Person Co. Courier. Published Every Thursday BY NOELL BROS., is poDiiahed iu t&e centre ef a ftaftUU t growing aectiao, making It; one I 1 advertising mediuaas for ' uercbants aai warehoaseuiea - in ' the adjoining ' counties arcukted Urgol; im Persoa, Gran villa aal Durham coanties ia Kotta' Carolina, "aal ttOXBQRO, N. C UaUtas eettBty Vtrgint NOELL BROS. Proprietors. fKRHS OF i UBSVRlPTIQNi Dot Copy One Year; - - - W 5G Ottc Copy Six Monjhs - .- - 75 Remittance mut be nuide by Register-d - Jitter, Post Office Order or Portal Note. HOME FIRST: ABROAD NEXT. 01.50 Per Tear in Advance A 1. job woes: VOL. 6. ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY. JUNE 19 1890- : ofatt desodption neatly executed on abost notice juA at rewouabU prioaa. Whea ia need of work ajiaie the CocKixb a trial. NO. 44. r a 'mm .. ""--'"-' . .. .. v - , . i m m - mm . i a a a ..'. - a I .--...... r . .. . 4. : a- -'-. "i 'l ' 1 1 . , a - . a a 1... a Y . . I a - .v.. : - .' . - 3 -; r-" , r r t - - -r j 1 1 . ., , Dyspepsia, -Uakei the llTts of many people mlaeraMe, and otten leads to etfestructloo.Dlstresif after eating, soar stomach mlc headache. fceartburn, lots of appetttaiafalnt, an gone" leellng, bad taste, eoated tongrje, and lrrego-' larlty el the bowelm, are Distress aome ef the more common L- After eymptoma. DyipepsU doe FajT-.- nor et en of Itself. It ? Eating requires careful, persistent" .attention, and a remedy like Hood's Sarsa parffla, which acta gentry, yet surely and efficiently. It tones the Momaeh and other organ, regulates the dlgestton, creates a jgood appetite, and by thu ? Cb . .ore rooming the calsyinp-u V"V -toms remores the sinpa-,0 thetlc effects of the dlaease, banlnhfm the headache, and refreshes the tired mind. I ha been trouble with drspepsia. . X iit little appetite, sad what I eVtej u w distressed xae, or dld l , Hart uuie good. Ia an, hour ,; bum after eating I would xpe Tience a falntness, or tired, all-gone feeling. ,as though I had not eaten anything. My trou ble, 1 think, was aggrarated by my hnslnew, ' -which is that of a painter, and from being more or less shut up in a Qnijt V t room with fresh paint. Last !!L.t. spring I took Hood's Sana- XOmaCn rffla took three bottles. It did me an Immense amount of good. It gave 010 an Appetite, and my food relished and satisfied, the crating I had prerlously experienced," -Gkobgi A. Paos, Watertown, Mass. ' . 1 Hood's Sarcaparilla 1 foUby andrusgUts. fl-.tixforgs. Prepared ool j C. L HOOD OCX, Apothecaries, LowaD, Mass, 100 Doses One Dollar . POETRY How My 'Boy 'Went liown. It was not on the field of battle, ; l . It was nit with a ship at itea ; But m fate far worse than either That stole him away front roe. Twas the death in Die at)y wine-cup, ' That the renson and senses drown ; 1 He dmnk the alluring poison) ' ' ' . And thus, my hoy went dow. Down from the heights of manhood To the depthtf of disgrace and siii ; . Down to a worthlens being, , From the hope of what might have been. For the; brand of a beast besotted, ... .. 1 c. nuouKs, .. ATTORNEY AT LAW Roxboro, N. C. . Practices whererer hi serricea are required I'roinpt attention giveu to tue eollecilon of t'. . Winuienil, Junius I'arker V INSTEAD & PARKER, Attorneys at Law, Roxboro. N. C, t'rompilj attend to all buainei8.