A. .rCJcjurjcr ia published in the Ventre' r a One tobacco growing section,-" making it on of tho best advertising racdiums for merchants and warehouseman" in the a Doming' counties. Circulates largely, iu Person, Granville, Kttrhara and Caswell counties, in .North Car olina, and Halifax county, :; Virginia: Ad vertising rates reasonable ; terms matle known on application. ''-.'-i.i O F ESS I O.N At C. AFDS l.UNSFOED, ' Attorney at Law " ' Roxboro', N. C . Y'Y; '' ,-:... y, ' . k ;iY.v i- w.Yf y-y Y'. : Attorney at Law; and Notary Public, : : as I'limi.sto-t liiin., : ;i, w Atto rney at Law, ' '. "'V. 'V 1 Attorneys at Law,- RoxUoro. N.-C..' I i- I' V Uli IIAM. Y y Y, Attorney at" Law, ,. ,..x .. . 4 i.tkfc.i ii.k' ;a .iiM.M't- ' , ,. .... ,1 S ' ,1.- 'n".jr.:v ,v!U.-j.lK I'l'l V'."' . . i. .!. ; -i..' .' . - W AULiCK: " Atto.'!ioj3 ct Law, ut . r i u- in iilitlin rtutll tiii-Siali- . iu in.. r l:ril i-'-r . ,.U j'.'rtfHt ul i-nWlw lirtliv i:tMi..i ' ' ' ,Y s,.r,:l a'ti'iiti-'i: ' . ' ' ' "' " unwell .iiinV.v". Y . Dr. K- J. T.ccker,, .URCEON DENTIST., (Iitfick tunier rvn Uairs in. Uie Hi rritt I'liiMiiin. - v jU. It A. itTON, . . ' - rrvillng t'tail!ii Y: . " Roxboto. N. C. , jircrii ln pnfeiial ervlw i !')'; -i It.ixuoru inl xurroinuUiisfeuaniry. I'm" we it all the branch t iiwlici lie. , a y.l. W. U. CIUSP, rratlcine Physicirtn. "Roxboro, N. C. . - Y. . iiIui-h liia irofemonal nervices to liic wile at Uovlxir.i hhI Burroumling commuuily. D U. J. A. WISE. :; fmctlclng PbyicUn, Y 3 Roxboro, N. C. Offers Ins irnfe88ionI 8tTTie trt Hie people .! iCii.lHrn ami iiurr.mn linn wmunmiHy. ItoiU I.Murf tn corner of Alurxan alrevt ami lUania venue. v. t. s. Winntoml, -I'riwHrnt. 8. ftradsber, Caabier. FaIlers, Bank of Roxooro, ROXBORO. N.C. . l,.i-wiu receiveJ and re.'lecttons anil re inilUiiicei. jiromjilly maile. ... . - Roxboro, N. C. - ' NOW IS YOUR TIME!- Come to Roxboro and : invest and get a foot- hold, "before everything gets too high for yop, and: when yon come don't forget. . v J AS. W. BRANDON. The Barber. . ; He is willing and ready to accoro modate his friends, anl always keeps up with the latest styles. ; , - - ' MILTJN'IiliV' AND-- ": ' - DRESS-MAKING. - -'.v ' Y .V J " ." V5 SPRING SErlSON- OF. 1891 '...; V .:.-'.',.. v--;Y Larger stock than ever before." 'Y- - -,:.' . -All the New Styles, and at prices which will please. , Don't fai I "to give me a call when n need'of ' Yy ' J . MILLiNERV,&c The Dress Making Department ja be in charge of . - " ,:- . ' Miss M a rtha Hudson, with a good force of assistants. V Y Call early. 'Y. . MISS PALLIE YANCEY, - ' Over Mr. 'A. R. Fousliee;s Store. RoxlM)ro, April 0, 1891.. .':' V- . 10 DESIRABLE Wm , . -LOTS; FORi SHLE."g -.: ? Y oo -f. I have" 10 very desirable . TOWN LOTS on lower Main street, that 1 will sell privately at very reasonable prices. ' These lots are. beantbally situated for building parposes. There b a nice grove' .of trees uponrthem, with excellent shade. Parties wish ing to purchase: would do weH to.see these lots Vox an)information,i;all on or address - ,V-;:Y: v MRS. J. F. TERRY, -A ril ; Roxboro, N.-C, v.-, , ", . -- ,, . ; , . . . ,- : - ' ' - 1 .i . " ..uo -.-a .i, .-'.." - 1 " Y .'.''"' .. ." Y v V"'' '" ; NOELL CIIOS, P ropri DARKNESS AN D LIGHT. BY ;MU3. I.'"il.-11010:11.