rpTTT YrkTmfp.T r rVBUSIIElS WKKKJLV Bl , :-, j NOELL BROS., Prop's. Entered according to Postal Regu- xr r aa aApnn(l-clasr matter. 1 . www . The Editors r in no wise responsible for ,ews expressed by correspondents. ' SUB8CWTTI0N TERMS. 1 copj, one year, - - - $1.00 1 copy, six months, ' 50 ROXBORO. N. C, JULY 80, 1891 Whbk Germany becoines a repub lic and Kaiser Willielm loses his job he might utilize his recent experi ence by becoming a theatrical "lightning change artist," retaining his present extensive wardrobe. At tuis season of the year all gov ernment property, no matter how in significant in value, that happens to be located in the mountains or upon the seashore is discovered, by the powers that be, to be in immediate need of official inspection, and it us ually takes one or more cabinet offi cers and a party of friends to do the inspecting, and Uncle Sam, he pays the bills. The People's Party. Cincinnati, O., July - 23. Rob ert" Schilling has made public the ad dress of the National Executive com mittee of the People's Party: to the citizens of the - United 4 StatesT It occupied four closely printed " small octavo pages. Itets Vput with' a general, statement of the grievance, which occupies about - one-fourth; of. the .document. In this- statement are such phrases -as the ; following : "Declarations of Independence from the arrogance of "British" politicians must be supplemented by, a Decla ration of Independence from the frightful - power-; of - consolidated wealth." 'We consider violence in settling disputes as -unworthy of a civiiized nature, i ami for tins' reason we have organized a. party of 'the people to .overthrow tl.e tyraats who have robbed and are continuing-to rob Q3 of that which trttfy have uo moral right." ',. ; ' The document then goes on with'a specification of the evils jn the mat ters of land, labor and money, "and. in conclusion, suggests the -rcuie.ly. The- concluding paragraph appeals in the name of libertv, for which the fathers of the Republic pledge their lives; for the aid of ever honest Ir an in this siruggh) by piiiing tl.e .ziiy of the people. " Mr. Politician: Give, oh give us a reft, at least until cool weather. Sugar MaKing ia Florida. Ham Ui33toa, t:u L amuieipuia saw manufacturer, who has reclaimed thousands of acraa in tlia Everglades and plant d a pert of tkam with su In view of the failure of the Eu- gar cane, will thra year mase 3,000, i . -i i I nrvrw J r .4 ropean cropH, ana tne prospective iuuua ui u-ui ami uuiam uum high prices for American cereals, it the govern;neni $GO,000 c? bonut'. would seem that our greatest present pext year, he Says, h3 vnA treble need is more harvesting and less pol itics. "Uncle Joe Cannon" who was left at home by his constituents last year, must be laying the wires to become a Congressional candidate affain next vear. At least it is fair this result. There are Floridans san mime enough to declare that Florida alone can crow sufficient sugar to supply the whole fdomesfcic demand of the Unted States. WASHINGTON LETTER. y From ourRegular .Correspondent. . . . Washington, July 24, 1831r ;Mr; JF.' Tillman, who, ' with Dr. Macune "and' Alonzo' Wardell, is charged with' looking after the exe cutive business vof the 'v. National Farmers Alliance, is in town. :IIe haa just returned from -Indianapolis, where he has been on- official .busi ness.1-in answer to a-; question : m said : "It is "highly probable , that ntfianapolis will be chosen for . our National convention on thc17th of next November. ; The-date was fixed at the Ocala meeting, but the ; selec tion of the place was.left tq the ex ecutive board. I think, we shall choose Indianapolis because of its central locution,' and because there will b& held in that city at the same time the convention, of the Farmers Mutual Benefat Association, which s a very strong agricultural order in Illinois and other Northern: States. Probably a consolidation may be ef fected by the AlHanco with that or ganization at the coming convention, Being asked whether this convention would decide upon the propriety -of nominating and supporting a Presi dential ticket Mr. - TilluiRn replied : Certainly not. The Alliance is not a political body. It cannot go into partisan politics.