ft The Courier. F iltered according to Postal Regu lati .us, at the Postoffice, in Roxboro, N C. as second-class matter PUBLISHED WEEKLY BT NOELL DROP., Prop's. THE FUSIONISTS CONFUSED. WASHINGTON LETTLR. I Closing Hours of the 53rd Congress- Th Editors are in no wise renponsiblff for Tie its expressed by correspondents. SUBSCRIPTION terms: fpy, one year, - - - f 1.00 1 Lti)T. six months. - - - 50 a ' ADVERTISING RATES: One clamn 1 year $80.00; One-half co uiuq 1 year $40.00; One-quarter co umn 1 year 425.00. Transient Advertisements : One inch 1 week f 1; 2 weeks $1.50 2 month $2. Two inches 1 W6ek $1.50 1 weeks $2; 1 month $3. Four inches 1 week $2; 2 weeks $2.50; 1 month i.50. Advertisements inserted on Lpca page as reading items, 5 cents per ine tor each insertion. Legal advertisements, aeh as Ad rainistrators and Executors' Notices, Commissioners' and Trustees' Sales, S4.;uinons to Non-residents, etc., wil be eu&rged for at legal rates and must BE PAID IN ADVANCE. R iXBORO. N. C. MARCH 6, 1896 We learn that Mr. N. N. Tuck, of this county, is a candidate fo- Ser- geant-at-Arms of the United States Senate. It is claimed by the Popu lists that they hold the balance of power in the next Senate, and it is believed that they will aid the Re publicans in organizing that body when they again meet This is a pretty high position, but one which most any one would be glad to see come to Person county. If "to the victors beloug the spoils," we guess Mr. Tuck, from the standpoint of party service, is eminently entitled to ine position, mere is no ques tion, we think, as to his ability to perform the duties of the office. He is strictly a partisan man, and we guess could satisfy both Populists and Republicans. He at least sat isfied them in Person county, and did more to bring about the fusion here last fall than any one else in the county. He is a shrewd, intel ligent politician, and has not tasted the pap of office in many years. He has many friends in the county who will be glad to see him get the position. If it would take him out of county politics, there are plenty of Democrats who too would like to see him get it. Under the Revenue Act the poll tax is $124, the State tax 21 cents, the pension 31 cents, the schools 16 centii on incomes and gross profits from property cot taxed 5 per cent, and on gross incomes derived from salaries and fees 1-2 per cent on ex cess over $1,000 to $5,000, and 1-2 per cent between $5,000 and $10, 000. The tax on cigars is 5 cents per 1,000, and on cigarettes 10 cents per 1,000. The sewing machine tax is $500, piano or organ dealers' tax $250. The tax on drummers $100, which shall give exemption irom all license tax. The license for insurance companies is $100 and a tax of 2 per cent on gross receipts in this State. State banks are to pay $50 on $25,000 of capital and $2 for each $1,000 over that amount Building and loan associations pay tax according to paid-in capital. The tax ton railways is 1 per cent on gross rsceipts; telegraph and tel ephone companies, 2 per cent Last night the Fusionists showed, more plainly than ever before, a total want of capacity to legislate and a painful lack of leadership. They do very well to carry out cut and dried programmes or dictates of caucuses, but . when left to them selves to assert original and inde pendent thought they are perfectly helpless, as shown by the proceeding last night in the Seuate. The bill creating six new magis trates in every township, and an ad- ditional one in incorporated towns, md fche fin&1 adjournment there eru States; The order! will require two -Witnesses, as well as the" pension -Extra clainnf anb affidavits thlfc hoVhM rmt Saccinn Talk.. Rilla Rninn Rushed Throunh I ' 'l - ; a Ba.-na4 ii i U ri: J.