J I It . I'm j ( 1 nHixxii 7VTTTT17T Urn armies were Democrats McClel eral Grant prior to the war. . REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. As theRepublicans See It. The Republican State Convention night, Mr. Editob :On ,last Monday n7- f fT ight, your correspondent had an . j -JlS' published weekly by I So the negro Owes his NOELL DROO., Prop's- uch to the Democrats i . ... i 1 as to tne HeDublicans.? Eutered accordine to Postal Regu- North: flehtiwr solid! Stfttth: re? K f?877?; Secreta7 f State.' Ru- delegates to the State pofcvjsmtfon lationa, at the rostomce, in woxooro, o-ardless i jmow as SUBSCRIPTION TBBXB 1 copy, one year. t copy, six months. - - - i par jr. : v -C " H-n-Dnflkerr. nf Rfehmoiidi Knner- were agreed. "If the Thirdparty I lf?&4JLiJXVtl to fair promises since. V At Ae "pm' v. will hold out., we've 'got 'the best ft I3i& LULl were torecve-fort, acres cPMri8;o - . - '9 ' i i.nfir nnnn. - i nfv IiAvh - HYifuiiirtLirHii i , ... . .j :! Attorney- M. iAUi siLitt'ttni!. IS MlTCI NlA PHE3nnTV . of Wake J ever there was anv dissatisfaction. I II .M HWlfssUia- 15 ' The Rliior r la do wie rpowibl for first, they ... k jwxaiiu1onta. 1 1 - I. it J ' 11 I of those who went to connty seats on General, Tho RPurnell the daV after election. With blind I a ' : 'ti.: m d- d.h Ithw hav AnfiavorAfl tn fan .it into - - " I hrirMoa uiA anann snrlra Jarnontino I v. . ' - , . . I fl&mM.: In the diSCnSSiOH . referred K 50 "Tr "'" r "V "rvr6 uora; yaage, npenor ,uonrH - " ,"ltt .f-i;, -v,Br to ride back on the ; mnles, , bearing Twelftv Di8tricv V Norwood. .1!!; Tl: ROXBORO. N. Un BBTi. lu u" vt -uw m ."w- FWf- uaywooa.; . f 4 ri csfi Democracy, He said that while in a eu, let, in spice 01 su ims, tnene-1 : hmmmmmmmmm ; j ;i (crowd of ignorant men, most 01 wham Hnrr&h ftr . DemocracT I Long I eroes in manv localities, still persist t why southern farmfrs should Vote! had been .voting . the,JDemocratic.ili 1t nnwiMftv. - . . lin vot ns? that ticket with nnbrokeiir " AGAINST HARRISON..' - f . bviuwu, u wuuujr puiwt. The acUon of the Republican con- ... ... i-. -jtner office : Uecaute he did not hesitate at who WOnld convict all members of vention insures the election w Elia I hniflpnL pflRP hftldrL nf thw l Minneappolis to bribe the delegates other parties, and acquit all ! Demo-13 Carr and the whole State ticket. Hur, , . . . . , - m m . . - with promises of office.; - He promised crats. ir the commissioners thought ( rah for oor next farmer Govern "rSZZZZ 1 iPlainevthat .he would .,,, th? ho .-j thnu' a vh,tnr hA The bUte election in Arkansas 1 : : j , bake MmTjostmaster at Charleston. v.a tjiiHnr nnnM nnt t inn th - , . r b - - V. 1.1 ' 1 . . rf-l It rru. 1 . . L. . L 1 J 1 " " . conrA we ar not io-nnrnnf f tKi U4IU pwHauww an v,ucOWut wa taiKing COUW: not- get 01 came off last Tuesday, and tneKt- i s J-A--; -fftCJlf he would voteforhim..? Crumjury The real truth was, they could IT publicans concede it to be aboot wuvenuoiw yUnsented'aadt Harrlatin sent his not get on the juriea, .because they fifteen thousand Democratic majorl- .s --i""- u.w Senate,- where Republi. were ,Da"fa DJ.lr . .. Ihv A nftarn. nrt n noorm f ' Hoi- .. -T . r. -"r I Mv. ha' t.hnv didn't tnnw ftntf httpr ty. A very good working majomy. , ' .."1 7: nSn8 divulged the whole dis- d ht to aave heard them ieful affair. !; Not being able to I rear." '; - - f -. a;;-ci::f- V' Moore In the Houaeand thejr will are most often pU in-. nomination M Harrison withdrew the appoint- jea" laughing at thThird.party be there-person county ay rest bynegro orators Jp ;te Wq ment Can the farrsi the South. 