v r . : Person Coanty Courier. ; PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY ... J , woi:iii 1 n iioa.;: proprietors Enterod according to Tosul Regula tions, at tlie PostolEce, at Roxboro, N O..M second class matter.! ; The editors ar in no wise responsible for views expressed by correspondents. . ,-, . SUBSCRIPTION TERMS, i coM, i year - - tl.RO 1 codt tt months - - .75 ttoisoEoTN'rC.; September 4th, 1890. DEMOCRATIC TICKET Fob CoiwnE3s--5th District: A.IL A. WILLIAMS, of Granville county. Fob Judge 5th Judicial District: ROBERT W. WINSTON, of Ganville county. Fob Solicitor- 5th Judicial District EDWARD S. PARKER, of Alamance couuty. The Republican State Convention met last week in Raleigh and nomi nated Hon. Charles Price for Chief Justice, W. T. Faircloth for "Assist ant Justice. Candidates for judges were nominated as follows : Second district, Francis D. Winston, fourth O. J. Speares, fifth, W. P. Bynum, Jr., eighth, A. L. Coble, tenth, J. W. Bowman. In the other districts no nominations were made, and a mo tion prevailed that nominations in those districts be left discretionary with the executive committee. Some of the nominees are good, clever men, but they won't be Judges not this time at least. The negroes are revolting in different sections of the State. Some how Republican management don' exactly suit them. At the negro mass meeting or convention in Raleigh last week though they passed a reso lution endorsing Harrison's adminis tration they threw hot shot into some of the Republican leaders. We hope for, bnt don't confidently look for. much disaffection. On the day of election the "brother in black" wil likely step up as usual and vote republican ticket whatever his griev ances and threats may have been Just suppose, though he should do otherwise the Republican party in North Carolina wouldn't know what struck them, would they? Blaine has been making a speech in Maine and in it he took very em phatic ground in favor of his favorite idea of reciprocity. Reciprocity in trade is such a departure in theory from the orthodox Republican idea of protection that the papers are now calling Blaina an A. B. C. Democrat He is easily the brainiest man in the Republican party and his disaffection from the party is a serious blow to it now. When he said that the McKin ley Bill would not furnish a market for a single bushel of grain nor pound of meat that any American farmer might raise he placed a thorn that will stick deep in the flesh of the-Re-publican campaign orator this fall. ' We publish this week a communi cation from one of our Republican friends on politics. We are perfectly willing to do so again, but we are by no means willing that Republicans should monopolize our space. We are so intensely Democratic that we would be unwijling to injure in the slightest degree Democratic chances of success, and yet we are willing to publish an occassional Republican communication. Anything strange about that? Not at all. The ordi nary Republican communication does not do a bit of harm. If it states facts that exist only in the imagina- , tion of the writer its statement simp ly needs' correction. If it confines itself to real things it must be a per fect marvel of sophistry to even need an answer. We publish such things because the publication is just to the writer and don't do anybody any harm - ' The scene in Congress last Wednes day was a delightful spectacle for a country of christian civilization. If was. so refining and " elegant and 80 suited the grand old party of moral ideas. " They were discussing the dif ferent kinds of land. One Republican ' member charged another Republican ' with being the paid attorney of the Chicago hog-men. He retorted by icaiunff ma accuser a a-n liar, tms . mild epithet was bandied right and left among the brethren, and finally apbiican got hit in the 'face by another Republican and the Demo crats