Person County Courier. nnvnhT)(t rJ f! Jnnft 12th. 1890. TnePrimtiTe Baptist church here .will soon be completed, and will be ,inite a handsome structure. What are yoo doing to help, build .upRoxboro? Kyerj citizen of Kqx Wo should ask himself this question. There i danger in impure blood. There is eafety in taking Hood's Sar sapanlla, the great blood purifier. 00 dose9 one dollar. "? Rev.G. T. Watkins, who will leave this fill 8 a missionary to China, will preach in tho Baptist chnrch of this place rest Sunday morning and In another cilumn will ft&nni an advertisement of Mr. D.iriiel. offering some valuable property f-.r sale in andriear ttxbnrn. 1'h-y prop erty in town is very desirably catcrL Mr. W. A. Clayton, who l:ve? neir HflxboiO, informed ns a few d.yp ao that a snake about live feet was k.le;l oi. hn jduce last wet!'. This must have l.en quite a punosUf. An writing or amiUinz to any of r - i ' " nr rtJvortiae.s. V'oa a til confer a Javor on us by sayn g yon saw ! fieri 5(veit:sen:tMi! in the Ci hi Kir. Tins Anil be apfoi'ci'fiJ ly the adve: t:sci as well a the jnbliahe.s. Just Received. A li n:iJo;uf line "f C i ts and Pm?,. giea joKt ivc'iMM-d, hi(.'!i wh are otter ing at reriia; k:b:y lo-.v p;;ce . fume io sue ua bff. rh b'tvinj. PASS & Cuirciif.K Who Tho Kxloro JkuoWhII Club mel and orgiii..,zcd lrtst.'liu:.vhv nighi, electing M. .1. D. Morris Cipttiu, tu.d M-. li. K. fvuig; S Ci entry and Treasurer.' The boys say they are now reiilyi to play-aAiy club in the county. I Your atfceutioa is culled fo the at tractive advertisement of Sir. ( II. lluuter, who lus opened up a grocery Bt."re in the house recently occupied bv Dr. 1. .. Morton. He asks a share of your p:Hiooiig and guarantee .priCi . To the Ladies. I am edling milliiv ry cheaper than it wiis ever sold in l;xbro her. We h iyo thr advantage of railroad facilities i.ovr, and I ui,l compare prices with ftuv market. Call and see ny stck before boyin We rf reived the firt. nuoihrt f t!:e North - Caroliurt luttUujencvr. jmbliahed weekly at ttahigh, Nr. C., by lion. T. III. Jurnian, l ite Cohsip to Tokio, Japin. It is a n-a', news and well cdtj 1 p&per, and we wish jr. much success. For Sale. I have two young horses for sale They are bjjUi inrgood order, ''good p mi:tHued and gentle, which 1 wi! te'l oh-ap. Apply to me at Wmstead Ho US'", Uoxboro, N C. 0. L- Patrick. We must open a tobacco market i Jloxboro thiB fall, and to m ike a suc cess of this, we must have another tobacco warehouse. Who will maki the start toward building auother one? Nowi8 the time, and it is dan gerous to dtlay. " j . IVe are sorry to learn that an 18 year old son of Mr. J. T., o) Berea, has inurelv lost his mind and has been sebt to the Insane AsylumJ The Oxford Ledger says that a sevrn jase of tbe jgrippe last winter unbal anced bis i mind, ' whidh has. been growing worse ever biiice. 1 A new jupngiht Piano, full size, even and oiit-ti fill octaves, beautifu. rosewood case, all modern improve fuenu.'