1?? assuwd that her interests-wui oe " who are honesandnacientiou. ih7rop"adnast looked after. No county in the things are easily explained. The de- meDf thro1. y tHelf vo they intended to nominate Col. James State can boast of superior repre- luded chairman, or the deluded sec- when on0.h a man la a candidate for E. Boyd, for Governor of N, Ci,1 not- sentatlves. , ' retary, or the deluded orator,' per- l -iJ-fj-n' . mav be elected i if 1 withstanding the fact they knewhis forms his part of the ceremony, and Lh' An JtvnL nw.Und. F!001 ? bad- .M The Democratic Executive Com- imagines that he is "running the gov- IWl: ""rTt S mlttee was in session at Raleigh yes. ernmeut," when in truth the afore-1 ! lntinr Jim Bord" from his iomi. terday. v The meeting wa. called to said office seekerr is using negro paws PARTY BOSSISM. . nation until the day of election Yet nominate a candidate to fill the va- to pull out fat Xchestnnts. Isn't it ,-" h ', ' ' c " tneJ booai tQ'nQmlnate' b'inr, Ibf o-m nnrt HAnnh t.. 1.1 . ti.t. . ' YJ .- "'' '..'V'v caase thev have ho better candidate. vauuj uu tu- om"" BU. io mere a uiaca man, or a wnite w WW ot- Kn.,l.m I tj. n u. . Caused by the death of Justice Da- min wh? deny these things? WM of thfr grievances People's tion at their hands, and there 1 if hd YI. The committee, on mouon o. How nwuy officeg are held by negroea mcQ - e De. one else, in good repute with the ppw- 1 era, wnose recora is Decier xnan (joi. j. nfiminaten tne ronowtnor tio.Ket vea. uuuuttumiy 01 uearm a uioouastuu ; 1 -. - v . . 1 v& i,j u , oftheoHhwJ- Tnorv"- J I ' TVtXM , it ... a Qiw K Iredell : Lt. Governor, J. M. Moody ' rtf tjw,m.wU!! V ifeA rr:-r'-T-tl 0 Z ifll fa fK ft 10k A A (k iilK Alii iMteiimiwMHiMi i-ilt'fl1s- ' fusft y.uit 5if.t f'!4Hf.rfd that never takes advice iai almost - certain to make a J mm 1 1 mi m u win hmmi wHunumMiiim lit 1 4 Jl. 1 -.. Si . fc , , JkA elf l'il"('M . . '.1 fi'tJ Ui. 5.'.t; -Pi- y lSjCf: S,'!'V VJir.iH 7i;:T V(mjiHv'Mi&i4!?iVij,tY-?;f."iI. Si ; --.iUUjUMj !! i UIUI M HI j4-tt! .and'tifeymbkesfbf- tett ' J , cents. Don t pay ten cents, for: one, smoke,? loij it .vi Ho .11 i, 1 a. I, I . 4 ij u nil-' ii.i li .WHttl-.i i;lir. VtiittlVit i"l:li'ii'7 ii .j.'l ' J; '!' i'.'Ji: ty 1 1 ; ; XfcRfiSCliifS in: all ;-ourr-i;;nr KlWMU ;L.!A t n 1 1 ri fcv: V. bit J them" that will moYe aem. n n s iJome ana secure mm I'm! ' 7i'J:nt Mil'A ainSi j ..'4- ;.i',- -- ' J j j uroSallnes,1 is veryomplete and( . you i s !!.. hm ft will, have little ; trouble in . making? : ; nUADUnU Fok Botti Khxtw.. .f 1. ' ' i? f -is.. liocation. Healthy,5 Elegant New ' , ' , Buildings. Experienced Teachers.'" .'Ui : ' '' 'Mathema1;ids,f! ScWticesyi Languages. -Mr.' .1 l-i. i-ii;Boiok'-Keepirig, Short.-Hixad, Type-. i Thorough Coursesln r iEnglishr 4 ri ; -i'f ' 1 ;I 1 -i;:ir lul yo a 7fei.ll .in.I; writingj'j.Vocal:: a,nd Instrnmental, ' ;; M,usic Painting, Drawing, and' PriU: TUITION CHARGES VERY LOW. 1 V- A tf . A Tji.iIaii nmMAlllMt tn I i. 1 o IT ' m . n . A- VTTi.. J c 01 every wn P11 f mocracy. There never was a party Z" 77' ut . nnml. J " uxfcuo , ui iThe Democrats rarely aUoW; it, . nut I predicuon : iruoyd is nominated CUU1UB Ul LUC WLUUJ.WWVft " - .1 :!".'( u. tflli-ij -ii j . 1 1:. i' '. hjfi if r-.vi.':!uf i'll! ' 'q - HMijiji. '! 'VtU'tlSpul 1 ' ( : ! -. i 'i "hi'itiilflO (!!.. .jm ft will' nave jiiue ir " liltillKW 'jTJUl nl! your selections. vx .1 s ; ''i'' . Pnnila' nrehared.; 'for the. nisyher .... , Voiasseaofany .collez or 'gradaatd1? " """v! "" '"rorfaness ir:'' -'h-.