- -' , The presumption and ingratitu ie displayed Jtowtril myself I by "yprtr conduct, 1 wj 11 pass without comnjent ; bnt"TWhenH it wmes to your ' shame lessly endeavoring to entrap johe of my guests and honored friends into tW disgrace of an alliance ; with , the daughter of j a convicted lcloh;it" is time to y t " i '. f'VStopT the dark blue eyes seemed to emit a lightning JikV;flame,4erore wliicftili hired AVnrrfcn'g ''-co id gliince fell in nioinentary cou'fu sion. For years I IiaveTsnbiuitterttiiievery Itji-iit ol'ahdignitr and persecutioSi at yourhaiids but thd' limit is reached: Say to inedn to nie hcrkoforth-what voii will mv fattier? name must 'and shall bo sacre i, even upon your lips As for iiie i'wP.Uukft'th'e-most 'eticcti ... . - . . ' '- - - - Hiul way to eitd Ujif VFuel injustice. Look out -.for another drudge, .Com panion, dress-maker, maid an.,V vrv ttm ',. "l. who have boon all Xhcsc, loavc 'yoar- houe. t night- wit:.ia a a' hour, but Vic I goY' ie't,rne-'-t-jll vow' that MhUN)iil) ClcvC -knows alii everyth'injjc- and that -tlic Y:u taat my beloved father. i suite f i ng" i'nfja tho; iiijiu.tie ah jwirjurv tiiat la: lCn?.l u crime on hirti .oiwluch lie' is hu;eent..';-although .ondurHtg -v its sfiameful' penalty,. hai" not iletorred lii-Hi fioiu i"fi'eiring uiu his UyjilMlv!e ! lie lias heard the whole . ttory ; from my lip's, and his only answer i is tliat if possible, lieloves and honors ic more highly, t hah -lie did before I" ''Jf looksHjiiM kill, the glance titat ' shot from MiXlrcilli eyes would lia;ve slain her companion M'here she stood, but iu an ihstaat the-; pasiin was sulKloed, aiid a slow, soornfiil'.nilc curled the thin ..lips. 'He has heard all vour -version u i-doubt not," she repeated, in cnttijig irony.', "i wili ta1e care hefrs the true account, aii.l have.-very. it tfe doubt that it will oiTeci a : fadi -al alteration iu hi present :ntirner t. or rather, transient infatuation.. ,'iAs for the other part of your announce mentthat you intend to leave this house -you cannot put it into opera tion too soon for my complete "saliS;. faction. 'Let me add. that it will give etpial pleasure, never to be called uiion again to receive. you ; as a guest or otherwise." - ' " f "I .grant you that most willingly, with one proviso,'' was the- -slow steady reply '"that when v I stand again in your presence voluntarily, it will be when' I' have emerged 'from the dark cloud - of dishonor, that now hangs over my dear father, in the clear iight of established and acknowledged innocence. . And I have faith, that that day wilt come." i "Never!" was the .mocking re joinder. x "; ::'Y:.'. 1 " - - Then, tnrhingafter onelglance of deadliest hatred arid malice,; Mildred swept from tbie room, and up to her own apartment, " to-, pace the ' floor, and, beat bier hands together' in ;a verj' transi)ort of rage - and ' passion. ;"She shall rue this to the last day of lier-llfe'r she exclaimed at last. 