Person Caaaty Courier. ..... - t ' P0CLISHED WEEKLY ET . JVOKL.Ii I5KOS., Propbietors Ji-jna, at the Pos'.oflie, a' Roxboro, N CLi as; second -ca9s ivttet.1 ... " ' - A ' 4 .' The eJitors pva in no wiso responsible 1'ov views expressed by correspondents. v.. sucscEirnos TEnns. 1 teopy 1 year, T "- -. 5 IiOXBOUO, iii i .I, August l, it-fio. feMOCRATIC TICKET. . foil CoNG6?ss45fh District: t ; A. If. A. WILLIAMS, vi G.anvilie county. FCB JCDGE 5th JUDICIT. DISTRICT: EOEEET TVr. WINSTON, t oaaty: For Solicitor- 5th Jtoiciat, Di te'cj EDWARD S. PARKER, of AfiNKi'ncr The Tariff Discussion. .The.McK:inJcy Tariff Bill is .being discussed in the U. S. Senate! The Republican policy as first announced was to let the'-Democratl do all tic talking and to rest confident in the strength of party lines to draw in all the discontented and make r.b isolntely rail the force of individual Tm de tu of "r. Fred. N. S-'rud -wick, E3j., which "occtfT-cd lest Wed- jnesdaj ai h?3 hojee, 1ner.r Hijlboro, is ivory neck- deplei-?Ji - &rongno-nt -tb.c occlioD. - Fob eiyyvz he was So liefer -c"? l: s Js.d'z:zl Dzrcfc rnd Iiio zz': c-VcrLs a ter hjvvo m:iJc for Km a- rspnfcs&'ca sDaondio thrt of ro vr,j :i4 in !i3 c'.drlct. If c!o- qaen-50 bs - bo p-wcr "cT ncovng find' inii icncir men jU'Y Sl-nd-rcli the sreatosS ora?or,V? ever Ir-ird. His a-7jp'c".rF.-a!l--If".3 -vcioyMa ' tion3 wciti cf i2ir'cns3 ri to Ms fine intellect.,! BiiliT. rnd with thox gift3 coirb'rcxtD malxo I 's svshes irocila or o -ctk zzi vqxr. lie 90 os f. L CBd- r Oc Nc mnr. ever r.ft?r.f:',;,3 1 art A of o-; a litHc tLV 3? 1 "iS ' , br. i'v-d ho itiit;i'';od 0-. o.: evn;f M on3;aa3 it 11 -no--sin tatMal .-A. .-J VTClL Both the method and results -wlien J syrup oM'igs is taken; it is pleasant and refrrflliinof fn tha f'nsf ft n1 anta ' Q - "wwj MVW gently yet promptly on the Kidney?, ; Liver, and Boweb, cleanses the sys- aches and fevers tand cures habitual constipation. Syrup" of Fig3 is the onlv remedv of its Icind nm. duced, pjeasing to the tasta and as-. - a- . r . . .. . . eputuiw lu uie Bionmcn, proDipt ij ts action, andtruly beneficial xn it t 1 4 - Wcshington JLette in - 4. 1 .a nun I M ' - 13 j r 1 j . t . 1 cusuta, rcuaxTm uuiy 11 u in Liio most healthy and agreeable substances, its many. excellent qualities commend it to all and hav3 made .it. the conviction. It wonld perhaps have j Veeij xnH& for tie party if tlds polic;, had been rnTSfei7. Ethically, faiirux is no crimv3 lint in pvixtice, an in politics it i.3 .cccidedly less hnmi'-g latmg to refrain from trying at all than it ia to try and iiiglorionslj fail. Senator f Tiscock has been lead ing the-EepabUcan rrninngidobatei nd Senators Vance and Carlilso tht Democratic side. Perhaps tho hard est pill for the New York leader, and generally, to swal low is tbe answer of Secret iry Blf.ine tohe sihi-i?iA, aie.nAi-.rctcnsio-as of the FcKLiby .nw?wj "How will the-the.K.cKicicy tij. open a new market for a eiagle pound of fcrm prodiTcto?" Te great dasciplj ot protecMoa struck the eanse of agii cultural depression in tliat sentence, rnd he found, it. in his protsctive svstein-4ue .