-entm?tcl U ilirm. Novetf. J, T. Slrnyborn. KubirH. S. C L. al. Wariick. Milton, N. C .CTHAYHOUN eft WAULICK, ATTORNEYS AT IAW. )T:ic'"-e iu all the eonrts nf the State ,anl iu tue ' pilera I ciMiriti. t alanageuient f fataie ivttemieil to. , ' 1 , al utteiiUouglyn to case nern and My poorj weak hoy went down Ti only the same old story, Th it mothers so ofUm tell With accents of infinittt sadness, ' Like the tones of a funeral-bell; But I never once thought, when I heard it, I shou'd learn all its meaning myself; I thought he'd be true to his mother; I thought he'd be true to himself. But alas fur my hopes all delusion t Alas for his youthful pride I A las ! Who are safe, wheasdanger Is open on every si'Ie? -Oh, can nothing destroy this great evil? Ko bar in their pathway be thrown, To save in the terrible majtgtrom The thousands of boys going down? Zittw Skellon. torn asunder in its perihelion passage. There is no certaitity that this iff periodical comrt; and if it is not it is now.; sailing . throngh sai in a di8hf veiled condition, as a result of its meeting With the solar Riant that guides the destinies of our planetary s vsteta ... f.fw. . .s i ;The more one coneidtrs these ce lestial encounfery: the stranger seem the adventures of the son and hid at tendant worlds fo their stapeadous voyage through space. It is hardly Deceasary io rcrniod our readers that this Toyage is an actual one; that the soil is reallj carrjing n witb .hlto' touni the torthera q r$ter 6l too Tkrourii the trate of a sibfol r.l.Vr 1 T?Wp .u L . V.rali:ro. St- V. Win. tun '1 rjAUAM & WINSTON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Oxford, N. C. Practice in all 'lie courts of the State, llan 1 1v mouev h:hI invent the s.tme in liext I si Mort ..g:i; Heal Kt;ite lecurily. Settle esUle and '. uivrstijfalc titles. f Li ATTORNEY AT LAW, gft,oxhmm, S. C ATTORNEY AT LAW. and Notary Pu'dic.- Eoxuoro, N. C. jir.Mr't an-l earceat attention given to all 'uiiinres entrutert to bint. . ; : l yy v. KiTCHix, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Roxboro, N. C. li'rnctices wbcrever bis services are reqnireil. Office at Wtoistead Hotel. Dr. E. J. Tucker, SURGEON DENTIST. Office comer room -Alerntt bu:iaing, Up stairs ,iu the EOXBORO, N. C. D US' MORTON' & WISE, Practicing Physicians, Roxboro N. C. OlTer their professional services to the people if ttovooro and surroiinilinn country. Pracuce '.in all the branches of medicine. -: ( DR. C. Q. NICHOLS v ' Offers His ; ' . ,rBOKE88ldXAL SERVICES to th PEOPLE ft Coxboioand gurrouudlug country. Practices it all the branches of Meiiieme. , Practlciae .Physician, Roxboro, N. Cf. Offer his profesMonMl services to the people ,ft Koxloroaai snrrwiinaingoommnniiy. tDR. C. V. Tempora Mutantur. When 1 0rt began at'twenty, To imlnl(re in bile rhyme, Life was tltdcefar uUnte, ' Ami a trifling-thing-was time: I coubl Hut the lines togetbtr. Praising- aay girl I knew, Xot ilelilMsratinx wbelber Tbey were true. "Twenly-oBe my heart was plastic T the lieauty of a face, ism my fancy, too elastic, ( Frequently wnald jump itstrace After aome n wi fiainty being, Fullowiug wiiereVr she weuU There was no such thing as fleeing Sentiment. Twenty-two, I had a passion ' Fra girl with gulden hair, : Somewhat of a slav to fashion. But tor books she'diitu't care; when 'Move'' I tried to stammer, CiUHiwent upon a crutch; SUe aHwsetl I lie KnglUh grammar.. . v Overmuch. Twenty-three, my min i was restive, Now brnnette. anon a Wonder1'. Eich one seemed to me suggestive Of a brighter one beyond J So I waited on and dallied With parhaps a half a wore. Till I nne caiua around and tallied Ta-enty-four. Twenty-live, no more a cbicken ! I assayed to make a clioiea, Bvllha.'