'She may leave, my .roof if she will, buv I will fhul.some wy to ruin and disgrace her, &?l her father is: yuined ond di3gra;6d. Ma.cohh Cleve shall never' cali ber wirenever; 'whila 1 have a-tirain to plotr or the "power to 1 woi'k .' iuiftc htef'between thm,-'" ' ' Motionless as a statutes Kliuor j Wr-ayborn. stooif aa lier tormentor had left. her, fur the space oPseyera' miuVitc.4; then her ihest .heaved con ' i vulsively, and a swift rriish- of . color slreaiued into, the - marble-UVe face 'Oh, Tather,' dear, father 1" she ex claimed, stretching out hervarms .as if to ' clasp . hiin. - VJf "this Ybe the price of iiiy.''fidelityto; yon I can welcome .it; and ; more , for the; hope that still inspires me of .M)eing" able in someyway to prove your innocence an.d're-establish )'buf ' g((Kf narn To dav I iro , out" irom .. this house without a friend to turn to orsa roof to cover nie with le.s thau fifty dol lars between ' me and utter destitu tion; and in going out I "inust also renounce that' sweet (hope that Jhas COhie in to briglitett my'life-iefer t for a time, perhaps forey er-i-and oh may Heaven- guide me toward, the way I seek- the" way that -Jeads tq 3'oiir restoration to my arms, .and j to your unsullied honor and integrity . : For a brief space she stood' there 'willy Her arms i. outstretched, -Yher lovely face, transformed wi tU fits mi ngled love and gr icf, ; u pra ised " to the clear sk' ". without; v then with s low t rcrobl ing -stepsthe step o.f .Y -Ytv "lnni.inY Qn'ta vitft a nirtvrtTl of life's he'sthappiness behind her. she went'softly ta her room. ; . ' 'i Opening her 'writi rig"':, tablet: sbe penned a few words tp the' manwhq the night bcforehad seemed to open heavenby the offer of Ms; love anc life words blotted and iear-staincd hnt; m.irked br a 'resolution' that nothing could shake ' .'''In a, lhomeht ,( J almost consenterl etbrs ItOXBORO SNORTH iC .'.? the - pain and toil and shame, of., the task ihat lies before- me, but I real- al ze riow, itsv fbllylandin! ?3nhis darkness I ' inn st -walk alone. . AV hen I come into the light; ma' yrfur dear face and hand s. be the first to greet me "ami cl asp miney n" the ? joy and thankfulness of my restored honor- f t he -richest -dower I ; could . wish to bririg;you' as' jour wile.t Until then, urjways lie apart.' . If you love me do nor try to seek me out,, or - turn tne froin my pjirpose. - , ' ' . Elinor. She packed a small 4 vaUse ; that held ail she owned, and leaving her room, slipped ber-little note under t he door of M alcol m' s apartment. . He was' absent and was not .to re tnrn till ' evening, jwhichj would ' . ena ble tier to make her escape - without th needy . oT a ' fuUer 'explanation; then with one HnonrnfuV- backward Iboki she passed down stairs and out Of the house. : . - -.-J- ' -: - Half an hour atXcr she had gone, -Milfrei Warreui sat ?. bending oyer tho note she had discovered and ab ptr;u:ted from beneath the door. ; "Fate plays! into' my hamls this ,iuiir she. Vnuttered as she Carefully 'copied the 'writing: '"When 7 Jlal- ioliii rva is the note I ShU -prepare. he wiij dismiss my tteseigmug c'ousiiH Jroih his thougats tbrcyer. ; Y ; ; caiitt-'hiiefiCUn7rilra8; iectliug jkioiig in the train she had been in diiiie to caich with hut one thoUgLt el eif iy i hec nu nd to' o i tov.thJe ihmie or' a former schoijl-inate, w here she -might rehuvn unl sheoouidYlc- 3 , - - ' Y . . - V i-v--f cirie what to do. - - , i ''', V hile occupied; with her sad .re ftions:she heard the place t-alied, ind springing, up. hurried from the .. - T . ., . ii -y..i.n-oriK.