Person Co. Courier is published iq the centre of a fine tbcc9 " Published Every Thursday . ' .; ' by-. '. "NOELL BROS., Roxboro, N. C ' - v - rJCRSXS OF SUBSCRIPTION: One UopyOne Yew '...- - ": - ' f l 60 Ons Copy Six Months ; - K ' l" ?5 ' Rernittauc muvt be made .fey Registered Letter, Pent Office Or Jar or Postal Note. rowing aection, making it one ef the beat y .. id vertising isediuins' fur :merckfjaila and''1."-'.; warehouaetuea in the t adjoining countiea. A ; Circulaied largely i Person, Granville and Durham counties in .JfOrth Carolina, and ....... ' ...... wiwy lUglKI, NOELL BROS. Proprietors. HOME FIRST: : ABROAD NEXT. $1.50 Per Year in Adrance. ' ' .it-- ,:.V.: . if aU description neatlT executed on short T. VOL. 6. Qouce ana at ireaaouabie pncea. r When ia need of work giva this CocaiE&altriaL- "TT"Virri TnvrN MM - ' sYtTTMr Jlany peculiar point rnalce Hood's Sar saparlila superior tcr all other medicines. Peculiar ia combination, proportion, and preparation of. togrcdiontsVl J Hood's Sarsr.parilla. possesses JST best known rcmedles,flirvot tlio Ycretuble king Tcoiiliar In Us .cl&Zr strength una ccoiioir.v . Hood's Sar- capcvilla. Is SQ0Jrtt& onlypedj cine cfy. whlch can truly bcsakl, One Hundred Doses aQ r& jDollar'" Medicines in largcr and srrialler bottles f require larger closes, apd do not i-touucc as euoa results as jioocra. Peculiar' in ' its medicinal merits, IXood's Sarsaparllla accomplishes cures liith- erfn imknnivn. anil -fcajj won tar UntAt tus titi? ct "TLe greatest bIody& jur'.ficr ever disco vcred."yr lec:;ji2rl:i its "jjooduamo ionic, incre. is. kow more of jlcnu's barsararuza C 8ol(l la Lcwcll, whcr.e -JyMtlsmade,. usn or all other blood p ur i f i s-Jq?S P0 m Us riial record of sales iyMMl, fft&jfiio other preparation is V iver attained such nonu- ity ia so short a time,. and rctr.ined Its popularity and confidence among all classes recpla so steadfastly. Do' induced to buy ether preparations, tut i;j sura t: j-ot he Tecnliar Medicine, Meed's Garsaparilla Doses Ona Dollar PROFESSIONAL . jAFDS p C BliOOKS, ATTORNEY" AT LAW Roxboro, N. C. 4 ' Praotices wherever his serrices are required - Prompt attention given to the collection of claim.. - , C. i Winstead, Junius Parker W INSTEAD & PARKER, Attorneys at Law, Roxboro. N. C. Promptly attend to all biisine eotrtutcd to J, V. 6tryhorn. Koxbora,- Sf.'.C. M. Warlick. Milton, X. C gTRAYUGRN & WARLICK, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Prartire in all the courts of ilie State and in tn. K edcr.Al conrts. Management of estates s'.rittil y attended to. Spoo . til attention given to cases in l'ersoa and Cwy conn lies. A. MT.Urabin. ' R. W. vVm.ton QTtAHAll & WINSTON, ATTORNEYS 4TXAW,' t)xford, N. C." Prartiee in all the conrfs of the Stale. Han 1 to monev and invest the game in bent let Wort Ug lt:il Kstate Security. Set&le estates and iiirc!usate lines. LUKSFORD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Boxboro. X. C. J R. JiEaitlTT, . . ATTORNEY AT LAW. nnd Notury Public, Koxboro, X. C. Prf.m.t and ear'test attention given to. all bnainesatntrnnted td him. W. K1TC1I1X, ' ATTORNEY AT LAW, Koxboro, N. U. Practices wherever his services are retinired. Office at Winstead Hotel. ' jrjKS MORTON A WISE, . rnvctlelng Phylcians, Roxboro, N. C. ' Offer their professional services to the .people ' of IloxDoro and sarrouadiugountvy. Vrac:ice ia all the branches of aidiciue. )0-4-lr K. C. G. NICHOLS Offer ITi fUOFESSlOXALSl&TICES'toth TEOPLK t ioxbojo and surrounding country. Practieas