, -, . I . . sfTKi CA'.n --:- . -,' The Courier is published in the center of a fine tobacco growing section, making it one of the best advertising mediums for merchants and warehousemen in the adjoining counties. Circulars largely in IVrson, Granville, Dnr-n-im and Caswell counties, in North Carolina, un.l Halifax county, ir- "Adver:isinjf rates reasonable; terms imwle known on application. FESSIONAU PAFDS w n l. ! IMIUITT. Alt-irm y at Law Roxboro, N. c. I'r.nlK- t !,i tin? srvt-ml c.inirU of the State. .....,1 1 1 im i ion iriv-n man iuine .'nu-usum to . :li.-o in conrt Mouse. JOHN MANNING. JAS. 8. MANNING, n. A. FOtTSHEE. MANNING & FOUSHEE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, 5 nnn 7 Wrijrht Rui!dint, over Fidelity Bank. Durham, N. C. Practice iD Durham, Person and Orange counties. H. LUNSFORD, Attorney atx Law, Eoxboro.N. C jEKRITT & BRYANT, attorneys at Law, Roxboro, N.'C. (r-i.-n- in the several Courts of the State. "Special attertion given 10 cases in Person, urham and ( aswell counties. H Lesal Business entrusted to our care will eceivc prompt attention. KITCHIN, Attorney at Law, Roxboro, N. (J. u-e.s wherever his set vices are required, ofiice at V instead Hotel. A. V. GRAHAM, Attorney at Law, Oxfrr. N. C. - . rannr.ea in all the courts of the State. Han- He money and invest the sjiuie in best 1st Mort nc . in K state seeiiritv. settle estates xm nvrf.L-ate titles. r s WINSTKAD A. U. URO-iK-- AVIF-) STEAD & BROOKS. Attorneys at Law, Roxboro, N. C. Prompt attention to all profession a! tmsiues9. Practice in tne State ami Federal Court3. Dk. K. J. Tuokkk. SURGEON DENTIST. OfPioK uu stairs hi W . J. Johnson i i)'- new lui'.ldiiig, EOXBOilO. X. C. i) A. tvitTON, PratlciriB I'hmlclan, Roxboro. N. C. luvi- au professMHial services to tlie peoil . i uoxooru aun iHrroiinaiKCOUntry. iTac-in n all Hie hraucUfo of medicine. i(M-!v -oo ilaving returned to Roxboro, 1 again offer my professional service to tlie citizens of the the town and surrounding country. Y M. Terrell, M. D. THE DRUMMERS' HOME, Hotel Frenc Main Street, South Boston, h . Va. Has been nut in first class order and thor oughly renovated Convenient to alt depot.. ami business portions of tne town. Uarire an. well-liirliieil s;imulj rooms. Also a rood Foo room aiuched. J. . FRENCH, Prou. It t:. Terrv. Maaaner. Lock Box sat. 91 12 OIlttAIZED 1S32. V1RGOIA FffiE A1D MARINE IXSURMCE COMPANY. RICHMOND. Assets - - - $650,000 INSURES AGAINST ,FIRE AND LIGHTNING Tbi old company, n w more than half aen- tnry id successfnl operation, has paid HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of l.igatH to citizens of North Carolina issue a vory simple and "oncise policy, free of petty restrictions, ana liberal m its terms ana con ditions. W. H. W. II. MCCARTHY PALMER, President." Secretary. DM HIRES, District Agent, ! Milton, N. C. JAS. W. BRANDON, i ROXBORO, N. C. read-- to accommodate my custom ers. ana aiwavs Keen ap who in- a. a test styles. W, H. B, NEWELL, Watchmaker and Jeweler, ORO, S3. C E. BONNER & CO., Maple Grove Green-Houses, ! XENIA, OHIO. We are always prepared to deli vr immediately all kinds of plants, bulbs &c. ' Write for our catalogue, make mar selections and send as yonr orders. Money to Loan. I am prepared to negotiate loans, pon real estate . security. Parties wishing to borrow will please eall ,to see me. ,W. W. Kitchest. NOELL BROS, Proprietors. Vol, xi. - Roxboro, North Carolina, Wednesday Evening Those Pimples Are tell-tale symptoms that your blood is not right full of impurities, causing a sluggish and unsightly complexion. A few bottles of H. 8. 8. wilt remove, aujoreign ana impure matter, cleanse the blood thoroughly, and give a clear and rosy complexion. It is most effect ual, and entirely harmless. Chas. Heaton, 73 Laurel Street, Fhila says: I have had for Tears a humor in my blood which made me dread to shave, as small boils or gimpleswmld be cut, thus causing shaving to e a creat annoyance- After taking three bottles H'tt Jfz6 mT face is all clear and smooth as t shouldi be appetite splendid, 7 sleep well and feel like running a toot race all for the use cl S. S. S. , Treatise on blood and skin diseases mailed free. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO, Atlanta, Ga. Are You In Need of Furniture? We have the largest and best , se leeted line of FURNITURE in Roxboro. Prices lower than thev everwere. We have wivet our stock of Furniture into the larirean ! well iighted stre room, f irmerir c enpied by Rermann & Good friend. which is devoted exclusively to this line. It will pay you to examine our stock hefore haying, we will save you money on every article yu buy. We also carry a complete stock o; Buggies. Wagons, Harness and (Jof fins We have one of the finest Hearse' in this section. Orders tor Coffins received day or niht. We do not make any charge for Hearsr. or do we add any more to the price of the CoHiu. We wil furnish Hearse free and will not? ie under sold bv onr competitors. WIipii in need of Furniture, lnir lie. Wagons, Harness. Coir.ua, U- pairing, and Picture Frames it vii e in vniir i'lteresl. to cal! on us a? ' - h;ive made :i Ur reduction in fl! f 'above a rtii les. Repairing done promptly and war ranted. C. C CRJTCHER &C0. oore AT ROSEVILLE, N. C. -o-o- Is receiving his large Fall and Winter stock of Dry-Goods, Notions, Hard- 'we, Tinware, Boots, Shoes, and Gr - ceiies. Hats and Caps, &c, &c. which will be sold very low for cash. SEED WHEAT, I have 60 bushels of tine i i a. r . i. seeo wueai iov aie ai zhjl if per Dustiei. it yiei iz to one sr. wing this year foi me. All through it is clean 1 of tilth and is rirst-class. Call at w. J. Johnson & Go's, store, Roxboro. Look at ifc for jourself, or call on W. H. Moore, Roseville, N C Locli Lilly Eoll- er Mills. We have just built at a very neavy expense one or the very best oRoller Quills that ii is possible to erect. It ii. now in successful op j eration, and we are pre- oared to entici vonr wheat j jjfj guarantee the very 1.1 --v I VI kJ M V of wheat and give us a trial, we will give you per fect satisfaction. Yonrs respectfully, YVinstead & .Long. 9 4 CorrectiVfulltum dose 'Droaes efficacy xSiCt SO CENTS PER BOTTLE O Btlt Li VALOABIE MFORKATIGN FREE. b y rCP OY DRUGGISTS. ' O W. H il ' B ram tit -BUILT BY UNSEEN HANDS. The Jewlah Isrend. of Solomon and the - .- IXoaite of the jAtrd. ; 1 oo mar. xaere was neitner nam. tner. nor as nor any other tool of iron heard in the house -while it -was building" (I Kings vi, 7). The above is a Scriptural quotation, to be founds at tho citation given, and is concern ing the building of Solomon's tern-, pie. The reason therein assigned for the perfect quietude which existed in and about the great building while it was iii course of erection is that the stones and timbers were all made ready beforo being brought to the site of the great building. Heber beautifully alludes to this in the lit tle couplet, in which he says: No hammer Jo;' : no ponderous axes rung. Like some tall palm, the mystic fabric sprang. . The Jews have a legend to thd ef feet that Solomon did not employ men -in building the- great "house of the Lord, " but that he was aided in the gi"frutic undertaking by the genii. Ha vi .ig a premonition that he would not live to see the building finished, Solomon prrfyed to God that his death might be concealed from the genii until the structure was fin ished. Immediately after he made a staff, from a sprout of the tree of iife, which was growing in his gar den, and loaning upon this he died, standing boit upright in the unfinish- I ed temple. . Those who saw him thought that he was absorbed in prayer, and'they did not dis"Surb him for upward of a whole year, bull the genu worked day and night, thinking that they were being- constantly watched by him whose eyes had been closed in death many weeks. All this time, so the legend says. little white ants (one account says red mice) wero gnawing at the staff, and when the temple was finally fin ished the staff gave way, and the body of the dead Solomon fell prone ! upon the floor, Mohammed alludes to this queer legend in the Koran (see Sura xrxiv), whore he says, "When he (God) had decreed that Solomon should die, nothing d: bcSv ered