-:v hmt nated by acclamation. the Republican vote df Person cbun j the new party seems to invite it.Sr-' S. his record will drive him ; from" the v f AO VMb IJT UClUCfl. . : llfhA WiTaAn ia nAr A-nlw Ahoirman r r. - - $125 PAYS BOARD .ANP.TUITfON ..... L. j . xt - 1 1 im.i lei 01 an me omces in Nnrthi i. tstate. uoncrressionaL ana coumvn.x A Linn nen 01 iub iuubi kuiuuiu 1 . o : . i . rnn.n B j - "'. J ... ..... . oliniL huw mn n.n! Native ommittcB of that DartY. f L ui uur WrrB0pOiiuni w ur- win ne Touna tne ucae-i taai, w ' r j 1 - - ; - - - - - , I rect in expressing - the ' sentiment of f ' going to work for and the ticket we poes? Is there a negro holding officJ but. was present atthe Cnngressionri ' " P JwJ 1 ' ii ruriuui nnnnrvf m aw n o . vyvfi LivinvKiiLinn ki t.iih nirn n aixiri. .mi 1 w w 1 lit was oa Monday ugbt. . :we nder- . .. . . 1- Lu I K nrlkSfu 17a...iki:.o9 ' :. I thT mnt lAftVB t.hft T)mfvritln nr. now many 01 tne gooa peopra oi.urj-.;TiWuUWl(1. ,z I W' record, became too stinkv. wen 1- Person have done just as we. All At tne convention held r " a "Tk. Ti" tbe 'BepubHcan party: n'Thtfej-1 of our nominees are good, honest, this week, how many negroes will be boss rule t . No one man in the Dem- . o h. :K JA 'tried and true men, and yon cannot piaceu upon tne ticket? Yet the , ; ne- "f""? "r,,J W8S;eyer 8UCU BUW -vft him nn Fns 1 rill cast nine of every ten totes crat M otno Wilson is in the Fee-1; . , , ti--.t1 ill Jiiiij'l'I "i 'Ji1,' t.t ! ;i tl!!t i 1:1.- -Win; iM.-;fi lMj.;ri;Z J.'iW: .- ' ft WMB-V BAD' vi'j it .ftitf ,-5ito Tjjf ,! ssion liegjns, September 5f 182, , , Write for, Catalogue: ' ' v ' .', ' Eb'wA'E.BRiTTorfnhciflal; jr i Roxborb, N: C;;n"' L'l'i Ad i ji 1 h;;w find better offlsers anywhere than groes will thev have made. Not a single charge I cast for it can be brought against any one of I The Republican party changes its them,'nd they will again be elected leaders. It fights one year against a by a good soona majority, viewy is oura the only thing necessary to insure this Is work. Let every Demo crat n Person county go to work and worjeasifthe election depended on what was done by him. ... . if pWs party. North Carolina. ' i ' TNE MASK AT LAST THROWN OFF. ReDubliean tinkf. Th whii Uu. orth Carolina. have Hied it lh nmv.- .ljftH,J. postmaster otawavuie, ; waa 7- x-r fwe AMMwvMV miv voting, The Republican party has at last thrown oflf its veil. It dickered with the Third party, until the latter had committed itself to a full ticket. It had been led by Republicans, to be lieve they would give it support, un til, they became brave enough and con fident enough to pnt out a state tick et. Now, since the Republicans have pnt out a ticket, we wonder, if the " Third party will not see tho game , that has been played upon them. It now l)ecomes evident that either Elias Carr or D. M. Furches will be the next Oovernor of North Caroli na. Which will the farmers take? The best farmer of the state, the man who has always been the friend of agriculture, or the Republican law yer, who long ago was hurled from .power by a people maddened by reconstruction? - "Cfov.' Exum is not in it. He and his 25000 goats will get left Every .hitherto. Democrat, who votes for Exum, lends that much aid, towards the defeat of the farmer candidate i for Oovernor. Elias Carr was uomi nated by the farmers, he has always v been a' farmer, and, if a farmer has . any pride in his vocation, he will vote for the only farmer candidate ' since the war. . '"I V TNE NEfiROES AND TNE v PARTY. REPUBLICAN Human nature is strange. The