-: train I 'Theii as it went thundering V past, She glanced up at the lonely f title Station, only to find she Jiail alighted at the wrong place f siKt totally! tiukiiown to her.' , . WliVn wiir the text traind due?" she asked, aproachitig the station- master; y'7 ;, y .rYY.'V': "Not till after midnight; Got off at thefv wrong station?", he- queried Y i'Yes. Could vou direct! me to at bouse 'where I can find accomodation until, morning?" ' - , . "iVell, there's pretty decent place' a piece backliere. Here, Jim"- he added to a red headed boy loung ing near the stove. ; "Show this lady to Ryan's place." ; 'v.; In anotner momeni. xuuor . w following , her guide, who "gallantly relieved her of her valise. f r : ';,; For half a mile they went on through the" darkness, finally lialtt ing before a . rather sljabby " looking house. A vigorous summons by the boy's knuckles brought a worrie! , looking woman to the door. Y -; ;:--;;Y:' Yes. come, in: if vou like", she answered,. in , response to Elinor's application.-" "We don't make much account of boarders, and you'll find it plain.".' . ' .' M ; ' ' - ; YV ; To utterly, fatigued and.jdispirited to offer any comment, Elinor followed the; woman to the room designed for her, andsas she went to prepare" sup: per, sunk upon the bed, half faint ing. Y-Y -V . s- iY'Y-- ::---.Y.:?:? lint in another moment. -a sound aroused lier which set all her senses quivering-? the voice, of a man, evi lently in delirnm coming from .the adjbiuihg rxm. . . ' i'Jj : ,:, ' - "t'ont look, at . me so Charles Wraybnrn -your: eyes ' scorch-fine through!,-" I will tell all; I 'will.' jit was 1 that had the 'qnarrel with, hini, ftliat entrapped him to his death, and 8id you to save my?, own life ! Mercy - mercy and I '.will ' confess aiL";''i --:--v -il-pA J Y "Oh; thank God S" burst ; from the lips bf the excited girU 'Tbis is why I was permitted to ipse my. way tjia I might find it irtorecompletelyi This was the handsfiJiat seemed so u npitying, that Jed me, ay .forced me into the way I have so Jong -sought in vain. .. y..y"":- -':" :-: - - "I don' t know who ; he : is," the landlady said, in answerto ; Elinor's excited query 'a moment dateru" ."He Vas brought here by Y some friends, apparently, who paid" for a month in advance, and then cleared - put ; one mgnt ana ieit iiiw, v am. unuiu m cro ear him 'when my bnsband isn't: home.'' .' C- , ''v; - Send lbr a doctfir-and antary, and, I wiliive yon .twenty-fi vft ;. -dol-lars," said Elinor, opening her purse. "I have begii miraculously, led to the very iha'n, I ;;bayebee'ttryiiie for .gears' Wfinds'rf Stimulated ;by the otlerjta messen fovmi; ahddispatchedV half- lfttpr t.hri -"nftraofisr (Jftt.herftd ger was an hour later three persons" gathered around the sick man's lied."- : rY 7 i r: 'All' night Jong he raved in delirnm then lust at day break there came a lucid iijter val," long enough for f the (Confession baE wsis rapidly; taken down; isignedand -witnessed, and then hesunk back in the . throes of light of the mbrningv Elinor saw, a figure approaching from the distant Statidiif 40gure that grew elearer to view until 'she knew it forMajcolm Cleve. .'