- Its members may vote as t'.iev choo90, with either of the old parties or a new one, but it doosn't hold meetings to" set politi cal machinerv in- motion." Mr. W. F. Thomas, of Topeka, Kans., who is a railroad lawyer and not at all in avmoathv with the Al liance movement in his State, stated here that he regarded it as - certain that the Alliance .would support a Presidential ticket of their own next vear, and that unless a great "change of sentiment takes place they Roval Arch Masons Elect Of- , Seers. Minneapolis, July 24. The gen to presumo bo from the announce- wal grand chamber, Royal Arch Ma ment that he has purchased three I sons, elected racers as lollows newspapers in his district But, General grand high priest, Joseph come to think of it, there is a possi- Horner, of New Orleans ; deputy bility that he was compiled to take high priest, George L. McCahan; theDaDerflin order to get even for king, R. C Lemon, Toledo ; scribe, money "advanced them during his Jmes ayior, utnersviue, a.; last campaign. ' treasurer, Daniel Striker, Hastings, Alien.; recoraer, j. v. r ox, Lsunaio, N. Y.; caDtain. A. G. Pollard. Low "The true story of Mr. Blaine's ill- eU MaM-. principill 80jourDer, J. E iiAfia ia mttttntr mat. a htt a mnnAtA. I r- - n . -. . ..vo, ""f, i-"" ..-w.v- i 1 lv a a Kn a Ilia - rnv nrfh rnn .i; ii. .i:t j. I J 1 jioua, iiuLwi iiieuujuiiig in uiuereni, UiT, wmiam a Swarnt. Milwau- A? ?A iJI I every time ii m pnuieu. kee; It waa decided to hold the next convocation in Topeka, Kan ;TniNQ8that are seldom found: jta JQlJ. - nil mmvoi nuu irumiui poiincian, a newspaper that hasn't the largest cir culation ; the fellow who gets licked ,u wlc oc.uug matuu , megiri wno Chicago. Julr 25. A sneoial xeiues anu engmie oner ot marriage; from omaha Neb, says : The mud t..u iHcrcnuiii wuu uoe not carry tne I die growing out of the unseating of largest stoc ana sell at the lowest Governor Boyd in favor of Thayer prices; the boiler that wasn't all WT the SuDreme Court is bein? thick right just before the explosion; the L'ned by ie active preparations of farmer who docBn't raise the finest th Alii ati and nmnr Stock and the best crops in his neigh- ties to have gubernatorial" candi Dornoou; a Uude with brains; a dates In the field this fall, though banker who favors Fanner's Alliance the Supreme Court has virtually de- principles, and the man that knows clared that Thayer holds over until when the old gun is loaded. I next year at the regular election The benate sub-committee which In the face of this the Alliance and is engaged in finding out the effect the Democratic politicians are pre. of theMcKinley tariff act on things paring for a fight with the view also in general is now at Narragansett of electing a chief justice who will presumably to study what effect the then sustain their individual party law has upon the gorgeous, bathing views when the case is again brought suits ofthe shapely girls who have before the Supreme Court. The Nebraska Political Muddle. made that resort famous. TnE Grant monument in New York hasn't been built and it is not at all certain mat it ever will be, bnt the announcement is made nat thecom tnittce will place on sale about the first of September a large engraving bowing the monument and grounds as they will appear when the former TESTIMONIALS TO MAJ. compieiea. An engraving show ing the present bare condition of th ground ought to entice more subscrip tiont. It was like the . expiosion (J a bomb in State poHtica when Chair man Watson, of the State Republi can Central couiiiiitke imuoiineed that his party would have a caudH date in the field also. , Watson, af ter legal consultation, says he is sat isfied it is perfectly right to electa Governor this autumn. OTEY. The Ohio Campaign. L. & D. Employees Present Him With Two Handsome ' arid Useful Gifts. Last night at the office of Messrs. Otey, Walker & Bowyer, a number of employees fcf the Lynchburg and Coltjmbus, O., July 23. The Democratic State Executive Com- Durhanl Railroad, presented ; Major mittee has extended a formal inrita- lFetr J ote' !le former popular tion to ex-President Cleveland tfJ president or the road, w:th a neat 1 deliver not less than six speeches In Ue8timonial of their regard for him, behalf of Governor Campbell ..during in th0 8hftPe " an 6,gt abe;,ly the coming campaign.' Ajpurance Hollow c"air' 'lisomiV'.-jphols was given that he would accept such ,red in ,IC!thcrJ witv .k an 1 brass inyitation. Goyernor Hill, General tri"11"?'. and a ..a$lul goOt and Palmer, Governors peck and Bois, marbl loU'V- : with . Senators Voorhees. Vance Mr.