various races of mankind have shown t marked peculiarities. But In all the v annals of human record, there, is nothing so singular, or. wonderful as , the history of the American negro as a political factor. . By one jtroke of the pen, they . were invested with all the privileges and tesponsibilities of, citizenship. Taught to believe, they were indebted solely and absolutely for their free . . doni and citizenship to the Repnbli- , can party, they bowed down and wor 'hipped at its shrine. In response to their prayers, they have been contin v ally reminded of a "historical fact? and constantly promised untold fu '. ture rewards. The "historical fact" (?) , is a positive falsehood, and the habit- ual promises are demonstrated lies! By the first the Republicans . mean the suppression of the rebellion in -1 the South; and the consequent libera tion of the slave. As a matter of history, the records of the Union ar mies, ahowjthe enrollment of ' many more Democrats -than Republicans. While the Democrats of .the Jbrth were fighting for preservation of the Union, many of the Republicans were "at home conducting the affairs . of state. ''.'" . The ablest generals in the North- ,-1 CONCERNING MR. COBB. united Democracy. Daring the next.!,- Right or Wrong. , - r,; , r i j Which will ye have? It does seem-jl ' as jf some folks prefer to have ctheh last condition of of the liverjv rather.lj l.-nimun zV.i m.s;v I .(in . 1' s than the Brat They j'Aivitv'J.r It n i;:;!J y 't: i'.' isiti .i.'i V.l .if' h'rrril-ii i ' in S.iJ Hi ; -.-ii! iiaJmi: ;i:i I .1 . T.' -'. '::''. 'So Jli'fJaJOv "iik mi- -lit oJcv nAm.ln.llw some Democrats become' sore fbeadedii We a1ot know anything about dwJ- themselves witlL DureAtivea to- and flop over to the Republican t)ar Mr- 0000 except what we find 1 on tally without virtue aa alterative of L ty. When the next eamn&io-n comL 4U uu x ; w k. '"kU. we 6 - 7 nJlertions. etc in sixth district of is the saccessful candidatelb -o.V i , -31V I , !? Vifi! hilA. : lr.j-jtniuj4 ; 1-t'.i'iiM Hli Iu this year of our Lord, 1892, we find the most wonderful spectacle of all. W hear of. and, see a " Third party, and . ReublicanTf usion; schem-: ed and concocted Chiefly by f a few white Republicans, and as usual the negro is to be left out, but as usual he is to do the voting. As long as this race permits itself to be so treated; as long as its vote can be had for anything a few white men may dictate, then it will be rid iculed by all the world. Men despise a party without principle,' they de spise individuals without principle, and they despise a race without prin ciple, j We believe that the true ' in terest of the negro will lead him, to vote the Democratic ticket There is no one upon whom the burdens of tariff legislation falls as the agricul tural laborer, and in the South that is the negro. But if he will not vote with that party; if his prejudice against it is too bitter and deep root ed; if he cannot persuade himself to face about and vote with his best friends, then we do sincerely hope he will no longer allow himself to be delivered up body and soul to those who may please a few political jobbers and township bosses. , CAN WE FORGET? i asked by Senator Vanoe : - , - r 1 , - ' 1 uo yon recollect tne inaictment against R, A. Cobb? Ans. No sir: I do not recoilee- tho indictment,' but II am satisfied that he was indicted in the U. S. court at our place. . ' , . ' '" ' .-; , Quea.' Do you know what he was indicted for, ' Ans. I' think for complicity in frauds of some kind. ' ' i Examined by Senator McDill. : ot Iowa:.