.'plot began to thicken,"-' Love in me bad lost its voice. Thus Ibe girls all went the way of Other girls, and tUHlestickpJ I'm a bachelor to-day of Forty-eix. Winsfead, If. C. Bixiua Tie Wonders of a Celestial Journey. DRADSHER . Oners his services to the public Calls promptly attended to in Person and adjoining counties, i Any one wishing work in his line, bv writing bun at llusby Fork, once. ,C. S. Winst, C. will be attended at 8. B. W instead. V-j Cashier: Winstead, - Pxesideat, Fmers' Bank jtfjRrOxbdip, Deposits received 4nd collections and re- , JTiittaofes prpipptly ma da. "s Decent rcsetrches on the periodi cal comets have brought into stronger ight the relatious of the solar sjs tern with the conlanbB of surrounding uace. A comet has not only come to be regaided as simply a com pm tively compact mass of meteors, which, through the tfft-cts of solar and plan etary attraction, is gradually scattered long its orbit; but the latest inyesti (jHti ins lead back to ii place's con- lusjon that comets are visitors from intere8tella space, and that it is through the interfering .attraction of he larger planets that are turned nermanent members or the eons v ' . family- For those that thus fall upper Ibo dominion of tne syn is reserved the fate of gradual disiote; eration into swarms of meteors.' The sparks that everybody bas seen dart mg through the sky anna ally in August and November are but the scattered relics of great comets that may once have affrighted the world. Within fifty 'years man. has beheld the destruction of a comet and the process of transformation into meteoric s warm, We tffer to Biela', which was first split into two in 1846 and. afterwards entirely broken up, so that it b88 disappeared as a comet. although regularly recurring meteor showers at the crossing point of its orbit and that of the earth show that the substance of the comet has not been .destroyed, but "imply dispersed A piece of this comet that fell in Mexico a few years ago is one-of the mostjirjjsiousjJOsjoDjj of astrono merp.r " . - , , 13ut if a comet drawn into the scrlar fystea from .outer space approaches the jun near enoogb, it may, BMffer dRoxboro, N. C. NOW (IS YQXflR TIMEI Come to Roxboro and invest and. set A&'VSH??- ,the -encounter, .even h'gt for yon, and when you. .comer-. - .AmnA aon't torget - ' - JAS. W. BRANDON. . The Barber. f - iITe is willing and! ready to sreommo date nig friendv snd alwava keeps p lion miles every year. A -ntlroad tram Jdi-es not moro certainly Tiirl us'to our deatinatron than by this jat solar migration we are swept hm through the abyw of the heavens toward 1 he constellation of Hercules. Only in the one case the rale of speed is more accurately ascertained than iu the other. The wildest imagining! of the Eastern etorv tellers, with ; their magic carpets and enchanted torses appear spiritless in counp irison with what science tells of the wonder ful flight in which the inhabitants of the earth all -unconsciously are en gaged. A celestial eye that closed in the slumber of the gods while heboid mg Adam etijojing: the delights of Eden, if suddenly oponed now, would look in vain for the pleasant-field and woods of Paradise. They would have disappeared with their unfortu nate inhabitant; and even the earth that bore them would be' gone van ifhed, leaving only the emptiness of space where that vision of happiness had been. The blazing orb that shone uponden would likewise have teparied; aim tne sleeper awakened would Gud himself plunged in eternal night ai.d the awful cold of sunless Kce. Utiribg his ileep the whok' system would have passed on, leaving him bahiDd vniitfious .and. millions of miles h.KC' an baftdonede traVeler in thede$erf if there "were o inter vculi -n of Uivihe Ktiowledieitbe soddtn sounding of Hie"' judgement would pioduce a most strange spec- acle in the universe, When troops of departed bouls throcget) in the wake of the flying earth searching for the bodies that they had left when the globe was iu far distant regions of epace. Bnt, as wo have said; the great at traction of this story of "astronomy for the mind lies in the certatnty that it is absolutely true. We are actually going on this celestial journey in vast sptral tract, the direction" of which is governed by the combined influence of the suu'i aiiraction and that amazmg impulse, whatever its origin may be, which keeps the sun i seif ever flying northward. And aa we go what adrentarM we" are havingl Out of the profundity, of surrounding space as we plough through it, comes, comets rushing sunward.