-T. M. Ilarwood,' the Station Vtlas and other representative Dem- Ae.nt.f e roal, "made a brief pre- ocrats will be asked to aid in th 8entation speeeh, in which - he ; ex campaign. , James E. Neal -who led Pre98ed the great esteem and affec " Governor Campbell to victorr 4 i tton 'wJlicl1 the me? along the"- entire years ago, is selected as chairman of .the campaign committee, The State campaign .will open about Septem- her 1st - '.' - " " '- : v. for their -Ex pleasure they these testimo' line of the road felt President, and the took in presenting nials ., Major Otey was touched ,'by-5 this evidence of 'thei unabated regard Aiiaine r or x-resiaent. . and accepted the gifts in a feeling San Frawctsioo," July 24.Chief aPPr?Priat iaddfess, in which Jostice Fuller v who is. at 'Tacoma. ne paia h P?bDte :l. their- said in an Interview WednearU spective positions under his manage "there is a great d,eal of talk about T:chJurg O'a t Blaine in the East as a Presidential candidate and the man from' Maine for Bifcklen's Arnica Salve r I 'Plin Kfiot Colira tin Ki mlil puun.j m uer 01 vuc Pny. Cut- Bruises, Sores. V Ulcers. Salt Harrison's administration has been Rheum, Fever Sores;: ;Tetter, Chap-4 successful but I believe a great deal Pa hands. Chilblains, Corns, and'all of its popularity is due to James ; G. 21 Eruptions, and postively cures Vff 3 roru uian mr.TM ritrA Mi-foot Bntiafa,. it - .:u , a " : i". : -t-----r- anu u wouia no surprise w w e tion. or monev refunded. - Price 23 Blaine and Cleveland leaders ot the cents per box. . 't For. sale by J. D next o rest Political battle." . -A ,-, IJttoms. c . 4 that will probably carry the State. In a conversation between a num ber of prominent Southern Demo crats here, among whom where Ex- Seuator Hampton and Representa tive Oates, it was: admitted that South Carolina, North Carolina, Ala bama and Georgia would in all prob ability cast their electorial votes for a third party, if the Farmers'- Alli ance, should formally - endorse the third party movement. Some of the gentlemen preser t thought that it should be the policy of the Demo-1 cratic party in the South to concili- ate and as far as possible work with the Alliance, but Mr. Oates and s.ev. eral others advocated making war upon the Alliance and everything it advocates, except the free coinage of silver. . The latest move in the Ohio Cam paign is much talked ot here, inas much as it involves a member of the Cabinet and presumably the' entire administration, and it is also . taken as an acknowledgement that the Al- iance opposition to Senator Sher man is too strong to be overcome. The move referred to is the semi-of ficial announcment that, in case of the withdrawal of Senator' Sherman, Secretary Foster is to become a can idate for the Senate in opposition to Gov. Foraker, that is, if the Republi cans succeed in electing a majority of the legislature In spite of the most positive de nials the Blaine people . still insist that many of the outrageous stories about Mr, Blaine's condition which have recently appeared in the news papers, have been originated "or in spired by friends of Mr, Harrison, 'or the purpose of killing ' off "Mr Blaine as a possible candidate, No one charges that. Mr. Harrison, who is generally believed to have had perfect - understanding about 'next year with Mr. Blaine, has had . any thing to do with this dirty business, but it must.be confessed that he has some very indiscreet; friends whose recent .actions cause them to be un der suspicion if they are not acually guilty. - , : The reorganization, of the Post- umce uepartment, wnicn was . com pleted this week, and which was, by the way, the first generalyTeorganiza' tion of the Department since Ll 84$, is expected to greatly expedite -bos iness, ana xur.. anamaKer .who is specially proud of his executive abil ity, is pleased to have at ' last sue ceeded in having .the work'of the De partraent divided npj: and "systema tized as he thinks it oght to be, in stead of being mixed up as he found it. .A special train" very handsomely decorated will leave here Sunday for Detroit carrying the invitation com mittee -which is. expected to suceed in persuading the G.VA. R. to accept Washington's invitation to hold the 1892 encampment in this" city. " The committee appointed by Sec retary , Foster to investigate ; the charges made by the executive com mittee' of the Knights f Lalw that inferior supnlies were - .used by, the Superintendent of the Bureau of En graving and : Fruiting f which r cost more than' goo I articles coulL-be purchased for has reported that ; tlie charges sre ; -untrue" and without " A Letter From a Durham Lady In Far off China. . . The following letter has just been received by Capt. and Mrs. Free land lrom their daughter, Mrs, Lula Freeland Bryan, of Chinkang, China : "We are still comfortable and happy r I don't know that " you ; have heard much through the papers,"' but there have been exciting times' in ( entral China during the 1 last few - months. A.