his death unto them (the genii) except the creeping things of the earth. " St. Louis Republic. An Arkward Incident. Miss Sophie Eyre, the actress, was once made tho victim of a very awk ward incident through the too literal translation of tn order by a new maid she had engaged. - She was to appear in a new piece entitled "In His Power" and had, as is usual with modern actresses, got some magnificent dresses for the part she had to play. On the first night, just before her initial en trance, she said to her new' maid, as she stood by the wings waiting for her cue, "Be sure to hold my train up so that it will not sweep the floor." The first dress, it may be said, was a very beautiful one. The maid said "All right, ma'am," and Miss Eyre walked on and, what is more, the maid did so also, the latter holding up the ac tress' train as she went. Miss Eyre had some serious lines to deliver, and then had to make the circuit of the stage, and, quite unknown to the ac tress, who could not understand the apparent sensation among the au dience, the maid followed her. The audience fairly roared with laughter, and that virtually killed the piece at any.rate for that night. A Bur to Tjtzinegg. "California," said the fat man, "must be a delightful place for a lazy man from what I have read of it1' "It is if he hasn't got.a wooden leg," chipped in the man with the red goatee. "What on earth has that got to do with it?" "Well, I knew a wooden legged fellow once who went out there and tried to farm, but he had to give it up. You see, he was so lazy and the soil was so rich that about half tho time he would find that he had stood in one place so long that his leg had taken root, and that of course incon venienced him to. a degree that no true born lazy man could stand " .The fat man merely snorted Cin cinnati "Tribune. ' He Well Remembered It, "Was there ever a time in your life, Mr. Gartley," asked Miss Itley, "when all the world seemed a dreary waste to you, when your heart was starving, all the sweet springs xi your lif e were turned to bitterness and death seemed the sweetest boon the gods could offer. you?" '.'Indeed there was, " said Gartley earnestly. "I remember it well. .1 was only 15 years old,, at the time and was en during the miseries of my first sea sickness just after Iliad smokod my' first cigar,, which happened to bo a strong pnor TJbtb "combination was tremendous find nearly finished me. " Bostoa Home Journal. Able to Pay." , Schmierinsky, the artist (to moth er of his pupil) Frau , Protzert, Fraulein Clara paints very beautiful ly, only sho ought not to lay on the colors so "thickly. , Frau Protzert Just you let the Child please herself. J We can afford thank goodness, to buy the colors by the barrel ! Unsere Gesellschaf t. , All Free. Those who have used : Dr. Ring's New Discovery know its -valne,.. and Jbose who have not, have now ; th" opportunity to try it f ree. r, Cll on .advertised Druggist and get a trial bottle, free. Hendlyonr name" and address to II. 0E. Buckleu &' Co'., Chicago, and get a sample box'of Dr. King's' K"ew Life Pills. Free as.well as a codv of Guides ta Healths and Household Instructor, Free. Ail o which is guaranteed to. do you good- and'eost you nothing o. vq j-ornB.s , UOUNTY LA HOME FIRST: EXECUTING AN INJURED FLY. How' Quartet of 'Insects Pat Half .-- Burned Fellow to Death, v't - Flies are not usually" accredited with great intelligence, but an illua traition observed one summer night goes far to disapprove "any idea that they are entirely bereft of thought It was hear Midnight, and a writer for the Philadelphia Call laid aside his pen for the day, but was con strained to remain at the desk by the strange actions of a" quartet of flies. One unfortunate buzzer: had ; flown too near the gaslight and had been so badlysinged that he could n4t fly. Quite helpless, he lay 6n his back struggblng to Spverturn himself. He almost succeeded, but so. painful were his efforts that mercy suggested the speedy killing of the insect. But the manifest (agitation of four un usually largo flies prevented a hasty execution. In great excitement the : quartet circled around : the unfortu nate, remaining within a radius of 12 inches. One pair seemed to touch heads,- and in' an instant onoof tho two went savagely, for the injured brother. After contending with him ! for a brief time the first helper left, ,when, without lapse of many' sec- onds, the . second of the pair went through the same performance. Here was a puzzle that required close study to solve. Were, the flies striv ing to aid thov suCerer.jor did they want to kill him . either because of his uselessness or to relieve him from pain? ' J Seventeen tamos .were combats- glass doors of many railway cars for such they soon, appeared to be , and the fancy letters and devices on had Thef fly, lying on his 'baok.e table glassware. Tb beautiful . fought andapparontl sought to keep effects seem wonderful, and yet any : off, the big: insects. : .As near as the bovorsrirL with verv little natience1. eye could determine, they seemed to strive to reacn tne nec& oi tne sui ferer. Th?re was 1 short, sharp fight each timeL A few grains of sugar Vere placed on the desk, but the fighters vere too greatly absorbed to jf yOU have toy little vessel of lead notice them. More powwows ensued-' about the size of a tea cupT very good, and threaattacks followed Then the, if not, get some sheet lead the gro four were frightened by an attempt cewwill giveyoxi a piece from his to catch them.; One fly, not of the; tea chest carefully line a cup with, quartet, 'vas. captured and placed this so there will Jk no chance of any under a ! glass with the wingless Qf its contents reaching the china, member, j Five minutes the stranger Now for the? etching. Take a piece flew around wildly, not going near 0f giagg nea i gently. Then the burned fellow. The glass was re- -smear -evenly over one side bees, moved and in ..the course of ten min- -wax, such ak" the laundress uses-for utes four flies were agafn on the her flat irons. Wiien this has cooled, scene, trying to kill the small insect t th any sharp topi write your name It was then nearly.1 o'clock a. m., j pT draw any design you wish on the and the observer, failing toinveigle Waxed side of the glass, being Sure any into a trap, retired. Early in the j, ct down through the wax to the morning tne ny tnat caused an tne A l.l J AJt -. -It-U truuuio wtu xuluiu. ucau, nitu uxc, grains of sugar lying around himJ undisturbed- . t , V- . ? r : Their Favorite Food. There id a fable of German origin which describes . the terrible adven tures of four flies iu search of a breakfast.: The first fixed his affec tion on somevtempting jam, but the jam had been adulterated with cop peras, so ithat this fly died from in flammation. The second' thus warn- ed against luxuriesi resolved to eat only bread. But the bread was adul terated with alum, so this fly died from internal cramp. The third is the hope of drowning his grief for the loss of his companions, betook himself to the edg6 of the beer jug. ! But the beer was adulterated with CJocculus .indicus, ; so this fly, too, gave up the ghos a victim to poi. son. The fourth fly, seeing the fate of his comradeSjvdccided that . i lifer was' not worth living and proceeded 'to commit suicide on a paper labeled "Fly Poison" ; But the more he ate the better ;he throve for , the fly poi son, like everything else,' was exten sively adulterated and succeeding generations of flies have adopted it as their only safe food. . v ' ' . Sheets n Scotland. The custom of sleeping in one large sheet, doubled at the foot, seems to have been peculiar to Scotland and to have ,-made special ; impression on more than one English traveler; Fynes Moryson, writing in 1598, says: "They 1 used: but one sheet; orien at the sides and top, but close at the feet and so doubled " and John Ray, the naturalist, who visit ed Scotland about 1662, ' remarked that "it is the manner in some places there t lay on but one sheet as large as two, turned up from the feet up ward." The practice, I imagine, was continued until recent times, and I have when a boy slept in a sheet of the kind." i Such, pieces of linen were termed "sheets, " par excellence, the -single coverings which are now used being called 'half sheets. "Scottish Antiquary.' ' ' - . .; ; , A Kaisslan AmioTanc. . 