served as lookers-on. Such pro ceedings ought to make every Amer- I; imfjbltish for its representative body, A blackguard or two expelled : from Congress would be a salutary lesson; though jperhap a l it puld necessitate some more NapoleonW 'methcKis j on tno part oi opeaser itcea m oraer to retain the Republicaif niajority Vv . At the Opening of the Cam- - - - paign v' - Our County Conventioa meets next Saturday and the campaign, will be upon us. Before it be'gins we - want to aay ajrord to . Democrats and to those who are inclined to Democracy. In the first place to Democrats : No man is made to change his politics by vituperation ana abuse, n is use less to deny the fact that in this county some of the : very best men are Republicans; our county officers are Republicans and while we shall be heartily in favor pf the Democratic nominees, we are free to say that no county we know has more efficient, pleasant men to transact the county's business than has this. It does no good but invariable harm to foam at o - ... the mouth and say this is not so. It does harm to make the term Repub lican ynonomous with rascal; and to make a campaign on the principle that the negro and the knave consti tute wholly the Republican party Such a campaign is peculiarly un suited to this section. There is a large number of voters here who real: ly have no well-decided stand in pol itics. The personal following of some Republicans is very large. Those can carry many Democrats far enough to make a split ticket but not far enough to make them full Republicans. Now a split ticket is an undesirable thing certainly but it is ever eo much better than a straight Republican ticket. Unfounded personal flings and abuse will prevent the casting of so many split tickets perhaps, but will straight en them in the wrong direction. The old negro Preacher that gave most of his sermon to 'rousement" was not the man to convince people of the soundness of his doctrines, yet' he has been an example to many politi cal speakers. The people of Person more than any people we know need a campaign of quiet argument, of ap peals to reason and to Southern self respect. Denunciation and "rouse ment" are boomerangs. - Now to those that are only inclined to Democracy : A party is an organ ization based on principles -and is no more responsible for a noisy member than is a Church. The policy of the party, the candidates nominated, the character of the party as a whole these are the things to be considered. In voting, as in everything else, one should act deliberately and dispas sionately. Is it a Southern man's interest that Brower should go back to Congress to vote higher tariff to enrich the North, and Force Bills to insult the South?-If not, however ex asperating some of Williams' friends may act, you are acting more like a boy than like a man to allow yourself to be kept from voting and working for Williams by that conduct. In regard to the other tickets a like prin ciple should govern. Do you prefer the orderly course of affairs that has characterized Democratic control to the turbulence and extravagance that marked the Republican adminis tration? From its composition and its record do you think it is better for the State that the Democratic party should continue in control? If you do isn't it almost criminal folly to be influenced to act against that party by the foolish zeal of some Democrat ic neighbor? These are thoughts that have oc curred to us as wo enter the cam paign. So far as we are concerned we propose to act during the cam paign in accordance with them. We are strongly and earnestly Democrat ic because we believe strongly and earnestly that the Democratic party is the party whose policy best suits our people whose success would most conduce to their welfare. If another man differs from us on these ques tions we may wonder at his judgment but we don't doubt his honesty. The United