,t' . ram: Jl - f PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY , . V fiAi' i : fi? ft n. I 8 P b p r t eto its ginred according to Postal Bogula- If tiJu, at the PDStofHce, at Roxboro, N. at second class matter. 1 a in nr, wise resoonsible for - H v a - Visws etpre&sed by correspondents. 8UBS0WPTI05 TERMS, -' ff. M" . 1 onpy tycar, 1 copy 6 months fl.50 .75 fcXBOROW CiT Juoe 19tb, tb90 R. W. Winston, Esq., for Judge. Itgires tho Coubibr great pleasure to iuoport Mr. K. XV. Winston lor jadie of this Dwtriot. We support hint because be has passe.! through the crucible of defeat and has been found firm. We support him because he js and ever baa beeh trae to Dem- lWtians' rU--(As the friend of Cap. S. B. Alex ander, Mr. Winstoq nominated him for: governor in 1338, and his conduct since has endeared him to the masses of the people. We support him be ciasa: we believe the people want We heartily endorse the following from the Oxford Day, published under thelhead of Granville's Choice:" ! .R. W. Winston, E., a most prom -inent candidate for "Judge from the Oth Judicial District, beiug in th tkiiUeth year of bis age, is full of aeal, envrgv ana ao'.iicy as a lawyer. At a a . . a a . .- . . i v. A Air MnaM AV AAA K A taWOal t H l.VaT n I wguwcu u w 1 on his own resources by the failure of his-father's health and fortune, but he was not thereby discourazed. His spirited nature disdaining to be idle I he Uught tchool duriug the day and studied law during the night for two years. Since hi admission to tbe bar some ten years ago, he has practis3d his profession exclusively. As a law yer his career has been one of unusual sucnea?. 1 f ?. i in cne last nve years ne nasi ed li nearly every important appear suit in Granville county, and has be s das a lucrative practice io the Fifth and Third Judicial District. In 1882 he was chairmm of the Democratic executive committee of the conuty, and discharged the du.tie of tbe same with great efficiency. i i . . tnu m phv.ntly etecte the Senate. In 1887 he was chosen a - .. ... .... metnoer or vne uemocrauo otaie fiomm;fJwi nd , - . VV'UVI wai B m 1 vvv wii a - vaj aa u sctiye'workeria the county committee. In every campaign since he was twenty yearswj he has closed his office an fought valiantly the battles of Dem ocracy. It was much due to the vigor of his blows and the strategem dis played by him in conjunction with .it.hBratl.Htaran-illerv.,,. - l,t,ar,APn rti.m fr-.. iAnkir partially redeemed from Kepublican- iom 'I'll 11 3 11 i, oaan Ik.k ha I a worker U the ranks. :ln iRSfi atthnnnrAnlinn .n n.,r - ' ' ki. ka r-ma i.o .m. WlWIl n9 VUU1W nilUlll IBOO a. IJ AM CSj 2. . i ,. . f being nominated for solicitor. The delegates then present will recall the stirring scenes of I that occasion. O w w-rfswivi 188WW was tnumph-.ntly elected to V" T." ."" . Winston-iras nominated A friend T JUSWU was JKHDIBaieu. J. irienai going to the hotel acquainted Mr. ' ,f . . Winston with the coustrai eitement. m a. nn trine fervid eloauence." he: announced that - r r as. - . i- : - Frinftinlftft live when mAn nt daad 1 -j .i. . , , , uu lor aaKe or gooa government and Democracy he withdrew bis name in favor of his more fortunate com- petitor. Cheer after cheer rent the cheer rant t.h : . . " llunareds of voices eried for a new -7 7 - . ' ballot, and- manv thoairht that MrJtUD8Te98 denUUed with or interea'.oJ the situation, and midst l owui, wu-1 very irciaoie, ana worss wen. ' tie is ned hush of oent nn rt nict or duties, but with a candidate wDie oiu norsej he is six teet and nea nusn ot pent ap ex , four inches, tho father.: of : sixteen a . a.illlUI a aa aa a a a iMrafii, mat I I am : Hfinnai I " . nouse, ana eager bands wogratnlatedr-V.T bim bn his unselfish act, and many oeonla snoke from th hoarl BUn people spoke rrom tbe heart when saying, "Some of ns opposed you to- day. but we are for von hereafW " - irri. t j i . . When Judge Gilmer resigned, the CStteef ffWrWmston was preset to the Governor for appointment as for appo ntment as his Successor, wi th in irnr of en. t, i a. . dorsemenU from the bench, barand ether citjMns such Mhasyarely been I1 .ml ..t.. i i-i A tl ana extensive law library, and IS u.mse.i( ,n tneprac, tico A. W . Graham, Esq., of Hills .born ISV natnrA hA la AnrliurA.! ..K "-r- "1" ywyanunini xa&es rans in uie proression as one . 