The Courier. F-ntered according to Postal Regu luli .us, at the Postoffice, in Roxboro N C. a8 second-class matter PUBLISHED WEEKLY Bi NOELL BROS., Prop's. I'he Editors are in no wise responsible lor Tiews expressed by correspondents. SUBSCRIPTION TERMS ! l iipr, one year, - - - $1.00 ) copy, six months. - - - 50 ADVERTISING RATES : One c.Inmn 1 year $80.00; One-hali col umn 1 year $40.00; One-quarter col umn 1 year $25.00. Transient Advertisements : One inch 1 week $1; 2 weeks $1.50; 2 month $2. Two inches 1 week $1.50 ; 1 weeks $2; 1 month $3. Four inches 1 week $2; 2 weeks $2.50; 1 month Advertisements inserted on Local page as reading items, 5 cents per ine for each insertion. Legal advertisements, such as Ad ministrators' and Executors' Notices, Commissioners' aDd Trustees' Sales, Summons to Non-residents, etc., will bo onsrged for at legal rates and must BE PA.ID IN ADVANCE. ROXBORO. N. C, FEB. 13, 1895. Judge Robf. W. Winston has re signed. His resignation was sent to Governor Carr on Monday to take effect on the appointment of his suc cessor. This step of Judge Winston's was quite a surprise to everybody He bas been on the Bench for four years, and in that time has won quite a flattering reputation as an able, impartial and eourteous Judge. Wherever he has been he has made friends, and is justly regarded by the bar aud the laity as one of the clear est, ablest and best furnished men upon the bench. He has connected himself with the well known law firm of Fuller & Fuller, of Durham, for the practice of law, and has al ready moved to his new home. Dur ham is to be congratulated on secu ring Judge Winston as a citizen. Mr. W. W. Fuller, of the firm has been tendered the position of chief attorney for the American Tobacco Co., with headquarters in New York City. It said that the appointment carries with it a princely salary. We are proud to see Mr. Fuller's ability in his chosen profession recognized in such a substantial manner; but we regret to see him leave North Carolina. He is one of the most useful citizens the State has. For some years, though a young man, he bas received the largest income of any lawyer in the State. Several prominent lawyers in the district were mentioned in conuection with the Judgeship. The appoint ment, we see froaa this mornings News and Observer, haa been ten dered Hon. A. W. Graham, and it is thought he will accept. This is a good appointment, and one that will be appreciated by Mr. Graham's friends throughout the district. He 18 an able lawyer, a conscientious christian gentleman, and we believ will perform the duties of his office in a manner that will reflect credit oh himself and an h nor to the peo pie ot his district. To the three gentlemen mentioned aboye the Coubieb extends its best wishes for their happiness and success. The "steering committee," other wise known as the "visiting states men," with their paid attorney, have at last succeeded in getting an elec tion bill leady to submit to the Leg islature. The more important fea tures of the bill will be found else where in this issue. It has already been submitted to the Fusion cau cus and approved by that body, and we s-uppoEe will pass the Legislature on Bhort notice. THE NEW ELECTiON BILL. The caucus conimitteand the cau cus itself have enrolled the bill some of its Principal Features. The caucus committee has accept ed the new election law as drawn by ex-Judge Spier Wbitaker, counsel for the special steering committee. Great care was given to the prepara tion of this bill. Here are all its principal features they are offici ally given to me : Two boxes and two ballots. One ballot contains names of State officers, justices and judges and Congressmen. The other box is for all other officers. Regis trars of eleetion are appointed by the clerk of court, one for each political party. Poll-holders are appoiu'ed in the same way. Beth registrars and poll-holders are nominated by the State chairman of each political party. Thy bill defines as a politi cal party one which in the last elec tion for Governor and other State officers received 30,000 votes and thus recognizes three parties in this State. There will be two messen gers sent from each polling place as soon ;ss the returns are made out. One of these takes the returns to the register of deeds, the other messen ger takes them to the clerk of the court. The returns iryst be so re ceived by the clerk and register with in twenty-four hours after they are prepared, and receipts for them must be given to the messengers. The polls are to close at the usual time, , sunset. As soon as the ballots are counted