: ' ., W - - -r . The Courier. i ' PUBLISHED WEEKLY B? NOELL BROS., Prop's. Entered according to Postal Regu lations, at the Postoffice, in Roxboro, N. C. as second-class matter. Tin? K litiiw at- ill no wide responsible for ?iews exprewe.1 by ourresnondenta. 8VE8CKIPTION TERMS . ; : l copy, one year, - - - $1.00 i copy, six months. - - - 50 ROXBOLiO.N. C MARCH 13, 1892. AMATEUR. The UorjKIEB iu Democracy, 'AtVWiia'Esiaaa Time Table in Effect iiarfch nth, 1892 ' dxtkhaSi division.-"-'vj '""- LeiviTKfixboro- . . 0 29 am. daily fur.XyBcbburg.nnd way stations. 8 31 ft. in. Tuesdays, Th irsdays anc Saturday for Lvuchburg and way stations'. ? v Plfrt? 4 55 p" m. tlailv for Lyiichhtirg and way stations in 31 a. in. ilailv (or !m hm and wav s'ations. 0 IO). i dat'j Jr unrliara and way bi moiis 8:U7 p, ii. AtoBft.iy, edneariay. and nday for Durham ana way aiions. laMiurun CAD DPrtTCOTinN Ul. mnna vivflndi W BPfl Tin rfiftSOn Amateur and his party, but, then, .- . . th TTnited state8 Bhouldnot Amateur, be cautiQus.,-'Dont count .-' two arguments I accept the indemnity ; arralige any chickens before the eggs are tave never he;rf advanced in favor menL ' ' - - - . " : warmed. - lour .Republican .ecneme nPftk(,ftMon . hnt the,r are the .best ,' swr. an arrangement would leave is well known. -.-You hope to pat the iw admit a fact and ..wt-oti win" issn 7 in- Alliance pup on the head, and make ja8tify it, and I think that . Is the volved. Ifc would secure to the Uni him run with your big dog, 5 Every wa to' argue, if you have a fact states a guaranty for thV value time his tail wags, your heart leaps,; to meetWhy iot say- to the. far- of lhe 8eal3 taken by Canadian ves- butwnen you snow too mucn juY, merges, of course yonAlose but jf 0ur claim tp the' - fisheries ia ne will recognize you and bark. doea not tae BiDie 8ay, It is . more finally upheld. ---. The Republican party is the mora- blessed "to gi ve: than - to receive' -h ' j Whi le this or any other reasonable bund party. Its course is almost and lfyou suffer some inconvenience, ! and satistactory - agreemeiu, is h,b- - .i l .'".I , J . , Uihlft. rnntare of the neaotiations is run. vvnen tn& party mat .. once ju8t ;Joot, back jOver,yonr,ie, ana '1 . . u mhK ': Af; Aiufai f ha. Pppfiiritunr. as a tnattPV' Or I -rill tmnr lianmABT. rrm- I . i 4 : ' . . - - ' " 1. . i- - uouiac, tries liuui uv, i meuta wuru. cujo ou nucu juu nwwi at uauu nuu iuuiiocd no uwo IKvriin of J 1CTS IS tacen: lb lo pieaonufc rcauonti(i, . .,f , ... . ..i .u- '-..n' Lsiafnl M.nlt Tr. i a id 1 fi: i f won Id , ti '.t. t. onto t - Tarlorxsar fo ISoanokeI'nlltiiaii lce.err Ut- meui yt u uwi-uuhtuwu xcw, nc wt giving Bomeiutug w wiuibuuuj, "" i ; - . . ana reiresnuiK " w www, - i hBe t0 i mpliia via Knoxviiie and t iiaii ... i .' I : -V...H . --; U ft.lw fft crA ntl With' ftrhltr&t.Wn . 11 .t i " il- U li TTMnaira ' 1 m .1 . t, . 'r- forcibly reminded ot an auecaoce the most unpleasant, moments .were h"" ened in ie.nu77P when you were receiving, j The , . . - - ffectuallvd Tille. - manufacturers are selt-sacnncing . " . p Via l New Orteans viLKnoxrill:ati'l7 tliattii Constipation, Byrup OI X lgS IS TBS 1 i,ynrJibuig to Lonieville via Uadfort THE tlEW T.10DEL HALL TYPEWRITER i.A rEEFECT MACHINEI WEITISa no n , v REMOD EL & I) AN U 1 Ml'fiOVEn . V'i? J" -'lest, landard Type-winter in Hie uvi, .'i -noxiii naive, ForlaWa. ,Vo li k Rii,i jl V0.1,,1 il)le Type all Unmiagea. Easl Ol ENJOYS " . . ... ...! Alt tiauii! ox iw- itMiliaui uivis.-H Arrive ai j and iltTt'l icJii Jj li blretjj. Wivlion l,yiuiibiirKj V - - MAINLINE . -t ' :a .- : ...... i . .-. i . v1 if West Bound Leave Lynchburg Duhy. . . 8 30a m fr Kadford, stops a all gtatlnis. lias I ..... ....... . ij i : I Xiu evnnecuou uks vuii -iwuiunb . 't.r. . r ( . 