.'7. l4re, rich aud full tone. Warranted' live years with nice Btooi and cover, lor; $250 cash,or 1275 oi easy paytneul . The . Mobutu Mueic Co., General State Agents, LyncL burg, Ya. i Catalogues tret-. The following aVe the Cents u; Jn iucr alvra appoiuioU for Person co.ny: Busy i'oik, D. V. Biad elier; Flat River, J. Li. Chambers; Mi. Tirzahy4li 0. FogleuiAu; Allensville, ki. Wsijlarris; liollow'd, Jwhu A. Batrd, Sr , Woodsdale, J. B. Burnett, Cuninghaui'sJ. H. Pass; Olive Hill, Thomas J. Carver; R-x'joro, L. C. Pixtey. Re have a mouse in .our office which bur devil has succeeded training to pick np all typEs which drop on the iloorand imtnediatel Tun bp the clothes of the compositor and out on. his arm and holds up the type so the letter on it can be eeeD Then the compositor has only to carry h:8 harld over ihe box. where the let ter belongs and the mouse will drop it in i'H prorer place, fe turning 'to the floor to awa!t for artother dropped ype. Nevjs a n d Observer. ' Wt vould HstK like to borrow" tbaf mouse awhile for the benefit of our prmtere. Try MotriV; Worm Syrup. ..... . . -. .. . ,- - . Use Morris Red O Lamp Oi', FalMineorjeb6kiig stoa at Owe--Barbour & Smith's, Osfoidi N U. 5 Full etock of farm tools at Owen, Barbour & Smith's, Oxford, N. C. ; Carts are now 'going ab Pass & Catcher Bros., at $13.50; railroad prices". " '' " The best Paiuts, Oils zvd Var nishes, at Owen, Barbour & Smith's, Oxford, N; 0. '" Just recuved at Mra. J. A. Noeli'a a beautiful line of Flowera aud Hats whbh are being offered at low prices .MoCormick Biudera, Reapers, Hay Rakea and Mowers at Owen, Barbour & Smith's, Oxford, N. C. Waterbnry Watches, cheap, neat and desirable, at Couch's Jewelry Store. Call and inspect tbem. Big sfock of vehicles; 15 or 20 dif ferentftyles of .buggies and carts at Owen, B.ubouj- -Smith's, Oxford, X.C. j Do you wftot a e,ew hat pr bonnet? j If so call early, as the .beautiful line tt Millinery ju9t received is ,oing fast. MR8. J. A. N.OjELL. J. D. Morris je giv-irjg a nico jcur'ry . omb with every package of his Horse and Cattle Powders. It is a bargain. I'i y it. Lad'es' Piiseton8, Snrrieji aii(5 ?Uar- riagos, bg stock, any grade or stjle; s-oid and warranted by Owen, Bar bour & SmitE, Oxford, N. C. Owen, Barbour & Smiih, Oxford, 1 X. C, are alive to your interests if vou wantte)uy IJ.irdware, Building Material, Wagons or Baggies. , Commendable. All claims not consistent with the higd chMructer of Syrup o! Fig an-purpo--e'y Hvoide.i b tho Unlifornin Fifj Syrup Company. Il acts gently on the kidne s, liyrr: and bowels, le insing tlie ystein eflE ctaally, but it is nt a cure-hll. and icukts no pri-ten-aion I bat tvery bottij vvi!l uot sub efcntitlo. "For 'a long lime I had no appe tite, was restless at night, and very much debilitated. After taking imt bottles ol Avei'j Nirsapardla, my strength and appetite returned, .and o;y health was completely cured." D. M. Fibber, Oswego, N. Y. Special Notice! We have about completed our new hearse aurf will. deliver coflins an where withiu 10 miles of Roxh ;ro free of change w1ilm the cHiii costs m much nsi'i0 tnd upward:;. Oi)e us a call. R K. Daniel & Son. A box of Ayei's Pill has saved many a fit of sick no.-?. Whjsn 4 rem edy dopa not happen to be within roich, people are liable to noglect flight ailments, aud, of couree, if se rious illnesa f' l!