in all the branches of Medicine. . JJR. W. B-CEISP, Practicing; Physician, Roxboro, N. C. Offer hii professional services to the people f Boxboro and surrounding commawty. DR. C. W. BRADSHER DENTIST, Oflera h! services to the public. Calls promptly atieiidcd to in Person and adjoining counties. Anv i,im vifthinor work in his line, bv writing hbnat Hushr fork. N. C. will be attended at on? FAVORITE SINGER Warranted for Five Tears. ONLY $ao. DELIVERED AT YOUR HOME. Our Favorite Singer ttrop Iwf, Fancy -Cow, larga Drawer, tfckd tings Tucker, Huffier, Binder. Tow Widtht of Homtnen. ' . - . Vt oa one week's trlaL Dell wed to-yWhoasefre trf freight charges. Boy only of Manufiseturers; ; Sava Caavassers' CommUsfbns. Oct New MaobJnafc. . Address for circular! ana Testimonlsu, Co-operaTd o f u.A!.. r I Mountains -extfctid down to iinswortn oewmg iviacniiw vw., , :.; v.- - .. la.ul vcnerallv: something for labor, lei -iMonioe xvreas. r r':y Advance Thy ' Volapuk. : ' Take a Bpoooful of English, CA modicum of D.utch, Of Italian just a trifle, - . And Gallic, not too much, ' Some Russian and Egyptian, Add them into the whole, . With just enough to fliivor, Of the language of the Pule. Now stir it well, boil it well, And you've decent luckf The ultimate residum ; : ' ' You'll find it Volapuk. : -; . , Type Founder. . - Captured a Cowboy. . -An amusing incklent U reported from Union avenue Bays the Kansas City Globe, which illustrates the de generacy .of thu cowboy, and what a ittle man may accomplish if he has his lerve with him. A bont2 o'clock in the afternoon some time ago Sam Frank waa" sitting' in front of his place of business eating an apple. Sam' was voting man,; twentytwa Tears of age, ami weighs 105 pounds. tie was evidently feeling unusually frisky, and, casting his eye down the ?treef, ho noticed the cowboy ap proaching. The 6tranger was 6 feet tall, weighed at least 200 . pounds, and was clad in full cowboy regalia. Consisting of a wide-brimmed white hat, somewhat the worse for wear, a blue 6hrt, which was tucked under his pants at the waist, aronnd which was a belt holding tw.o murderous- looking revolvers. The guns were - fctnek into the stranger's leather belt, giving him the appearance of a walking arsenal. Corduroy pants and high topped boots .completed the cowboy's outfit As the native of the plains swaggered past the little man, the latter sud denly fired the apple at him, striking him sharply on the left ear. "The cowboy turned toward his assailant, who sprang from the Feaf, and, seiz ing the two revo:vcrs,-gnatched them from the astouiched stranger' belt ' Didn't I. warn yu never to come to Kansas City again carrying cod realed weapons ?" angrily asked Frank. "1 am a United States officer. Oome with me; you are my pris oner.'1 " To the surprise of ajlpxen listen ers, the apparently thoroughly scjared cowboy allowed himself to be led into asaloonNand to be cast into a back room, which his captor an nounced was a cell. A few minuteB later when search was made for the stranger, he could not be found. lie ha' escaped dpwni?t. Louis avenue through a window. A strange fea ture of the story is that the cowboy was perfectly Bober, having just ar rived, in the citv. . The revolvers are of Colt and Smith & Wesson manu facture and of 44 calibre. The owner may recover his property by caJlin? utton the little man who s snccssfully canied out, the practical joke of the peaton. Rivals A adding Cave Epbnam Baker, one of the oldest rasul.nfa a! lTrg onrl fof.R