4 p m for UoanOJte, Radford, rtnasKi, uriRioi; i ian-eiil I earn and KanTdV. ill r'n8'! ' narruuifl h. rrprvnetitcd - f .Tim Mneliinc i Kveryt oilv's Kriernl veobody flionld t'nvn ilieir r'iiw iillu-.. .. r"l P"IHVH 2;Utoii!i( iii Addre-v insures the most pr, i ' r- - N A v VITEKuimia v P.O iiox.5!S0 , :vW,-MU5tu St Itosto.ri,!' mipt 'ii..ii relatt-d by Maor Robbins, of SUiteo- A vonnc man of dissiDated halita i Thev ' are willing : . to take the Und Lord Salisbury. . will come tp constipation. Syrup In another column appears an ar tide signed "Amateur." Amateur seems to be having the same trouble with the Courier that X. Y. Z. had a few ueeks since believes too firmly and loo little jhi Republicanism, to please either of 'them. Well, the Courier is glad of it. If would be derelict in duty, if it did please our Republican brothers. It can never please these brethren. Urom our standpoint the Republican party is wrong in principle and vicious in practices. It is the legitimate and historical successor of the old Fed eral party: Its theory of the Ameri can government is what we know as "the loose construction of the Con stitution." That is the Federal government should have wide pow era, and under the "general welfare" clause, enact any legislation. This too has been the idea of the Supreme Court, constituted as it has been for twenty-tive years of Republican judges. In these ideas of "loose con struction" and "strict constrncti.m, are found the fundamental distinc tion between the parties that have heretofore existed in the United States, and that now exist. Amateur is not only irate, because we can find no good in the Republi can party of to-day, but because we f ail to worship its idols, for "the per petuation - of the Union, and the preservation and glorjr of onr flag." Admit for a moment this is true, has the argument any force ? Shal we support a party for what it has done? Shall we honor it for i' history thirty years, when its presen record is corrupt and vicious? Are we to honor and praise a degraded man, because his childhood was pure .and innocent? To the dog-star with such an ar gument! We would all worship the Komish church, because it preserved the spark of Christianity. Or the Church of Eugland, because it broke off from the Church of Rome. Fol low that argument to its logical con clusion, aiid Aaron Burr would never have) been condemned by the ( American people, no criminal would .ever be executed. But we cannot admit that the "Republican parly preserved the American Union, and perpetuated the glory of our flag." j If history has been correctly writ ten, the gallant men of the North, rfgardless of political creed, marched leueath the stars and stripes. Statis tics compiled within the past two years, show that a majority of those who fought m the Union army were Democrat.!, w hile many of the spot-' less Republican puritans "were at home caring for the affairs of State," in other words "sucking the public teat," The .greatest genius of the A'crthern army was George B. Mc pi ii ... i .i ijeuauu, wno was an uncompro mining Democrat. When he was 'marching on Richmond, doing gal I nit service, the Republican aduiin-i-tration at Washington had him ncaiiea. Why? Don't we know it was because of political envy and jealousy? Had MrCIellan taken Richmond, as he would have done, with sincere support from Washing ton no power. um.er heaven would have kept him from succeeding Lin coin. Ibis could not be from the nature of things, because the "pow ers that- be" have so constituted par ties, that public spoils over-ride patriotism. Why would a Repub i licau War Department stultify (?) itself and ruin its party by allowing a . Democratic ueneral to capture Richmond f ; - No, Amateur, the Republican party cannot have all the glory for the perpetuation of this Uuiou. We ' freely- accord it the honor (?) of bringing on the most disastrous war of modern times. The insane agita tion of its fanatical founders, brought - a wicked attack upon a prosperous . people, but when the battle was joined, those who had been "invinci i.t ; i i . uic iu ..pet;tj uwttnie lnvisioie In war." When'Hancock and McOiel lan were leading the Union armies to victory and weltering in blood, on Cemetery Heights, William Chan diet could not be found, and John J. . Ingall8 was a judge-advocate way in r; : the fear of the Union ' army, prose cuting jay-hawkers for robbing Ken -l roosts. . ":..';', ': " Amateur rather laughs in his r , sleeves at the . Democratic gloom caused by the Third partymove meht, ; Here I - must admit,: he has . cause for joy. The Third party will injure tis more 4 than " it will married a yoaug lady of pure charac- lesser part; and the more' dnpleasant their senses. We trust that.