person Co. Courier. Published Every Thursday BY NOELL BROS., ' : U poblisLal la tie i centre i of a fine tobaoeo " growing sediqoxnaking U one of the et alertiainjf ; mafiums' for c jnercaantsi and whoasemi in the . gdjoining ' eoaties . ; Circulated largely in Persoa; Oranrille and i Darham ooanties .in Kordr Carolina, and KOELL BBOS. Proprietors. fgRM8 OF SUBSCRIPTION! One Copy One Year - - - $1 50 ua Copy Six Month - - - 75 " Remittance nnt be made by Registered aLetter, Pest Office Order or Portal Note, HOME FIRST: D NEXT. : n . S1.50 Per learin Adranar VOL. 6. ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA, of sM deaoriftfion neatly executed on short RSDAYWJTJNEf 12SJ890:: NO. 43. notice and at reaBonable prices. When hi need of work gire the Cofmx a triaL V ABRQA Peculiar Many peculiar points make Hood's Bar 8aparUlaauperior to all other medicines. Tecullar In combination, proportion jand preparation ol InzredlentfcyrlAp Hood's SarsaparlUa poMCfsesiAA " tlio full curative Talne of tt8Or test known remedJesaw ! .the vegetable king-rOsdom.' ' recuUar la KJHJr frSth and economy r fjStr Hood's Bar WparilU teCKr 018 oohjnedV elne of- which can truly, JioaaSdA 44 Obb Hundred Doees ae Wk DoHar. Medicines ia TfJD Jargec and smaQer bottles require larger doses, and dooot .produce as good resnlts as Hood's. Peculiar la Its medicinal merits, --Hood's SarsaparlUa. aecompli&nes cores Ititb rto unknown, and am won for Its 'the- tltia of "Tli CTMtcst btsod purllier ever eiscoTered," WaiUng for May. Peculiar in l1' good name tiomc." there is now d Hood's Sarsaparina xov.--;ii, .where than of all Tis weary waiting for May, ray dear; Tis weary waiting for May, When neyer breath of warm south wind Comet to open a green leaved spray; Sunshine for some, with its glow and light; And for some gray skies but it must be right. Ha weary loving too well, my dear, 'And finding it all in vain; Tia ever the hand we clung to most ' Can stab with, the sharpest pain. ; And hope dies hard; but the old woands stay Heal than, hide them, as beet we may. . My hair was glossy and bright, my dear, 'When I watched and waited for May; Twas filvered long ere I learned to know h It never would come yr wati -' ' ' -" TesI,tiww4ybb To have never had them is worrt of all. " 1 1 should like to harehad atime, ony dear, --Vwv nrer or hooting owl, iarrounded 1 the fe ooC reach no lrobpiwere the lef "li'a body of troops; cbargil heroic bouI whoee life Wood wm fart S 1 UPS fTlf ff I TtffP fnTTHP1 ff "" w" I '"" : vw . tLUHu , yu tug tuvui ? auu Ull WIIU VU. UIVUU1U BV BailUl' M) IlitjUIt UUQ I destrocUoBtAerirer mnst be crossed, rieht "of oar diTisnon. vas-the exl Colonel reDliecl. ! don't ohev ' com take meT hva. wvw tw i4,iT f o the enemy, if found on. the oppo- treme righrofLeV whole line. : The manaj iinless 1 xnoir from whom Dain. ; CaixT those! whose Hfe ton -.t: wnghtout w.T..Past Co, we : lite 8h4riTen ieigh ate the nwbed-wmthe canal aqoed not and botng in .an Open field we were plied, -I am Gen. j; B, B, Stoart. who Cought withoat mention, who died -TTe keen on hand . arfXTKnT TjI ' -ISoch as Msa ileal, Flottr OonVa1 Hams,! Sugar,- best New Orleans and Porto Bieo Xur:rlcr8. phfiicme- L..J jttismade, r blood r m tts nal record of jales other preparation ever, attained such popu larity a so short a time. TJVJ fasA ooofldence among all classes A people so steadfastly. tTKt not to induced to buy other preparations. bo sure t get tUe Peeultar Medicine, food's .BoMbrt!drtjggist. gl; six for Sa. Pnpwdoal7 t c. l uoox cx, a.pochcariM. vn. km !0 Doses One Pollar SarsaparlUa C- BROOK8, ATTORNEY AT LAW Roxboro. N. C. - Practices whercrer his errlees are required. 