- Kin, iii. iuc J Senators Who Retire. Washington,. March;, 2. When the Senate met at 11 o clock to-day it entered upon the . last legislative i day of the Fifty third ; Congress; be cause, although the C ingress does not expire till Monday next at noon its existence till then will be continu Ot ly displayed great anxiety, Senators Adams and Dowd called attention to. the immense cost in volved in the bill in the way of sup plying Codes, Acts of the Legisla ture. Justices' Dockets, &c. They asserted that at the very lowest cal culation, the cost would be $25,000 or $30,000, ai d it might reach $50, 000. Feelinff the force of their ar New Members Filing Certificatei-Sen. " "? ' ?m& tor Ransom and Mexico--Williams vs. viamuuj i irom jyxaryiana, .xven Settle Contest Settled --Postmaster Gen- tucky; and Missouri arelnot required eral Wilson--a Virginia jury uiners irom to produce the witnesses. Tior are a wasnington jury-omer i-oinis oi mier- thoge1 f -tfftrxw ofaf ' Ii: o tu led by recess, not adjournments Wiomv Aforr.li 1 1 SQK Uaroiina.' Oeoreia. Alabama. THm- rU "v ""s"JUCl " LUC f1""" uuuJ . A - - . . Ifl will nooeo ttx Whon flip Snaf TnAPfa af. 11 MlSSi8Slt)K Louisiaua. Arkansas and lu A Z4. w;n 4- Ainm Texas arfc raner ia v nm vvl4V mviv u uuua uyivLCkj il mil uuu aujviuu uu- i j -r -.j , Mat-POOted Free Silver. Ktntnn Rntlor nf Knnfl. n.mtin.- i T The4 Michigan Democratic State Camden, of West Virginia; Carey, of will be discussed, and between now Convention met here I to dav and Wromine: Coke, of Texas: Dixon, of ...... ., ... . - ' i renom nated Justice JSIcGrath for Rhode Island; Dolph, of Oregon; nia; McLaurin, of McPherson, of New Jer, f Mount Plejisaot, were nominated 8ey;Manderson, of Nebraska; Mar, rr regentu of the Uuiversitv. tin. of Kansas: Power, nf Mnntnm- if. n 117 uuumn MM vun mimm k Koxboiroo C. Salem, N. a We have received our Fall hn STOOds and it. is nAlficc fn Cu XT air Kinus oi mercnandise of ZdyrZtob: f but they the Supreme Court. Cj.Pailthoi. Hunton, of Virgil UZZZ il -feandStr.tD.Broo Mississippi; McP Spring Medicine Senate will be in session tomorrow, but unless there is a prolonged talk upon the naval bill only conference reports will be considered. The appropriation bills are being rushed through with all possible dis- The only platform reported wistuis Ransom, of North Carolina; Walsh -ilver dec hiriitinn, almost every word of Georgia; Washburn, of Minnesota; f which was vociferously cheered as and Wilson, of Iowa. it, nan read, and which All the Ills of the 8eason Cured by Hood's Sarsaparllla. "In the spring I was all ran appetite was poor, and had severe aches. I was also afflicted Cheape than Anybody, down,my for our erreat armv nf pmtnn,n n vara nAAi- i ( J j -w w u vj uvixi i n i . vi i with iiver er t h is an d ad ini nine , i . u v and kidney trouble, indigestion and " . , d . b "I'lCJ) Will t PI was adopted How is This for Fusion? The people of North Carolina know what Fusion means If this does not defeat the Populists of ortb Carolina, then the people of the State need missionaries worse than China Africa. Danville patch. The appropriation of this ith but one dissentingivote : n ;n : .j.i , i iru - r .. . uuugicoo mil apiuAiiuaic a iuuu wi I iuo uc uiuuraiic papiy, in COn one DUliou aoliars. "inis is a oil- venuon assembled, hail with delight linn rlnllar nniinfrv." n.s Tnm I the ranidlr inAro.:ainrr ia..tirnn. i gument, Senator Paddison offered an gaid fftnjl yearg ftg; ftnd itg uecessi. IW iof te restoration j of silver to auimuuieuii auu was ouuukm. xuu ,, i -, in,. . i. ..... . , ues ana expenainires neeessariiv m- posiuon n so long ; neld in the or japan or even nmanrl mnr hainnr GS rYn lion nnl in. I I . I - 6 crease. monetary system of our countrr, and Agister. consistent, produced, universal con- c ... . . f- , nnnniifi,rii ;1r r . fusion. Senators Mood?, Fortune, . .L " ... , , ArA 'u, -....I. . A Georgia fanner killed 1,500 - v' rn t ir in t r m rctr rw ri ri i-i r 1 9 n i iiii 11 11 i