- botb i onl y reinedyf its kmdever pro- Cbattueofra via Uailfora and m for Boanolte and intermediate sUUon J nu.:C.,n n!.;t fife tf.riiih. hninAtR ftf rftftftivinsr. and leave VOO I "-,M - 1 . ' ... OUCea. pieasinjr W ww. ooro .... i lias na coBnocuons ueyoa f Koanoae. tci uuu yuiwwau oy.iu.;v - r- ".r 7 ; f ' I "Daltrv DTOfltS Of a 16W Seals Will LmtiHiite V.a' 'AiflchAtmmiDf.i sater joy oriving.-.T;i;'-3-v I t-it t.Ka't' (mvftmr-nu 'in r, r::T i "tf U i Bhe would reform him, and always to the greater joy or giving, lectured him when he came home I ;. Why lo they not take the other tne eye8 0f the world. .. i :..a Itui ri rr I t.liftorv. which is borne out . bv hl8 I ' l ; - JjATER. nilUcr me miiucuuc iu uium. , , . . .11-1 i i i tn.v th.t air nattnni wnion nave a wuuiuu ui uiii4iH-wiri, -v. .- .. ... ..; IPrAaMAnt dAvntAd .th - ntir morn in Kjist Kmind Leave f.vnchlmrir Dallv. 8 46 a in tor Kichmond and I'atei aburR arrive Kien- arriving at v iF0R THE BENEFIT OF : OUR CUSTOMERS 1- WE HAVE ADDED A TULL LINE X)F "discredit the 'two governments: in it. nnA tmlv beneficial in its v etersburelS 40n i Other fhA avpS at the world." - .m.j.- . W W tKn Tnrwt ! -ow flrt Veters-iirg-ratlroad dail cuccio, jHCLwra w-w- j Micnmonvvat-.r. w p m uas no coi liAftlthv and afirreeable" substanees, its f wur-':.-n. j - i J . mm. t.i vs m tn m r t i v k PAiH i in f i r .ti m. in ciii ii ri: Li ilk nations which have vv asulnotow, juarou o. xuo many excellent quaiitieiS commena it Wltn K nv p vnroad huiy wiTini t 4icu- i , a a v u Umwn atrori- DowerfuP' a Ito att - ana . nave i joaaa . ;vuw.-, jiiwb . . " SI'iTk . ' - Cj lectures were always dreaded, and he grown strong,, power ui, anq in to - 0000 0f the Lior remelv known. . : - iWnma1f endeavored to conceal his condition. Aaentia just s Individual y nave Behring Sea matter with a view to pof Figs is for sale 'tOe :.;Mt Hronsistinff'of DrV ttoods Notions" Boots STlOPS 8r Wu n: 1 a iufa mo niahK ftr done it, through hardship, toil and framing an answer to Lord Sahs- anftirWrt.tlA h-ralT leadinff drue- m r wwpfloii of passenger'- - IQOIlWbUng OI Uiy IxOOQB, ii OllOna, .UOOIS, onoes, SC. Me nis wire had retirea,- ana sunenug - - I hA h . hnfif. nf t.h ndvip.A of 6 . 1:1 j i.jriii I trmr itutrttar Lvnehbur- to worfok. J , U1 - - - may ut;uao rv r Airinaniriea as to rates, rotttes o promptly - . ...-. , 7 V --" .V- jAMESLjiELK, neav v, aiiu jtuiicv orrui5eries ... ' . . U-, ,.rolfl.,r fKo.r hovra Koan ... DSa.lUB UBUe that insatiable thirst and nunger - Secretary Blaine, Senator Shermanl 'j.- Wnfn hv drink, he alinned .into W,W!U --- ,UV " v ud General Foster, who were rUnM. It - TV' -lAt'mwmt 'aiiv3 v:'-.-;.rT.'. v. 'J5V "-fa ' " I tW..I.k.,,l.uitnf Inrnrv , t! . u " s-. ! "? w ..r'T r,-f ,.77' jay throughthe enjoyment of luxury, conference with him od the Vsubject Lubstitute. LUC UlUlUU'ivULU IAS Kb ouuivtuiwi l . . .. a .. . J - j , t 1 I 11 11 Li LllZ&li tiilO LCa WUBUVaXQ Ul Alii. OUUIO VlUJUi ... AW l MUva-WAwvww tiling Del . .. . .. ... 4kA r.n;,3xn 4a Jan nrifh v vAA.i.,.A 0-a-avm a rh Af i at - rrraa i 1.1 im.i. ii ir: 1 icBiiicuii la. uicasuu t ivu . '.1. j ' i: Lord Salisburv's present attitude arouna among ui pwpi gam-1 . . - nnnAttinna fnP ers up me Buruiuu earuiuga on. vuau modrjs yivendi CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. 8AN FRANCISCO, CAL, -LOUISVIUE. KV. NEW YORK. K.f , they will not be enervated or weak ened, so that no legacy of evil will COMMENTS SUGGESTED BY THE LOGIC K l.