niiftr- ","uv"w ter of a century a citizen of Topea-a, reports" a discovery which surpasses tne laoiesoi anuien. hdu iui modern - wealth. When Cleopatra won fame by dissolving a pearl for Mark Antony to dunk she mite thooght that a few centuries later a plain western miner and prospector would gather liotn tne snores oi an ante-dilu4ian river 'such countloss numbers of these gems as to lival the stores in Aladdin s cave, and make the wealth of 'Croesus and of Monte Crieto pale into insigmhrance. tit lives in a-com for table home in; To ifeka during the wmter, and as sooc as spring breaks dons a rougiK suir uid with a dk-epector-s. outht moves ml ixross the plains toward .'the son et, fto e seen no more until tht snow Hies, juou.uay an. uiinti ui played to a few frieiidsla bottle filled .1. .....I.. c ,mi.a-ck.mD . .: ind sizes.woome are, pure wnne, others a delicate shade -of. green, some have a tint of blue, and others ire nf the rar est variety of all black. , v . - .- Thn forms are nerfectlVv round.: ob- long. elipUcal, etc. Ther vury lVni One ot the lew tilings wnicn iarm nf tr tK;1t of a ere can engage in at present :ith hazPl-nut: -The moH-t astonishing jf Mr Baker's : story, however, re ;ate8 to the qaantity of these gems, .vhich almost Hirpaseed belief, lit ays Le Ibuti i thefti -enohe i westei n 'ol what was oi.cra kreat iive -,r ea roile ovr the LhtiBS OJ Kuu: . g a the foothills of the 'liocky r- - r. - 1 . : T.lll . - a, a. guess at the location, of theee ancieut pearl fisheries Iwould be just beyond the Smoky Hdl and the Arkansas Valleys. Somewhere m that treeless region Mr. Barker says there is 100 miles of old river-bed whose ; sands are literally ftlled with pearls. Turn up a spadeful of soil where joa'will, mere rous irom it a stream t of tiny j globules which would enneh the col- lection of the Shah ,ot Persia. 1 Whether Mr. Bakebyrill ver con-f elude to reveal the site of the "valley I of pearls f lie does not know, but he I will visit it again this' fall.-Chicaga . - ? I' Tribune: 3 Bill Nye has the Grippe. The grippe is getting-to be an old theme, and so I will. touch lightly on it here. I'm just convalescing, and if it will let me alone I will let it alone. Avoid it. gentle reader, if you can. Da not laugh at it or' treat it lightly. Fight shy of it pass by it and light out. I was the picture of health when it came along and touched me geutly on the larynx. Now l am pale and sad.. The doc tors did not know bow to deal with it at first. Tiiey had to look about a little.and see for themselves. I could not eat inv thine for apveral wpnka It was not for tha samn reM.,n that J " I I did not eat, when I was publishing a paper in Wyoming, however. This timft I had the nnnnrtunitv wth. out the desire. Then I had the de- sire without the ODoortnnitv. - This symptom was followed by fever, hay fevor. ceuzh. heaves, dim- ness of sight, loss of sleep and hair. pains in the joints, back and chest. Everything that was discouraging. Then I begttnto bear about people' who committe'd suicide because they ha,l the gr,p. Friends came iu and saia i looKeu Kind or ttrghty and des r.Q.,tu Mo i. . I Jl.inuc. J dlic UIU uu JC1 VI 1CI and gave the rouch oh rat to the delighted and overjoyed rats. 1 imagined that I was going to die of heart failure or softening of the brain. I thooght 1 coold hear ' my brain softening. Vbon I turned over I thooght I could hear it slosh up again ft the rafters of my head. . Time For Reform. When a human-being has debased himself to the extent