The Courier. frittered according to Postal Regu InU.iis, at the Postoflice, in Roxboro, N C. as second-class matter PUBLISHED WEEKLY BT? NOELL BROS., Prop's. The Editors are in no wise responsible lor news expressed by correspondents. . SUBSCRIPTION TERMS : i opy, one year, - - $1.00 l copy, six months, - - 50 ADVERTISING RATES : One :nmn 1 year $80.00; One-hall col- nnn 1 year $40.00; One-quarter col- uinu 1 year $25.00. Transient Advertisements : One inch 1 week $1; 2 weeks $1.50; 2 month $2. Two inches 1 week $1.50s 1 weeks $2 ; 1 month S3. Four inches week $2; 2 weeks $2.50; 1 month fcv.50. Advertisements inserted on Local niia as reading items, 5 cents per ine for each insertion. Legal advertisements, such as Ad ministrators' and Executors' Notices, O-mmissioners' ancLJTrustces' Sales, S'uumons to Non-residents, etc., will lie .;nnrged for at legal rates and must UE PAID IN ADVANCE. RuXBOKO. N. C, SEP. 2Gth, 1394 For Congress, 5th District, A. W. GRAHAM, of Granville Countv. For Solicitor, 5th District, E. S. PAKKER, of Alamance County. OUR GREAT STATE FAIR. Some Reasons why our State Fair Should be Patronized and, Encouraged --Fairs the Sign Board's of Civilization --Everybody Should Attend for all are Benefitted. The North Carolina State Agricul ture Society, under whose auspices the State Fair is held, was first or ganized in 1852 bv a charter of the General Assembly; For its support the State gives $1,500, provided the So cietv raise at least $1,500. Before the war such men as Richard Smith, of Halifax, John Dancy of Edge combe, Wm. E. Holt of Davidson and Chief Justice Thomas Ruffin of Orange were presidents and promo ters of the Society. During the war the buildings were used as a hospital for the wounded, and most of them were destroyed. In 1866 the Society was reorgan ized with Kemp P. Battle as presi dent. After three fairs the present new grounds were bought and Thos. M. Holt was made president. He was succeeded in turn by Wm. G. TJpchurch of Wake, Richard H. Bat tle of Wake and last fall Julian S Carr the present distinguished en cumbent was elected. The Society has been greatly suc cessful. We think that no appropri ation of our Assembly could lead to more far-reaching results. Since time immemorial fairs have been em ployed by all civilized and progres sive nations to promote business and patriotism. The Olympic Gaines of Greece whose origin is lost in the dimness of tradition were but fairs. To them were brought not only the best exhi bition of Grecian strength and man hood, but in the booths about Olvm pia merchants displayed the wares brought from the Rhone and the rich products of Asia and Africa. I m i i . . , . I ine political and social condition of t'Vc v rious portions of the mother countiy, of her farthest colonies and of the barbarous nations about them might be compared. Sculptors and painters took occasion to exhibit the ; finest productions of chisel and brush; while poets and historians read aloud in ali their freshness their j immortal works. Such intercourse ! must have powerfully tendeu to maintain the intellectual sympathy which was the strongest bonds of nationality among the sons of Greece. During the middle ages fairs were the chief means of promoting trade and culture. So important were they that German King3 held visiting ar tisans and merchants exempt from taxation, from arrest and any other civil process. Such were their advantages in former times, and they have not lost them to this day. Who could esti-. mate the results of the Great Chicago Fair? America learned of Europe and Asia things which otherwise she could never have known. Europe learned of us. How great was the international spirit evoked and cher ished by it and yet how subtlely were bonds of patriotism and national - pride drawn, uniting North and South, East and West of our own country. Through it our country is to-day