----- ' CLEAR STARCH.. , . 2 for Infants and Children. THIRTY Tears' onaervatton of Castoria with the patronage of million of persons, permit n to speak of it without Knowing. It is unquestionably the best remedy for Infants and Children the world has ever known. It is harmless. Children lite it. It tm health. It will save their livos. In it Mothers have something whiohJsahsoliitelr safe and practically perfect as a child's medicine. Castoria destroys Worms. Castoria allays Feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd. Castoria onres Diarrhoea and Wind Colic Castoria relieves Teething Trophies. Castoria cnres Constipation and Flatulency. Castoria neutralizes the effects of carbonic acid gas or poisonous air. Castoria does not contain morphine, opium, or other narcotic property. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Castoria is put np in one-size bottles only. It is not sold in hulk. Don't allow any one to sell yon anything else on the plea or promise) that it is " jnat as good " and "will answer every purpose." See that yon get C-A-S-T-O-R-I-A. The fac -simile signature of is on every wrapper. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. THE PEOPLE'S BANK, Authorized Capital Stock Paid In Surolu $100,000 $40,000 $3,800 OFFICEES: J. A. LONG, Pres. J. S. MERRITT, Vice Pres J. S. BRADSHER, Cshier. DIRECTORS: J. A. LONG, A. R. FOUSHEE, C. B. BROOKS J.S. MERRITT I. A. N0ELL, J. L. BPOOKb j. M. BLAL0CK, T. H. SRTEET T- J. STEPHENS, W. F. READE, Conducts a General Banking Business. Extends every accommodation jonsistent with business principles to its CUSTOMERS. A 1 OT&vfl has mnnAfr in 1 Anrl of ft nor A.rf I We call special attention to our Time Lock, Burglar and Fire Prool Safe Wr wam4- vnn. l-vi-i Ann n . A M - 1 As the years go by there is less and ess starch in the laundry. Bodily comfort is recognized as of too great in porta nee to tolerate the old-time 'stanched garments next the skin, which were about as comfortable as a coat of mail ; and good form sets its face against starched table-linen, ar tistic sense upholding fashion in this respect. Skirts, of course, must have some starch, but should never be so stiffened as to rattle; handker chiefs should have just that soupcon which approaches the uulauudcred article; anything more is an abomi nation, and an insult to the nostrils To make fine, clear starch, first wet the starch with cold wt.ter and work till smooth, then pour boiling watei over it in the proportions of one quart to every two tal!esi o nfuls o starch; set upon the stove ami stii till it boils clear If stirred for a few moments with a sperm candle, it wilj prevent the irons from tickinj: ; and with the same object iu viw some laundresses add little butter or lard A small quantity of gum Arabic water added to the starch will give an ap pearance of freshness to .nuslins and lawns, either white or colored, not attainable by ai.y other means. It is a eat ne'P t" eeP l U) rearf'ne89 prepared as follows : Pour a pint of boiling water over two ounces of white gum Arabic, stir well, cover it and let it stand over night; in the morning pour the liquid off the dregs into a clean bottle, and keep it corked for use. From "Some Laundry Hints," in Demorest's Magazine for April. Happiness. How much the possession of .iap piness depends upon the point of view we choose to take in seeing things ! She who determines to look upon the bright side of affairs wil generally find that some brightness is visible; she who wauts to point on to herself and ethers that discounige ments abound, can, as a rule, euc ceed to her own satisfaction in the gloomy pursuit. There is such thing as curbing one's natural ten dency to depression aud in whole some fashion casting lamutabl melancholy out of doors. And