The Courier, t PUBLISHED WKEKLT BJ I NOELS- B08rop E.i".:l ccronling; to Postal Regu-laii- ri 'the Toatoffice,' in Roxboro, ovoouvl-clasa natter., . . t ir' ivX.uj in-- iu wise reajWHutiblfl tor tsiiTistM bv ukrHHiimdiiiti: 1 Ant i ? SUBSCRIPTION TKRM8 .r V 1 one jftr,.-..r,lw$ i . '.,,j, ;i: irtouttia, ,r , vTj : 50 resolution eadorsfa'Blaiae h&BDeeri much 'discussed by r few politicians, of both parties who.&re nowhi iujjhju, ; uu ;vuej u, grew ,ii campaign! niif Ca 1 of a mere flash in the 'pan; as -son. p TCpie. rhiayheen disposed to'.. regard it, and there seems alsb'toTi-iXpcSTRon on the T . : .bii .nxn State Convention en' ii-uif-A-.'vula, vis in session last i ... ! ; ' IT;. J ! AT it.Ikii.8 was vl. ..v. no ;t chxirrrtan. In his st.; . . tiag the chairmanship, iu- , .-.I ; . i'i Ci- fi'.lunout to Mc il. ; hi 4b Ufiff bill. The ic-'itueo t VtesUvut Harrison was iovi tv.'ti ciioji'ij, but uothing to co:. .ui.n" t tlCo' vwU I outburst of api.-UMj v.u-h followecl'his allusion to .SoorvUu'v filaiu'ci A resolution wn-4 iiil r.i.ln.'C.L emlorsins Blaine for Uk- KotiibliCan nomination fr 4.liciikiU, whk'h was adopted with a win. ,)-, b it iitXor some protests :aW U was wftli oonni I.t-iImj wranuliu; drain.-. ;V;r. DUiiie lnaj have beer ft ve.y sick lUHij. but be has man nci to have some vorj good work ill iu for him jit the Keystone State To nay thut lie is not a candidate lor tlio Republican nomination for l'rvHi.:ut in lrt.V, is foil. Nearly nil 1'iv lc;.ti'olican State Conven veiHioiiA ibis yoar have passed reso lutions eulogizing him, while very But second, what will it cost in money? - Do the men who howl for Government ownership of the rail roads really comprehend the -extent and signiflcancf of their - demands What is Jtf Do they mean for the Government to seize ly .'violence and to hold the private "property of citfienft for each are all jtfiilmads? If they mean this; their own "godSs; chattels and aereditaments tiay'go DTtlhe ffJmealsoin a jiffy. Why ndfrtpfivfttMpmyOrrteE hTjfs'tlWlj'r'19 ontiou iuau miv 4iavj Ji vjjc vjr .vt othfi: meuor other classes? lNou? sensei w j ; . 7 8 What" then? The " Govsmment t pny .if ;t owns, .iiat where is money to come from? The bimble-riggers of the. Treasury De- particnt- arc m&aipuktiug the re- erved fund, of wVIch they cannot use a cent, to keep ap a deceptive show and "to make believe" that the Treasury ;is not jot empty, and al the .fuftdsj gone forevar. How then will thi. government bny the railroads, telegraphs, &c? ' There is but one answer. It must be by an increased taxation. Do the farmers really desire more types'' It so, t(ien iuey should stop cornplaiaing, " But jltow much will the "taes beiu creased in order to buy the railroads telegraphs, &c? ' J liUio HnlTl iiu bid: raised about Mr (ii his adiuiuistration. The Press. inf. hisaame. and tioraaia' srojn. w . .7. t . .' -1 ". - a. . w impression thaiiCUllJof A ew jsngiajttasnagueaj, pw in W ashtngton, has suggested a car rious ; Presidential' ticlrfct which he savs would Drove a stronz. one if . iT"" . a:" run on a "platfdrfcx hifch !ahall have no other pTahks " except Reciprocity and opposition to sham civil ' service reform. The ticket which he thinks. would just fit that platform fsftlaine of Maine, and Gordon; Georgia. TtoIt that would be a coinmnauon of opposites, and handcuffs .woul probably be required to keep it to gether. , -If We have lots of people in W-aati ington this week, but no politics to speak of. The American associa tion for the Advancement of Science more than a thousand strong, ia hold ing it-nnual convention here iTues- day ana vveuneuuay up xi.vu4 We cannoj.sayijxactl,)'. ' Weu tvlsociatiVtf of Amaeui Oarsman -fHE Cieceliind Pltnitileiler, which is regarded as authority on Ohio pol itics, state that thepparent "dis affe tion-that , Existed among the ooks like the iMuine boon ia- ito Se Tie- ynt&ta in X hio- Defore the -Omi- one of the reguUr teabresjbf Hhejnttoc, has"3Lkpeiin.d'n its 8teaaine pariywisjiniiiett against McKInleyiin;oemo9rt, tti& PlaiidabeR "can rkfriae to 'vote part f TfjpJ i iKfVigrtl ib jginbVWKe charac, Mr! Blaine is bcand to be nominated tefrQkjhefflen. nnon . tha-ticket. ab the firs,!; embodies the fundamental principles of the l)emocrtio party, ivhile the ability andr character of tue canuiviafcUB i uuaurpassuu auu unquestioned"; As to the prohibit uoniaia, taey win. vote merr asuai CEDUR GROVE ACADEMY.' -CEDAR GROVE, NrCTt I OO f I FrTeropsJlinh Primary, Grammar SchcxL4HiahkJBa,XtyUq'1 fYTQ '23-0. JTeA7- SclknsjiaeeJtoeie Art, .and L.... ......... :--4 Militarv deuartments of study, Stwdentsiirfepared; foff Junior Class' - 1 of colleges, or for acti ve life. 1 - .i-;eireteThefpl county , to .J. t L.Bropks sq-? Mr. R. L. IVradsher and J. T. Cates. 