THE COUKIEK. I'ntered according to Postal Kegu t .us, at the Postoffice, in Roxboro, . C. as second-class matter PUBLISHED WEEKLY B"? Ni ELL BROS., Prop's. The Editors are in no wise responsible for views expressed by correspondents. SUBSCRIPTION TERMS : npy, one year, - - - $1.00 I copy, six months. 50 4DVERT1SING RATES : One : .umn lyear $80.00; One-half co 'jinn 1 year $40.00; One-quarter co utiia 1 year 425.00, Transient Advertisements : (nft inch 1 week $1; 2 weeks $1.50 2 month $2. Two inches 1 week $1.50 1 veeks $2 ; 1 month $3. Four inches 1 week $2; 2 week9 $2.50; 1 month ..-o. Advertisements inserted on Loca pa jo as reading items, 5 cents per ine for each insertion Legal advertisements, uch as Ad m '.listrators' and Executors' Notices. L'- imnissioners' and Trustees' Sales, S 1'ismonsto Non-residents, etc., wi n arged for at legal rates and must UK I'AID IN ADVANCE It' 'XBORO. N. C., SEP. 5th, 1894 For Congress, 5th District, A. W.GRAHAM, of Granville County. For Solicitor, 5th District, E. S. PARKER, of Alamance- County. ARE YOU WILLING TO BE SOLD OUT? There is a serious question to be determined by some of our good citi zens between now and the day of election. The question concerns most directly those men of upright character, who have followed the Populist Party, because they sin cerely believed in its principles. Shall these men go farther with that party, or shall they turn back? When they allied themselves with it, this new party had some distinct theories and principles. Their policy was to follow these, and by force of being right make might. But to . day we find this same party fused, or co-operated with a party, whose principles most of the Third Party men have always fought. There is no great principle upon which the Republican or Populist parties agree, One is a party of Protection, the other is a party of Free trade. One is a party favoring the free and un limited coinage of silver; the other a party who has voted directly to the contrary. One is a party favoring Federal election laws ; the other's Representatives in Congress voted for the repeal of such laws. One party has fought against the income tax : the other has fought for it. Now when two parties, having principles so opposite, join hands and make a common fight, there must be some cause for it. What is that cause? What is the power be hind, which instigates this fusion, or co-operation? it is the desire of Mr. Butler to secure a seat in the United States Senate. The whole machinery, and the entire force of the Populistic party is to be used for this end. The party may go, and its principles may go. Those who have followed it for principles sake are to be duped and traded off to honor one man. The Populist party has surrendered. It is being merged into the Republican party. Now comes the question for many good men to answer. Will you longer toilow this party? Your own con vention held in this county last Monday had forty-three men. You are bound to have been struck with the falling off in two years. You can have no hope of election. Will you longer follow N. N. Tuck, and help the Republican party elect its ticket in this county by drawing off voters from the Democracy? Some of your party men will go into the Republican fold. Thither some of them have been drifting from the start, and there they will go. But others ought to be back in the Democratic party, and we bid them welcome when they come. That is the natural place for them, and they will feel better when they land there. The Republican State Convention was held in Raleigh last week. The fight in the convention was over fu sion or no fusion. It was decided by a large majority that the party would fuse with the Populists, by giving them one tmah on the Republican 'ticket. The argument used by the ; friends of fusion was that those Dem ocrats who had gone to the Peoples : P4rty wanted to get out of the Dem wratic party, 'and now if the Repub licans would give them a chance sthey would join their party. Now iwe do not believe this, for there are men right here in Person countv Jwho ' $e " Populists men who are hones and who went to" the Popn .tilista with good motives, and we be lieve ;;when they see where their leaders are trying to "drag them .they 'will return to the fojd of De mocracy.: They did'nt join the Pop ulist party for the purpose of being led into the Republican camp, to1 help the Republicans defeat their old party. They chose the new party ! from principle; but .now they see these principles set aside, in order that their influence may be used in behalf of a party which they have always been fighting. Will