. V fi.MMti vmw 'S '" Vj if.'uV. . . . - - ...z M i Person Gotmty Courier. ,. PUrfLlSUE0 WttKlLY BY HOIXL ntlOS; ?jiq?rietob3 - . 1 ' '" - Eateret.rcconlinf Postal Rcgula li.ns, at the FostojEce, at Roxboro, N.' L". w second class batter. 1 ' - The cditOfre in no wise responsible for xieyri e'xjs'essed' by correspondents. - - ; SUBSCRIPTION TERM8. 1 copy, 1 year, " 4 1 copy C months . $1.50 .75 ROXBORO, N. C fane 12th, IS9Q ,. , . "" We bave'been agreeably surprised to see the spirit of good feeling and commendation tnat has predominated ,iathe North over. the. recent unveil ing at Riohmond. Of course Shepard, of. the Mail and Express, fumigated some J bnjt'fla a Northern paptr says, he is affected ' with .old-fashioned idiocy of a chronic and incurable type. Ingalls, in his speech at Gettysburg, ton Memorial Day, was abusive too, ;to'somfffixtefut,'but he alsaia affected. With these exceptions the whole tone of Nortfeern thought seems to be that the South did honor to itself in honoring m the way it did the mem ory or Lee, The New York Times regreta that there were no organiza tions from the North to take part in honoring, one who has honored the whole of America. The New York Tribune, rank partisan as .it is, has has no words-of Condemnation. We are profoundly glad to see this spirit. There is more magnanimity than we had thought. When the present Congress has. nothing else to do, these days, it discusses the silver question and we, erj- jromti'fc' jaer&aps, but neverthe less one of the sovereigns, are getting precious tired of i. In the course of eeveral years we have met a number (of -.folks, men, worses and children, .of all agos and color, aud if we have fiver seen one who knew anything rwhatever. of'tha silver qaostion, he has kept the mystery to himself Demonetization, b:metalism, mono- ,, metalic, and such words that the Congressmen nse for padding pur poses are as entirely meaningless to us, and -we beleive to most folks, including Congressmen as parallel .opipedon is to a Choctaw girl-baby. And these hot days, wben one yearns .to fee soothed by something dreamy and yet simple, it is awfully exasper ating to see staring at us from everv .column of every .newspaper: "Silver Discussion in the House," "The genata takes op Silver," "Tho De monetization of 1S73." UulesR the . word has slipped from its etymolog ical meaning we remember enough -JjatiQ, to know tint we have been "demonetized- time and again with out creating near the disturbance that the simple talk of it is doing now. 'How are they going to "demonetize" money anyhow? It seems to us they had as well undertake to"deweterizo" MLuter, . . . . -, This is election year. In a very ehbrt while now we will be in the midst of conventions and the cam paign. There may be men, young caen perhaps, about to become voters, ho are now considering the really important question : "To which party shall 1 give thy support; to which cball I Pi; lie myself?' If you are not looking for an office, our young friend, we would ask you two ques tions, coolly, before the beat of the campaign comes on. Which will be the most likely to.treat your State, a Southern State, fairly and justly, the . party that has produced and cherishes and honors an Ingallp, a JShepard, a Tom Reed; or the party which repudiates such characters and which .when in power made the South part of thifr cation rnstead of- the province it is now? This so far as National politics and the Congres sional elections are concerned. ' Now jn regard to Stale politics: Which will be most likely to furnish com petent judges aud legislators.