- system to which his magnificent talents Lavo eo long bc3n given. The farnrera dor rccd any clas legislatipn, the sub-treasnry .bill nor any oiiir measare that night be headed "AJbili for, the relief , of the agricultural. cl .3ses." What they do need and have a right to demand is fair play. Let some of the ontrage ws tariff . legishtioa' that shuts us up, isolated from .tha rest of the world, be taken, from onr statute l)Ooks;let the formers have. a . fair, chance, to sell their products a!! over th3 world; let them not be renfinod to a market that produces more ag ricultural supplies than it needs, and the farmers are abundantly aWe to - take care of J-hemselves. They don't ask favors, they demand justice. The McKinley Bill. was framed On the avow?d principle that this cdnn ' try should supply ibself and use all of its own supplies. - . Such a :princi ple is.fife to certain cksses of manu facturers, buit ia death" ta.a'rricol- ture. It gives, to, the producers.- of those ttiags tbat &: pi-odi'cod in a comparatively small quantity a fat ness -that is abnovmnl, but;, a fetneo 3 that drains the Kfc-blood from those that pro duce what, nr tr c intended S ta h;.ve a surplus, of. . From a financial $ta,nd-point the MeKlnlcy. Eijl is the most outrageons, even if it i8he legitimate outcome of .the wo, tef Uve system. The debate that is now in progress is showing the fact, and though it accomplishes nothing now it effective .before the -real juiy, the p eopie of the. country. Washington, D.C.,.Au;;. lsl, 1800. Ar.other- Ubine sostlon wr.s sprung on r.n inoffensive' peblic tlii?. week when the st.ienient was posi tively raede thr.t Spc:.kcr Rcoc!, Mr. Ha;rison-and other prominent -Re- .onbKtvn -hd.-eatei-ecl into a consm- tasy to foico Mr. Lkine oat of public life. It m?.y be said on authoiiiy out Mr, Dbme will cer'aclnly not .esiga- until ire Behring 8ca contro V5vsy with England is seutlod. The Jn.ii'e began yestcrdiiy morn-(oni'-Lr; lOc'clock. Th's means oir? -v t':e Scnr.tcrs will thun- 3der awa- i.' B riff taik at 'emDtv' ii-.c.v.'i for u .o hours even moriiln. xl -ng is :oiv r-:ons. The Re. piTblV-. n Senate s cot' hi hold in no longer So tl-'s week they began to-aa:-r r ;:3 :rr.-u recent" y made 'jy ihc Dem.-.crirt?. T.'ie or.resf d.teyet s i for ;hi os.mIsc1. bf the t--iiu hJ h t, r.rst of Sepmber. Vic--Prcf-.r'-ut Sfooa siood it for a (few d-ys, lrt bo irs -one a.ain and it is vhoilit tii.-t h3 i.lll rof return un il It : .-rr v.It' There are lots of pthis -v1k. v :ul ; ie to follor. If abuse con' d W S)9-iVcr Eeed would not Live nve ro-'rpf-o.."'.. l.'c has made np his inind I it noothev pub lic ;,'iai.ig-.,rw pivnte bills which cuni."" r.n: f.iTrk:a rfalVpcso ;he I7op?a -t i.'s "so.j r id he re tr'.e i5 -i.ize" members who wi n ioi.-A rp t.ta bills. This it rop3hoi 5 wKhv for noihirrr so a.T?: i sL L s of a member L hie f'I.;-.v;i as ir?3 a it!15y to get ? p. Op ". :1cvjs foi 11:2 bnildiugs. Tlie i o; ; -o' . Le Rerbl" . i mombevfc (JontetK. .nm8elvcx with abui.T M. P-ed in p .v. aci i2 letter to ihoir ro?:;-;;.-:ni-.- be; EecrcEouin cive -Sfctr.bTe,. of Zowa, did it iu a s) ! on i'.aoor c.the Iloose. Ho Jiil not bo- lively ro got good com- mttea assignments in the:"eit Hop 10 l:o.3d he4je re-elecixd there to and. Mr. Ed-be Speaker. T.'