more united and our patriot ism is broadened and deepened. Who then would be so short-sighted and unwise as to say that our Stale Fair has not been a great factor in the development of North Caro lina? The chief benefit of the Fair is the meeting together of the people. Could every North Carolinian con verse on some favorite topic with every other Carolinian what a trans formation there would be. Success , would be stamped upon "many an enterprise where now is written fail- ure. l ersonai contact uuu aauuuif tion are worth volumes of printed description. The greatest nations are those which have mingled and ex changed ideas with all other nations. Exchange of ideas is essential to -r-, 1 I 1 progress, f airs nave always ueeu centers for exchange. The citizen from southern North Carolina learns of the progress of his brother of the North, and the citizen of the East of that of his neighbor in the West. The product of one section is com pared with that of another. All visitors realize the possibilities of our great commonwealth and the re sponsibility of citizenship. Every visitor too learns the geog raphy of the State. The country through which he passes, the towns, the State capital, become matters of personal knowledge and experience, and his range of thought is broad ened. At the Fair one sees North Carolina's noblest product, her men and women. From all sections they come forming an unconscious exhi bition. Our Fairs have been the means of introducing new breeds of cattle and horses, new agricultural implements, new varieties ot truits and many new ideas arenerallv. Illustrations are numerous. The peerless James grape indigenous to Eastern North Carolina after one exhibition was carried to all parts of the State. The playing of Football at Fair of 1888 was instrumental in elevating athletic sports to a rightful place of honor. In 1S89 a Jute Bagging trust op pressed the cotton farmers of our btate. At our btate rair a young couple clad in garments of cotton basrsriiie took the marriage vows in the grand stand of our Fair build ings, showing to the people that they need not be shackled by a trust, and thus helped to break the force of the Jute trust which went to pieces soon after. Last and greatest, our Fairs foster that spirit of patriotism and State pride winch is so essential to true citizenship. As the Grecian games were the bonds which united the little Grecian States, so our State Fairs may be the means of kindling within our hearts sentiments of love and admiration for our native State, Standing amid the evidences of boundless resources, seeing the fear less step of a brave and loyal people, watching her beautiful maidens and gallant youths, hearing fall the words of beauty and wisdom from the lips of our native orators and statesmen who grace our Fairs, could there be one who could refrain from sayin in his soul : " This is my own, my native land. FOUR SCORE YEARS AD TEX, IS MR. AOCNIJAH TRUITTS AGE STILL HALE AND HEARTY. AND IS Says He Never Felt Better in His Life. Read the following striking testi monial from Mr. Adonijah Truitt, of Truitt, Takpoosa Co., Alabama He says : "I was taken with a severe chill in the vear of 1889, which run into la grippe and heart, liver and kidney trouble. I also had itching rheumatism; in fact was diseased all over. No tongue can tell what I have suffered, and I was under the care of five physici ans and received but little relief, My doughter saw vour 4 B. B. B. B's advertised in our countv uarier. and J X X 7 she sent and got one box for me. I did not want to take it. I thought Mr. Aoonijaii Tkctt. it was like all other medicine I had taken, it would do me no good; for had tried so much and suffered so long that I thought I must die, and be done suffering on this earth. Bu my three daughters over persuaded me to try the 4 B.'s. I commenced taking it and had not taken more than a half