'Ksb.. OV BJTJOY who were patrons, tfcs Vast year. Both the method arid ; results wnen Semi fo 'Ycarr35uok, - and satisfy Syrup of Figs u taken; it ia pleasant yourse.1. - .j and refreshing to (he taste, and acts ,r ; VEtf.J. jrA'ME;) . rrotlw ret nrnmntlv on the Kidneys. I -2t-3.11' rtia.Cjipal.f..,- "-''i- tem effectually, dispels colds., head-f Dt.l Lslfi . -r -.p :rr aches and fevers and cures habitual DOU Ci.;i Hi. IH!iUiCr;; lt?rV,Hi't.,l0V .'w.ever constipation. Syruo of Figs is the 1 - take much, from the ' Democratic onlv romedv of its" kind ever pro- UetlierlilU, J OrtU arpUlia strength, f duced, pleasing- .to the taste and ac- ! rentable to the stomach, prompt in (Ti'afnl'Rdbbers at .Work. Ha action, and .truly- beae&ial' in its'. IMtVii mliVVM rNASHVH.i.i,Augf 2I.---X' special effects, prepared only from the iaost -. aiillJiHt hl'IielS 111 tllC ftwn-Griffid, ': Ga., says- the express heltQy agreeawe suDsiances, xta . jj! .v" - . . , many excellentr qualitiu-commend it I . r4;" car, in cnarge-.xn j. x. uyne, wasneia . ...s. . W. mada.i, tie most J " i many excellentr qualitit-r -commend it in H and raacie.iis up by three masked men and robbed, popular reinedy known. '? juat.east jot Collins Statiob;3;Iast ,-rBytup of.. Figs is for -sj 1 . o",7 v nHf IBnsi jn'ff .liutiiiisiiiiisy L' -j ia UV-rlUOT-ARRIVED FROai ATliMR; U Ti. X. N W JJ llJ JL, i.) r-Kavo-'3iivt.H;'ivl a nice lino' of ti A T?,' vr-' r Nhib and - j: Jjui, from 23altimM'i iir,! Am. w York, and hare k.,:.,, -,;. ' sale.: Boud' wi a I'l-Tijv .I,'ki Jluifinjr DOc j lioo.n,. LuihtH-' V.''tc 'per l night. Conductor . -Ileek says he audt jaottes py au, leauing urug- monin. ; stopped at CollLs' to let off . a' cot- . reUable uggist Whif U..,TMition ' - .. ' ' -i .. . may not have it on hand will pro- from l.. vj $2.'i. - -f ored woman, and when.; the train' .si-'St Wmt.W'fcr'Wv'-bne-wlio - " " ' ' "fpullexl' oati'he says, -ncione got on, wishes to try ft. Do not accept any 1 ' 'iH-,!'' 'l lITlOiS' ' Chpt. Ashe, iu his admirable speech l the biwiquct at Winston, among other excellent things, said on the toast, "The Press as the leader of thought,'' that there was a great dif- fcreuc: between the bankers ant misinfMS men of North Carolina, and tlf ' members of the press, the one i luj-. iookd sharply to their interests in to maintain their principle L'i.i others have to maintain V: '.i- .-in :ii leg without regard to t . i-.ictcct and often at the sacri ... r . I.ic'ple and interest. Under H. ti'l- t'..-.anrsi3.nco3 thoy can take I. . fid tUf.i they are the .. . . .' tLou rui, not of iaction : U. his speech4 with "the i ,aiiirtl( . peroration: ' '.-."' rr.i..t l.i iji-titly the vestaL i.u - ; j. , Taey must up 'i . - :hu!s.zZsz ot the Press; : . . . i ii. uo:a it. There wil rji.i jtatroiiTaT-itty thenai iiirjtg' may i4Je in' the land; ; I ; . friU bo ripe: 1 tile : ' - :. . -; : x- 'lve peo- ; x f 6 ujH ev'jflow fn V . . A i)::?o iUusrioud n-"1 . .: h. vr b-2a to prot rv.'.v '.v:'.e r.r,d prcaperityof I ' . -ij3t vi.-.Ve --Iwayo irk t' .' . . i u re:-.t ezcv.iji 1 ! .. -." . .- ;i.?jf.:- i?ce." Wiisca iO'.-alup of possibly approximate the great 6 nres. Vve"suspect that, it will re quire one thousand fiveundrejpjjk lion dollars to buy the railroads aiuuc. 1 UM IB 111 figures. This is a sum nearly eqh&i to the national debt. ) we think. It means an expenditure that would make the farmer pay $25, where be pays f 10 now. It means ruin. To talk of buying the railroads of the country with an empty Treasury and without more taxations is very ab surd.'N : i . WASHINGTON LETTER. from our Regular Correspondent. Washigto. Aug. 21, 1891. ' Why has Mr. Harrison cut short bis vacation! and determined to re turn Washington early in Septem berfB the ilitical conandnim of the-iweek. 