'Prompt attention given to the collection of j aims. C. .Winstead. J nnias Parker WINSTEAD & PARKER, Attorneys at Law. Uoxboro. N. C. - Promptly attend to all boalneugenlrnsted to J,T. Strayborn. L. M. Warllek. Uoxbora. N. C Milti, K. C gTKAYHORN eS WARLIQK, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. rrariire In all tbe courts of the State and ia the V eilornl court. Management . etat 'ntrictl t attviidett ti - " Spec i nl attention giren to cases in Person and a . W . Urahaa. St. W. Wtncton JRAliAil & WIN3TON, ATTORNEYS .AT LAW, Oxford. N. C. i Trci(pa in alUh conrts of tbe State. Ran' jllc money and invest tb same in beat 1st Mort en ir. Ue.u Katate security. Mettle estates and -investigate tides. LUNSFOKD, " ' ATTORNEY AT LAW, To look back on at thevciose of strife, And warm myself in a ghostly son Which once had color and life. Oh, never had lijrbt such a golden haze As that which shines through the mist of days1 Tbe shadows are falling eist, my dear; The night is'coming soon; ' And I am' hastening fast to a land That needs no sun nor-moon; And I think beyond the grave I'll see Sunshine and springtime kept for me. WAR BEMINISCENCES. A HISTORICAL ' SKETCH OF THE BATTLE OF J5HARPSBURG, and the narrow ledee of the canaL i struck with '".'.trie heaotV of th land. Mv cavalrv force ia eiardinH, th mUhnn fAr.vT ai perhaps flte feet broad, our only HXp?Tfifrroar jEemainiog in line the followins day pathway. Abnirfoice came across more farlooaioa Ton lor mj hoftemen to charge tbemfliid we withdrew with the 'ahny 'l that the riTery "Halt ! Who cornea theret" nine o'clock, wheix "we were ordered I want fori tocharge them and drire nfoht to Soathern eoU. crossin.? the and we .felt at last-that we were in j to supTOrt the extreme le& iieartBgot the enemy iTwomon werol being ow sent across from' Co. K, ordered to I of ammanitionr ITe iaoved by the 1 300 menandjanttliiejtil did not wtj0m t had obt seen since the orjen- everhn JewfaUy kept in a IKat-daas answer the sn mm and fire, TittheH left flankViCoWs Bngad leadings moa W -ffth a'tri l -naivf . mrivl WfiU rfl fl ft O I? rVl f'ATfllii 1; proved to be the enemyTheT weril Ransom's I fbllowintrB lA I UlIEi ' ... - -- . .. " . ' SB I" - ".iJ ' . , ' IHllHFLIMIIHliM .HUH IIKSTH - M1H ; . lALr! ail s . T w'-t Tr. -S- - J iiairedtheeBi w rmyto paas.aiio.4Wsim.tBs rromo1BfcM,ia roar ofoor luaeana; wo tfan-swn rldiwartrei thj8 jretr. 'Fkeoen gander a. ser-ioonid see the .battle between' the tj8r,nd wt jampai tbt fence and met?tlw-feie A. II .VanBoikelen ifithhw company, the moving raptH Bringingp the rear, our regimeail Stnart h,a dihf imriiri fihr. iujj BuruBs, t,a crv, i rruo i was tneciasi Ot iae Ol Vision tO ipmp J-weneuiT ureu nu uvuf vuwiDg j hdrir --..-a... jiiaosDasoarge. now ineower reg. v wu then thrown hctom and followed qnfcked into hue on the left compinr wiiiii agaia torued iu jraiu opon ns, . " "-"-s-r"-"J u eemphtolo erarj rajwaiiaw.;dii byoatoid lns4,.s4-;riwirwg, .Mh. ii; d being in closer Jm-ge toe, fired fftt'ltaltaStta Boxboro, N. C MEBB1TT, i ATTORNEY AT LAW, end Notary Public. Boxboro, V. C. Prmnut sad eatrtyt attention given to aii hnsiaess entrusten to mm. . C . ATTORNEY AT LAW, j KoxBobo, N. C. Practices wherever bis services are required. Office at Winstead Hotel. Da. E. J. Tuckee, SURCHON DENTIST. Ciwirv. imrner room QD stairs in the .Wtrrif huildinc. I BOXBORO, N.C i y ES MORTOX WIS E, FracUetnc Physicians, Rexboro. N. C. Offer their! professional servleee to the people of Uoxooro and snrronndinr country. Praetice In all tbe branches ol meaicine. ' 10-4-lr I O' R, C. G. NICHOLS Offers His fEOFKSSIONAL SERVICES: to tb PEOPLE jsf Soxboro and urrounding country. Practices in all tha branches of Medicine. Preparedly Major