature in joint session Jft'-it Friday night elected about 2,200 nugiMrates to fill the places of tho e whose terms expire in August nest- We are clad to learn that Mr. Eugene Brdnher has putohas-d a lot in town, and will shortly elect residence thereon. On and after Saturday the ICth of March, a daily mail will be had between Lloshoro and Hillsboro. '1 here will be preaching at the Baptist Church in this place, Sunday jaorning Mt 11 o'clock, and at 7 in the evening. The charter granted by the Leg islature to the railway from Danville sonthward to Yancey rille and Meb ane allows its extention to Pittsboro, the county-seat of Chatham. It is said by the people who ought to know, that sitce December 15th last, at the very least, 9,500. to J 10,000 negroes have left the State, of which number 1.000 have gone to Kansas. The railways are certainly carrying a great many in large par ties, but far more in small numbers or merely as families. The election bill which was pass ed by the Legislature i3 no sbch bug bear as the Republicans attempt to make it appear. It really amend the present law in few pui ticu ars, and is the compromise bill or substitute for the measure which passed the Senate. It provides that poll-holders shall be of both political parties, and does uot disqualify illiterate voters. Its provisions for accurate registration are very strong points. The matter of registration in this State will not in fnture be loosely looked after. The new election law provides that no registration shall be valid unless it specifies aa near as may be the a-e, occupation, place of birth, and place of residence of the elector, as well as the township or ounty from whence the elector has removed, '.n the event of a removal, Rnd the full tau.e by which the voter is known. Sunday School Meeting, Owing to the disappointment m our recently appointed County Sunday School Convention by the hesivy fall of show thai day aud the nigijt be i'ore, aivi st the lequcat of Bro. E J pMiTish, President. of the North Car- ohna State Sunday School Ucnven- i 1 11 V . fon, a met ling win oe iieia in nos- Doro on Thursdiy night, March 21st, ibfeO, lor the purpose of attending to !hia phafee of our Masters work, in conci'jf-i ing the ud vaneement of the Sunday School work in Person coun ty ixr.d the appointm :vA of delegates to the Staio Convention in Charlotte, N C, April 2d, 3d, and 4th. We hope to ate as many of the Sunday school workers tVom all over the present on that night th-t can pos sibly come. If any one who is inter ested in this work thinks hecan go aa a delegate to the State meetiug, we would be glad for him to come or in his name stating his purpose to go. Als wish some one from has tned to keep its readers posted on the proceedings of the body, .es pecially what legislation was of iute r et toon r peopled We have aone-the bestr we could with the space we bad. To the News and Observer, the Ral eigh coi respondent to Richmond Dis, patch, and . the State Chronicle we return our thanks, for the reports we have been able to make. Winter. foe the cotjbier. The lea Tea are gently falling, The trees are brown and sere, While the birds seem to be saying: "The winter cold and dark is here-" Over the trees the birds are flying, Flying to a brighter warmer sphere; To wait 'till the winter's cold is gone, And the beautiful spring is here. Though the winter is cold and dark, And the trees are brown and bare, Cod does all things for the best, And we should never dispa'-r. And when a bright, sunshiny, day comes, We treasure it up in our heart, And lore them al the better, For being so few and far apart. Clara Peggotty. To Sunday School Workers in North Carolina. Dear Brethren: A gentni call was made by the Executive Committee of the North Carolina Statri Sunday School Association, naming Fubru.iry 22 1 as the time for holding '-County Conventions" for parp'ses asset forth at b-st State Suna:iy School Convention held ir Raleigh March, 1383, ami for the fuit'ier purpose of lectino; five (3) d legates to the nex. State Convention to be h'.ld in Charlotte, N. C, April 2 3, and 4th. Trie snow, or