on means to this end is mentally aud spiritually to outgrow the necetsity of being happy. The less one think about the deprivations and lack o those conditions which are common ly supposed to be requisites of hap piness, and the leas one cultivates spirit of restless pursuit of happi ness a spirit which by its very lightness and delicacy eludes a harsh grasp the morn likely is happiness to come all unsought, paiticularly i one is more anxious about securing conditions of happiness for others than for oneself. Ex. i 1 Absolutely the Best. Bicycles. :.yy h "ijity. Evary.M.i- fy hfk and Scientific Work- t Higher Honors at the World's Columbian Eiposition. Send two-cent stamp for our 24-page Catalogue-A work of Art. Monarch Cycle Company, Lake and Hakted Sts., CHICAGO, ILL. Retail Salesroom. 280 Wabash Ave. 0) 0) m PIMPLES, BLOTCHES Ifp ITd W b m OLD SORES PRICKLY ASH, poke root CATARRH, MALARIA. Akin nrvr rri 1 1 mm wu ruiAaaium K ilNFY TRnilRIM and DYSPEPSIA Are entirely raaoTM by P.PJ. Prickly Ash. Poke Boot and Potaa lam, the greatest blood partner on earth. Abbbbbsw.O.. July 21, 1891. MEssas LiIppmas Bros. , Savannah. CJa. : Deak Sirs I bought a bottle ot J -our P.P. P. at Hot 8prlnpi,Ark.,and 11 Ii.ls done me more good than three .months' treatmentat the Hot SdzIoks. liocd three bottles O. O. D. Bespeotfally yours, JAS. M. NEWTOU, Aoeraeen, Brown County, O. Capt. j. D. Jobnatom. To all whom it may concern: 1 here " 5 JT?J"y to no wonderful propertlea V. L-. r. f. lor erODtlOna nt thn alrln Y Makes Marvelous Cures in Blood Poison Rheumatism and Scrofula r, P. P. P. puriflesvthe blood. buUds m f the - weak and debilitated, elves - strenRth to weakened nerves, expels diseases, giving the patient health and V.'cTor are the product of skilled workmen, .and rank with Victor Bicycles in quality. pm a ji m m. we maice tne Dest Dae- Jg 'J' j- balls, baseball bats, base ball gloves and mitts, tennis rackets, tennis balls, tennis nets, racket presses, racket cases, boxing gloves, footballs, football suits,' football and gymnasium shoes, gymnasium supplies, sweaters, etc. We guarantee better goods for less money than asked by other manufacturers. If your local dealer does not keep Victor Athletic Goods, write for our illustrated catalogue. "The Plumed Knight!" "JIM BLAME" Will be held for service during the peason, at my stables, on the Col- -lowing terms: Mules insured to stand op and suck, for $7.00. Groom's fee, 25 cents. Raise mules, my friends, instead of horses, Then profits you'll reap instead of losses. ( W. P. YANCEY. March 26, 1895. 4t " BOSTON. OVERMAN WHEEL CO- Makers of Victor Bicycles and Athletic Goods. CHICAGO. NEW YORK. DENVER. DETROIT. PACIFIC COAST. SAN FRANCISCO. - LOS ANGELES. PORTLAND. Ireensboro wseries GREENSBORO, N. C. 00- 1,000,000 Fruit, Shade and Ornamental Trees. Vines and Shrubbery in almost endless variety. Thoroughbred Poland China Pigs, entitled to registration, at reasonable prices. Also AITOIT POULTEY". Write for prices and get the best. I wi9h to call special attention to my Shade Trees. Large and finest asortment in the State. RELIABLE AGENTS WANTED. JOHN A. YOUNG, Proprietor, Ci-y Office, 228 South Elm Street, Greensboro, N. C. KW mm 0 Italic soda is inferior to package aoda. I PUT J beware is the whole story af imitation trade j aaarka and Ubeto. aLX)Ut jARrYAHP HAfERSOPA In ftriplf WIHPre than other package soda never spoils 2 J 1" JIvlYCll25. flour universally acknowledged purest in the world. S Made only by CH3RCH & CO., New York. Sold by grocers everywhere. Write for Arm and Hammer vok of valuable Recipes FREE. Ask Your Neighbors Sale of Dwelling House and Lot in Reamstown! By virtue of a morteraice dulv executed, as will appear by reference to Book of Deeds h. page 1W, in he i.llice of