that a bird of prey mistakes him for a dead body, it is time for reform to begin in his plau of life. A man in a beastly state of ntoxication was lying, in a fence corner, wuen a buzzard X when a buzzard ihat W8 sailing about in search offood caught sight of him and drew near, to take observatioL8. X Slit ghtly irtdohbt concerning the 'prey tho bird finally alighted on rnnnrl " St. Tnpnt.d he drowsy drunkard, hearing a noise r and having a dim perception that something was going wron opened one eye m a hazy manner, and saw thP buzzard, but was in too eross a state of intoxication to take, any active mea8urea to drive hiai away, I m u - i . i ' u Haaru tij uuicuj biuuu o0king at him with air air of propri- etorship, evidently satisfied that it was Mhi9 lawful game. After some -.time, the-quietuess of the drunkard, pos- 8iDly deceived the bird, for he ad- Vanced somewhat hesitatingly toward ui- Dre xaU(j ea?e it a tremendous Yr on the end of the nose." This Uua thedruukard, and half raising Uimgeif , he shook his head at the buzzard, exclaiming, angrily. .o0k 'ere, now, Mis'er Buzzard! you're sbust a little mite-oo previosh a0t,'cher know. I objec--! mosb decidedly objec to be eat tip jast now; There are twoexsbellent leasoiis why you shouidn't do, it. " ; Do y er" see? Une ,8j, haiut dtad. T'other ish n wouia inebriate anv fowliu uiv - p,8hent state; an' I b-'lieve fully in , ttotal abshtinenfee tor buzzaras. l -A man migtaKeu for a dead-auiina! L..... l"".. ? am", .'a i, Aauarm nr. I . i. ..'a ri:i.-L'ri'zi t ior even a aruuaaru. louine, panion v Tr":.v A Double -Profit. p'rofil'ls feeding sheep for market. - j lhere ;is a aouoie prounn-it, wime M'"3g et W '" f"vder grihwhiii cunvttUd mutton tare cure to re tarn a ia;c uiaH.wt auw in uearly every other branch of farm-1 Xhe circu 'mstanceias is to be imagined I portance than lu's appetite for drink - "Darling, itic there is but one. : The labor re-f givea Mr. Belk & good deal of nn- or gratificationof self.: ' -' las bright as dutmondsyour nntrftd contf s in a tiai that ca.nt.oi: easuifia. a he U8 not-'kuow how tol : There is far. more honor in edu-raa white as irr 'y6r: lips iwr ;aS ,pl.Oii;aiuy- t-iU;ujt-.u ai; i ac ana besides.' This"- nroSfc :is direct: Hthe other is ia having the products of tha farm -con verted into (he best manure, which 'alone would J pay for all the labor and the straw ; bedd ing thrown; m. Aly ;gqod grain farm of 100 aores. $till Faise enough grain and fodder tofattetl:aJcar-lod;::of sheep, and if the manure is a'i put back on the farm .where it belongs, the farmer will have httle uccaaioo to buv fer- tilizers and his'cropejllviucrease every year under such treatment it is rare for one to i lose fn feeding sheep, , bu t common ; with Wtle: -v- .. - . ? 1-- -. - ' Ttt'';"--"'i--,'wi- 1 v jMM&tWfefyhilt any mal will eat sheep will eat and do , : v . v Ap animal wi well on. ' -A secret an the items of profit i3 m hnymg. "'If one; fails here it is hard making up afterward." A good be ginning generally makes a good naV iLg; Usually there is more profit in feeding Iambs than old sheep, yet I would not advise a new beginner to commence with lambs. One who has had. no experience should consult those who have. - It! is quite a trade. It needs expeneuce for success. Begin early m the fall, . get your sheep ready for market- as soon as possible. The first market is fre quently the best. .. The last of Janu a .i ui. s . j u' uieh Ui ACWruarJ' 18 &uuu time" to sell, i he sooner sheep are 1 made ready for