States Senate is con sidering the tariff bill yet. " It is the only legislation of general ' interest and importance that will be com pleted this session? i,.The more it is discussed the more the outrageous inconsistencies of " the - Republican protective system is being, seen by the country. The masterly efforts of Vance, Vest and.Caslisle are of course having no effect on the Republican majority, but they are having an ef fect on the reading, thinking people of the country and so' the Republi cans are earnestly trying to. shut off debate and bring the tariff bill to a vote. Senator -Hiscock has given way in the, .discussion to Senator Aldrich of Rhode 'Island, but a " change of leaders don't cure things. .What Re publicans need" in the discus sion is ; something more capable of defense not more ability in the de fendcrs. ' When; one reads the' dis. cussion and sees the prominent and useful part our .Vance is taking in it one is tempted to say stror-g things in regard to the . opposition that Vauce is having , in his 'own State; the State that he has labored so zeal ously for arid on which he has reflected so much honor. But the opposition to i Vtmaft don t amount v to anv ; PTeat. thing. It has, like his own cat fish, vswnnk'.'terribly. - . v The Convention Saturday the i county Democratic convention meets,'andlSaturday night there will be 4 spore of good and true - . V a .. T.I. 11 . - 1 . 9 2. JL J democrats wnowiii pe aisappoinwu at not being nominated." This will be the result of human nature. , But the disappointment will not be child ish and, sickly, but a manly resigns tion to the will of the majority and a full determination to do everything that's fair and honorable for the su cess of tho. nominees and the glory of this "democratic party. It seems that there will be several candidates for each office a good indication, and meaning business and as only one can be nominated, it is the duty of all.the others to pull off their coats and see that he is elected. Every one that enters that conven tion will do so as a democrat, and with that unselfish and loyal spirit which' savs 'that the choice of the democracy of Person is my choice. We must pull together, our ranks must be harmonized wherever there seems to be discord, and let us for get every personal interest and work qnly'for the good of the grand and trustworxny parxy xo wxuen we pro fess allegiance. We are right and let us impress our principles- upon every earnest man. There is dissen- tion among the enemy. Why, just , -i look across the line over there in Durham and Orange counties and we see the republican . party running a negro for the Legislature, and hear what a howl the white republicans there are setting up. Yes, the white republicans don't like it, and, I un derstand, have called another- con vention, for the purpose of telling their colored friends to take a back seat, -please. Is it not. very strange that a white republican should get mad because his party wants to run a colored man for the Legislature? Democrats ' never get mad., over their nominees, but on the contrary they are generally proud of them. We feel sure that Bushy Fork and Hollo way's; that, lit. Tirzah and Cuningham's; that all, will, like a good jury, lay their heads together and return a righteous, verdict, and next November the people of Person will consider our nominees and say "Well done." The people are going to slap the Federal election law in the face, and they are going to place our county in the progressive list, and let the world know that the good white people are still predominant Speaking of the force bill, Mr, Leonard W. Brown, who has just left the republican party, 'says : "It is the culmination of a series of bad laws. It is the dagger plunged into the heart of the American Republic, not accidently, but designedly, the result of a conspiracy of plutocracy to destroy democratic