-) !''; - . ... ' ....... ! Ones. 1 With regard to the indict- inent against Mr. Cobb, I understand you that you ,. have i no knowledge about it, only a general lmppresaion? ; Ans." Just -mr imppressln. I have heard others say he was indict ed in the United States Court and Dr. Mott, in his list of those dis charged, puts him down as discharge ed for complicity in franda,",.:";'J; t . .... ... Whcm North Carolina Wat la the Clutches of : In North Carolina under the r construction of the Republican pair, ty, carpet bag rule was in 1868 sub- stituted for ' tiwr " goyernmet"t of :J;he people. v .From the mbuntains to, the sea the State Was In the clutches: of plunderers. During the first session of the Legislature; both branches of which had large Republican majori ties the ..bonds.of North Carolina were Issued to the amount of ; $25,. 350,000, and not a single mile 0 of railroad was built in responseiQ $14, 000.000 of bonds 1 thaCundW tbi IrsT publican Legislature' were issued for that avowed purpose. J would1 like to know if the people of berth Car oltna can forget that the'i first ses sion of the Republicaii Legisltfthfe ! thaVSUte took i$420;000 v o bonds that had been held in the Wilming ton and Manchester .and the Wil mihgton and Weldon Railroad com panles for the purpose, of educating the poor children of that State? I wonder If the people Korth Caro lina can forget that t the ' Legislature took tliose bonds and sold ' them5 " for U8',000 for the jjole purpose of pay Ing the expenses of that legislature, thus robbing the poor, children of the SUte of that which had been ; set apart by former Legrslrttire 'and the purpose of education-Oen, Steven enson at Sadalia Mo.'"'" ' ' ' ' ular and well known aa':lt isItherelF ' a ' . . I - are umortunates wno seep on trying the drastic remedies of former days. It is to the Intelligent pprtioit of - the public that the well known and long tried properties of -the! Bitter ap peal.'" Reason should be guided by experience in the matter of : medica tion.; '-if Ji,i "The best guide to our feet Is- the lamp of experience," said a great pa" 'f moiviuie eany, revolutionary pe riod, and the exclamation c is preg nant with truth. For over a third of a century the Bitters daily has .; met with the endorsement of people : suf fering from liver complaint 'malaria, constipation, ; rheumatism, debility! ana troubles accompanied .by dys pepsia. - Latterly It has declared it- .la .' : ' sen ana Deen tnorongniy approved as a remeay ror "ia. grippe: iu j REPUBLICANS DO NOT SPLIT. I The Wflkesboro Chronicle says that all the Republicans, . who;- had taken part in the previous third par ty convention In Wilkesboro ; and nad been elected delegates to vari ous third party district and State con ventlonens, were present in j Wilkes bWojat the late: Republicaii County convention and voted as members of that, convention, many of them were chosen as 'delegate to .-other- conven tidhsV some of them were dominated for office notabl v Mr. Lee for th feglslature-p-and all of.; them were whooping and howling for "straight Republican tickew,: State; district njcodntynd 1 we, are told j-eerionslyh told-by, third s party men,, who know how to strike a i bar gain and make a good. trade in' bus! ness, that the third party' is' not a Republican '.Aid , Society I Lenoir TopiCi.u?'t , Ui',!utJ'. i. , A , avsry jetiimomai ,, r . , , . I rv ..: ..V.. J Jl-tjj ij-lJ'. I !i j In behalf; of i Hood's Sareapanlla is strictly true and will bear the Closest investigation:- -iNo matter Whet's it may be from, ft is as - relia ble and worthy your confidence as If It came rrota - your -most ; respected neigabor. 