-C ' -1 H J I 5 - f f. ; -- tt "i 1 v- t I ' t - i ' V IT. U fa. . 5' i -H "It f J" f 1 ' j iJ ., I -t Person eounty Gprier, PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY IVOEULI BROS, Proprietors. JOHN A. NOELL, Editor. Entered according to Postal Regula tions, at the Postoffice, at Eoxbo.io, N C. , Vs second class matter.! The editors are in no wise responsible for views expressed by correspondents. SUBSCRIPTION TEIQIS. 1 copy, 1 year, 1 copy 0 months - - $1.50 .75 ROXBOb-O, N. C. April, 18:1., tb89 "Only twenty-two States in all have received a share of the distribu tion of the prominent offices by President Harrison. No Southern rotate has received "a crumb of pouifort." WASHINGTON LETTER. From our Regular Cot-respondent. Washington, D. C, April 12,h,?80. Seme of the applicants for post masterships display a pretty fair idea of the appointing power. If the application is addressed to the Presi dent, the api'licunt dwells upon his war reGord and rakes his list of acquaintances WHh a Quo-tooth comb to find someone who knows the President personally. .:ko as not the person found is a minister who used to know General Harrison iu Ir.dianapolis. The members o' of thi3 particular brand of ministers ire wonderful to contemplate. A few duys since I saw a specimen endorsement written by one of them or a man who wants to be consul to Melbourne. The let:er was six pages long, and looked like a confi dential offer of general advice., combined with a history of Indiana. If the applicant has in his mind's t)jo the rotund Christianity" of the Postmaster General, he dwells strong !y on his connectijn with some Sunday Scbool,and if possible shows that he is during, the wetk days i conscientious business man doing a large trade which it will be really a sacrifice for him to even partially abandon for the purpose of accept- ng a postoffice. And yet, after due onsideration ana prayer, he ha? concludod that his wife will be able to attend to the business while he sits in the postoffice and occasionally ihufiks letters and pnts fresh gum jn eecone hand stamps. lie iiever "The r'sult of the Chicago election sounds like a political tidal wave. The Domocrats have carried the city by St000 majority, when Ins; year the llepublicaus were successfal by over 20,000 The Bagging Trust Downed. The Jute Bagging Trust received a blacK eye at the bauds of the Goor k'ia State Farmers' Alliance which uiet in Atlanta last week. Ever eince last year wheu this trust was formed and the price of juto baggigp was greatly increased, the Alliance has been attempting to find some way to beat the trust Two method;? seemed feasible and both were ad vanced in lhe Alliance meeting in Atlanta, where some two hundred forgets to stute that he has given dolegates, representing nearly a ne matter prayerroi consideration, liuudred thousand farmers, were hough whether his prayers were for present. Oue of these plan3 was the Divine direction or merely for good adoption of pine straw bagging and puck is no Siated the other of cotton cloth. Cotton iut it is when he strikes iirsl cloth won. It was argued against Assistant Postmaster Clarkson that i ... pine straw that patents were held bv the candidate comes out strong a few men who would have farmers Here he con show his s. res and as comnletelv at their mercv as iute rounds received in the cause of the A J V 1 men. As for cotton cloth, the area uepubacan party and pour int ments were that as there were uo eager ears the story of his trials, hit pateuts, there could bo uo corner, energy and his wrongs. Here is a and, moreover, cotton cloth being raun who does not feel bitterly to- made here would increase manufac ward him merely because he lost his tnrmg in the South and would also oars or his nose in a joist debate at a increase the demand for cotton oi caucus. Verily the alert cflice-seek- the producers. This proposition er is all things to all men wa3 upheld by all -the leaders and The Postoffice Department grinds went through almost unanimously, put the appointments as rapidly as This action .effects a hundred possible, which of course is too slow thousand farmers in Georgia, and, Uosuittheapplicautsandtheirfrieuds as it is likely to be followed by other There are more than 40.000 to hi i ' Southern States, will be a ternble decapitated and replaced, and prog blow to the juto industry. Southern hess appears slow. Iu the fourth Bl . I . . A Common-Sense Letter. A True fonic- When you don't leel well and hardly kuow what ail? you, give B. B. B (Botanic Blood Balm) a trial. It is a fine touic. T. O. Callahin, Charlotte, N. C, writes: "B. B. B. is a. fine tonic, and has done me gieat good." L.W.Thompson, Damascus, Ga., writes: "I believe B. B. B. is the best blood purifier made. It has greatly improved my general health." An old gentlemen writes: "B. B B. gives me new lifts and newtrenffth. I there is anything that will make an old man young, it is B. B. B." P. A. Shepherd, Norfolk, Va., August 10, 1888, writes: "I depend .in B. B. B., lor the preservation of my health. I h ive had it in my fam ily now nearly twoyesrs, 4i nd all tb.it dnie have not had a doctor." T-hos. Paulk, Alapha. Ga., writes; I Buffered terribly from dyspepsia. The use of B. B. B. has made me feel like a new man. I would not take a thousand dollars for the good it has doae me." V. M. Cheshire, Atlanta, Ga., writes: "I had a long fpell of typhoid fever, which at last seemed to settle in my right, leg, which swelled up enor mously. An ulcer also appeared winch discharged a cupful of matter a day. I tlieu gavo B. B. B. a trial and it cured me." State and General News. Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel f purity, strength aud wholesoniCBess. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannoUbe sold in competition M-lth tee multitude of low test, short weight alum r phosphate powders. Sold only in cans. KCYAL BAKING TOWDEK. Co., lOC VaUSt.,N.V". Town Lots for Sale On the 1st Monday 1b May, 1839, hy virtue of an order of the Superior C-urt of Person coun ty to us directed, ve will on eaid rt;iy, in the town of Roxboro, on the premises, sell at public miction to the highest bidder for one third cash, balance on a credit jol !) months, 4 lots, Nos 1, 2, 3 and 4, loeated on the road to Woodsdale, nearly in front of Dr. J. T. Fuller's place. Tuese lo'..re heant-fnlly located and contain from IU to 2 acre3 or more t thelot. i'lats can be iad at oHice of .1. S. Merritt. S J. & A . W. EAKNKTT, Ex'rs, of James SI. Harnett, dee'd. spied is attained. The recornmen.ia tion of the Republican Congressman -To The EwTon: I see that news representing the district in which paper articles are again making their ibe office is situated is followed nppearaDCs calling attention to mattets unqaestioningly. Brnere there is uo pertaining to heUh as well as to the Republican member the rcfiommon : i u .i... , , 1 iuaua wuereoy urease may oe removed ,iatou of the rccogDizeil party cader9 and good health preserved, I am . a1t, r,. r. i t.iiprpnxr ppminrbrt that T h n na ,, ,:,7.A oo t; , , . . ,. commences right there a3 to who are Jiom Lime to tima. nAinnlWt. nnhhoa. ' f j ...... v-- I . , , tioos issued by the well-known firm 10 UB caueu ieda? Duc lt3e of II. H. Warner & Co.. which dwell department solves the problem with upon the history and growth of kidney rs litll bloodshed as possible, oils diseases; showing how such is the llP the machine and goes ahead. cause of consumption, heart, brain and nervous disorderp, which can only be nally falling off in extent until it euccesstuiiy treated by removing the primary disease from the kidaejs At tae same time care is tken to re mind the reader that Warner's Sfe Cure is the only means whe reby the physician or the individual caa suc cessfully prevent and cure this class of disease Whilst I have personal cause to feel grateful to Warner's Sdf Cure, lor the l.AMstfl f- K : T ,1 i r i cuuo YTuiuu x uenyeu irom u wnen ,un l0CPna v.oa- ,in kxwi BuflEenoR from k.dney troubles last on OVQ fi1o1 ' ... SDriDr. L cannot. .ro ompoihit i.om,.,l,-l f' is already so well known in fiV,rv remote districts seem to have abid -household, why the parties interested in faith 1,1 the T'er of beauty to ip. its manufacture should continue to seize and hold the appointing power. expend money in calling attention to Still a photograph of a pair of etaring what the public already knows so well, eyes, an assorted lot of whiskers aud 1 am aware, Mr. Editor, that the mem a hand-me-down suit of clothes, set bera of the medical profession are seN Lffjby a green butterfly necktie, is dom disposed to five due credit to not calculated to Bern, for tha propnetary medicines, but public corT- Lnll?pnh T?,nahaU rn:aa!n,1 0n0 ,n tUa. i a ., vjcui&ia uiuu uu ut-s.rua to ue in mo fu ,uou no).ut,u guuuemeu since tne ptartling disclosures in the Eobinson now averages only about seven hundred letters a day. This should be taken as encouragement to .John Jone3 of Jone3 .Switch to write oftener, for only the most important of. these letters ever sec the eye of an important clerk. The number of photographs filed witn applications rattier increases Sampson county has shipped 0,000 worth of huckleberries. Forest fires hare been raging in Bruns wick county. Salisbury wauts to be recognized in the baseball h ague of the State. Ex-Minister Thomas J. Jarvkhas opened a law office iu Greenville, Pitt county. Its said that the Nash county gold mine pields ,200 a day. J5vron A. Pugin, a well-known architec: of Durham, has L'one to Seattle. . 