market and sold tber better. Some fill up the second time and do wel1 at U' bu 90 ?a8 18 loD uu u tor prom me siock Pr0PrtlJ for.. I have never ttC"' BU "acfc "W!UUl Vl lua BID fed' but two bQ6-hIs Per head and pfleen. Pand3 gin on old sheep, uu r wmy pounus on ,ambs 18 a fatr avera8e. As fodder tt,,u K,-tt,,, ,w fc,,'t ?ettr ou cenfc u,,u - wu V" ' " , Perm Five Strong Points of S. S. S l9t. It is entirely vegetable, con nerals pr poison of any lildsup the system Lou, e . tains no miuera kiud, arid bu lh( First. (InRP 2nd. It cures Cancer of the Skin. M.ww " KnAibAr r'. t,a..tman j vi ia vatiuiwu t nao ever known to cure it. T 3rH 1 1 nrB - hfl,jihi ni .j .v,wv Taint. AVPn in thA thirri nri Uni, generations. Ko Other remedy has ever done it. 4th. It has neyer failed to eradicate Scrofula (or King Evil) m all its wrmi-irom ice system. 5th. It cures contagious Blood Poison in all its stages by eliminating tD8 horrible virus from the system, thus giving relief from all the conse- queh'eea of this bane of the human Iami,7. tM Wood had beenMilUt of Of- - . . . df r during the summer of 1888 that 1 virtually naa no health at all. 1 bttd 110 ppetite; nothiog 1 ate agreed with me. I was feeble, puny, aud always feeling bal. I had tried- va- rl08 remedies without receiviug any benefit,; until at lentrTl commenced I on Swift'a Snpp.iflfi .ST. i7 That -0- - - si ; medicine increased my weight frdm 155 pounds to 177 peands inj a few raa nu- hearty as any man now living, b. b. b. undoubtedly the greatest Ul.l UiU"u IT to aa? ." WW" - tment. John Belle w, 2io. 44 rjortb state St., , ":' f ' Chicago, in. .;; Treatise on Blood and Skin Dis eases mailed free, f ; 1 . SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., t Atlanta. Ga. A Carious Case. A curious case, is reported to us froui Goose Creek township. Mr. J. F..Belk. of that township, has j daughter 8 years of age.whp, although sne una pertecuyi : gouu use oi ner tongue and. talks 'retly with all otherr Tho chief beabtyin a woman is iiu I in pf n lift ra of I hf ' famil v." ran nn! i h I hr Bnirit. "not in her nftrishalile ,nA.r nA f B,.,y in Wa t.tu- ei. v.v. uv invnci. uutriuvpij. will t upon his knee and allow him to fotidle -her. ljpt has never been known to . sstas i to Jiim, . riet.nas tried every device to get her to do80, but without availi?If her mother sends her tothefield oh an errand ! ge will take, cnej of be mother child: ren along to. deliver the message, :Couut loi'is. 1141 tsteurp tone film f eak oltLeMA a dobt of the truth of tho above.! being victims to. circumstaiices; ire uouot it it ns tvr uau a parai 1 Senator -Vance in Anxious Pursuit of & Stray Hat. The New York Tribune's 5 rFash- ington correspondent says : (Senator Vance, of JVorth Carolina, lost his hat the other'day. He came out; of ths Senate cloak-room bareheaded with his pvrcoat' oj his arm, 'paraded the corridors : asking every one he met if ibey Iliad seen ; a tall hat Btrayang about anywhere. lie was asking the question of Captain May, the door keeper At the lobby door, when the ?g$ P ith the missing article tin ntu hani " Sarin f rw l anAa sob inor in bis hand, benator Vacce wasiust W .-v "Of course I don t think you, have seen if, but I was 'just talking ' like the man '. who came mtp nay office ouce wnen l was uovernof or orth Carolina; lie was a trarapiah-lookiDg manj and his clothing-was worn and 6eedy. He looked, carefully around the room and then said: " - "'Govef ilor, you ain't seen nothing of a pair of buots around' here, have you? 1 left .'em in that corner last night, and they ain't there this morn ing, . ... "I answered that I had not seen the boots." ' I knew some d d thief had s olen them'' said tlie unknown. 