a box until I began to feel better, and I have taken four boxes in all and am now well. was ninety years old last August, and can say tha Bragg's Best Blood Balm has cured me of all diseases have mentioned. I never felt better at any time in my life. I owe my lite to this grand medicine and ad vise all sufferers to try it If you are a sufferer do not fail to get thi3 medicine immediately from your druggist. It costs .but $1.00 per box, or six boxes for $5. "It ; is purely vegetable and is tasteless; pu up in capsules. One months' treat ment in a box. If not found at your druggist's, send to II;- C. Bragg, Manufacturer, Connersville, Indian na. For sale. by W, R. Hambriek & Co., Roxboro. N. C. " " J EDUCATION DAY. I the Great State Fair A Orogressive Pro gramme by Promineut Educators and Friends of Public Education. The committee appointed by the I North Carolina Teachers' Assembly to arrange and subervise a program me for "Education" day at the State air met in this city yesterday. The date of this programme is Tuesday, Oct. 23rd, and is proposed by the committee to make it both interest ing and conductive to good results in the matter of popular education. There were present at the meeting rof. E. A. Alderman, of the State University Chairman; Prof. D.-H. Iill, of the A. and M. College; Dr. W. Crawford, of Trinity; Presi dent, C. D. Mclver, of the Normal and Industrial School; Prof. W. L. 'otear, of Wake Forest College; President L. W. Hobbs, of Guliford College; Prof. Moffit, representing Ion College, and Prof. E. P. Moses, Principal of the llnleigff schools. The discussion of desirable fea tures for the day whs earnest and resulted first in the adoption of the ollowing resolution: "That an educational Conference be held m Raleigh on T-i i UeSQay, I October 23rd, the first day of the Wfnto Wnt- hu .-T,t:o nt on rr- kjucvwr j. j. vi ku. 1""! " " ""ft I geSClllg means ior UlUl easing lue mpans for inprcniincr thf iMih ii sf hm fnnrl in nvr h I )arn- pUOUC bCHOOl IUI1U ill JSOllil KJOIV-nvod lin a." Prof. E. A. Alderman, was chosen to preside at the conference. The following programme was ormulated : Address Hon. J. M. L. Curry at the Fair grounds ai 11 o'clock. General conference in the city in the hall of the Honse of Commons at 7:30 o'clock r. m., for the discus siou of the great question of "Local Taxation for Public Schools" under the following programme: The importance of Public bchools in North Carolina." Prof. K A, Aldesman, of the State University. "How the States have built up their Public School Systems. Prof P. Moses, Kaleigh. "The Progre33 of Local Taxation in the South." Prof. L. L. Hobbs, of Guliford College. "deeded Legislation to Provide for local schools." Hon. Jno. C. Scarborough, Supt. of Public In struction, and Hon. Walter Clark, of the Supreme Court. General discussion will follow the ftfldrr'SSf-s and nanprs on the suit-1 ects named with a limit of five minutes iur eacn speauer. ihe following resolution was adoPted : Kf-sn veil. That, all Educational nstitntions that may find it practi- rtoKIrt A Krt 4-. mr1rti I Tuesday, October 23rd, a holiday, and attend "Educational Day" at tne State rair in a body. A Good Thina So Keen ai Hand. oome years ago we were very mucn subject to severe spells of cholera morbus; and now when we feel any ot the 'symptons that precede that ail- af.H .lifivrh etP J I one, i.noura anu iiarrnoea. rieme- dy the very thing to straighten one out in such cases, and always keep it about. We are not writing thi3 for a pay testimonial, but to let our readers know what is a good thing to keep handy in the house. For sale by W. R. Hambriek & Co. That Tired Feeling Is a dangerous condition directly due to depleted or impure blood. It sliouldnot be allowed to continue, ally liable to serious, attacks of ill ness. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the remedy for such a condition, and also for that weakness which pre vails at the change of season, climate or life. Hood's Pills are purely vegetable, carefully prepared from the best in gredients. 25c. Among the incidents of childhood that stand out in bold relief, as our memory reverts to the days when we were young, none are more promi nent than severe sickness. The mother vivirllv romnmhera that it was Chamberlain's Cough Remedy cured her of croup, and in turn administers it to her own off 3juug auu aiways wun ine Desi re - suits. For sale hvW.R. J .1 hl .i , & Co. Rev. Dr. Reid Dsad. Rev. Dr. Frank L. Reid, President UltCUOUUlU J.' cuiaic UliCgC, UiCU. yesterday morning at 5:45 o clock. The cause of his death was gastritis, or wnicn Dr. lieid had a severe at tack several years ago. He had been ill only a few days and his sud den and unexpected death is a severe blow to his many warm friends here and elsewhere in the State, I Was Sick Every day, suffering with stomach, liver and kidney trouble, also from after effects ot tbt Mr. B. F. Harris (rip, with pain in my hack and limbs. Different medicines failed to benefit me. The first dote of Hood's Sarsaparina relieved my stomach. I have continued and I am how permanently Hoott'seures eand. All pain has left me, my appetite Is i IteU ami itS. my sleep and welL sound and refreshm a reiresaing, ana l am si s. ah I never enjoyed better healtl HABJtia, -White Bluff. I ennessee. Hood's Pills oi"UrerUa. ae. i)R. HATHAWAY & CO . SPECIALISTS. dtevnlar Graduates.) give you help. Are the leading and most successful specialists and Young and mid dle aged men. Remarkable re sults bave follow ed our treatment. Many years of varied and success ful experience In the use of cura tive methods that we alone own and control for all cls- orutsfBui DWfl W IIU - . . -' !IBa .GU, MHUD- ' -'veloped or dls- jeased ergsns, or jswho are suffering sjfrom errors of or who are nervous ,y8the scorn of their , .pSfellows and the contempt of their frtenriR nnd com- to guarantee to all patient. If they can possibly be restored, oar own exclnslvo treatment Danlons. leads us will avoora a core. weakness with a treatment that you can use at home without Instruments? Our wonderful treat HV01M"nrWt TVm't von want to Bet cured of that ment has carea otnera. wny uoijruur j.rjr u. CATARRH, and diseases of the Skin, .Blood, Heart, Liver and Kidneys. SYPHH.IS The most rapid, safe and effective smedy. A complete (jure woaranceea. sicnv T VST! ARTS of all kinds cored where xany others have xauea. TTJffWATirBAI, DI8CHAKBE8 promptly enredlnafew days. Quick, sure and safe. Tali includes meet ana uonoracea. TRUTH AND FACTS. w cftRAS of Chronic Diseases that have failed to get cureu ature luuiub ui utaer apeuiiu- fitta and meaicai ini, for You; Consult no other, as you may waste valuable time. ODtaui our weauueu. at uuuc an rhoan txfatmentB. "We cm aSSVI treatment. Wmuih. ""r,?" nosta. A home treatment can he given in a maioriti hv malL Thoroatrti examination ana careiui mug of cTsesT Send fb? SjSpl torn Blank No. 1 for Men: 2o. 'Hot women; jo. Bior bKin unseats, .u t-om, enoeanswercd promptly. Business stricily con naensiau j-nxire treatment, e-ui: irec ,VW . tion. Refer to our patients, bans and business men Address or call on DRjs HATHAWAY & CO. aa i-a South Broad Street. ATLANTA. OA Administrators Notice. Bavin? onalifleri as administrator of the late Mrs. Leah Dil'ahey. I hereby notify all pernors owing said estate to come forward ana maitc immediate settlement, and all persons holdine immediate settlement, and all persons botdiBK claims against the estate are hereby notified to present the same ior payment on or Deiore me 12th of September, 1895, as this notice will be plead in. bar of their rooovery. rnis sept, ma, itm. U. G. Clayton, Ad'r. M. H. Garrett & Co. General Merchants, Roxboro, N. C. We are daily receiving and opening an entirely I NEW