T.D. Lova. of the 24th N. C. Regiment, at the Request of thwNew Hanover. Confederate Vet erans Association.. It is out of the hue of the arerage business man to wrte for tbe eye of tbe public or to speak to an assembled audience. Ilia vocation in life leads far from the attainments which mark the graceful writer or the elegant eolcutiouist. C mscious then of my shortcomings, I make do iretetitiooa to literary txoeIlenf in ttttem(4ing o write an historical sketch of the Battle of Sbarittburg, in compliance with the request of tbe Executive vf the Veterans' Associa uot.. -Tins -writer well j-emembers nis fwliugs ou reaching the Maryland hore in Lev's lirst campaign in the enemy's territory. The morale of an army is said to be with the army on the offensive, and we were iuspirei with ail the hope and euthustasui the aggressive move ment imparted. Connected with the 24th N. G. In fantry, General Uobt-rt Ransom' Brigade and Walkei's Division, com tieed of Hansom's and Cook's Brig ades, we had been transferred from Longstreet's corps and were serving with Stonewall Jackson's foot cavalry Our position in the line of march was oo the right flank' of the invading column. Our division did not ad vance as far as Frederick City, only reaching a point, we were then told about ten miles distant In Maryland we expected much sympathy, many recruits and much eucouragement. To our disappoint ment, we saw no evidences of Southern feeling. The farm houses were closed, the blinds shut, and a deathlike stillness was our only greeting along the line of march in Western Mary land. ' Our orders were to observe the rights of private property, no pil laging to be allowed, no orchards invaded, and the buttermilk rangers kept closely in ranks. Our division, moving towards Washington, had orders to destroy the pqueddct of the Baltimore and Ohio canal where it crossed the Menocacy river and re crossed the Potomac ' into Virginia. Nearing the approach to the Mono cacy and suspecting that the enemy '4 v-"Sr?.v:;;- Hir" A iVI li' t V XXVVJJJ .":a",-a 5?w -v.- - z . ':i-"t.- Appies, rears, rjineappiesHnaps. - f v . a. t vororTomatoes, ment, the gallant 25tb, under Col. evolution was performed, thtt tide of I upon ns with grape and canister. Kntledge; onr regiment being under j battle was. . turned and the enemy the command of Lt. CoU Ilarnss. I driven back half a mile rr mnra far. nui iiaiiv Hu vauuwii Int., . ji-i - - r. rr i' ar - A GA. u I tM.iM.i-!Kw i qimq and fancv. and will soli thm UUUilUUlU) BUU ttlHUUJ un U1VIS UUU Five brave men with Spencer rifle! could hold the pass, so scant was our footway. Safely across, this writer was given three companies and or dered to oecopy an eminence to the right, while Col. Ilarrbs moved for ward in line . with the remaining V hw if. mier." Willi Pidai: nhil.. .t . - t....t . . t. a "3 " at? 5 t ' J 7" Z& 7a r, Jimmie -WftgUt. ohn Duoireive n. atrial and beeonvineea both at ime&t being the very last to come to and some sharpshootenr in ambush ..-V w .-.w-Wrnu- r2-ra the ouaiitv and itfamo&-:i&Vr: ne rescue, ana speea Deirtg unpera-1 were picxing tuem oa, we wiwarew -. A : t . . i . . . t- aw bw si v w w wmmmm . si viava s isti sfssss ai ma bb. sarr tive as we came ander musketry fire, j to a ravine a few paces to. the rear j Capt. Rowland, Bansom's Adjutant-1 for protection, this position being j General fearlessly riding up, shouted j under shelter of the woods and being to CoL Harms, . "Charge. Colonel. I a Btrone one in case of attack. : Not companies of the regiment, supported I charge." We found ourselves nader long afterwards a section of oar bat- by tbe 25th. Meeting no opposition and fearing an ambuscade, a halt was made, and Co. B., Capt. Geo. Dully