P , if V The Courier is published in the centre of a fine tobacco giowing section, making it one of the best advertising mediums fortnerchants ami warehousemen hi the adjoining counties. Circulates I largely in Person, Granville, Durham and Caswell counties, in North Car olina, and Halifax county, Virginia. Advertising rates reasonable ; terms made known on application, k LON8FOED, Attorney at Uoxlmro. N. C. Law, I . MKKRirr, Attorney at Law, and Notary Public, Roxboro, M. C. ! i,.u.t aul earnest atteution given lo all wiiamee entrusted to nim. yy W. K1TUHIN. " Attorney at Law, UoxBuKO, if. (3. f ratie wherew itia se-vioea are rcqylraM-w, offlco'nt Winstaad Hotel... .'.. . w 7INSTKA.D & BROOKS. Attorheysat L Roxboro. N.C. I'ractiea wherever their service ara raouired. 1 rSZ . ".ttimtioa irivon to the collection of -- r- - - Uim. W. GRAHAM, Attorney at Law, 0lTd. N. C. lratU-.evinnHU.e Han Uort I n iiinnAV anil luvost ine sumo m (te Real Ktate 8critr .viStKte title. Settle estates and I. T. Stray-hom-Oxfor.1. N. C L. M. Warlick. Milton. N. C CTRAYHORN & WARLICK Attorneys at Law, Practice in all the conrts of the State and in Uin Kedeml ooiu-U. Manapoment ol eaUte gif attotton gen to ee In Penon aad Caswell counties. DB. E- J. TOOKKR, SURGEON DENTIST. Office corner room M.irritt hll'ldill''. up stairs in me EOXBORO. N. C A. atunTON, FractlcluK Physician. Roxboro. N. C. Offers his professional services to the people f BoxDoro and surrounding eonntry. I rac:ice n all the branches of medicine. 10-4-1 y W. R.CBISH, Practicing Physician. Roxboro, N. C. Offers bis professional services to the people of Uoxbore aad surronndinK community. D1 iB. J. A. WISE, Practicing Physician, Roxboro, .R, C Offers his professional services to the people of Roxboro and surrounding community. Rest .fence oa corner of Morgan street ana Beam Avenue. 8. Wiaatead, President, 8. Bradsber, Cashier. Farmers Bank of Roxboro, ROXBORO, N.C. . . ! Deposits received ami ie-tion anil re mittances promptly mal6. Uoxboro, N.C. NOW IS YOUR TIME! Come to Roxboro and invest and et a ' foot hold, before everything gets too high for you, and when yon come don't forget. J AS. W. BRANDON. The Barber. He is willing and ready to aocom modate his friends, and always keeps up with the latest styles. Hew York Family Story Paper. P rospectusfor 1891. -OO As in the past rear, so in the com ing one, Tjie New York Family. Story Paper will strive to maintain its lead over all its competitors in circulation, excellence of is stories, sketches, poems, etc., artistic effect of its illustrations, and its exquisite tjM)graphical appearance. STAFF OF CONTRIBUTORS. Its well-known and most popula authors, such as , .('IUc Till), . V EmtiL'.i Garrison Jones', Charlotte, M. Kingsley, Murij Kyle Dallas, E Burke Collins, Cliarlotte M.. Stanley J J enona Gilman, Martha Eileen Holahan, Marie Walsh, Mattie May, Horatio Alger, Jr., T. W Hanshew, ' John De Morgan, Dennis 0 'Snttivan, etc., will be still further augmented by a n uin her of other distinguished wn ters. v Terms to Subscribers: One copy, one year, $3.00 One copy, six months, 1.50 One copy, four months, 1.00 Four copies, one year, 10.00 Address . ' Monro's Publishing House, 24 and 26 Vandewater Strreet, New York. Store House for Rent 1 have a law, convenient and w It located 8tore Honse tlmt I would like to rent to a rood wan Has alwavs uninrat.l Kood man can easily do itf.000 to M,000 unatneM j,r,j. n in rem rcHsona!)in.i A Dpi v to T. H.iSTBEET. ' - . Mill Creek. N.C. NOE-LL DHOO, Proprietors. t Vol.: yin. A for unconntel