the Kegister of Deeds of Person conniy, we will, on the 22nd day of aprii. ibvo, aiiiietourt nouseaoor in uoxDoro, sell to I be biggest bidder for cash, one dwelling nonse ann im, sunaieii near tne corporate limits ( lloxboro, in Keamstown. on . earns Avenue, adjoining the lot now owned and occupied by C. T. Willcon, and adjoining an unused sireel leading from Keams Avenue co me pnouc roan. Main bouse and lot is that owned by .lob.n x. Walker and It- K. Cotcb, and 1101 it recently nor n pied by sai . Couch Dwelling with six rooms and two balls. On ibis lot :s a go) garden spot and an ex- i-eiiei'i wen 01 waier. .'aie at iz O'riocK M. Koxboro. S C, Mar. b 16, 1695, J. A. LONG, Mortgagee, KOltX. I. MITCHKI.L, Guardian for Lillian Mitchell. Assignee, Notice of Sale. By v'rtue of a mortgage exec.ited to D. C. Lnnsford by .lumee H. Rlackwell. colored and recorded in Bk M. M., page 425, in the Register's Office of l'ersn county, N. C . 1 shall, on the 82nd day of April, 1895, at public auction at the Court rloiiRe door in Koxboro, for cash, sell to the highest bidder, the tract of lai d in said mortgage described, to wit: That lot of laml, tK'ginningnt the I,. A IV. Railroad, thence east to a pine in I'aisy Isi.-ick well's line, thence north to a p;ne in J. II. lilankwell's line, thence to tin beginning, containing five acres, more orieeH.ti Uoxlioro low nlnp. Raid cnnnly and oiaie. II. 1 . I.UNSrOKI), This Mar. h IK imn. Mortgagee. N. Lmipford. Vitorney. About the cures made by of Ransom Has Carbuncles. St. Louis Mo., April 6. A City Mexico special says United States Miuister Ransom rested easier yester day, but that a large carbuncle has developed on his neck, and a similar inconvenience on his right elbow. These, with extreme hoarsemss, which troubles him, will probably prevent him taking active part in the duties of his new office for a week or S). The new envoy is greatly pleased with Mexico. Until the Minister recovers from indisposition the legation remains in charge of Edward C. Butler, the sec retary. Mr. Butler will officially inform of the Mexican Government of the arrival of the new representa tive, and days ask his offical recep tion and recognition by the President and Cabinet. and lassitude first prevailed. , ' , " j CUB KIU1UI QQ. for primary, secondary and tertiary " uco- teafl every known reme syphtlis, for blood poisoning, mercu-; In Tato,iintll P. P. P. waanaed. rial poison, malaria, dyspepsia, and' an 1 am now entirely cared. In all blood and skin diseases, like! (aignedby) J. D. JOHNSTON. oiorcnes, pimples, old cttronlc ulcers. V, SaTannab. Ga. tetter, scald bead, boils', erysipelas, , eczema we may say, without fear of BUn Cancer Cared. f. f. f. is the best rr, ,u v . . , ,,wv "I VJ AJCU,KC. mntMilMlM. . U n . blood purifier fn the world, and metres positive, speed and permanenVbres ' ma", cases. v - Ladles whose systems are poisoned and whose blood is in an impure condi tion, aao w meBBiruai lrrviuiiiriiiius, dentil tonic and blooa cleansing- prop erties of P. P. P. Prickly Ash, Poke Boot and Potassium. I can speak ia the btgliest. tarns of wnnemajilnlna -in Tn XT Aarn i...wnnal 41-rua. auouavaav uui -"T rr u 'i tyvuwi nowledge. I wp affected wuh heart disease pleurisy and rheumatism for 85 years, waareated by the very best physicians ana spent hundreds of dol lars, tried every knfrwn remedy with out nnding1 relief -1 bavepviv. taoa v. jr. , ana can rlnnA mn rrinPA iuaf iu a, an., a Sptlsgflela'treea County. Mo. one bottle of yotir P. P . cheerfully say It has 4 ' "- Kood tban anything 1 1 - - : lean recommend yom . Sbotjin, Tel. Junwrv 11. ifioa iJtssns. lji.PMAN Bros., Savannah, C: : Gentlemen 1 have tried your p! 3- P. for a disease of the skin, usually V aown g skin oancer.of thirty years' sorting, and