('g, they have to Kuffer the conscqneuces. "A siitcl--in time saves nine' Bucklpn's Arnica Salve. Thk 13E8T Salts ia the world for Cuig, Bruises, .Soi-e, Ulcers, - SultJ Rheum, Fever Sres, Tetu-r, Chapped flnd. Chilolaii'8,' Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, andip.isitively cures" Pil, or u pay requiKd. It is gU'ran:ee,1 0 giy perfect diti?facliou, or money refunded. Price ?3 ceats. per box- j for 8l by R. A. Morton & Co., and J. D. Morris & Co. Struck by Liphtning. A few weeks ago during a thunder--itorui lightning trueV a house on M r. Haywood Ruddei'a farm jq thib ounry, in which MrT Dick Bowes and .aruily were living. The shock kuocked Mrs. Bowes out in the floor, .ind the bolt struck his little child Splitting its arm open from the shoul der to the hand, the force knocking it out into the yard, and also knock- g him senseless, His wife recov ered, and after a day so they thought -he would g t over it, but last week he became much woiee, aud last bViday ' died from the ' effects of the hock. The child is'etill living. This is indeed a sad affair. Hanged. Himself. Last Saturd iy mornjng, the com munity near Olive Branch, war hocked to learn Mr. Stephd'- Melton, an old and highly respected) citizen of that neighborhood, had : committed suicide by hanging him self. The particulars, as we learn hem, i are as follows: Mr. Melton, who had for a number of years been it member of Olive Branch Baptist church, dresed himself for church, ind at about 11 o'clock left home, a his family thought to go preaching. It seems that be went to the barn and got a halter rein which he hid made of hickory bark, then went to a strip of woods between hfs ouse and oae of bu scpj( got on a stnmp, tied the halter arotind bis neckband then around a lirnV and stepperl b'S. ind w he n f onqd aihort w bile; af ter-f wajrd i)y two f ' bis gfandchUdredi was dead. given for this vet, as bis home affairs wer in a yery satisfactory condition. ' Insanity must have v been the cause. -Mr. Melton was about 65 years a good neighbor. old, and was Personal. 7 V Mr. O.. R. Cr.tcher went over to Sonth Boa'tou last Tuesday. Mre.J. A. Long and children spent last Saturday. at)d Sondaf Vtn VLeas barg. :."1 ''"C f '""" We wore', pleased , to meet our friend Mr. Young Thomas, ia town last Tuesday. '. ... ; Messre, Qv L, Patrick and M. C.' Thomas spent several days in Dur? ham last week, i - iK Mr. A. R- Fondied left Tuesday for Richmond, to replenish his sum mer stock of goods. ' ' Messrs W V Kitchin and IT. A Fonshee are attending Wake Forest commencement thia weefr.. r r ; Mr. Faulkner, , of the Lynchburg Virginian, was in town last Tuesday in tb.3 u.terest of his paper. r i Mrs. T. N. Ivey left 'lust .Wednes day for Charlotte, where ahe will spend some time visiting relatives and friends, ' J; : '4. : .'. i -: ,.T: -5; We are pleased to note that Rev. Rer, J. II. Lam berth is improving quite rapidly now from his throat trouble, ' " - Mr, II. C. Barnett went up to Mor- ranton last Tuesday, to take Mr. Monroe Yarboro to Uio Western I u sane Asylurr, ;' '' Mist Lizzie Wise who ha3 been .at tending Bchoo-l at the Reidsvilbi Fc? malo Seminary, hits returned home to spend vacation. Mr. Hall, of the firm of n&H t& Fore, has moved his family to Rox- boro. The Courier extends a hearty welcome to them. Hon. A. H. A. Williams and Dr. A. J. Dalby, of Oxford, WjerOiia town last Tuesday, attending the Alliance apeakin. Prof. M. G. Thorn -s left UstTacf day for the home of his parents at G irj, where he willspeu4 the greater part of his vacation. Mr. II. Field, who has the contract on Mr. Long's warehouse, epenk