generations the homely name of "Hannah" had held the place of honor in the Fern wood family. - . j- Its present representatives were old Mrs. Hannah Fernwood and two young namesakes daughters re spectively of M. Courtney Fern wood, the steady man of business, and of Mr.Uaa Fernwoodj the one black sheep of the hitherto immacu late Fernwood family.; v The more fortunate y4nf lady was distinguished as Miss Hannah Fernwood; ; the v other waif- always uranUonejiritb owre or iess. indlfferJ' fiice as "Hannah, daughter of Sile." As the daughter of Sile she was set apart for raubi and slights and contumely. "But I suppose we must look after, the girl a little, now poor Sile is gohe," Mr. Courtney remarked as he buttoned his luxurious seal trimmed top-coat bout his corafort- mdv. and flrftw a i . - pair of seal gloves upon his fat white hands. i f For the career of the black" sheep was ended at last. A few days be fore there had been an almost un noticed funeral from a solitary little house a mile or two away, and all which was mortal of Silas Fernwood had been consigned to a lowly cor ner of the family bnrying-gryund. "WelU we cnjv )ve JJr hee," Mrs. . Courtney observed with de cision. "She would be .a constant reminder of the disgrace the family has suffered on her father's account.". "And you musn't, think, of eityinv her work in your store, piMt,, Mis8 Hannah said emphatically. "Every-! - "illicit ' : viy vruuiu suuii icuu ucr rcmnim- ship to us, and there would be no end of the disagreeable things said." "I have been thinking of urging iier grandmother Fernwood to look after her," Mr. Courtney announced rather dubiously. , " "Oh, papa, you could, do nothing worse than that," Misa Hannah de clared with an expression of alarm. My dear Courtney, I am aston ished that yon would think, of any thing so injndicioai tar single mo ment," bis wife averred with energetic disapproval. "I don't imagine the daughter of Sile would have much influence with the old lady if that is what yon mean," Mr Courtney said com placently. We can't be sore abont it, though," said his wife. "And Grandma Fern' wood has quite too much money for us to risk somebody coming between her and the prospects of our Han nan." " "And that-girl can put on such pitiful, coaxing looks, too " said Miss Hannah. "I hate anYbodjr who al- ways looks so piteous and meek Miss Hannah herself was of quite a different type. There was nothing of the mild and appealing in her flashing black eyes, in the expression of her finely aquit line features, nor in the languidly haughty poses of her stately figure. My love, we must never hate anybody," her mother piously chided her. "The daughter of Sile is per haps greatly to be pitied. She has never had your pleasures and priv ileges. Her father was never capa ble of making money, nor ot keeping it; with his reckless habits and their poverty, I do not wonder the girl has an abject, appearance.!', f. Dr. Gervase speaks very highly of her excellent qualities," said Mr. Courtney, who, seemed to have lamentable amount of the prudence. and wisdom which distinguished hi4 wife and aghr;.-----;.;--; "Dr. Gerrase ! :; What can' he pos sibly v know jtbQut the' daughter of Sile?" his wife demanded with sharp abruptnesaMli O . M i fcJL , 'Whymy--dear-rrreally I thought you knew,,! had. desired DrGervase attend pwr snd.'V.stataroeredjtEi husbanV beQbmihgv awire.. naa somenow mannesiea a iaca-o discretion., ,. ; ,v .!,; - 4v4jiiti "You wonld have never done any thing sa unnecessary andfunwifef yon had chosen to consqlt me," 'Mrs, Courtney commented - in -lofty idls. pleasure. ; ' 7:;.: i'V. ' "Dr. Gervase sees good qualities in: everybody, Animal :He is not likely to be dangerously impressed I py such a giriy nor to tuns; less oi us becansq she happens to tW osir re Intion," Miss Hannah said, with all the confidence , of Jtissarisd ' superi ority. . - T"V""T-:.