.;.',; r'i & ,,a.i;-iY3Y Did you get my letter?", she faif. tered, as he seized her ban's. ' -4 - "No," .: be answered. "Ihit , One purporting to be. yours, hinting , at a darker disgrace that mnst separate us;' but it only had the effect to send me at once ' in search of yon: I traced you easily ; enough, , aiid . I come to insist that no barrier, isjiall supervene betv?een u's. -' "'" She raised her face to his, . glori fied with its hew. peace and joy; '' .'There is no barrier now. . It. is down forever. . Out of the darkess in which 1 came to tins .place, divinely ieti, nas anson the ligiit or.: 4iiorn ing that shall know no setting Tf And yours, as I asked has lieehi " the first -face to greet me,' the first ' hands to press mine and share , with; me - ihis 'Jy and thanksgiving."" '.Sj.''i : Yi And when Mildred saw her would te"victim she k ne w that her prophecy had been" richly .fulfilled. -. y " : ; -y 7 j. ; ... From Bad to Worse. Fhe ordinary treatment y of con tagions blobb poisoiing is drtve one poison from the system by intm- !incingranother,The resfilt. in in-f cases, has been that which nsua-iy M lows,-; leap from .the frying" pah into the JTre?Tt put it mildly," mer nrial nd other lnijjeral jxjisonigs have disadyautages which are hardly esa snrjotis "than . contagious blorjd poison. t ri eitlier case the system is wrecKe l; and yet there is no rea son why- humanity. should continue tosurier. it is the office of" ?t K S. w'c-ure contagious -blood poisoning. For that disease the medicine is surely a..ecific.. .And it is 'hlso its office: to " cure: mercurial fanri other mineral poisoning. In slwrt, f;. S. S.: is the great blood purifier. ''i It 'de troys" the jgerrris of contagious dis ease, and expels from the system all. forms of mineral J)ioisoning.t It. re stores health and strength to thCj suf- ferer;.Y- - .YVyy, Y..mYt 1 - i: M elange of Dots t It ' is said that some . people,; Jike whip-poor-wills, never sing anybody's praises but their '6wiri---"' Jt is said that some people can see the rip in other folks' clothes," "but not the tear intheir ownZ V -" S It is jsaid that'tbe wise prove, and the foolish confess, by their conduct, that a life of employment is the only life worth living; -. -;-V .' " - It-is said that one's age shpuldbe as tranquil as one's childhood "should be playful; hard work at either ex tremity of human existence; seems out of place; the, jinornlhg; and the evening " should jb'e alike cool and peaceful; at mid-day- the sun 'may burn, ; and men may . labor - under it' . 'Y'Y :;fc ;;-:'S-& It is said ; that, i as flowers Scarry dewdrops, trembling on the edges of the petals, and ready to fall at the first waft -or the wind or brnsh of bird, so the heart should carry its bird, so the heart should carry - its beaded; words of thanksgixdng,, and at the first breath of heavenly flavor, let down the ower'jperfnmed with the heart's ..graTOndeS:'; It is said, not the good we" have , - . . - . -- done, but the 4500! that we ought to do," should have our j attention and interest: No one of ns ,has - done soj well as ne might have tone ; there fore ihere is cause for satisfaction in looking ; baCkwar&IY w-.""- t', .;:. Every .one: lias something - before him . that ' is well worth h,is doing -hence there is reason "tor dead earnest ness, lest another duty, be neglected lnits season. 