V r.- V 1 rfl- i: it-? ij i 1 ,! i' i 7- 1 V I ' I r ''J is ; 4 M 1 7' '7' i'r, ".'f7t.,. Person County Courier. r PUBU8HED TVKKKLY BY NOEL.T ISROSm Proprietor? Entered according to Postal Rcgula i.nyat the Postoflbie,; at.Roxboro, K .".n second class-matter.! ? The editorsare In no wise responsible lb lews etpre&sed by correspondents. ' . ...., SUBSCRIPTION TERMS. 1 copy, 1 year, - - - - copv C months - , .75 ItoxtoKO, N. C, Nov. Cth, 180. VICQUY entire Bounty ticket ELECTED. York" Press, in' noting ihislBtafemenj, suggests: Tossibly Alice U correcnr in her dmgnoew, bfe wtij doest.' t she giver' some idea of treatment? 1 know - man ?ho has been 'tiradr all" the tirv for ten year;"; iNfght befort last he tookT two" doses of calomel, and yesterday he wished he hadn't." A proper answer . is found in tin foilbwiozlette? of Mrs. Davip, wife")! Rev. Wm. J . Davis, of Basil. Ohio, Jane 21sV 1890: ; - - J I d not hesitate toaaf that I owe my Ufe to AVarneVs Safe Cure, 1 had a consranf'heinorrhaae Irom ray kid ne s f or more than five months. The i.fcvsiciana could do nothing for, nip; My husband speot hundreds of dol lars, and 1 was not relieved.-was under the care of the mast eminent Dedical men in the 'State. The hem orrhage" ceased be'forejl Jiad takeaj one bottle of th'e Safe Cure. -1 can aiMy and do cheerfully recommend it to all who. are suff jiers of kidney troubles?' s ' : . A RARE INVESTMENT IN THE GOLDEN TO BACCO BELT OF " NORTH CAR-t OLINA. ' Williams Elected Brower Gone. Parker Elected. State Overwhelming! y Democrat ic. The Nation also. The man who ran on the Republi can ticket this year is in a right bad fir- now. He is a left eentleman. I Keturns from all over the State and Nation show a literal ground swell j a political earthquake in which Re publican candidates have gone to the bottom. In this county the whole Democratic ticket is victorious. Hradsber's majority over- Pass for Clerk is about 145; Williams over Pully for Sheriff about 45; Whitfield over Satterfild for Register of Deeds about 165 ; Brooks over Barnett for Treasurer 270, and Wise and How ard about the same. Yancey's ma jority for the Legislature is 200, and Russell and Mitchell the same. Wil liams's majority over Brower in Per son is from 150 to 200, and Brower is beaten 1,500 in the district. Par ser carries Person by 200, and is elected by from 1,500 to 2,000. The Democratic Judicial ticket has ear ned the State by from 20,000 to 30,000. Denocrats are elected in every Congressional District in the State except the 2nd, in which the negro Cheatham is re-elected, by a re duced majority. Every county in the State heard from reports large Democratic gains. The country has gone likewise!! The next House of Representatives is Democratic from 50 to 80 majori ty. Virginia sends a solid Demo cratic delegation. Massachusetts blani-a "P r a! i . v""w "cuiwiawu vrovemor ana a majority of Democrats in its Con gressional delegation. In the Wes tern States the Democratic gains are tremendous. McKinley's district is in doubt, the probabilities being that v arwick, the Democratic candidate is elected by a small majority. Grant, Tammany candidate" for Mayor7 -of JNew lork. is elected by 15000. T . a - '- e win print next week a tabu lated statement of Person's vote our hour of going to press is too early for it this week. It is sufficient' to be able to publish a Democratic vie tory everywhere. We rejoice with exceeding great joy. for-sale; a - WOMAN'S INTUITION. Nearly Always Right in Her Judgment in Regard to common Things. 