5Uav yooi ver tried this ... . t n-t-i.'Y . tr'j.- . - . f - excei woi meaictner x n M 4 f For "a general family catharfle e confidently recommend Hood's PJlls. They should be in veryhome; medi cine chesf dHl l Utt of Utters Uncalled for. r Miss Lou Wiles, S. :Wade;!Xfl Wilkerson, W.H, B.. Wheely.JL J. Wilkerson. Samuel II, , Wiley, Win. Wrenfi, Watkins, cbU W. Beasley, Jiasly Woods, Jas. Thaxton, Mr. Read, John McCain, H Loity, Mrs. M. D. Lea, Lillie Johnson ;M- R. Umphas, Mrs,. M. S. Brown; Mrs. Sarah Hicks.7 , -t lik- mmmm Both the method and resultsi -wharf Syrup of Figs is taken: it is Dleasabt Ton1 M.1.:ni.l,'tl.v' Jt lOUWUlllg' IV U10 HtBMI, SOU BOW If genuy yet promptly bnHhei Kidneys; ijiver ana uowels, ; cleanser the-feyfri A. JT 1 IV . - ' . . m Km enectuauy,:.aispei8 colas, ead- acnes ana fevers and cures hatutual T' thi'Vsteri Pereon CoBstyi 'WM Mt .I'V'i gMii? a.r-H'bh-' IfJL take this method of . announcing myself a candwaterfbrjlheVbfflcp of Register of deeds for Person county, if elected, I promise to perfom the duties of the office to the best of my ability .1 solicit a . cordial", support of my friends throughout the county. ' V .-VTcrj Respectfully, '. l " . THOS. D-jWoODT. , August 11th, 1892. " " " , ' i nonulstr wwriftdv't-TiiMirn' ' -Uj Syrup of Figs Is tollffll&tim ana vi bottles by all leading drui- may not have, it bn. liahcTwiU pro cure, it promptly -for. anv onft '- wtin wishes to it Do not accept any l CALIFORNIA TIG SXRUP Cfr turn jMfou f W rORK. 0. t. NOTICCs twfi i VniMlqr J'lgmctomirt CnV-hRTt relaTwe 1 in my asbt. I bentbv forbid and rive notice " , .' .-r- . .ma riiviivr k. ciM in,kUiiiK pooling nnseuiea .iuar- vW'i, '-AM-'-iTir-.11 'ri?rji''-'iT i ' ay The nmlersismed an Admimatnin. nt it., t. a O. W. Yanoey will sell on the premise at Surl. v., iucounj,uiu 0 orpiemoer. lisaa, . tbe t 'jay si-Kl :o imu m:a im isha 1 1 , - ' t'm- 'K, ,. : .Very -Respectfully,--- -.-' .:.-''-. j,mi,- WOODY & YANCEt. " La?. v;7J"l'JJ.n; ' 1 VH'i-.t 1 KEiSiiiiiil ji' H(wlf v.-iff n-'nt -i'. ' uuii.t hit iAJlia. J--'- "III. "ill J r ir.'Hi i!EEat and Shoes, ; V 'Vlii"',)f07..': l ' i!5 lo i"i ii:.i;' Groceries, Tinware vand Flour. .... i J. A . ' ' t. - H(CHSTt.1arlcet Price Paid for Countrv lrbdie r . i . : 7t' J . . . . . . ..... i . . . . . HlliOPLE'S BANK i vini j ifdl "hi feai.'iBir fU. iii.airr.! ;!..'.: Authorized Capital Stock j ' i.J . ..1: v J j:f .'.! ' sijj ' ' ;i); 4 Paid. In SIQO.OOO SflTl"!i ' ate 1I IIVOI in :fil'iq'ui iflff -J H9.1) .ani ti; $25,000 i .1 . - ..II. Ill 'I I l. (',-- 1 i r -t. i t - A f -I . - -l. J J. V V . iJf.i .uckf jiui? no., aaiiliow vrfj-ai. Kead it Jnjpiragh an you yjbe jofi 1 I.' Ui 'sJJof-wu!') hi f nn; 6Q.? DV It t n . wfl . ft 1 . k t : M c . x , w r is: Aoii Ji!tl));ji?;-l iJn'H!fti0f .;',&ii Will r i 1 . wv. - w , w mm a ; m w 1 1 w nja bl !..! lit hi '"I fii f v.H ': h'A lu iiiJ:n'"jiji ft I esale aM RetaU MercMhtsl J awn tv 22 !5mK nviirf!U!,nfli ! ai iwv jJu -tin .bvizjM&v.n skI oJ.rI In mir mnn v tnonrio onn tho mihlm rpanoKoltr 'ma wisk.tQyfSay thtir wet,9,rp.(jetter prepared than' eveiyto rVi; iU.ni:U A,BrTSMM :slt;:C ' "!t;myf f"Vn Ji lti jl.Jtw,aiwli!ii .i. lu.A-.H.y -, ;.i:.',;,iMc-U.', !f.f:i' Jr.- Lxu:' sot vdJ He f?'irs 'f :6 fnl:; If oH Pi (11 ' La uu U 10) ; yvIfoq-Hni. M-9jlJ-,0i.'t ft I 0 fi' ''i fcSas' n a; we jao,,.ausjQurf.meaYy..ffQ i 11 iijiv ii jotu-ifl VMrtijr-.jti ''t- TSit i,n sjnivi wo-83i nxon i I ! -ifiS'iiiTr 4tiM!