-" great' ' many of -the Catholic churches have been burned. The up rising, it isr said, is to get the Chi nese government into trouble. The rioters burn houses' and kill foreign ers,1 thus getting the Chinese govern ment into trouble with foreign "gov a - - mi ". " . - eriimemn. ,iuere is a Dand or socul ciety of men calledjKu-lan-whey, who are causing all this trouble," and in island stations where - no gunboats can go they take advaatage of the situation. - - ' " . l he Catholic church here - would have been burned but for the protec tion oi a gunboat. When - a riot gots started there is no telling where they will stop.. The t officials ' (Chi nese) are doing-everything they can for protection. Two foreigffentle men, one a missionary and the other a custom house officer were stoned to death in one inland station.- Both of them . were Englishmen. There were three, ladies and four children iu the. place, but they escaped rafter very' rough treatment to a boat which happened to be passing. These la' dies husbands were not at home which was very fortunate : for them as me rioters lOOKeu lor tnem and would have probably killed Hhem if they could have been found." ;They let the ladies - escape, not because they were women and defenceless. but they thought they were harm less. While they were hunting for th?. men and stealing from the mis sion houses, the'ladies -fled to an of ficial's place, but were kicked but, then they went to another who was humane enough to take them in, bat the place was soon set on fire and they fled again.- By ' paying some Chinese, who lived in a small straw hut,-they were concealed in the back part until they could get - to - the steamer. The riot happened 'in . the night and the ladies fled just as they left their beds In their night clothes. We hope now that things are getting quiet. , Some think there will- be war be tween the French and Chinese, bnt China is not . going to fight.- Ens and does not seem N in ; a fighting mood. She wants China's trade. It will probably end in paying' enor mous sums for the mischief done. These troubles are not going to cease so long as the people are so oppressed by the officials. - v - " ', '; It is very dry and the people are suffering for rain. : We are going on with our - work in Chinkiang. The chapel is opened as : usual- and - the rnjople generally seem friendly. The Chinese themselves are afraid of this kn-lan-whey. - For the present Mr. Bryan is not going to his inland sta tion, lle.does not like to leave ns alone. "I am so dreadful, anxious "while he is away, when - the people are so'excited.Durhanf Sun. "! J. C. WINSTON. JOHN, A. WINTSON ..'I " f - - ' . - - - : SUCrTESSOBS TO. WINSTON, BON & McGEB, . ' V 620. and 622 Main,;dfcet, Lynchburg. Va , ' jvvuoi.ifri.u.E as!) titTx.' n;.'.u.K(: is t" - 4. . Furniture, Mattresses and Chairs " SOI.B VAwCTF AOTUHlCnS OF TUB PA"SENT- , " ca n n ill I 1 LZ3 Mr stock- of Arm Lock Spring Kt's; Jfce "Bert Spring Bed in Cse. ; GrEiEKAL MEECHAN DIBK V7E ALSO MAKE A SPECIALTY HAIR R1ATTRSSSES. ' ' - is now complete in all of its branches. Inclnd.r,, IVE Wa CALL ' OUE PRICES' ARE THE LOWESX Gcery house of, WJ, Johnson &;Co., we have ' the MI-ANNUAL Three - Large Brick Stoi e?; Clearance! Sale -AND- Oi leriisillioifriei Ea o w sr . ir ir a s -ON- Two Large Storage Eooms for storing heavy 'goods, not necessary to go elsewhere Qlfor anything. "T . VI her will ae during this reason a ;;'h ively; d emand for goods of all classes, and-1 "am better prepared than eyer. before. ; I buy goods" from 1 V - Clothing, NEW YORK TO NEW QRLEA .S Shoes, . ' Dry Goods, Notions, from the Etc.! louniaiiouj .mr., uaja C-. t Jt 3 js. ana L. executive rmmnrtteft declined to appear befi f o O.c t otn'inittee bemuse one ot -i ts :v 3 m hers w ho" ifmi once testified under ottix aiaiii&t the II. of L. was not .removed open . his re - . . , . : ': quest.-. J . - - - Fresh let of Turnips -and Clover isccd at Barnett, Barrett & Co. a- Every effort ! will be made to run our - 1 .-.. . - ... . . . 1 . t . . t 1-11:1 -! .(-... stock down, to. the very; lowest limit. ana m0Sl a11 neav sooas in ar-load lots. tstV. rrill cpo -n nhionfie So I am not only able to v . ' - .