liberty." That is too true, and many other white re publicans are henceforth and forever good democrats. W. W. K. Sept. 1st, 1890. Bushy Fork Towftship Con vention. The Bushy Fork township convec tion was held Saturday, August 30ih l&iiO. D. W. Bradhber was made Chairman, and J. L. Hrnoks Secre tnry. The following good men were chosen as delegntes to the county and Senatorial conventions: COUNTY COXVTION, - Delegates L C.. Hester, J. It. Sims, W. T Brown, S. E. Morion, J. L. Brooks, J. S. Goleinan, DV. litnd ahcr, J. E. Harris, Albert O Briant, Dr. K. S. B iy nes: ' Aiteruati-s Dr. j. I. Cjleinn, Alt-, Itimmer, David Long, J. V. Hurner. S. B. Lea W. H Lonjf, S. O. Bradsher, Thomas Briggs, T. J. Uwrner. Z. T. LoBg. Senatorial. W. A.WorrenJ. L. Phelps. E. M. O Briant, U.JI. C 4 A1 good citizens may coBsider them selves delegates.;:; ; x j - v The following resolutions were on tnimoncly passedj f : . .' - 1st, That we present tothecouoty of Person the name of our. worthy friend, J. L. Brooks, as being fit and qualified to iepresent us iu the uext Legisltvture. ' . : '-. :' and,We ffer D;W. Bhdsher fo Clerk, there being m our judgment no man in the county better qualified to fill the tffice; one who will be an houor 'to the cou n ty, and one who 3an get votes fehpugh to elect him. 3rd, We hold op to you S. E. Mor, ton for Sheriff; a man who will make the county such a Shenff as she will be pf oud - of. We present" them -:. as Simon-pnre Democrats, subject to the ruling of the county convention. . " ; 4th, "s Wf , the citizens of Busby Fork, are ready as ever of oldeo limes with our armor bright' and ready for the fight., x ' Next November will 'And jus jnst the same. . We will never, no m jre, disguise our name 1 ' . As for Radical rule 'V" With revenue tool, . - - ; : ? It was not tanght in our boy-days school. Come boys, come, - t . ' j Come in ycur might, - ." - : . And we can put these Radicals to flight. ; Do not be careless and neglect to register, as the late law requires a new registration.; Democrats, vikite 'men; if you love .your color; if "you loye your wife ' and childreo, do vour doty. -; " . -." . - -Sib. ; The Governor has offered a reward of t200 for Robert Lee. who murdered T. P. Sharp, - in -Davie couniy, about " a montbinduced to buy anything' else instead.' . From Daysville. Mr Editor : see there is some ventilation of the question who shall represent us in the next Legislature. Var ioas persons . have bee a . me n - lioncd and theirimerils discussed. Among tbem," .1 b lie v?i luve been include" Dr. Wm. Merritt, Thos. ,11 Street, Joha S Cuuinghuu3, Mnjor Yany,nd perhaps others; all' good, worthy1 and , cipable mett rMjor Yancey; T tinders ta.id,' has vory con- 8lleratety and getieronslv denied him. self the honor, in favor of some other of bis. fellqwrcsitizeas. -Without "in tending to dispirage the claim j of any others, v we of Hotloway's ; and ,Woodsdale townships would be' glad to have Dr. JVin. Morritt; and cor d ally reconi'ne.od hira to" the rt'st of ou r i elloW.al tizens. D ti Merritt is, h snbstahtial ci tizen of our county." 'Be sides being a leading physician he is also a.furmer having acq a I red around him a iousideritble proporty in lands. Be is also, I . thf nk, Presiden t of the .Couuty Fatmera ; Alliance. T hese f acts constitute hpstages7or his faith- ifuKstewardslup in - the Legislature. Not ooiy Ho! IowriyV township, but every "man in the o'ounty knows him to be a 8 tan neb Peniocrat, to whom the party is indebted for past ser vices aU) a man of a "long head' possessing more than ordinary sagac ity in practical affiirs, and an orator Df no mean ability. Gentlemen, let's try Dr. Merrill I What say you? .. - " Citizen. Dr. Grissom's Spleen. I" Dr. Grit8orn'8 latest gyration ia -a gross mmepresetitation of North Cnro ina, reporied in an interview between him and the Denver, Col.. Republican. He chages North