iiiiti una rm i i . il,. v,i,i i,( . w iU mvvi, fj.auucu iciuio 7 w,"b lu onvci raooics ounng the recent enow and ' - .j, X Of his appomtmeut to the Mexican aDtl goijwitu lull legal tender power roado enough out of them to settle n the floor of the Senate . . flf f ih , at a ratio'of 16 to 1. and w invit with the man who picked cotton for Chamber to devise some method to jj v. .... TT ,. natrin'Hi. t..u.in iw5ki- him in the fall. wuucrueu u y CVCIV lie la I : v uivm:u1ioi'aiU' leSS OI PreVlOUS Dartv Rfllliotinna fn L --...WMU w constipation. A friend advised take Hood's Barsaparilla. I did so began to feel much better. I could Bleep nights, and " Enjoy Good Rest. I also began to eat more and my food di gested welL I have now taken over seven bottles and everybody tells me I am the picture of health. When I felt me to you of that fact. 9 and I , j.xy us ior THING We Starbuck ferences on Chamber to extricate themselves from the foolish superbly equipped for the position. join us in an UUCU1UIB Ul TT U1UU LUC V ITCIO 1UIUI 1 - I XT a 11 1 . ne tens me tne climate is in every ed. Iiieya4mlttea tbat my were I , . , , , - K- -lan for immediate .. IT 0 "in a hole;" the? had umale fools of themsel ves;" charged that "the Popu lists had goue back on the agree ments of the caucus;" and conf us ion became confounded. J he bill imperative demand action to tbat end Sale of Whiskey. ";Ighfalth0Dgh for it is an acknowledged fact that Hood's 30? Cures Sftn the h, ,J?.CC r?at my usual weight had been 130 pounds. lor,4- lULULQg lOF thft I now weigh 155 pounds and I owe It all leaSt IllOlieV XO DC fOUlld lfl thlc cti to Hood's Barsaparilla" Mes.Lzkoba Q0 C4X1 J UUU 111 1111S SeCtlOP, S. Semons, Salem, North Carolina. UU1 OlOCK and liear OUr PriPe ; '8 PHIS cure Constipation by restoring fore bllViOff W f nan cnir Ttv ..j lstaltie action of the alimentary canal. J O VV Call SUlt yOU and SaV6 yuu money. jjuilJine of Hood the peristaltic around the Capital of the Mouta- regardles$ of position of any other lT- s- Internal Revenue, zumas being more elevated than the hationfjthereto. plateaus m the riedmout section of unoukaiant'a Sentence. She' Gets 5 Years North Carolina. It is a healthy and $10,000 Fine. nlrtfP. and fllA tipw Af iniafof toiII foto I SAW VRJWfiann fn.,V, O TiU. .o u r ' "" I - j-viuvw, iiaivu . me Fp- ,M ,x .u1Ug, M.mm li;ssfi!,,Enm aTq executivAlWa w amended bv Paddiaon. bv a small " . . i J" .""ocu uuu . .mU . . ' 4. 01 n18 sons Wltn oim- Ue Wl11 nave sentence of the ex-Queen. It is lire, j.ucu a uiuuuu wa iiiouo w i ... n . . .l,.:- i ' ,1 , ... reconsider, the Paddison amend Pt Ume during h;s two years mTir vqo afiinlran rti r and f ho num. 1 I Yv) ' I Kaon llltlli a-mttaA i- -rr-, I 000 flTIO Tf 4o iitaII .-. A -"...l Jl j 1 i una ui ucn ma ian aLca 1 11 C2u:ii uiw u- i . . . ' i . i ship was bill passe d. Collector's Office, Raleigh, N. C, Mar. 5, 1895. NoLice is hereby given that I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, on Tuesdav. the lUth dav of March. 1895, in the town of Roxboro, N. C, the following propertv which was seized for viola tion of the Internal Revenue laws of the United States. 3537 gallons of corn whiskey, 24 j j j-u j it of the Northern and Western papers the government are debating the fermenter8. copper stills, caps and reduced to three, and the , . , TT . it - . ! . 6 worms. L f hlm aS . He 13 tha Place of imprisonment. Said 8ale mfde to ,ati8f certain Fortune, Candler, and others dis- of the "youngest" men in our dele- A conclusion will soon be arrived at. gation ! No one to see him would This at fj violatiou of Internal Revenue Laws. F. M. SIMMONS, Collector 4th Dis. N. C. S. G. Woods. Dep'v Col. March 5th, 1895. Sale of Land. TfiVlffln? .il. By virtue of morlpage deed conveyed to rae jcon auu uy a ue lunc..n on t e 191hUay of May, 18H1. played great feelino; and complained ... r-1 l, , . ? ,i , ,i- , . . . , wuuv.vi.uiuj r iiu luc iuui unties i ' "'. uu a mu, iuajur i tiiter. went that this was not carrying out the . , , . , , , . ni; . ' L , . ., J 8 , . of old age. He is erect, alert, and to Oabu prison nd read th oh;f nrnmi noa mann rs tha mmim. nni i ' l w i tt n ii ' pfcf fvuvi, nibu UJ.CU all VI ai "II mv uvu du vcuuco la 1111 I (JUS t -, r,, . . .. fairs is all that siiffffests the Rixtv- C. 1. Gulick. 