found great rellefTie r,'.6"8 bl55od and removes alf lr rl .atlon from the seat of the disease f'??r67Z?VL.,P ""eadingTtSS Lt f ? taken five or six bottles : i feel confident that another course VIU effect a care. It has also relievecl ri from lndlgeBtloiTilll itoiicto t.uhles. Yours truly. i capt. W. if. ntrr. Attorney at Lav. iDGlf CO ALL DRUGGISTS SELL rT. La PPM AN B ROS. PBOPEIETOES, r;pmaa's BloCkttaTaaaatatte A Hotel Clerk Arrested. Macon, Ga., April 5. John Tier- ney, a well known hotel clerk who has been clerk at the Paik Hotel in this city, was arrested here to-day on a warrant from North Carolina charging him with burning a hotel at Hendersonsville N. C, a little over a year ago. The warrant also calls for J. J. Nelson. Tierney savs he will go back to North Carolina with out requisition papers as he is positive he can easily establish his innocence. According to Tierney, Nelson was proprietor of the hotel and Tierney was chief clerk. Nelson gave $14,000 in mortgages on the property and had insured for $14,500. Tierney's home is at Niagara Falls, N. Y. He has many friends in Macon. We don't know what old cancelled postage stamps are quoted at on the market, but they are holding up well. One man sold his collection to crank stamp bidders in New York a short time ago for $10,311.40, the highest priced United States stamp bringing only $51. One Confe Jerate 5-cent stamp of another collection bronght $576, and another $112. Texas will have no timber iu fif teen years, if the present rate of cut ting 1,000,000,000 feet a year con tinues. without medicine, or write for in formation free. For sale or rent. Local testimonials. JOHN N. WEBB. 728 ilth Street, Washington, D. C. NOTICE! By virtue of the powers vested in me by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Person county, as its Commis sioner, I will sell at the Court House door in Roxboro, oh the Second Mon day in May, it being th 13th day, to the highest bidder, at public auc tion, the following described land and premises, to-wit: One tract of land, situated in Person county, Roxboro township, on the public road leading from Roxboro to Hillsboro, adjoining the lands of Jeff Farley, George and Robert Satter field, containing 69 acres, more or less. The terms of sale are: One-half cash; the remaining one-half to be paid in six months; the title to same to be retained by me until all the pur chase money, together with interest, be paid. A. L. BROOKS, April 8, 1895. Com of Sale. Sale of Land. By virtue of a mortgage duly exe cuted by J. M. Lanpave, and Marga ret A. Laneave to Reuben Yarboro, ns will appear by reference to book D D. pages 175 and 176 in the office of the Register of Deeds for Person coun ty, on the 16th day of March 1886, we will sell to the highest bidder for cash at the Court House door in Roxboro on the first Monday in May 1895, the following tract or parcel of land, sit uated in Person county, North Caro lina, adjoining the lands of L. B. Chandler, Dr. Win. Merritt, and oth eis, and known and designated as lot No. 1. in the division o4 the William Laneave tract, containing sixty one acres, more or less. This being the tract upon which J. M. Laneave and family resided until recently. April 3rd. 1895. REUBEN YARBORO, W. A. LANEAVE, Assignee of Reuben Yarboro. Merritt & Bryant, Attys. Administrator's Notice. Having qualified as Administrator ot the es tate ot Kobt- Tharp, I hereby notify all person owing said estale to come forward and make immediate settlement, and all persons holding claims arainst the estate are herebv nntilied lo present the same tor pavmert on "r before the 13th day of March, 1SM1, or this notice wM be plead in bar of their rocovery. This March 13th, 1SH5. VIC f OH S. BKYANT, Administrator of Itobt. Tharp. Kmihiis