(Vnli;.J.hiMn Tho?P onr J Of LASI "t" VUUriltn. AT COST! AT COST! " Executor's Notice.. PhilaathropylTaTelementof our . I am posing Ollt my Entire Stock of Goods COS T --AND-- eat or drink. The first found was a pitcher of buttermilk, which he gulped down with much haste. Somehow or other, during the I day a ball of yarn had gotten iuto that pitcher of milk, and he swallowed na earnino-s are collected UD. and wouud, some otit wa, left great of oar people ...t ".w. iioorn out of his mouth. He didn t under- . mbnst and heartv: These with those in affliction, and wish to stand the trouble, but caught the MPn!ri(ra .re 0..rnflrfi-i -ni ' intn inject a gleam of hope into the uni string and began to draw it out, until Lh.,annna, ftn , - nftnn1 versal gloom of the Coueler's ed- ntrnfo 1 nui'fla wara lirinop nn r ria flv r I ... ... lwOrialS- oCiu0ij.0 v" v . po8gll)le so tnac tne injury mu oe r aT na nnt iarmAr t. thA 1 1 1 1 J 11 I - 1 vw uvw -. w " becoming ingnienea, ne iorgoc aai limited in etenU And ther say, drift of poliUcs." As true Ameri- about being drunk, all about not ..yea. of course, of course: it makes bans, proud of our country and its want-usr his wife to know his con- hnrio nfnnr anna nnrlit linAa nnr. institutions, we remember her people dition,and in his alarm cried out, uaps; compel us to buy foreign fre 8 -governing people, and have -a-i a..ii u s.i rw. ho.. MLJ P. .... " learned to acquiesce in the decision ki, ui t u, ui u0i5 ! Hues iOF OUr uwiguiers, WU6r 01 of the majority. We may know "the Gofl's sake ! I am ravelling out! " course, if the ereat body of the peo- Republican nartv in the Union : is The Republican party is about nle are benefitted, as sood. patriotic reeking with corrnption." But if we 1 w - I 1J a "a.tL!-A ravelled out. It hopes the Alliance citizens we ought hot to refuse to womareaa us nisiory wiwHnpw; 11 , ... . . .. . . a tial mind, we could honor its past will save it, but it will never do it bear the burden." fft tha A . thl. trpatl(1 ftId TTlfion Why do they not do that? They the perpetration of which is a cher- siinply come to you ahd tell you iished hope of every patriotic heart fhot t.Kftir vont d Klnrli toWflr tn mota I of all tm8 Americans. No. no. Pure I vutv vuvj ifMuw m uiu wM&au w su i - 1 fi a 1 1 low prices, so that theanufacturer Re ? be ThlS IS yonr Opportunity to wni oe aoie to pay large wages to Deople. Are we not all Americans? t J A.I . 1 i I t .. Samuel "Isn't she a hummer?" rP10 .nu men, wiey wans a Whether Alliancemen or Democrats, John -You bet, the scheme takes hiSh tariff on agricultural products, or rotten Republicans, we re yet like hot cakes. I'm 'fraid the d d 80 iaat lQeJ n nave DU7 waai T!! - .u- Commercial Agent 803JMan street'' " -V-.- V -.' - Lvnchbnr V WW: " vv ALLEN HULL v't Passenirer Agent itoanoke i W It liEVILL Ur and T ajtent Koanoke Veuerai unices uoanoic v a to bafountfin Roxboro." As before, onr prices will be the Havlmr analifled as Executor of the estate of Mrs. Amana ram, ueceasuu, i uerev uuiuj i aH persons owing eaid estate to eorao .forward and make iminediate settlement, and all per- I sons holding claims against tbe estate to pre sent them lor uavment nn or before the 16th aay oj eiruary,j was, or mis ihjiicb wiii. iw pieait in tmr iucir icixi ci . , ; . . . Kx'rof Mrs.. Aniauda J'buL xnsriDEK cost " v-STRICTLYi : Por Oasli . No Credit. SAMUEL AND JOHN. A Convsrsatiofi Overhead Between Two Re publicans in one of the Border Coun ties of North Carolina. SAVE MONEY. f x 1 1 . . 1 . . ... . , : 1 oniisf uie emuieui ui liiuci lv. tuc fools will see through the thing be- lQeJ DaJ " ine mSn PM81Die flfla that. nntinned to wave its nro. 1 n:.o T1!, - u - . :tr 1 o fore election." ",vc- uoJr "M j u"'' b fc,",u "u tectinp: power and glory impartially Samuel "Wh? Have voa heard wol ia for he beiefit of the farmer, over all parties of whatever political ftnv hintfl?" I aau goes law Qis pocKcb. uul mat 1 iaiwi. x nereiore us uuiiucif uo wie John-"No; not a word. I've iust ine lann on manuiacturea proaucts L -""; " " I I4. 4.1. 1 . . 1 UlttUUlUC. UUb IVIl uub bUC U1CU1UVI9 been down in Swamp township, and 0 Qf parties drift from truth, from the the boys are working the thins. Those Alliance fellows tbiuk some of our boys are tooth and nail in ata v . 1 m a wun em. aq i 1 jcen you sue s a dandy. Ike D. is a devilish shrewd fellow. He went into one of the -ana reauy nurcs us, one we win 8pirit of charitTf from ja8t . coIa- staoa it 11 we must." - They are sions. much like a certain maiden lady of 1 In the nature of things,' there must ' I a - 1 - m I uncertain age, who said,- "This be- 06 iwo siaes jo an queswons. xo . ... .. . , .. , . arrive at right conclusions, all par ing the third time my beau has . ? , . 