-iy -Well, I dWllslndw the lady sighed, .MI can't help feeling that the daughter of, Site . will be a greater misfortune to us than she has ever been yet if she is not settled some where safely away from us aUVyu; . "There was an advertisement 'this morning of a lady wanting a travel ling companion. A reference front as might insure her the place, roam- t m I ma, and then we should be rid of hei 'for awhilA anr-hnw ' ni XT.oo IT.U 1 , J w " t nm wim nah's brilliant suggestion. - "We mights try it that's a fact,' said her maouna, eagerly grasping the Idea, and straightway turning to an escritoire to promptly" indite a ceremonious recommendatory epistle to whomsoever it might concern. -"Perhaps it might be well to in quire something about the adver tiser," Mr. Courtney remarked. "My dear Courtney , what possible difference can it niakef" his wife re turned. "The girl must earn her living, and you wouldn't expert her to be appointed lady-ln-wajting to a queen, wonld yon?" h. f ? r And so t h recommendatory epis-j tie was anisheo and somewhat later the orphaned daughter of Silas Fern wood was instructed to call at the number indicated by the advert tiser. 'It is a law office," Mrs. Courtney Fernwood said to her. "You have 1 i . on iv mi announce von came in. an swer to the advertisement and show him your reference. I should not be too particular about salary if I were you I And ir you get the place, , do your duty toward the people who em ploy you above everything do your1 duty conscientiously ! If you do otherwise, you will le sure not to prosper. And with this disinterested aitvice the duteous Mrs. Courtney left the daughter of Sile to 'pursue her, wayj! alone to the designated office. t She was there directed , tq ,an, el- erly gentleman sitting before. , the glowing office stove, quietlyperusirig Buternoon paper. - j ne was evidently a ramihar, visitor rather than the legitimate 'occupant ojf the,legal sanctum. ' - He smfled rather oddly as as 'he glanced at the reference, and then at 8 id,' pretty girl in het cheap mourning garments. -i '. "So you are the daughter of Sile," he said, with his kindly eyes atten tively; regarding her. " rt xnew jydair father quite intimately once. I have been for years your Grandma Fern wood' S man of all business; but yon seem not to be Aware thai ty-was she who .advertised tac a. traveUinlr com- At'eirl itarted:fIIer ioHtie r esCll. with tears, and hrJiwet, sbrrowfal face Unshed, to pale: and flush again. . "I was not aware of it," she replied simply. "If I had been I should never have ventured here; Grand mamma Fernwood will never engage me as her companion." ' But she may do better by you than that," the gentleman returned, thoughtfully. "Yonr father was her favorite grandson; I think latterly she has regretted the estrangement. However, we will go up and see her," lie added cheerily. And so it happened an hour or so afterward the girl was ushered into an elegant and rather gloomy old mansion, the' doors of which had been closed against $er' fetter, so many years before, and whicif she had not herself entered since she was a little child. " In the center of a drawing-room she hesitated, her limbs trembling, her head whirling with a rush of pweet, childish memories, her