Tahules arc of great value liiliaws Talmles cure liver trouble Ripans Tah ules cure scrofula We Solicit Con sign ments Of Grwi , Hay, Butter, Ee-g. Live and Dressed Poultry, Pork, Game, Roots, Fur, Wool, Green and Dried Fruit, &o. We ran give you better and prompter service than any commission honse in Washington. Refer to Citizens' National Bank. J. F. SAUM & CO., Wholesale Produce Commission Mer chants, 925 Louisiana Ave., WASHINGTON, D. C. IT CURES) LaGRIPPE, No one should suffer needless pala, or Incur needless risk to health or life. Many do suffer such pain and risk from the Grippe, doctoring In vain meanwhile. But none do this who use as a remedy for this dreaded scourge DR. KING'S ROYAL CERMETUER. It CURES the Grippe promptly, safely, pleasantly, completely and Unfailingly, It is the IDEAL REMEDY for this trouble pleasant to take as lem onade, harmless in every case, to young and old, male and female, in any and all conditions. While curing the Grippe, it acta as a perfect Nerve Restorative and General Inyigorator, strengthening the system, and completely removing from it all EFFECTS OF THE GRIPPE. For Colds and Lung Troubles of aU kinds, it has no superior. Sold by au Druggist?, f 1 6 for $3. KIKG'S ROYAL 6ERMETUER COMPANY, ATLANTA, OA. 01 Id 5 SjStiSttaCiStWe U sf Air Vie U. ftttaWoiii Jltv.u si.- SEINES, NETS, TEXTS ami Sporting Goods Double Tirecch Loartiup Shot Guns, $7 to $0 Single Breech Loading shot Guns, $4 to 200 Breech Loading and Kepeating Kifles. $2 25;u 4u;'Miizzie i.oaaing uouoie .snot Guns, $3 to 20; bingle Shot Gnus, $2 50 lo $10; l'-ib)e Action self Cockers, $2 to $10. All kinds of Cartridges. Shells. aps. Wads, Tools, Flicks roucnes ana i'limers. -end lor illustrated cat alogue. Address, GREAT WESTERN GEN WOKKS, Pittsburg. Fa Eipans Tabules : a standard retned Ripans Tabales cure headache. The Massachusetts Cotton Mills, of Lowell, are to build a 30,000 spin dle plant for- $600,000 in Borne, Ga. : . .. Man is a good deal like a fish. You know the fish would never eret into very serious trouble if it kept it mouth shut. Eipans TaWes pttrifj the blood. Eipans Taimle cur dygpepa x - f ji iii) k Durham. N. C, Jan. 12, 1895. J.yon Mfg. Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. Gentlemen: I was rendered entirely helpless fr.orn rheumatism in my right side an 1 arm and had to giye up work. I used Maxijan Mustang Uniment freely, and with in a month 1 was able to bo about and can noy attend to my business regularly.' Whenever my arm or side hurts me I rub tlu Mustang Liniment in well and plenti fully, i;p; y a warm flannel when going to bed, and in the morning all pain has dis appeared. I hope all who are troubled with rheumatism will try this liniment and con vince themselves of its value. Yours, Weighe? in Blackwell's J. K. (JLIFTOJN, Durham Tobacw Pa- 204 McManus St Durham, C, Jan. U, 1895, Lyon Mfg. Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. Gentlemen: For 15 years I have used flexican Mustang Uniment, and consider it the best liniment on earth ; I am never with out it. 1 recently used it on a bad gait on my horse's neck and it cured it in 3 days. I had. also, a bad sprain in my leg and had to use crutches several days. As soon as I commenced to use Mustang Liniment 1 felt relief, and in a few days $vas entirely welh 1 recommend it to any ouq needing a liniment for horses or for self, with confe dence that they will get their money's worth. Yours, JKO. R; IITJTCHINGS. Of Carriiigton Hz. ilutehings, Prop's Keam'ti V arehouae, Durham, JT. C Tnv rp. ,r ! Y t. . y V Prtrn a h w i to Whim THE 01 LY PERFECT Wheeler & Wilson Mfg. Co., Atlanta, Ga. CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT? For a Prompt ahswer and an honest opinion, write to InUnN tVCO.. who have had