other causes, interfered, am! bui few Couuty Con ventions were i?l 1 TTe have bes'n, and are now wiibivat funds to taiplot organizers and l:av-j to appeal to .the Ministers, Supcni'tprnleu-s ana very lover of tha ;:rd j- School cmh throughout the S- ?", to t--etir theru- selves and see Lb Cyu;.tv C myections Confederate Pension Bill. The Confederate pension bill as it finally passed the Legislature provides for the payment annually: 1. To suck as have received a wound which ren ders them incompetent to perform manuaflabor in the ordinary avocations of lite, and to all other soldiers who are otherwise disabled from performing manual labor by reason of woixnds received duringtbe war, one hundred dollars. 2 I. To such as haye lose a le abye tbe.knee, or an arm above the elbow, seventytfiva dollars. 8rd. To such aa have lost a foot or kg below the knee, or hand or-urm below the elbow, or have a leg or artn rendered useless by reason of a wound or per rnaneot injury, fifty dollars. .4th. To such as have lost oneeye, and trail needy widows remaining unmarried, twenty-five dollars. But no officer, soldier, sailor or widow holding a national,. State or county office, which pays annually a salary or fees, the sum of three hundred dollars, or who owns in his or br own right, or in the right cf his wife, property ot the value ot five hundred dollars, a9 assed for taxation, or svho is receiving sid from the State under any act providing for the relief of soldiers who are blind or maimed, shall be entitled to any of the benefits of the net. For the purpose of paying the pensions, a tax of tbree cents on every hundred dollars worth of real and personal property of the State, and also a tx of nine csats on each t xab!e p ll or male between the ages of twenty one and fifty years, is levied to be appihd to this special tteject, the s- nie to be collected ard paid into the St it treasury by th eheriffa as Sute tfx?s. The provision thus made is probably the very bst that could be done under existing circumstances. Nevs and Observer. Mail Road-Fertilizer. Tbe Rait Road is now' a certain fact and I advise all parties having timber, to get cross ties ready tor "Sale and delivery. As the times are -very .hard, I will, as a favor to tha farmers who, desire. Sell them fertilizers and take in pay ment for the cross .ties at the price fixed by tjie Rail Road Company. They can be delivered aloiarthe tine, subject to the approval ot t be Company. Specifications can be bad at the Of fice uf J. S, M.nitt. Keep Tour Money at .Home, The United States consumes 160, 000,000, pnirs of boots and shee8 pT annum, 100,000,000 of which are fur nished by the New England States. Toe hides come from the South and West and return shoes. It is the'eame old Story. We fureish the raw ma terial and use the manufactured article, yet -pay transportation en both for many thousands of miles- We have right here in Guilford county a half dozen shoe factoring, yet our people will insist on wearing foreign made boots and shoes. Come, that will never do. Keep your money at home. by patronizing home enterprises. The Greensboro North State. Bucklia's Arnica Salve Th&Best Salve in the world for Cuts Bruises, Sores, T leers. Salt Rheum, Fe vtr - Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands' Chirblains, Corns, and all Skin Erupe tionfi, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It. is guarenteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded I rice 25 cents per bgfFc-r 6ae by Dr. It, A. Morto BUSINESS LOCALS. JTew Store, NEW POST OFFICE, ROSEVILLE, - PersoitICounty,N. C, Late, Long's;! Roads. Is the place to buy ?y our Gcods. Hnvinir thl tX&v tjr.alifiert as Admipietrator- of 11. 