Carolina with more th-n anyH)ue ac q'inin'ed with his dn nectiuns with the St!e could suppose him capable of. He says that it is practically a State of commercial tug nation, un-i that the cause is due to politidid - prejudice that exists heie. He say 8 it is a Republican Stute, if the party bad its due; and that while the climate of t'e State is variable, it 8 a very onbult!y pt;.ca for Repnblican?. TIk-bo and aeany other (a!se -h irjjfs he muke? ngamt the good old State that gave him birth aud shewed hira so many favors until here tched hi thiee 8Cre years. The att ck is only one of the ten thousand cases of disappointment, which prey upon the unfortarmte sub ject untii they sour the di-pogiii n distort the judgment and render the wbo'e man incapable of any fair con siderations even of his own nature home. He has not hurt any one but himself. as the State of North Carolina id a lit tle bit oMer than Dr. Grieenno, and its dimensions are sufficient to nutmesnre him and till like him. Scotland Neck Dessocrat. A Centenarian's Giant Prog eny. Probably the Driest remarkabl - fam ily in the United State, is the Wlkr Wnmily, living near ilendersonville, N. C. William Walker, the o)dut memier of the family, was a soldier in the war of J812, ad professes to rev membfr the Revolutionary War. H is supposed tone about 110 years o! a;e, althongh tho reord ia not as eX"Cl as might be wished. . m At an t-arly day. Walker came to Norlh-Carolina, where he raised a family of twenty-two children, niaMy divi'ltd between tlie sexe. Toe eleven boya rauert-d in height from 6 feet 4 inches to ? feet, aod all of them art Still living. Seven of these men have sons, and there is n't one of thest who is lest than 6 feet in height. Then ar? twentynfive grown grandsons nd five grown great-grandsons, ami every one f them' is tull six feet and over. Tlo-y hnve always lived in the tnoliutains m fw n.iles from Httndei sonville, and. follow farming for a live'i hood. No record has bee a kt-pt of the KeneraUo'.s, but there are five living rent rat ions, and 'the families hav been liirg , so Mut the descendants of this mii. who is still living, if brought together, wobld mike respotable t-ized town. St. Louis Globe-Democrat Aliens vilie Township Prima- i The Allensville township primary was held at Allensville, Saturday, August 30th, 1890. D. A, Pittard was called to the Chair,' and L." G. Clayton was made Secretary. The executive committee were. then appointed delegates' and alternated to tha county convention, to he held at lloxboro, Sept. 6th.: ." 'Kxecntjve committee R. D. Coy sfef, J. L. Garrett, W. KYanceyv G; U. Yarborough, D. A. Pittard. f Dalugates -rTh os. K. Allen, i?. D. Hoystsr, jG: Yarborouohr;J-K Wide; D. A Pittard, N. Lunsford. AI ternatesD, T. W al ker. -L. Q Clayton,: J. J. Dixoa, J. L. fiart ett, A. S. McNeill, Sol. 0 Brunt. ;A'ug. 30th, 1890: . . ' . :i " V' L. G. CLiTTosr, Seo : Examination . Questions In a few d ays" 1 will mail to alKthe Couutv Supenntena.ntHxot 1'ublio la struction qaesiions for the examination of teachers m Septemher. I trust all the SuperintendeaU will use .them, creserve secrecy xoiiowing tue.dtrc tions at the head of the list ; of ques' tions; and that the teachers," as many as possible, will apply for examination afe tho September examination. This set of questions is intended to have some elfect in uniforming the grading ot fertiucatesnrsr, eecono aud thud grifies, thioughoutihe State. S J' .mi''m S- M. Finger, Supt. - - You Take No Risk t In Wyiog Hood s Sarsapriifa, for it is evtrvwhere. recognized as the stan dard, building-up medicine ; and bhod purifier. It has won Us way to- the iront by its own intrinsic merit, .and has the largest sale of any preparation or its kina- 'Any nonest drugeistwill confirm this rtatemsnt. If you decide to take Hood's Sarsaparilla; -do not be 1 lie sure to get Hood's:; Reply to W W. K. - Editor