1 ? i l. ...'".' vof the ablest' and best equipped of the lawyers of the StnlA-of hia ine lawyers ot the Male of.his age ii the ; man that Granville lannTtVl off anv rtf lia mrf - 4 . 1 nkmi 1 a. .nil .nj . t an.Mw.. IaJ l-.Taminort " A nn .Anl. h A Aw.r . . . i a . v Mr Winston is a most diligent & or or 'ht Irom the time f purchase unti student of tbe law. lie baa a valua t t - , ; . . , Hod, Samiparilla i prepared, every - .-F-n., wwvi uu jonaness for othev Districts of the Stater bot An I -I ?? law, which has been sednlou-lv cal-J.i. ii.i iii- 1: S"ded nd t i." i ' 7 i tuiB, ijub ji.u ayjBinci, mere can oe no j travel, and t:valed;the fruit of which is thatlhei trouble for 4he; Democratic Cnven therewith is cAuritv aake ber aia Uliasnvwll K fen.,V alt th n. sist in naming as the next Judge of trict. Aggreitve, whole souled,with A Bin Mortdade . - 1 ' :Saf ' TWSa'lLBW, expected that tf elected to the bench alwava ettinff tlW hewou'd mond. Va;;" savs's ;irV teW I will , rival ; GJark,; Shepherd r-or - ' - ; ; ; jMpRaeioftb inlelligeut and com pre- And he has do interest that can Durham Hailroad (.; forV3,00d,0OQ; "Wimnl -'?:f ereS? toS1 hw been Uled for registratioui . Tni: rtm uglveutaieefuua , rTJ-fSrJ, f.,-:.ft? f. u,' paneui. , aim lafailiseni i Hs haa .uv-? liitjrAat Va'liAhal I madi toatJi-rnf : nitrham'htoehaMS. tftlt Candidates For Congress, Si The ? Democratic ; Congressional Conventioaar beeu called to meet ttreenabro the bthof nli foal ortinfAii interest Vti the' choice oami1dates It will make Farmers, the people generally are much more interested in a speed f and con- giderable reform of 'National affairs than of State xlio. The finances of the State are .managed with honesty - - . and skill and the relief that is sought from .the preseu t financial .depression must be eoaght from National legis lation. There is on this account among. the voters of all classes and! especially of that :bit-.cla8S,tbe farmers, a disposition to have men represent them in Congress wbo shall really represent them and their inter eats Without making any attempt to play the demagigDs lre; Jf0 to sav that the farmer lDterefer serve to be represented and. tbein ...t- kil nnna,tUaA. nA thU creh wbioh erry agrees mar be made speciQc iy saying thil( , the : far&er , wt8hes odght to hfl, weiifl Ckmgresstonat Caveutiodjthis jer. IielPemo cratio party-is HO'-socceea anu n must succeed tt arastvetbe sup . i port of the influence, the charactereereiaed on ine rauroau quuo .hmfcWa the Biehmond ind the number f the agncuJturists in the Farmers? , AHinoe. Jl'hia be ing so the power of the Organization I eing re6gn'2ed lathe eleciiobs to be beld, it is certainly but Just tnat , its exprested wishes shouui7hav3 inau ence in the nominations that are to be mtdo. Nt only is any other course nn just but it is a Ick of pot icy that the Democratic party can't 4Ts.1 -h oKn i& As est a haiO flll ; m, ; ,t M at 11 WWW wwwwww a w vwv v Imnoh wmA from tViA jitnrf1v. hard- uiuev wa-aw tv-M -w r y. w - , - fKr;fto th- rv t ... L..' , men taat nin.a up mo iwiucn Alliance, and ' while the Democracy t .null msn'Sj .f rrnr9 liiiltwtd 11 la nrtt I d foreyer tting it to the test. Now, in the opinion of the founded or' not, that the present National - ..41 uanKingsysicmiBiargcij rcapuuaiuic At.i DinwiHr rf nuuitv fKat a BTk I , A1. . - . DemU"- Li.rn.Tia hv hud loAin(r AHifnri&la "T , , , ana meir BpeaKcra uave mauo mi, dresses to show that the National I Donb-fl st-wvi flflfntft a mAnAnAlir 4141 IO i . . -- ; .; - . - " ? . " " iug iiaa a law uasseu tu loruiu owtte ( lakAVHpa 4a-k isana mmaw fKof fKnir I enjoy theunfinnted favoritism of the National erovemment to the detri- A j . . - 1 - meat and evenM the destruction of nt W intAreatfl Tt rivinlroi mnral cir-tnA Than nra k.ira flianno. ntiAtKa. I Dfov'D """" " w " or not the organs and speakers and mAmherfl nf the PrmAra AlliT.na , . . , A , are correct about this or not. The question don t need to be discussed, tue. South , If it hndu't- been lor tht It is true nnaueatinnahlv trne thatlS"utni lner wOddn. have been much in is true, nnqueaupnaDiy. . true, nat i , 9m uthtm Riinh we have correctly giVen the views, I the declarations of a majority of the f.J I J I queuonoiy true tnai inese views I 0 1L - 1 A. 3 . . 1X0111 lue cuaracwr ana numDer oi I . , iL .... . . men uih noia mem, are entitieu to I resrject and consideration Ln vipvi "f01 oa consweration. i view 01 lQW' 18 tiaeUOQ arwe8 lg " w,8e ror cne Party 10 nominate in any uisr I . 1 rnnr nr rnn Nrara a nunnuiarA ta in a Nfttionl Bnfc U For a jadicial . . I 1 aw -M.aia iAMauriaA -nnMva 11. ama 1 Ui 7f.: 4t -Tf " ' " 1 a - a a . -"I 5anlt we Ul,DK aD Aince m ui ainnM n in..ll ..t v.a . i I - Mucokluu i . . , i -,, v. ... ineiaeiec-eu win iioe nm nvn inipr I ... ' . hhiji. sarsi niai 1 is i v ira r 1 1 ri-1 r ewann a i aangerou8,J w,in m? interests and v a . . I la duty to cansttuentsr And il I r.n h;,n.air .oU'.. n.:.. tronm " 11 0,,Dl waver a Utile, lie will for the nominee but can hia lT nominee, but tau lus euthosiasm be as great as it otherwise I , , I fa w. l . . . . . wvuiu uct c uum who vu ue true wherever the Farmers' Allium in r?MnJ.w U d!! tffe strengtl, wouiu oer rve noiu xms CO be true V" ; ,l 7T-.- . ....w . I that whenever there are two candi d)te8 for Congress.onal honors.eq.uall, Lanu. 5iw Lnl r , ' r c - i National Rat.k It wnnld hfl an almi nate thit one sii interested . or identi - i , - 4 s. C I . : :. . . i . I Wa ilnn't a n Aa hrvor , m a a U in I . f . . I mi . - . . r . '" . - . ." w m . -mm a av " ' uon. inat lion. a. u. a YViiiutms, l0 wranvine, is as capaoie, as: nonest jaiiu as pupuinraa auy aspiraut no ouei m deb? ?.uWiterevJr be is known lie j is a favorites and if -nominated lie' will j make a flbt strong and successful. .voiAA ami with I""" . ehil.lrn: I think h h..o .nn.n.irl Democratic Conventions. V The! nemwraticfitate Expcatiti (:onimitte metin Raleigh last week and fectedj Mj. E.I C. Smith, of Raleigh; to Gil .the-place of ' Judge SpierWhitaite resigned,. vThej dt cided" V hare s short but .wgorou campaign; therefore the State ;C6j- veutioo was exiled to meet-Apgust ' The Judicial Convention' for tfce 5th .District will meet in Greensboro. J nly" 8th. ).i: J. The Congressional Convention.foit this District will meet in GTeensboro, jui? 9th, mxMmmM Oar.Conntt Convention to appoint delegates to the abovo Conventions, will meet in the court house, at Ho, boro. on Monday," J one 30 th. ' - : ' The Tewnship Ckyivcntions will be held on Saturday V J uue 8th It : is earnestly, desired that tM Democrats . turn out snd each town- shin be full v represented. ? The dele? gatvs going to the Judicial Conven tion, wtil have to ave tare Monday evening, July, 7 th; Danville S Railroad Faelli-i tUa tA K IltAMflBAd. Tbe people of Danville, Va., have during the last week been right much & DiiiviUe road bas secuted a majority of the stock the Danville. & New River Railroad, atd that they hVve an option on ; Danville's preferred etck in tbe sanie $ .What they intend