- and then rusbing back star waul, trailing the eleGJTic splen dors ot their trains across the sky In ages past they affrighted the nations; now the astronomers with mathematical precision predict their motions,' and when they have disap peared, tell us whether they have cscaj)ed for good, or 4f not, in "how iuauy years Utey will bo back again, The inciease in the power of te es copes and in the number of observers bas rsohed in the discovery th.t a very large number of coraeis haye been ;riaptured by ' the' sun j Vud 'are uovr accompanying him in regular orbits like bis planets. Another incident of this wondrous vbysge is the approach of the meteors Now and agaltr the" world is startled by" a fiery showe .shower Ailing ; the heavens as the globe plunges throngh the debris, of some ;old disintegrated comet; ; but encounters witn ;more scattered meteoric .matter are taking place all the time, i Milfcojjs of these little bodweViarge enough to make a streak of fi re at nigh t as they dart into bur atmosphere fall to the earth every twenty fonrhonrs. And vastly more numerous are the 'still smaller particles that sift) continually down through the air Professor Winchel raw , . m - . -!r , . has pnt the fact jery picturesquely ;0ut from the depths of space, be yond the cloodp, beyond the atmos- phere, from a granary or materia : cerma which stock the empire of the i . . In some respects the most interest ing of all the. incidents of this vast journey are the falls of meteorites' It is olie of the most singular facts iu scientific history - that while stones have fallen to the earth in every age and country, yet it is only within the past hundred years that men of sew enee have convinced themselves that such a thing is really possible. We have all read the story in Livy hbwjt rained stones in Picnuom -the first winter that' Hannibal was Jn Italy r and bow the superstitious Romans rx iuted the prodigy. wfth a niue daja estival, which one cojn8estatot as sores s was the jeatkblished remedy for a fall of stdo'tff-Ancient histcry many references to such events, bet it remained for the present century tnac stones actually came tumbling out of the forage of "space that tho earth gathers as lit rushe along with .the sun. They -bring us strange things: iron In a conditio t; which we cannot produce upon earib, nickel, and more than twenty othe. nown substances, including carbon, which fn bne instance, appears ia the f11 tb"gf U be happens to Ug" eounty a few days ago, that she or in of minute diamonds 1 but it islhe sun that is the leader in this exploration of the universe, and the sun gets most of the spoils t is the sun, not the earth, that cap n re's the comets and the meteor , SM'HAAMMMAMB.atAM.ah.Ika 1. m ml E. -a n . . m . TT. swarms, ana so preoaies 8traneelaHUBU,OBJ,,u,lw,,w,uy UH1,U' eiBute, ts to be built at v iahten the loiur niehts money oat of, give me a nne-tailed uutJr. J though it should escape .capture and fiyqff agstn into tfiejinknown depth. ' blue sky,' comes a perpetual bnt in? The first comet of 882. which was visible rain of material : atoms like for a few days so bright that it cbnld , the evening 'dew,' emerging from the be seen at noonday; skimming close transparancy 01 apace " Jtd' te syn . Ilk i jsrhito ' bird was growing yjaibilit.. 