'Secretary Foster, who brppg&t the aiws of the change of progrjiflnme, a-that it is because of impott&nt business -jonnected with the interior department which ro- quires President,Ilarrison's personal attention. Thafc&ave speculatioa a "Conseauenco is held its annual regatta pn the Poto mac, and Wednesday and- Thursday the veteran telegraph operators m- tluduig the "old-time telegraphers" and the "military telegraphers held a reunion which closed with proba bly' the most unique meeting ever held in- this or any other country. There were wires runaing intq ttye hall connected with every large tele graph office in the country, and every word of this speeches made by Mr. Wanamaker and othera. was instantly ticked to - more than one hun dred thousand listening operators in every section of the country. State department officiate jvUl neither deny nor confirm the report that a new reciprocity proposition had been recently made by. fthe Ca nadian Government. ., 4 bnt Ms ' edfffnoer saw three men substitute. ; tanding'on the side 'of the road and CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. they got in front of the express car. , VIUH ""fro. Just as the train left ..the station , - - r- ' . -r : Byne, the messenger, says one of THINGS TO BAT. them entered the car with his pistol - : drawn.5 followed by the other- two, ,, ?-he rerytWng in the.. who Ordered him to unlock his safe, C3te?OG$3Cry T.ln wmch herditt at. the point or three, ' an be found at--murderous looking pistols. The men I were of medium size,' and wore as (J 'j ) f fx n b, masks portions of black aprons. 1m- . pnypnnn -v r ' mediately aftef going through the - . car they rang the bell and when the HAMSi ,w.b?AR' RICE, FLOUR, MEAT. MEAL, train was nearly at a standstill jumped and ran off. Conductor Reed, who was making his way to the i smok- j BUTTER. b; S.t" . " a;. '. vdr rt : .! .V;:i'.-.':i.;c Convention o ...'. i atOcali, Fla., de- pi .i,for:n that-the ' : M i'u railroads in i ?. s. mw. there are ifihi c tO saiu in v ja: anl ruuny thai -ioit ;t. Vve thiny a.'j t.'-.j t j!.:;uld be Mi.'. ;tiJi3d by thd j ti-.'iiur; action in the r.i.ritreat Alliance official' - ' -ernian, of the Newt . . . at t'.io lata Ktafe.Coni !"t'i3 Allianco, wluchc. met - jul City, that ' '4the;pro . ir.ten-Iei more to empha Brighter Prospects. wide range, ana the thattevery imaginable sort of impoir tant business is being pat forward as the cause of Jhis. jupposatl to be jsodden. , termination, bpfr t Lie iost generally peiieyea atoTy seeis to be that the "important business con nected with the Interior department" is the selection of some oae to take Secretary Noble's place, as tlie-e is the best authority for siatiur; that Secretary Noble la axieji3lj unx ious to lay dow his present oner ;- ouc burden ? 3 soon zs he can . do sbi witj'icut erabpjiic-; jo.-.i to his chief. Many also believe z change is te be made ia the :3:A of the Pen sion Oiiioe, ti-.e n::.Ji imtHjrtant, us far as the eize ra co3t r.ra con cerned, Oi fie ;-a3 under the Iutenor dep ...ri.:i:-';, out both of tes? pla,oe :vt c-jcii oiianged so orten L-y reoiS ti:.t tcr are natur ally rany douLt2i-3 o v, itere ia anotae: i.x-j-oitaat matter under tbo ouoarviio j of th-3 Interior ;::?.:1 some- Tao 'weekly nueular ol" Ilambleton & Co., has th2 following : "Unless ih: vumoitarjr' distur baace of !f.s5 wintsr ct;a bo s c&'f.ed, we have had no p-aic, .bat ztq pass- in throuprTi . wall -icSnei coarse of. lidraldatioi, vlucf, "'wails aiatasSefulv lealthfii! be-e2cial.' Confi. dence shakei, p.rr'-l man retnoredis; trustfal aail 'Iis-iuli.nC to undertake new obiiffattonh trtiSHreBbyVi tarco bat th'v EaSljuS'ai ' tdeof this country. are estAb1jhjedrfP!l firm basis. T! . if -e have proved by the ease wit; wi ich ve have ab sorbed the millions' of see-anties"re turned froin abrcrJ and have liqui dated European indebdness, Values have jl33i::.od, bat o it not most remarkable that there ra3 been r-iz; i ho ; .irpoae ofithe Alliapjaajfto Iirvj tj Govern.. ect control than to r - . tliiivi, t.t he believedsfit v- I ..... I,; 6 's in American politics :i3 principle of "centifllzal ;n v vovernnierit to acqJP v. ti - , r: - .v wo ft few points sag. i by Iv r. Kingsbury, the able G. thd 'tVilmineton NMiian 9 ' ' m ... trA f."i subject. 