1.. to live- The sale of revonue stamps at. Durham for March amounted to ,60,tic'2. New Irish potatoes are almost ready to be shipped from the trucking farms near-Wilmington. Bowers & Arendell, dry goods dealers, as signed at Durham to B. V. Matthews, for lhe benefit cf creditors. Mr. John Spelntan, one of the veteran journalists of the State, died in Kaleigh, April 4 tli. I'd. Ward, colored, will be hung in Northampton county ,at Jackson, Faiday, May 3re. lle was convicted of burglary. Wilmington and Charlotte hayebeen suf ering from oft repeated burglaries. Kin .ton i3 talking of trying the co-operative assessment plan of establishing same loe d manufac; tiring industries. Prohibitionists in Guilford county are trying to have an election on the tir&t Mon day u June to decice whether liquor shall be sold in that county or not. In our passing about the country we ob.-erve many helds ot very hnc looking wheat. The crop in Rowan and Catawba looks quite promi-ing. Stattsville Advo cate. The Superintendent of Pub'ic Instruction is issuing 20.000 cop:ea of the new school law. The law appeal's to give general satisfaction. Rev. O. C. Newton, of Durham, has been appointed missionary to Africa by the rorei'jrn Mission Board ot the southern Baptibt church. The Wilmington Star is twenty-one and a half years old, audits circulation, it is aid, is larger than ever before, ltu worthy of its geat success and popularity. A large quantity of rails, spikes, fish bars and the like have arrived at Danvide, Va., to be use 1 in laying the track of the Atlantic & Danville railroad. Mr, A.F. Page, lhe "railroad king of Moore county, has sold the Southern I ines House, Li- elegant hotel at Southern Pines to a Northern lady, Mrs. Schram. Sanford 1.x press. The la'est contribution to the Baptist Orphanage, at Thoniasville, is a cage of hi;ie rattlesnakes, lhev hive bad their fangs extracted, and are to be added to the Orphanage Museum. Hon. IFalter L. Steele, of Rockingham has accepted the invitation to deliver the annual address before the Societ es at CLik iidge Institute Commencement this year. The tobacco factories are still having heavy shipments, though not quite so much was shipped during the past month as the month previous. The. sales of tobacco stamps for'the month of March amounted to 131,82-3.40. v IN GENERAL. Notice. On the 1st Monday in May 1839 I will sell al pnbic auction to the highest bidder for cash a uieci of lan l acres more or lees, now owned bv Denipsv Coleman oiored and by him mort uhgei to me .Hid having failed to pay said debt ihe sile is made bv virtue of provision in said mortratre deed, to satisfy tbe same. Sale will be at the Courthouse door iu Itoxboro. This land adjoins Jno S Clav'ou. Kivin ,-ilkeraon and (-eeu Daniel. One ot ber tract of 5 acres more or less being the fc-act conveved to Samuel Coleman by Kebe:ca A . Barnett . J. L.GARRETT, Mortgagee. EJ. TUCKER, : Dentist OSce at Winstead Hotel. Roxboro, N. C. Call in the country attended promptly. NOTICE! hereby gue i?fttn?ffid Mf against said estate to tirlnf 4. noldlnS r-laimj N. LUXSEORD, Aty.L' THoMAS. Ad'm. AND THE NEW fi?TTTTJTO?im 1 k'3 rJ f:-1 OXFOK,lD, 1ST. O We have made arrangements to sell the Best Meal, in two bushel bags, to those of our customers bringing us Tobacco, Caveats, and Trade-Marts obtained, and all Patent business conducted for Moderate Fees. Our Office Is! Opposite V. S. Patent Of flee. We have-no sab-agencies, all business direct, hence can transact patent bnsineea in leas time and at less cost than those remote from Washington. Send model, drawing, or photo., with descrip. tion. We adviaft if patentable or not, free ot Charge. Our fee not fine till patent is secured A boot, " How to Obtain Patents," with refeiw ences to actual clients in your State, county or town, sent free. Address, C. A. SNOW & CO. Opposite Patent Office, Washington, D. C m & MOBPHISE riTIBIn S A Treatise on their t A I H I ? gsnaedycure SENT FRFF?Dk J ; ,HoFFHAN,P.O.Boyl3S,ChieaKoifii