eyes fixed wistfully upon a quaint, little old lady who had arisen to meet her and then paused, no less agitated than herself. - ur.MiUJ,' "Is it is It Hannah Hannah, the daughter of Silef" the little Id lady questioned doubtfully.. V ; . !.', At the' sound of the pattetic old Voice the years seemed to roll back like a mist; and Hannah . was again a happy child, romping thrcdigh'the grand old rooms or nestling .in her baby griefs to' the warm heart which had been turned, asrainst. hen lpk lees father ' In a moment- rribre she was down on ber knees, her slim, yonngf Arms clasping the quaint, old ifignre, her wistful iace'prayerXully- uplifted .r, she . pleaded.- "I iwlll dtr whatever you- wantoft me; 1 i wtllf wdrk' fafth Gilly ;and I will ask nothingnothing rtAll;;onlfr-ttttl$; f The old lady was silent ; but if she wefe obdurate; r there r ere' stfrely oompassipnate' tears,, trickUngdewnj JherrwitheVed clieekrfshetieficnoi loosen the withered arms: i : ' , "It ,: wasn't - all poor papa's faut, sinned against, too, granny,"- Han nah resnmed,. imploringly, ;bot with sweet dignity also.., 'f''-. f-?:; '" I "1 anew' ihat now, child I know pow too late !. Your father's errors were exaggerated 'by those who .en vied him my favor. - 1 have learned a good deal latterly "from Dr. Ger vase,'? the bid lady said mourn- "Dr Gervase 1" murmured the girl, blushing. ;. , : r . 3 "He is one iof any dear yonng friends," explained Grandma Fern- OS a. uor.ic;Fino7; wood. "You s will . see' him often ntitL4 mil If vnn .Vt Fsollv unnttnt to ' devote yourself to a cross and i - . useless old body like me." :i The gentle' tones unnerved the girl more than any harshness could hae done. . ; What had just been tacitly prom ised her seemed too good to be true. .She' was to experience no more want and misery; she was no longer to be set apart the slighted and scorned child of a fanlty.and unpar donable parent. . .,-' . , She was to have instead, sympathy in her sorrows,' protection in her bit- terrphange; nd?more than iMMii;!,IfA'!?tt she was-to meet agafc ftnd often one whrf'tad" enthwned hioaself as' prince ltijS.$ti and yearning heart ! h::...:--" It was too good ito be true I - v Fdi the moraenV Hannah was 'like one who, standing in otter dark ness, la, blinded andvdazed by a bursoradiantightf ; Her heart leaped to her throat; her head seemed to whirl," and the room .seemed i: spinnings aretin'd: ier, ; Tlie revulsion of feeling had been toosuddeu ajd Hannah ffl,f herself faiitiingiliuil tottering baQkwari tlto the' arms of vfomebody'', who had at that Instant approached her.. Even while his name was upon he er lips, Dr.tGejrvae had entered the room; and it was into !hU face the Jfantisdme ' lover face of her arVs master hV'firsV looked ''wheh' she again nnclosoti her sweeVfesin consciou8ness':1,i):,H 'iMy fifoet one, I have been half mad with anxiety for of .he whis pered, . wlta.hfs'Wardetl ! .lips close .to the DrettKiacerechnincr lWhite.nd Id as- marble, s on Jus breast. "I ked "at" Mr "Courtney- Fern wood's rase Tor'voil: ut-Mev'iirbfessed ttotk ,5Afi;efVtM-e V6t- fiai gne.v rm TioTe relieved than yoa canitiie i.teylasUaig;V at Ending "My . aunt adwse me Uynswer an advertisement ini.pflrjn; sne did not knowVwho tnv' advertiser was; she ,did .not ksfiw she . was sending me to my own grandmamma," Han nah said, simply. I am prepared to believe that," lTf.GervAseesrQndeqL witn an amused" twSikle In hlsv handsonu eyes. "They : will : be rather 'sur prised at the result of their efforts n your behalf, I fancy" . And there was certainly surprise if not downright consternation in the Courtney Fernwood household when the inmates thereof learned ... the result of their plan to banish "the daughter of Sile." "I at least suggested that it would be well to make some inquiries abont the advertiser," Mr. Courtney mean ingly and somewhat maliciously re minded his wife and daughter, when a few weeks later they had. been in formed of the state of affairs. "1 am 'sure everything- worked beautifully for her," Mra. Courtney said, with eminent frankness.