STOCK of General Merchandise consisting in part of DrV-lrOods .Notions, m w, Groceries. &c whif h WC V? our friends and "UOVvUlvlO .Till sold a9 low ae same goods can be bought anywhere. tdWhen you come to town with chickens, eggs, butter, wheat, corn &c, come to see us. George T. Thaxton and Geortre Garrett will show vou every attea tion desired and sell you goods a cheap as anybody Examine our new goods before 1 mt- . ...... it very reapecw nay, Af IT fiAPPTTTT A fV I In Wtfhti hni dtnnr npvt nrtnr tr W r. Hambriek & Co. 9 12 3 W. H. oore AT- ROSEVILLE. N. C. -o-o- Tfi! VPPA;vJn(, u;H iilr(yA Tn and "Winter stock of Dry-Goods, Notions, Hard ware, Tinware, Boots, . jf Shoes, and Gr -. t ceries. Hats; and Caps, &c, &c, which will be sold very low for cash. SEED WHEAT, I have 60 bushels of fine seed wheat for sale at Per JUShel. It yield 12 tO One SO Wing thlS year 101 me 'All thrOUffh it IS file an I - 1 i? ai4-i j . i f filth and 18 nrSt-claSS. Call at W. J. Johnson & Go's. Store. Roxboro. Look at. it Jnr vnnrRPlf m- nU W.-H. Moore, " Roseville, N C Child Birth Made Easy. , "Mothers' Friend" is a scien tifically prepared Liniment, - every ingredient of recognized - value and in constant use by the medical profession. These , ' ingredients are combined in a manner hitherto unknown. "MOTHERS' rf Friend" "WTLJj do all that is claimed for it AND MORE. It shortens labor, lessens pain, diminishes danger to life of Mother and Child. Book " To Mothers " mailed free contain. Ing valuable information and voluntary testimonials. Bent by express, on receipt of price, $1.60 per bottle. Sold everywhere BaAsmsLD Rboulaxob Co., Atlanta, Ga" 2S2S ;hamberlaia' Eye and Skin Ointment Is a certain core for Chronic Sore Eyes, Granulated Eye lids. Sore Nipples, Piles, Eczema, Tetter, Salt Rheum and Scald Head. 25 cents per box. For sale by druggists. . . ' yto hossbowhess. - For putting a horse in a fine healthy con dition try Dr. Cady's Condition Powders. They tone up the system, aid digestion, core loss of appetite, relieve constipation, correct kidney disorders and destroy worms, giving new life to an old or over worked horse. 25 cents per package. : For sale by druggists. en -" E.B0NNER-& CO, - Maple Grove Green-Honses, I.XENIA, OHIO. We- arei always prepared to deliver immediately all kinds Cf plants, bulbs &cj Write for our catalogue, s make your selections and send as : your orders. I .. '.' '.-r-- Men Look iMice! . Send your old clothing to the HARRIS STEAM DYE WORKS, I Raleigh, N. C. They guarantee to make them look new again for a little mone'. t Agents Wanted. Women and men, women preferred, to canvass for a handsomely illus trated, inexpensive patriotic book A liberal per cent allowed. f Address, Women's 'Washington Book Agency, Washington, D. C. . The North Carolina College of A griculture and Mechanic Arts Offers three Technical Courses : The coarse in Agriculture; The coarse in Science: The course in Mechanical and Civil Engineering, and with each a good academic education. Each course is broad and thorough, and the institution is now equipped for excellent work. Ex penses yery moderate. Session opens September 6th. For catalogue, address Alexander Q. Holladay, Pres., Raleigh, N. C. Leaksville Woolen Mills, Leaksville, N.iC, Are still manufacturing the peoples wool into Blan kets, Jeans, Fancy Bed-Spreads, Cas simereS; Flan nels, Yarns, &c. Write for samples and gen eral information. Take vour wool to A. R. FOUSHEE, Ag'r, . Roxboro, N. C, and he will forward same to Mills free of charge. Leaksville Woolen Mills, Leaksville, JNr. C. WAKE FOREST COLLEGE, "Wake forest, C. A Christian College embracing ten academic schools and the Profes sional school of Law. A select Library of 11.000 yolamea. A large and well furnished reading room. Thoroughly equipped gymnasium and laboratories. Literary society an surpassed in the South. No Becret