11 itichmoMd, 1 hereby notrxy a a per6. twi7p said estate to come forward and make- immemat settlement, ani u jierwiua claims aeainst deceased, are notifiett to present sanie to ine'Tor payment on or before the izn daynf Kebruirv, IS99, or this notice W1U iff plead n bar of their recovery. Xu.S r CD, lata loy. ' Administrator Big lot rtf Boots and Shoes, we art offering at Bargains to suit all. On the 1st Tuesday in Atrril 1859, 1 Will ell at public anrtien, to the hiphent hldder, Xr casn, in front of court house door m Rox1wro. that tract or peiee of tend -on- which John Crer . iivt-w, iin iy! iiinc lite muvtn ui miiua w . Abb Walker. T.I. Hwrrwancl others, contain ing 20,l acres more or less. This is. to foreclotie mortgage given oj ania Carver and wife to J. s. Mmtt, 8-7-4U Assignee of J . S. Merri tt. Dry-Goods and Notions mPt be sold, Hard times or no hard times. Call for our PRIDE tobacco, 6 inch piec-' for 5 cents never such goods offoreJ for the money. " SNUFF, SNUFF, a specialty. SnfTHr, Coff e and Molasses and oth er Staple Goods sold at Railroad prices. Will keep a supply of Meat, Meal and Flour on hund at uch low prices that will bring the all mighty Dollar. AH arc myited to c'dl aud get prices beiore" 'buying e!ewh re. YOURS RESP'T'Y, W.H.MOORE. W. T. Pasa, R. A. Pass. W. T. PASS & CO. -EEALEaS.IS EM MD FAECY GRQCEHE8, Valuable Land For Sale! !! N. C Sottnd i.egal Oplnon. E. Bainbtidge, MundayEsq., connty Attv., C ay o. Tex , says: 'Have used Electric Bit ters with mt. bt happy results- My brother also was very low with Ma'arial Fever and Janu- are held in thdi ro?pectivc Counties dice, but was cired by timely use of this wln re uone hare : bfld. medicine. Am satlsfitd Electric Bitters The press c-C N-.-rib (rt-llna ervr : saved bis life" willicg to do its pare :a every goo etich school in the county would seuii Boil?, pimples, hives, ringworm or brine in a report of his school. Please do tbi3 friends. Respectfully, Pastors of Roxboro totter, and all other mauifestatiens iof impure blood are cured by Mood's Harsaparilli. Your attention is called to the riPW ad. of G Ober & Sons Compa ny's Fertilizer to be found in another (lumn. It is sold m Koboro by Mr. J. A. Long. Mr. C. A. Ta liel, the popular book-keeper and cashier of A. Lan dis & Son, of Oxford, was at home lust Saturday and Sunday visiting relatives aud friends. The many friends and admirers of Misses Paliie Yancey ar,d Dora Hughc3 were glad to meet them in tow a this week, where they have been visiting friends. Mr. Waslv F. Reade, of Mt. Tir 7,ah spent a few dtyR in town this week visiting his dHiighter, Mrs. W. II. Long. Mr. Re-ido says that times Hremigr.ty tight but that Shake Hag can make out now till Blackberry time. Mr. Allen, of the firm of Cod wie & AH- n, who have the oontract for building the Lynchburg & Dur ham Railroad, wis in town yeBterday. We learn that ho said a camp would bo moyed to Roxboro, and work be gun in about a week or ten day-. That is good news to our people. Abpl Ripny, a young white man twenty-three years old, was tried for his life ot Al.imarice Superior Court last we;;k for killing his f.itner last fall.. lie was convicted, and sen tenced to be hung on April 5th. Messrs.-Pass & ditcher Bros., our enterprising carriage manufac turers, are erecting a substantial brick blacksmith shop, which wiil he run in connection with their other business. This firm has met with unusual eucGss since they began business here, a little mre than a year ago. Judicious adverthsiag Rud ch'se attention to business will al ways tell. An exchange Bays: "Not since the war has tbere been sucn destitu tion among the people of Orange couuty. Sheriff Hughes sava the colore d people are imploring aid. On account of the failure of the crops tho condition of many people, white and colored, is deplorable, in fact alarming. Such a ftate of affairs was never bcfqre known in Qrane. The complaints and tb.e 8pj?eah for fctatc aid do nctqnie jrc-to idle and worth less uegroes, but from those who Hie known to be Lard woiVing and deserving" A Generous Drommer. The Baptists of Roxboro, N. C, are very grateful to Mr. John H. Daniel, of Baltimore, for a nice pair of Chandeliers, which be sent them last week for their church. Mr. Dan iel is with Messrs. Martin, Lane & Co., Hopkins Place. This is one of he best, if not the best hardware firm in Baltimore, and Mr. John Daniel is said to be the best posted hardware man who travels the whole country. lie is known fir and wide, by the traveling fraternity, by hotel