nearly fifty years' experience in the patent business. Communica tions strictly confidential. A Handbook of In formation concerning Patents and how to ob tain them sent tree. Also a catalogue Of Tnnhyy. leal and scientific books sent free. Patents taken tbronRh Mann & Co. receive special notice in the Scientific American, and thus are brought widely before the public with out cost to the inventor. This nlenlid paper, issued weekly, elegantly illustrated, has by far the largest circulation of -any science work in the world. S3 a year. Sampto eopiea sent free. Building Edition-njonthly, S0 a year. Single copies, '25 cent. Every number contains beau tiful plates, in colors, and photographs of new houses, with plans, enabling builders to show the latest designs and secure contracts. Address MUMN & CO, Ssw Yoke. 361 Bhoadwat. TOBACCO OIL UNIMENT For all ailments requiring a lirst-nliiss liiiinieiil. Coleman's Medicated Tobacco Soap For all kind of skin cl'8eaes. Famous leaning Huid For removing spots of grease on clothing. Vr. I! V. Morris, with Kilm-Mor ('nnipanv, L'rinters ivl ISinder, Durl.am, N t. ,Bii8: ' I bare nwefi loliacro il l.in:munl on mv litlle 8ii, who was ft sufferer of rheuniHtisni At one time : lie 10; li iisr tec neil to relieip linn, I iKiught a Imi tie of this liniment. himI wljile one nf h s I'g8 WHSfwoilen nearly twice ilsize, one applicai inn entirely relieveil all l ain, anil ie auced all duelling ,y ne.i morning llefore using the Mnimeni lie was unable lo walk, and in a 'ew days after usin it, he was able lo run aivt play, as tho gb never afHicte'1 I pro nounre it a goon liniment." Tobacco (.Ml Liniment ha? been teste.il for over nine ears, anil bas giren universal satisfaction all who have lriei it. MASOKAPU'MD HXIY PY DURHAM SPECIAL MTG CO., DURHAM, N. C. Fur sale in Person c untv bv J. D. Mor ris, Roxbor; I)r J. i. Coleman, Hurdle's Mills: Co! J. Cunipglian , Cuning hain's: T. L. Wmidy, Hetli. 1 Hill SUM YSIDE FLORAL XURSERY, JAS.M. LAMB. Propr , Lock Box 55. Fayetteville, N. C. oo Some of our Specialties are : MAGNOLIAS, CAPE JASMINES, in pots; ROSES, TUBEROSES, 25c. per d .zen; EXTRA FINE GLADIOLAS. 35 to 75o. per dozer? EVE K G REE N S. HEDGE PLANTS. GREENHOUSE PLANTS, in variety. Good stock. Reasonable prices, tor price lists address as above. BRADBURY PIANOS. Unexcelled for use in Schools and ( ol leges. r-emi for i lltistraied catalogue Refer by permission, lo Mrs. (; W. Har ris, '507 Vermont Aic, Washington, I). ;., who has used one of our l'ianos for 12 years. -In ordering enclose this art vei tisemen t. Address, ' ' F.G.SMITH. 1225 Pa. Ave., X. W., VTashington, I). C. March 13-tf Notice of Sale of Real Eetate. By virtue of an order of the Su perior Court mada On the flf-h rlv nf April 1895, I will on the 13th day of may a-t ine Jourt House door in Kox boro sell to the highest bidder for cash a traet of land in Allensville township Person county. North Caro lina, adjoining the lands of Wesley x norpe ana otners containing fortv- five acres, more or less. It being that tract oonveyea to itooert lnorpe de ceased by Wesley Thorpe, in an obli gation bond dated Jan, 11th 1890, and the same upon which said Robert Thorpe resided at the time of his death. This land is sold to nav t.hA Ula nnc of the purchase money due Wesley xuuipe, aim an remainder io oe used as the law direpts and the order ia mnd a in a Snecinl Pnwoodinw or J ' vw. v..k AJ tixiea . wepiey xnorpe et ai vs. Km- ma xnorpe eteis. Victor S. Bryajtt, -'om'r. of Sale. Atlantic and DanviHeRv. THE ONLY LINE BETWEEN Norfolk and Danville WITHOUT CHANGE OF CARS No.3 X. Sun. No.l daily p m 620 5 45 5 53 6 Otf 60 6 19 6 35 6 42 6 47 7 02 7 12 718 7 29 7 84 7 46 7 56 8 02 8 05 8 14 832 8 48 9 00 STATIONS. I .eave a m 9 20 9 45 9 53 10 04 10 10 10 