'Y:.Y $ -$ ?.r-;:: As variety is the spice of-life, .1 viil here relate In Mr; Barnum's own words, how he became a tetotaler : , l ; 'One - evening in 184'? E went to Saratoga ; with a party of . friend s, and, without I noticing what I. was coming:Jto, suddenly found myself talking thick; I knew fiat I was boozy; YTheextYinorhingJ Said I never should drink a drop of liquor, and I never have- I did not at the time stop d rinki ng champagne... I did 'not then: consider :that- drinkin; I became, from" that day very much i n- terested in the cause of temperaneev and was instrumental in-getting trie Rev. J)r. E. HChapin to lecture on the' subject at Jidgep6rt.S To ndy surprise the' cbief. target of bis elo quence . was modem t e drinkers and champagne sirpperS,; -Tt changed my views- considerably, , : "and :the i-next ' - - cy . . - : '---i morning .1 ;tooRi vre jCnapm jnto: my vrino ppTlar Wild t.old him 'tri liv.fcinf the effect of .fesUrgentsj 1, had kriivkftd theJieads Off alltnv eham - pagne" bottles:;! He. 'was ; atoni.shf and said he thought I was a tetotaler. ou are'to ewear'sf '- Lart, rhpe-" '-'if" - Yi rWesS-Sajh; -ro swear Jo Jlt is said that irar hejni;" at jft ell te-tabflSwfi end of li fe, and a Jowly; mission: VelV yST'M. tapp if accomplished:; are-; better hani; to'ypu dohot have filled a great place on the i earth j i .AVfiesfJlP jbur.i side will 4? 'ir-i. V' jWhatjYoui .he'lietl'he.e' the ;w6oihd spu'tf made the 'telbthesY fbfhef g husband and ten children 'She inae butter and cheese she dipped tallow can dles, to light the house; at night, and she! coo1cedYallrthe)rfo6 household' by art open fire-place, and a brick- oven. ' Yes; and when she was ' forty yeari lof already an' phi lady whose best (lays were yei:;v!f 5ler shoulders were bent and f lier "joints" enlarged - by ' r hard .'i work7 and she wbre sj)ectacles and a cap: HeW gand4daaghterwith; all the modem conveniences for eoin fort, refineiei4 and juxnryiy may -be as icharrnina aji AKraetlve' at iortyr fivBYWss.rw6i this true (if she preserves her and leauty by the use of Dr,Pierce3 Favorite Prescptioh.3hicli:ards off all 'ifemale aihueatsr and Jrrego laritiesuures themif they already exist -"keeps the life currenf health ful and vigorous. -and enables the woman of : midJ'.eiige; to retainhe fresiia'ess '&. gi-rihw.d'Eok.b'row aiid h&ejc; ho-i lght:o yovlf in heyas,; imd itla sticity :4 n- he-; sto p ..'S 1 1 by ai I irr,uggists,t' rti v:. Mirth and Merriment. '.-.'r. i: . .-;- !-cY;: 'oMuhyiii Yj-at-vKl;ini ;v hov do! V(Wiw4hnt.tui3fypagmau iotej- your - lias lie lom yuir- so; ., . i u. H)h iio mamma. Bht if -you could j ohiv?e the wav-! he ; looks' at nie .',rW.,'i I '.iTK' nAt'liifiltiKr ill liini " I .' lll , .aill iivfc iwnwii -vv .r-'Y-:;" ? .;Y- . j. i 'n W-t 1 .u'inld. like' 'to' listen-to;- you tHil'iiight,',dald Clart as - lie arose to'.go;t4;-;1luuutlw;;afVr; -' Y''-i": - -Y "i ' !. '.. '.. . wert? mariii'ii ne c uanccu w siop out riftecn'minutes : after his, hour, and be had .his desire tidv -t : Ytt Hej "HoWid yon know J waslt the 'dobi-?:idtdn,t; pull Hhebell She, ailniuing the circle- just placed uppri her firieer;"'-r- beard, .th-n- gagemeHt ring. Maiden, Vho bd been reading ' of the French way-of cpndHctinginatt rimonial ; alliances, .."Mama, . you khew papa quite , well;, ; before . you married , him, , didn't . your; Mama: "I thought I did." " -. , ;Y - ' .,: ; J V,-Y - Y.e. ;Y -U," Yes,' Augustus, we beUeve it, is better to have loved abd" TbstTEarr Ljieyerto nayeioveiTat all, Jltisdbet- terfor the jeweler and ilonst -and sometimes the lawyer." ' Milton