- 'I should think everrthing. did work beautifully for her," Miss Han nah pouted in . disgust too mighty for utterance. - "She is to be married to Dr. v Gervase. and she is more than likely to ' get all of Grand mamma Fernwood' s money too." And the young lady was quite cor rect in her conjectures. Foe although GmnUnamima Fern wood is still hale and hearty, and al most ar blithe' as k certain rollick fond old arms she,, has already set tled the heirship question by irrevo cably bestowing-the bulk of her w6rflyposMSsions;!opon';,pr;iGer vsraeS Ioye-ifn,,t!tihap animix?rew:,:i,orK?, Hi MA.' t ,U r.l - :- The brusque . and ; fussy impulse of. thaser days j ofiifalseiiiropreBsiofl 'cause one Js unworthy AAf .tf there comets among .tho i stars I Or cata racts" in pASfrfr-ffVeVs? 'Because one remei y ,prfetletef & 1 do what it never wa adarrfed;iito-ido: are 'all remedies . worthless?' . . Bee all humbugs? vftBunires alnefye and a finer brain to Aftscrimtnate . to draw the differentiaT ttnv.":-.-i tej say,- jnat- w. den Medical Discovery 'and; Dri Pieree's'Favorite Prescription have cnd:fro38a1iai. .H ?2.-2J -1 M "They . say"', orr n t weak,. syBtem there's nothing better thaii' the "Dis Coveryi" and that thtf "Favorite Pre' scription" is the hope of debiliutedi feeble women wnb need's? restorative tonic) arid ;tirslcrvi-'And here's the propf4 ysK- : jTry one or botb.If thejr dot help-you, tell the World's Dispensary ledical 'Association, -of Buffalo, N. Y;', and you get your money back again. Cut down the, tall grass where fowls run. weeds I and Y j; i ft - , n i-1 ; J t -1 H 1 ifcHl-f J l:f V ao no ad -n cut." f.ti Flow He Learned to Trnlk. 3 eoffire 1 T Perrv was cotmletelv brokelip ' Life had no more charms for him; and the Cause of it was, as may be imagined, a girl. .-. Marie Tay had made up her . mind not to so out with him again rfntil he had proved himself able to entertain her; She admired a chatty man; aad George never-wasted his breath in thai way. She liked a brilliant talker ; which; George, was not She doted on airy persiflage; and George was no persiflager.'. He made few . base hits at that game and his small per- easticAlirtiiiit AiiW.wte silent in seven languages might lead the German armv : to vtetorv but should never attempt to lead a yonng lady through a waltii . - :: - And yet,' George was conscious of his defect and .ad striven hard to overoomeitiHehad reAd.Te.Art' of . CciversaUon," ?A ,. Thousand Flashes of French Wit and Wisdom "Ready RepMie,' Greek. Epigrams," n Wiree .volumes, auu fura. vrowew- Channcey!s ; "JHo , to hine4n So ciety". But these, works had been unable to. supply the missingi inspi ration, ., They only , filled hiss , with a regretful feeling that al tl good things . had been sajd. , , s f f( It is .true thatsthe..Greek .epigrams gave hiuva. Utttepe,,,.. ,,; ,t "Believest hou the.tale, that I dy my hairAr.temiasi P&A ;; : Nay, by.. , the- inftsArv. snore or Cocytus I i Do, I know. Nicylla, that it was blck wheii, thou .bonghtest . it H.jbe njarket,-, George rfeyt .that. t if , this, ;Sort Hiof stuff would pass ,for humor, :Ue . too might I shines, . But.Gretanvwit Js not appreciated in these timesland George's wit waspreek to most pen- t)lde -Hfc -mf .. There was bbt one thing left for him to do. As a sensitive minded person he shrank from it, . hnt there seemed no other course and he - took the fatal plnnge. ; - MS 'iii-S) " - It was six months ateVl Epi sode hat Marie v met , him oa -the gtt She greeted himjwfittlfci' I sher had heard tnat a gnat ehangw had Uken pUct fn Uf cnAtacer, ? "Why, Atow do yon do, beorge. she smiled and said pleasantly. "What a stranger you have been I" "Ah, yes, Tm awfully glad to see yon, Marie, r-rewy ever, And that hat; Paris of course. I feel sorry for yonr father. Does he trrowl as much as ever atthe billsf Speaking of Paris reminds me oruie best story. . You know Will Clara went .there on his wedding journey; they took passage "Can't you call at 472 some time, you know you are always welcomer askecTMane. . s - . 'C. t I should sav 1 would. I'd be delighted. ? Yes, indeed, Tm com ine up to have a goodTong talk with nitfht this7 weekif : Oh, I'll be there I When are you at homer Bufabout the story, they sailed on the Umbria " '"Tuesday is our day," replied Tve heard so much arxui you lately that Tin quite curious to see too. Ther say you've got to da such a btllilant - conversationalist. Grace Dodge r'toldine she met you l:Sunday;. and took you,bnne to tea wth iher Viand she said it rwas ,a perfect wonder, how you ntertaUed th wnole amilyi5 She said when se qnes1.A the',Sunday Ischooi YessoV came jnp at; the Stable yoltalked; yiintere8tiiglyfor tliwMuarters of ati hour about tne laws an methods' of Judicial pro cedure among' the 3ewsK front ithe tlml btkoses m&fa , fa t man governors. Ana. in om parxw, annoetoVoU'disccfssed In thee-siesc and TripsU delightfur' rasMon;Dou. neryeiundsu Bifinafck-aitid .ih .i'armersSAllUnce rA- fiak'jDjartnre!Vand3 the " , l .-. . . Ai j J- ... - ti-K- . Vaifart-Vavfeln while' they all 'sa tnifire" around IVod' And never rrea nniit.i.u?HUfyoiv- "Grjice saidit'wasBimply- niarvel 0us;Tiiere wastft A':single7break fjtointhe time you hung your hat on tlfe ' f ack until : yott 'shut the front door , aner j you ,,9iwj, ?ia"ie-z- t word they werr all fasein ated' and spellbound.- i t 3- '..; ! ow,;tolt tae,l;George, hat ias mAd this great ajoge In yonf ; How do you da ftH 1 i 1 ' A painful bloSh overspread George's ineenibtts feature's as" he replied -rwill be ftank wjtTou Uarle : Tave'TOnerintd "the tife:;insttanca t The, Treasury Department has or, dered the resumption of the printing of two dollar bills from the Hancock vignette ;'piate7 owing to the, pressing demand for smali-bulSi ana oecause the blate of the hew ones can not be dy in time. gottenrrea U. II; A) U-.W JS. 51.00 T0ST-0FF1CB f7 If you want the latest styles in ; V- ; GEIiTS' FU1ISHIIIG GOODS, V'i2 " ' Bu.ving for cash afiaSelling for eashI deiy. COmpe- tltlOil IU L O W FR I C E Si "The new. broom sweeps clean"- Call.' and1, be 'con vinced that this old adage still holds good. '1' Mens amis at $a.ou; CQS a pair ; worth $1.25. worth $1 ;7 5. Hats worth erythmg else in the same aucemenis ana Dig Dargains,; caii onjme THE PEOPLE'S BANK; CAPITAL STOCK " - J. A. LONG, Pres. J.S4 MERRITT, Vice Pres. H. BATTLE, Cashier. DIBECTOES: A. R. FOUSHEE,,; , W. I. NEWTON, "T" , J. A. LONG, J. S. MERRITT, R. TAYLOR GLEAVES, of Lynchburg, v. Conducts a General Banking Business. , Extends every accommodation I consistent with business principles, to CUSTOMERS. We call rrcil attention our Tin Lock, Burglar and FJre Proof EsA 7d4cant your iMisineBsTand solicit correspiiadencc" . 