4,r most annoying thing in Eus- sia, ' is ' a --traveler,' is- the press cens. !iP' You pick up a magaaine or a newspaper in tho .reading room, and in .the middle of an interesting article you will find a few lines, a column or a whole'pagej blacked out with a marking brush. By no chance ean you read anything which the press censor thinks unfavorable to Russian policies" v - , ; - See the World' Fair for Fifteen Cpnli. Upon receipt of your address and titteen cents m postage stamps, we ! -will mail yon prepaid our Sonveuir Portfolio of the World's "Colombian Exposition the regular price is Fifty cents, but as we want you to have one. we. make - tne. price nominal You will find it a work of 4rt and a thing to be prized f it contains full page views of - the great buildings, with descriptions of same, and'u ecnted in highest .style vof rfc. ' J not satisfied with it, after yon g-fe we will.refund the." stamps and le t wii kt-p thf boo'-. -1 Addte. - . " n. F. liUt h 1 EN" & - .. Chioa ollc iu-L;t digestian.-' . ! ; ifw.-dJt niuBTims v i S8mqx suBdrg ; JJipans Tabules cure liver Roubles. ; Kipans Tabnles cure nausea- ABROAD NEXT. Highest of ali in Leavening Power. Latest U. Si Gov't Report ETCHING ON GLASS -r Not ft Difficult Thins; to- Accomplish Ao- I " - cording to Those Directions. j Every boy andj girl at some time ' has a strong desire to try expori-' ments, and but for the lack of ma terial and the want of apparatus, to gether with , not Jknowing just what to commence: upon, a great vmany rainy days would(be spent In making mixtures and compounds. : ... A fiesrch through the textbooks of the5 elder- bfotheri or sister brings no information. "vTbJe mysterious signed and the elaborate, unintelligible ex-j planatidn8 and definitions serve mora to confuse than kelp the young be- ginner. But if thf start is made from a few interesting experiments, per- f formed by oneself wfth simple ap- J paratus, the pleasiare of investigation and discovery . wJil lead on and onun-' tk the study jof tlie great science of chemistry becomes a delight and the . days of the schoolroom lecture or practice are awaiitedwith ess . Every one has seen thef narrow, . frosty looking liiues bordenng the t V - w . i f and ingenuity, can produce pirni1n.r etchings on glass4 ; vit of all gsj to the drug store aTidhTivinopTitH'vnrthnf fiuorsnar Grind it wn to a"fino nowder. Then. glass itself. L . . . . T . Put a tablespoonful of the powder ed fluor spar in the cup and cover it with sulphuric acid Enough for the experiment may Ibe bought at the drug store for 5 r 10 cents. Place the etched glass oyer tlie cup, waxed side down, and cover the whole with a piece of paper. Heat the bottom of the cup for a few minutes. This must be done gently,yery gently, or the wax will melt Left the cup and glass stand in some warm place for an hour . or i so and then wipe off the wax. You will find your drawing dis tinctly traced on he glass. ' With a little practice very pretty designs can ; be made or your name engraved hi an arjtistio manner. Care must be taken in handling the sulphuric acid that none may get on youf skin or clothes, and the experi ment must never be attempted with out first putting oia long apron. - , The scientific part of . the experi ment is that fluor spar and warm sulphurio acid readily combine and form a now acid! called fluorhydric acid which is onaj of tho most pow erful acids knowm This is so strong that it corrodes glass. - Now, where the wax was scratched away the. acid ate into the exposed surface, dupli cating in the glass the design in wax. Philadelphia Press. The Japanese In Germany at Bathing Hoar. . . 