Sun day in Oxford, with hisTuHaSJy He returned Monday, accompanied by his son. - Mr. R. W. Winston, ofhford, wa9 in toan last Tuesday, looking after his in'eresta as a candidate for Judge of this district. He will have a good vote in-the convention from this County. Electric r.lttern. " This remedy is beconMEg So well kn-iw a titr po-tial -.r us t i.p-. d no l:eiti meuijnr. All, whg tiijre'bseM K ect'ic Uitei "i"g tho Sime.POBtf. of piaise. A pureF -'inedi ino iloes uot exist nod It is guaranteed, to do "all ;hati8 cl-iini'd. .Electric Bitteri will cure ll listHSoa ot tin; Liver nd Kid ny, will remove Pimpl"6, B 5ls, SaJt llhftum and. other affuctions caused by impurp bJool.- Will drive Milarjaj trdiu thtf pysiem and prevent as well as cure nU Malxrial fevern. For cure cf lend .cue, C--nstip i! ion and indiges-ii-itry Electric Bitters-Entire Batis-; action guaruntced, or money refnnd d. Pi iro r0 c's. and $1 00 p r boU le at R, A. M'rf"V ' & Co 'a and J . D. Morris & Co's Drag Stores. . The Alliance Speaking. Last Tuesday Mr. John is ' nun; o C -is well county, District Lectnrer o' the Farmers' Alliance, spoke in the courthouse at this placer We regret very much our business and professional men did not turn out to near hear M. S mth. His object was to discuss the jbtreasury Bill ind the Farmers' Alliance orginiza tion. It was quite nnfortnnate that the meeting was set at this season of the year, as oar farmers are quite busy trying to save their wheat crop, hence tbe crowd was very small, and nearly all tbe audience were ; mem bers of tbe organization. We hope the nest time Mr. jsrnith has an ap pointment here it will be at a time when the farmers can attend, and we hope that our business men will go lo hear him. t In regard to the organization going into politics M. S.nUh said that they VoubJ hot try to narne any candidate, but their members "would try,' in -iheir respective parties, to have men nominated who will v represent the: farm .Interest both 4n S ato, and National legislation. " ' Taxes for 1890. The . fdlowiBg - ordinances . .were adopted by the Board of Town Q m. ojfssioaers at their last meetings . Ordered that", anybody- &.lg or offerice for lfl ia theUimifs of the towa of itoxnoro oy retail or piece less j than a whole quarter of any. kind ot fresh raeatt beet,. mutton, or other fresh mat shsll iy a tnx of:.$0 00 ye-r. LiceAaa to be taken out in advance for not has than a quarter; and on the ap plication of aoy suitable person to the Board - ef Commissioners in 'writing they sba'l issue a license to be signed by the Mayor and countersigned by the Olerkof the Board.: Any person., vio. lating tbe abone ordinance by Belling or J ottering ior saie apv. uesq meai oy r. tail in the tovu hall he -guilty of a misdemeanor, apd shall be fined $5 for e cb offense. f-, , , - -i Ordered that R A- Pass beappointed list taker for'tho town of ROxboro. . Ordered that Hotel license be 120.00 a year instead of $10.00 as heretofore Ordered that licenae on liquor daalers shall M $30.00 instead-of $20.00 as hheret fore. - w -- Ordered that 33 cents on theflQO.00 worth of property and $1.00 on. tbe mil. ' - ' ' Ordered that- any. persoa may pay aj comriiatatiou tax ot Biventy.nve centsn ner day id lieu .or worK on aireets ror Ldays required of him to work, -- -t - Is