35 vears aV.l I ilnd OjPV .Mlflrn NqiuIopo ond ntharo 0( J 1 ' " wtl rrZ: "tj dht on w. h, ' ,w"'" purHi Hits T-oof ;fl,. . ii. . . I) Ann flno. Hr.-.i c o- and recure l n bn ik . u urj 5 urn in ajrainsfc th hill. T?rwl rliH nnf . " I 7 , 0 yrars inieraoiiwUufflcc. uxboro, N. I wrl sell rote. Hoover and Lindsev well aD1 hiS PPularit amonS . '000 ue' Rohert Wilcox, SWWi-? uia uuneagues, is wnat secured this JeaJS aua iu,uU -Jrne; T. B. iir, ;tVf iT.d uii iiinr: i "of ttoJ appointment for him. Walker, 3D years and 5,000 fine: Carl K-T,'! b,?terwJi:??W k'" ?i3i"'e The future alignment of political Wideman, 30 years and $10,000 fine: Zi B,c w lZ "XXti?, parties is giving all thoughtful peo- -tlenry 13ertlemann, 35 .fyears and pie much concern. In the next cam- I1 000 fine; W. H. O." Grev 20 ..... il J paign there will be three parties in : years and 10,000 fine; Louis Mar- f.hft flAlrl TVlQ minoKnn C Isflyll 9fl .-OO .... J 1V AAA come to be independent enough to - 7 I " Z H.v " U1 uuauce tT f - V ? ; W nue' nrorMnn,l.- .;0. w the leadmg issue, and "silver" John Lane, five years and $5,000 fine; these old time methods and L. W1" the leadin slogan of what W"i-Crane, five years and $5,000 piuuiiHtJB now io De strongest party. "" TI-mofoliQm ti-1 1 1 XI CI i 1 I i. WMf nnlooo .11 - -,.,uu nuuiu doiiihok 8. uunoo mi oil; ua ittii. anu i. ... . . the nrPRpnf nnfWV ; - Tiarge proportion of dis r-, 13 MSP9 UVl, oi T.i;j..i! i . , , .tt iui uijLues irom care vuuugv. ii a uuc uj. uuureceuencea FOB A NAME OF A FLORAL WONDER. Foi particulars Bee Viek'i Floral Guide for 1895, which contains colored plates of Vick's Branching Aster, Sweet Peas, Veg etables, Hibiscus and Gold Flower. Hon est illustrations; descriptions that de scribe, not mislead ; hints on sowing and transplanting. Printed in 17 different colored inks. Hailed on receipt of 10 cents, which may be deducted from first order. Tick's Seeds contain, the I term of life. ' CifJC i - SWEET PSAS! Dry-Goods, Wotions&Shoes all of which are cheaper than ever. Lindsey, known opaJists, denounced the measure and characterized it as a retnrn to the condition of things that obtained in 1858- 9. It is gratifying to see that there are some of the Populists who have Small QeantitlM at Wholesale Prices. 40 Cents a Pound HSP We hare grown tons of Sweet Peas the past summer of a very fine quality :o be able to give our friends a real treat. 25 varieties and colore mired. Think of it. a pooud. oirlr 4 P ets.: liaif iOHni 25cts. ; ii.iaiicr i,oui.J licts. ; ounce 10 cts. GCIiU. F'.OTVFT, rTH BMc CbarmicE Pot Plant. m.d (ir.Urr.x. Borderm f i he jrswBsv iitB nniiitiniin Cist Haspbebrt, UuLUUiW-.. . James Tick's Sons Seed' - , KOCHESTEK, Jff. Y. uy Groceries uo aiiutyuu get tnemjust a little mM- sLa ww m WW m-m mr m. .1 A wvvx vuan uu udnnaa tnem any where uci cauuuib. Come and see your Tried and True Friends, BEEMANN & GOODFRIEND, Bailey and othets, c-nt.uii.ng in tbe trart 151 ncres, mure r ies8. March 5tb, 1895.JOaXC- M"""- NOTICE. A Valuable Lot For Sale. nres of the Republican party. News & Observer. ' In years to come when the school children of North Carolina come to Last night at the Populist caucus. Otho Wilson, who has become so widely known throughout North Carolina on account of his Gideonite principles, was nominated to be Bail road Commissioner to succeed Mr, Mason. It seems that the fight was between him and CapL W. H. lutchin. It is reported