it command, was thrown, forward to reoonnoiter. Advancing a few hun dred yards,- Capt. Duffy espied a body the flowers of this city by the sea. Wilmington's best, truest and 4rav- est gave their lives to the anee. "Bring flowers to decorate the graves, Where Wilmington has-laid her braves, With all their country's wishes bleeffc The martyred heroes calmly rest. . . . ; J V . -CY; Simpson; llitchell & CoT" an enfilade fire, as well as from tbe teries, we think sent by Stuart, came left and rear, and facing the rear our op on our left and a little m front. men gave a yell and dashed forward j just beyond the woods and opened on xhey bravdy fooght, they nobly feuy in line, gradually wheeling to the I the battery, which continued its fire 1 And lame thror coming years shall tell right, rear in front. A new way of on as. r - - ' : '- -; Their noble deeds, their daring high, , Kwr into haitta. in ha flirrAr I X Brave bavs thv vers who manned I Their stem resolve to flo or die.". IlEUiniLLIIlElaYl . K Miss Pallie Jancey has just retttrssd of mounted troops, and halting his I rank and file clogers in front -but we those guns, bat. the superior position My friend, Col. Hall, after this P WB ha been company, advanced fifty or sixty I had no time to manceaver or counter- of the enemy and tbe greater number sketch was written, banded rue-: a spending sOrjae time la posting lierself tarda, and shouted to them, "Do yon j march, the position of the enemy of pieces, soon disabled the two guns volume of the official reports of the J OB; the.Spring and Bummer Styles, and - tight for the North or tbe South r reqalrlag us to charge in a direction I and altuoat annihilated men aaidbatt1e of Snafbqrg. Iri the interest j'Winft e handsome hrte of Miiunery 'V a iioht fnr thA ITnion F was tha at nsht tmrlaa 'frnni this nthar' nnr.l hnrcM . onmitlptAl thnir 1 At Inilti T fnrmA if. nsiuani ti malrallMarii Rhn rSa nnsnail 41 Ifillinarv . reply, accompanied by a rattling fire Uon o the brigade. It would appear fire. ' : '-. - - no itorrectionfor -none was needed, in boxboro over Mr. 1 B.- Fonshee's : tftmrbiueaj and gallant Capt. Duffy hat he had reached our flank and The Federal battery again turned i w?ll men tiiow that the"24th ttore, when you .will itarantirtdy . ; tell, pierced by their shots, and as we and onr - brave comrades, charging gng npon usr doing aome deadly t Begiment did its. duty, the official ';7;:' ..t'-iL' :' thougbtj . mortally '. wounded The j in their front, had an able successor I wfV t remember that it was about jYecorda show more casualities than I fcij S1 J.kCDCcSZ retrV W4iJ,eTlD8 08 i0 the aithRegimeat as it braahed this time that JohtfMceUlV of J ' M&JSlipM&y& ofiadails to jK3rform the work ordpetreying theenemv off their left flank. : Tha Co: G. receivexl --insdeach wdiind ehairbtrrgr-- c ; . aitd lwnnehFlowenRibbo yan- tbe canal, but before our drills had 24th, in charg:ng dashed over open bom R fragment of shell piercing his T see that CoL Hall is mentioned dyke Lac, TnmmiisV Hats gone into the rocks, orders came for grounl. an! then struck a fieldot taAe . - in the general's report for his couarge lnAlyin totW m. . a s . rf-faaaa a . . ' - -- - ua to taw sua reeroesi into i mil erown corn, surrounaea ov I Und ... . . .,. . . - I . . T. ... . - 1 in a auemmaas weu Bryiue wei'. Viroima. Wn left Cant. Duffv at a I a atnnn ff-nm ImahlA tt tnmtt tbAir I . I I w w . , fn Hrk tn mnta I UslKa'1.0 UU bUSb lUQUlUiauiD UBT. I , i.iL? - special Bitemion paia to id gallantry while commanding his Md lo w Dricea.: am . Vk.t tA t mam brigade on that inemorable uay.t -.i.r2a-!r farm house, belie?ing that be could horses over the wall the field officers , - .., iTSmA haA dnnlt varv (rentiv with him. . i -. not live but a few hours and too leaped from them, leaving them tol wJtg hi nnriirht and manlv form" this I -'. TVR "RSS MA K 1 N(l ! i W I if I HSJ aiMji a wa MW waasj v a . ' . . i. I - 1 s""" H" vj -" badly wounded to be moved. A year the. mercy of friend or. foe and to the A -of I au ua,s vuiywjm ,.u hi. bw i ua bi I . , i o oaiimw aah IA. I in arm m irwwoi vw.. - v uw afterwards, he hobbled into camo on I dansdra of the Delterlnsr bullets thei .. . ..