they are replaced in the box in which they were deposited or in another specially prepared for tiiat purpose, and this is to be fasteued and sealed, and the boxes are to be at once sent to the Supeiior Court clerk, who is made county canvasser He adds up the figures of the election returns, but has no judicial sheriff of Bladen county. Act to abolish office of tax collec tor of Madison county. Act to repeal chapter 455, Laws Of 1893. Act to amend chapter 343, Laws of 1893. Act to levey special tax to build a bridge across Tuckaseegee River in Jackson county. Act to authorize the Treasurer of Haywood county to pay certain school teachers. Resolution as to public printing. Act to change the name of the thwn of Ramoth. Act to fix fees of solicitor in appointing receivers for estates of infants. Act to incorporate Wampum Cot ton Mills of New Hanover county. Resolution providing for reception aud hearing of Atlanta Exposition committee. Act to repeal chapter 129, public laws of 1893. Resolution asking for information from the State Treasurer. Act authorizing commissioners of Haywood county to levy special tax. Act to amend chapter 290, laws of 1893. Act relating to labor of con vie is on farms in Bertie coanty. Act for relief of Superior Court Clerk of New Hanover county. Act to amend charter of M:. Airy. Resolution to appoint a joint select commi:tee on retrenchuaent and reform in public expenditures. WASHINGTON LETTER. President's Message--Blizzard Prevailing--Several Degrees Below Zero--Personals. Washixgtox, Feb. 9, 1895. Special ( orreponlence of Tuk Coueieb ) The $100,000,000 Bond Call ot lined in this correspondence last week was submitted to Congress vest'-r-lay in the shape of a message to Congress. The House Committee on ways and means has been called to meet to day to consider che Presi dent's mesage. and it i3 the expec tati'.'n of the Democrats in the com-mittL-e that they will report at once a biii authorizing gold bonds. The mt severe blizzard ever known in Washington is prevailing here. The simw is eight inches deep, and is rapidly drifting. The thermometer is several degrees be- 1 tie Long Bridge over from the Another Storm Coming . . Washington, D. C , Feb. 12. The weather Bureau has received in formation lhjit another big storm is developing off the North Pacific coast. Storms arisirig in this section, move. as a rule, along the northern edge of the United $tates and leave .their effects also on the New England and Middle States, A ridge of high pres sure extends! from the west of the Gulf ofi Mexico. Snow during the next, twentv-four hours is predicted for all the middle and New England States ahd for a number of other States.' It !has already begun ia Washington' A Great Battle. Is continually going on in the human systeini. The demon -of im pire bh od strives to gain victory ver the constitution, to ruin health, to 'drag victims to the grave. Hood's SLirsaparillats the weapon with which to defend one's self, drive trie' des perate e.iemy from the field, end re store bodily ; health for many years. mmm) m and Bicycles, at Saet&srv i "A" tirade. S4i. Write to-day. ices. WoTir. euaranteed acrt 2aio40 Tier cent saved Our eooon received the bishest awards at t'na World's Fair. Our IS95 Maramotli illustrated Catalogue is free to all.- It shows n.11 thft latftst stvlpR Riii imnrftvpmenls &nd reduced nrices.- It has 20O pages and is the largest and most complete catalogue ever IssneoU, Bend for it. It's free. Aliiuuee Carriage Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. -A" fcria.a7.ia. writate-d. DOWPr. Hp IS rwinirnH r .1 I-oon t k-. v,n.., tm 1 l i . . ti,e rotomac is in danger ballots. lhe clerk and Hip rro-ir..r of deeds record the abstracts ofW !Cer 'r:re- Thetr:ii"9 into tion, and send a certified copv to the Ut f cit-v MC v r ci. i. rr, , , .nd street ear trafic is much imned- Secretary of State. The attt-r th-n ' , r, . . 1 1 J,, TT , - .cd. One woman te in a snow bink uuuj "1' llJC uguies. xie cas no ju dicial powers. The mhI would have been frozen registration of !,-, ,.!,.,,., ..... , ... ... " t'wiivv.uiaii Him nut touuu uer. four successive1 rrvr Pp;,.i, -.1 night. The Springer Cleveland Carlisle Currency Biii was killed in the i louse yesterday. Hon. George Wise tells ine that Some days ago it was given out that Otho the grand Gideon chief of North Carolina, was to have the Kailrotd Cemmissionplum ; but for some cause, it seems that after all he is not to get this responsible place News comes now that a Republican has drawn the lucky number, and his name will be given to the public in a few days. So the "child of