1 o'clock all the an ' after dinner world is taking smoke or an after dinner nap, and business, even banking, is suspend ed In Japaax-the &khing hour is be fore supper, betwee 6 and; 6' o'clock. The public baths jare crowded At home children, y6ung people and old people are in the) tab, getting" in or getting out Jof .tie tub, which is placed in the garden, in courtyards, shops or on the piazza without the least apology of va screen; i, If a. cus tomer appears, the bather talks busi ness over the water, and in private families callers are neither abashed nor embarrassing. In the humble quarters the tubs are set on -the threshold and neighbors on opposite sides of the street gossip, chatter and exchange the . most amiable greet ings. me national towei is nan blue. Berlin Letter. ; . : - - Getting Even With Him. The Husband You want to know where I was so late last night? I was at the office balancing my books." -. The Wif d It seems to me that you balance your books veryxif ten. .That excuse is about threadbare; .' -.s -, - The H.H'm ! If you don't believe me, why don't you consult a fortune teller? .- . : - ; ' The W." Not much. I consulted one once, lies. ' -. i T 'a The H. Indeed? -' What did she teEyou? - . v - ',, - - - -., xThe W.-She told me I would get , w01- ,- , 11- ,, " - a richi handsome, ; kind attentive and -truthful - husband. New York Press. ! ' - - ' For Offensive Breath. - . Use the concentrated solution b Chloride of sodaj From six to ten drops of ,-this in a wineglassful of pure spring water, taken immediate-. ly after breakfast 'will be found ex-'-, oellent . The mouth- should bo well rinsed with a tenspoonful of this so- - ration several times during tho day.: - 'iViuIva i: best liy sr iomc'i BiT'ar TaL ale curp srrofuTa. ' Kipans Trthu!esiare of gr-at value. Bipans Tabules banlf h inin. , mm S 1 .00 November 14th, THE DAISY. This is little Daisy, , . v. a dainty country maid, With clean white rofE and saucy face, . Whose berfuty win not fadet , , She lived down in the meadow ' When I beheld her first, Just where we sought the brooklet ' - To rest end quench our thirsk . She nodded td us ehyly " As at our ease we lay, : r ,. ' And we thought her name mogt fitting', .. ,, The lonely 4eye of day. ''-" . " '. . .. j --if Eer sister told our fortunes . .That beauteous summer day Until we learned the rhythm Of ''Three, I love, I sayl." ' And as the shadowi lengthened We saw fair Marguerite, . Whose golden hair and hazel eye Complete a picture sweet. - Ah, Marguerite, dear Marguerite, -You've stolen my heart away I You were and are and ever v?Ulbe My beautiful ' eye of day.rt C. M. J. in Brooklyn Eagle. A Masculine Lady Godiva. - It could only have been in accord- ance with the fitness of things that caused Mr. Decimus Green's retire- ment from the church. Mr. Green I knelfr.' He could ride.well, a gift not generally "associated with shyness, put was as shy as a fawn. He had bought ft high mettled mare cheap, for -whose lesrs a sea bath had been ---.w - ' recommended and though she could be taken to the water she could aot be persuaded by the groom to enter it ' ' ". '-::;,":.V Mr. Green thought he would do better than the groom, and when he took his own bath in the sea in puris naturalibus resolved that .thenare should take hers. . She wai-brought down to ninit and he mounted her, but after a sharp struggle she ,turn ed short around, and before he could throw himself off made straight for the little town of which he was, or rather thought he was, the perpetual curate, '. He was not fastened to his steed like Mazeppa. He was not a volun tary equestrian like Lady Godiva, but he had not the presence of mind to throw himself off, and like the other, lady in the ballad he had "nodings on. " That day was the last day of his curacy. James Payn in Cornhill Magazine. ' TTonaorial Artlt" a Back , Number. When some years ago a "Immble barber wtth one fell -swoop an nounced himself as a "tonsorial art ist," the world looked on in awe. . It was this barber's ambition to have his calling classed not as" a trade, but as- a profession. , He has had many followers-since then, and now the sign ''tonsorial artist''" attracts little or no attention. Fancy, how ever, the following' aerial flight of an ambitious firm in North Carolina in this advertisement: v C.C5rinicultural abscission and crani ological tripsis, "phrenological -hair cutters and hydropathical shavers of beards. Work pbysiegnomically