1 We think they are 'i suviyirg. He says : "3 A-c;t:ally call attention j-:-' ;.r.: t-j what this proposed ' K? means. The Third party pi"u.w?u .goes for complete owner- of railronda, telegraphs'and teU -e Iow wht will this result h; is :Iptolf We suggest merely icr c.i prpaont without enlarfinc, ..t root i s , first, . to give the general ovt : :::vit such control that if a -7-p 'z$i or a Louis Napoleon i or a '.'Grat ynttte in, tfie' Presidential . chair, r.n.i should resolve ..upon,:' a co, ' t . f ' i coma Joe sucg psflrul pto vid3d r.e had the ariayaad n&vy with : liia. Jhs3-2 forces could be silently PcitiiUdQcMCj O Oil iy.c .pw-ar eontroiiea, ae' , -'theaasaul df the Fedjera) j?ower9t : .970 tSiti y- 'railidstaletrtlph'' . al , t(f-; ip-n "cud. the greatest ' a ctrila Wsri;:a?.cra;n'ttaatlft ctrila rsr .Ka?.yr'fo,"6!bnttalUatIoft i: Thesquabble ia Hhe Pounaylva ' and Cwcfiriaw'wDl hayatbcenmade.Mjnia Reprtbcan oovt-tti3n 'akontthe de-?tr2ect that -rj ha thing to so with brinia ibo Presi dent bora's ahead ofe?tiia2 hegex has brough I A. 1 .1. ..t poeai 10 Dear upon me ca;t;e i; arena who occupy what is known as the Cher okee outlet in order to get the-ja - to eppply (with,the law enacted . by the last Congress and remove therefrom, bat if reports received hero are to te relied upon not one of them hss has moved or given the slightest in timation of any such intention. The matter will be called to Mr. Harri- son's attention as soon as he comes back, and it is said that tha Aar.nrt. . -.-r-q-.r-- r i men officials will urge upon Lira the necessi or removing the yi-olaters to young' L.f misters. T!iis Gchul is focattd midwav be tween the Lyiichbui'g Sz Dm-Jm and Atlaatic fe. Danville uatlroads four and a half miles from each, and fif teen miles from. South'. Boston, in a healthful and 'moral community'. Nexf Session, Will Open Sept. 22.. : For further, information address the Principal, . - ' . -' . REy. J. A..BEAM,. . - Bethel Hill, N. C - : ; - 'I AS'RKETIfeSTv les '"Ui ''''iJfS cal1 " b fV)inH ;n,.y- ,..Wi: c? 4 J,ifr2'."-i-,-2 , as iinviJijdv will lir lu - -wwiroqitalitf offends for. htho taiest Styles are (.'OTir.inly o-.-iiijg. iu,. tor laicctHhe.rcqitireir.onts of. mv tra a I if -'wo Hon in nmminj?, ttvlo and prices gua,niiitei k Pori forget iny place- -3 ' - ' 1 , MRS. ,Tf A. NOKLl, University of Hortli Carolina. ng car, where he" supposed, the row was in progress, saw one of the men running, and says - he expected the j fugitive had cut some one and was j making his escape Messenger Byne says he does- not know the amount taken; but that in their hurry the men overlooked som? very large pack ages.' It is rumored the amount was $30,000, though the express officials CANNED GOODS, etc., etc. CAKES, CRACKERS and FRUITS. -A fine assortment of- MOLASSES. j NEXT TERM BEGINS 8EPT. .8. ENTRANCE EXAMINATIONS, SEPT. 2. Tnitlon $30 "per term. Needy young men" of talent and character will be aided with scholarships and loans. Beaidea the General Courses CIGARS. CIGARETTES. CHEW- C 8J, r which offer a wide .range INGandSMOKINGTOBACCa . to u !dMu and Engineering. For catalogue, etc, address the Jfres- icient, ; " ;. .- v - .- GEO. T. WINSTON, Chapel HilL N.C. 4t NAILS. J --A complete line of- so nttle disffcreanca iJtca money marttet ana so very tew -Taiiurco iu the world of n.iaioe? We are now waiting for .the': turn of the tide, and while men are in clined to grumble and complain of dull and bard times, let us remem ber that "this, too, will pass away,' and that, having passed through cycle of adversity, a period of pros perity is now da" and will surely follow. Have we good reasons for such hopes? 