.e vovf:.ilg,ii?ns orgp nisitions too are abusing Mr. Reed because he v,i"i iot give tha Labor committee a day. ... most nonnlar rcmpv Irrnvm. .. . -, Syrup' of Figs is For sale in 50o and $1 "bottles ly aib leading drug gists.! : Any -reliable . druggist who may not have- it on Hand will pro cure it pif-niptly for i any Tone: who wishes to try it L)p 'not accept any substitute, " - : CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. . ;v . SAM -fSAMOiSCOi GAL . -' -r" lOUlSl'IHE, KY. ; NEW YORK, M.f -Land For Sale. T 'Til fl'--lft ?Afrf 1. 1 1 tn tM Iw .v Hi'. V- fo tm . r.-fr. Oi k ubU BMn-v-mrntf. 5l i.ell loaie Sot esiUtii."'t; .fce.r9 tOjliitifmi jtcre. TOr lo-'MSwi nii-U-rmn ta A. U. I ourhee. fioxl oro. or a'dresnie at Di-ham. W::. ami' Wit "S?h: 'mwii ' : mil Lffoir here IS IT.CLOTHES"? . 'r If so. We have-them -In. grrat ynriHy bought direct from the roannfncturtr HI1U UiHi ncii upna suinu yir . -.- Whenfyhu I'Uj a fuit of clothes from -ua and lht'Vdont fit we hav a ' ninn ; Tight there readjr'lo maltb th- m fit in . a Bhort wniie. voui nuy cioiuing Ou.--fore xanunlwg our.sfbck.1 r . r ' Custom -made Clothing.' ? Welcerp oniinnd at kit tiroce a Irije andjiatidsime.!u!e .0 earn pi s-uiu'jij" we make upever f suit is warranted " to fit no ante. - " - ' ; V you hare any old clurhes that nwd : Rjtpturmg or Cleaning brihg Tth m ' m nd if they e re' not too far grone we v cft rf.ake thj in lok almost new, again! Lyu Uligci VUI BIWK Ul TO t 1 .'1 "i; READY-MADE CLOTHIKG " SHOlISI'SnOES!! ! : OVIl .NEW DEPARTMENT. - fTe have) just received a new stock rf SopeSj pf all kinds, and are oiler " itig lftem at remarkably - ' Wis mnke a tnecialtv of TiorliPii nnA ahne8 fl'om fl.OQ; up to $3 75; vand " Gentlemen's from $I.7 to $4;5&, u fw l confiJent that we can please alV Kvery p'air cf shoes fn the house -N EVV-tno Bhelf-worn goods in stock. I; a ffw weeks we will pat m a com plcte Jioe off '.'- H (jw Furnishing .Goods : mob as Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Hand kerchiefs, Underwear, e $c . .l;tvy. iko thiopRortanity,of lhau'k, H n f friends for.thei patronage m , Ihe pasti and hop by fair "dealing, to f merit a continuance ot tbo same - tH'tfursj n;uiyv:l:4:vi- . . ; i?:a; KOEtfl&bS; j bas opened a fuU line of" . You wiirCni my stock ' ' - ' ' 1. - - aj wvb and If in need of annhinff ln. .. rv;V"-: -"-a3-eall3:xff:ttf.. . . "Yoh will alwftvn' fir. a , . t. supply of -"- - " - "Twck a good MEAT.'- . -,,.. SUGAR. COFFEE. mK n" ; SYRUPS, , Fancy &raHonar.V. ; Yoa-WhTfind ' - Mr. CHIP BARRETT N lWrget the' place to find : V . ' . T ... . - ; - Si', a i-- f-. r a, ? r. . - s1 r- - t l h '1 ' ... :j - h iil i- ; V . "Fbr'Sale'I AFARMHtlrfOD COSDITlAv- T Will oylt 4... '. . .t . ' liMim !",.V r.r,-. pinuea, Tlii. U (rn-xl tblmeeo rnSaland "ne 'rin8 fc?iEiSeS i?i-a Pfr. SP: ... it 1 OT rvrMiaiit. - 70 Merit Wirs, We d We d 'e to eay t3 our ntizen?, u t " r jr. we-tave been selling D.-. King's Ntw Dl- u.vcry for Consumption. Dr. Kin'- Life Pills-. KuckWft 16 fen CAM XSitr 16 ,-.:' It Vi 1 3 p I W jvV!