44 w Melanga of Dots. It is sard that an' old man doesn't catch on as quick, but he bangs on enough to make It op. : jli is suld that the dead are the only true democracy v ' - It is said that great wealth is like a great pile of fertilizer: It enriches one spot.'' . zz,.'- ' ," z,lt is said that a hal-edocated man is is tiangerons as a half-broken horse. fit is said that thtjeason why the world grows no better is because each on is trying to convert Eia neighbor and neglects himself. ; " : J It i said that con vermtion ofeu Nothing ; mora.,. thjtngiviDg: a wrong the benefifta ctoub." r. " said tlrat the boy whose only ambition is to equal bis father, will not only fail in doing jt; but will fall away below the other beys in the ne'"g borbood. , - .It is said' that thanks 'are cheap, and yet we can pay more than half onr debts with them. It is said that the man who praises ALL O VER THE STATE: - . - - . Iligh foist -claims 11,000 inlucbfcuits. ' Oxford has doubled its population in three years, it ia said. " v, , The crop prospects in the eastern part of ue dibmi are oue 'Ooldsboro k to Lave a tannery- of gigantic IDwporuons. uouuooro IDispatch. - Only three thousand dollars has-been collected for the Soldiers' Home. - Ed. Ashfbrd, a colored ycuth, is in Jail at Gold8borQ, charged with stealing onions, ti " The Presbrlp rians of Greensboro are to bnild a handsoine charch to cost tSS.OOQ. r " " " - U A. "" ' i Jaa. (A, Pritehett, Esq of, GresnsborO owns a fine Jtiin4al spring Wear that place. : Farmers' institutes will be held In Ala- mane, fiabisrejl Vndyldo counties in! ftyi, ;--'s l, tif'.'xi" The hulies of 'IbdeTefi nrorxse holdinsr a ftaiit ur e!abortotf le. 4o aid theSoldiers atom, ? - There is talk of patting w double dailv passenger tmins. froni Ooldsboro to More lead tStv.- r. v j -, There are forty registered phyfeaans in Buncombe county, eighteen of whxan reside in Asheville. - - j The Index kthe toame of a new pa pr at Fayetteville, with Mr. E. L. Hedriclc editor and proprietor. -. A neero cirl was so : badlv LurnpJ - in EAILROAB SCHEDULES: 1 1-TLCMll Schedule. I 1 'SOCTttBOTJlii); i fc FirstIaaa 1 p.Uy Hon.' DUy Ex. Bua, Wed. !iandPrl. aiVaXar. C 00 :5.W--.$3. 6. 10 .S5 - 7.63 648 B.l 8.84 9.00 - r'.t '--.;. ':-;" .'-" -i lltVAB-V .. . J,K. Lyjchburg" fi v(0 Duftnid ': , s 50 Lipscomb 5 58 Lone Jack , 6.00 Bustburg .! ; v?:: 615 Wiafall fa'i ,CM wootiiawn ;x,,'-iij8a Z!t.wt Hicksoa V v.' . -7 17 B.VookneI ii'S?' TtX ClfWoar.7,6: Nathalie i P'7.99 Crstal;ailtjfi5ff M .ltl6C UO8lOtVS.V:"f . 8.1?? South Boston 8 30 Black Walnttc-F46' A. 65t D. Jaact 8 66 1 Woodsdale' . ; 14 Ar Roxbiro 35 All 1.16.k 9 4S 9 61 1005 1034 11.00 - ! S.. ' '' -ii Fim-ilass ; pailr" Daily; ltx.SuL 1.83 S3T ,8 67 4U - '-ft Taes.. i Thars. ' the riht company, will Lkavb Rxboro v Woodsdale A. M. 7 80 '..,i.and Sat. r. x a. m. 1 35 . . 7 00 -ii did be same day, thing, .itt eqcl fenror. , kMS li .. : i S I. i " j ... Vi- I 'it ' lit j- a s i Rifc Wdlnnl 8 ' s it r ai ic.tsaiu last im moraj-quesiions l, uiscoverea goiou r r. , t . r iuu n wan cau b prwvo uj hw coum au swoa -irnu is a. lailure . this year;. 1 Houston t '9 84 5- ill be science, better remain tu doubt It ia said th-t there is nothiogso rich auuo j ivuwni crop or oernes. ana win im i r-.ui u;ii . a ff" rV- Lui oww Lenni Ift JlO One erf the largest waeon factories in lh I Nithalie 5 '10-10 - f to be built at Wanxhtown, Forsyth j Clarktoa - i 10 23 : iseen.: . , 1 tsronkneal... JO 88 - Only ' sixty-four' fertiliaer - licenses ha ve spectacles to brighten the long nights of hts unending voyage. The longer the way the greater the spoil for the realms of space' appear rare things, pnt np in small pack-j ; jt rfhuthat ti-e Is a richcoal to be mexhaustable. Is there any peril involved in the adventures of mnnksf with a anlr!rr'j anlt . nn. It is said that success, like other LNaruna . 