Consumption Incurable? , -r ' r Read the following Mr. CX' H, ; Morris Newark, Ark., says ".Was down with Ab. scess Ofthe Longs, and frleoda aud phy cians pTononnced me an incur ble cgn umov ive.f JtJegan taking .IXrj' King's . New 0is covferyfor Consumption, am on third bottle, od am able: o:- overseer the wt rk my farm.. ; ; It is the finest medicine ever made.1 i- ' '--;--v ' ' ''. i-- :f -: Jesse ' Midctlewart, "Decatur, Oliin, says "Had it not been for Dr 'Kuik's New Dis- tvery for eonstimption I- would have died of Lung troubles J-as given, un toy doctors Am now in best of bealtb.' -Try it. , Sample bottles irec at R. Morton & Co s. ud D- Morris & Co' Drug Stres Died . - U. At her home, near-Allensville, last Monday night, Mrs... Mollie GmtrV, wife of Mn Abb Gentry., aged: aboot 30 years. '. She leaves a husband and seven children to mourn their loss. Rej, J E. Underwood preached her funeral" Qn'Tueeday evening at Al !eosvil!e,,and her body was laid to rest in the church-yard. At his homo m Person county, June 6th, 1890, Mr. John Long, aged 78-year3. The funeral .was preached at ljongs Chapel, .on Manday, the 0th ,bf W. Warren Broi Lone was a consistent- member of Provi dence Baptist church, and will be greatly missed by ih church and Pastor. He leaves a host of relatives and friends to mourn their los?. May the Spirit which gave him the yictory ovr death, lead.them te meet the loved one. in a better world. On Jane 7th, 1890, at home in Person county, Mrs. Ella i.Gravitt, aged ?4 year?, Her funeral was preached on Sunday, June 8th, by Rev. E. J. Montagye after which he? botly was laid to rest io the church yard at Providence. Sister Gravitt was a consistent member of Provu dence Baptist chvrch. She leaves a husband, infant biby, father, and a host of relatives and friends to mourn their loss. .May the Spirit which! uomforfed m life, sickness and death, be their stay in this the r time of rwced, and lead them gently to meet the departed quo iu 'a home home not made. with hand?" W. E. Wabuek. "Weak Women. - The more sensitive nature of the feui .le sex renders wnch'more susceptible than naeu to those numer ous i'ls which sprincfrom lacK Ot bar mony in the system. The neryou system giyjes away, sick heiddie i. fnqant, the appetite is lost,, and other illu.ent8 peccltar to the sex cause great suffering. Hood's SursapurilU is peculiarly dpted for such casa, aud has leceived the most ratifyiug praise for the reliel it has affoided thousands of womtn whose very existence before taking it was only mwery. It strength ana the cWv 8- cojn s sick heidche and inaigtUv, puufitrsund vitalizes the lmQd. una- reeuur and healthy ucuou to evtry orgin in the bndy. Sunday School Meeting. There will be a Sunday School inieting at Providence church on the 5th Sunday in June, 1890. All the Btptist churches in Person county that belong to the Flat River Asso-: elation are requested te send three delegates with a full report fro :i their Schools, as to members, oflicers, teachers, average attendance and amount coutnbutet. pkoqkamme. From 10 to 10:15 a. m, ReHgion exercises conducted by II. H. Nich ols. 10:15 to 10:45. Reports from Schools. 