the good men of Person county who belong to the Peoples Party be led "by the nose in this manner? We think not, they have too much manhood and too much self-respect. Next Saturday is the time appoint ed to hold the Democratic primaries in Person county. As we said some weeks aon. t.hHA nrimarifis are all important to the success of our party this fall. T avptv Tlpmnnrftt tret to his township meeting next Saturday and help to elect a full delegation to the county couyention. When each township does tnis tnere is never any trouble about getting a good ticket. We hope to see a large con vention of the unterrified Democracy here on Saturday the 15th. Come and let us put out a ticket that all Person county shall be proud of, and a united Democracy will support. Graham and Settle will onpn their canvass in Person on the 21st. Thev have four appointments in this conn- ty, as will be seen in another column. The ror,le shot. Id turn nnt. to W these two candidates. Mr. Graham, the Democratic nominee, is a miin who is hicrhlv resnected bv all who know him and there are in this end J J of the district few who do do not um-iht ffentlpman. And Mr SpHIa is wfill. hfi is t.h HpWWn nan. didate, and his morality had best not be questioned too closely bv his friends. N. N. Tuck for sheriff what does the Populist party in Person think of that nomination? Will thev snn- port him? Well, we shall see. A DANGEROUS FLIRTATION. The Populist party is acting like a giddy headed and unsophisticated maiden. Tt b ru,ri wi. in 1TOB nf nioT,,aD . .u """ "t; iii particular as to the kind of company it keens. Republicanism smiled at it and the wayward thing smiled back. A clandestine friendship have been twilight tete a tetes under trysting trees. At the solicitation of wily Republicanism. Populism in her muslin gown has lately strolled ' I into darker glades and staved out A v. . . . , later at nignt. At nrst sne loved moonshine best, then starlight came to be enough, but now when thick clouds bedim night's candles the com- panionship is most agreeable. Way- Y!-n,i vt a a: x-i i nuiiy auwtionaiciy leans ner giddy head upon the breast of decep- uvc umi, wiiuse arms encircles ner slenuer waist, whose lips touch hers, and whisper soft, seductive words into her ear. Dan's arm never tires ana Mary is so happy that she is not conscious of the fact that she is be- ing squeezeu to aeatn. uan is only masher and he doesn't mean to marry. He is having a good time now and nobody blames him. But what of the giddy creature in his em- brace.- She has been caught nnder CirCUmstanOAS that. rnmnrnmian lioi. character and .Ci wuuuu. xiierewiunea taieot woe directly when Dan lets go. There is eoins' to be a hrpaph nf promise after awhile, a Breckinridge case nolVaiw Bnaa q 1 case politically 11 there isn't. Sampson Democrat, Young Warren's Awful Death. Norfolk, Aug. 24. Today a hor ible accident occured on the Atlan tic and Danville railroad near Cum berland, which resulted in the death of a youg man named Samuel War ren, who is employed as brakeman on the road. It seems that he was applying the brakes and fell between tne cars and was cut m two. Th emains WPl-P romnvnH immnI.I. I .vu,vu iiuuicuiabcjy t w "w uuijic iu umxuYiiM county. Col Winstead'e SucceMor The Good Condition. Bank in Greensboro, N. C, August 25. At a meeting of the board of direct- ors of the Peidmont Bank last night it was decided not to eW. a PrAai. dent in the place of Col. J. M. Win. , . ; stead at nrAHAnf Tl,0 r;T)..: present. The Vice-Presi- dent Mr. S. L- Troedon will act in his place. The affairs of the bank were found to be in first rate condition. Tired. Weak. Narvm Means impure blond w "'"" B"nonorain ana body t- 1. 1 . ... j. ne oniy way to cure . is to feed the nerves on pure blood. Thousands of people certify that the beat hlond . r . I :zi'J-t: c ana a"lcl,6lu uuuu lBnooaa ssarsapa- "11 TlTi j -a - 1 nil a, Wnat it h&a dniiA fw rfV.a I .vi vvutlQ 1 A'ii I it win also ao for you Hood's Cares, Hood's Pills cure constipation by estonng peristaltic action of the ali ..... - " mentary canal. Death Vulti Mr Tillman's Home. Died, near Winstead, little Henri etta Tillman, daughter of Mr. George and Mrs. Cora Tillman, oc Aug. the zzna, i34, age about 8 years. Hen. new was a beaatilal, sweet and promising child. She was only sick m uir uay dm ner suffering was grM. S.L.B. x . WASHINGTON LETTER. Senator Ransom Opens His Campaign The 4th Personals Pythians An Explana tion- Wm. L. Wilson on the Tariff--La bor Day. Senator iiansom leaves here today and will make the first speech of the campaign at Jackson, the county seat of Northampton, bept 4th. It looks as if N. C. will have a au- perb "delegation in the House next year, judging from the personnel or the nominees. The state5 did well to nominate such men as Charles Uook, Augustus Graham '-Jeems" Lockhart etc. to represent ner nere. as to tne kJC""tc w" w " " - mark. 1 nave received several letters ii out uiy uitruiy vuiueu euuuiiai - i . : 1. 