to do with the road is a question ytt un.ktei mined, but it is thought most probable that they wiU widen the guttge about Cascade," ..then,.", lakofth N. C. Midland route to Winston vi MdiHn, then to Wilktsbra and Bds tol. By such -a route,; the R. :& D. will get a road tUat' willbe a great ctaUcff road,' and : will, put them in gharp competition with tbe Norfolk & WetU:rn R ulroad To Danville K ifct TenneasVe people say ihy will go ...! ! anitu t anMiino S ri:in. lfX tack, and may expect ber railroad facilities to be mach increased ia the early f uture MdtonytirteK .T"5. P A a iTiiit ab run alnWII. Afalkfc saif a. vi uavo T aiv i wu w w can't sleep, canx think, can t no iy thincr In VOIIT Mt IflfaCton. ; and VOU iwuudex w&at ails ou. Ya aiouw Used Ncr?o T u:c antV in E'wtric Bitters you will fiud the exct remedy (of Storing yout nervoUJ system to its nirm d. healthy eonlitionr Surprising - esults tol; lol ow - the u e of. tuw great Nerve Tonic and Alterative. Your appetite rbturns, good, aigeion is restorea, ana me wtw ibvi aiuusj. TSUtU Price 50 at R A. M-rti. & C.s .ud j n Morris & v8 Drug 8tons. Preparing for the Fourth:' Several Ot our KoTtn UHtOlma CHieS 0 d 0,u.r i Cea are Dreoanne to rel- ebrate the coming Fourth of July with Spirit. This IS right and proter. 1 lany particohr portion of :tbe-euuntry I Usia ,r8Iieci cUim on that day, it i tcelrbrations. coudocted in the right My, aa tuey alwuya are' by our people, h. re. ood influence and stim date K .i V. tSr..tr Hi.. ..f .. . . Oct -wiiminiijKrar. rat. li.. i. iaey uenerauy ouuuin. wa. taT a a Tbe Jewtn Grve correspondent uf he Cj.nton Caucasiait "I walked 00 to one ol my neighbors tue oinej ay anu aw in. 01a woman iara iil.kvaflBur tliA nlil mill. L I waa ami. p,i9klr knowing he had a go.d mare, out I aooo saw the cause. The mar " a-w -- ---- " " btd a floe colt. and be teld the old nrmn if Would neror An U,r thu iihitu ho stop, to she nitched him fo-he i - 9- w v w - - - m-w that be is one ot the old patriarch, and . I autulfiita tn mnst an Vlhlllf " - - " r-r: I A. Pretty Good Tale. The Pit teboro Jtteord is responsible I a a-w aa . w mm OVMIBv for thu tale: Did yu ever bear of Cat hatching; cbickecBf VVell, sue 8Uch a 8iraB2e event nas recenuy occarre a strange event has . reretitly occurred tin'' sTTl Oi hsm 11 A fnuv : mafsaatblraS ' aaav.a. - ftliA A few weeks ago the po rownamp; piaceu some egga a "et, and afterwards Wed ihat the eat laid down on tl.o eegr and it ontinued to lie there day after day. uu" n ciuuaeu wa - nucnea I . . 1 1 & 1 f . l a t ' - . Z - , every egg, eieveu in numoer. ' Tna Boat Result. H, isvery ingredient employed in pro-r ductng Hmd'a Sarsaparilla is strictly P I he be;tVf its kind it foible, to, boyv: All the toots ad tuerps are criuuy seiecrea, personally iiuuiK is uireiuiij wawumi hivu k view ItO attaining - the, heat 'result. Whv m.S'i-S a M eaeure From Appearances . . v--..-ve. .w- - .uv.u.rwn,i tn It anil cffikiiii.il. in tti& nu.iuii . town than good streets, wel arranged ior busloesa and immediately:, connected ' tliat1ndaarMneihlAl'-tn I , a" ' . - . t rne pedfstrinn nrst-ciass pavements '1'ur bo quicaiy auracis o a town r y . ' " - -' .'' ' terpriseprores?:' and. pr.spects.- er measured ir.m ap ""oes.-ofasoar Xpaxcft. L A mortgage by; the Lvnchburg & ALL OVER THE STATE. pnriam jail has 15 prisweW J There is a bie demand for carpenters at Marion.'i-4r,t The Reldsville Daily Review f ha linV Tka wSa11 arkoaf in flisw iQftttA la aVinai1. ssv vs vv save w-w m ereu sorry, y The canal at Weldon will be finished by : ;lTie Teachers' ; Assembly M in session at Morebead City, T. ; ; '" Work has commenced on a railroad from Egypt torOsgooiL S u - ' A lodge of Knights of -Pythias has" been organized at Hign voutt.'p?