the Populists" will have to go to the Re publican party. It looks a little like Mr. Butler has had to take the back track on this matter. Well, it is bad for Otho, but we gness the State can stand it. The loaves and fishes seem to be a little scarce for the crowd who are in charge at Ealeigh. The interest bill making the rate of interest in North Carolina 6 per cent, passed the Senate almost unan imous some days ago, and was decid ed by the House Finance Committee to make a favorable report, which practically means that it will pass that body. We notice only two votes in the committee against the bill. This is a measure which has been much discussed for several years, and one on which the people, regard less of politics, are divided. Many think it will be a good law and will work advantageously for the people, while others think it will be a disad vantage to the progress of the State. The Caucasian is after some of the Fusionists with a sharp stick. It says some of the Co-Operationists or Fusionists are lobbying in the inter ests of trusts. Mr. Butler should not kick at this, for they had to get the trust men to make the official bonds of the men they elected to of fice. And more than that, the very man whom he and the Fusionist Legislature supported for U. S. Sen ator was an attorney for one of the strongest railroad corporations in this country;. 'No, the Co-Operation-ists are only following Mr. Butler's own example, and he should not kick. powers voters will be for Saturdays prior to the election, at the voting place, from 9 a. m. to -i p. m. On the second Saturday before the election day challenging will be done, notice to be given as provided 1 A 1 , 1 oy ine present law. lhe registrars . Cleveland told him that Virginia had aecictc- as to qualifiers of the her full share f foreign appoint vuitifc, ana 11 tne challenge is good merits and would leoeive no more they are to strike out the name of his hands. the voter. There is to be no chal-; There is going to be a hot time lengmgatthe polls. All persons the Senate when consideration ofthe will be premuted to register, giving post-offlce appropriation bill is reach his name, age, residence, and taking ;-'5- Not only did the Senate the oath prescribed by the oonstitu- 'iiitlee omit li e Southern fast I iiAMu , it most exirao:iinanly inter 1 . 1 A. i . jpouaeu a provision in tiie item for Hood's Pills cure nausea, sickness, indigestion and biliousness. 25c. " Returns to North Carolina. Mr. Briscoe B. Bouluin, revenue, agent, has b(en assigned to the ter ritory of Nojrth Carolina, with head quarters at Greensboro. Mr. Bc'uldin is well remembered in lialeigh, where he spent several months five years ago under rather unpleasant circum stances. He was making a raid in Johnston county, when a moon shiner fired 276 shot into his arm and right side, and he was brought to St. John's hospital, where he whilcd away-time by extracting bul lets from his side. . He -n lease J t he last bullet from custody only a ftv days ago, and keeys it as a ir.a-.cot. The News aiid Observer is glad to know that Mr. Bouldin is in charge of the North Carolina division. He. is a clever gentleman and a i ra e man. c. o. SIITCHEIX J. L GAKKETT. J. P. WADE. S. H. GARRETT, FFSCE OF P OXBORO, N. C. commencement of an other year we desire to thank matrons lor their heart v sun- JL our port and patronage, and to solicit a continuance of the same. The superior equipment of the Pioneer Warehouse for . OS S3 t g .is S S -S Bani cllili ItoriDg Tobacco, comforts and conveniences medic! ii e!!ts gri ami its for its patrons, are too well known k eel enumeration. That they latecl is evidenced hv atiy increased sales. We its' ' u. L A. Is a necessity because the tonic of winter air is gone, and milder weather, increased moisture, accumulated impurities in the blood and debilitated condition of the body, open the way for thatired feeling, nervous troubles, and other ills. The skin, mucous membrane and the various organs strive in vain to relieve the im pure current of life. They all welcome nave ton our with mv t r.'