was asked : by . a , friend whether he would instructhis daugh ters in the different -languages to which, he replied: y "Ao y sir, one torgue is 'Buffidehtftfrwoma- Y "It is so cold in Sweden" ' said a returned . traveler, Hhat : in winter tune" Iin varibly pu t on my gloves to wash." ."And now we are engaged,': Fred erick; I think it only right to rualce a- conf essiouVT love onionsCI Jy - S;inst): 4"Womeuare" married ' to fashioif." Rodd: ?Yes, and -they bve, honor and obey it cheerfully." t ' "- v Y' Y 'Y yyvYyY Yiv- ---y , "Is' your wife o aysunny-disjiosi- tiohr:! ;'Yes 8he-,rjiakes,it-' warm for me; sometimes." bounced .if Will ' you gi yc me- a .mi n ute pleadci jthe condemfied Horsei; thief hist one minute.- . ; , ; I'hayen'Cpiucb tbay. faltered the ,wrt'0li9C.tr but I ho4ie "tossing :a .sbng a little ; sopl that carr-snie;back ytbYmyJ'n noceitl childhbQOayr:V ' , " i Yvtphe-e-e- s Iny Sweethearts 5 :Yf:Pnier .'Hwas-alJ.'hesaiag, note tis perseciitors. sprung pn their boj-ges in yi'';'a4dehfeg2.''nas and the sound b the-retrWtiifg hcibf beategi-owingYfeanter and ; faintef, came to his cars frum far, far: down the'valleyi He was saved.Chicago tnbiine." X ;Y;Y-;Y, YvY irheResuIt otLViogY' the adg'that!be'jwa.4tt'7.ieU the wholf JtrnVii.'" J-'y- 4 Well yer gee' b Sitid; the ' dusky wjtnessj Pfie'gkeewl t tell the whole rttthi,.for f eni J limight a rie..: v- x B''I wtiiest-l' you; know the- atm au Oat,:j "gB";?,' - -4. 'tf;..t-5!.S ' fD?- ureal rrcsseiict? ui tiiuu. r.-;i If u have .got ahy remarks ' to . Cttinff.oUMn make.before we jerk . you:: up. , an-l 1 r . , . , i.-::..:.' 'vi-r- 'f . ... .j - -5?.; - i-'- the leader: of. J the band of aoneprmg: your, vy urn tu mp, oiiuh 111 . ukl --:----....,:.'.. 'Y;.- -KsV :-t o i 2 .1 Y; - tr YYJ-nYYl: Yi.,11.iY.t,-'--' :'.vf YY trcgTilator.s,'we will listen to tttem. . .JsatlSiaCtOriUllV. ery. xvupcuuuiiy , ; . , YY?: J 1 .00 K1 r' V ' Y" , ' i.-,- .(v-.V-,(lJ ..-v -v. ' '' I - .": , I I WVI f - '.'- j - -.;f -: S f-r It, J. A. LONG, Pres. , - J. LEE H. DATTLE, Cashier. M-i-ivjcjw J. A. LONG, , v-". ' : A- B- FOUSHEE, " C. bbROOKS. J,.S, MERUITT. : . L NEWTON." '-; J. L; BROOKS :R. Conducts 'a''GeneraT Ranlrfnor ':Rn'iiinMAl'ni7Ari'la'fA consistent with business principles to n TT cn rnVA lt:;'v:Yt:-t-Y:YY- ''lY-i'-Cy ij-'Y ttiJZcr-jkh-Y-;i t -sfYY -Y. .VY':'iY-Y5 ' ?:H'-'t:::v: i'1' 1 i r Al way s . has -money to lend 'at per cent 'YyI- ? dV il :i wJ Y We calt-specjal iattention to our TimelkcBurglar and Fire; Proof Safe! DURHAAHDlOXf ORDSriAnDtEl UOIIKS wYw liisN:!: " : . v'Y-'.i .' ; -Vi . Y'- . - . j I-.vT4 y m k 1; iiriiK ! S.ii::i .: ',:-. 1JT IV 1 ISi1':; - mm. H I' Y 'sy 'f"'i ?;'y ! ; ' ' -;- ! Y' t'-i .'- ;" -. -. - 1 " ' '''-i-v't. -- ( .' i - r.- H " 'WW ' ml . Eii'Hii' ifej1;1; y' ; .';'!' :i;'i" i. Y?;-!'f; Y fi!::i''-J';:Y-': r:-.- :,;y'-1 I - ?;: S. f:Y:: :: -1? s ' i- :::.. r"i--;.:"" 1 ':' 11 fel b'iv,: r' v ;:Y:''::.Yv .-,''- ' -vlT. 1 .. . i . f a:;;;' :;' , .-. " -if -iiilS-V- . -' - '!-'- M J''-Yf' i-':' ; YY"'::U -:,' '"- Vaif 'pjpnf-V-!-! Xll. j v.J- '::::-'.;i,;-' ... Tj'! y . - DURH AM: N'. G: 1 : ; ; :' -' 1 m j..- -oo- Large, li ne of samples ; Inlfl froiii, and my price, for making; will be as low as ;.v y;, ,---SY '5 Yjf1''. v!Y- iue-'- -' Svir.w . '1'-' .-'-.ft stocKYof Slia3;iirYRoxb Slioes; 1 ArVf:k:-;--.