uroprietors, in social circles, and pre eminently in business circles. This free, kind-hearted man will eyer meet with a warm reception by his many frieuds in Roxboro, and we hope the merchants of North Carolina will show him special honor, and patrcn ize this houso liberally. Gratefully his friend, J. H. Lamberlh. Roxboro, March 12, 1889. Warner's Log Cabin Remedies old fashioned, simple compound1, used in tbe days ot our hardy forefathers, are old timers" but uold reliable." They comprise Warner's Log; Cabin Sarsaparrllla, 'Hopj an 1 Buohu Remedy,'' 'Congh and- C Jnump'ion Remedy," "H iir Toui;:," ' Exrrct,'' for external and in ternal use, "Pi-sters,"'"Roa Creaan,1' for Catarrh, and "Liver-PiUs." They are put up by H. II, Waracr & Co., proprietors of Wamet'j Sfe Reni3. dies, and promise to f qual the stanJard value of those great preparations. AH dru ;isis keop them. work can be vs J, sr.d ;;p Ri to each vcriar in the tioule causes to see for himself that a C:.-i Ur County Convention be iupui at .'nee. Let two or more M:n;8tr.- and liutcri:-:.;jidp!jtf isue the ed! iaviting ail fjiiday School ! uoriert to meet on some stattd dy ar.-tl 1 hour at some dcsiyn.ted poe and formally organize. L"t it no longer be d lyd- Any Sunday School Worker i? ooinnv'psiontd to stir up the biethron to the issuance of the cU. All Mimsttrs are delegates. Elect as delegates thos who will attend, and please notify Prof. J. W. Gore, S-cre-Ury, Chapel Hill. Special rates on. Railroads. L?t ministers and delt gates who intend going notdy C. W. Tillett Esq.. Char lotte, N. C-. Chairman Committee on entertaining d-'l'-g iti-s. A pleasant and profitable time may be expected. Let no County tail to b represented. E. J. PARRI3H, Durham, N. C. President Mr- D. i. U'ilco.son, of Horse Cave, Ky, adds a like testimony, saying: He postivoly believes he would have d.ed, had it not been for Eleetiic Bitters. This groat remedy will warn off, aa well as cure ail Ma'jrial Di.-eases, ainl for all Kidney, Liver an t tomach Disorders stands uneqnaltd. Price 50c. and $1. at R. A. Morton & Co's Drug Stores. 150 acres of land between Ps's mi'l and the town of Rxboro, ktiowu ;us the "Sam Pointer Land." v The land is fertile, well watered, and well adapted for Ihecti'ticatioa of tobacco and gram. It is situated very nea: the corporate i limit3 of the town. j The purchaser Can havs ow:: Now Give Attention To the purification of your blood, for at no ?eysen is the body so susceptible to the benefbs to be derived from a good medicine, as in March, April and May. Hood's Sargiparilla is the peo ple's favorite tp'ing medicine. I stands unequalled for purifying the blood, curing scroful", salt rheum, etc. rulating the kidneys and liver, re pairing neive tissues, streBg'hening and invigorating the whole body, as well a checking the progress of acute and chronic disease, and restoring the affiVted parts to a natural, henlthy coudition. If you have never .tried uooa 8 sirsaparilla tor yoilr "spring medicine,"' do so this season. The Way to Test It. If rneicliauts think advertipemen's are not read by the people, just let thorn advertise t iye away 9omtthiog aud sc bow sunn their stock is ex hausted. Advertisements ore always real by Ihe people, for the-e lmid times they are always on the lookout for bargain, and when one is offered they are not slow to take advantage of it. Elizabeth City News CONSUMPTION SURELY CUBED. To The Editor Please inform your reader that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease- By its timely nse thousands of hopeless cases have been per manently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy who have con sumption if they w ll send me their express and postoffice address. Respectfully, T. A. SLOcnM, if . C, 1S1 Pearl st., N. Y White Cap scare iu Eastera North Carolina White Caps have been talked of so much at tne North, that tnty are actually talking about them down this way, the colored people cfoing most of tne talking. It was rumored last week that White Caps had appeared in Washington, and the colored folks go awfully scar-id. But the different name by which