1 es, many "The proopeots of trade and com merce are mo3t promising, and all t t Jo?f -.t :&- 5re&t cropa itJl wh,cbl this country btl. V. t . J.' 1 ...... A U V 1 thrt if we had had the directing of events and conditions ourselves, we could not have shaped them more fa vorably. First, 7S have a year of liquidation, which has stopped all purely speculative enterprises, has made men economize and curtail their operations, has caused all finan cial institutions, to husband their -re- senrces and strengthen their finan cial condition, has compelled the re duction of expenses to the. rniniinnm, put a stop to nee ;k3& railwaylx- tensions, ana na3 orouffnt us to a oonnd and sfe basis , froca which to only acknowledge to about $2jM. Ladies and Cents Ghoes It is believed the passenger who; got anil prices lower than the lowest. oa at uoiiinr was a contederate. r u.a t. f I A UT OVIUQ UHlgWllSJ Rrom Bethel Hiii. I Overalls, Suspenders, Dkab CoukiEB -..Itlias been my OxWd HOSlery, pleasure to attend the annuf, I meeet- .. ShirtSf etC ing.oi ine iai Kiver-Association! Thankina mv many friends for which was largely attended, and past favors, and asking a continuance i nope iri resist in jnacn 4500a. 1 of the same, 1 remain, L very, much enjotea -11 the sub-r Yours Trnlr.. jeets "attctfssed, bti must say that E C. H. HUNTER; my 6Bind"--was forcibly -impressed won?tne importance of edo- NOTICE 1 1 eating, .the-Tpuasr people : of our T ... T l.i . 1 I ' Mavln thia JnlT Z7th 1HDI aiuliflarf a mri 1?"Ylifl.VW; veuY.tne saivs 1 laitoTaif i BAiisTihbrnoW" tlOn Ol our Country depends UOOn a I holding claima against ber estrae to pre tuAaAAM'U v . ,, , I tent tnem wine lor payment wuam tweiT thorough education or our children, months from uu date. rbfU owing u. etat w niie listening to the discussion on WUI 8euia l ooce- 1X18 ,J W rtiaimi- tuo Mivycfc vi. wuui;abiou, x jwas maue I iam-i' a i... f:. AqjiB, to feel thankful that .'we as people of Bethel Hill, are blessed with, such a school as we Tiave. I speak of the Bethel Hill Institute. ttienuyforwa Danville MILITARY INSTITUTE, Danville, Va. c. par- W..W. KITCHIX.tfy NOTICE. To all whom it may concern -En'slisli,' Clas3iesl, Scientific' and Business School tor (boys and young men. i'il-. iitwstivii i)'ilci. ; If..i r ; . . 1 any ana an pertODS irom mniii? or :.aruonai 1 n , . , , , leeiJsaie in savin? there is no I waiter Pavior ami Moses wiuKuv-.t. i-otii cof-IBrioii o-UidinrTcr, htrtea bvsceam.Jtnd sohool in or,oat of the State that is l ilt . ilpt and qoi.a water . , - - I WIVJ LIU f V ILlb lli dX41'V any oetser conaactea tnsn the above against my consent. v uju uuijr u .una ins uiiuu lor iruei iViOV best of all ho trains the soul for God. M. ii'r r.TOS. ce. There are but ,1'ew communities I be- HaTinsr !li:s 19; i tiay rf A as A.O-.iat.atc;:ai tc- i.t -.- . i.;icer. in every rcons. Bat jlvoos cpatpjete. and bauutifal Iccki- Tor iiifotTs"ra."'-&r':23 t'1' neve. Dies33l witii such instructors asr!-.'.: 8t:. t. t--..?..r fr .uwiau. . - as iev; j . A. beair. aaa wife. I mach or c:; ; --.i . iti ca . x i -.oov- rr-- . . i . i : . ': fear that we that k.iow them well do i'?:,t.?yow: !S':': '-Uc?ir- '"iJ v 'T-f' :VJ i-ti not- appfe?l9ris;'theii" labors', sis :we ' sr as aioTe , . , , ktB fc LI' shoulii Thoae-Vho'5oabt their abil- wvr: kiiw:?: iZc?l AfvLir. A -R-U .'-;il lty to cogtapcti soliool of high grade, woaia fo weii to o- At f ... - i - - meir ciosms; cierciaos. .. A.i,'f ;7 JTTr ff " .1 fi, ' ST1TU TE of law by force. It iaay be too .that the new, recip rocity treaty with -Teneaaela which is said to need only- Mr. Harrison's approval and his official proclama tion to go into efTect, baa had some thing to.dp with .changing his plar-s. There ar also tntWgs which need at tion. Forinstane, it is generally conceded that a coaling station in the Wes' Indies is"a necessity of this Government, and Haccordina; to Fcod Douglas, our late Minister to Hayti, we have lid Droane'ct of jretfcinir ona from that cbuntryfi Hole St. : Nich olas. yvSere'shairWegetone? ; The report'that the Geftttan Governmen wag trying to uy jhe .'Island of St. Thomas hqa brouglti to memory the fact that Denmarkits owner, once ao pa mark of tfriehdship offered to sell it to the United States, for a norm. (tal pce, pind Secretary Sewftrdihco at the head of the,Stats drtrtmentJ greea uits purchase, out ro? some might be bought nor, if Germany has not -already got - ahead of. 