- Vft-j The County Snperintendents will meet at Moreaead Oty, y uoe aara.;.,;;'-;.;;,- ;,.. . 5 ISz-Ckovernor .Curtis H. Rrogdon - is a cen sas enumerator fur Guldsboro. ' - .The Democratic State Convention will meet hi i&aieign, August xuin. ; - y SaW Jones wiil bold liis meeting in TWil mingtoQ the first ten days in October. ' ,: Six-thousand fine bluefish were recently caught at one haul at Moreltead ftty,,; Tine new hotels are to be built at Newton, Uickory, Morgautoo, RuUierfordten and Marlon. v " 5t- S'; e 'V MrEd Childu has found 'anVarenie - -' spring on his place near town. JXiocuInlon Courier. ; , . yf:J . f:,, . ; near Uitton last week, measuring S Sket from tip taiip, Mr Rtbert FaucetL' a hfohlT kHiie of HtllsboTodied on the 10th iBst.. a(vvl M vaohi I- ' -r Mr. Hardr. Sanders, avixi 83. iiinrneat mini caran-ijrewtr. aired .60. - in iviuurtF ajumjf. s ...... - -. r -''j-' TheAIiiAiice nhirtoliiiAn fac'orr at riir. Ltt.u, Wjh liogin operate aw abuul the iSili ot wis monia. A Kttle son' of Mr; PhiUo 'Drami" whllv hoeing m in Catawba county, found a f25 migget .01 g i. ;w Tie hUtnip objection at the' rvennn nffin.. in Durham, ror the month of May, amounted -A .weaTilmsymlicate "f northern rtitaliB have jmirchaKi W.me very rich g4d mines near RotLcrlunlion. reen. a ottoml woman l thl f lace, is 101 years okt, and iu jjuod health. Kinstou F ee Press. The CO!llUiS;liviul:nt exert nf thn Ar. ri ultural and Mechamnd L.JId i Raleigh was held yesterday. . . , - A' Severe Wind Storm lttssed mer a. noriinn of Richmond and Robeson counties one day IaaA a a a a idMi wtKi. siisinsr prwisuiAPtiniA ianaaM Tbe Jndicial Convention of th 5th Dia. trlct will me t in Greensboro, July 8th. The x)ngresiouai vonyeuuoti wm meet the day loiiuwmg. The oldest living graduate of the Univer sity at Chapel Hill, is Hon. Geo. F. David son, C Okf Port, McDowell county, of the 1 11AA m awif e. Messrs. L. P. Lucas and Ruffin Renfrow, or Wilson, county, each cured a barn of prliuiugs wek befure hut. That's the ear nest we've heard of. We learn that the Richmond A Danville Rail road officials have decided to run no more -excursion 1 rains on their Kiu ureensb'iru Patriot. The M.-nroeEegiater says that Mr. W.'rY Myler. of M t. ProsoecL Uaiba ronntT. haa wiim ana sota since tne 1st of tast Decern her 4,515 dozen eggs. I L." J ia. .. . The town of Marion, wldch haa" !aan leifnrtewmsldfeJa da.d town, is lMittinir buu ouu t i it . Eucet jauwav aw a one uoiei w 10 oe built. A call ' bas heen made for aai, mnm . ! ........... . Veterans' ANjociati.ai U meet at tf.A r rt. houses of tbe various ci&ntics Ju'v 4th L. rtlrt... ..flRM -1 .1. . ' . Eib uiuccro iur iue ensuing year, etc k While makiuir a pot of soon, the clothins of Mrs. James Stokes, near Warsaw ftmirl.t nre auu ue wi Ml rued to death before aawsUoce could reach her.: f(oldsboro liis-. patch.'.?": - ... - - . - ... 1 a . . . " i'--ra"- Tfie Winaton S ntinel mts that Mr J W Scott ofSiloam, lutn a cabbage head in his garden measuring SJ feet senws. How will mat do for a l..rgj cabbage this early in tbe seaaouT. ' ' 7; ' . The magnificent bora h!.-h Fitsliueh Le rode in the Dniep&sumi 'at ih unveiling of the I .ee Statue in Richmond, was lent.Bim ior tne occasion by Mrs. Geo. aa JO aA. a .f"i t a a w. v.. . i - v- Me?uu oi uoHiauoru. : . In Surry county, pn the (arm of i. II. W bite on. Mitchell's river, is a true whih measures J 3 feet and 4 Inche in nmimU. eoce. j The tree isof the weeping-willow species. fGernianton Times.: ;- , BrO mnvnil mm. chan ts,, anl H. N. Brown J r , tobacco man uwciurer, oi , liuiaboro,- have arsined. palUe wid. assets not 8tated.:..Inability m inau vwicwuin was i ue cause, v . Li viDMtone creek in BlaJrMi mvnntv laa the peculiar propertr of. petrifying, wood that has fallen iuto it. .It is said that 140 years ago, petrified trees stood o its nahka vt jetstone seekers ' ntilii- 'the. 