in lots oi from one to five bags. Eleven hundred bushels now arriving. "mmm machine cabiite: e&& OTTOS s s Patronage solicited. J. D. aior.Ria, A. It FovsnEE, J. D. MORRIS & CO., Druggists. IIav a fresh supply of Landrtth Garden Seeds. Mr. Uerris is the ONLY LICENSED DRUG GIST in tbe connly. Prescriptions a specialty. Eoxnouo, N.C. Summons for Relief XObTH CAHOLINA fersou County i IN SUrKRIOR COURT Before the Clerk. Hcrh C Rjrneit and A J Hosier in behalf of theneelven and all other creditors of the late William Sloore, ueoopsed, Piaiutifs fosenhus TtJunjrer Kxecutor of said Win. Moore, deceased, uc-feudant. Notice. To all creditors of said Win . J.foore von and eacUofyos are hereby notiLed to be ami appear liehire the undersigned (or otherwise present vour ciaiins1 at bisotiive in Koxbnm i nr before tl;e 22nd lav cf April ;s.v.i properiv verifcwi, a a settlement of said estate will on that day he made before the i4t-rk in accordance with iec- lion Hi" f tlie Co.ie. This Mar h lllli, J89. JOllV C. PASS, C. S. C. N. LUS5FORD, PifTs Atl v. All grades selling well! Our market is very active! We want at our house AT ONCE Two Million pounds of the present crop. Come along and save money, m ma sell your ti Your Friends, xCSJV W33T. OXFORD, N. O. April 5th, J 889. a 'eases' ' TTT""" 1 sSsSL ILo The edrantajres cf this Type writer and Office Desk over r.ll otlirr so-called Combination Cabinets, arc: JFtrsf, lhe eass and simplicity with which the desk is chanj-ed from a library or Office Desk to a T ype-writer Table . This change is effected by push ing the lid covering the machine Lack in the rear of cabinet it being a roller top removing it entire! from Eight, thi:3 overcoming the objectionable board snd sounder ia front cf the operator. The movaLis top is perf-ctly fiat, is b:-ize covered, , and forms a com plete writing desk when the machine is not in use. 1 he table ca vrhich the machine rests is so evrnly bal anced by our patent adjustments that it needs bat a ;ii;;ht touch to bring the machine in position. & tSecwd. The advantages of the swinging table are:" The table is so balanced mar its center on pat ent maleable iron arms, that when the machine brought in place for use, it does not depend on ropes or banr-ers at rear of platform for support, but is held ricidiy in pl.ve by sts own weight, makiag it impossi ble for the midline to be tumbled down an incline in fcack of desk by the breaking of p. rear support. The machine re st-; on patent slides which keeps the machine ia place, and can be drawn oat beyond the desk, well linger the operator's hand. Third. The construction of the lid closinj machine space makes it air tight, and the table hav ing felt around its boarders thoroughly protects the machine from dust. i enrth The foot rest and the construction c the table adjustments makes the desk as ridged ss though the. top was one solid beard, which is a matter 5 great importance where a solid type-writing tabk is required. ISO operator can do good work on a shaky table. Lastly .The cabinet is a solenoid piece cf cabinet work. We manufacture the-n in Walnut, Antique Oak, Natural Oak. Natural Cherry, Cherry imitation, Mahogany and Ash. a Agents wanted to sell these cabmets, and where we have no agendes established we will sell direct frcia our works at wholesale prices. , Address all communications to ROLLER DESK CCX Washington, N. J. I IF YOU WANT A CLfiAX SUA YE NICE HAIR CUT OR A CALL AND SEE J. TT. BRANDON, Tonsorial Artist, lie is prepared to do excellent work and always accommodating. Tobhcco Fertilizer HIGH GRADE QUICK-RELIABLE. i Farmers endorse it. Tiey say it tells ia tie HELD an! on tie WAREHOUSE FLOOR S. W. TRAYERS & GO. Importers and Manufacturers, AGENTS WANTED. PRICES REDUCED. Write for Testimonials and Prices. poisoning cases were made at Somer ville, Mass. Here it was discovered, through the .efforts of an insurance company, that eight cases of death from arsenical pjisonirjg had occured seven of them ia one famil', and within five years and the other that of a relative where in the true cause of de th had not bpen even suspected by prominent physicians who were ia attendance, but who treated the cases ior other causes, and finally, whim death occur ed, issued certificates for such causes as paeumoaiB, typhoid feyer, menin gitis, etc. After sqch an evidence of the utter Incompetency of those physicians who were regarded as experts ia their profession, I cannot couceive why it will be longer necessary for further advertising to