exe cuted " Under Martin's, corner." New York Advertiser. . j Glove Money., In the early days of English law it was a custom for- the clients to send a pair of gloves the counsel who undertook their causes" and even to the "judges who were tq try- them. These gloves were usually the cloak for a bribe, Mra Croaker, for examr pie, presenting Sir Thomas More with a pair lined with 40, which he returned A bribe given in such cir cumstances continued to be - called 'gloyeftoney" long after gioves had ceased to hold a place "in the trans actions. Glasgow Herald ' ."V A Pertinent Question. - The "Lady of, the. House Why don't you go' to work? : Don't yoij kribw that a rolling stone gathers no moss? . Browning (the tramp) Madam, not to evade your question at all, but merely to obtain : information, may I ask of what practical utility" moss is to a man in my condition? New York Telegrapa. , . ;; " s ' It is said that on the fly leaf of an old volume of Emerson's works, ac cidentally ; picked . up by .Professor Tyndall 'at - ari old bookstall a vol f ume whicli first made him. acquaint ed with the Ke England seer are inscribed these words: "Purchased by inspiration.'?- v An English curio hunter, who was anxious- , to secure tho. carriage in which Camot was' riding when Ce. sario stabbed him offered the,town council of Lyons $10,000 for if but the offer was refused.' . ' ; ; 1 I The latest uso of ywood pulp is to s - Ttecent esperimehts at the1 great j Krupp gun works, Essen, Germany, pf ove that the 1 discharge of largo j caliber cannons can be heard twice : as far as tho loudest thunder. wenVe- don't epend money, we econoiiicd, J.Wh(m other people don,t tj.oJj moey tw are t . . .. - . t , L ; rr-. ! - V patcrson, N. J.-, is thdeenter of the American. .si'Jc. iiuz&u&cliiring busi- BiDans'Tabules cure dyspepsia. Kipans Tabules prolong life s. -i Bipans Tabules cure headache. "HTT A.Tn Per Year in Advance. 1894. No. 13. '' Magterantl Servant In China. In China no' feature of. society is more, curious than- the relation be tween master and servant . If the. servant oe of the military class, he is admitted to theintimate society of his master, but never assumes a liTv ertyr ' At dinne having taken his yianx wibu me utmost humuity:-he dressmg freely not only his master," but also guests t the' highest rank. As soon as rthe meal is over, how ever; the servant retires, with the most profound obeisance and defer-' ence, and; in no way will he venture lo use his peculiar privilege until the proper occasion- permits.' London Standard . , v . ' Some, ' ; -Jreople -Wait"" ''' ''':;. TJntil after the Holidays ' Before . Buying Needed articles--Wjb-:: presnmfe on acconnt o the general cpse prices that are expected at that time. It's iiot mach fun -.'to swap dollars; but that is about , , what we are dofng. Therefore, , if yon need Groceries, such as Floor, Meal, Meat Lard, ,- Sugpr, Coffee, Syrup or Molas ses, Salt; or is it something in the Fancy Grocery line, such as f Confectioneries, Cheese, Cakes, Crackers, Canned Goods, of any kind Cigars--best in town. To bacco, Snuff, or any table- deli caciea, come to us, and wo will give yon liberal prices , on "all these things and so liberal that . yon cannot afford pot o come. : Very Respectfully, ! .W J. Johnson & Co. DRESS-MAKING! Of Interest to th6 Ladies ' IF yoi want ' . your Dresses ' made up' in thelat- s- " -est style, best work, and , best fit, call on me 'at ,raj ' residence oh Academy street. . v. Very Respectfally, v - . ' Mes. J. A: Noell, Lessens Pain, Insures Safety to .. Life'of Mother and Child. My wife, .after having used Mothers' Friend, passed through the ordeal with little pain was stronger in one hour than itf"a week' after the birth of her former child.-J.J.McGotDZlCK, Bean Station, Tenn. - ' . r - Mothers' Friend robbed pain of its terror and shortened Tabor. I have the heat thiest child X ever saw. -. - Mrs. L. M. Arern, Cochran, Ga. ' . Expressed to mny address, charges prepaid, on v ccipt ofpnee, $1.50 per bottle. For sale by all Drug cista. Book to Mothers Mailed free. . .. - . BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta, Go. Don't feel 1 s. Why? ; - ! J don't know. Worry I expect Worrying about what? ' ,i k -Well, you know the servants are a heap of trouble.." -V The children worry me a heap.