'Of course I knowed if wasn't you, but ! Mi, of lknnil T-I.l a;lr & ' A True'Girl. There ffif, d we to th!nk of her and taIk o! he who comea 10 Ute when there is company, who wears a pretty -little air of mingled responsibility and anxiety with her youthf whom the others seem to de- peud rn aud look to for m4ny cotu forts. She is the .girl who- helps mother. In her own name ehe is oiessea , mtw saint and comtoaer. .She takes unfinished tasks from the tired, still fingers that falter at their wort; tier strong ogure is a staff npon- : which the gray haired, white faced '"l""' VT he,P8 ofcat' heaU s sewing, Wllh the week s .mending, with a It . 1 .. .. 6o4 credit. It destroys con- ""f """' ov""s B'1" u" "w" u,u . ... . . I M.a r li w l I a tar ik O tinr Anln rvrk h f li jt n0ws vm, u "wneo .tU9rB comea aa wliea . mn.t ..... : i J- ouo J?r the Wrf f hJ 0th? .j.uS uuuauw iu cr euuiu, ruugu bauds folded, her. long disquiet eraerged in rest, something ve'ry ce8 t0 poverty. fr0m sanity to mad sweet will be mingled with ber loss De88! from hiiarity to hblplewnes; aou tue giri wno neipea momer wm find a benediction of peace upon her head and in her "heart." Sepside. The Razor-Back Hog. A humorous writer in the New v . , , . 1 ' . . .... - J, iur- nwM BaJB imuicu in fcrgioia and North Carolina and understands thoroughly the peculiari ties of the raz r-back ho, relates the following incident:' A drove, of them, once took the town of Ctark8ville, Va., and ate and , everTthinff in th;e i..'. . ..'.. .. . .. . tor the CiarKs, hey toos to the woodg an(i were gfa(J the chance The razor .bock8 -ot. to rootino- on the railroad that runs throuo-b Q.- . f Clarksville for some erarn smiled l - - . alonr the traftkl and thev rootd i n the ties d nil for .bouf. carter of a mile and wrecked an exoressl train.1 They tore down the city ball and post! office to get at the picture , .-i ' a " i u ! i of. a fat woman, ?nd sleek looking acrobats and the wild children of Borneo that a circushad pasted'up. Pungent Paragraphs. Depend on yourself awhile and give your frieuds a rest. ; ". ; ; Men are bad because wa have not a taught thtm to be ;ood. ' U , : To be alone is a million-fold better iinan to uu iu oaa company. .. U.i ' : ' - Men's -Ats are few tha generally think for, aud generally of t a umereut nature. Activity jn some business pnrsuit, j or in doing goodto those in distress, lis a'su're way .to lessen grief. No man loves his wile and children unless be holds them as of more im- piy icacng perswua.w aeejivut;! crime - iopeu ior yueui,. w roinoroy lUf.w wwii- x uumii u 1 1 00,OQO Pounds of Sorghum Sugar, Made at One Fac- -.v ; '".';i";.-:- or.y. -'. The Barber c6anty,kaMas7i(?ex, i It ls now certain that Ihe sorghum sugar outpuVat Medicine Lodge, this season ,: wil I le x ueed 600,600 pou n d s. It W48 though tic ntil this week, tlia it would not exceed 470,000 pounds', but ; the coiiCla are much richer than was anticipated.- riThiaplaceatheplan Medicine Lodge at the head of the list as the most Enccessful one ever, built. It hajs payeryoliar labor, aaI does hot owe one cent on account of the scon's work Yes terday there were shipped ffom here seven car loads of sorghum sogar to New Orleahsj In the mail yesterday came an order for- 600 barrels of sugar.