1 i .1 ; i : i friends -within the past few davs which can be "best answered in this way. A (stalwart young Democrat from the east says: "I am forced lo "blue pencil" your letters. You strain a point to praise Kansom to Jarvis' discredit." An equally hoii est and able editor from the west wrote me two days ago- "You seem to like Jarvis much better than Ran I thought . you were a most friend to Gen. Ransom. You mnst not let your personal teeling bias your letters. "My letters of Ia8t k of every preceding week was a compilation of facts. I pave nothing to do with the fight be- tween Ransom and Jarvis for a seat m the U. a. Senate. J5cth are good I - men democrats. So tar as my correspondence has any bias it is tow- ard a straight-out unterriffed. hon- est Democracy. Party success on npright principles is the only thing 1 040 advocate with justice to my- tne number' of able gentlemen who control the press of my state and who have contracted on a purely business basis to use mv letters. w j The settlement of the tariff bill is giving a new impetus to business all over the country. In accepting his . a: rtr t ir:i 1 I Th.e new bil1 carrie8. in ifc 8ubstantial rei,ei ro ine encan people, ana muat be accepted as a substantial be- I ginning oi tnorougn ana progressive I - - 1C1U1U1- " mcana clothlDg. cheaper tools, cheaper pot- tery and manJ other necessaries for tue IP. . treer ana i i - l i i i larger commerce wun tnose nauons that buy our farm Pncta and con- sequently larger and better markets for our farmers. The day of mad .. . ... I protection is over in this country. McKinleyism will disappear as a u;a . u.-.u. r u,uwuo ru"J our muw oooks. xne ngnt win goon, lfc ma? DP not msuch a general engage ment and protested struggle as we have just passed through but in that .a i i ii ... I sueauy anu resistless pressure tftat will take one after another of the strongnoias oi pnvniges until all shall disappear before the advance of public opinion and public eman cipatiou Inquiries have been coming into the P. O. Dep't. from postmasters all over the country as to whether post offices can be closed to observe Labor Day. The Post Office Depart- ment has in each case referred to the act of Congress approved June 28 last which declarAs "Tbat. A. (irah Kfnniliiv &rtmU; ; I Known as uaoors noiiaay is nere- by made a legal holiday in the same manner as HhriRtmaa a lot Aw n I I 1 I "i. Jan. the 28th day of Feb., 30th day xr j ... , f. J uliU"J uu luc iu wavuijuiyare - - i now made by law public holidays." Naval Cadet Worth Bagley of Ral- eigh, one of the finest young officers au, : i ' . I iu me oei viutf is nere viRinnor ma mother, he is verv onnlar fth A 0 oiia ana i was torn yesterday that he j r jti . i . . J - J mw A-a. u U LMLf i stooa very wen m nis classes. i Seventy thousand Pythians and mo;tnM t u. i .i i - Mr. Krannn ia fho nnlv momln. f iuihus uoic utcu nere inia waak. i . Wi ui uuuw vicicatiuxi iej. ia tne city. Mr. Henderson left Wednesdav onn ndmno ano.A:n entire district at Lexington on Tues- day 5th instant Ordinatioa of T. J. Hudson. - At the call of Bethel Hill church, ereon .conntJ w dera P. H. Fo?1lial, J'.Beam' G Wakins and H T WHIinm. 4- U.a.i 1 tnii ri,-. aT-oo ion? urauai, n.u. o, 1094, lor tne hv Laa t ' ' .UJ purpose of ordaining to the work of tne t08!1 Ministry T. J. Hu4son. ine Presbytery organized bv elect ing P. H. Fountain, Chairman and H. T. Williams, Secretary. Elder E. S. rearce and J. i. Kiddick were in vited to sit with the Presbytery. i i . 11 i - - . . . !r orougn ana very satis- to ordain Bro. Hudson that after " Tt tmo , UCvlUCU noon. P. H. Fountain preached tne ordination sermon from Rom. H1 A- Watkms delivered the charge, H. T. Williams presented j. aiww the niaver. Tha-Vnh aa ' jt- tnp rior'hf'h O Avuv IT QUI L CbUvL JJ1U Tr t . . ""oson pronnncea the benediction a, x. w ixliams, Clerk. Among the incidents of childhood that stand out in bold relief, as our memory reverts to the days when we weJe-5.TonBfr nolhj are more promi. nent than severe sickness. The young ; mother vividly- remembers that it was Chamberlain's Cough Remedy cured her. of croup, and in turn administers it to her own nfT. spring and always with the best re sults.. For sale bv W. R. H& &Co. - SOMETHING