that quite number of Capt. Kitchin's friends became very much incensed at his defeat and left the caucus, swearing mat tney would never vote for Wil son. It is yet to be seen whether the Eepnblicans will support Wilson or not. Xhey claim this place them selves. This is probablj the last week of thLgialatiire, and they are rash ing things with whoop. Especially uus inecase in making new of fices every fellow, almost, is on the lookout for s job. Already several places have been made and some of the faithful fixed. Two Jndireshina have been arranged with Cook, of warren, and Bwart, of Henderson, Judges. Senator Fortune has a bill for the establishment of an In surance Commissioner and is an ap plicant for the position. When a Fusionist doesn'tsee a place in eight he goss right to work and makes a place. TA- t - x-oBtmaster General Bissell last week sent in his resignation, which was .accepted, and President Clere and has appointed Congressman Wil on, of West Virginia, to succeed him. The President is said to hare made this appointment without any solicita tions frota Mr. Wilson's friends. It is a good appointment, and Mr. Wil son will nuke a good Postmaster General. He is able and conscien tious man. lessrii'RS nhnnt. ' I .. I u w LUIU. B&VH iL.i i. . ........ Droanflntv whip fn emam i ' - mas page in nistory ot their State wur. Uyrus Edson. "It is such a which reads thus ; Tn thp mr,fr. counuT' tne M nval parties, the simnldl thino- .. . .L. T " " I n u ,i n..i ... r " "'uuiuu mat of February in this year the House puoucau. might very few people, unless ii ia a case of Bepresentatives adjourned as a meet m so1 Planx and fight it of pneumonia, pay any attention to mark of respect to Fred Douglas, """ , ' mere is no pros- a cold, There are a great manv s ii r fir tj n n r- n the well-known negro lecturer and 1 V , e as Wlil cases Pr Catarrl1 and-consum.-tiou politician, having declined to agree nJ " 8 Pok. wtich Lave their origin iqhis ne to a resolution of similar import in c ua8 Ptiveiy retused lect o the simplest precaution of deference to the memory of General up ine wuliam9 vs- Settle every day;-life. The mo.t sensible i uuieneu eiecnon case. There is no advice is, .when yu have; one, .ret time to "consider" it further. A year rid of It as soon as oossihle Hvn and a half ago the case could havo means do hot neulpr-r. it. .! n- been settled by straight methods. 8n d'f n.t tell on how t) cure a A mau cannot finesse forever unless ';ol(1 blit we will. Take Chamber lie holds a "straight flush" or t.hrAoi lsin's Couirli remedv. Ft. will puliat.A j " . V. I j I ' "til Ittictc J iiiuirui Lftiwerii fleieCLItlll in mp in nno "' 'S-'Ku ueeu execnieil to me by t harlets O Jlitclieli ami wife, I. la Mitchell, ami recorde-l the Itegisler's office of I'eison county, in IWOl f. l.on I).1?R21B In-ill .in Tm.c.I K. iii.iu.tv oi prii, iso, sell to tne hiph si biiUler ur tiiBii, ni me conn House floor iu 1'erson coucty, the below ilescribeU propc:ty. lo-wil: One lot or parcel of laml. situated in the town of Uoxboro, N. c.. aiijoinini; the lands of c. S. W insieail. Mrs K t Wol.i. nn.i ... iHiuuuiu as ioiiows: licginn ng at a nick at . ii ins.eaa 8 c iri.er and riinmnir nnwh. cast wuti .Main street, opposite the MetLodial t arsonape, 86 yartU to j rock near a ( berry tree; I hence an easterly (linw.tmn n vf.i. t. uca nuui b meiir.e siiiiin n i. u.t.r. o nit, iiicuuu IMS ll--e IO me hfurintmiir This is Ihe 'oi on which he said C. G. Mitchell now resiuep This the 28. h day of Ke'ui nary, 1895. ... , . .. "r.i ,ius i UNUKK. W. w. KiK-hiii, Atioj n y George Wasungton, the commander in-chief of the armies of the Revo lution and the first President of the United States, and to the memory of General Eobert E. Lee, the commander-in-chief of the armies of the Confederate States," what will they think and say? What explanation will be given