- but the order could only be partially filled. Mr. Hinman. says "that he js satisfied.:from the "corres pondence be has received that he could place ten thousand barrels of Medicine Lodge sugar if he had ' it People are dropping their prejudices, and are now willing to a'ckuow'lede that sorghnm sugar is better jhian ordinary light brown sugar. It is certain now that the works here made good money tid season, notwithstanding the delay in starting, and the frequent accidents that oc curred. Our people regard the. m dustry as a success. The cane raisers a a - - are an anxious to contract to raise cane next year. ..It navs twice as much . as can be made on corn, eats or wheat. -: Debt. .Young man, avoid debt. It has aTOade more drunkards; peopled more asylums, filled "more jails "an ruined more lives than any other Dower on the broad earth. It tempts men to gteaj. it goads them into lying: it en tices them into deception. It is the father of murderous,. thoughts; the boon companion f treachery; the traducer of character and the assassin science: it weakens courage: it makes ' I . . ' . COwarUS; it demoralizes honor; it winks at treacherv.and embraces ras- . . . - ' . cHiity. it poisons the mind : ecars conscience; embitters the heart; robs lire of its pleasures and fills It with call. It drives men from nal- from teaTen to hell. Christian 06- server. Got Used to It. "Can I use :your telephone a min ute, she asked, as she ran' into a MlguOor OD MOODd ATODDO Willi a abawf ( over ber bead. "Oh, certainly. "I am going. to give a party -next eek, and I want to invite a few friends.'4' 1 "Yes?" v . "It is to be a very selecf party. "Yes?'1- - . J. 'Only my friehds. Yes?". .. ' And. therefor: vou von won't be " u Angry if I an not invited nor 1 that he had several trees on his plans -n't consider It cheeky if you . use tation and ihat they are quite prolific won telephone to mvite othersr Ub, 1 a . .U. b.n. fnl.nkAnnl "J " - CS, XZZSaZ. viiv.f a miname iri here the other I day andUiscd the line to call my bus band o'p from town and dun him for ft bill 1 Go ahead and call np the n-omcSDetroit Fr PreL Tommy's Naivete. toCUPoimisirBss-xommy, uub .u you uisoaey me ior i v i. t j. a ..-..-j t?-:- ,: Tommy uos i, inougut you u .- - .t t.1. whip me. ; " v- - - School mistress What ; did : yoo want nie to whip yoo for ? ' 'p1,.rnft; n. amrl Ka vnn1l if voo didn't, and he hnrts.--llarpeT' Bazar. I 1 Keed is creuitea rith resembling bear a striking resemblance tb Napo- -:-L " " . -'S ' l.VJ bnn.: ltv ana dv some one win ouif . . n.'.. UD wltQ tne Oiscuvtsry, tuitk j.ugiii City oiar. . . - Comparisons are Odious. V n -r- k r...;. - , r.,v hesaidtyburyes ; are teeth are are rea aaruuici,, .. , - ;i left! ''and I 1 utu j . - : .... ' J j.ueu A .whlte'j.ratUt ? was" caugntnear - Concord few. days, ago; '-f Rev; R." W PearsoTwilf leaVelshortiiy" 5 h oii a visjt to the Holy A lhght lKHise is jo Cbe bailt st Cape 3; Hattcras, and wul cost $500,000. l V.' Preparations; are on foot to erect a lartre brick tobiaco warAhnnna in Tiuia. : -; ,TbeJFayettvtUe Iron Bound Backet H'nitnrw nnw win. mjh '. . "... rT ...i. . lrAn Iib with "liYRir ni-flora. .'rl?.v.-?'-AAi- !5 . y wu wjub jl uu:u are laKen. Der iflav.;:.., from the EgyptNioaLnies in 'CbaU nam county. Jt Sflfs at per ton.: - A balflrof fottoa -was.