- iiJ-ju iitiftiiiitfin nil T ,1 ught,itfaywherfe.uyoW;i'alway8 find .us . with a, fuir lina: of ........ . . - r constioatidn.1 Syrao' 6Fftmt i only remedy f its kind f duced, pleasing to the taste and'a-rf-f(n " '"n.-. x 1 f - . ' '.TOb ceptable to the stomach' prompt in' ' ,.SAflPlNESD YST Its action and trnWr:ll-Tirtx lc2iW?Wra',f!.'i effects, prepared pnly?romthe most healthy and agreeaDle, substances ita many excellent aualitief ciomtnn 'U. to , all and, have, made1 Ji, e1 DiaL'aIa. AaLtaa. . r1 .' anntafitiiPArQ' ' ob m Mav Mi . uu i.i'.;i i..iu uu a. .,; 4,. a.:n'i7ii toliiDV .!: -SJlUiu.J19iiT .: " -TO T" -w i . - . . : - - t . . . ... mm . . To d. one half orimu&l.fnritRt with aTrr t i - lurrro' - fiifiv wiij ... . nmriu. "i.iH.'.tr.iinh u : . . . . i - ' V " '..ii . 1 , . t v vi 1 p-"" "'"' wuo nine oil i.'i 7 .Si .7i"?M' briifT iiJ oifii; m r n.- n-' (A- ' -4 j;,A kVONC IPre. t J. S. MERRIT ihi.u.f'!. J.SJ-'BRADSHER,' Cshier. I)IBBQTdES: 1 'A. K' FOUSHEE, cb. BROOKb J. L. BROOKS T. STREET i n . 'r;ti! :i'i!t Ui .'iiiti-'A''H:?t"'h orkteRi&TT,'":::11 J.' M; BL AliOCK,5 T:!Ji STEPHENS, v R. TAYLOR GLEAVES, of Lynchburg. Va. 4 iCoiwluctB.a nGelieral Banking Business. . . Extends every accommodation copislstentijHrith business principles to its " . , , GUSTO M E R S. Always has todneyvt6leiid at 8 per cent. C ; " " n I 1 . -WCcall Krjedalatteartfdntofour Time; Lock;' Burglar and Fire Proof Safe eWe wajt3ulimSinejsiand.6oUcitcorrespondence. ,: , : ( i-hj?; rujes. p$ ,th Ba,nkA)fo!T:bd any officer thereof endorsing for other than CO-I JftH fiii' ti:(il f-ihsmi'n lr;V-e -ii....; f!j Sylctanol jLt), iqirder ethe Buperior: G6nrtol Pern Ounty lgiued at Ang: Term 1892 in tbe cae i n ttendine: entitled M. T. ' Puam thers ts A. A. Andrenrs and Anoihei, we, the nnysnimcqaqiissiAnertv BOall. oo' Monuay the iota day of October 1892. at the court house ote of land Tyinff and sitnate fleoiaJKXibor,Ml t.tfaerliest ,bidder for casn me lonowinr iota oi land lying and sitnate imthe cflrpteirtmtrp the- tovrsof iiQxboro to wit: (1) That lot on jLamar Street known as lot Sdien the Did. of -.thfir Saltefflelrt lannv adjoining Beametown, containing about 81-100 u uiwar,uo, (hi wt rcqj jsj pn sime piM-coiH aleo li) lot Mo i.o depot street jast telow the railroau. ebownon nlatof the fiattnrflniri imi there sitnate, fxontiegi 40 ! (net on -said depot t) hq. 4 eiajj of Street and running back 100 feet, also 14) No. 4 ihijwiwi Hunut owaiiajiea joc, ana ui the s'me si .a and nhanrt ( For any lnforrimtion lea8ecall eni M-B.T',-' d BattertUld, who wtll take, pleasure m exhibit-1 aei This Sept. 6th 18 1st Female Institute ! MURFREESBORO, N. QJ This institution offers superior adrantages ! Literature, Science, Elocntion, liosle. Art. Stenography and TypewriUng. ( T! So far as possible each department 1 placed under the care of a specialist. - -. , -, .. . The health is nnsurpasstd. during tbe past session tbe aTerase of medical bills was thir teen cents. . . -ax! . .. - i With a most imposing building located la CM midst of grounds of remarkable beauty, tbe sit uation is one of great attraetiTeoeas. ' Charges are made as reasonable as tbe elase of work done will allow. Tbe Fall session be- K'D8.Wed,ne8day P- 7th- 'or catalogue or; additwral information, address , .;!!" -4! - -nr. ' : JOHN B. BttKWKB. PreaideaW l;WO,TICE.: Havina-auaUfled aiTiuiinln(?'ti t ClAHM a hin8iied,deJUte0f p"o County, M.U. l - !U1 "I I V W it . J UKrft-'iihUl la tJ. haMI. .11 . lT. ''.Tl.. ' m m . -;: . . , . . HIUII' UUintl mv4;a v ;Ms ei. , JJy virtue of an order, of; the Superior Court lined this 7rtiixla "of ent.J18&. rn the aneeial iivcci7i.iuk, nuuni tceaoa ana oiners e parte to-eell land1 for diviMon, ! shall 'on tbe typ QQtpber 189a at JAtTiwah selj to the highest llMder that trackot land In Mt? Tirzah wwnamp. rerson coupty. aajcimiig the ilands Tbaaton. Kosa Clay-and Qtberst containing ne bimdred imrtairiy-tfre (IK) acres more or less, thi being, , that , jc of, a I ad Jtllotted t to ktra. AomndCailngtoalnbediTtssronof tbe lands t Tei"rtisof sale.