'iWriM wood.- Raleigh tor. AVilmlngtim Messen. PK, J. G. Gordon. . of Winafon! lnwn a wafcb five hundred years eld. It is a cu- nous affair, the vnrW twihs wl acd having red ievrers.- Dr. tionlnn was . . w.aaaM inNntMa . -a iium: in fcclinburgh, Scot'antL in 1790, and is how one hundred "years old:; t l arhoro Banner : ? xi-t- The' postal clerks are circulatinif a Detition fo(;a rexluctioo of the hours of labor. They now. but In as Weh .as ' sixteen hours 'nt ttavJ.i. lklw aU- .l,.. I . cue same hour' as other deportments of tbe government height hours per ,dy. fAshe- Yuieourna!. At Mr.', D. C Shaw's in Greenwood town i aid & this county, a wild bartridae la vs an egg eacli day In a hen's nest, near the house. The:hen: eees and the partridge eses are taken out regularly,.- which refutes the the- ory mat if a partridge nest is touched, she win uobist from usinj; it J.JonesU)roLieadtr. Asheville'; is "one ot the" seven cities the "United State anil the ohl v one in the Southern States where the Teachers' Inter state Summer Bchoor will be held. ? The sesalon begina Jul v -23th and closes Anirust "wi ' XHV uuiwinii (lie ouiiuoi "18 lo give vne teachers 'of tW whole country an opportu "Uroat the least expense to learn , tne best taethoda in.aaer-i' Purest - and Best j '" ;- Articles know of to medicar ecienoe are used in preparing Hood's Saraap rillaTfivery ftingredient icartfully selected, personally -exff mined,: . anH only the best retained. ? The medicine is prrpared under , the en perv iaion of therougbly, .( competent pharmaeistsl and every step itt the proceisa of.manu I tacjuring Is carefully ? watched' with 'a viewtp securing in HoodV rreapa- rilla thejbest 'piVdetoltf-?-'p bADIB W?j'!?'s: Heidli-ij toalo, of children that want boUdlng . $'2"' ,- '.v -vip. BniHjiu ia r ' - ... ,. j" "vf" Tt ia - to taka. euiaa Malaria. Imllrta- oa.aiid utousaeiis. - ah usaien ap k. A Lady's Perfect Companion. Oar new hook by Dr. John IL" Dye.' one of w YrkVmbst kibful phys icians, shows thu p iiQ is not uecec3ary in cn)fuoinn, Dut results from, causes eaiyr under"! - and overcome. . It cleany. proves that any woman .vmay tiecome a mot her , without eufferinuany pain whatever- It aho tells how to overcome and prevent morning sickness ana tne many ; oi her evils ai lernling pregnane. It is. h igb ly endorsed by physicmns every ht-jra as the tnie wile's pnvute conipauton. Cut Vthw out: it wiimove you frrt-al pain, ann nossildy? -your ."life. ; V-Send twOMeiit tiiEp. for descrip'ive "circular testi munials. arid coimdcotittl letter sent in sealed eriVerops AddresaTFKXSK TnOMAa & Co., PufdishersS Baltimore, " -lftWatsIa dM-atost -aidant Sn. S '1 ' THE UAXATIVC AND NUTRITIQU8 iUiOEt ; . FIGS QF CALIFORNIA. ilr 1 Combined : with: the medicinal h V virtues of plants, kiidwn to, tei ,; i most benefiaal .to the; bbman , vfyteinfcmi?if sjecable; '- end effetAivelative to petma- ; r 1 1 nently .' cure' habitual Consti-' ' pationXand the many ills de- - pendnigvoh a weak :orrinactive t .i condition 'ofibtei&'H't - :X ItUtVeiaotucceHeatreiB(vnovato 4 CLEANSE PiSSrSTEMjfrECTUAUr .V Waraoncu BiKnv ex Joastipiud c sUBK BLOOD, REr.t26ir.KO 8LSSP, HEALTH nrrt eTHENOTM -: - i: tMTUtMU.V rOM-OWrr - Every one is using it and all are deligLoed with it. -y ' ; ' . JB Jra.UJr OXwZXGfraSI ' ;' ISANiMiAOTURCO ONLY BV CALIFORNIA KG SYRUP CO. lwmnim? Kwrouc. k- it ; LDBIRTB V AOOOMPLISHED. trery lad boaM know. EERSIAN BLOOM, Etftor. Skin Cm aaS Blair I taav or trial packag. txma atamp. BAJaKB ukh. oi KAaaa nan. UU.,1H MM Builnio.S .X. acn eanutxoa Besa BlajTlalk Knuliaatar fanm. pacaae Aunfiaai aaaogfa. RELIASI ACEfin to aril oar popo'ar Towa ana cui n4 Ciian.y. .