1 1 .-.T-f.tf The rales of this Bank forbid any officer thereof endorsing ft other ISaii aeotodldex . - L illn Perch a Bit TailorV ROXBORO, 'N.C. -OO- Large line of samples, from, and my price for making will be as low as First Clasls Work can be done by any. one.; ; If you want any Cutting, Cleaning 6t Repairing uone, urmg your worit io J . 1 J : . 1 A.'.'. sausiacioriaitv. verv ' : sr. . ' Beat the world on good -v ' k , .1.1 . .x s itiii fu, i !-.,,MEAL, MEAT, FLOUR, MOLASSES, SALT, KEROSENE Oly J j CORN, &c., in cab-load lots, 1 direct, rom the. Factory, thus -:-.. knocking the - ; -v-S v viV-o V.IVI'I:D:0 L;ERnCtf? as high as a kite, and puttinsr the brofits in the iraketa-Tifihe onn? :'; 'f- sumers. ' . . We don't intend to be downed 3Hto.. CErfco- . Are kept in large quantities, and will be sold as low as the lowest. v' The larger quantities of goods handled, the cheaper we.caivbuy them, get freights cheaper, and we can afford to sell them cheaper.. t Sodon't be aeceived; out 'mean hnsiness. . . V; Lift f7-fM Il!s.";'l , .1 r.'. i i ' Per Year in Advance." L'l 5 BUILDING, . r a sVi ( - t' f worm o.ou. 4. raots at. 60 t Shoes $100' a pair: 75 cents, for 40 jefents. " Evf proportion'! 1 For 1 extra in- a3 : s'u"jfci - - - - 930.000 ; C. B,,ROOKS J..L.. BROOKS' its -. " w - t'n-,-J SMELL P from New York to selec" me, ana ii wm. De aone veryi .' 1 :! i V ' 'I I"f f' iiesDecwuiiv- . 0, t f,. -r, -lizu feixfvj ii'Pti Goods and'Low Prices; fc.,- i-, ij s 1 . . - . - . 1 : j .-'.. 1 in anything, in the .Grocery $hie.t J Lard'J come ana see ior yourselves. we . Truly Your Friends, . .W J. JOHNSON &co. Person County Courier, . t Published every Thursday, by " !N"02SIiXi iBROS. , EOXBORO, N. C. 1 . ' . t', TKKXS OF 8TJBSCKIPTI0N : One Copy One Year, . - One Copy Six Months, CAsh Invariably in advance. - 1.00 50 ADVERTISEMENTS. WATCH THIS SPACE EV ERY WEES. . 1 ; LE. COUCH KOXBORO.K.O. Watches, Clocks,- Jewelry; watches. GOLD WATCHES of all kinds: SILVEUWATCHES and NICKEL WATCHES " at popular prices. : Al sogetuiine RAILROAD WATCHES at rock bottom prices. , " i :-T -ii: .i I offer special bargains in CLOCKS from $ 1.50 to $15.00.' All warranted. SIL'VEiRVWIARE. ; Beautiful 'wedding and holliday presents; in SILVER SPOONS, FORLKS: KNIVES and TABLE WARE of all -kinds at lowest prices . .! I. .--'. t - . . :- . . SPECTACLES. ' I have the finest lot of SPECTA CLES ever brought ' to the county and will guaraptet to t any eye, BCEAST4"INS, EAR-RINGS, BADGES,' CILiSMS, CHAINS, ENGAGEMENT And WEDDING RINGS; in fact, anything you ; want n the Jewelry line. t Bring me your watch, clock t and ewelry repairs. Satisfaction guar anteed." GEO. A- NEWELL; -ROXBORO'S- v J e eier . " . AND . PHOTOGRAPHER, Merritt Ruilding, Up Stairs, . AMEJUChAN. - WATCHES a, specialty,. We offer Xhe WALTHAM which has just com- - pleted their 5,000,000 : watchr-aiso the' HOWARD .COS, the highest grade watch in market The ELGIN HAMPDEN and others, which are fully warranted, at very close figures. Can . he found ready; to attend , wants n; either,branch. of his busi ness, guaranteeing' full satisfaction. Gold' Watches, Solid, $20. Silver - V " $10. .12 CABINETS in the best style of of art, and a LIFE SIZE CRAXOJ,, for 5.00. ' " - . Call np And see me when you need anything in , my line. T will treat you square.' , We make a specialty in repairs, and .ask jour patronage. ; - nrH' . . sm mm - f -fir of M-. v. - . ' .... 7 For sale by Barnett, Barrett Co. 1 &ytiM&?k 1 mm