-- I A mv f Mnrrhftn. VircfnTa fmm i crutches, to the delight of hit old enemy were shooting at the gray line opySfert to last, I can truthfully say that the combat be comrades. Brave spirit, we hope he advancing on them. We pushed m ndet galknt deed I ever, witnessed Pred to cut and fit Dreaseein good still lives. Just as day was breaking through the corn fiald, the bullets iMt to view j the tmoke and dust. aa by a Wilmifigtonian. Need I h'?109, the following night, we crossed the splitting the the corn blades and From the extreme right we lecame tell you it was Col. Hall, m front of is seJicitSisfaco ltomac at Point of Rocks,-the crushing the stalks, making apeca- extreme left of the 5harpsburg the 46th Regiment marohmg. down MISS PALLIE YANCEY, stream last sweiimg, Dut not quite uar noise we snau always rememner. . f . u, nil!lgnal exDerience: Mye's Heights, at the battle ef j ROXBORO, N. C. : enough to prevent our boys from Emerging from this field of nearly kg no; more to than beins led bv Fredericksburg, when the storm of wading through. ripe grain we came to afreshly plowed oatftadrvari: J. E. B Stuart, shot and shell suirasseJ anything ATtAlfTTO A nATaTllaTaf.- Resting on the Virginia shore for a ground, giving us a i full view of the it: i- .ha malm that trivdea the atorm. ever witnessed on this continent. .1 '-- lay or two, we moyed Westwardly to situation, the vision being unob- Lnd for a few moments there wtui a Mi task iadone: take part in the capture of Harpers J structed. We saw Ferry. - : I giving away before ine owe coats inii m the battle which had been I the dark doua ol: war will : never Railroad at follows as, not in flight, continuous from left to center since again darken our history. but that 'BOUND EAST. ire OSliea SC ta commence I tne but StUbbOrnlv. TOOUrrahtWeSlW r1--Hht TAr-int S nWk A P. Hill I hontafnrih 'shall have ; rvmra nn Shenandoah with the Potomac, and one of their batteries ou an eminence, came op on the right and opened earth and good will toward men. ' threw cut pickets along the southern turning their guns npoans. Haltmg Bimultaneously. with forty pieces of 'a few more years, two decades border to guard that point. 1 think t a fence to rest; a moment and artUlervand charged. The. rattle of rrhnL and there will 'bVnoVete- we remained here a day or two, our straighten our line, which, we fourfd mn8ketry Inow became a roar along ran Associatioh; the vefy last owe of artillery and Cook'a Brigade occupy- tobeatright angles to,; rather than the whole hue and.tbe roar of artillery Q8 wm hare been gathered to his a..fc vaUVU , i nuuwug wuo vucuij,j wo uiouo b tigu.i became oeaieulDg thuntter. :; , I fathers. participating in Harper's Ferry rest here. ' jjit. w. B. pEISP, Praetlciaa; Physician. Offers his trofeseionai ice. to the people there guarding the canal, orders jot iwxooraaaqaniTonauingiMMininmty. j were glVCB tnat Our UlsrCIl mUSt DO nn n VI nnAnnHPR quiet, commands given in whispers. DENTIST, Oilers his serrices to tbe public Calls promptly 'attended to in Person and adjoining counties. Any one wishing work ta bib line, uy writing JOTS., at, j,t win ana avtaviiuaTu a stBuaht C. 8. Winstead, President, 8. B. Winstead, Cashier 'Parmers Baii of Hoxtoro, ROXBORO, N. C. Deposits received and collections and re mittances promptly mad.e. f Loxboro,N.C. NOW IS,YOTJR TIME! perae to Roxboro and Invest and get a foot-hod, before everything gets too high for you, and when yeu loome don't forget i. .