they have been called is th most amusing prt. The narnu fir? went from white caps to "'white cap- pprs," then to "kidoappivs," then they wore the appolln'ion ot "kidney sriup pers. Greenville 'HcjUctor. Returned Hone. Senator J. A. Long reached home last Sunday night. His many friends were glad to shake his hand and welcome him home, utter his sixty days of hard work. Wc venture to say that no District in the State was abler-represented than thig, the 20h. MivLong, has urate :ed closely after tho interests of his constituents, as has also our Representative, Maj. J . T. Yancey, what taey thought was to the best interests of our people, that they did nothing more nor less. Well done good ani3 faithful servants, says the Courier, and m fiay the good people of .Perg-m couoty. The business of the Legislature whs prac tically finished Saturday night, but it did not adjourn till Monday mora ing. In some respects this Legisla tuie has done more work tban any ever held heretofore. The Courier time for payment open g o:l ?cnrity j. T. Strayhobn, j Agent. Desiring .to change our business, we j offer our entire stock ot if irdvrire, consisting of stoves, plowp, plow o.t-t-ir'gs, guns, nd in fact evovyui'i-g usu ally found in a first-class hard wurc store, at cost. J. A. Carver & Co. LOOK TO YOUE INTEREST. Do you need a plow, trace chains, eto. es, buggy or wacon whip, hard ware of any kind for building purpose? ? If so call on us at post office, &vd you will save money. We are st-llbi at coHt. J. A. Carver x Co. f Sleep With Your Head to the North. Scientific inves'iaiion proves that there is the best possible foundation for the belief that wethould sleep with our bodies lying north and south Eich human system has magnetic poles, one positive aud one negative It is true some persons have the positive pole in the head and the negative pule in the feet, and others the reverse St. Louis Globe Democrat. Special Notice! Ou and after the 1st diy of March, 18S9, we will adopt the cash system, and wiil sell' only for cash. strictly. We dolus that we may be able to sell our goods at a ebort profit, and are confident that it will benefit both our customers and our selves. Thankiug our friends lor their liberal patronage heretofore given us, and hoping a continuance of tha same, we are yours very truly, W. ,T Pass & Co. State of Oaro. City of Toi,ed , ? Lucas Couuty, S 3. Fkanx J. Ciiknsy tn -ses oath tha he is the s n;or p r.ner r f ihe firm m F. J. Cwesky&Co., doins-busitjegs in the City ,.t Toledo, county and State aforesaid, and that s-id firm will pa the sum of ONi: HUNDRED. DOJ LARS for each und everv ease of Ca tarrh that cannot he cured bv tho u;- of Hall's Cataivrh Cvkk. rUANk J. CHENEY. . Sworn to before me and subscribed in my preserve, this 6th d;,y Rf'Deoem ber, A. D. 18S6. j I A. W CLE A SON. fi, " Notary Public Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern ally and acts directly .upon, die-blood and mucus sut faces of the .system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo,; 0 gpTSold byDriiggis'8, 75 cerrs.. Tho LeTelers and Destroyers. There are always some peop.o in tvtry community who try to pull Mown everything h-it is moral and good, but that is no reason whatever fr those who are interested in the wtlf re aiid morality oi their const iv to fcdnp their progressive work. Bethel Herald. Notice. Will eell t the higheit bidder at tbe Onrl huse door in Boxboro on JU jndav the 15th of April being Conrt week, a tract of land belone insr 'othecststeof William Carer deceaseM.on the waters of uents Creek, ac joining the lands of .John A liarnet, Mangum carver ana others, containing 97 acres more or less, this being tract on wtiicn said carver uvea wnen ne uen. Terais of sale : Kiitr do.lars cash, baliance in six months wun bona (ana approveu security soiu to pay asois. March ittn itnsa. C B. BROCKS, Kxecotor. Notice. By virtue of an order of the Superior Court I will sell at the Courthouse door in Roxbnro on Monday tbe 1st day of April what is known as the o. v. iiargis Homestead tract, of Laura Hargis. One half cash, bailunce in 6 months in eresr at eper csnt. ou oeierrea paymeai. Thib 12th flay of Aiarcn, 'a. .'