-rwhicb V41 give the taOBt creditable -govern tneDV--a party composed entirely of wnite men, from every class and from every vocation in life, lr the party that is -made up in7 the propor tion of : one white man and four ne Kiwat ine iact that some cf the best men we have' ever known are ' Republicans donk tlrange the; other, fact that the greal- -bulk of that -party in. this State vary ip color from indigo-blue to a light-browm T hese iwu; iacts, remain, equally true, and , these two questions) we have asked f you mast be: answered ccWrary' tc experience, to common: rpteoit and to ::faUadgement'"orryorj will decide to ;remAtn;r;aaXeery;:outhraan - torn a Derirocrat.H'-ft-'-?:- :3 AT'the last, meeting of the Trustees of the Uriversity. Horace II. Will ms was elected professor of nVentJi auf moral acien,to, to succeed DrXIangumf whosodeath some fweekaagd wui en'oh sjevrtf loss to te-"slstiH Mr; Wiiliaims n: jejing po character and atiainoie&ts. Der is' a graduate of: the University, and-has taken, a course iat Yale in theology and psychology. Likely nisSvas the fittest name - men tioned i-forthe - vacancy. Dr. Jdangum was a .Methjpdisdi and bo is bra successor. We' Hope, however; hi denomination had nothing to doj with the selection of Mr. William, j A correspondent of the State Chronide com'pla-ins that the Methodist church is not suQcientiy well represented in the faculty of he- University, and goes on to ta& ndasehBerabout "tax ation without representation," etc. This narrow criminal sectarianism receives a merrrted rebuke at the hands of the level-headed editor of ihe Chronicle, himself a Methodist. The duty of the Trustees-m choosing a professor is to get.; in tho- first place, of course. - man - of good moral character, and that consideration being settled, the best equipped ; man for the chair to be fifled, whether he be Methodi8t,Captiat;Pi?eabyfeeriani or a member of no church at all. 15y the way, it seems to us that bigote4 church-members would be rebuked by the condact of the non-church members, who, constitntisg a" con siderable part of our population, have never Teen represented in the faculty of the University, and yet have never whined over their failure to get thtir just deserts. Sectarian prejudice and clannishness is opposed to the spirit of the Christian religion as night is opposed to day, and yet how preva lent. ' The Methodist - Divided. Conference At the General Conference of the M. E. Church South, the North Carolina Conference was divided. The Eastern Conference takes the name of the North Carolina Confer ence, and will hold its session in WilsoD. We clip the following as to the dividing line from the Netcs and Observer : The dividing line begins at the Virginia line, runs south on the east em boundary lines jof Rockingham, Guilford and Kuodolph counties, thence west along the southern Ran dolph line to the Yadkin river, down that to the South Carolina Hue. All west of this line to Tennessee u the Western North Crohua Conference All the portion east retains the name of the North Carolina Conference ex cept the six counties of Curritnck, Camden, Pasquotank, Perquimans, Gtes and Chowan, east of .Chowan river, which retrain in the Virginia Conference. The North Carolina or Eastern Conference as it appears on the map, is much larger than the Western, but it was found th.vt the division would be almost exactly tqtral with relation to the Mtthodist population, there being 52,000 in each Conference. Each minister will remain in the Conference in which he is now lo cated. An Atlanta Lady's Sad Con dition. "About two years ago a rore came oa my saose. 1 called in a physician who could arrest it only for a few dayp, wben it would appear a bad as ever. anally u became permanent, and despite the Constant attention of seve ral physicians, it continued to grow worse, tne aiscnarge irom the ulcer being exceedingly oflenBive. This was my coadition when I commenced to take Swift's Specific (S. S. S.) about oDe month ago, but I am now happy to say that after taking four large bottles of your wonderful medicine my nose is entirely well, , and my gens eral health better than it has been in ten years. Mrs. Lucinda Rush, Atlanta, Qi. Swift's Specific (3. S S ) cured me of a blood taint that had troubled mej for years. 