'ne. neas to occupy Mr. Hfcrriooh's attcn- nonwnsn ne returns, maue an upward start; secondly, the force of circumstances has served to a largo extent, the clcs3 connection between the financial "fipsratiess of the government rind fie money mar ket, and has euibrcarj selfdependance upon our financial" ias tit uUons; and l&3t, bat not lsasi., the products of the soli ciiowtirq j upon us a hun dvsd fold and a market - for our sur plus product is at hand. j "Depend upon it, the present cloud has a silver lining, azrd thatdepres sion and diatru3 will be- reblaced by confidenct andTSiyro vca varaei." Suntyy SontJ. Two; E art h i v. a Irb4 3 i ?'kik Ja . BMHiW ethqaake flast Tuosday which was sensibly felt . J tX, .- - , . during an cloctnea! storm, bnt it was supposed t t:ic vibration's of , ' .''''iV.i' : 'H f?v ucwgf. taase?,, a ,taia w as Jpiiowed by aaotherVotio::?i aloii la3t night."" :Hoa3e3'-?rccnrjl4r- an'l-'apKie persons was badly fnghtened.T Th3 vibrations r:;-3 fro;a -'iSast to ;Wost. I do faal thai the t-iwuA Pprar7i county ; yea, hot" only the county, - - al AU1N 1 1 v DUt tne tat53 Of Orta Carolina and Opens September 17tby ISSl. One cl tae niost I specjaiicfw.oic.:psr Virginia shsnld be proad of such teeVL M K"i pn !ii I caDcl rawing, --t- ailstucaieq'aaa SI ii - leutioo'- free. : Tenne. vet-y Efcdora! been liberally patrohid- by its SSnfmWil ftyird session opens 2d trienas -from both States If those I iiooi, write for a uataioriw to the rresident, j jaai. .Jb or catalogue, adareas sutnnton, vs. sttentls'iii t:4e ff o0'i'k CGtieges . ov'tliff uSoGvhv : ' l.ijht dis iOaj-G, . psjjiai p. a ic anc Art. Lrec- O- ie who, have sons and daughters, wish J. T. A VERITT, President," - co place them in a nrstHChws school, yirW wit itp iiiinTllV DiJNrUKD, Asst. Pres. and under the very best influence, SALIiiVl iMLALK AvAlllSiMl, ' "''mi . n ' , v wiirnever'do better, than "to place "SALEM N C WOtlCe Of aie u - ?i fhamMn WKn1rnr:'D.- r : ' - -'" BTTirttteofamortfirafeedeedezeerited in me " "u uauuo iui- tl. A. f . . ' . . 1 to.Knh. D. ..kU nil. ' W - M. V . V . A.. I M. A. m . SB a M aa ' a .a Beam and wife, at Bethel Hill, N: C. Tnfi D flr FGfflJl 3 YMm Di If!!! I am. satisfied thatitjs'the cheap-T- ' -T"- T T : : I SouHl est school, of its grade in the State. Rev. J. A. Beam is one of the few men who 'wants to' etvfe ftiil vain r. ' !cT8ived forWl WobUlni fiom'U na of record in Book X, page S6 ia tbe Rgls- order to satisfy the debt seenreri in' uM mUrt. nge sell to tbe highest bidder for casb at the Court Bouse door in Roxboro on Mondar the aVEXZiZZ. I ,"d ' Calvin Jones, A. J low -man:,, As ocda': he has, placed the $erms?f Jlis. SChOoi In reach of modellwL Flly eqaipped PreparatofV, art- Til - a I lAMka - - - - - ILlTnoHL BVRrV nflR Mr Uaam fVss MHT wwwtuiwiwriiluiwi -Hester. P. H.Clay seTenty-one acres, more great 'interest In youne :i men-' who wish to study for the ministry. He has : from: si' ;to eight f in , school nearly ,all; the time. . The refining influence exerted upon the pupils, is a 'matter of observation and won-" der. The location " of the' InstitoteJ ls! not only excellent and beautiful, but it is healthy and pleasant. With these facts set forth, why not patron- ppening of thev Uiii versityi .The University of North Carolina will open Sept, 3rd. A verv Lmra increase ; is expected. Three new professors and y six assistant pro fessors have been.elected 8ihflfe..Tmtit. The Gyanasium Director 4 will1, add boxing and 'ffneing to the physical eulture,.apf.WhiteTieadywill ine each, student as he, enters," and MshribeiystMiiiyid.' ir mi ueveiopjjijs, poav ana health to prfactt)rrtiThe chapel hai leen. tem!ed.f ftayera ; will be in organ f.ttf e:atcthins. Tfen" Cimeroi i ScholiraKin? Vttl went '"Alumni ' Scholarships have been established riv200 l?el- fowships wiHifcelrv educate eollfego grddates. ; The repairs are iaarlrf !cpaplete, 'and the South bull ding i looks like new.; Arrange-'- meats 'ars now. bein made 6r,atha- : -Ll " T ---i " A -I . rZ - ' - . rn baoiajtast Dniiamg. , The Uni Yorblt? "1a.avl44adlT oa'thc upward legiate indFost Graduate Departments, beside first-eteM seboois tn Mule, Art, Xaaasi, Alffftr4 "18M." ' JOSEPHCS VOITNG BR,'" W. VT. HrrOHIN. AU'y. , , . Mortgagee DSSXJKaC YbtJB PKOPIETY IN THK OLD SlIN MUTOAL INSURANCE ; x of New Orleans, Liu -, -..W' - Insures against--- FIR E All D LIGHTniriG 2 Organized, isssssEts " : : fi,o68,26o.