1 3 tie9 must study the arguments, pro UBllcu uo ""gu uiaae some auec- na r a a Rennh cana. wa ahnn d r-Large stock of SHOES --AND-- DRESS GOoDS. A. R. Foushee. Roxboro, N. C. Jan. 261892. , Administrator's Notice. Havine-auairiied as administrator ol the esr fct'e of Margaret Woods-1 'hereby notify all I yersons owing saia estate to come Torwarn ana ! maKe lmmeuiate payment ana an ucrsuns domi- tnem ; arch, ! tnetr recovery. --i; ....... , This March 1st. 1892.': - - ' ' ' . ! . .. W. A.V.ABUEJfrAUni'n. Notice of Executrix.; Havtnr mialiiied sb exepiitrlx-of the late W. 11. Hamlet, 1 hereby notify all persons owing am estate to come jorwara anu tnaae imme diate payment and aU persons holding claims aearnst said estate are hereby notiiii sent them for paynient nn or Jjefore the 1st day of March, it8, or-tnismiitr.ewiii u pieaa bar of lurir recovery This March 1st, 1892. ; MKb. ilAUTHA A. HAWL.KT, NOTICE. Hv virtue of a nmrlgnge executed to me by U i. Yancev and wife, as will appear by refer ence to Book G G, t'age 431, I will sell to tbe. biarhest bidder for cash at thi in Itoxboieon the Lit- Monday in Ai.ril next, I the land tlicreiii det ctiiied, adjoining the lands I of ike Davis. W ni. Thomas, J. J. iuxou, Taylor fool ami others, containing SO acres more or I tes. rots aiarrn a, iguz. . i. " A . r. u A DKf. Mortgagee. winxieini a urooKs, jvxiorncys. OFFICE OF CXKKI? SDPBKIOR fllUKT.l -in a 4 ; LOWEST FOR BEST .GOODS. Remember we 'will -continue to' make SHOES OUR. SPECIALTY, and defy eompetition in prices. vBring us your Country rroauce, anu we wm pay me mgnesi prices, in trade. Thanking our friends for their liberal patronage in the pasty we hope to merit a continuance of the same, promising fair dealing and the best attention. . - Very Respectfully, - LUNSF0RD & THOMaS. t- t R ... - -v eveiey Ss GO. Dealers in Groceries, Shoes; Tinvrare, Flour, rBHe.N Cot KTV, NoKVU CAnuLI tin Hi in th 19th day of Ohrnnt V 1892. letters nave been isoue-1 li-ora uug ainiue iter.iarmg 1 llotui A. Noel I, Hj l. lieeU.-l. C. 4'ass, J. 6. .Mcrnltauil (betr SHOcess-ira a oori.r:ttwn ior the purpose of manufacturing all lands of furniture and such other wood products as the stockholders mar direct, under he tirm nameof uneex uuEgy a uruiiure co- oaict parties ana their successors bare been declared and hence- j f rth shall be a enrHoration with all the riirhts. 1 I ... ' ... D JI. ..-- - - i . ' EKSra Duiiding, opposite-courtnouse. i una. xneamnunfcui capital oi saiti corpora-i on r tioa is not -to exceed fa,0t0 or ore hnndi-fcd I Ie-ZZ-OlD ' shares va.ued at each, ao- its ch irter to COMPETITION DEFIED. J ust opened in the handsome" new Pass & Carver exist ten years. Alliance meetings down there and "onate demonstration;" and, sum- read Democratic papers, to confirm pApp VTr tgirA' "'1- told 'em ihis little paper up here was "P H her courage, . she added, our belief m the ghteousness of YViilUH llliJi tSriiV- tsean T.w,i.uAus . "ERY WEEK. paper up 'gainst the Miance and the St. Louis platform, and no good Miance man would read it." Samuel "What did they say?" John "Why, old Colonel " - jumped up and said 'twas certainly so, and he considered1 it his Christian duty to stop the paper. Then pious this Uie 10th I DSHKU, c. n. c. I T hv mAa ;nA Republican principles, i And if Dem- v iuuviv uk lAlJT UI1UU VUBU I a. I - , . , . - - . . . , Anao T :il t ti wwaMUBMiwn nuuiu icnu . una- m. ucju wttu torarauB,--- nfliIiM. vres9 n1 ft.ftP.nnaftrvfttiv An extract from the speech of Hon. gospels of purity, we soon 'might w lluam J. Bryan, of Nebraska. I hope to' see them oecome respectable deciples of , high tantr Democracy, an hnnnr trt fhair nrnrnniljira anrl T.IF TSAliai r? nffiurru iia .mm w-am I .... ..uqwu.w.o u injuoLt ocmccn us Anu tna- I - ui : .u; j....-ti.. LAN D I vicoaiu irt uicii icaucia, xiicjr couia men teacn us mat assertion is TKa TTn,'!- frafM i;m noi, argumeni, nor eviuence: mai R. E COUCH ROXBORO, N.C ' Itf't .