-.r . JASk W. BRATOON 1 " The. Barber, W He swilling and ready to sccommov Maw msinenas, and always Keeps np with the latest styles. . - . canteens muffled and steps light, Night came on before we reached our destination, and as we neared it, no funeral procession ever moved more silently, certainly not so swiftly as we hurried forward to surprise, ii possible, the enemy if we found them. The moon shone ' dimly, - with scat tered and swiftly moving clouds anon obscuring her; beams.?? Our'. Brigade was in advance, our regiment being the vanguard: Cpmpany, marching a few yard! in advance of the f hole column. I do' not remember ; that Cook's Brigade ; waswith ns.v I am intdinsd to believe it was not i Kear- Ins the aqueduct. General Bansom rode to the front, whispering as lii went aong, ; death te the fint man who tnakes a noise. ; Aboot 10 o'clock we reached the canal where it crosses the- river. s A death-like I sanest, J only disturbed by theswiftlrrupDing STATIONS. T4V.-Danville Harrison, MUton a, Semora ; l r 1 No. s. y e 00 am the investment of We 1 had ft good Wheel and faced the barygetting!. .hoolHbe in pomt blank range. We remember ,Then rushed the steeds to battle driven, ua V tf?!?1 the explosion of one shell at this And loTidtluin the bolts heaven "'Harmony Vim Clarksville Beneath the hot midsummer sun, -. The troops had marched all day. And now beside a rippling atram Upon the grass they lay. ' Harper's Ferry having capitulated, J- -1 a-i-L L..H7. Z . ' a I ! .J a-lt ) , .4 C I- W USVil ... Mlvlf -: sttaaawa,..-. vaaaaaaav ' ' juuubuic wuiuu ivuicu Bua .wvuuura n!na nf nnv wnan nk.pK. aaIa.. KaaaiiAv ir uuu.mD uhui ' uuwdi .1 . .obi. w. u .h.u ..uu . miiiii w ' ... . 1 tu . oaw jo utwaw wuu nwo wit ,ouo knf jf lna ' An MoT trad that. w, a, luuuaii, huu jjipnv, uniuuif iui ww . uo tuav vuoj ..' wore t - - - - i , ' 7 -I r Mavo r F.r flaar, lh rer. artSIlerr ' wniii ,sure.j rj(w. At last we beard the Confederate oay oy aay lt , 8p. Philip M, White end John McNair. I veil: we knew what that meantthe uuiire u yui . ooncciuwa MjnuBiuaa) i uajuucv suu auiauuoi nuu tut? uuue 8?4 8 4x a 20 . . ? . 9 55 ; 11 96 - 130 pnf - i' r 550 vfi - SOUTH BOUND, No. 4.. . r 8 00 pm 8 24 &10 ; J 9 00 . 912 989 -9M...-UW -1 61 am' 6 45 ... STATIONS. Lv Portamonth . " Lawrenceville viwi ak v SV4V4W . ( - base asitov bear us malice still, them we say, be . content and curb I Harmony Cuninghams . : . Seinoraf;"i-, "Milton'.. l--K rt Harrison lNo.l.' 10 10 ana 2 80 pm 4 8 VS 4 10; 695.;. ' 648 6 50 7 29 7 89 ! 800 ;;fNo:8. : 10 10 pa : 3 80 am 6e ; '.'781;.':.. 1 70T: ; 5v'a i- . :.8'42' '. - 30 : Warden' Hicks' Report. The following official report made by Warden Hicksrof the pealtentisry, I shows the disposition! of all the con-3 losexnaecUou will be made at Parts- mouth with tha New Turk, Philadelphia,: Norfolk .1 way, frw ClIesr Roate), and Baltimore steamers, for all points Northj and atiDanvflle,. with the.Ridimond DanvUle B H way, for all point North er 0OUUU ' C.f.; we took bur Hue of march towards j Company were -kUled,he other driving -everythingA tikii.Mkrt.M ' teiAnn- tfa f&Unrti-rulrnU I nilHM T hatra rtrorAtOfii i arVl Trnl HfAiSntni nnf fwm r ha laTirw a V wll A a few miles apye itmooth.v; 'Reach, riss ag on the came nearer, toMtealto .ai.: .J- r.U T.a- : .U-l-f .rula fpMAONnn 1a t.tfiulAa.l U.tttA '.'IV. : jumtilAil UM"WBS ,, awyua, - uw --- SOUbUem SlUO . Ut WO X UWUlaCi VUB I"" "iW aamu , v w uookws UBbtlc. o .j wuuww, uuwyu acfca- I ivi:-".j-i;.j;. L(..rv..1 it nonvllla -- . i - -..'