--- ,t ; ; " Compare i it with an v firatclaBs Compamy yourself, and judge of its standing.- --rr- '-.l t if: .f ; , 'Xtepresentea joy t tr M R. LE E H. DATTLC- Cashier f People's Bank, " j v . Iloxboro. N. C-;-: V Who will always be glad to -see yon; and write yon a Policy at any time. t i;, .xTJCKER XRAVER i t.., jAgents for Person Coa, N. To thr People Qf Roxberd. ! lf yotf wish your property insured against Fitec and: Lfghtnih. I am npw prepared to write van "a tw.Tior in five-minntesJ; after application. Will place you in a safo", reliable and large company and aa. chean aa any other agent. E.-II. BoVr-y, - -, ' Insurance Aaent. -! flUi AA1ZED 183$ T1ZGIHU f HIE MD IlAllIIf B nsmNCBCOlIPMI.i: : Richmond;' - - !. Asset! if s $ 050,000 - INSURES AGAINST FIREjm LIGHTNING nn on oompanj, now more tbaa ban tea tury l toeeesatal operaUon, bu paid ;i HUNDREDS OP THOUSANDS f lossn to eittseae of.'ortb Carolina. Lsnm n n n una r- h - ; is it i mi ii b r ik-1 - Mtma -'- : ts en ,U UiUO BM ' I ill i I - B w '" ' ' , v 1. "" ' .i -K--r: i , rrir. i ' !-' ' 1111 ? s- "y ' MYILL" BE iA Wonder of tJiis MiJi1 y Eatul, : r But what is" that' compared with the inWense sales' of the CHAE BROS., PIANOS, CHICAGO COTTAGE ORGANS; ANDiESTEY ORGANS, The world's three,, Standard instruments. 'Seeing "them "always a sal to judges of goo'd music. Sold on. '--iv: - i:". . ' ' . " i - i a,. a .. . a . . e r i 3 .. Have oHe placed in your home-at once on triaL and -he. ' . . suifenoritya, For full informatiou, write ir call on J r ',! - ' ' - - ' ' ' : " - ' ' .' ' ... tiu-ir :1 .'.'id. '- . s By Tirtue of aMrw J Deed ezecateti to W-K.K:eh 6ad, By W . 11. Wilson D and wife. office of i, C.,. i-.aia aalj -t-ecordea o Eeg.ister iif !-f6Ua Pev3o:r"ouiity, if , P&a'.t or cas AoguEt aaus.auij Book 11, paa-.e :i;,vyt,-.Af i;lt to tne .tiighest utuuer ior cast... 'i.-i i. - on v.:atltsua y vittae of -two sf-TS-l e.:e-u n . t i?ur e 5Y : i;.i-u : my .i .)r.-. v:ca tave Wa otuy !cie.t m t!.o sassrior ri - . ..... ' - J . , Uvmz. . t,t i ;v i ; v 1j n-Aos !- .i ..... .r:'. J'V.e.,-- ' i - 'i i. :l l it honsot-, k bearintr. . i.., ; "fine yeiio.'.- i-i' . '.- i ,'.1.... v! . ''i . . . .-Vr .-". , Kjw'i-3-.i .t,-.V . ,. fctiyi cn.j. i i Jt.JS . " ''.s Biicli Ufcle as said Rarncu i-srtUot July, lS8l..-i . Bfc 9 Ft !,.! Co. ., K' i By v iiii' ji-. IBl.'v 4Sf.'. aui-. ' -'a. . . . , ; - w ti 7, i V, "i..;;-. iJ.i' i':- t i!?-t f... is? o-.v.-- ;;o::e ttilA'iiii'ii' 1 : ..""' iX-;-1-,;? -ti.crlaiiil o: i:i -1 i,.r,u rj.' (::v!?.-a;i ";f -u. : a u-.tuv...-, A. it. -j-t.aia-ii,-t.jl5tatattf.l ii..- or lit. .T&e asasrMgiW, ss a'ss?. soj j". ia8fc t:. M flc-.-irocii o leV'inr a. t -E.-.t Sr.-. Tobacco -Lu.i, cotniium,?. 15 dOrj. '-iijAa ir;.vt to &dia ted to tlie raising of-Vueati $aU, awi'in'lAist, anynd etrei-ytJiii that is wowa ia t cs lif -itude. " - - ''.- " Terms CMVo, -.r- "-.iVi-- .-..'--' Sait land Is Jrbst is known oa the Jennie Mooney riaoe. adjoining If . H, KBarrett, Johu Aebley and others. . . ' . 3. M K;tON?hBb, "i; .On Saturday, Aftst23t,h( is?i; we will eirto theftigrhfest bidder lor4 ctsfc; on tee pro?M, a certain tract or parceled taU-lyinc-aticeisa In Bushy Fork townynTJBe90n . C., adjoining tbe lands of At state of John Hawii-je, J. X. Daniel. Mrs. AV G. Bibks aacl orbra, containing 125 acres aiore or es, nwlm-VMas the rewe ai'BrooVa'lafra. Tins is a j.i,otl farm ftw Ine tolxwo,-. G(d-dwellirn; no.f ft-e . Jfnis Jui,i.isyii y J i. ctBMA.-,i . . 