-d'7-''''''7--k-ive right t. etch in Bering P3XSird1 r o ir u uv buying from anybody that read it. Samuel "Well, what did Ike do? John -Why, he just set right right still and watched his ball roll." fcamuei "luat s, right. Let it roll on, and we will ride on top till it stops, then go out and give it a kick. . I tell you, John, its getting time we were fixing up a ticket. Its going to take good juJgineat to flx up one 111 I t -. mat wm go mrougn. wuo do you think ought to run for the Senate?" John "Don't know, Sam. I Sea. Great Britain denies - that exclusively in the Democratic syria- rlahfc. Tr. mainhiin- f l at rr..a Krulw gKe iSorth Or South --o I tu . 1 e e "Farm Bov." To read his fore- open sea aud hence free to the world: bodings, prophetic desolation seems Each government fails to convince the other of the validity of its claim w , nr Oll,rupon T ; f"1? A .L! a. Ll ! - 1 r ' T roitauou is agreeu upon, renamg is pbwer.',;,The labor referred to is the settlement neither is expected to of the ignorant class of negroes and exercise its claimed right , without a few rascally white Republicans." Is the consent of the other. It U' mu- a bor anVn oNguoranceand ras . , ... . . .. , cahty an element of power? Cannot tually rgreed that sealing be stopped. the superior intelligence of the Accordingly there was no -sealing to Southern white man control and gov- speak of last vear. - ' 4 ern ignorance V and r impotence? But the question in dispute is not I ,laty ana justice to an anathe yet settled. The agreement to stop of in&uitv. Thi ia a whit man' haven t thought much about it. Who sealing was for last season' only. It government, and this it will remain, do you think?'.' ia as important cow as it was a year even though the Democrats' cease to Samuel be doo-nri if t k nn I ao0 that Aomp. arrno-mAnt tnnKinn- sack the public teat. ' VFarm Boy" OO . - . ....v .... 0 " - 1 , , Doa-tkDw .ho - be . good the VMn cWm, of the two go,- CSSSSS NOTICE. Having qualified as-Admlnisir.tr of thej OftUile f rhoinas SI. Damelnud - r.lizabiilh Uaniel, notice is lierebv giu n toalf persons indebted lo Hie id eettt-a -to pkub'e . come ierwam ana maKe iiiineiiai4! payHient, ann ait . persons-holding claims rrsainsl the said tii tes will present ihem to me for payment on or bei fore the 21th day of February, 1893, or this notice wilt ne -il iw-uar 4 ttieir recovery. iniB feu. w. taa . i. ctt.K.ii a.h, . 8 10 It Adm r of V- M. and K. fiauieL Administrator's Notice. Having qttalidud as Admlnlslraltir 6f j.D. Lea, 1 lrereby notify all persons owinz saklJ estate to come forward an..' m -ke immediate payment. .. an-i -all versont' . tioldinir. rlaims l aganit sjibl estate are tieroiir' notill- l .to pre- I or before the 1st dm of t elirtmrtL 1893.- or this ! notice wilt tie plMl tit Ir, iit th.-ir j-eciiveiy. J -1HIB ECU. l.l.WA. ' I A tj l I. f.. , - . j. veri nt itryant .nsiriiej-s. . oi ii eiliizers i D -I. . - .1 - - - 1 supnrl .r f ourt. : . J ueI'rei :ielK Watctes, Clocks, Jewelry WATCHES, -m Pu luuown. : iou nav for the aflftU frrov raf r. 5 f l,a goonand'run, and let me control u- " - ,J., 7 . . 18 unique, if not satisfy! the camDair bravn J5 n' arbltratow finally decide in favor: of listen f The benevolent me campaign boodle. 1 11 put you t,a tta Ofo -w.uic. t man. Some of the boys have been erhments be agreed upon for the I become ss a tramp, oblivious of rec alter me to take it, but I don't want! coming season. Lord Salisbusy re-J ognitionr with a prospect of emolu- n. money s kmj scarce. fnaca anat u0f - mencs oi omce or tne srreed w a vuwTT, jteov f cat B - lliAWl II W I " - - v John "Ob, that's all rio-ht. ,-w tnJ tt aJm l. Pwer. oar. rniaa rho mnnn- Ti.,..,l .i v . . . -xuo ua.i, m uvw,. "jrarbies. 1 IUC j. mj, m man seaiers out 0 Kenng Sea. - He work . of .a special pleader.- ' Mr. renows up Worth yonder, that's been suggests that they can be required Kitchin betrays sanguine .solicitude getting all the fat out of this, tariff to riTe bonds to tha TTnif Rfafo. n for local sneers of the good man's Knoinaoa nrttl Si. -A '' " I - In&rtv 'Tho L!.: 1 5. f J. i i.UO ui lllo lUgtt; if not satisfying.. Just hay honwii unf campaign boodle." I'll put you Un(i Hnttefl Rfata ;v -hinK t.;: "1! ii . i . .. . .. i.u.vu uiuvuw uwuuutcu wj me I If. TTl ! . . I PannKnl.n . 