be done in behalf -oi Warner's Safe Cure, sicce I deem the gomeryille disclosure to the best possible, endorsement ot the good sene manifested by those who take mttters of health in their own hands and use a yemcdy which experience has shown to be fully adapted for the purposes intended, instead of trusting themselves For Sale by YV T PASS & CO Roxb :ro. N C FPJON & FLEMING, Milton, N C, WALKER BROS. Milton, N C. It B BASS. CuninrI.Km,s Store, N C, CARIUNGTON TIIAXTON Durham, N. C, J, R. HILL, S . Boston, Va. FAVORITE SINGER "Warranted for Five Years ONLY $20. DELIVERED AT. YOUR HOME. Our Favorite Singer Drop Leaf, Fancy Cover, Large Drawers, Nickel Rings, Tucker, huffier, Binder, , Four Widths of Hemmers. Sent on one week's trial. Delivered in your home free of freight charges. Buy only of Manufacturers. Save Canvassors' Commissions. Get New Machhies. Address for circulars and Testimonials, Co-operative Sewing Machine Co.r 919 Quince Street, Philadelphia, Fa. Internal Revenue service, sends a picture of himself aud horse, in a 6ort of dime novel make up. II13 boot3 and spurs are something ter rible to contemplate in their ferocious grander r, and the calibre of hu- Winchester and revolvers stamp him as a man capable of seizing and hold ing a dozen mountain stills. Iu his letter 00 the subject he states that, although he rode twenty miles to have the pipturea made, his friends tell hitn that the eyes are not exactly like his, whereupon he adds that his sight is if auything tupre thau an other can bo &id to be hia strong point. A scheme is talked at which has tor its object the pensioning of gov ernment clerks. No appropriation is sought, it bewig merely proposed to aak Ieg:slation which will legalize such a plan. Tlie proposition is to create the fund by subscription from emplojes, for that 'purpose the ennvj of isl per month being deducted from each clerk's salary- In the event of retirement after thirty years jservice, tho .clerk "re t in Dg receives a pension, of $40 per moatb v Eight towna in Dakota have been des troyed by prarie fires. Western railroads complain seriously of umavoratde legislation. Mrs Frances Hodgson Burnett 13 to sail for England tliis month. John Bright's oldest son, John, will stand tor the seat in 1 arhament mada vacant by his father's death. The reduction of the public debt during JNiarcn amounted to 512,605, 600. A Democrat has been elected Mayor of x rtierson, jn. j., over a republican candi date py a majority of seventy-two. The total damage from prarie fires in Minnesota, JFiscensin Dakota, Iowa and curio, win exceed f&0U,C0l). A Minneapolis, Minn., dispatch says nothing but the most favorable reports are being received from the spring wheat fields 01 tne JNorthwest. Maggie Mitchell, the well known actres has just secured a ducree of divorce from her husband, Henry T. Paddock, in a New J ersey couit. The examination of the Treasury vaults. which will be commenced in about three weeks, will occupy several months, owing to the immense qDantity of silver dollars to be counted. A Great Battle Is continually g ng n in th human system. The demon of impure blood strives to gain victory over the consti tution, to ruin health, to drag victims to the grave. A gp,ed reliable rued icina like Hood 'aSarsapar ilia is the waapou with which to defend oee's 8&lfr tlriye the desperate enemy from the field, and restore peace and bodily health for many years; Try this pe rgrujiar mcdiciae. ' - " . JSf?o, 28 UNION SQUARE.NY.s;riU(gg- ST.LOUIS.MO. DALLAS.TEX. t5J -7.Tgtf-IT to sen our L-'V".'" . 'iPtKitAr. -s:r.a,. Notice. On an after t?ie 8th .lay of April 1889, wo will connect with our busi ness, h Flret-GIass Restaurant which will be kptopm fr-.m 6 o'clock A. M. to IIP. and you can gel your d eals served at all boU'S when open, on short notice Uu na see us when you come to Itoxboro. We have a's'i pui-chased a lot ot nice Old Corn whiskey. the'oldast lor ale in Pcrs-n o. We keep pood A: p'e Brandy. Rye Whis key. Gin, limn, Wing. 8 da Water, Ginger Ale, nn'i one of the Best S&ek of Lager Beer, and as we have gor,d facilities tor bot tling, you can get fresh leer tvery day. Alto, wc run a First-class Pool Table, and keep it ia good order. Ymirg, rtc, U. SIMPSON & CO. 4 pi r 1 Q O H H OS 31 O o- "A f o -3 ' 4 MAKU5JACTUREHS OF Jas Blinds, Doors, Brackets, Moulding, Windqwand Door Frames and , Sressed' Lumber of Every Description. our lumb1sr is thoroughly dried in a sturtevant edward: .?eM tn y 55 Pi w Pi W H s xn . 55 (1 a - J- ; If II (