of GREAT FEMININE. INTEREST AND VALUE. Do Women Learn Anything From What They Read. Our correspondent, Mrs. R. Ujillikin, of Runnels, Runnels Co. Texas, writes us concerning hewe! as follows. " She says: i naTe 8nffered for the last fiye yearS with heart trouble and nervous ile88. I am now taking mv third (,bx of 4 B. B. B. B., and feel great u relieved. I do ndt have those smothering 'spells any more or pal hifeirinn of tho hpnrt. sin T Wan the us ot 4 B's. They are also Mrs. R. A. Millikin. mcujr uiuigwuuu. i. fore taking your medicine I had to be-very careful about my diet, but now 1 eat anything I want. I have o suffered very much with my back-" and now my back IS " "ever acnes, i naye rec I .1 - .1 if. A T i .11 F 1 e j hi an my irienaa I the tot remedy for all complaints resulting f rom a diseased condition of the nervous system " jou are a sufferer do not fail to get this medicine immediately from Jour drggist. It cost but $1 per J box, or six boxes for $5. It is pure- 'J vegetable and is tasteless; put up m capsules. One months' treatment a box. If not found at your drug- gt s, send to H. C. Bragg, Manu facturer, Connersville, Indiana. An Evening at CastledaTe. I ne traveler nrnssintr f nam liaatlo Creek between Woodsdale and Denis- ton may see irom tne window of the moving cars one of the most pleas- Ant OOtinrrv hnnspa in y'arann ttmmi-xT x , v ? Tr" v-w- w-UJ. in cms secuon narure nas bestiw ed some of her most beautiful gifts, Qn the one side of this pearly streem are high and rugged hills, while on A" rT,iil" ailV w"- cu. utci w l Lfii a iik in i i k hi . uniwr n - .T V ,7 Talley Bituated on a little mound ia Castledale, the home of Mrs. Neenie Hall TTTT. , 1 t ,t . niie natuie nas maae tmsa beau- T " renaerea iuuic sso, uv tue nanus or tnose wno love a Sweet home in the country But the scenery is not the chief attraction, for above all things that tni? a. delightful place to visit v-aSi, hospitable family wno resiae nere. Miss Aim th vnnn ua tu place is a most excellent girl and bv ner oeauty ana otner admirable qualities has made for herself a host of mends and admirers. She now has visiting her two of Henderson's most charming young ladies, Misses Gnssie and - lily Judd. On last Saturday evening there was a social BaLli - u6 Bt ner nome. ine young ITT68 prf C Desme8 r, 188 Alma and L,t n r''r rington and Nora Hampton of Dnr. nani county, and Miss Sallie Brooks Woodsdale. The young men Pass, A. L. were lUeSSrS. VV . J. Messrs. ; Willie Bacon and Pa Umstead of Durham county and Mr. -J as Pay lor of Concord. i if eveniS was s ry P1! in nous amusements mi . untila disftrfiPt. i woa DO,.,7 , , n no AivftA ab the door to say that it was near the midnight hour. So we bade each wher f?01 niH feeling indebted to MlSS Alma for a mvic Kl,4.ri " delightful ' cut evening. M A Good Thing to Keep at Hand Some vear airo wo v subject to severe snella of nh.iA.o mnrhnc. i . , . - 1 v"v,v'B uw. auu uow wnen we reel any . n . .. . oi tne symptons that precede that ail ment such as sickness at the ston ach, diarrhoea, etc., we become scary. We nave found PViQ,nio;- Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea, Reme- dy the very thing, to straighten one outjn such cases, and always keep it aoout. we are not wriHno fK; a pay" testimonial, but to let onr readers jknow what is a good thiig to l T j ? .. ,1 6 wpnsnuy in tne house. For sale W K. TTmhriAV A- n n L xiamprick & Co. Flat River Union. The churches of the Vinf t?; Association will meet in a Union meeting on Saturday tae 27th of Sept.; 1894, at' Providence church, Person county,-N. C. PROGRAM. ' Saturday, Sept. 29th at 10 o'clock: Devotional exercises, conducted by J. A. Beam. , After organizing at 10:30 the following practical sub jects will be discussed. , 1st. . What constitutes Christian Growth? B.-D. Howard and R. H. Marsh. 2nd. What should be the purpose of our Union Meetings? J. E. Smith and G. T. Watkins. 3rd. What is v the difference be tween being "Under the Law" and "Under Grace?" T. J. Rjddick and J. J. Lansdeli - . ' , - r Sunday, at 10 o'clock,'-Sunday School Mass Meeting. - A . At 11 o'clock, Missionary Sermon by J. S.; Hardaway, J. A. Stradleyrj Alternate. ; -. Each church M requested tb send delegates.- - "7- H. T. Williams: ) : T. H. Street, Com. G. -T. WATKI3T8, J A. Card. . .' .'