.n ' til ii;ui" Ll orce Wo C, HO We have received our Fall line of goods and it is useless to say we sell all kinds of merchandise Cheaper than Anybody, for our great army of customers all ov er this and adjoining Counties will tell you of that fact. Try us for for it is an acknowledged fact that we sell the best line of Clothine: for the least money to be found in this section. See our Stock and hear our Prices ue fore buying. W e can suit you and save you money. Fulltime of Dry-Goods, H otions&Shoes all of which are cheaper than ever. 1 ne from us and you get them just a little lower tb an y ou can find them anywhere hereabouts. Come and see your Tried and True Friends, BE KM ANN & GOODFRIEND, TO THE FARMERS care, and it is second the market. at in tion. Charlotte Observer. NEW LAWS ENACTED com ruai Bills That Have Been Passed by the Presss t Legislature. Mostly of a Private Nature. runway postoilK'e cur service which vests absolute discretion in the Tost .uastt-r General and rt peals all subject. i tLi 1115 hivs on the ex This The followl n O" IS A. fill TV) YY Q TT7 f V laws enacted and ratified by the pres ! Wa3 1DSe t0 1 at t'' instance of Chair ent Gprpml A aaarn-wi . inan Vl!lls Tostmaster General ent General Assembly up to date Act to amend charter of Mt. Airv to establish graded schools. Act to amend Chapter 283, pri vate Laws 1893. Act to repeal Chapter 137, laws of 1893. Act to amend Section 1717, of the Code, in relation to tram roads in Moore count v. Resolution in rri'ard to public printing. Resolution to print Governor's message. Act tc consolidate and revise the charter of Winston. Resolution to pay post office box rent. Act for the relief of the sheriff of Currituck eounr.v. uoinr resolution directing the Sec retary ot Mate to return checks re- oeived with bids for public printing. resolution to provide blackboards for the Senate and House. Act to change time of holding Harnett county court. Act to incorporate the bank of ducation. Act to legalize the marriao-e of A. J. and Mary Prevatt. Act to amend charter of Piedmont Bank of Greensboro. Act to authorize election of tax collector in Madison county. Act to amend Chapter 258 Laws of 1891, Act to charter Swain Lumber and Boom company. 1 Act to reduce official bond of skeriff of Pitt county. Act to change time of holding courts in Craven and Bertie coun ties. Act to incorporate Stock Mutual Iusurance company of Greensboro. Act to amend Chapter 263, Pri vate Laws of 1891. Act to incorporate Watt Hospital. Act for relief of W. J. Sntton late .rue unexpected decision of the House ct.iuii.iuee or. the whole today to require custom dues hall' in silver half in gold, delights North Carolini an3 and other silverites. Senator Ransom has secured place in the Interior Department for Mr. Frank McKesson of Morganton a son of Chas. F. McKesson, Esq. representative Bower and Col Chas F. McKesson saw Com 1 is sioner Miller Wednesday in interest of J. A. Perry, of Morganton. It is probable he will be made a specia .w-uug ajcut iu me oiate. it is also probable that Maj Anderson, of Winston, will be appointed deputy collector 01 income tax. Mr. Bower has held up for investi gation the appointment of postmas ter at .bane station, Cleveland. He will endeavor to have restored the mail route between Lenoir andMor ganton, recently ordered suspended Mr. 5ower has increased the salary ol the Postmaster at Lenoir $150, Representative Branch presented for Bishop tlaid and the trustees petition to pay war claim of $10,000 value of Catholic church burned in April, 1864, at Washington. Beaufort county Secretary Carlisle has fined John son Pomeroy, of the Sixth Virginia Internal Revenue district, $400 for failure to destroy stamps on empty packages. me uuai etaie dinner 01 tne sea son at the White House was given last night, the occasion being in hon or of the Supreme Court. The East Room, with its abundance of foliage floral colo-ing, and myriads of light, formed a delightful and most invit ing picture, compared with the swirl ing snow and general cheerlessness without. FOR DYSPEPSIA, Indigestion, and Stomach disorders, take : - BROWN'S IRON BITTERS. All dealers keep W, 1 per bottle. Genuine hai . trade-mark aud crossed red lines on wrapper. Qarsa parillajt to assist Nature at this time when she j most needs help, to purify the blood, tono I and strengthen the laboring organs and Duiia np the nerves. I was almost sick in bed last spring and I began taking Hood's Sarsaparilla! I grew better; in a short time and now whenever I feel tired and drowsy in the morning and do not sleep well at night I take some of Hood's Sarsaparilla and about one or two of Hood's Puis". J W SiLNDEBS, Wise, West Virginia. Purifies The Blood "I have taken Hood's Sarsaparilla and round that if gives me an appetite. It strengthens me and purines my blood." Miss Lydia Maddox, Partlow, Virginia. Tit V C 2 1 hesitatingly say ia ,vo are A ' than Our 1 farmers the IE : PREPARED ( r he-fore to serve our pat- vVarehouse is managed by ml run exclusively in HoftfPc Pillc She after-linner pill and llUUU fills family catuartic. 