22 10 39 10 46 10 51 11 07 11 18 11 25 11 87 11 42 11 55 12 05 12 12 12 15 12 24 12 53 1 00 1 15 Arrive Norfolk (Ferry) W'esi Noifoik Churchlaud Shoulders Hill Beam on Suffolk Copeland Holland Elwoixl Franklin Storys Courfland Pope Oapiron Drewryville Adams Grove Green Plains J. R. Junction Belfield Pleasant Shade Edgerton Lawrenceville No. 5 a mJ 6 00 6 09 6 27 5 33 6 40 6 53 7 00 7 18 7 32 7 37 7 44 7 46 7 55 8 07 8 16 8 25 8 S3 8 45 9 04 9 13 9 30 9 42 10 00 a m No 2 dailv p m 5 02 4 37 4 2) 4 18 4 11 4 00 3 44 3 35 3 30 3 18 3 04 2 58 2 47 2 40 2 31 2 20 2 13 2 10 2 02 1 44 1 28 1 17 No. 4 p m 1 15 1 25 1 42 1 49 1 55 2 09 2 16 2 35 2 51 2 56 3 04 3 06 315 3 30 3 89 3 47 3 54 4 06 8 541 4 15 4 26 4 35 4 53 5 07 625 p m Leave Arrive Lawrenceville Charlie Hope Brodnax La( 'rosse South Hill Union Level Baskerville Boydton Finchley Jeffi ess Clarksville Junct Clarksville Buffalo Junction Nelson . Virjjilina -Christie Mayo Denniston Alton Onuingliam Semora Mil'.on Blanche Danyille p m 1 15 1 05 12 46 12 38 12 32 12 17 12 09 11 50 11 34 11 28 11 21 11 19 11 10 10 4o 10 3fi 10 37 10 50 10 18 10 07 9 55 9 45 9 30 9 17 9 00 a m a m 10 to 9 40 9 32 9 22 9 lti 9 05 8 49 S 43 5 37 8 22 8 12 06 7 54 49 7 37 7 27 7 20 7 17 7 08 6 49 6 3 6 2o No. g p ra 8 30 8 21 8 04 7 57 7 5! 7 37 7 30 7 12 6 5i 6 53 6 45 42 6 33 62 611 G02 55T, 5 4" o 32 5 20 5 10 4 53 4 37 4 20 a m ,o not stop. CHAS. O. HAINES, Supt. ntfM ft 11 ML G.M.HUGHES. Gen. M'gr. c. K. eitf r T .ik'i rr I Hi ll D D, K3 KUUUIIUtlUUIUIIII TimeTalile in Efleot Nov. 18tli lffit, . UHHA.M DIVISION. Leve Koxbom Vor Durham, (i 47 p m. D:iilv 2Sffi. :.i riiifi Except sin d : for 1 j i.Wi1.mv-s Hi ,-, Daily7 44a m. I) iiy Kxrrpt Mii.iiav. V Hi I ;lf. . rnlliiaii main line West lionnd Loavo jiirlihinu l..r. 5:03 n. rti. for kni,ok-. I;;.(iul, bhiiimM aiiU I' icaliiita5, nlfu for I c, x,. ti.t . ' siHiiims inslol, sHlrlll IiiviMftu. i.iiiirisi iiai oke :I0 a. m. with W liii'r null u taix fra I.iimlil for all iioiina tu)i ait v , K, I nMinan sleeken, , w,.tr t, is ilh.i Vf "' OrleniiH. Dining ' r aHai-tn il 2:2n p. m. imilv 'Tn V. (,i,-ai.ii I . I L hf," lur K.anike, IthirKeWI r ml mil;' k Keiinva, I olamlins imil : hii-a..., I hi , a (Wolf o I . ........ i. o , i i,innKP Id I ("mi hi clianjrp. Also Knoxvn.e. ' Iiait.iiM.) ItriKbii. ami lmermeiliate ixhihk Sleeper, I ailfonl to chai ta ih.ivh ARRIVES LYNCHBURG DAILY FROM TH WEST. 12. 3(1 a. m., I ;S0 i, 1,1, EAST BOUND. IEVE tVNCHELf. G - - CLf 1:45 p. m. 'ov . icIhiiumI. IVleislmrir an.! Norfolk ; arrive IV -ersmi. s .4-, .,, , (,.(' in; HU l.ttcliDitmil and I viul.inK 'i.ai Ivm.-mI .r;:,kVo1p,.,r,o,',,'i, 7:,H,p m 12:45 a. 111. rri ve l'eleil.iiri: 5: 3il a n. r neriingwiH, K & I. K. ... daily: arrive, Kii-limoml 7- (la m.; 11 nrnent Nmfolk 8 2-1 m. 1 ullman I a a e r n r to Norfolk I'ulln.aii I'alace - eeiir liPtw.-en I nclil'm. and H.cliinon.i. tIiib ,-r will i,e 'rea.lv n I.yn.-hlmrjf ai u-.ihi , in. for passmgers. ARRIVE LYNCHBURG DAILY FROM Tht EAST. 4:55a, m; 2:10 p m. WINSTNN-SALEM DIVISION. Ji? oan,okc """v. ia:lU p. m. for winto. salcm and intermediate stations North Caroliua Division i.eave Ti laiiki l -'7 "P,..'!?-" 'xc'l,t s""l.v.) for lielty Baker and lO.-Oa a m daily, for lvanooe and dossa". ' .i.ii 4 in alle l'"ion.