Coubiee; I not'ee in tour issue of recent date a communication signed " W. W. K' That person, whoever he may be, and whether he be honest or dishonest, is undoubtedly a Democrai. He seems to- be fluent with words to reflect upou the Eepub- lican party audits leaders. He surely must he'very young in pol tics, especiaUy io this county. We have heard h s propjsitiun fJr twenty -Ave years, and it if now too stale for oar people to swallow. He alluded to a res olution p:ised by a Bepublican convention recently, denouncing t'e pr sent system of county goverrwueofc . -The people of Person iQounty, and Bunhy Fork to wusbip especially, will listen to no itueli stun as w. v.ii.. preaches aboat . Hjmpatliy Tor the' eastern counties. . Tiaass eastern counties re:erred to by him, are now controlled, many of them, by tlie Democrats, and indeed alt jover . the State where there are iiegr. majorities,; the Democrats are in. iBufe take- the western and middle . portions of : N orih (Jarojina, sucli as Pereon icounty.v where there " are white inaiinities. and the Bepublicans carry J jthem.-r- Then; if that be ao, the Republicans.! "-tare the white inao's par y. and he should be quiet m'--U the negro, and color line. ,iThe people are determined. that this 'system' of appointing magistrates, County Commission, ora aud 1 aras of liducatioiv shall be re pealed, and that they be e'ected by the people, as other officers are.' ; It reflects directly upon the rights of the people under the Consti tution. ; The people should have the right to vote for the most important f imcors, w nicn are Uoun ty .1 m tn istouers, magisirates, and B oards of Education, officers whose' duty it- is to say how much tax you shall have to pay. And; if-they -are not accountable to the people, they will always say high taxes, i Did you ever , know the ( JountJ Ciinti4i6crers.of Person county,': to levy less hanr the tonstitntional limitT No j and you never will, until they are elected by the people. Then . they will tirjd . a more popular limit than 65J with 8100 valuation of property as to the tax payers. ,T hen, the said resolutions passed in a recent conven tion, offered by ti. L. Satterfield. are right' and . they will, sustain hiru ' at the polls: Ag.in, he reflecK upon the political charac' ter jot Samuel Paul Saiterfield, a man who , was born and raised In our county; one who has been honored by his people with prom inent places ever ance he arriyed at the age of 21 years. The grand National govern ment has held him - in high esteem, - by designating him U. S. Commissioner in 1879 1 and ,1880, - aqd before that , time, Deputy Collector'of Internal Revenue, and while a minor the postmaslershit at Bushy Fork hi his native. township,, and for eight years Register of D.eds of bis cmnty. And with- in the last two years P Office Inspector for a part of North Carolina and Tennessee, a position which pays f 3,500 per annum and expenses, which he refused to accept He owed his services to bis county, and he is patriotic euough to p iy it. Again, his party says tuey demand his services " as Person's liepresentafive in the House of. the Legislature. -If he should accept sach an endorsement in the convention, success will fo.low him, for fairly in the field- he is the peer of any man in a campaign. Then with those facta before us, W. W. K., ycu had better close your clarnonne for the east. for. the east will care for itself, and Satterfield will care as much for it as vou. -But there is r one thins w. V K. is ris-ht about. I admire his political 6tamina. It n fers io lence-men on a ticket. 