-.".l'.tr. -T?. a. PI aadWMiiiey sablta eared at iioiue wttb. out pala. JJook bf pai. . Sfjticn liars sent rnEE. B.M.WOO VJA - vnaoaiui wmrmauefc Watches,; Cloc! Jewelry. .-'. v- .-. Old Man: . 'Back ward, turn. backward, O limein yoor,fltghr ; And make roe a child ragaitt just for to-t-lv-l night P " . '"." . Little Boy rvhri liasverheardtthe bid mail's jiuinti ve ?; 'tiel-T- of - oM F tther Time, to bis lat heri) VWhy doe the okt man want to W achild aCTinIn Fn ihfr : W h y.' t hev tirvr-1 b ad any WATEBBUUY vTATCHKS whui he wna vouD2.--thatV why fie siKhaA ; - Lit if ; iioy vv nern-no -n' y ..ouy WAT Kilo U H i WATt?HKS "here lu KoXborrit father,;. .FatherAi!Pon. tifefklV' Father. iljwilt 'oliwIi'WB'iW I will get yi-u WeAtfe'eari.-iio"'.'!!'' at allah.se,leatrriiU f; Engagement ingsf Breast PiniEamhgs&c s " j- ant we cas g-1 mother a p:dr of thse nice spectaciesi The prices of wbicb rne f ro"?1 5 ; .iifi-.i'i'''fe 20GTS. TO 810.101 "lie has indeed aue selection of 1 i -f.i' TVeerafeJi the VBOSS" GOLD GASE .: 5-;-. . - vv.-- ,-v-- ii'f-'t-'ij-ti'''t-'i,'-': ,.--'"t?.'-'-i' ra the best, . r '? .'-1; - - ' " IeryodTiiwya of '- COUt II.-- tut eneijbodj has COUCH to. r pair,, their Watclu s ; nd Broken ,J?W try-rhe, dotg it o. jieUy ahd iuusiantially.' ijWAmTED (olill AUaataa. if .', ; t 5 ff- ' '-' --?- aj.JoiKisonGo. i;DEALESIN AniI'' T1m am ftmmti . AiJih. Our stock of Groceries. Provisions and Staple and Fancy Family Supplies are of ihe Best Quality and i ' . . Canned Goods: W keep a general assortment of these gpods, ti pd will MUhera as cheap as anybody can sell tha same quality.; ; - Cheese! Cheese!! v' Webave i he; largest- stock of cheese that, has tver been brought to .'ibis market, and will; sell at ViLry-.'close Country Produce.; : We ghararitee to py flhe hlghett mvr ket. price for rall kindr;oh country pr6duce, BuUer and eggs a specialty. Give us a rialfoht you sell. '' Cigars and Tobacco. We have a large stuclk of. these good, fair trit,iand we are cohfidenr that yon win oe sntisncu..! We have a splendid, .a ii.ment - .i tin-Avar, botli plain an J fancj, w bleb we are i.fferuig at a gi eat birxain; su-e and Xiimine tbesek0-lv before pnrcltaauieliwvberv v - -;, -,-y ; v -- i -- r."-'.; V- '; 1 t , . ' Coffee,' Sugar. and Tea.- -Vi:.-VV :lmVe; a.jf nlj lincjofj the e gtmd whMi we arc off ring low down. Give them a ifctst. - ' :;::'-Jv w. j. johnson, & co. - Take ! Notice; NORTH CABoLKA. ) DS. Wit, MERB1TT ' . f ia beliaif f himaatf rersan Conaly. . nnl otht-r rraddnra 4 MoUce ia creditor'a bill J 1 liOOKs, dec d, sv; - . -: -.. ; r-. J. J. BbOOKS. AdmlnialraUr o. JXO.IC v.. .' : - . UKOKS.,.;. : . XUc is hereby aivea io all pari if Imldinr claims agaiuet I be niaie'tif fb lale -Jno C. Brooks to itreseiit them .roiMsriautlte.iik-4ted to tne at my- r.flice In !Ittxloro on or befure Tiiesilay the lOtliof July, at which time etl1ene fr an.l itttinut each orertmte.1 and nuilieBiK-jit- x cliiini will le heard ami tbe Seal arounta of oflba defn)aat ariiabuBt atr lakf-n. k.., Done alallleo ia Uuxlwro ihiit War SStb 1890. ;- . . 4 NO, C VMt C, S. C . t--rf T liave fr sale a YatoMe ? Small Pairm; containing ah.ut jil acrea.- It" ia well wa tered, "and wltearUrmvu'riiiaal: barns aiMl outhouses. Xt also has young orchard .f Said farm lies a it Liu two milesof lioxbitnv n he AlUnsvilh-.wiad'"1 " ' v ", "- r.' ; Tlis ilacc" in u .fine loen ticui, T a resi ..tence,"and U a xpieiidi 1 . I. ),. . " jTOBACpFA:fiJ juk! Ikw fine Meadow fiiil.- Any pe'non w'shiug- a nal hme. itod farm near a privperoua, prreiv.-.twii Will ido Well to examine thiii oueJ ' V : Terms Furnished bn AppficatibfL ' - Also tine tfler tract i.f 2" nvrri, "withn" i mile, of the rpirath i i- Ivxl',' which will be sold in one tract, or in lota to wiit . purthoKer. About. o- e half of tins is in ..:..:. ...1 .'