1 . .,, , f jur.jgiarrison veryproperly scouts 1. f - ceaseu. T" "tUBr maaase iae the idea of looking to a hundred r uu "-;. octtirio ior - Donas, her wealth?' ; Otherlo like, her. occu- isut ne insists upon a renewell of the pation is gone I And hence all good modus vivendi and will t men are asked to betray Hhe prin- nothing else. ' If Canadian aea1ra Pleiin which they belieye to join. tva wuCt1 j o t- t , pne democrats necause the Demo- there,-he tells Lord Salisbury, - with cratic party need their votea-not tn peimissiou or ; the British govern sustain itself in power; ah.io, but menL revenue cutters will fnliw t settle the race problem. And to nuuoei i , . . ' J t.h Q Ami th i Hr.M lu Kt - . v, John-It ongLttabeaa Alliance ?er 01 tm3 government. If Brit- DeednTt ion uii i iirar irnann ia i y n m - x, . i i . t . -m-.wwo oupCii to protect. To educate whom? What .MOfi I a ' 1 "'"- I .i... ' .; F-rw-wwr tvu liance men -on the- ticket. I'm in Ameripan men-ot-war will follow to are they to promulgate? - To : "edu favor of Ike.v He' is a h 11". nf . back our cutters. . - lcate-the .bonemnd.siaewfrthe campaign , and let - somebody . else run. I don't want the Senate. There is no money in it." John That'll never do. You just, must run. So less go ahead and fix up the ticket." . Samuel "Well, I'll see about it. Who's going to run for the House?". GOLD WATCHES of all kinds j of SILVER WATCHES and NICKEL WATCHES at "popular prices. All so genuine RAILROAD WATCHES at rock bottom prices. ,""'."- ' "CLOCKS ' - I offer special bargains in CLOCKS SiLYER-WAHEV- ... r , , Beautiful - wtdoi ng . and .holliday presents in- b LVER SPOONS FORLKS." KNIVES jand TABLE- WlARE of all kinds" 'at lowest price .hp f.lloW. m heWdonttlUhe !-- this k tsar like Zg. Alliance folks beUer than anybody Alr- wnson s hasty message in the Who aver hpnrri r anh- ..ki; , ..- - . " nu:ii. . . . i . .... ..... w. -vu .uuuuic eise. i ivunean case, it is a menacing n ti- innocence and modestv Hp fa Samuel "All ! rfgt. V 4 Less glye f nm hefore an ultimatum is called missionary. work for Alliancemen them all the rest. 'Jnat n thW.,n.f for. It is a threatened rwort W1.tn a vengence. We trust that this when wom mi put any Bore uemooraw oa . ...... ito De; passed over with a smile. Ah the ticket, this time.; That's what If Lord Salisbury will not renew mf 1 Alliance a missionary to old man B. raised so much racket the modus vivendi we see no reason reJavenate a morabund party is too gets our .votes, he's, got to . plank to indemnify the .United State; for T We believe the Democratic as well down the money.;; He'll have to pay the seals i taken-by Cauadian vessels as the Republican party has the al least $500.;! Not a'cent less." :! if the rights claimed by this" govern- germ mVon In its vitals, and Here the reporter was interrrmr.Arl tYiAnt aVnni' tv a C-n.- . . u"wsn is at nana, it is the .- - t- - - -i -i .-uvum uc ttiiilliiCU. UV Lllfl Arm. If .. 3 . ... , Sweet finrcrnm t?r&6 Pr-aa. llJ. Vi u:.n-:-v . . 1 ?. f?"1 natlonB tp de- SPECTACLES. - . - -. . . . .j . f I have the finest iotVof SPECTA CLES ever brought to the county and wilLguarantee to fit any eye, M JEWELRY, : BREAST-PINS EAR-RINGS BADGES CHARMS, CHAINS, ENGAGEMENT and ! WEDDING RINGS; in fact, snything you want in the Jewelry line. , .: r : " Bring me your watch, clock and ewelry repairs. -l Sati sfaction guar anteed. . - North Curoliiia, ' il'ersnn t nty-. A. it. Harr.8. U.ll luira -Carver :ilI Ulnervm Coatbam and- hmband i.'-ariest Lual tiain. J - ': ". "--';: Jt. AV. Barns. : -" ;'--'' ' ft'.-.V Xiitire lo ilelendmit. .-" , The dfcfenit.int I t , Harris nill take notice l that the above tiame-l A It I larris Barbara Carver and Minerva' A. Chatham, have begun ! this aetton against - MmJo division tf ttj i lanj nwned by all these parties as tenancs-in- ctimmon. to-wit: mat tract iu saut county ava tate, anjoinining the lands of Moses Oak.ey Kavnnd V. .1. Carver 31.T. clavtan . Turner I Tillman and i.thers contairinff oinctv-s'.x 196) acres more or less, and tbe said J , Vf . llnrris n iitsreuv - tiiiHiniiiimi -w sppeitr Aou answer i or demur to the complaint which is now -filed I in thiocanso.