-1rought lato Smithfield, ;' Johnston coanty; days ago covered w.ith 1jed-.tickin. R iieigb will sooa be a centenarian :' that Is to say .ehe 5 will icelebrate- her i 5 iOO birthday in J892; Raleigh CaW. o The Wilmington and TTeldon rail road company contemplate laying vai double track between .Wilmington and Jy Since 1853 more than, 8,t)O0 stu-Jenta - have 'been educated tat . Batherford' College, They came from even State . in- the Union!. .. .. . . ' .' . ',. ...V" - . The rope used in hanging - Lige Moore at Greensboro, was the one used , in the execution of Spies, the Chicago anarchist, and with which Parrish was hung at Rdeigh on JanuaiyjiOth. To show how desperate is the condi- . tion of the 'Republican partr in this State, it is stated that in Greene county one of the strongholds it will pat no ticket in the field this yer.-2Mpate It is learned that George-W. Childs nhd. -Samuel J. RandaU own large blocks 6JL tne stock in the ' new bank: : whieh has been incorporated at Wins ton unier the name of 4'The People's National Bank." Chatham county has given the State some strung men, and has been , the : ; home of many more, and it is strange that Jude'Womack is the first Judge . created txom among th'emi einca tho ' couuty. waa formed la 1770. Aaheville v Citizen. " " i It is stated that . the inhabitants of ; dioaes county are raucn excuea auout . .. -y ,i s i:prLHiii .vt3 iu -.ili-9 aauinui w u iuiiuii . tains. It ig So deep that a rock' thrown into it cannot be heard whea it strikes the bottomj. Lately smoke has been. seen issuing from the mouth-of the cave. ' i ' '::"' It is noderatood that Col. W. J.. Greenland T. H. Sutton, Esq.; will hatjg out their shingles for Congress in the . 3rd District C. B. Ayeock, Esq., of Goidsboro, will also likely be in tne race. Col. Green mauced to write for the press of the Distiict. His letters glow) with pa triotism on some subject like Jefferson Oa'vis. The Colonel is also a member ot the Farmeta' Alliance, andi mui wine a dozen years' old. -Saaford St pr. s . - Tr-?' We have always regarded old Samp son as one ol greatest ceuntieif ia North -Carolina , in all respacts, bat she comes tb the front once more,, this j time in -the "piatter tof pecans. Mr. ' French JIcQ-iecn showed us yesterday " some pecan nuts which were grown on the place of a citizen near the town of Clinton. They ire of extraordinary size,, measuring an inch and aqu trter in length about two inches Id circum- ference. iue eenweman wno. gave them to Mr. McQueen informed : fainxf ' miminra Mettenatr. '.. nonn1A and farmer! BarUn i -...----'-,''.;?.-.''?-"-.' ooau.y ,beH 'me.U.g ; could bejdone iin. ': these hard tunes. They resolved that with close economy and bard work th rycould go through 1 1890 "without absolute suffering; asked tbe merchants to give all the aid possi- ble, and advised the people to make . 1. n. m Awn innliis And livA rhnnnAP . . . . i r mtkin? another croD. Let the people , lenM,3tiofle toward another, and above all else let them depend mora UiMm ' their own resourcesr-th e i r strength and ability to work and do for themselves. '1 bat is tne idea; w Davie countf can ; boast of the two lareest hash destroyers in ithe State Then names are Robert Whisker and mail between Far nungton and Mocks ' - ril Snnnlrla i tn All 'fcnt.HF' hM A T--ti.lwvan Frmineton and ' Tadkinville. : 1 vine F.-..r -r , -----: . . - 1 ... j ,.Vif01,t0B diacusiine as to whicb ' could eat Ihe most. Finally they de-; ; Icided test toe matter. jcbcu mu J henlra hearty supperbut at tha ' ;: close of the contest was louna; mat aalSprinkle naa aesiroyeu cigai , uuxch m '. sardines, cracKers in proportion ana a - .of a pound t sugar iWbxU-1 nol Rek t0 aa-higb a notcb as I oi)Vv ait ie Stt, ridl.4elp .-4,; I"