1 consider it without an equal. James Kherwoop, NashyilW, 111. Treatise on Blood and Sum Dis eases mailed free. - SWIFT SPECJFIG CO, Vi" AClauta, Ga. A Lady's Perfect Cbmpanioii. Our new-book -bj Dr. John H. Dye one of New York's most skillful phys icians, ahowa that nain is not necessary ta ebildrnrth". but results from causes easiiv understood :aad overcome, it clearly'provea , Chat any. ; woman 5sinay become a .another, without suffering any pain whatever. -It alio' tells how to evercoine and prevent morning sickness and the. many- other evils "attending pregnancy. I is highly-endorsea py Dhvsicians -everywhere, asi the true wife's private companion. -Cut thi out:' it will sayb you great, pain., and possibly your life. Send twocent ntmp :ior afisoriptive circulars, iesu raonialSi'and confidential letter sent in sealed ; envelope. " Address Frask TaOMAa & -Co.. Publishers Baltimore, - Neuralolc Persons a -. :. AndthbM troufcletl with nervouuneirf Tesoltingr from c re or otelHvarlc wUl be relieved y-taiirig V ', Brown's 'Iron liUters. 'GmniM has trade mark and crossed red Hoes on wfiipvr. Melange of Dots. Ic is said that prosperity Is a blcpsing tirtbe Ko6l,rbui a curse to the "evil, t? tt is said that the phri8tind armor will rust, except it Iw furnished y ith thbilibf priyer,::." -I is aid ffoue praiers have a longer voyage; tha 'atbera, but they cows, wuh a rk&er Urder last-'i,-:: -.:-f i It is sttid that use everything that if may fix your heart oa Gd, nd you ! will be abl -and willing to let it go when lie shall see fit to r.emove it. y. It is said that the beBb capital fori young men . to start with in life is in-j juu8tr'y,"g60'T sen'seT'courage arid fear of Godr- H better tnaa all tne credit or cash that Was ever raisrd.V lO It is said that if you would not havef affliction visit? ou twice,' !Tstn atfeh- tively and at once to what it teacbts. It itt said tnat the prodigal robs tne beir, but the miser robs himself, g j -. It ia said that one man make up his accounts from his wants; nnother from bis assct - , ' : . - It is said that.it is good in fever and and much better in anger 'to have the twngae kep clean and smooth, i ; s It ia 3Hid tbt doetrines. are-bf use only as they, are practiced. Men may go to perdition with their hends full f truth. -- -;": , - ;i " - It ia said that jirtue is no enmy to pleasure; her proper office is to regulate our desires, that we may enjoy every blessing with moderation, 'and- lose uem without djscoDtent. . , It is said that a true tan never fre's about, ,hi3 place in the world, but just slides into it by 'the gravitation ins DHfure, aou swinga tru-re as easily as a It is said that loye and passion are olten cinfounded. ? They are qmte dis tjinct. JL.ve elevates ana r naes, p -s- 8ion degr des and iepre39 s; love en 14rgts. the uearp, pa.ssi'm narrows tbc IIIIUU. ' V - It is said that when fatigued with the toils and cares of the "ay, it ic plea-iob to' ee-k "pituie's sweet re storer, bnlmy sleep. To ray couch I'll now meander, Subseripsi huie. Yiurs, .V. PuiLANDEB. The Alliance. There are 2.093 sub Al-'iances ort the roll, and over 2,063 in. good working ordt r, b"ides 9i' couuty .AHiitncej. ELvery co.unty in the Statfr is now or ganized except Dare asd Jew H .nover both of Wuieh are expected to U3 orgnn. iz.