(.i.ussnmu, cum. k'-.-p ? h.-ind Ht al'. times . . -'JOFFEfi, : LARD, Icn JiOLASES c ZD GO DS, F ENCH & PLAIN CANDIES, ' Nuts of All Kinds, which we sell remarkablMow prices. Our motto is to Notice. Noticd', Tbt srireties ot C-G. Mitchell are hereby noti fled to meet me in my office at half past9 o'clock Mondav mornintr. Anrd 1st. as taji coinp!!e-i to make settlement with creditors at that time. Judgmea 8 will be taken against all parties owinj; C. (i. Mitchell, or Mitchell & Brooks who fau to coma forward ana settle osiore teat date. J. S. MERBITT. Asaipnee of C. U. Mitchell J. D. MoiiRia, A. R FousnKE J. D. MORRIS & CO Druggists. Have a fresh supply of Landreth Garden Seeds. Mr. Morris is the ONLY LICENSED IJinvCi- GIST in tbe connty. Prescriptions a specialty. ROXBORO, N. C. BOPIdY TREATED TTRSE?. Positively Cared with Vegetable Remedies. Have cured manv tbonsttnd cases. Cure pa tients pronounced bopeless'by the bsst pby.-i-tians. From first dose rvmntoms rapidlv dis appear, and in ten days at least two thirds i f all syutdtoms are removed, Send for free boi.k, of testimonials of miraculous cures. Tea dav3 treatmeittfnruished .r-e by mail, If you ordr tnai, send 10 cents in stamps to pay postage. Dli. u. ii.iiiitt&a a soTis, Atlanta, io. Notice. TAXES! TAXES 1 TAX27S! FOR 188S! FAIR WARNING!! All persons owinc me Taxes for tbe rear 1883. must pay fey April 1st 1S89 or I will be oompelleil to collect by distraint. The law requires me to settle and to do so 1 must collect the taxes at once. Very Respectfnll, W. II. JULLY, Sheriff of Person comity. Notice. The following is a list of the money collected from K5 ober 1st, 1S38, to January 1st, 1889: Nov. 18. 8. A. Barnett, Justice, State vs. Squire Barn ett, 12.00. J. P. Wade, Justice, State vs. T. Wright, 53 cents- Geo. H. Tarbro, Justice, State vs. Thomas Tacebs, 10 cents. Dec. 18S8. 8. A. Barnett Justice, State vs. W. A. Dun can, $?.0O. W. V. Timberlake, Justice, State vs. James Wagoner. COcents; atuevs. McBroom, $100; State vs. iatta ana Mcuroom, 8. B. WINsTK D, Treasurer "Live and Let Live." We hve recently added to our business and which will be an import ant feature, that of keeping HAY, COM, BRAN, &c, &c, to feed stock, whicii will be sold at remarkably low prievs. x A Car Load of Hay and Corn will be in this and next week. Winter and Spring Seed Oats. When in neeJ of such ca'l and see us. YOURS VERY TRULY, W. T. PASS & CO. to selloerpopn'ar "; Town sis' C'v.:n-v. iIHS.i:Vl ,.u. Lrtdios in Feeble Health, From any Cause, Send at once for a bottle of Fly's Nerve Tonic Pills, as this r raady is guarantee;! to cure you, as it has been iirescribed by lend ing physicians of the United States for more th .n a quarter ol a century, nut as otirspa'-e is limi ed. we can only name a few of the many diseasas for whbh it lias been success fully us..d, among which are Headache, Neu ralgia. Convulsions or hts, Constipation, Kidney troubles, Corea Neuralgia of the Smmach and Bowels, aud Is a specific for Neuralgia of the Womb aud its appendage? and all diseases resulting from a want of sufficient uerve force, thoroughly regulating .11 the functions of the womb.. And more especially the reproductive organs of boh sexes, enabling young girls to safely past; the critical change from girlhood to woman boo 1. Correcting all menstrual irregular ities and displacements of the womb, thereby conducting her through the important period of child-bearing, relieving her of many c f the pains and anxiety incident thereto shrough the menopause or "change of life," to a hale, healthy, vigorous and enjoyable old age. It relieves the sickness of preg nancy and promotes a speedy recovery from confinement, It purifies tbe bood, bui'iL up the system aud imparts vigor as if by magic to the whole body, clearing the skin of dark or brown blotches, on the face of ladies suffering from some form of menstrual derangement. It is not only a most invaluable remedy for female diseases, as above stated, but xa peculiarly adapted to some diseases of men, such as Spermatorhoea, loss