10:45 a. m. to 12 m. The follow ipg subject will be discussed: 4'0u what grounds do tliQ'o who oppose Sunday S,ciiools base : their opposi- tionr" by Rev. E J Montague, Ruf? fin WotnJy and Rev. J, II. Lambertb. Int.'rnjjasion for dinner. AFTERNOON SESSION '1:30 Co 1: 45. Devotional excr- ci8ed led S P. Gentry . If 45 to 3. !he followitig qulory will be discussed : "What great needs exist in our day, for the tvi nday School?" by Tt H. Street, II. A. Foushce and.lievj G. T. Wtrtkms. All speeches limited to 30 minutes, and unexpired time -taken hp by voluntary speeches of 15 minutes. In the name of onri Master, wliQ?e work we nieet to consider, let all the people of God come together .-on tht' day "appointed, - ' . -X Brethren R. II. Dowdy and W. T, Humphries will conduct the singing. , , T. n. Street, Com., of Flat, Riyer Association. A mio who- has practiced modieffie for 40 years, ought to- f now salt from sugr: read what he '6ay ' ToliKDo, O Jan. 10, 1887. - Messrs F. J. Chenpy & Co. Gen tlemen; 1 tiWeVbeea in the general practice of medicine for roost 40 'years, and would say that in all my practice arjd experience J have jie vert men a" preparation that I could ; presciibe with much cenfidence " as I can Hall's Catarrh Cure; manufactured by you.- I have" presented it. a great many times and its eflect is wonderful, and would ".say in conclusion, t that I have, yet to find a Cse of Catarrh that it would not cure, if .they would take it according to directions. s- lYours Trolyy : viSS:! ' - h:L GORSUCH,I.Dw;i - , " - Office, 215 Summit St. ' We will give 100 forany case of Catarrh that cannot be cured with Hall's Citarrh Cure. 'Taken internally F. J; CHENEY & Co., ' -- ' ' - Proprietor-v ; , , rf Toledo, O. "Sold by Druggists, 75cJ ' iiiltliif fl has opened a full line, of, "X -vfv Staple and Pancy iSroceri in the store formerly occupied by. X)f; ULtA. 1 Morton iVl , : i ou wru njm my stpctc . and if in need of anything in my line callcn me i , - ' ' - IS i "Low lE'rices aaaA ' SqLare You will always find in stock a good supply oi MEAT,'"" MEAL, FLOUR, LARD, a, ' SUGAR, COFFEE, . - SYRUPS, - We have a eomplete Kne of Canned Goods, luiib aruuiea ana - i 4 Fancy Stationary Yon will find. Mr. CHIP BARRETT S here clever, polite, andal ways' -ready to waai on you. , t - Dou't forget the place fe find . . . ; C. H. HUNTBR. LjnicliDiirg Durliam Schedule. , SOUTHBOUND. . Firtcliss Ddly , Mon. Daily Ex. Sun. VVd. and Fri. LEVAE . P.M. A M. A. M Lynchburg 5 40 6 00 "7.00 Daruiid ' 5 50 6.05 7 03 liipomb. 5 56 -6 12 Lone Jack . 06 6 16 7.16 ftustburg, 6 15 6.35 7:53 Wiaiall .6.26 6 43 8 12 Wodlawn 6.39 - 7 07 8.54 Hicksoo - 7 17 9.00 jfj.56 7 37 843 Brookneal , . 7.11 . 752v 10.00 Clatkton 7.28 814 1218 Nithaho ,7.39 8.26 11.35 Lenniff 7 48 - 8 39 J2-10 Crystal Hill 7.56 '8 46 . 12 33 Houston S.17 O il l.igp m South. Boston ' 8 30 9 45 1.32 Black Walnut 8 46 " 53 3 16 A. & D, Jnnc't 8 56 10 05 3 37 Woodsdale 9 14 1024. 8 67 Ar. R jxboro 9 35 . 1100 4 15 -04CTb BOUND, First-clifs Daily Tuesi Thnrs. Daily Ex.. San., and Sat. Leatk . A. M. Rxbtio 7 80 Woodsdale' 7 52 A. & D. Junct. 8 08 Black Walnnt 8 24 Sourh Boston 9 20 Houston . 9 34 Oryttal Hill 9 54 Lenniu 10 00 Naualie 10 10 Clurktmi JO 23 , Bf'onkne:! 10 83 Namna 10 55 (lii.kson . P. M 1 35 1 57 2 15 2 27 .3 24 358 4 25 4 32 4 42:. 