- I am broken down. t v'' . in the morcins: I eenerallv have a 'headache; ' ' Alone towards evenlne, my back ' , J feels as if it would break. Every time the baby cries I nearly - jump out of my skin, Itam so neryous. Your system npeds toning up. Why notiaice B rown s Iron Bi tte rs the best strengthening medicine made, ft wiH give you a good appetite, make your 'blood rich -and pure, "gives you strength, make life a plsastinil , Not only take it yourself, but give It to the children, v It is'pieasafctlci talce. Small d6se. -The only Iron -medicine that don't blacken "the. teithV ' . But sit the eialn&--it has croseJ red lioes on wrapper. - . - aCVVN CHEMICUCQ.J " ' BALTlMORt MU. Solid ?mv -Uld Watch! BsaaHatt -lifl A . .-V worth B1W.W.1 7 Owateh in- th wtti.- FfTfo ttzsekoepet. Wurantod bTj, PfMLW 1 ' OLrn sold umttnc caw. . Fi rV ! IllMk IiiKm'muI Mt rim with woriu and eaiai t ' jfwjoaj vain. One Mesoh la . gfree, togrethar with :ar lann..-; miiIm.' ThM MtnDlea.as well a tha wateh. an free. All the work ro Bead do b to show what w. lend Too to thote who eall yoat Mandi and neighbocm and thoee aboot jroa thatalwaTaiaiatrt in ralaable trade for u,whieli holds foryeara when once auiwd, and thoa we are repaid. We par all expreea, frcurht, ete. Aoer 70a know all, if you would like to co to work lor ua, yea eaa , earn from' !$ to i0"per"Vbtk andnpwatda. AcUreai,. aJtinran & C.,'Uoz SIS, i'ortlattd, Sliaane. well r Person County Courier, . Published every Wednesday, by : IISTOZEOLXj BEOS.,' -.' i E0XB0E0, N.C. .t , TEEMS OF BTTBSCKIPTION V OneCopy One Year,' ,;. 1. 1.00 to One Copy Six Months', - - . Cash invariably in advance. : G. H. Hunter Can be found V :. ,V:;-.'-.v-atii.t : ;.;--'Old'stand-i.:;- -Wlth a complete line of ' V ,BoJh Heavy and Fancy. -' Shoes! Shoes! Spesyj; -Foreign .Bd Oomestto' Fruits- , QonfectiQheries! Prinfee Albert- Cigars.' Tobacco and ; SnnftV ighest price paid for Ejtwi.. nMnV. ens, turkeys, Waxl Hidesrand Far. '.' llianking my many friends for nasi r favors, I remain yonrs to please, - L KTfS- TTTR r M. H. Garrett& Co., Genecal Merchants, "' Roxboro, N. C. . . , We are daily receiving and opening nu wniiirejy . nbV STOCK of General Merchandise dohsigfcinjr in part of - Dry-Goods, . , " v ' , Notions, V : ' ' - ' r Shoes. ' ' " Groceries, &c. which we promise onr friends ' and ,cnstomers will be sold . as : low as same goods pair be botight anywhere. 'IdF-When yoq. come to town with chipkens eggsK butter. wffeat, corn dec, come to see ns. George T. Thazton - and Georee Garrett will show you every atten tion desired and sell, you goods as cheap as anybody. ' , . s Examine our "new goods before baying. ' ' .Very respectfally, . ' ' ; M. H. Gaeektt & Co. " In Webb building, next door to W. R. Hauobrick & Co. " 9 125- , It's -! r Come and pp . MULE SENSE , - To pay more for anything, , even . v'' if it is a Coffin, than yoo can boy i f i - it jor at tne cneapest place. E D. CHEEK Has the best line tf Undertak ing Goods to be foand in this section, and his prices the lowest.. If the painful daty of buying 'coffin falls to your lot be snre and see me and get my prices;- REPAIRING ,. Of all kinds, done in the best .workmanlike manner andion ; shortest notice. 1 ' ; ' E. D. CHEEE. - The management of the i Equitable Life Assurance Ii it-ydu?v:;. : Society-in the Department of the Carolinas, wishes to se- J cure a few Special Resident ; n n aavuw. - a uvv vfuv dvav. " j;.for this work .will, find this ' A Rare Opportunity I v It is work, however, and those v ,who succeed best in it possess . character, mature judgment,' 0 r -tact,- perseverance, and ' the 1$ ;- 3 respect of their community. ; fThink this matter over care- X i; 1 fully There's an unusual J' opening for somebody. " If it J J , fits ybu, it will pay you. Fur- 5J. r ther infonnatioa on request- $ l Rock Hill, S. .P Y '

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