-!;. n " . 1- '.-;" 1 H -.'-. to get ritt 01 tne gooas, ana we wm The Storm in the Centre Grove Section. jCditor uotjkier: 1 tnousrnf as . . - o joajhave never, in my -recollection, hiwl a line from this place, I would write yon a short letter by way of etting yon hear about the terrible hail ' storm last evening. It came fr6m a north-westerly coarse, sweep ing the corn and. tobacco as it went The corn- was blown - down and broken off at the ground , the fodder split into, shreds, and -the -tobacco was wrung off at or near the ground. What was not broken off, .looks like target j. after a shooting match The. : hail, as far as heard - from. reaches at least 10 miles t would write more,. bat the mail is here and I must stop ; -. R. D. R0T8TER July 27th, 1891. .. - v Hf -v . 0?1 ENJOYO Both the method and results when Syrup of Fies is taken: it is cleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the ays- rem enectuauy, aispeis colds, head aches and. fevers and cures habitual constipation. Svrun of Ficn-ia tB only remedy of its kind ever pro aucea, pjeasmg to tne taste and ac ceptable to the etemach. urornDt in its action and truly beneficial m.its effects, prenared onlv from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many , excellent qualities commend it to. all and "have made It the most popular remedy known. ' l Byrup of Fisrs is for sale hi 50c and $1 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any- reliable druggist who may not have it on band will pro cure u promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute.- N , caufokuia f3 srnup ca ' , - . 8AM FHAHCISCO. CAL -LOUISVILLE. Kt. - HW VOMt. K. y-or JOBBERS, - IMPORTERS AND ', ;';:"::MNUFA:eTURERS, - Ell a ke Prices to do it. Our assortments xs s t f : com plete andt bargains are founo eyery counted ; Call on ' BERMANNr x ;OODFRIEiD. M E ETA LL COM PET I O N fin Roxboro, but any of our neighboiing towns. Dress Gobfla am Trimmings T 0 b a c c 0 G n ow e r s. -00- OXFORD JS YOUR MARKET ! WE WANT- - Shoe's Wire Cur efl Tolracco ! -00- 'Bring it along, themore the merrier! . We are pre pared to pay. -HIGHER PRICES" for 'SNOW: WIRE CURED thar any otheiv .Freights are cheap; a mere trifle when increased prices are "taken into account. Our railroad facilities are good. , Send your tobacco to Oxford, Ni ,C., arid you will get good prices and quick returns. Buy ei-s for all-., classes 'and .from "all -parts of the world are located in Oxford.. You will:find us - 11 Business. ari& 110 Prejudice. - Hunt, Cooper & Co Meadows Warehouse," " ' . -Bullock & Mitchell,' Banner Warehouse, - ? ' rf"""V '-if Cozart, Rogers & Co., Centre Warehouse, - . V. Minor & Co Minor Warehouse,- , t 4 ym Knott,. Manager Alliance Warehouse. - V 1 - J. M. Currin, Buyer, W. C. Reed, Buyer, Joh1 Meadows, Buyer, .Wilkonson Bros.r Buyers,- .- ; Meadows & Yancey, Bnyers. 'D. S. Osborn; Buyer, K. O. Bransford.' Buyer, - E. G. Currin, Buyer, -, O.'S. Stnoot, Buver JD. Bullock, Buyer. -John Webb, Buyer, ; rW. A. Bobbitt, Buyer, :. C. F. Kingsbury Buyer, B. Glenn", Buyer. . , ' -00- BEWARE OF ERAUDULENT IMITATIONS ! "Bijy" only the genuine fixed wire ' , l . r5l rhavd given special attention, and pride myself on the display we .make in Embroidered Novelties in White Colored and lilack, rlam . and h ancy .xMohairs, Hen riettas, Cashmeres,; NiihsvVeiHngf -Albatross, Challies " J -. ---- .(,' j m' rt . 11-5 1 T : - .. . - "' - T.-'.fH.: ana .Beiges, -lamise uioins ana, ronges. in ymn and j Surah Silks we have a:riice lineof Colors and Blacks in Faille and Gros Grain. Mack. Goods in lighter, fabrics are' very fashionable1 this season. ' There are' lines ! of w;asli goods out' this : reason also in'.almost endless variety,- and.the styles are very pretty indeed: - Iri; -. -Vr , : , - Lf H and the various' other lines of Gooda tlfiitll can'y; . I will not enumerate,- but suffice to say, : 'don't be misled, but be sure and - :v ' . ' " V - bxambte itfrz: stock: " ' . j . .1 .1,.' - ; . - - ,x ' ' 5 . ' - , J --'- and be convinced. , -.- " Every attention will be shown Customers by exceed ingly polite and thorou ghly competent Salesmen, , who will be glad to see; their friends.. . H . . Don't forget that- - . : ; . - r " 1 1 1 ' 1 1 ' ' t n n r 1 "i t ;r 1 1 iJ ui 1 M i 1 1 hir mj 1 cm is. one of my specialties. . . , t . - -' Very Truly Yours, &c:, ; , , ; ; , : J. "A.. LONG. -Tr- SZsTO"W STICK-. , ' . ' -MANUFACTURED BY , MODERNLTOBACCO BARN CO., . - oxford! n.