-lS cash. on S'teotbi'tinfi Deferred t payment er cent, inwrest. iaaeisnanevi naid. XhlsfsaKoodiarni. " - L'JJir(.''.y:iKli(fl L'nlj.i I anai tteaipwnBjumefu; vu ue wcurea, nu ui Dear 9 p tMtle aretaiaeu, till, full ourcb ftM "Wfefe .IMPt Pf land Ry virtue of a mortgage executed to me hr ewlvrb?fcBdwif6-ea tbe- 24th.TOcc.- kvl I noil wiiij rewruuu u- pwi, a, a. 1'are 17 of " M the: Keglstersffioe ei'lPerslm eoritVi 5 wil "ex pose u saie xor casn, at ine court noue loorj in hi iMKHityyou oe ist Monday In Nor. the tract iaid i M land deson bed in said mortgage, adioininr 4 tile landd oi U1 Cteogersp.-ctana .taen. conuiiv oytiiniai.ion,i acres, known! H BVm'0.m;i if ni Ik jiiki:. paccoa Phis Is One to- ..Eeejrrjpodyf inte.d jid'lpi -.suwiM.-io e?ibii..fta nfew'KiiVMjjyoUV'W o Very .Stfnil oUWI,iSSiBRCa;siiM iF iv-? Si i Wtt wnn Id qhtIji thA form. il,. -in ... '.r...vr.. . "J bnblic aocuon en ine premn3eg. tn ML Tirxnb At) hMrSrta brstantiara nosranrr'wnnld hA,lorl 4.v . aJ! - .lanmemiiei:. i892.a..ii bv-.iiv . m, .1,- I . . " , i-y,-n '.Mfc.'-4 W,uk jU I fill t til aarf IS LIWIr.7ir ' ; V - ,' . 4 ; T i 7 V." ai;u iBraBd,U.Achdr T'rigTit Call on us. rr sf 7 ! 1 J - "2: Akmu9fl teUted gaWpara I i.n-ip T" TTH T ?n "I? I."r"my 1 till III III remains of tbe stock of goods belonging to ' bis j ' J ;""c- 01 sraun tooia. , lermn ' . a niif i.-r?i.ij . 1 "V "'J ue resriiiii'ecl to suit, and guai This August 23rd, 1898. ''' - '.. ..' sho-Free Medical aav.ee, Write Wy7 H,XUNSFORD,Admr. '-Agent Wanted. 7 . - V Address l)R. JCDI, Uetroit. Mich.' " suffer from th)taa)eVcasoT the'lLa jBrthbf'frluiA, nn) any kinTl ? : . u uus ah 1 11 11 1 . 1 j n nrnva rvie 1 wni .aheTj;( TTTnrn- WTwirwiir Vrt. r- yon in health. senu to any on -trial STicesi 43, i.atceriea. j Term of sale 75.dol!r cash on. daTxif. sale, ballance to Wdue six tnnnthg froftntav of sale witii iuterrat from dmof. iulIa. inniil ihn fehkse Wney Wfiiity' rfaid. at tWratffof ft ne een per annnm, TiUe,retini!d till lull payment of the puvf hase rabney. J " T ' .,' Angast 20th i833,,.r . , . , . - - . 1-Jij j.-J j".-)u 1;; Tt.':Ci',TC Tt.' Ci',TCf,I.BV-. , . t. TILI.SY, IKVi'i'H "M.f-iW.lA. Malonk, Executors of Geo. W. Tilcy, deceased. against the estate o f said deceased to exhibit tnem to theundeiaiarnAit nn . K ic.t. Sf? 1 nfn,M 188.' Uis notice will be pleaded 1" i?i 1 1?1!he,r?TerJr' AU person ladebtd to1 KLLl Ui VIVOTEin WIN8TBAD A B XOOK8, Attys. O O H u t 1 i 1 i f f'"V-"':aW'swaA..'1Eikle-'' ' Located lilesiJm Itoxboro-.'-' Location healthful expenses. ml ni nviT6dndihgs pleasant and el- V fevatingj spiritual and. mental train Jng exclenL.r;;:- ; Fuel per month,, , . . .. q ; Wasbing;w -'f4 J ' jff-7ft Tuition Ito'2!75 ; ; nstromeiUallniiisic tvocal Cbs 8.00 -Next session opens Sept. 27, 1892.' " !For" r Either "information addresV v" ;he Princitkl, :Re'j;.A:; BbS'V "f -.1'; .; . - . .7 Klij.i tu 1 . 4 I i'4 , I I t jTV?rlrwr,.lTI T-- Sverr patent tnn out Irmta I ' t 5 1 1 . . v ' BROWN'S IT.C'T Er Tl AXSZAITAO .r' . - . fv 1 ...... Corjvt!'-s f ns n , . f-,, yr.. alte,l,-i:H-..-yv..-.i . 1

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