-I.av- Itlellll datl 7:30 a m f 1 Norton, Tnisville and points on I . fc N. r. k. via Norton. Kiirham Divisioi,.Leave I.ynchl urg (U ni. n . tat.nr), Daily 2:45 p m for Dnrha.n and mtrr mediate a'ations; a-rive I yrvchlmrg 1 1 uni In.r nam 1 1 : 45 a. in . All iiiqiiiri, as torates. routes elc, pi-minn-ly answered. ' 1 1 For additiona. information apply at Tn-ke ofnee; M. F. ls.;(. Passenger Aper.l : iai t if W It n ,, , U 1 and T agt-nt ui.am k General OfHce I oanoke. va SOUTHERN RAILROAD (PIEDMONT AIR-LINE.) CONDENSED SCHEDULE. IN EFFECT MARCH 17TH, 1895. saomel Spencer, F. W. Hnidekopcr and Kunben Foster, Ueceivers. SOUTHBOUND Lv uiehmond Lv Danville Ar OireensOoro i.v Gold-boro Ar Kaleigb Lv ttaleigta Lt Durham Av Greensboro l.v Winstou-Salem Lv Ureensiioro A r Salisbury Ar htatesville Ar At-heville Av .lot springs i.v si.lisbury Ar Charlotte "POINC" EUROPE FOR $195. Kramer's 33-day tonr, sailing uly hi. t-iaiung olterdam, Scbevenlngen. Hague, P ntwerp, Brussels. Paris, Versailles, London, York, Edi n ourghand Glas gow. All expenses paid. 25 other tours. 8cnd for 'Clark's Tourist Gazette." W. P. VAN WICKLE, 1225 Pa. Ave., Washington, D. C. In writing enclose this advertfgement. (March 13-tf) CaveatB, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat ent business conducted for MootnTt tees. !i"JiFclt Ocposwe U. S. Patent Orrtcc fiid we can secure patent iu less time tuaa those remote from Washington. , - i - r Bend model, drawing or photo., with descrip tion. We advise, if patentable or-not, free ot charge. Oar fee not due till patent is secured. A Pamphlet, mHow to Obtain Patents, with names of actual clients in your State, county, u town, sent free. Address, . C.A.SNOW&CO. Patent Ornct Wasmjngt".. D. C- Ripans Tabules : best liver touic Ripans Tabales bau!?h vUb. . Ripans Tabules cure dizziness. ; Kipans Tabules care Tiauswa. " Ripans Tabules assist digestion.' Ripans Tabules cure constipation. , Lv charlotte Lv Spartanburg Lv Greenville Ar Atlanta UAtLY N3S, Ko 11 N0T7 VI SO nm 5 55 pm 7 37 pm 2 00 pm 4 ."0 pnl i 10 pm 5 15 tin. 7 20, pm 12 night 7 37' pm 17 pm Q 17 nm ID 50 pm 10 50 pm 100 am 1 52 am 5 -20 am 12 3o am i 45 h m 8 33 am 5 0() pm 90 pm it 03 am 6 i0 nm 8 30 am 9 55 am 8 35 am 10 JO am 11 09 urn "52 11 111 Sti pin 10 10 411) 11 5') iiin II 50 am 2 M pm 4 05 pm 9 30 pm 10 f!5 ;iin 11 30 a... DAILY NORTHBOUND Lv Atlanta Lv Greenviilc Lv .Spartanburg at thvrloiie Ar charlotte Lv charlotte Ar Salisbury, I v Hot bprinf-8 Lv Asheville Lv ritatesville Ar Salisbury Lv Salisbury Ar Greensboro Ar Winston-Salem l.v Greenslioro A r Durham -Ar ttaleigh Lv Ualeigh Ar Goldsboro Lv Greensboro Ar Danville Ar Kichmond No 12 No 36 8 U0 tin 2 35 am 340 am 7 00 pm 7 0j pm 7 00 pm 8 31 pm 8 31 pm 10 15 pm 12 00 n't I S3 nm 5 50 am 7 40 am 9 05 am' 1 00 pni 10 15 pm 3 05 atn 8 00 am 9 45 pu. 4 28 a-i 5 33 am 8 35 am 8 35 am 8 35 am 10 10 am 12 53 pm 2 '.6 pm 7 11 pm 8 05 pm 10 10 am 11 55 am 4 0Q pm U 55 am 1 56 pm 2 55 pm 2 55 pn 4 50 pm 11 55 am 1 35 pm 6 35 am 12 U.i 111 .'1 27 I 'ill 8 3u pm 8 30 I in 8 30 pm 8 30 pm 38 pm 9 3S pm 10 4tf am 5 3j) pm 10 4Spi 1200 am Between West Point and Richmond. I eave West Po'iDt 7 60 A w daily and 8 60 a M daily except Sunday aud Monday; arrive Kichmond 9 05 and 10 40 a m. Ko tarnin leave Richmond 3 10 P M and 4 45 P u dailv except Sunday; Arrive )Vpl Point 5 00 and 6f 05 P it. Between Richmond and Hal eigh via Keysville. Leave Richmond 12 80 y m daily; leave Keysville 4 00 p m; arrive Oxford 6 15 p. Henderson 7.10 p. m., Durham 7 40 p- m, Kaleish 7 4U am. Keturnm Jeae Raleiffh 10 SB am. dailv. Durl am 11 rfO an. Oxford 12 55 p. m. ; arrive Keysville 3 00 p m, Kichmond 6 65 p. m. daily. Trains on O. & H. R. R.. leave Oxk 6.20 n. m.. and 7 00 tj in. dailv except SuV day, 11.05 a. m., daily, and arrive at Hen derson 7-10 p. m., and 7.50 a -m., daily except Sundfrv "and 1 5, p. m., daily He turning leave Henderson 11 00 am., daily, and arrive atOxford 11 50 a. m., and 8 So p. m., daily except &unday. and v a1' p- "' i daily. J. . B. TUOMFSUiN, Supt. First Division, - Danville, Va. W.B.RYDER, Supt. Second Division, - . - Charlotte, N. C. W. Hi GEEEN, W. A. TURK, J-An fonorvait ftfln.PftS. Act. Wasnlngton,!). C. Washington, D. y-

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