by their teachers? How will that anomaly of fact be account ed for? The inquiry answers itself- Norfolk Landmark. Grtnbor Ptpl on fo Capl. Fisher's Lit tle Game. Greknsbobo. March 4. Since leasing the McAdoo House, Capt. B. J. Fisher who now, of course, has monopoly in the hotel business, gives ft out that he intends closing both ho teis ror an indefinite time. Fisher gives as his reason for closing the hotels that he can not afford to run them at 2 per day, he does not state state as he now has a monoply, why he does not raiae the price to $.250 or $3. The citizens of this city think they understand the true inward ness of the affair, which is, that the board of alderman, having passed an ordinance requiring the cap. tain to bringhis barroom out on the street as others have to do, he is trj ng to force them to re-instate bim in his old place. A Hiinorsut Fact. About Hood's Sarsaparilla it ex pels bad humor and creates good humor. A battle for blood is what Hood's Sarsaparilla vigorously fights. and it is always victorious in ex pelling foul taints and giving the Tital fluid the quality and quantity of perfect health. It cures scrofula. salt rheum, boils and other blood diseases. Hood's Pills act easily, yet prompt ly and eOciently on the bowels and uver. 25 c Cuba. tMiriMts Defeats By Government TreM. Havana, March S, The military commander at Manzanillo, Province of Santiago, reports that on Febru. ary 26th the troops attacked Vequita, where a strong force of Insurgents wew killed and many were wounded. aces at least! I use this vemamkr because it will be readilv understood by every one connected with the case except Hon. Frederick Woodward and some of the attorneys, Judge uranam tor example. The appointment of Hon. William L. Wilson, of West Virginia, to be fostmaster General, is well received here. Mr. Bissell retires because of pressing duties and to the sincere re gret of the President, who esteems him most highly. Postmaster Gen eral Wilson was offered everything- in sight by the President and chose the portfolio of the Postoffice Depart ment as it ranked the other positions and kept him near his home. He is an alumnus of Columbian University, a prominent Baptist, and a leader of the tariff reform movement in tnis country. A Virginia jury took but a few minutes to render a verdict of "guilty" in the case of the Aquia Creek rob bers. A Washington jury deliberated as many days before it pronounced the notorious fugitive from justice, Capt. Howgate, "innocent." A Washington jury can be depended upon to construe the law in a wav that would have given Lord Coke the nightmare every time. Mr. Cleveland is going to North Carolina on another hunting trip as soon as Congress adjourns. Commodore Kirkland, U. S. X native of Hillsboro, tf. C. has been promoted to a Bear Admiral. Ensign Edwin Anderson, TJ. S. N".. of Wilmington, N. C, has been pro moted to a Lieutenant. Both pro motions are deserved. These gentle men represent the best Revolutionary stock in the State. Shuford and Stroud are here learn ing how to "hold down" the seats to which they have been elected in the House. A new order, about to be issued bv the Commissioner of Pensions, will stir up the hornets, in certain South- a. I. I F . , .uuio, uu, expectoration, open tne secretions and soon effect per manent cure. 25 and ,0 cent bottles for sale by W. R. Uatnbrick & Co. 4 . i nB Hrrangamants as to Senate Commttjegs ASUiKGTON, MarcL.2. Tbe lead, era of the Republican and Demo cratic Jstreering committers of the Senate met this morning and agreed that the present organization of the Senate committees should 'continue until tf e next session of the Senate. This simply perpetuates the com mittees as they now stand so that in the event there should hi. Work for them to dci, it can be done without awaiting a reorganization. The committees will be re-organized shortly after the next Congress venes. si i; Trustee's Sale. 1 .i me in uie utiwerii fit'iti?Hiiii trt i in lee : oi Crust, executed Or.tol.er 27 1k! nv- .i.,i.n Hicks an I wife, Alice, to se.'ure navnipnt i yci..