of nerve power premature old age, and want of fierve vigo: peculiar to professional men. Can be take.: with benefit and perfect safety at all timee. Each bottle contains. one month moiuh'e treatment. Price $1.03 per bottle.. Seat by mail, on receipt of price. Address C. B. Fly, Sole Proprietor, MempLis, Tehn- Winstead House, ROXBORO, N. C, W. H. Williams, PROPRIETOR. Tuis-htui9e is open to tbe PUBLIC GENERALLY - and for Diuaimers Particularly. Good rooms, table fare th,? very best the market wiil afford. CHARGES MODERATE. Call and see m whenever an oppor tunity Hfford. I am atro prepaid to take care of horses. W. H. WILLIAMS, Notice! Having this day -qualified a Administrate oa the estate of liosetta Hargrove, 1 beruby no tify all persons owing said estate tc co-rs forward and make immediate vKie:it, ;rd ail persons holding claims against dcreasfd present tbein to tne for payment on rr before the sour day t February 1830, or this notice will be p?ead i-i bar of tbeir'rccove y. 'Ibis Feb. 20th it9. E. A. P. ss Admimsu-atui. AT COST. - From now un;il disprsei of, wc will HfU out etirj o;k of Hardware at (0if. J. A. Carver & Co A Sate Investment, Is one which is guaranteed to bring you satisfactory results, or in case of failure a return of purchase price. On this safe plan you :an uiy from our advertised Druggist a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption. It is guaranteed to bring relief in eve y case, when used for any aHe. tionof Throat. Lungs or Chest, sucn as Consump tion, inUamati 'n ot iungs, ijroncuuis, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Croup, etc. It is pleasant and agreeable to taste, perfectly safe, ac.d cun always be depended upon. Trial bottle free at R. A- Morton & Co's Drugstore. A Prodictlon . The New York Suns corresponds nt at Washington predicts tnt Harrison's Cabinet will not bM together ninety days. He says after H.uri iaon got to JPnshmgtoo be did not seek B'aino's advice. H ; y& il rin will mnke his ofiicera. only, chief cl-rk- . Tim will show now true oi otherwise thl6 j3. WurQigtM ptuf.' Tobkcco Fertilizer HIGH GRADE Q UICK RELIABLE. xls Farmers eiiorss it, T1S7 say it tells in fits HELD mi on tag WAREHOUSE JL03R. SW TD S VPPQ JEV Importers and Manufacturers. . 1! . 1 lUi S Elilu 01 W. . EIGHMOND, VIRGINIA AGE2TTS WANTED. F3IC23 EEDJCEJ). Writs for Teatlmoaiala aad Prlcsa. For Sale by Vi T PASS.& CO R xU N O FtUON & FLEMINiTj, Milton, N C, WALKER BROS. Milu.n, N C. R 11 BAS. 0nmglia,ro Store, N C. CATiHINGTON h TK AXTON Durham, K. C. Notice FLORAL QUIDS FOB 1839-TH5 PIOEEB SEED CATALOGUE CF AMERICA. and or cultivates for 13 cants ivates a plant hould have a copy. Price pf Vick'r Florm. G"tnB. containir.g certificate ecd 1 worth of Seeds, only 5 cenjs JAM2S VIC2 SEEDSMAN, Eoeae8ter, M, 7; ; ' TIaviBg qualified as Kxccntrix ef thf '.a Tas. V. Terrv, I hereby notify all pert-oa -i-g sa d estate tbcome forward and atake jm . r 3: ate stiilt ment; and alt persons buidir.g -laitiis against the intestate are nereity no tolled to pre stnt the same to me on or before Feb. 14, 1K:, or this notice wiil be plead in bar of their rcr.C'v err. This the llh f eb. 1HS0. 3 ks. Kliza A. Exsscntvix. Notice of Sunamons SOltTH CAUOLINA ) Ijr SCPKRIir Ool kt. I'ersou Coumy litlor tue uiera. X. IJroach -Adwtcistrator ef AVJltiam ilar- snall . v a, Molina C, Breach etal. To Mary A. Fox and husliand, Jchf. It Vxr Ida Atten. JaA Marshall. fcsoeot the heti Hi law oi ' "f, ' m i . .......... . notified to be and appear at he fiit-e ot JUe clerk of the sirier Cnurt i Person rouniv, Vorth Carolina, -aturiay in iu uaj pr and answer or demur to the cuupain. herein tiled in cam onice. Tbe purpos ofjhts aetion is to hare a firal Pt-ltifiiifnt ot tbe admitti tration Of tht- plain uiT the said J lroauh Administrator vt v i-. , imixii. ... ......... . au td under ft proper Judgement ftft: curt. C's vi a s AJPti v- - . Oeo. 1. Tb'txtbn,- . - . A. J .nisi. V, hi t . THAXTON & W Al KINS, " PANT G-'K'DS . OV JtAii'IJS' T.U.TKS DRKSB GCODK ". '.''fa ns, Fov.rifrb iftj - - "V Kict.-rur.a, a E. A Uindeher Jialcspaan iax. niiitti'.e S . i,u ; '3