-d daring cue Mimrncr. Over one hundred and twenty Aniaccts tiavf baea crgauiz d since the 0th of January. The orgnniz ition is in a healthy coh- dition io almost every section of th State, and a good crps ot lecmrers Is at work in those sections where it is least ujospcrtrtis. The members are takiuc more interest in public affairs than ever betre, and it lsiucely that the primary conveouoijs In thQ rural districts hi sUrnTner wi'.l be very larsre'y attended Tiie State Bus'nt-fs Agency has bei-u a deci'Ied uicc?83. The trade has ftIL n ff soou wht in the last few weeks, but they etui do a large volume of bums. t haB sav- d tbnuinds of duUarr to the members of the Order during the past 8-ason. Kaieign jnroMcie. Obituary. P.issed peacefully away fiom tht scenes of life aL 1 o'cck P. m. , on the 3nl ins'- ftt her reaidanc in OUv' Hill T.iwnship, Mrs. Ana Mund-iy. Jict of J'irjn Munday, deocasvd, ag. d Co Fears l month, and 21dys For more thin or4y yoars she was a .conHtant metn- b'-r of the Mipsinarv Bp'ist Church at Clement. Aiew dvs previous t her death, she becnine very hannv. and gave U'lnvstaka'de evidence t those present at her bedside, that ehe was fully prepared for hmr exi, and requested her children sad relatives to hel not a tear for her, remarking that she would soon be relieved ol her suffering apej be at peace. 14 r spirit nas aououesg ere tais pu3:ed iliiough ihe liHUtiful Gte, i?id ilis is now resting, like thn be- love l dis- iple upoo th MmsWs bicaV.: M y her surviving chiWrtn and rela tves meet her in the Bw-lter Lxtod. ' S. W. R. The Standard. 'I regard Hood '8 8.trsparilJa as ving p-isstd bove the grade of what are commouly called ptent or pro lr nnr prietary modki'M!s.,aaid a well known physician reectly. Jt is fully en titled to be considered a standard medicine, aad Iihs won this position, by its undoubted merit and by the many remarkable cures it has eff cted. For an alterative and tonic it has never been equalled-' ! Capt. Darden Dead, Cap. W. A. parden, Lectdrer pi the Farmers? Alliance, died suddenly at Gatesville, Pjates county, N. G. Jane Zai. He had iust. sona downi .... n " to the- First IJHfitiict, to commence a series of lec tures in beh al f of the h Hrmer? Alliancc.t He was aa hon est, upright man, modest and a nae suming. . The - furmers have lost pne. of yielr. pokst reprcEea latives in the death of fiaptKDardeai A Singular 'Js&t'L: 'f- Thi-re wis reCentlv bofri ai Benon : in Johnston county, -a, white1 chiiu wjiica ja pronoanceu ; to De toe mosi wonderful frpak of nature ever seen in North ' Carclinar or oerhaDS"; in t.h world. The child liveii4Jfty hpors. It had twp heads, v one "at; each end of trie ooay. l ue beads were perfectly formed in every particular, and each nursed and, tried. The child was 22 inches long and 18T inches wide with arms extended. It had three feet t jro on-one side and one on the-other, and iuur arnH, iwo on eacn eioa i - Good, ' , - The Cumberland county. Board of Education s the first and only county in the t State to frbid . che use of Mra Spencer's" Eirst Steps in North Caro lina History,!' arid Goodrich's "His tor j of - the Orti ted v States," becduse these books contain matter, rpflectiug upon "the Southern people ifi resrard'fto the civil war: -r f orseveraU yeats pubs uc men na me 153 press hav bees calling attention the objectionable featurei of tbdNoiWern school hooka i : IP YOUIt It A CK A CTTKS Or yon are all worn out, really Rood lor nothlnz it is general debbity. Try ' - . Z :,jtRaity'n iko.y r.rTTJiiis. It will cure yn; and give a good appetite. Sold - i , - : l all dtalers in niediciue. " Prnta In the most efeVant ftwrn '. CF'iBS ' v . .... V.