25c. Notice of Seizure. U. S. Internal Revenue, CotLEOTon's Office, RaleIgu, N. C, Feb. 4, 180."). Notice is hereby given of tiie seiz ure by the United States of the fol lowing propertv for violation of thp Internal Revenue laws ofthe United States : i 3537 gallons of corn whiskey, 24 fermenters, copper stills, caps and worm, said to be the prooertv of Cluster Springs Distilling Company, seized near Blue Wing, Person coun ty. North Carolina, on or about the ttn day of ;ebrnary, 1895. Any person or persons claimiDo- - .3 it -1 1 o aaiu property win appear at my oflice in Raleigh, N. C, within 30 dae from date ot this notice and inak-p claim or property will be declared forfeited to ihe United States. f. M. SIMMONS, Collector 4th Dis. N. C S. G. W06DS. Dev'v Col February 4tb, 1U5. Vk eg f A ir sales n, are closely watched and 1 71 no pile will oe overlooked or neg le(teL We guarantee to all - ------ prompt ana careful attention, and the highest market price for their tobacco. The New Year opens wiu migmer prospects than last. The crop is decidedly better, and all bright and desirable grades are it is? And oininq Counties. When o.:ne to Roxbout. with or without tobacco end want to bnv gnls, don't buy until you have seen us and irel our prices ou Dry-Goods, Shoes, Groceries &c. We will save you money, rent, clerk hire, an 1 bad we wiii We won't ask you to help ns pay Imnse lebts we will not make any bad debts in our own house, and sell our Roods. advantage we are aide to-give you the Bovine; this Very Lowe st Prices. is d km W Lb Lbs 1 9T Notice of Land Sale. By Tirture of ia certain mnrnn. i, cntedto the umiersigned, W. A Warren tiie 7th day of March, 1889,' by James A. Woods and daly recorfled in the kegister's oflice ot r eroou couoiy, m iJOOK L, jL, on pice 33"! I shal' on the nret Mondavin Mar-h lio-; i. i. V l''?'Bei ihe land in said That tract of i.. t. . Fork townshipj said county, adJo;niDK tuc lands of .rfmea O. Bradsh.r .r,r.: a it...,"1: o, ww. w . . WARREN Morfgagee. PfOTICE! IAHfe ? LBJt"tor .of the persons holdings claims against said estate to present them to me w.thin twelve months from this date, or else th is notice win ha ...Lu.T111 recovery. Thosfe owing Paid estate will please make earlv nav(r,t jJitase eiiieniber that your wagon and -tobacco are it Eye and Skin Ointment Is-a certain dure for f!hm t?." Granulated Eve Lids. Sn tvt;i, t:i ? Eczema. Tetter. Salt Rh,m sT? .fc ? 25 cents perbo. For sale by draegista. TO HORSEOWNEEsi For puttinff a horse in a fin IimI, ition try Dr. CH'ft rj Ihey tone up the system, aid digestion, cure loss of appetite, Relieve constipation, correct tidney disorders and destroy worms, giving new life to an old or over worker! Wc oe cents per patiage. For sale by draggists. fiipans Tab ulea cure nausea. Kipans Tabules are of great value. Eipans Tabules cure dizziness. while under our shed. Bring or send us your tobacco; we will appreciate your patronage and will do all in our power to re tain it. Truly your friends, Mitchell, Garrett &Wa)e. If yon have any barter, snch as Eggs, Chickens. Untter or Countrr Produce bring it to us, we will' give FULL MARKET PRICE AND SELL YOU COODS'AT LOWEST CASH PRICES. Thanking our friends for their past patronage, we solicit a contin uance of the same. Your Friends, 9 H. A. COBB, Caswell Co. N. C. A. REAGAN, Buncombe Co., N. C. W. T. WALTON, Pittsylvania 8.., Va. 9 For the Sale of Leaf Tobacco. COBB, REAGAN & CO., Prop's., DANVILLE, VA. "W"- D- COTHKA1T, Solicitor for tiie trad.e ofPaaoa, Orange, 3D-ar3xa,m, and. O-raxivilla Coiuxtles. Having served yoti faithfully as a Warchnnspman in tha ham, Oxford, and Eoxboro, I feel better Drenared and mnro oKlo"- lnnV n your interest than ever before. -As you all know Danville is headquar ters. -Bring me vour tohamo sirid vnn ell's 11 Viqttq tyitt l,- t be on the lioxboro market, or represented by a buyer, at all times. Your friend, - - W.D.COTHKAN. 'LOST'-MAN HOOD RESTORED. !!-&5A5al3t HERVH GKAIH8 the wonderful remedy issold i" fatten cuarantee to cure all nervous diseases such as Week Mm ory, Lossof Eraia Povrsr.Lost Manhood, Nightly Emissions, Evil Dresres lAat otUmfideacff, Nervousness, Lassitude, all drains and loss of power ot tie Generative Organs in either sex caused by over exertion, youthful errors, or eicaesive use of tobacco, opium or stimulants which soon lead tinmty, Consumption and Iosanit, Put up convenient to carry in TP??;.,?6111 by mad in plain package to any address for $ 1 , or 6 mvbb AKDAmnvsiNGi -v Boacy. CacukrFiee. . AddnsPAiss msxra CBADifla v7aiL . " . For Sale by W R.'Hambrick & Cv Eoxboro, N. C.

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