'I- take it. thai" who you call a fence man is one who claims to be a lnend t bo; h-parties ' and run on doib siues. it tuia oe your, idea, 1 agree who you mm sucn a m m is no gooa to rnir: party. If he should use s-ft words aid show partiaUity: to one partv.' he would damage his friends on the otlier side of it I his becoming known by political: leaders on both Bides, they consider such' a man dangerous, and they intend that the man who runs for each omce shall be a friend to the ticket. In this way .'you have a whole man instead of a half. I believe this pi-om w nj'j'iuvm vs mi uaru.es l win meet. yon; on the 6th .of September at Roxboro. and s-e the con venl ion hook np the candidates.. I am a Republican, but oo political aspirant, ; and therefore, will enjoy a nice, decent race between the boys. : ; . i Yours truly, - . ' .- . JoH2f Uoolt. Winstead, N. CL, Sept. 1;1S90. BEMEMlBER THE DATES: OCTOBER 14th, 15th, 16th and 17th. ONE CENT A MILE It will be" the li est Fair eTer held in the Stuth. : The Success of the last one - Guarantees it.c GREAT AGRICULTURAL, INDTJS " . TRIAL. EDUCATIONAL AND . I SOCIAL FEATURES. '- S: ForremmLfs address the Sscret trjf Box 5S, RItikh; ; HavtnR this ;day ViuaiflearTas AdnUnistra tor of tlie estate ot the l&te W. 1 . ; Salter field, hereby notify all persons holding clainia agamst said estate to present them for payment on or before th 16th day ef Angust 18fli, or thi notice -will be plead in bar si tljetr recovery. All persona owing said esute, are hereby noti fied to come up And make inonetTiata payment. l : : V : U. L. SAfTEBFIELD. ' , Admioistrator of W.P.Safterfleld. Notice: tTanngqaalified as Administrator of the estate of linjrU Woeda, deceased, I hereby notify all persona owing said estate to come forward and make immedint. Daxinent. and all Mnun hnli. ing claims agSinsts'aia estate to present them on or before tlio 31st of July, 189L, or this notice wm ne pieau m oar oi toeir recoverr - : nlea This Si st of J ul'i 1890. Ji. A. WALKER, t Admini8trttlor. FREE Our cilius fcr roKiuiir BESTTel eacnuea I n Onr of tn A th worll. Our ftciliuot tr topenor (rood wawtll trndretw THtV-?..V L! J i? thm rb.nc An t- h.r. todoki EVC' ;iwl mwiiiM how our gooa to tit . ' " " tho, wbn nn-mr rfehbor l.JUJ a-sowi the kir.mll end of Um tx) moft. Tlx following eat ghrw the pnuH!a of it toduead to 3 bast tb fllHetk put of its balk. It it grand, daubl "'- -cap, lnr 1 ftj to crrr. We will alto show yon how 70a M. mkafnmi MUt tolilO dTai lout, ton ! Mrt,wltk. 1 I ntntmtnn BWtrr writ t ovo. W pjr til tipnm ttuurgn. I ' ddicMU.UALLETTfcCO..BosSwO, fOKTLMiP, lUuit, SlatesFate! MILES .Wl&)0m 3 Both the method and results "when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the 'taste, and acts gently yet promptly on thev Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cieansesi the Sys tem effectually, : dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. . Syrop of Figs is the only remedy of , its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and - ac ceptable totheTstomach -ompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from 'the most neaitny ana agreeaoie suD8tances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and .have, made it the most popular remedy known. 'r,':i'.:'-; Syrup of Figs is . for sale in 50o and $1 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable' druggist swjio may not have it on nana fwUl pro cure it. promptly for any one - who wishes to try it, : Do not accept any substitute. W'3:wi;:iy & CALIFORNIA FIB milP; CO. c-'lptx':. 8AN FRANCISCO, CAL, ' t j LOUISVILLE, Kr. r; , ; MEVIf Y0?K, N. t Southern Jewelry 'House, ' ; 3-oios,: alalia. st, Send as yonr orders for , T ' Watches, Cloe'ks, Diamonds, and "everything pertathins- to tho Jewelry Business. 'X " -; - j "j . , . illustrated Catalogue sent free to any address. Should you visit Lynchburg, be sure and in spect; pur stock. sAsC : . U ;A- '.'J.. F. D. JOHNSON fip SQNS, VK 1028 Mai a Street, C Lynclibarg, Va. Land For Sale. I tave for sale 18 lots of land in EexboTo, sit liate on XJimar, Oak and ilickcry streets, all welt located for residences; size .39 ! to. 92 of an acre, - For loratin and terms call on a. ; K. Fonehee, Uoxboro, or address me at Inrbaiu. X. C -.