- i1 .r --" . V' - ' K - MBM &WM BMVM I f 7 I 7i1 n 'f n W M. fe -- 78 I H I it if" 79 , tD I t ic liutira ami have i cver bandied . rerae-! u'lDi!y.,ie!i wen, or that- have civen: 8nch umvtTjal nalihfapi .i U'a An. 1 ! ifctte to gijarantee tlicm e'verf time, and.' we! tit;ui!.readv,to rpfnnA t'.,a miw.h.mA . ..: r 1 . ' ' ------ -..v. ruiiua LJlJiXJ. II .nrisweUvv rrs-ilt .1 nm f .n il. : ih'se remodies hnye won their er-at n m"- .piiui; ,vu bucir merns. ,. . J. , a. Airton &.Co.r "DniggU". J- D. Morris & Co DruggisU MOREHEAO feSVRE E " -' I., i ' t i . i 11 i i . mVn all ever tttf-sWrrv received ccg Ten aikinymctiS'clr crJ rr ktte- iift'l35 been issued iiorn EaIcV by pcis - opposed to the c-ivtT-tGnc ? X? -rj-k. TLis Ht,v c.'xec a cci --;- cU-l in wl J.oh GwV. Fcwle, JgcsOLi-k end were involved, t'-3, ve, which w:3 jfto tomlnvcn. cf Cor. Fawlc anJ the jrrifnzX3k t and :!-t?. rlj in to infeivt 'd - jns e.iy rci n .caii levfy fiom pri ecaHlktv'xA tfcero" sw cr.xjs in ' nnmruK'lp vjbeje vmon pei-f..e in-:o. . cent r'sed,ifc.hi:.Hc-se ccv rupt actsy airi. "iyl a( s!:Ul& ; tcU manipulation, the eirennut ces are to point lowarc.s gili.; T; being co it is rcmavLibl Low pjne we.ere to .believe the worst siesleci '. .are, tho nv-tiyes thEt inftiGTioes.eijd given jizti ijidcgMajrac, in'a spirit ;' o7 chivalry ,(fcat is .aa : commendable , as it is rare, haa withdrawn from the contest for Assoclata J ustice. He is unwilling to be .helped by slanderous charge s 9 gninst good men. Our Distinrjulwhed Gaesta. L,aet Thursdity evening a 'snecial train irom LyncHbuf r brousrht to our little town quito a distinguished party of gentlemen, who came over on' a pleasure trip and to visit Bar ngtts pond and enjoy the .fishing.'' It ' was piobablj the most distinguished pp-i'tyeverin EoibororThe ,6irow-inS-gia'-raoseirrteTy : Hon. Jp!m E; MasRer. HonMflfnhhr Haugue, Ilon.-S.'aiouston' Lft6her, Lai. Ccry Beckefiriige,' Col. Peter Hfifcaa,C5o'.Tase Elliott; Gen'JaB. McDonald, Gen. cott Shipp,' Col". Thongs-Simrn?, CoL-v". T. Poagne, Dr. Geo. Eos, -Col. J. M.-Love, Editor A. McIonaid, President P. j; Oiey, aad.'CfipiC- 'W'.-N'.- Mitchell." The paiy-spient'tho. AigMr in'-Eex-boBo and eafly Friday moming" went ont to' B.r.-n'ett( 'pond, where they spent tbe far very pleasantly fiahin lboaiiEg ,&C.-vl3ase a'the'irterikon iney j ettfi Ziod o Eosbbio nd imme diriely took: tho trrir.fof Lynchburg. We leorn that tfie-ffuire party were delighted with their trip. . -.t-." j...:;" '4:, f l , 1 . J S9 . . - v 'SB I . "Just as Good." by some dealers who try to 8-l! a tu'stitote preparutloa when a cus tomer calls . for. Hood's -JS irsiwiril a. Do not allow xmy.iucir f-lsff etftte mectss thislndactj ym to buy what lou do not waxt,. Remember that thf oly .reason fop mating it" is that f a theubBtituK- Insist upon liavine tl) A hoof- 3 :r . ti .ji r 17 nil i. It is Peculiar to ltaclf.. , . .4 f6 I i - - - fv.'l --if 2 7 so "rH: ... w .-'.-t -H. , -.t.'i-:t. .11 And mid wav between : ; tUoxboro has a popuJafi snopft, i llooring miU, For Roxboro has a sure, steady and healthy growth Biiutf . - ' - "'-..". ,T ' . - - I ' 4. n saci n 1 t ? n x Vk f T a iLrf. Jl tL . ... V - . a Everybddj iofiMia to come. - - ranaCU'mooahfinorcoI 1 j r .. ... .! .li...v:u, pH- A. cREAMS, Attorney. H. A.. T.riS,- Attorney