- on ,Tnesaty April 261 b 1892. or else toe Teller aemanoea, will tie then prayed. tilrcu tllllf 4 I'll ui jusreu loss. - . - O. W. Itradsber. O. R. r. - Wfnstead a Brooks, Fia in tiffs atl'ys. Notice of Sale. By virtue -of a certain nwrtgago.cleed cnted to me by Nelson Walters and wife lotte .Alters, on tbe 21st day Of February 1890, and of record in tbe Register's offlce of 1'ersnn You can find, at om.store the, folio wing'., brands of fertilizers, wh'ch we aie selling'ttiis season at reason able prices. '-'?'" ;W;i:.';: "-' ' ' ;'.'rv.i V;. X - : owl r and, ;-:v::-::yiNco,;:;;-;:;srATioNAL, ACHuR: BRANP, PINE ISL A .N D.; CHESAPEAKE, j EMPIKE, PIELXMONT RALEIGH ?STANDARD. ALL ON.US BEF.OREBUYINCjr 4 Don't forget that we'earry a full line of t V - -.- - QHlMoiiD county, in ISoofc 1 l.ob page -157, 1 shall sell for caso to toe ntgticst oniiier t.t mtbiio auction iu front of ihe tourt lionse door, in I'.oxliarn nn Monday,' April 18th.it being the first day of onr oii)icriurxvuri, tuq:iuuuwifr mill ux tana,- u. Witt Thattr-et near the railroad depot, ou the mountain road. adjiining the lands of Mrs. Lou M. Satterfleld, S. it.-W instead and others, con taining about three acres, it being the Jot npon which Sam N-tson vt alters now h ves. - -. ThU March Wth, 1892. - - - - w. L.TliOiTAS, Mortgagee, y ' - ' ... -' T . . j ' .. .. " 2 . Administrator's Notice. - 1 taring qtialifled as -Administrator of- tbe es tate of lialdy Uanisey, I hereby notify all per sons owing said estate to-come forward and make immediate payment, and all persons holding claims against said, estate are hereby notified to present tbem on or before, the 11th day of February, 1893, Or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery . . .. -ThisFebtllth,lS92ts. V.CVB-- BROOKS.. ? fit ! . . , '. .'Administrator. - . ir-i W AM, M . 1 Notice. 'The radCTBigitfid Administratrix- of Joseph Hall obedience ta an order of tbe Superior Conn of Person county will sell at the court twiioA i)aw in tt.Truim M i. nn - . 1. n t . . i - " " " " - ' v. v.t IUO lllBh 31 UII day in AlajM892 forty-flve acres of land more or pai x vuw a.iiic ua aci lUbCVlttm, AdjOIB Incr rho I u rula nf a.1 r.oa' Q 1 rv. Aua . i Xemwcash. Tbis2St.h March, 1392., ' " c N.LUX3FOKP, Att'y. Notice.- "By virtue of a mortgage executed to me by G. Cozart and wife, Ljcretia as will appear by ref ernca to Book II il Pages 297 and 298 1 will sell to the highest bidder for cash at tbe Court House door in Kosboru on t'.e let Monday In May next,, the following, tracts of land herein in scribed adjoining the lands of H, C, Swaaney, W. T. Nocli. gqire Glean and ethers known -as the rayior Cozart tract containing ene hnn dred acres more or less.- This March 31 1892 . t : W. F.; BEADS, Mortgagee. ' NOTICE. Tho undersigned, having ibis day qualified as Administrator c t. a. of the late Mrs. Nancy Bumpassy hereby notifies nil persons holding clauui itgaiiiet his teaiAtor to present them within the time limited by law, vis twelve months; and all persons owing said estate to Guiue lorwam ana mase immediate pavmcnt. - Ibis tbe 2y tk day of March,18y2. - when in nevd of anything in this line, call and let us maue an estimate tor you. -' we can save you money on SASH, DOORS and BLItfDSwINDOw- GLASS, KNOB LOCKS, HINGES, NAILS, etc. , ' ' :Buyxnejof - . : ; : : SMXTff S PATEM' - FEED ' CUITERS, tne. best on-earthy l : . - All our heavy goods: such as SALT. B A HON nniK i E LOTS, and'countfymercriants VillM weU to get our prices on these, goods. , , . v - wejearry a complete line oi 1 '1 : Fancy Groceries; ; ; :" : ! ; , , Confectioneries, - ; ; -ff't Cigars and Tobacco. which.we wilLsell to the trade as low as they can. be bought on any market. ' ' , ' - .. we are yery;thahHul for.the liberal patronage our friends have given us,, and' we promise to use bur best endeavors to merit their confidence in the future " ; ' ' Very Respectfully, " - : " PASS BROS

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