'a genueman over seventy, came into the city from "his farm without his overcoat. Theday turned chilly and he was obliged to forego ma visit to the fair. To a friend who remonstrated with him for going away fVoni home thus unprepared, he aid:,I thought ,h 8 going to be wartii: my wife told me totukc my overcoat, but I wonldi.' Women bare more sense than men anyway." - A (rank admission. , , ' :r. Y qmeu'd ood sense is said to comV from intuition; may' it not Ve'that they are more c'ose observers of such little thiugv'.: One thing is Wtaiu, ihey are apt to strike the naH bn'the head, in all the ordinary problems of life, more LfipieutlyHhan the 'lords of creation. : - - ; "According to: Dr Alice Bennelt, ,; ,who recently read a paper on Uriah " disease before the Pennsylvania State 7; '".Ut m dical Society? persons snbjectHo - iiiiious attacks: and sick; headaches; .hohave crawliDK ionsations.' like v-yr4. tne ot water in the headwho re 'tired all the limb' and have uti ; ;S pi i'lained: attacks" of uddanVwea At Roxboro, Person County? N. C On Monday the 1st " Day of December. 1890. I am going to sell abut 100 lots n thin beautiful and growing Town. 8 xty lots In the North-Western bot der of tho Town, which has jnst bee'n aid off and opened up by pice broad smooth streets and sidewalk:, afford ing most beautiful drives, nd by far the prettiest and most desirable por tion of the Town for residences. These lots are larg", containing from J an acre to one acre in each lot. Size, front, depth and quantity of ground wilt be given to each lot at the time of sale, so von will know just what you are getting. Then 12 lots, for business houses at the Lynchburg & Durham depot, suitable for any kiud of bu miners in sufficiently convenient sizes. Then again in the heart of the present resi dent portion of the Town abuut 15 beautiful lots for resideccef. Big money, can and will be made by investing in any of these lots on day of sale, which remember is the 1st DAY OF DECEMBER, 1890, at. Roxbcro, Noith Carolina, the booming Town of the ''Golden To bacco Belt." To any person purchasing a lot his Rail Road fare will be refunded. Spe cial rates will also be given over the L. & D. IX. II : T i. it is of Sale: Cash, balance on a credit of six months,-with 6 per cent. Interest on deferred payment. Rjxboro is situated m;dwiy be tween South Boston and Durham, on lh Lynchburg & Durham U. II., and is in tlte centre of the Gulden Tobac co Belt of Nortli Carohns. . Tobac co is now the most profitable and sta ple of Agricultural products. Kox boro is surrounded by an are. of bf teen miles of the 'most propperou md thriving agricultural section of the Soatb. . ,f The future growth of Roxboro is certain and sure, just as has been that of Danville, Va., Durham,- lieu derson and Oxford.. N, C. ilavrng superior? .natural advantages over either of these towns, in that we have a larger territory from which to draw the fine tobacco trade. Also within a short distance is the' aow famous Blue Wiog Copper 'uines. - Everybody come to the sale De cern b r the 1st, 1800, .and see how hustling North Caiolmmns hustle. . - Map of all this property on file in Law office of J. H. MerriU. n S. F. Sattehfikld. tloxboro, K. C, Oct. 1 4, 1890;- r v ...... v.