-.' "VVFIGS OF CALIFORNIA, ( " ! Combiried witflie teedicinal M -virtues of plants known to be : most fceneficial to the human' .. system, fonning Jim agreeable U and effective laxative Jtp penna- ,v neatly cure HabituaJ pojosti- " patiori, and the many ills" de pendmg on ft weak or inactive condition of the y - v-v : KIDNEYS, UVtV AND BOWELS. JtlstTiemdsrexcellentrejac'dylcaowftto . CLEANSE THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY - When 03$ i Bilious or Constipated , ; " ' sofTHAT - " ' 1 fURE 8LOOP. fCFRSHtQ SLEEP, HEALTH and TEtKiT . i 44ATORAU.Y FuUOW, - . Every one is using it and all are ' deligL.ced.with it. MANUFACTURED ONLY BY - CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. r SAJI FBANC1SQ0, CAL. WVI3VIUt. 4f ttW YORK. in'ar K 1'iiy. .V no 14 M-n M PADJIESS CHHDBIRTB HOW AOOOMPLIaHKD. Every ludr .uould knovrT Kead stump. BAKER REM. OO .Box lot Ballala.N.Y. E RSI AN BLOOM, Beit Co;!ezioaiW I tifier.fciria Onw and BloiuUh Eradiotor known bend rtaui for trial pm&ig. Address at above. andTFcigfeeyiJabiSa cured at home wlta ouwpatn. Bock of pa ticalars sent R M WnriT.T.B-V m r. Atlanta, disk. OffloeHMi Wtitohaii Notice TTaVin-qualified aa administrator of the es tate of Dr. 4. L. Sanfonl, deceased. 1 hereby notif.T all persons indebted to said deceaeeil to come forward atonceandn)ake8ulenient;ahd atl persons boldinir claims against decaawi to present them to the' nndCrpi-ned on or before tUe 2nd day of Jun; 1891, oi- tbis notice wiil be plead in bar of their reoorery. This 2nd day of J une, ."flH). ' - yr. o. GUEooitT, AUminJgtrator. FOR SALE! I have for sale a , Valuable Small - Farm, containing about 61 acres. It is well wa tered, and has thereon good kms and outhouses. It also has a young orchard of Finest Fruit Trees. Said farn IJes wilhirt two miles of Eoxboro on the Allensville road. This place is a fine location for a resi dence, and is a splendid TOBACCO FAR M, and has fine Meadow Land. Any person wishing a rood hr une and farm near a prosperous, progressive town will do well to examine this one. Terms Furnished on Application. Also one other tract of 2 acres, within J mile of the corporation of Roxboro, which will be sold in one tract, or in lots to suit purchaser. Ahout o e half of this is in original growth. This also has fine i : .MEADOW LAHD, and a good spring and orchard. I also have ; 7-Nice Buildiiig Lots,-7 about one-half acre each: and 4 lots. t - JJeet,iiistinthe ' HEART OF ROXBORO, situated on Lamar and Industry streets. xarue wreninsr to imy will please call on '. W, Kitchin, my attorney or mvsel - It. K. Dauiel." Roxboro, June Jlth, 1890. For Rent and Sale. 1 hare, situ tod In Ht bsraets portion of Boxboro, 2 acres of land. Terniswill be made REASONABLE. A Iso a splendid dwell'mcr house suitable Doaruine fioiise lor rent. A i.nlr in .i - ' J. D. WALKHr! Daysviil.N.C. STAB TjX S The Leading Music THE -L-'argest Stock. -L 0 we s t P r ices. B e s t Instrtim ent s.' 6 EACH INSTRUMENTS Warrat4 -Hv& .--years;- CaalogrUeja... P3K 1 -, .t, w ei t e Xq e,peices and terms. ; OLbvN3TRUMfiNT8a Taken Iq Exchange. S aiD aicbio xi. CS-Tr. -A- 3ST .T IE 3S 3D. 'WAEER00M :815 MAIN STREE Southern: Jewelry House, . J" ' - . . I- . . t Vi- :.) 9 i end us your orders ftft ; patches, Cloiftmamond and every thing ' pertaining to line Jewelry Bneiness. :'' -. ''- J V- - -?,I?5Jatll&.eeBtree to any addreaa.1 ;Sbould you yiglt Zyochbnrg,la,anrc nl jm v .fit? s; .? r: .-.v"i .ji - -a apeetonr stock. . ,-. .':':,): , 1028 Main Street, Closin Having' decided to chfinpje onr plarv of business,-we will, froru this Uinc on. ner our rtiiirc .. STOCK OF GOODS, at KrmOy s- r s..t REDUCED .HATES! We have on hood a J.nll.an3 leira We stock of goods, cons'isting of bi(y GOOI)S,NQTIS,3yO II ATS," IIAI DWARR, GEOCEU1ES " An entirely rvjr. nndr; handtorue line of ' . ; Ready-made CLOTHING; 4 And a nice lim i L-tdioe' : ! ' Trimmed Hts. I - fAH f which we wilt ffet &t wonder fully loW figures' t . .. -v 5 ?: 1 1 ' We i'avit'v y u to cit nnd .tX!muf uir, etiicki-beforo.1.ui!ikijjg;. your 'pur" iWe also eifnes'tly r quest, ' Ibose ii'd- bttd-to u, U settJe tuelr .ciout yviili us as - ' SOON AS POSSIBLE, as we are nHdit!g thr money. VERY TRULY, ' . Mill Creelr. N. C 3STjBj"W O-OOIDS ..