---;"'-' --!"-..-.- j- ?--'-..--..--.-.--"--..--- t rwriuiriMUMM . ar as . liim . a sasvsaa r siiiia - uifuu w mmmm-.-rmm -- 16th of September, we heard the to attempt to captttre the battery mente as they marched. in hne of ;. . . i guns' of Boonaboro; D. H. Hill hold- without support and finding ourselves battle. - They did not falter, and I t"" v -: - ingTMcClellan in check, till Lee oonr completely detached, not: onlyl.our i could'not but admire their steadiness I r ; - " r ; - - T? D ! centrated his troops. Wading the brigade but so far as we could see the land good alihgnmentv though -1 do v Formerly Major 34th N. O. T. Potomap for the ird . time, w again whole army. Mo, enemy - was to be not think they were as yet under fire, planted the flag of the 'Starry Cross" seehexcept the jbattefyj pausinig Tliey moTed, I thongbt, more slowly on Maryland soil. ' " !. . . to consider as to how we conld best than our men in going to battle Ai dusk -we stacked arms and communicate with oprbrigade com. From my idea of the position of these bivouacked ahout:One - mileT ffom mander, coming from jpnr left, i and troops I saw they were aisaalting Sharpsburg eating onr spant rations nearly ; midway between os and., the our own division. f shall not attempt for supper, little dreaming that .on I battery, rode . a solitary rsemaB,a line of sentiment io this paper, or victs; Under la pa$ae by the last the inorrow we would be participants I wl) a long feather an iiiihat,' Wbo!to tell of the horrors .or pomp and I letrislature there are but few convicts ii an Ia'a dreaieat vifttonM.'ahd i seemsdnot to discover ns. The Bmn i droimatance of irlorfona war. - I ' am 1 at otatV nn railroads under legislative witnesses - to so great a carnival of ners turned their guns npon hUn sndl only endeavoring, to give a 4rtMul contracts. , The Western North Care j sPW www - death and suffer; 6urileep ' abontl many a soldier'i home and dear broken for he last time.., The dawn onr men,-aim at him, tney were woods where . Stuart left na, aodi -r. nrv,nrr t r-nnnt An farms! Uf v work is guarantt?eo: : to give of day found iis 1n line of batUe, and erdered not to fire on so brave man, withdrawing - at night to: find out and raUroads. On Roanoke farm. gcUoa fd wUlbe done&iwin ptly as the grayyed morn peeped over! though we took big . to be on the brigade halted by Stuart's yidettes 200 ; on the North Carolina Midland -M;:T":--''W-:-- v?.C: the extern hills the desultory picket j other. Bide. Just then he espied ns, las we.caineinjijmd with difSculty raUroad, 127; on theMVAlry railroad, n" fT ; -w w I5o' TToti rW"aL,b :i;i1X)IBTIILI)? .' Ii sottll4300foj' estimates before '"I'- .i . ? prepared! to do any kind oi firebecame a rattle,, and aeon the! end riding np, asked to see tbe cos-(made them -belieyg we; were Lee's &1t and at tAe pepttenUsyy, 506.1 All rp.mnnthftd cannon beffaa "to belch ! manding oflScerJ: 4JoL Hamss res-Iarmy.. - , I forces working on state account, on forthriti th5nder on our lei 1 1 re nded, whWhe said tohimlo: Our ambulance corps with their bid !ot b? the rhamrr distinctlv t?oint? to'theex-vnel, fft thescope of; yonder woods," I stretchers did t?ood aarviM in bay or by the, cubic; yard,.es;inr the tmeright ofOBrhnprandas faras poinUng a little tolf?r 0uf -wounded ; remember oneLf"601 any ?lar contract work. H. t. rudder; :'jfi:y FOB. DYSPEPSIA Ju Ua Brw'a Iran Bitten. ; C''-';' v ; Phyildana recommend ft. sv' - : AO dealers keen It. fl.09 per sotOa. Genolns Ja trsde-mjsrk sni eroascS redliaeson wr . ' - , . . .. ' I- - E

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