-T While yr hftTe for sate many valwablt planta tions in various pitm ol iUhfax county, we bave one Jk Avlucli ,w winli U, call- pecia attention.- 1 i. - - Xhi farm is situate on the waters of Uyoo rivr, Halifax county; Y;, and euvtius r' . V. .4 4 9 :Acr s, ::"Tn it being' th land allotted atirl assigned to' Mfra. V. CTatlduck in tbedivieiun f th real eutaU) cfMr. HrH'tC. Kii.-Ie.', dtte'd, and which at iter death- w purelaed Ur pr A..1C jUicVeu soh ol the heir of Mrs. K. .1 . t-ruddock.. - About three hundred acres of tins lanr-1 cleared and in a high ulnu. ot culiuvaUou, un hundred acres rf it being fertile river bollwui land, wed drained aad.vei y product v - , - The humlred acres or' upland are specially adapted to tbegrowtb-of.Mfl yellow toUaccc and small jsraia. This laud has uwtui 1U ; , COIIFOIITABLE DWELLLG; in good repair, at.cr alt necessary ontiKn:.:infrs, Much 8 bams, corn houses, and cabins lor laborers. ' It is ina good neighborhood,- onre nient to schools, churches and mUls, and js. within one and a half miles of Harmony, a sta tion on the Atlantic A Hanvitie It. U., at which U a postofBce, and within two miles of the junc- . ... . . i . . . : u 1. . 1 1 .. . I T .... .1, Li. ... lion OI me Aiiaauo a uauvius nun ju,y uuimuii A Onriiam railroadA. 1 n fact this is one f the uiistlfiirabie farms in bontbside Virginia. Tarties detinng ro securer gooti bome seldom have an opporlnnily to invest in bet' er pro ji nny. We will sell this land as a whole, or in parts to suit purchasers. Any person desu'ingto purchase' the whftle tract or a part of it, will pit ass addrees us for teruis a-hlch are easy and favorable to purchas ers. - If, LUEJA KS ETTl VOj. .i', -- j-.. v-' , . Keal Ketate Agents,': -t'-wf " -- llonston, UalitaxCo Va. just iior.iE Fiion "Baltimore, Philadelphia, And Other IVorfhcriv Cities All the latest Full and WinterStj!e of 1890," just, ipofived at my Millinery; SILK BEAVERS, FRENCH TUK- BANS, OLD: LADIES' BONNETS. YOUNG LADIES. BATS and CAPS. OHILDRENS' HATS, BONNETS and CAPS, in gre-it abundance, r I have taken great care in scle-tiig my stock and psK'ig miseif po tl verv lafest styles. ' 7 MISS LIZZIE SPENCER, of Ox oid, N. C,'aud .; : MISS AMk WOODY, of Virginia, are with me and have charge of the Dues MJkirg Dpari ment. -, - I will be pleased to have 1! my friend) call rbd eximine my stock. Very R-spectfu'ly, : MISS PALLIE YANCEY, M JW W GOODS, r-NEWGOODS!H R; HENLEY, THE BAR GAIN. JylAT In the Merritt Building, Jlain Streets oo I take this opportunity of thanking the good people. of Roxboro and eui- roonding country for libera patrol. ice bestowed upon me for the short bile,-!. have been here, and hone by honest dealing and low prices to merit 4 continuance of the sami.: 1 am HERE IO STAY.' ' ; , - I am now receiTtt.g and bave re ceived my handsomo assortment of Fall aiid UinterlGoods, consisting of DY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS, SHOES. U ATS, CAPj &c, in 4-bdtese vriey . Thee goJs weie til bought for cisli, aud contiquent y l g-'t a cmsiderable discount &, wtu'cU I inten.d to give my 'customers I he ben. t-fit of.. -1 intend to aell goods low, and shall cootiuoa ny old motto . "Live and Let Live." In addition to the aboTeJrMw. ITen :ey has a l rga and handuio assort ment ot - . , "MTTiXjIJNJ Mlt ' hich she will fix up to suit the mi fas idious, both in ptyld and price All we sk ia a C 1L ."".