. - , : To my Republican friends or;Per son County: . Thei campaign is now upon us and it behooves us to get to work; I mostr congratulate you upon the encouEaglngroutlook for Kepubncan success in the coming election. The record! of the Democratic party since its ascendency to power has ' been such that the masses will refuse to approve at the polls.' They clamor now . as they -never - did before for a return of the Republicans to power.! Such times as are now up us never blackened the history - of free America before. That relief must come through Republican sue cess is! potent to all. Two years ago you nominated and elected me to seat in the House of Representatives of N, C. How well my campaign was made my friends, together with the vote of that year . will . witness. How well I discharged my duty as a member, the Journal of that session win testify and to such I refer you l nave oeen solicited by many men a to become e candidate fot Register of Deeds. I must state to these friends, that my p-ide of honor, of propriety with courtesy, forbids me to oppose my friend Woody or indeedj to offer for any place other than the one. I now hold. It has been a life custom of all parties to tender to the sitting member a sec ond nomination.' This being facts, If it should be your pleasure to place your banner m my hands r at your convention 1 promise a vigorous campaign, such as I trust I will be proud of and that you will ' not be ashamed. Thanking you for your liberal sup port in tne past ana tendering you my feeble services, I am your obedient servant, - Samuel P. Sattekfield. Expelled Every poison and impurity of your blood, by Dr. Pierce s Golden Medi cal Discovery. Then there's a clear skin and clean system. Tetter, Salt rhenm,! Eczema, Erysipelas, Boils, Carbuncles, Enlarged Glands, Tu mors and Swellings, and all Blood, oKin, anu ocaip diseases, irom a common blotch or eruption to the worst scrofula these are perfectly ana permanently curea by iL in buna ing up needed flesh and strength of pale, puny, scrofulous children, nothing can equal it. Dissolution. The firm of Tucker & Willson is this day dissolved by umtnal con sent, J.jE. Tocker purchasing the interest of C. T. Willson in the Racket store. Parties owing the old firm will settle at once with either. - ! J. E. Tucker, I C. T. Willson. This Aug. 31, '94. Referring to above say I will con- tinue same business at same stand.. My motto shall be "underbuy aud undersell," and I hope to merit and have yonr patronage as heretofore. lours for low prices, J. E. Tucker, Racket Store. Fine Cow I For Salo. 1 have a very fine eow for sale. which T quality. call on will sell low, considering ii you want a good cow J. G Andrews. For Rent. l he store house now occupied by Thaxtou & Thomas. A good stand for trade. Apply to i - A. li. FOFSHEEi Roxboro, Aug., 15, '93. We have some money to loan upon gooa real estate in Person countv We can make loans of amounts from ?100,00 to $1000,00. j Merritt & Bryant, 89 Attorney's. July 23rd, 1894. Notice. J. A. Long & Co., are offering big icuuuiimin in an ineir summer goons, such as Dres9 Goods, Trimming, SUKB &C. Big bargains in Slippers and Cloth ing. Now is your time if yoo are look ing ior Dargains. Mid summer Sale Watch it. If I you feel weak and all worn out take BROTH'S IRON BITTERS Flue Iron! Get The Best. We are now Dreoared to furnish the very best flue iron and piping at very short notice, at the following prices: jBest fine iron, 4 cents, and best piping at 5 cents. Terms, strict ly cash; Give us a call and let us furnish lyoiu - Lnkin & Long. Bargain Coutner. This iweek it is a large lot of shoes that we have put out on this coun ter thatis of interest to the trading public j It will pay you to call and look -at these shoes, for thev are real bargain, and are being offered far Deiow their real value. Come and see if we can fit you. Yours Kespectfally. J. A. Long & Co. - : FOR DYSPEPSIA Use Brown's Iron Bitters. j Physicians recommend it All dealers keep it. $1.00 per bottle. Genuine us trade-mark and crotwodrad lines on wrapper. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. Whon she par. a Child, she cried for Castoria. '' When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. Notice. H&YinfTT miAliflnrl Aft Jhriinjniatvtnw ' v kn oil 7 a uv&cujr gustily Persona having claims against said estate to PrJ f"t.tham to me, duly verified, witkin twelve 5 255Vmtni8dte"or ei8 thi notice will Mtatiffi Ef.vent recoJery- Those owing said Phi PJwe come forward and settle. state of the into n a Miinhoj .... , t - . A.J.illt W S'gf ' AdmT of Tg. HteHKI.1., Jiitcneu. . H. R. NF.WF.T.T.. ' - WatcJiTriaker ' - :"" - ; Persons troubled with chronic Di arrhoea Should " try? Chamberlain's Colic" Cholera and DUrfhoea Reine dy. Many ' cases have been ' cored by it after all else failed and skilled ohvsicians were powerless.;, For sale by W. R. Hambrick & Co. . " I , We have let parties principally in Roxboro have small amra. o money, and shall . certainly , expect them to return it at once, without our having to ask'.them.' ; Don't wait for us to aBk' you for it. f J. E. Tucker, C. T. Willson. . Delicate disease of either sex, how ever induced, speedily and radically cured., -Address, in' confidence Worid's Dispensary Medical Associa tion, Buffalo, N. Y. Where is the Line. " . x A great deal is being said in these days about tee eastern and- western sections of our State, and different people have different and vague ideas as to where the dividing ? lino reaily is. ' - Dr. J. M. Hays, in preparing a medical article ? involving certain statistics 1 questions, has .ascertained the interesting fact that the "half way line is at the same place both for population and area. The popu lation of the State by connties (cen sus of 1890) aggreated 1,744,947. A line running to the east of Cas well, Alamance, Moore, - Richmond and two thirds of Chatham, falling, of course, west of Person, - Orange, Harnett, Cumberland, Robeson and one third of Chatham, gives the east a population of 808,572 and to the west 809,373, while m area . the same line gives to the east 13J25,- 956 and to the west 13,776,596. The acreage is usually put down at 31,- 091,2000, but of this 377,648 acres is embraced in large bodies of water in the eastern section. Greensboro Record. The Past Guarantees The Future The fact that Hood's Sarsapa. nna nas cured thousands ol others is certainly .sufficient reason for belief that it will cure you. It makes pure, rich, healthy blood, tones and strengthens the nerves, and builds up the whole system. Remember s Sarsa parilla Cures Be Sure to get HOOD'S and i Only HOOD'S. l I Hood's Plils are especially prepared to be ken with Hood's S&rsaparilla. 25c. per box. Child Birth Made Easy. 'Mothers ' Friend' ' is a scien tifically prepared Liniment, every ingredient of recognized value and in constant use by the medical profession. These ingredients are combined in a manner hitherto unknown. "Mothers' Friend" will. DO all that ia claimed for it and more. It shortens labor, lessens pain, diminishes danger to life of Mother and Child. Book " To Mothers " mailed free contain ing valuable information and voluntary testimonials. Sent by express, on receipt of price, 1.80 per bottle. Sold everywhere. ttRADVLRLD KBCtUULTOB UP.. AT. I Unfa, U Leaksville Woolen Mills, t Leaksville, N. C, Are still manufacturing the peoples wool into Blan kets, Jeans, Fancy Bed-Spreads, Cas simeres Flan nels, Yarns, &c. Write for samples and gen eral information. Take your wool to - A. R. FOUSIIEE, Ag't, Roxboro, N. C, and he. will forward same to Mills free of charge. Leaksville Woolen Mills. Leaksville, N. C. NOTICE! By virtues of the pawers given me in a mort age executed by Henry Chisel and wife on tne 3rd day of Anril 1892. as will aiinear hv refer. ence to Book L L page 338 in office of Kegister of Deeds for Person c ntity, I will on Septem ber the 9th 1894, at the court bouse door in Box boro sell to the highest bidder for cash the fol lowing real estate to wit : One house and lot in-the town of Rexboro, Person county, Ji. C. on the Roxboro and Leasburir nnblie road! fronting said road 35 yards, with 70 yards side ui9bijvu, aujuinmg uio laoun ox uie estate o J. M. Barnett, W. F. Beade and ethers, con taining ii acre more or less.- Being the lot con veyed to Henry Chisel and wife by Warren Johnson, and that on which -said chisel -now resides. ... , , . - Ans-ust 2nd 1894. i " " J. A . Wisb, Mortagee.' Merritt A Bryant Atty's. . - lamberlain'a Eye and BUn Ointment - Is a certain core for Chronic Snra : PSa Granulated Ey lids, Sore , mpples, 'Paei xeiier, com itneum and Bcald Head 25 cents per box. - For sale by druggists. , to soxsB owircsa. - ' For putting a horee in a fine healthr cw dition try Drv Cady's Condition Powders. Thej tonenpthe system, aid digestion, care to of appefate, reherc constipaOTSrrect kidney disorders and destroy worrns, jrivfeff new life to an oldofover wrAked terse; oentB per package, f For sale by okA. - ilood 4tL HA7H7AY 5 CO .Sl'fcCIALISTS. An the leadlos and wort tiiocif ul ipecUiliU wH ci you feels. - - YoiniK and die ased men. Remarkable re anlU have follow ed onr treatment. ; "fJ yeari oX Taried and snccefa tu experience In the we of enra- tlve Ihethods that we lne own and control for all dla- "r X .,, mio wcbk, nnae- veloped or dli Seasea ergnna, or who are anflerlngr if rom error of jyoncn ana ezceM or who ere nervow ;;-nd lmpotcat, (fcthe acorn of their sSf eliowe - and the contempt of their Afla- . ... . . . . u nuu . -' " - DanlonR. leftHn to ranrantee to all patient. If they can possibly J will aaora a cure. . WOKESI Don't yoo want to get cared of wun wilu uhhuciu uiai you can nse at home without Instruments? Oar wonderful treat- i meat uiu eurca ouien. nay not your Try It. - CATAHBH, Hud dlaeaset of the Skin, Blood, i Bean, Liver and lUdjieya. . - S T P1XII.I S Th e moat rapid, safe and effectlre -jmedy. . A complete Cora Oa&r acteed. 