10 55 The town of Rockingham, in Richmond electric lights and. water works. vfmong the manr industries of Concord. is the manufacture of wash boards, of which large s nipmenia are peing; maae.. Superintendent Finger has given .Pro- Hickson VVoodlawa Winfall- Rustburg Lone Jack Lipscomb. Uurnlid 2 S7t 8 08 8 24 9 S5 , "8 58 TQ DO 4 85 10 .80 , 4 88 10 0 . .4 48 , 11 00 : 4 57 -11 25 r5 1V 12 80 5 44 1 06 r u 5 54 1 80 - 6 04 i 06 i6 26 8 80 6 86 - 8 00 6 53 7 8 14 46 57. , 7 04 ' 7 07 W. N. MtTCHELlV l Sopt Transportation. It 13 ; : ji 28 11 89 U 54 11.57. 18 04 12 20 3 27 3 80 ages. ; I mine near uurham. There is every indica- It is said that he most lives, who I n ict. L.iuruam bun. I.. a , m a i a I . A He lOwD Of Kia?Klrlriam in RlnhmAftl I 1 LiMsvriM - .. ' 1 his great solar fleet of ours? The "1 W nowe c" county, Is stftaVhVer :u.ia. J n:! i.- Li ?i . UdA Dfifii. I eiROtPift Iiirhta nrvl wft urvrtsr I . m. . - tJ-f litMMi in 1 1 i.v in riiiiiHinn hi rm. nnr. i r im i i v ss9. - v... i - -vwvawag wwawwa wsaawa w mm w V I 1 . a m. an romnfa th-r. it. ma lv .nf irolo AcA SaiQ mat mOO mU8l 08 true I a wMavw mm auw W vaawuwaa; vsil I . . rprnr.!l . A a tmhatr tho .(fcAt f .ItnyseU. tllOU tile trutu WOUW collision between the sun and another 1 10: bod v of eoual mass and morino w4th I - It is said that sorrow 18 Only nne Of lessors Aldermanand Sclver fiveaasiatanta ' n. l'.ltfce lowi-r notes in th oratin nf nr r to conduct Teachers' Institutes this summer. I 1 w Twwiij wuum ' . : -1 " "" " - 1 , ; - - . tTraina ill run on th. tli; TWWlfW? there can be little-doubt. In the ' j : rnrfl5f!r. Railroad a. follow., - 4itliorinr riolt JavoIa. K- .n.l. l.i It 18 Said bf Pope, that the DrOnert-.:-:: ri-- i'l - . r DrTmi . in - a-w uwivivinju wv ouvu v i - .. , - - " auuvouijuia ua iaiLo uuauiiui9 m.imoiu. collision we should be shrivelled up e;lUM . - v . A colored man ;name iChMnartie, Commencing on February-, 1st, 18sH was like .flies" In a furnace. possible perils have Space is'sprihk led j a a. m. a ...a uia tuea mat inese neouiie .are en or mous masses of gas, but Mr. Lock- yei's new theory that they are swarms of meteorites is finding wide accep tance. Suppose that the earth or sun should plunge iuto a nebula, the re sult might be disastrous; but if its constituent meteorites were widely scattere l, the effect would simply be the production ot an uncommonly brilliant meteoric display. But if we were approaching a nebula we should know it, unless it had not sufficient density to be visible, and in that cast- it could not cause any disastrous other I 1 8ad by Horace Mann, I look I arrested at Wilmiogoa.ia. few days as;o, Lv. Danvi'fe BOUND EAST. STATIONS;4 ? Na l:f 'em'si Rtitl been thought of. lPh ai , .illiAtt.-. TKlMT.!.fcigM"d olUmstianJ VKLL t. ' t Xl:., i-. a v - - - -. . - - - ills i.iih a . v. a rc -a- - Aran aas. . M j 8P0am ';8-24;!.r' 42: .iOOiisi; 884 ' 84orV;": The Latin poet has said Fas estletteTiUB " 13 Tears "8 He is quite I a vnsinn rmni si t rim ;. t. - hnstA nnppri. it ifl nrnrvop rn lonrn i ' J r-l Thanaaa- U. f- W t from an enemy: and whenever jou J Reidsville, hasacow t hat gives seven yaUons meet an nonest enemy, depend upon j muK a"1?' xnai is a preuy gooa cow, if von nn larn arkmofliinrr fmm J or hw pretty big COW tale. -- v , " " . " " 7 - W rumored that President Battle will mm, auu sumeimug mat von can I resisrn the presidency of the State Univer Cuninghams Harmony " Mayo " Lawrencevi'.iti Ar. Portsmouth ; I. USC." . Vfr ta amlA "Let him write who sever wrote bafore. - And him that has written, writs UMmnM V "When all men xiveat their hidden lore. Wonld-be eri tics wiU then cease to bore. Away to my couch I'll now meander. And thus plainly sign myself, .. Philander. OUve HtUtN. C. sity, and take the chair of historv. He hal STATIONS. unques tiooed quanficationa for that ehair. Lv Portsmouth tuuvran uaa ween.maue lor toe graoinz.1 - - - .1 , br contracts of S3 milpa r.f raitwav in Ktanl 1 Lawrenceville vuuuiy. , Hon. K A White, collecfer of internal revenue, reports that - there , are . 