- 1 V- jj w-:t is at : My.8tqak.is now y-;G;0'M-:PT;E::; i muse ri.;iUBJiaii Owners and Proprietors. JiV(vl-At the-wnrld on -I . C- -T -! - 1. 1 Car market wtuj ueer iro;tr noV letter pt epitX tv nndt- a r. i than jpow r Our buyers bold targeordv-r and irre willing to p.y g.od -prices fTallTwawibnuabMO'Oxford.";r'.W".b-v"rne ot the U-ut. lighted and Insst arranged Warehouse it the 13tteL and "We can show your to showy our tobacco to the-, . , , C YEEBEST-ABANTAGR in all of the various My DOUBLE BRICK BUILLIIWG is packed from ' ; ; ' B ASEMENT T0 AT T I C , and! hope I inay notJSe considered egotistical when I say. such a V M would do credit to a inuch . LARG ER: TO WW My, stock is in its' character,: arid Is never": al lowed to " - r - r THE ODELU; : : TYPEiWRiTERl OPf ENJOYS Both tlSe .'method afid ? wsnltsWhen Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently jet promptly 6n,thrJCidneys, Liver and Bowels, -cleanses the sys tem. e0ectuall v. disnela colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual 1 constipation; Syrup 'of Figs is j the 1 only remedy- of its Tkind verTprx duced,. pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, i prompt in its action and.-truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from. the. most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellen t qualities commend . it to t all and 5 have ; made it ; the (most popular remedy known. - ; " , , Syrup' of " Figs is .for ' sale" in 60c and $1. bottles bv all -Teadine drue- f gistj Anyt reliable druggist tyho 20 'will buTtheODELL TYPE WKVlKlt ahd CHECK PERFORATOR, with 78 cbaraaters, ana $15 for the 81NULK CASE ODKI.L, -warranted to do better work than any machine ronde. - ' . . . -.; .-'- Hemitne8tirpi,ieiTT withURABli.TTV. 8pkkj, KA8K of uPEKATtuH, wears longer wi tbonj coal of repairs than any other machine. Has ftrfinb ribbon to botLer the operator. It is neat, substantia I., nickel plated, pcrlcctt and adapted to all kinds ol type wriuop. - j.me a printing pre, it produces eliarp, clean, lefr ble manuscripts. Two to ten copies ran be mnio at one wntii)K- Any intelligent person ran become a gwl operator in tw dayp We After $1,000 to any operator who .can equal toe. DOUBLK CASK ODELIi - -i." - v - ' Sellable" -Axents and- Salesmen wanted. Sitecial Hiilucements to Dealers. .-.y-,i- For j I'ampblet gririnir r Indorsements tc address UIHCIXTYPK WKITKBCO., - Sookery imilding-. ; r CbUsagro. 111. 1 . 11.11 .7 - -J J.-JW.iJMill t&fJ1 of dapcnre'it promptly for any one who - serous tet. de cie ) the dtrectiouof f wishes to try it. ; Do not accept any 1 ho .'f tern ; newpMrir , ?VW,U? ot. the JNew I. wmmts. at. , . s mw roue, it.f I substitute. Cnrn CALIFORNIA FIB . SYRUR Ob . W instead House, W'.H.Willlaiiis; - proprietor; This house is open toibe. , "l - PUBLIC GENERALliT"- - " -and for Drummers Particularly. : Good rooms, table tare th very I. bea tue markat vll aff.ird. j I- CHARGES MODERATE. : v " ?iC.Ul and see me whenever an-opnor-umry afford. 1 am aboj prepared to take care or. norsB; ' RUN DOtW.iN. Hardly a "day passes butJth e are used to; " y . c I will not attempt to enumerate the artwles; buty;ill sajthat-I cwiy.