- " - J. J.1.ANSDEI.L. speclifllra ief rafle ! As we d.-eire to lay in a large 8rxk of : ; or our rapidly increasing trade in rersn connf y, wo will for; the next SO iiars in our stock, to mrke room for oar large and Varied stot k of Fall and Winter Goud which will be arriving within that time.: ' ;';- , ' . . - We have now it complete line ofjlleftvy and Fncy Grocerks, and are pre "i dto compete- with uvy market-..- Q-ire pa a call '.i u v - ... ' ' .e , - I BERMANN & GOODFRIEND ESTABXiISHED;:1881. The Leading Music House of, the. South. Ill B f I El lift I G 0 filPA N V, THl r L aTg e st Sto-ck. Lowes t Prices Be s tlnstrtiments. Warranted Five ; Yearsf if aken ExcfianpISS Satisfaction. Qr TX-AilE?, 2 E E3 B X). WAREROOM 815; MAIN, STREET, FAHRIT 1NDIANAPOLI frlce, Strictly i Grorth ilnr. Oil Temrwr . Tust Whjwkla anrl Tiat All map. ' MPO.'i OO., V. " (X ! it-- - - -ji ..-m.m. i i - r i i r n casA wiva oraer. 'P V I ff S FirstHClsss. Warranted. CN!- I . ti& AU becona urortn Hickory. - V rtv"-r Steel Axles and Tiros. . i - Low Bent Seat Arms. Perfectlf Balanced, I - - r .-. , long, Easy Ridinr, Oil Tempered gpnng. ' - f nw . t IP Y0TJ CANT PDTO THEM FOB SALS BY Y0TO KEKCHAHTS, TITBITS Kentucky wagon mfg. co.r louisvilue, ky. 1 General Southern Agents. -7 ' " J ' JTOhTH CAUOLINA, ? Is StjikRtoe r Person Couniy. ,, . j Before the E. A. Walkffis Adm'f of JlUgb Woods, hniLOf . s , f resident uviiu rv uutis buu uuibis j ants.- t tin. To Mary Tliaxton, T. n. Walker tv. roods. Joha iloJlo way, tlie heirs of SIniM angrtm, f-vritt Mary .T. Vanphn, Jnhb aiichn. I oniee Vanifhn. Hutrh ti, r&a tf. Vanjrkn, Elixaleih .-Vanprha Vaughn, Irerson Taturtm. Marsrarette'v.Ii and the husbands of tUe i lumaJes above nZ. ItappeRring to the Court by affidavit on , that tho above named defendants are nnn . rtentu oi the state of North Carolina, and m " after due dilisrouce be found therein, anrt i? the plaintiff baa cause of action aeaii it defendants to-wif. a petition t eell th JL"V estate of Uuph Woods and bis intestate, um ral estate nSsets in his hnnds;to pay th. i ' debtedness of his said iutetai e and fir pari iii amonsrst the hears at law f the said PW Vaughn, And that said defendants are unZ parties to this proceeding. , .-; lvt : l'he abor tawed defendants are tliorr.fr. notified to appear attheofflce of Jobuc p, C. 8. V: in tbeourt house in the town oi 1W1 boro, t?., on the SOthjday of September i and answerer demur to the compJaiut lio'n.iV' The tr ict of laud sougtit to be sold ia sitS said Slate and eomitr.ahd isl the lamlg or,15 by deceased at the rime it his death, and V? Uips 400 acres more or less. A In witness whereof I herewith set my hand office in Roxboro, N. C-. tho Ah day of An., 1890. ;.. ... A'o. C. PAiiS. C. s'T" f GEOBGB IV rHAXTON & CO : " jobb ers; SlJotionsT'liite Goods, jifVAJSt: GOOPS, OVERALLS, LADIES PRESS T GOODS, &c., &C( U S. Fourteenth sii Eicbmond, Va. E. At Bradsher Salesman for middle N. c. WOOTTON'S PATENT ; . WIRE TOf AC 0 H AHGE RS eMstesiigsiiiip and cheapest :vvire hangers :;;;v' in the market. f iilllsLEAVES OEYj We c!a?m tlmt "these hangers are cheaper Uian fttij other; are detachable, aud any number can be used per Btick: insure a um. form b.irn of t4mcco; more tobacco can be ciired-perbarn; tobticeo brings better prices: does -not brai-ej stalk" is not cured", mm fuel, and time. 'Any bam can be used Sanile sent ;,wHh pamphlet for 5 cents tost ageT, Inqii're for ,hem of your sUirekecper oragenU - If they do not keep thera send to us. -.'.:-"v. mem ior i.utw, wjin stlclts, tf5.00 frtce par t.OOO, IiAoeers only. M jso pena casii witn oraer, or goods sent C. 0. Dt VaCENTS WAF-sTEDI TOBACCO HAXGElt M'FG CO. A Houston, Halifax Co., Va. 3-XLS 4- 0HEHOBBIErJSIGCO; ' :; i mi "Sffl 1 II : ill 1 j llf '7 ; - V. It . ' -

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