-.if:.-'-7 ?.L' Y" ajMleniine fe liSilHtill 'Iy,:-;,-,-.,':;---",- - YVIJ .- ' : " n- sffiss& n : V'J m mediatelp Per .Year in Advance. l-Vj 'iJ";.i.x -t - . - '"" - - - - ; - ?5: - "' '-- '. yi.ts, :,t ,tnu :Hii ;ui,v. $30,000 S?4 .!. S. MEnRITT, Vice Pres. i vciC3: i:-i -; 4 mi its -n ir im i r i: 1 . lu L! .La. l!a L i-tV: i:' ifuii -'.' : f.3; 1 7 9 -i .';. t'i-1' N. C. Nib:. f iom - New York y to selec-. Y. .A iAI i .?'. v:v 7 ' -v':..-,vY( :s.i!.f-. R. NOELL. Y-:J YYJ I Y. -Y these gqq U - iJ D "Y:1 --"iit; YC, '"ji :;)Y.I J feiSi'Y-" ifiiilii III v - II gopas oi K-a-.-tt tiite tiSCd v&r37 wr-y - t Person County; Courier Published every Thursday b i Q t "ROXUORO, N. Cl . 'i :y iiw'Y4," ,-Y.'-ii ' vt ; - T TERMS OF STjBSCE.rPTiON : , ' , - One Copy One Year, . - ' ? y 100 One Copy Six Months: J- 'v ljtb! Cashdnvariably in advance. I; ADVERTISEMENTS. WATCH THIS SPACE EV- ,y:ER7 WEEK. -una COUC , ROXBORO, K.C. WatchesrClocksi Jewelry, : -"YY Vi: - GOllD SvATCilks of 'all kinds ; SILVER WATCHES and NICKEL : ::'-r''' :'" '-" ' . -' : VVATCIIES at popular p.-iccs. A1-, - '.s . so genuine llAILRQ Al). Wy Tf ; ii ES : ; -' r " at rock bottom prices. "Y is.i---',Yi'; .: : ' 4 ' - I offer special bargains in CLOCKS from $130 to $i5.00it -All warranted. i yY.Cy. "';'.C -'':''"v; , Beautiful '; wedding and "holUday i presents in i: SILVER Y SPOONS, ; F0RLKS. KNIVES f and TABLE WARE of all kinds at lowest prices i r V Y -,i -. S PEC T-ACLES, ; . I have the finest lot" of SPECTA-: CLES ever brought to -the county and will guarantee to fit any eye, " , , . -! ,- , Y ? BREAST-PINS, ? :"eAR-RINGS, BADGES, CHARMS, - CHAINS; 'I ENGAGEMENT - ahd WEDDIN G A RINGS ; in fact snything you - want in the jewelry line.-- .'."'-'" . 's. : v' . ;;' Bring me your . watch, clock and ewelry repairs. - Satisfaction guar::: anteei; y-;T ' -'i - i: -i S--ROXB6RO'S- i i5:as; -"'-JiAND ;;:v.Yiii. ?; PHOTOGRAPHER,, Merrittuiiding,;yp;Slairs, y,- AMERICAN WATCHES v r a speciaitvi; w e oner The W ALTHAM, which has j ust com pleted their 5,000,000 watch-also the HOWARD CO'S, the highest - grSde watch in market. The ELGIN, HAMPDEN' and others,, which are ; fully warranted, at very close figures. Can- be round reaay to ' attend wants in either branch of his busi ness, 'guaranteeing full satisfaqtion. . dold Watches, Solid,' $20. ., Silver ', :;,; $10. Nickel" " ..A5; ,-.-: - ' " - 12 CABINETS in the best style of Of art, and a LIFE SIZE CRAYON, for $5.00. - - i Call up and see the when you need anything. In my. line."; Iwilltreat you square.. - i ,j we mase a specialty in repairs, amd ask yonr patronage. . I ' '5 k k a a yi'.OOr.lPOUL'in . .1 n ...u .nit Tin', ...ittl.-ri inA T. - I Of Dl' ...a nd ..... t'.- "VHt .... 1. .dfft.iAvut) f' Ui H'- n una 8'-uiy. , I, .. - n,l"lllnui. I'lll I 4 ' t 1- i I T .l 1. . -a tnoM.no o t" l It F h ,,.r. ",v" ,0Tl1 ' mmt irlce, Ui cent.. , 9 - .--'r YY ,j ;-v !-xxv.jw- Y..Y :;:,-. ."i :- v; ... . It i of wcDkness I Jiad j dcatli-.'' i y ; y r.V-:;' x . .- andhave a stainel soul and a wrecked .win the -can.- sah. Ikiston.Trav-j- y-y 'y ' . . .-. ; 7 ".' - ' , :'. i::i..-Y-iT .:tw':illj -:: " -JtolletyouYiharC ;.-fYr;Y3--Y';'i5 v'- " -r--r'-- ' '-:;; . yZ'-:',J' ::Y;-':: . '. Y 7 vYv:Y ' ' ' -"'. - -; - -'.:- ' , r . -,-' Y , ::i.,YY--- ; r: - : ' -Y-YY T w ' ' ; :'