14.000 tealers in liquor and tobacco in his district The force of the office has been oolieed to ' CUrksvUIe J JIarmony Cunioghams WVU4VISI . mm ftjtmi ami awa 9 20 is 9 55 11 96 1 30 pm 5 30 SOUTH BQUNS. No.U " 10 16 am i 2 30 pm 4 58 610 65 : .648 650 7 20 js9 ; 9 58 11 10 ' 1 51am ,6 45 v. No. . . 10 10 pm.; 5 30 am 6 09 7 22 8 07 820 . 842 , 9 00 9801 work double time in issuing licenses, etc. l.xuzaDetn uiy jusonomist. Mr. Ievi Coble, section master on the It. & U: R. R., at Brown Summit, Guilford A.r.JJanvi cuuutjr, oieu to aeain iasi riaay weex. tie had been subject to bleeding at the nose. 1 and on the dav nf hie death - h hlad fusely that his physician was unable to slop mouth with the New York, PhiladelphiarA w : . s ' .- i onota ; iuuwsr. iiupe umui kouui: ,n organization has been formed at Hen j and Baltimore steamers, for all points North: dose connection will be roadf at Fsrts ;.i 11EV7 raLiniEnYi effect throuoh collision. On the other To the Cnnf ederatA Vf apami' hand it may be asked, might not the I Assoelatfons in the Va- introduction of foreicrn matter into! rlout Counties of the aill" armA&nhoM OVOIl t Sama-aa aa I ' i State. wwa a waMv0 aawa, Va V a U wUUiiat a . . wveiy smair quannties, proauce oeie-1 Comrades ? Wa desire to rail ' I r r - . - - rw. - J. U VU W U. HC'I- I WM. w vwm. v. M .w. fW.HW W, MB. ! ... 0r. .1.9 ifi .1 - . . - . J. . ....... 1 ' . . rm. r I . - . .A, " i . . ! iuiiuuo it uuk Jiitai Tjueuw; it is uoiiyour aiieuuoD w im provisions oiiuersou, to renovate ana equip Dhco land at Danville, with the luchmond possible to reply, positively tothisfour constitution airecting tbat the fJSn Dville R way, foij all point North er r.. , . .. i annum cipniinni inr nmwn attaii ravo i . . . .. - , , . , - - - QUeSHOn. in laCt. eniuemiC UlSeaSCS 1 . . . . - i ih mmt fashionahle and araliv rwort in ooum. u..,..,.,. ucu BHwriuvaai win uc a large attendance 01 veterans I young man in Winsfon claims the to .. such a causP. V hen the cle-1 at the court house (Unless Some ot her 1 honor of being the youngest child in a fam. hrat.pd mil nnnaolii insula t liofr nrtnaar. Dlace of assembling: shall be desii?- My 01 twenty-two. Winston also has a 12 T "r" i l . ... . . . Ivear M tail that, tl.ta h. tm . 101 ance a half a dozen veara m man uieu . eacu a 1S .u' rw7..u: . m "T-r..1:"' ion that day, aud the regular 'orgin-r" 77 , sunposed the? miahtbeduetoan en-l....: -.---: j j .u5L i HTherais a firm iu Charlotte that has onlv l.p- h.,wei '- ! oiW - ir .1 w u . ? ,CU8W,U?, been e tab ished three y ara. and selU gools c0"1116' 4 bet5een the earand a j if v the meeting shall Jiave beer ar- tn one -hundred' cities and towna in the cloud of meteoric dust. Later inves-lranged for another dav, or shall not United uteiy and ships to Canada, Ger- tigations, however, seem ; to. have 04 held oa tne th of uIv u not demonstrated that they, were caused V Jr Hiab itrik,DivW dar. thrown ifn nnri-i,- Kth JSL a-f;;. who weih. 114 pounds,; and spending some tlm in poatinf hersslf r T.,- , T - -rr -T I u.. KpcKy aiouhc has a oahf, the son of Mr. 0n the Sprinz and Summer Stylet, and 16R3. The greardry'foz iof 1783-Nuate --ascriptions, but boldly to House, who Is ojily ten months old, d R.a handsome Jme t Jlilb SPRING y 1390J. .1:,-.b: Miss Pallie Yancey btajuet returned from Bali imore, where she has; beeri lasry . . w - i . .