-iin ueuis. r?rorueil l:i i.eirtaters I'lHVe. J((Hk M M, pape-JU, etc.. I will sell at the i onrt irni u noor 111 lioxlm o. on ihe II rut iuuiKia in .lwrii, u ui'inir the lt iv, U Hie ... 111 LMI,i ! . fclll IllI.-IVVlll-' I I'jiCI'l 11. M.lllU ami lots, lo-wil : One ilue!I;nir hoiifiH unit l.,i . n n- c;,iA Main street, just below the Me'lhoriist church, known as the John II ii-La lifinu Tin mi i iiuianiB n OI a:i acre. One nrize house and lot.. int p.inriui . D. ilenoi. on the noiiih ;iil nf n u ,.,.i.i. ,',.'i leailiiix over the mcumtain from l.'nvlw. The roiulition of this site are imp.h if r. ,.i. uniou- c in a iiionius, wnn I'.iierest lieaiinir lun.il rl..i i:iia n : . i. i uc nnc in same win ue ri'senpfi imiii pay ineni- in lull i Mis 1st day of March, 1S95. , . C. S. W1NSTK.VO. v inslejut A Crooks, Tructee. Attorneys. Notice of Land Sale! By virtue of powers delegated to ma in two several mortgrage deeds, executed to ne by id'uiuk uai to a if i wne, uom oi recora in ine ivepister s omce oi rerson county, one in Book r r , m vhkk on. me atner in Honk K k thu 1!06, I will, on the 1st Monaav m April. I8S. sen to the highest bidder for cash, at the Court nuuMj uuur in rerun coiinrr. run hAinnr a. scribed tracts or paff eis of land, to-wit: i. wo acres, ij ing on the waters of Blue " tux VreeK. auioininc ine lannR at kuca Kintaa Elizabeth Drnmritrht. James Kinc. Ttiliv rinm! I phries and others, known as the "Old Hallibur ton 1'iace, on wnicn said llariib resides. 2. 50 acres, adioininir Billr Tm-.k. W. T. S.okes. C. P. Sanford and other lands of said F. Harris. 3. 39 acres, adioininir Jake ICnsrirnnri Rilw uuuiuuuix. uiuer muua oi r . namn ann no.. haps others, being known as the "Jeff Dixon" tract. .j. j. rkooks This Feb. 18, 1 S95. By T. C. Brooks, A.tl'y. Sale of Lsnd Near Chub Lake ity virtue of power aiven trie bv thn S imprint Court of Person countv. I. as Commicainiini- Sale, will, on the 1st Monday in March, 1895. it V. . I. n I . 1. .1 II . 1 ' I . up uu ij-f own ai puuiic auction to the hlgheet bidder, a tract of lan-1 Ivinc in Pmni. county. North Carolina, in Woods.iale township adjoining the lands of J. A. Long, C. S. Wins tead. Josephus Yonnjrer and the estate of J C. Clayton, containing 106 acres more or less, said iraci Deing Known as the L,eah Di ehav nlni. bate Will lie lor ITS UU cash, ha ane. in It nnH it iiionins: lime navments will lier R iwrimm ami must be secured to tbe satisfaction of ihi. coi.rt. As to condition of land, etc . reference is given to H. u. (;la ton at t.hub Lake. i dis January isu, iso V1CTCK 8. BRYANT, Commissioner ofSale. TO THE FARMERS mm And Adjoining Counties, When ju come to Roxboro. with or without tobacco end want to bar goods, don't buy until you hare seen us and get our prices on xjiy -ooas, Siloes, Groceries &c We will save you money. We won't ask you to help n8 pay house rent, clerk hire, an 1 bad debts we will not make anv bad del.ta we will 11 For C f i The Executors' NntinA. xecniors of the ate ill UU1 UWU IH1IISH flnrt call TT zi nntifv nil i,nr.n,. I ' ' 1 wmj. tuuUB. Jill V I II IS . . . i i n ituvuniage we are able to give you the con si Rev. B. F. Lnnn Flasil -' ii ,: a AHMOTif, in. U.. March 1 Kev. B. F. Long, editor of the Record 4.l.:rsi J ... . . ut "" piace aieaat the Phoanix hotel last night at 11:30 aged 60:1 He was born and raised near Washington N Ky. domea the M. v. nr-.- . j j vwuiciciite when quite joung, and there remain ea ior a number of years. . Afterward he wastSecertarj of 4 the old North oiaie insurance Company.; After that was brtmedout he practiced law but gaye up that and went into ; the newspaper business. He was a eood man, liked land loved bv all, and no douft has gone to a better world He will be buried at the old Brame place near Macon, where he has a wife and several children buried. 