( i T wou'd respw tiuny inform IhexlUi zns f R'Xlofo JiBfl -Burrounding ountry thu I li!iv Ii.c.-ted in.tl.e MEPJllTT BUILDING ith a Hige nnd ntt.Hi-.tive afscrrt ' in- nt ol . new eoops, r,i consisting. in,prt. o.f . t r - i dry o oors, -p nof r,r0TS. SHOES, U T, (lti ) 'Ki'i QiAWAnE, Oti r euy yAni5, r h1 bought at tho . ... LOWEST CASH PRICE ind whih I intend. to soil Bottom Piio. fe, my molt l "LIVE AND LBT L1V All are Invited tp coire and. 8-e for theoiSeI' 8 ad ! pi?.yiiie-d. The Iaii,4 He i'l iny ir.vi'eil fo cme ani exaudwe my haudsom line ol DRESb QOODS. &C. Ii HENLEY. 2 28 .1y For Sale ! A FARM IX GOOD MTI0X 1 will sell hit farm, .mtinrng acres aituatcl ahnnt miles from tioxbnro. A Brst class dwell inj. i ew-,and nearly complete. AH nwHurv out-ho iso " in omt condition. Splendid tolmfico-barr -and jjek-bone8 no fitWJ. oe desiring, fiirihe Ai.t.p;N, , icoxlor HI E 33 18 8 l- House: of the .Soutli: ' m mHEHOBSIEriiSIQCO. 13 Out. W.OV lew Firm, nrermea, ..Tins is koki lonacco nii grain rano. .... rand adjoins the lauds of. J. Wilkersnn,-Alrja anitT fnr some one to boy a rooa 1 nt 1 m V' vi an in ii 11. 1 ULLl . ' ;will soon has already received a large stock of Hgboconsir YBhPFMftaKP great varietv a-d in tb fi, . mem. " All the- ,-,.r v NEW COLOI vciaV' w tcuiiou h.isi le:ipaid?tthtt dvleciioii Tr-tnijiingii.'tl' ' QUIOK-SAT.E YOTJRS -TO fXEASE' s ' f - ; Wbeelaii Beat All Over. , .. ZF YOU CJJTT FIHD THEM FOR ;- Tie Millinery adppsr&akiig: Department - is on 4 h upper foiorrt.f the8torv ad eJindtuta I, :Ml8f, p4nie YanCev ; wl) has rnueh pxprricno jtf iliiaJirie'Aijaiwiirile'aed to 8c hr fiienj tlu r. : CU arWI S and be n.virK-A'l whi r' to tmv vnnv muuic ' i ... ' , . INDIANAPOLIS. IND -'t - -- .if4 fricel SlS-OOat J. " I ' Strictly IteWarranwd! - -.JL. ' 11 k .--aU Seoond Growth Hickdry. u 0SStm5 V G fis t 2 'J LJii A ateel Axles and Tiros. - .. . -.,. wTxiL Jj " Low Bent Seat Arms, VTerfectlyIta3anced.': ? ii jf. , .EOKYiAGpN MFGi,CO.y LOUISVILLE, KY. 1 .4 General Southern Agents. -.I-. ii'b . 'jr.- ..... " . Jiyiichbury, V.,"send grtlingrs to Roxboro, N. C. d to lnvo - y'U for our aixt r4neighlor, JIop- y-n wi l 1-e 4 e.-ir d. aiid we ? ir now that yt-u'wilf be proMud lv tlie f rarg iicnt if yt;u will call ia t T; !Ei: THOMFSQT So SOlsT'S, lt, 31,3 K'f-tii street I.yncl.biir.1Ta., nd buy y ur . FURNITURE AN ) CARPETS, ' ' A simple. order wiil prove that tlfis is the place. Trj ua. ' ': J. L. THOMPSON &. SON. Boxboro Saddle l'i )3.TK COUUT'IOC'E. Fal!os, narneKS-fVllaw, 0,,l!ar t'ad., and ri7jry Whips Tin -sr.v Tuln, nnrl-tH,'ltnUKr ai.a VVflJep lorao Ikivera, liita,' Baekles, S, 1111 v an,lK l;rnh8, IJunussOil, find all kinclsnf hrseo ils. ! We also have a first-class shop at South Boston, a., an 1 when any of our PereoH county- friends are there we Would, be J?lad ti hav them frill iJ.'J' Repairing Eche on'SIibrt Notice arid in the5?est Style3 ' T HALl& FORE. SO HAS THE MAMMOJnSTOOK OF 5. COMM AND DiREN OPENED BY T teir Mr: BERlfANN. VHn is XnMrx nijtt- spZAi .sftrriB time .in New toVk, e,eciing.MHtrj'carettl4 PET I3A1RQAINS, tq 1r had ia that .gre$ tii deceuter, anl they are njjf, oitpireto r:.brgaiR4 i?. ; ' of LATEST toESIQNSy stjch'as are feMoiij offered. Tuey know that peop bpy where tpey can iuy for the ' and act aocordirig; : If yoa arei is need:f any MERCHANDISE, of any kiuJ trpm a . i ; vHANbsOM ; SUIT OF ' v CLOTHES to 'ajbar of WASHING !s6aT and -jou-will. alvv? find'thm ready to offer yoii," . . , - - . - , - 1 - . l,"i. 9 be b,Jrbut,,f .i'a ' ' Q 4)RESS GOODS! 7 d Dress G..os nd your eon. S A. R. FOUSHEE, Hi SALE BY TOUR MEKCHAVT8, WBXXZ' and Harness House a U Emm IW

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