fraternities allowed among" the stu dents. Free tuition to ministers and sons of ministers. Loans for the needy. Board from six to ten dol lars per month. A complete system of water works with ample bathing facilities. ; The Summer Law School opened July 2nd. Next session begins Sept. 5th. 1? or further information address Rey, C. E. Taylor, President. Notice of Sale. By virtue of an order ot the Saoerior Court of Person conntrr issued bv D. w. Hra Jxhei Clerk. in tbe 8pecifprot;oeding to sell land for jar- Libiuii uiiuijietji t-.uueri. lub and oiaers against the heirs of 1 Henderson Brailsher, I shall on Octoher 1st 1S94. being first Mondiv. sell at the CJonrt house uoor iu Roxboro to the highest bid der that tract of land in said county in Bushy r orK townsnip aajominsr the lnnas-oi u . o. Hester. W F. Snipes. James Whitfield and others, containing 99 acres more or less, it heinsr tne iana owaea uy sin tea ami Natna lirausner as tenants in. common at their deaths. Terms of sale $100 cash, balance on a credit oi 13 months, wttb'bond and seourily at 8 per intcres.. Title retained till price iaid in full This Augn6t23rd. 1894. i T. CHESTER. w w kitchen, , Com. of sale. - . Attorney . It's; MULE SENSE To pay more for anything, even if it isj a Coffin, than yon can buy it ior at the cheapest place. ED CHEEK Has the best line if Undertak ing Goods to be found in this section, and his prices the lowest If the painful d uty of baying a coffin falls to your lot, be : sure and see me and get- my prices REPAIRING Of all kinds "done In the best workmanlike manner and on shortest notice. i - E. D. CHEEK. ' Columbian University. -Washmgton, C. THE PREPARATORY SCHOOL opens Sept. 24th. Thorough prepa ration for the College, for the - Scien tific Scaool. tor the Naval and Mili tary Academies, and for business, r The COLLEUJi opens isepi. . Full rlassicat and scientific coareea. The College is open to studenta of both sexes; "Jjntrance - examinations on Sept. 21 -and 22. THE COKCULiAlN suiiiiXN ur ii; SCHOOL opens Opt. 2. - Forty-seven professors and instructbrs ; twenty- three fuli aepsrtmenis, i,wtsivc iuu courses of study. Special students admitted. - n THE liAVV SLJriUUlj opens wet. 8V Twelve prolessors mciuamg-cwo Associate Justices of the unnea States Supreme Court. THE MEDICAL SUHUOli opens Oct. 1. The course is four years Thirty professors and assistants. : - THE DENTAL SCHOOL opens Oct. 1. Seventeen professors. Un usual facilities. The course is three years. - -THE GRADUATE SCHOOL op ens Oct. 4. Courses of advanced instruction are offered, leading to H. A.; N. S.; C. E.; E. E.; and Ph. D. For catalwgae desciiptiye of these several schools address Robebt H. Maktin, SecT The Eaton & Burnett Business Colleges. Baltimore, Md., and Washington, D. C. Are prepared to give their students the benefit of Office, Bank and Count ing house practice in all their de. tails. Long and extensive experience has perfected facilities for the highest development of Successfal Business Men and Intelligent Citizens. Weekly lectures on ommercial Law Current Eveuts and Important Questions of the day. Shorthand and Typewriting courses unexcelled. Day school open the entire year. tor further particulars call on or address, A. H. Eaton. Baltimore & Charles Sts., Baltimore, Md., or L. II. Darling. 12th & V. Sts., Washington, D. C. jr. - v.i- . J iz.r mm A strictly liigh-gradc Family Se'Wing Diactiiie) possessine; all modern improvements. Guaranteed Equal to the Best r.lces very reasonable. Obtain them from your local dealer and make comparisons. EL0BED9E MANUFA0TUB1M3 GO. DELVIDERE, ILL. Notice of Sale. By virtne of an order of the superior Court of Persn c-' nnty if sued by D. w . Bradoher Clerk in the soecial Droceeduiff to sell land for divis ion entitled Bonert Lea and others ex prote, I shall on October 1st 1894. Deing first Monday, sell at the court honse door in Uoxboro to the highest bidder that tract of land in said eounty in rsasny rum iuwuiitp uujifiuj.iiu hue tauuo u li.C Hester, vv. F Snipes and others contain ing 22 acress more or leps, it belnir the land owned by Sid Lea ;n severalty at his death. Terms of sale $40.00 cash, balance on a credit of 12 months wilh bond and security at 8 per ocnt interest. Title retained till purchase money is paid in fall. s ' This August v 11. 