8STW 9ISEASKS of -aU kinds cured where jiany oiners fULe xaiiea. U 30 STATU II .4 J.. UlSCTTAHGES promtrtlT euredlnafev dava.' Quick, ante and a&fa. includes Glcot aci Oonoriiaa. TRUTH AND PACTS. v Ji"T nred eases of Chronic T)so. have falied to get cored at the hands of other apeclai- for You. Consult no other, as you may waste valuable " ' that trier fa hnna time. UDUUMiar treuunero ul once. Beware of free and cheaD treatment "Wo iHv. the best and most scientific treatment at moderate vT'cfMst iow g cnu De oone lor eare and aKIUfu: treatment. FISEK consultation -tit the otflce 01 noali. A home treatment can be etven In amalorlti vy man. 1 noroocrn examination And cftrarnl tso M cases. Bend for Bymntoin Blank No. 1 for Men; MO. for Women : Nrt. s for Rlrln Tliivun. All mik sponaence snswerea pTomptiy. Uoslaeas strictly con sdenctal. Entire treatment sent free from observer wuo. . Abier ui our pauenu, canaa ana Duamess men Address or call on DR; HATHAWAY & CO. " a i-a South Broad Street. ATLANTA. OA The Eaton & Burnett Business Colleges. Baltimore, Md., and Washington, D. C. Are prepared to give their students the benefit of Office, Bank and Count ing house practice in all their de tails. Long and extensive experience has perfected facilities for the highest development of Successful Business Men and Intelligent Citizens. Weekly lectures on Commercial Liaw Current invents and Important Questions of the day. Shorthand and lype writing courses unexcelled. Day school upen the entire year. For farther particulars call on or address, . H. Eaton, Baltimore & Charles Sts., Baltimore, Md., or L. H. Durling, 12th & F. Sts., Washington, D. C JL rtrieUy high-grade Family 8winc Machine, possessing all modem , improvements. Guaranteed EqualwheiBest vva a naBVUsUni VUWH UOID from yoar loeal dealer and maka comparisons, A ELDREDGE f.1ANUFACTURIK6rC0. BELVIDERE. ILL. Sale of Valuable a it. Farming By virtue of .he powers sriven me In a certain mortgage deed executed by W. H. Williams and wife, V. Williams, as will appear by reference to Bjok of Deeds, L L page 180. in the omce of the Kegistcr of -Deeds for rerson connty, I wiil on the 17th day of septemer 1894 sell to the highest bidder for cash at the Conrt House door in Houston, Halifax connty, Vir ginia, the following tract or parcel of Und to wit: ram tract iving ana being in Halifax county Virginia, and bounded on the Sonth by the line between the State of North Carolina and the State of Virginia, and adjoining the lands of Hugh Woods, W'T. Woody, M. Stone, "the 3jnuiua nowi; tract" ana on trie west oy nym, mvr, coauiiiiiog one nunaren ana nicy acres, more or lest, i By virtue of the same anthoritv. I will alto, on the same terms, reli, at the Court House door in tcoxoor 3, .rerson countv. north Carolina, on the 24th day of September 1894, a tract of land, kuuwo as me -w . u. wiiiiams nome place." "u in n owisuaie townsnip, rerson connty, North Carolina; adjoiniir the lands of J. M. Brooks, Z. T. Brooke, Hugh-Woods, and the area and seven ty-iive acres more or less. Both sales will be made at twelve o'olc noon and will be for cash strictly. .- All the land is fine for farming purposes, and contains much original -mnbima tvoony piace ' containing one nun This August 15th 1894. , M.8. Johks Mortgagee. Any information in addition to the above can bo had by communication with Merritt A Bry ant, Atty's. at Boxboro, K. C. Notice of Sale. n By virtue of an order of the superior Court of rerson ocuntytesnea ny u. w uradoher Clerk in the special proceeding to sell land tor divis ion entitled Bobert Lea and others ex p'rote. I shall on October 1st 1894. being first Monday, sel at the court house door in Koxboro to the highest bidder that tract of land in said eonntv in Busby Foric township adjoining the lands of h. C. Hester, W. p. Snipes and others contain ing 22 across more or lees, it being tbe land owned by Sid Lea in severalty at hie death. Terms of sale $40. 