.t ... r..... C . and a good ppring hnd brc.iaril.; ' ; i:IIa.havo ?. --f-it:'-' ;: 7Nice Buildiii g L6ts,-7 " of abait one-half t acre eocli; ' and 4 lota, 30x9Q feet, just in thei, i , -5 :. f, HEART OF EOXBOR0, sitiiafed on Tjimar and .Industry streets; i. . c Parties- wishing .to luy will please call on W. W, Kltchin, my attorney or mrelf l?:r -' -: -', K. DAimi C I? Roxboro June 11 For Rent?and Sale: ; 1 iiava.'sirnrted In" ilia' liinei8'.Torlfoti UpxUn, 2li acres of laadC Terms a ill las ataila R E A S.O N A B L E. yy .Also a splendid dwelling hotira snllable for a boanltng bonse tot rent. ., Apply, .to - J. 8 Virpxuoro, KUr : ft ''frKi1-3 r.J'.;.Pai'av,--" ; The Leading Husic TiitiiipBim . li o w, e s X Jf r . l c e .s..;.. -i- v'-V-"-.-- '.""" - j.;- ' .-.-":.-,' fSEfiCHSNSTRUMENTlf -' V-V ..t-r.-fa- ; - - 5 - tj a..teu 1 o'fB. os - 523. OB 33, 'J . fa.-1- X. '?-.i--Sf. t --.' 1 i--- 4 W E 1 TE T 0U Pit I C X S AS IV TEE MS. OLD ; INSTRUMENTS j Takeh Id Exchange. i.;X'i.' adL si a. pt;r q xl; W..v.ii': i-isf 'Jr "y- 1'-: . : . . ." r. ;;. ;J -" . ' a- Tj.A.2t. 2?. :lt -t3 b zd, IWAilEllOOSI South iorn JeTOlry , House, T -,?;,v--i7 V.'" 'iS Jivf ' ! v Scad us yoar-erdars tor r-; '. -;; ;- Watches, Clocks, Diamonds aud 1 everytbiag pertaininf ' to the Jawelrr BiiBlBesa.:,:'' , jf''.'-. 7 illustrated Catalogue seat tree to any &ddrM. Should you ialt Lycchbarg, be'sara'atwl i. tipaetonr stock. ' .' -. -' L t o l028 Main Street, V!ii-Xynehburg,, Va. ; H vinjr decided, to chnnee our nlare of usTWe 'wiirfrSui this time on, 'fiftft jour. rntireL-t fi'-.- 11EDU0JGD -RATES! We have n lutnd a full and desira 'ltJ Stock fr gOjitW, fttnriftting of 'v::-.-'--. ; .' p0QqpfCl i?6ti6n3. .Shoes; HATtAifebROCERIES; i J .: ETC.-H.... : elifivhdhkndso Readyadi5-CLOTHING ' VAnd a in'cw liiii- of IdH aSVsrWv f .." ".-i . . : www T ; a . j sAu Jf VicIiVil viif offer 'at 'wonder- fu;y -. ifl;uft ;; ; , 1 J'; l tv- r5We-jnvi"y-'U'tM yiiw nDd -x uaihe otiiv.vst'Ck , Ufre Wakiiigf your puS We; 5f arjntwyfQ, f itasi' vthose' iiid Ud .to u.s: lo- l ttt.-J' elr accouots with iw ii;'-o'V- .. . SOOXiASPOSSIB LK, ub we are. becding the money, 4 - - ... 4 . vTRtJLY,iV,:?r 'tf . JORDAN. & SLA.TE, w;v WiU Creek. N. C : 1 Hew Firm, -ty.- tf-. 3srj"w?;c3-ooiDS ?. t-vtu(d -r'pctlttt'ycinfurt.i' Ihe cti Sull8-'ifM'J'.Xh9Pji;ui.lCfliiiTiMtnding cou'ntry Ui Si:vp 1' ( tid iu,the 1 M RRtUIT BUIIiDINGr I V. mill-'. "Mre 'ond "tittrictive C'asspr t consial juK.iii part of - - :'; , -:' f. ' '' frf J',?" Hi,: ''J''- !!'i;'t-";;?--'!""" s .,',!:;-'',' DHYlC fVOIfcC N4)f 10Xi,nOOT3, . -VftHOK'Hf MAT.i!tlC)CEttIlca5'V hv Ml jl:ABEfcIC'ROk', v Jt bou,ilit ah ikh&tvktrX ' j.A-i-w''-l?''L';--""? ..-' :.'!.'"? A'l ,i'r';'"-"x t-y$-?k :Xt :."i.-';.-.,' -; - '"v"'.6.':.-. "?-y- -' . LOWEST CASH PRICE .' .i -1' tnl bi-h'T intend.5 t-.ell at Kck jUolliHit I'.ict-r; iny nd t js'; "LIVE AND LET Xiy E All " are iuvUod to o-n.e aid see fr j illtUlBrlri4 Hlid tn- CiH)VillCt-d. .. Ti6 ; ' lani - a-ie ! I.-dly iiiyitieil tii ciue ' j aim aaiidiie iwy. huudmune liie of DRESS GOODS; &C. - t ;-..., :-.' '- "-,-;. ' ' - '.1. ..- : -r . -a VfffltaT wat '.i-.-a' Roxboro, K. O '; W'T ;"v X .r:i;A,::-:ForSali!ilB.:;; A FAUU Iv GOOD (0D1TI0X. t 5rlll -.aell ' fara, nnntalninnr S7SH acrFS1 sltnaielabnnv4 iilafroni i;ialoro.- A Srt-cl.-IM alweldDS. 1 rw, ami nearly romplete. All . M-eaarr out-bo . ""iJr - Jr"fr BrlltloD. KniiMlil Vla-I4rn aad -paek-tMHirea a . nremfea. : Ttna bicnod tolaoPt "wi frrain land, and adjoins. ta landa-of J.v U llkeraon, AWis Monro, X. W. Allan and other. This Uasplao. rtiil p-Krluity; for. soma one to bn v a rood tons.' ar oaa desiring furtlter informally, a-dIi;mi-'s: H'.UAI'LKN, , - . : ; , -;.'-."- .. - - . Koxbor HpTeof the Sptli.. r - a i'.-j.; "- ;v 3 - 14. 815, MAIN; STREET, losing Ont. .4 . A' M- 'Si'!