1.. c. HkAtjcii, Com'r. ot Sale. W. W. Kitchin, Att'y. Bliss School of Electricity. Washington. D. C- If you want tn know what electricity is doing for the worlaif yon want to beeome a practi cal electrician or electrical engineer enter this school, the only one or its kibu. ' Laboratory completely equiDped for demon stration and practical work ' Students learn the construction of instruments and machines Dy taking apart and reconstructing Hem, their theory from lectures p. esented in popular form and their practical use from experienced in 8iructors. Graduates are competent lo install wiring, dynamos, etc. and to manage railways and lighting plants- Lectures by the i'rincipaf Who has had extensive experience in installa tion and by E. P. Lewis, l'rofessor of rhysics and Electrical Engineering in Columbian Uni versity. session begins Oct. 1,1894. Terms for com plete course lasting 8 months, $50, payable (20 on registering, $15 Dec. 1, and $15 Fb 1. For further information address ; L. D. Bliss, Principal. A YEAR FORiTHLvINOUSTRIOUS. If you want work that is pleasant and profitable, send us your address immediately. We teach men and women how to earn from S5.00 per day to 83,000 per year without having had previous experience, and furnish the employment at which they can make that amount. Nothing difficult to earn or that requires much time. , The work is easy , healthy , and honorable, and can be done dur ing daytime or evenings, right in your own local ity, wherever you live. The result of few hours' work often equals a week's wages. We have taught thousands of both sexes and all ages, and many have laid foundations that will surely bring them riches. Some of the smartest men In this country owe their success in life to the start given thenr-while in our employ years ago. You, reader, may do as well; try it. . You cannot fail. No capital necessary. We fit you out with so.nething that is new, solid, and sore. A book brimful of advice is free to all. Help your, self by writing for it to-day not to-morrow. Delays are costly, E. C. ALLEN . & CO., Box 420, . - AUGUSTA, MAINE. - -W, HB; NEWELL, - Watchmaker : ' - and, Jeweler. -m git'" inl ffh I 9F -"----lilHSl- fat 'M' HHFLESi BLOTCHES o: JTetM? OLD SORES prickly ASH, poke root -AND potassium Marvelous Cures in Blood Poison Rheumatism and Scrofula P. P. P. purines the blood, builds up the weak and debilitated, gives strength to weakened nerves, expels diseases, giving the patient health and happiness where . sickness, gloomy feelings and lassitude first prevailed. For primary, secondary and tertiary 'syphilis, for blood poisoning, mercu rial poison, malaria, dyspepsia, and In au blood and -skin diseases, like blotches, pimples, old chronic ulcers, tetter, scald head, bolls, erysipelas, eczema we may say, without fear of contradiction, that P. P. P. is the best blood purifier in the world, and makes positive, speedy and permanent cures in aU cases. ; . ladies whose systems are poisoned and whose blood is in an Impure condi tion, dae to menstrual irregularities, are peculiarly benefited by the won " denial tonlo and blood cleansing prop ertiesof P. P. P. -Prickly A all. Poke Boot and Potassium. 