00 cash, balance on a credit of 12 months with bond and security at 8 per oont interest. Title retained till purchase money is paid in full. - - . , . . , This Augnst22 1884 - - - - , . " w ; . o. HB8TKR,. com'r. ot Sale, .r: W, W. Kitchin, Att'y, . - j Bliss School of Electricity. Washington, D. C; t lfZoa wa,nt to know electricity "is doinir for tbe worla, if you want to become a practi cal electrician or electrical engineer enter this school the only one of its kind. ..ilaiK)ratOPy completely equipped for demon the construction of instruments and machines oy taking apart and reconstructing tie thei? hc?rJ t lectures presented in popuSr fo and their practical ose from experienced i? swnctors. Graduates are competent to 7 taStali and U?htbTpHn r. CSctureThi; ,K Zil'. W5n?experiencainins"ta: sies ni- i.iSwon 6eI,,M Oct. 1, 1894.' Terms for com plete course lastinc R'mnnth. cut . further jaformation aadresa . . or yr I B. Bl.189, Principal. ' Jndfeitlandtomachsorae . BROVt-N'S IBON BITTE lers. take V' AU dealers keep it, $1 ner bottle, rxmniiiotiu: trade-mazk and , vrossea rea lines on wrapper. oTHE EIIIIEill 3,000. 00 - , : A 'YEAR 0R THE INDUSTRIOUS. Ujoa want work that is pleasant c seUn. your addres. immed & ftable, i'ld women how to earn from 5 cL e 3O0 per year without havWJ'" da experience, and furnish the ems of J, . "'W" they can make that amount &eni?l whic' learn, or that requires much time l&difficn,t tn easy liealthy.anQ honorable, uTrw wor5 is ing davUme or evenings, rieht . , donc dur ity, wWever you Uvf' tS r TrT1 ago. YouTreader?may cannoffaU NocapitalneccsLry 'vveyfi vn,lou with so-.nethlngthat is new, golid a.f.l . J U01" book brimful ol advice is fTeTo all fe" ayb.yarrrtfy.,0r " E. C. ALLEN & CO. B0X420, ' : AUGUSTA, MAINE. and mid - i na that .WOOD'S PHOSPHonTv The Great English Remedy, Promptly and Derm... 17 cures a aurormaofAertYHLi "perm andall Been Drescrlbwi trii- TeawlnthonsandsoSseSr of 1hl Wi. tY.S"J.rj?m In Place letteidwewmsedbFretaS fitftm ne . 131 Woodward avenue, Detroit Mich. For Sale by W. R. H&mbrick & Co Featherston & Long Represent the following well known Fire, Life, Tornado and Accidental Company's : Mechanics and Traders, of New Orleans. Deleware, of Phil'a Queen, of America, Home, of New York, Pennsylvania, of Phil'a. Liverpool and London and Globe, of Liverpool, England. Total fire assets, Jan. 1, 1894, $27, 465,797. Fire surplus $9,090,290. Mutual BenefitLife In's. Co., of New ark, N. J.. Fidelity & Casualty Acci. dent of New York Yours truly) Featherston & Long. lorooes PRICE 60 CENTS PER BOTTLE. . MSK IF VAUABIE INFORMATION FIEE. for Sale bv druggists University of N; Carolina. Inclndes tfrc College, the Univer sity, the Law School, the Medical School arid the Summer School for Teachers! College tuition $60,00 a year; board $7,00 to $13,00 a month. Session begins Sept. 6. Address President Winston, Chapel riill. N.C. CLAIBORNE'S FERRY -oo- Is now open to the trjaveling pub lic Polite attention by effecient -men. Lowest rates promised the far mers. Your patronage solicited. W. C. Clatborne, Milton, N.C. -It's MULE SENSE , :-,- JTa pay more for anything, even if it is a Coffin, than you can buy it for at the cheapest place. E. D. CHEEK : Has the best line i fiUndertak ing Goods to be fonntl in this "section, and his prices the lowest. If the painful duty of buying a : coffin falls to your lot, be sure v, and see me and get my prices. REPAIRING Of .all kinds done in the Ix st workmanlike r manner and on shortest notice. ' i ' - . E. D. CHEEld LADIES MRS. VIOLA STARR'S Golden CaDsules' Are Safe and Always Reliable; belter than Tansy or Pennyroyal Fills and all similar t medicines. r Unexcelled for ' Irregularities, &c. Successfully used in thousands of cases. Is a sure remedy, guaranteed, never fails. Price in nnequaUed safeguard. LAKE SIDE SPECIFIC CO., 82-84-86 Market St., Chicago, til.' ' i'-fY 1 LADIES! ; If von haven't laid in vonr innnlr nf flower seed don't bny any annnals; we propose tosnp- wiy iuu itiiu sn jou win want- imjo vaneues) 'it EE. W e do it simnlv to call vonr attention to something better, which to see is to want. The brightest and best of periodicals for the home ia "WOMAN" a larjfo iilustrsted month ly, as bright as a new pin and as charming as a spring; bonnet. It is brim fall of every thine a wc man wants to know, and will bring sunshine to the home the year ronnd. It is eat to fit and to please woman, the home-maker. - Mow for onr offer: Send ns ten cents (stamps or silver) and we will send yon WOMAN two months on trial, and, ia addition, will send y on 200 varie- FLOWER SEED FllEE! This offer is for immediate accentance. Don't put it off.. Send today, and yon will receive fcUVCVTOU BUU TI VU1AD UTT1U1 OUT. ' AUlum WOMAN PUBLISHING CO.. Kichmond, Y. MlffMdBabJ

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