4 57 '5 19 A II. 7 00 7 23 7 53 8 08 - 9 25 10 00 10 80 10 40 11 00 11 25' - 12 80 1 06 p M 1 30 2 00 2 30 3 00 8 14 5 44 5 54 t 04 6 26 6 36 tf 53 vVoodl-twn Winfall Ru't'urg Lone Jaek L'pscomb 11 13 H 28 1' 11 39 11 54 11 57 6 57 7 04 S 27 "7 07 3 30 Darpjid 12 04 Ar. Lynchburg 12 20 W. N. MITCHELL, , Snpt;. Transportation. WOOTTON'S PATENT WIRE TOBACCO HAHGERS are ths TDest, simplest and cheapest wire hangers in the markets CORE THE JJMvtS OHLY. We cla'm that these hangers are cheaper than any other: are detachable, aud any number can be used per stick; insure a uni form burn of tobacco: more tobaeco can be cured per barn; tobacco' brings better prices; docs not bruise: stalk is not cured, savin? juel and time. Any barn can be used. Sample sent with parachlet for 5 cents post age, - inquire tor them ot your storekeeper agent. It tney do not keep them send to us. ; Price per 1,006, "With sticks, 5.00. Pric por l.OOO, hangers only, $4.50. Send cash with order, or goods sent C. O. D. AGENTS WANTED! TOBACCO HAKGEtt WFQ CO. Houstdn, Halifax Co., Va. IRON FENCES : GATES, POSTS, GUARDS, every description. COLUMNS, -SILLS, " LINTELS, GRATIN8S. verandas, stairs, .; crestings, .t - TOWERS. Write for' ' -r Catalognca. ; ilake5:Notice. 5 KOBTH CARoLlxi, YDS. WM. MEEKlTT, -:ii--Vv-'rr,-;--ii-.'v - In behalf of himsolf r FeEgen Coiratr. ' 1 r snd otlx-r ereditora of lKotieeinrentgr'Bliir J- C;jB BOOKS, dee'd, J. J. BROOKS, Administrator of JXCC O Notice is hereby eiven to all oar lies holding fctaims against tbe estate of the late Jno. C. urooKS to present mem properly aatbeuticateit to me at my office In Boxboro on or before Tuesday the 10th of July, at which time evidence for and agatnxt each presented aiHl aatbentieat ed claim will be heard and the ttnal accounts of of the defendant alroiniBt atortaken - Done at office ia Boxboro this May 26th 1890 " J N O- O. P ASS, C; S. C. ' ft-.-;.;!,! ; 3 r" - d . . , v NEW GOODS, AraACTWE AIIDCHEAP : Ten aays spent in ties ttiuLuii": tne , AHUFACTURERS, 1PPQRTERS JOBBERS enabled me to learn rthe styles, qualities ancl values of such goods- aslarei; pequir ed by my customers, and I -flatter my self tlra fleet credit on our town and coijuity. In Mm aud many other linesrI have -bought largely of Importers direct from V Enpnd the great aentres of production and fash ion. I will not attempt to enumerate the various kinds, namdd, brands &cr, but all have a to examine my stock. Now .that the i Rail Road is a reality I propose from this time forward that OWE &OLLAR shall buy as much inJRoxboro as in any other town within a radius of ; fifty miles. Pa I have added handsome Chamber and Parlor Suits, to be shipped on the flrst train. . ; With a guarantee of fair, dealing, and competent and polite Salesmen I hope to merit the patronage of the public; Very Respectfully, . , . J, A, LONG, RoxbonvN. O. Tobacco Season of 1890 ! GE MEABY IN-'EDffE... T".v STICB?FOB The SNOW STICK .. 3ryearsl, 1 r GET THE BEST ! DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY ON NEW AND WORTHLESS IMITATIONS! : :. The: MODERN BARN complete ofiera the best plaii in the :Wbrld.toicure and handle Tobacco; The next : best thing is the MODERN BARN STICK, bn - tier poles in the log barn. liberal discounts given to-tJi Farmr ers' AUiancer;' : ' J" Send for copy of oiir new iPtrateiJ , ..tie,, Northern r Oi- : 4 it! :r , "v?. rm p. Germany and France XjOCt S-IiT. "has stood, the test w. h;. snovv ; High Point, N;, - ,w - - I