6PKIHOKIBIJ5, Mo.,Kng. 14th, 1893. . I oan speak is the blgnc i-rra of your medicine from my wri personal Knowledge. I was affecte J whh heart disease, pleurisy and rheumatism tor 85 years, was treated by the vary best physicians ana spent hundreds of dol lars, tried every known remedy with out finding relief. I have only taken one bottle of your P. P. P., and can cheerfully say it has done me more good than anything I bave over taken. I can recommend your msdicias to ail sufferers of tbe abova discs sea. MRS. M. M. YEABY. Springfield, Green County, Mo. THE ROXBORO INSTITUTE W. L. FOUSHEE, A. M., MRS. T. ANNA HARRISON, MISS FANNIE SERGEANT; MISS CORA RAMSEY, Fall Term Begins Thoroagh instrnction in English and College in the State, and Tuition paid monthly, Board with excellent families, Handsome New Building fallyeqaippeJ "wilh the best and latest School Furniture and apparatus first class accommodations in every respect. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: A. R. FOUSHEE, Pres., R. I. FEATHERSTON, Sec'y. T. H. STREET. S. B. WINSTEAD. W. E. WEBB. The principal desires to correspond and furnish farther' information lo any wishing the advantages of high grade school. v W. L. FOUSHEE, v Roxboro, N. C. Franklin Davis, Pres. Howard Davis, Sec. Edwin Davis, Vice Pres. Franklin Davis Nursery (Do., y 7 (Incorporated.) RICHMOND, VA. . THE OLDEST AND LARGEST-NURSERIES IN 'THE SOUTH. 500 Acres in Nurseries. 100 Acres in Orchards. 100 Acres in Small Fruits. The GreatestVariety of Stock. All New Varieties of Merit. b::o Fruit, Ornamental and Shade Trees, Shrubs, Evergreens, Roses and Vines.. - - - o :: o All Stock Guaranteed to Be True to Name. FRANKLIN DAVIS NURSERY CO. Ova Goods ju$ tjts ' THE . PLES' FRIENDS! Bermann & Goodfriend . WHY? BeCB-USGa Every time that you spend a dol lar with us we save you at least 25 cents. - " ' "BecaUSG-,1-; Every rtimc that you save 25 cents you have made just that much.- . , Because, By irading with us yousave the pennies, and if you take care of them the dollars will take care of themselves. .Because, We carry tlie best stock of general goods for the farmers that can . be found in : Person county. " " , . , , . Because, -Our line of clothing is iarger, and we are better preparedito suit yob; buying for three large stores, than any other firm in this section. l Because, We sell shoes, hats, dry-goods nor tionsr&c. 25 per cent, cheaper than anybody. : Give us a trial. . ' v, BERMANN & GOODFRIEND. ATARRHt MALARlAr KIDNEY TROUBLES and DYSPEPSIA re entirely i red by P.P.P. Prickly Ash, Poke Boot and Potas sium, the greatest blood purifier on earth. ABBSSSB-r, O. . July 21, 1891. Ga. : Dba.ii Sibs I bought a bottle of roar tr. si hoc Bpnngs.Ark. .and It hu flAnama mrvr. r.n.A .1 toaavaa- treatment at tbe Hot Springs. Bead three bottles O. O. D. Respectfully yours, , JlS. M. NEWTON, Aberdeen, Brown County, O. Capt, J. D. JonnstOB. Ib on whom U may concern: I here by testify to the wonderful properties of P. P. P. for eruptions of the skin. X t afferod for several years with an un sightly and disagreeable eruption on my face. I tried every known reme dy bac in vain, until P. P. P. was used, and am now entirely cured. (3ignedby) J. D. JOHNSTON, Savannah, Ga. Skin Csincer Cared. TstiUnonyfrom Xht Mayor of SejutnTex. BsQinx, Tex., January It, 1898. Messes. Lippm an Bros. . Savannah, Ga. : Gentlemen have tried your P. P. P. for a disease of the skin, usually known a skin oanoer.of thirty years standing, and found great relief; it purifies the blood and removes all ir ritation from the seat of the disease and prevents any spreading of tbe sores. I bsve taken five or six bottles and feci confident that another coarse will effect a core. It has also relieved me from indigestion and stomaob trouble. Yours truly, CAPT. W. M. BUST, Attorney at Law. m qq Blood Diseases iaa Free. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT. L.PP1UIAN BROS. PBOPBIETOBS, Uppmsn'i BlocfcssiTannmb, Ga Principal. Assistant. Musical Instructor. Instructor in Art. August 27, 1894. :o: classic courses preparatory fr any for practical business life. . $1.25 to $4.00 $8.00 to $12 50 -o::o- Bst