-'J- AFCLIilES Kept by any oneTelse in'this part oi the.State, and NUMBERS OF-ARi TICOJS not to be i'buridel8here j in Rbxboro. ? My store is as -hereto-5 ' for ft - - - -.t .-...r-'- where y 6u f can rfind rany thine:: votf - r.want froo a ?pint? of Shde "Pees -to" . a two Jorset wae:on ; r . - RpxbjaroSaddle-arid'-Ham yv.H. Williams: v.U II AIR 45 A -v. Oleanuc aud bvatitiae- tlie Lair ' i t u;uuioa a i:iai rum , irva-i n . jy's3jr ,ever tail ft Kettore firav ' JSsV''L iHaip Voirthful Cclor. 3lvT. vrVTS OWeecalp dldeaReaand hatrlulilci-' tiS--- ft ' .ftc. at nnirr-Mn. tnvaluahto for Couch, Coid-:. r5ward Pi-.E-Ii-ur '..o IJ 1 "i-; Our-Werkipg for? js -coaipogerT of 'iJieMat men that; "we .roid:get, ---who wiUeee to it. tut.ther ir'ends,-who sell uttlic li mucr. sU-.i ut. ail inis uare ine uesiiieniin anu me , Wiiile we have no buyers n otir marker with Inntructiohs to pay more for it tUn anybody else is allowed to pay for it, yet We will iruar aotee to sell your tobacco for us ''3' , y as aiiy other him canr 3 rinanking.our Person fnendJ for the very libera' prtronige Wowe I on us.Irt the past, mid pledgiug ia the fuu our-ry best effrta t Hi gbest Oarket Prices forall tob-icco lntrnsted-to our 4? ire. , - Very trn : Ve are with best wuhes. y.Yjur Friends. . , " -- . BULLOCK niTOIIELL, i. i Owners audProprisiors of Banner Warehouse, T, - - OXFORD, N. C, K3illli 3 oo - - -.we desire to Mii your attention to our large ndaiiod sck of Q oda rwity ou htnd. . i -'I" : - - K . - - - - W ft buy in Cdt load lots. Me !, FrurJran- Shiu Stuff. , Buear and Coffee. - 'v f 7 OAK LOAUrOE MAf -RE0EITED. TO-DAY. i AU. neavy Groceries"-from .first hancTtbtreby knock inst'nut the middle man. r ' " ' ! - r ! We buy our MeatjB Chicago IXl iVe bnT our Flour in -nlinneapoli-, Hinn and a1! K'XKla direct.- frou the mtnufaciurer. Besides all this : e keep a fuu ime of Pry Gxddt ChtUHig Has, CitpsItooU, Sos. ; in fact. veryfhlnf a lanuermeda can oe lound at inj store o Com--njercilAv.tiues' . ,l "X"" - k CU uud see us and we -will ; eaVe ou 'money. Don't forget tho . place, (, " j I- 7 " - Our McGuire attends tobacco sales daily; and wilfcV thHt hit far-meflrienus-tltacoo bnugs tull market yriie."--' V Mr. B. Frank Moore ia still rit1i us, aal wii be pleased to see bis mnuY frteuda aud old customers. - - - - r v J.' N uor. uomAve.; and Bank Street, ! oxfqed,;t; c. - 4 . i : . .4 r 4 :IHEr ONLY CO AK ELKVATOR SOUTH! fc ' ' Ttiere are. seventy two ef3reei In the BuibJ infj.' . " " ". J V -No du-tor dirt can possibly into Hie tJl Tas it runs bVer these Screens in tiasslns from the.EITfltnr intrt th ntrt I- - - ' . . - C,o.. J,?. OPPOSITE COUJlT HOUSE.l: ' -I r -SaddlsIaTiicsspColUrs; Collar Pudgr-iWgoa and Buggy Whips" Bugy Robea. Saddle BlHiiketav RubUr and Wooleit II rse Coe8,litts. Buckles, fcjpurs, Curry Comba, lirushes, Harness Oil4 ,nd atl kin'ls of Hojm G ods.. - ' , "J HAND MADE HARNESS 'A. SPECIALTY C "J - V ;s ltRepaliifi3 pohen Short Notice and In the Best Styled 'i .H ALL & OEE. Consumers get their Coal DflY ADD PERFECTLY, CLEAi .. . .... ' ;laT? now Bd hall always keep on bandr a Urge stock of ill knvJa oLC)al beat suited! or Foundry. Factory and. F-mily use, - . - All Coal sehcteaand of best -qualitr.- ? - . - ' rtotapt Ehinweou: . Orders BoUcited." , - - s ,0- " A OrU. irAVGO, mCHUPND. VA. v ''-Is ' ,-7. i. - s -, : 1 l I 4 V'"

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