- . x a . s a? "a s vmuna n m rvniruia .. a rai ami wi i ia rwimanr. a - w -i a .rtv" wbiah covered Europe, fortwoT orJ r-reMa- -r-, aa-if-ai-ai wa V IV VI S9 VB VU 1 mree monins ana was accompanied of our needy, deserving comrades: as pv alaeases oi tne respiratory organs require to be supported . by charity was ueeu UHcnuea io u meieone on- at ivo3n it gin. "Tho . annua spell iu May. which An Editpa Faith. probable thatlthel111 -editor pit the Advocate,' pub" Uy recurring cold botel building at Ridgeway, donated liehed at Greenville, Ala., expresses iinh liavn hPfln by -Col. Ueck, will be too large for his faitbin 6. i ''The good this 11C0 we nave Deen Q tmmfiliuto nurnosea. .a VA fnav - : : ,:s .-, 7v -. in Bozboro over Ur. A. B.; Fonibee'sr jutore, where you. will, find an entirely ..4- ' -. . z : u-,' of Ladies, Muisei aad.ChUdrtBS'.hits ni;- - -.s.r.; H - . . I . n. !' . . . Inalnnlable. and thonaanda' of mBnl. m . : - -. plained to the satisfaction of .aome some accessible locality. - f calculable, ana tnousands or men peenle by the theorv of theinterDosi- For the support of this Home, wel1" women .that it has savedbless tion of a cloud of meteorite lmatterhhrow between the earthand thefsur the procure ; it. A " . i t m rr i ii ml m mi wsjraw HriTiHU i nnwrinii larii i - - . - - . . - - . . ' doud bein' of course a remanent Vn v . ' ' -4 " ; " - " - 1 - . - . I ta.a ssiAnAwFtil aw. ni ikm A a thatv memoer or tne solar system, .flow, veterana f Assoclatiou 7I0 ; see. tlhat I " -ir " although it might, have been ptekedl 0 l?eH --. -,i-:.n u ii.. 1 ever v town ana , townshiD in tne 1 nnrr.rt heaiinc. ana tneir testimonv ijiiJMiy ..Uj Ills v) AUU Ul kiuji fSUUne.j Qkfi''1-;: 'ili .'x-r'f- ''fS'itTi-'?' I . II mTrnt Tlw-alr-r. J1H , :. 1 1. ; : v -1 '.... . ww; .- y;: :;-;. hm hn trivpn tn tns nnnuo mil -r " -T - " UlM fcrtf. , ; r, . I - JIT-ar.,ollW Irtadra ika alJ rtr t, I : " " Ti 4 . .7" I .lJliriia--'JI i V.-iJ-: But !. oat it ooant 'K-ctolW? !eo' J.bat K2ZiliT?ZZZ2 -:u:i:.j .i.isw. a -...-. I. ---i, - j . I halm. We , Knov lbat O Will 8 ODO-1 J . 1- . .u- Und ca aat that tho Vt.t.rn' a .pa-I nifiri f H. S. 8. la no hnmburl and can I is solicited. Satisfaction Kuarantsed. ROXBORO, JD. dyke t Lacre, '-Trimmings, &c. Hats and Bonaets tnmmed at short notice and aft low "prifceS. -iK'--'aVV.v Specitl attention paid to1 .'-;. ' I will have employed all the eeaso appear sufficiently astouishing. ' Who would not wish to : vje w with an aiwr..:;: ir.... seeimr evc this carava Worlds ZXSSS W o Vi .!. .' .1 ik. . .. it' :..: i..' InmlMhlvsimnRh nr aiiwd irnnd tnn iw wayi - Always gaineriug new ma-joi vuo w.uiuera or tuis. commiitee,! ' . 'r m . terial from UlUK .UU4CVS BUU UICVCVI OffBiOIB VU n. i.T-l . : I . . . . . .. ',., . u ru ia vvr . sr. o a. vn r-u -' wmi a-.-k ama . its dominion, the sun sweeps on, and the obedient , planets; follow in! wide tcerning the methodr of raisintr fundi 1 . L . i . I V . .. . . 1 'I . . - ..... circung -vroiKs; out wnituer wo areiior me sapport or the Home. . going and how it will all end even the! , J. S. Care: pres. S8tyonomeg caniiot jen, xj, : k a jy . aritoNACHr pec Notica -i.. .-,r.' a " uarticularlv the chairman.' almnlrl ho I nv other firm in the South. notifr all persons ladehted to said dec eased to come forward at once and make settlement; an TreaUse on Blo)d aad Ska eases mailed Iree.S-Sg SWIFT SrKCIFIC co: -: . --. Atlanta, Qa. f jShaSpdsy Uis notice will sr i pleaiila bar af toeir reeo-err. - r - v.- T-isin-tUy o June, 1 v - ... . :.. ; . VT. O. OBEGOBT, r" "' 3-:': '::C-y:";;'.::!.' ' ... ."Slsr.v 3;'?' 1 V'..' ;--K