1 ' Chamberlain's I Cough Remedy gives the jjest satisfaction! of anv cough medicine I handle, nd as a seller leads! all other preparations in t his market.' I recommend it be cause it is ihe best medicine I ever handled for; coughs, colds anji croup. A. W. Balpredge, Millersville, ; 111. For sale by; W. Ri Hambrickj &o. We Have! the Largest $ And prettiest line of Pipes ever seen in Roxboro. j , ; . 1 ; USE TOBACCO OIL LINIMENT For all ailments lequiring a flrst-clnss liniment. . Coleman's Medicated Tobacco Soap For all kind of skin diseases. Famous Cleaning Fluid For removing spots of grease op clothing, -MANUFACTURE!) ONLT BV-. DURHAM SPECIAL MTfl CO., DURHAM, N. C. For sale In Person county by J. D. Mor ris, Roxboro; Dr. J. I. Coleman, Hurdle's Mills; Col, J. S. Cuningham's; T. D Woody, Bethel Hill navine qualined as e B. Y. Allen, I berebv owing 6aid estale to come forward and make immediate settlement, and all persons tioldine claims against the estate are hereby notified to urescDi me punie ior paymert on or before the )th of Jannarv. 1896. or thih nnticn will 1.- plead in bar of tbeir rocovery. xnis j an. otn, louo. K. M. AJ.LEN, W. C. ALLEN, Executors of Ii. r. Allen. Executor's Notice. Having qualified as Extcutor .if Willis m Fna. ter, deceased. I Verebv nntifv all liPlftnns in. .1.1.... 1 . . : .1 . . . . . 1 . ueuicii w iiiu rawtu come lorvflrd nnrl tie. ano an persons noiainsr claims as-iiiniit the estate, to present ibem, for payment wiihin one year from date, or (bis nutioe will le plead in bar of their recovery. . xnis reuruary atti, 1895. JOHNS. C UN INGHAM, Ii0-U Ex't of Wm. Foster. NOTICE! Having Qualified as the administrator nf the esiaie oi i ne minis rsarneic, l nereov mitify all persons holding claims againrt said estate to iireaeni iui in u rae wnuin twelve months fmm this date, or else this nmice vrlli be used to bar recovery. Those owing paid estate will pl&ase xnis peo. is, isao. m g CJAY; dn'r of KnJap Harnett W. W . Kltcbin, Att7- : Money Made Easily and Rapidly READ THIS AND THINK IT OVER ! We want 100 men who have energy nd grit. We will give tbem a situation in which they can make money rapidly tbe labor being light and employment the year ronnd. Requires no cap ital or great edncation. Borne ot our best sales men are country ooys. joung men or old will ao. Kemuneration is quick and sure. We have need for 100 more men within the next SO days. Do not waste time, but write at once to a. c uu-LiUlxna 8 CO., I Publishers, Atlanta, Ga. lll nnniMiiAiiAimii.n..,. , .. HIP- YOUR Eggs, Butter Poultry and OTHER PRODUCE TO EDA WHS, HHHMIb & 308 10th St., N. W., WASHINGTON, D. C. -00- You will receive highest Cash Prices. We buy out right or handle on Commissi nn. ' " "Quick Sales and PromDt Returns for handling goods, five per cent. Send for our Price List. - " . Very Lowest Prices. If yon have any barter, such as Eggs, Chickens, Hotter or Country Produce bring it to as, we will give FULL MARKET PRICE AND SELL YOU GOODS AT LOWEST CASH PRICES. Thanking our friends for their past patronage, we solicit a contin nance of the same. Your Friends, H. A. COBB, Caswell Co., N. C. J. A. REAGAN, Bunecmbe Co. N. C. W. T. WALTON, Pittsylvania C. U. Wlant avenouse For the Sale of Leaf Tobacco. COBB, REAGAN & CO., Prop's., DANVILLE, VA. Haying aerved you faithfnllv nam, Uxford, and Roxboro, I feel better nrerarwl mrt oKia-tn inv to your interest than, ever before. A s vnn all kn rkUT Tao r tt-i 1 1 to tttj i rvAl'lU tees. Vnog me your tobacco and you shall have my best efforts. I shall v, uu xuuig marKec, or represented by a buyer, at all times. xourtnend, W. D. COTIIKAX. ONE GIVES RELIEF. W. R.'Hambrick & Co -.i t lllllllllllllllllIjl -n. 1