1--s-- ' -, t-i ii 01 P -'I'-.K, JSictanond.. ? Land Sale'x t j' - ' a, -.V- , ... " i'a f ' ' I.Br Iftac-of ait-order of Uie Snperlor ConrVof mm . nii aeit on ut; premises,- on itio mwwr w D-j-Henicor, at pntMic anotion to that hiraest bidder, a eertaitt tract ol land tnutt fa Persoa eoaatr. N. c muir uuta Ml I Pardon oowuty. Ni C t r:iii-'.. "..i -'n;'T' iae vourt tiouse uoor in oxbjio, on. t 3. i Man. day in September'; 1891, tt t&a J-i'ft 4i frU-tV" jl.r tipa i cash, remainder on a arX Jtrt nifl?4ti'tt State and -connty, in hasby 0.S; lowiMl,. i. adjoining-4ands of B. Y. Atlea, Jai .'i?. lui and others, oonteiaifir I60"acrs sscaevS fcf being the Sally Whitfield pUw. - - Tills 8rdM July. 188L y-- rery nmpie ana concise policy, free of petty restnetions, and liberal ia its terms andcoa- 4 .J-'.' - " w: H. PALMKE. President. w, H. HCCABTHT. Secretary. .Am v .-w i Wimams," I---t, pROPRIa5TQlt.'2. ,;y 'This house43 open jto thft.----Uu. PUBLIC GEEALLY--',! t r. -t 4. ., -and tor- , l ,t, : Good rooms', tabid fare the ' very boat tli3 market will MTprd.. j-Csdl ,:j4tseo me whenever ah od portaaity alTard. I atn also prepared lio takcxeareof uoraei. . J t . f ; r -W, WILLIAMS K.aa-l adiaoeat to tbe fanora mininr erty ia said ToaalUy, containing SW V acres a Term of sale Jne-tbird cash; one-third la 8 toDtas; ooe-third in 18 months, deferred nay aseata beariac S per cent, interest from day of sale. Title is retained until purchase money is paid In fall. J. -kMKBKITT, .This 1st of August, J881 Commissioner. Commissioner, :;flNOTCE. Bv virtne of m mnV'ltrivo.iH'l ua . r Nfl,fe1,J!no"d.bI S-W Oates which is recorded beinsr Tnesdayf kmrt wee?, at pnblio ! -,;- ; . ,;J.'I.5l5tRlCAN. ' V. lit-rtJl rfWi B.'COQPERr - - Executors if J). w r uah,nn.i v a- vi - Wo tic',,.1 '' 'I'?.'-''- By ytftae at twa niort v o- n -ti a-v-...... me by William K Andersoii, whteh hiVe been daiy registered ia officl ol Raster bilJdVof Person connty, N. G., liook F. r.. Virefi S2rS2.e ,8neBJ b"fyer 'casb.'-n-. front ol 17. k -iT' " rson in a tract of ianrt situate in .'oi-a-' county X.C.-on the VnX?iCnTb 6l ?Vr:3c'nff'e tends of W? said tract aw at-rfg more or mi . ' .. -fr:wrr--a- at ."..-j:r -. J-iiji . n K i-a A ..f.ftf, i"-T!.(.---l J.J J;;-' t !, t-... j.?v.; a iv-jK..-tiff.j. t-n 'i.U i. v.y. i'.l iti 1. jal;. -y.l!l I I la., ' (KSKBWWJ --i3rt.-!n.-,-. i-lf8, C 'l'.--l-.'S lVv--'1rS,i,-.- c.r'.aaft tt--j.-RiU .-;.;.). , -i.-.-j tt-x.t 'vault- af'iwj;!"if.-er-,iv -i,y.w n;irri wl;;c.i intlsyalajp-l,'-. ,..-a.-ru: . :-.v vSon niiri- .sv . ,Sx;ts:f,i i. ,ai.. ,.iar.".--.v.a. llavins tliisdayqirM,;: . a.-.:,v...-: -..?o- , C'i'. l'aw.Uit-.M:iS tf.j,,- j-v.?; ; ,-.,n - , f so'is. oricg sa.Cdcaiaj tb Yo a :nd mas"fjedtare-. -phw, w.-.l i U j v. -ns i;.l5jva c!4WE8 iga.tsii 4-a ,:-t:tc r, .t- at t'-eiai for -psyorert om -or re' -.- !' . iy oair. 138 r tt;, ae&i.-i5-i- ! i lijr. 01 fcrisn recoyery; ' a. S i'i VT, , ?.lfi;.rii.y 8Ui, 1341. :v .n,,::-,;'Df! - " "7 16-,t . .. ; ALEXO-BJliAST, Atiaiiiilsi .iior. By virtue 'ogftro oert&i'-i wr.rlT cve?iVdl to ne by JaiMMi llo)kwtty sna ItTsTyrJie- Lr ot peettsof Persoireo'utfiy. rtvV ufai, k kfctlio Oaurt House door id tt-ts.t-'irc'ou iitnitt.iy tho 7ta say of September 41, ei in i aiiait bu'der for cash ta order toea V.a jta ness by said wjortKes'ncuro,. Vy , - . i.jiiff i said moriaSes t:,-y:t: -'tiuU f.J't i;, Hot-oway's township, siidc-i isV up i,i olhcra, coetainis; Awi'r.WAr.J:: "y oa.aertaor eaa,-.-8! at tl if. '.....- v V.;':.M.;a. :" JD8-EFtitiji0VXt;Sra . ?WWr KIYCKIN, Att "i Maiatctt, Eddie Lyon, l Notice , cl gei vice f Sisaunons iB..(Sjai;fi.jtfTa .. j xne onvnuiiDiteoTe r.fjv.f -mulTsiluiwUre Ibat aa acUea rjl-btjf'd a!iLif,J,H4 it.ft Wn-,-menoed la the Superior Cc! toj Pefi ! .-, N.C.,.against fiiai, havi'tiic-lre-uip-ir$k2-tno the dissolution o. the.lida'is f "nnii e.i.xJt 1K .twaen the p4nlTaa Dfe : : " Arid the Defewiaat -win."in.'-i:jiji-' iswi V-o'.I'-.a "m iw requires to a.-p t.- a; tf a i-.jn of I3i't 8Pvt fc'cart f.s fxleai . ft nehl.oa tic itBd'4iuilay barre i:.j-t -iitjc iV tn beutffmuer. IBla-flt Bin9F'Ar.'j('a,.ai ' W lis" ' ae'd a,t the t oiirt iioiwe ia Kiui Ciiuiv, &i'-he toi-n of Koxnoro. H. C, r;a j'swt.r or ftsmif to ttiO couiplar.H t.i situl ovtha Viitiut)-' wril apply to ta Court toi'taa-retief kom.mJU i sata comnlttlAt, : 'I'ltm 23:a day of J. nu. lS'Ji.. . , , . M , BKADa'HISK.--.'i Cici X tjupei soi' Cjurt" r 1 8-- i 1 The Win July, IVji. , , V . ' vj. C.J T.ASS, MHfcee. s" - - i ' " - : - t