I HE Courier. the J50RO. V ill I I K u - -. t JUCUU8. The (Inl .1 ' 1 p.-uiu to auenu ID N. C. MAY 29, 1895. down a lot of tobacco ai.,1 R( "! , ' , ng ,exe!:,8e8 of Prof- D. 8. Par our market. He was greatly pleased and spoke verv imni?!'-?"?? RotWa ri' I r-'vuMujr 01 ine Tin1 ,i,v esoept a. in- trt Jl' Post Office Hours l()Si ctlice will be open every Sunday, from 7 o'clock - clOCh. I. w. ,,r Durham and points South ..i.ise at t P- m. .. r ..nrlihnrr nni nninto .v !r Will Close o; w a. uj. John A. Noeix, P. M. ker'8 school, npap ITnvrltn'.. Mill,. 4.V.. iuay, iy5. It was iudeed uengntlul entertainment. The stage was beautifully decorated with eweet may flowers, and it would be uara to decide which was the lovelier " WMVlVlVUVll Trustee of AT- p tt "n'J? "n JZ:?nia V1 l"e many Jovtu taces nnf01 " owuy,snould "U1U" appeared among them. The North K. II- was in Knvu attortield, of Prospect Hill, Monday. ,i. G. Andrews and L. c. .1X1 1 m; I ulu Coffey, of Lenoir, is visit- . ! . !... XT IT rp..i,i. rli. tainny oi ivcv. m.. jj.. xubiie. ' ....... 1 - nra o a TiiiiiiM. 4-. I II tn )SCl " mai ivcu noo Tioiiui our town last Friday. Mr K. 1. nncey went over to nnrhani last Thursday evening to vi.it relatives and Inends. The land sale ua m'""8". . iir- victor S. Brvfink nrdmmi . i ' i i - "'vri aim -6v.o auu recitations, inter- oveUooked h la8fc' bl,t Was WUh 8Weet mu8'ic J "'."'auaii. i .v.ucl cu uv iviessrs. I Jatpa anrl I Pi lr- Iey and others, we were delightfully entertained till noon, when dinner was announced. We then repaired to the grove, where a sumptuous feast was spread, to which we all did justice. Alter an intermission of about an nAllV 1rA . 1 11 ,vr were ioiu tne exercises were about to commence. In the afternoon there ere declamations 1 uePeoili' Mnf.,..i Tji: t r-c ,a xu mis pJace we are glad to e.n are meeting with verv fww , ing success. The General Manager informs us that he has WrWfQ ..14. 1 '.uuureu tnousand dollars. - Little Lawrence Bradsher, son of tuu iurs. Uj. r Mr his A. Bradshor. Jret'Itatl0118 an dialogues, which we parents a frijrht Snnrlw tt al1 enjoyed very much, and eRiwiallv got a iron tat iu his t.hiw jLa would we he ) . - V .waCu iur u lew moments as it WOuld nhnli-o tr v. , ,i vvy wrttou, u r r,n iia. r r- 1 ' r.r inei!as soon relieved the iitLie sunrerer fp .1 R. Holniau, of Iredell coun- was in town this week visiting his Jatiirl J. W. Noell. Mr. W. r. Warren, of Kidgeville, was in town today, and dropped in subscribed tor tne vjourieb. auu W.A. Mr. X- Lunsford is attending the Federal Court this week. lie has ,,,Vrral cases to come before this court. Miss Nannie Humphries and Miss Nirtb. of Hethel Hill, spent last wrk ia Koxboro visiting Mrs. Carver. Mai. L. H. Hunt, of the Farmers' Wareaouse. returned Monday even- in; from Milton, and was accompa- nieJ bv Ins wite. Little Miss Auuie Lee Cnrrin left last week for a visit to relatives in Oxford. t) the regret or ner many little friends in Koxboro. Wheat in the county looks prom-isiii'j- and oats this warm, moist neather is coming right along. Cul tivut'.d grasses are growing fine for bv. Mtssrs. S. P. Satterfield, Jno. H, B'.nvli and C. B. Brooks went down to Kaleish Monday evening to act as Jurors at this term of the Federal court. Quite a larye number nfnnni, r. j .rH.. "Ul.uuw" to Durham yesterdav Tilfirinrc n 4-U .. ... r Vr 1 LUC eiuursiou ot Messrs. iuujjume at iall. Some went down -w kv.iv. tiic uav w 1 iifi rr Anno orv... . - j - - -..v. , ouinc w see tne street narade of f h.. nim0 Others tn spo fho 1. . . wvv, uv iiMjLuais in me uwcus, wnue tnere whpa hHH .vfk-.,. who claimed onlv to o-n tr. SM fi, enure circus Yes, we attended hnnw in lini.Vion-. i j t 1 UXUUllil vcateruay. it was maeea a great show. Th tnf.- ered 5 acres of ground, the. main one naving a seating capacity of 8,000. xue norses, duo or more, were a show in t.hpmsal uaD . . r ucvfr saw a nner 10L tuan were Here exhih turf rvu exhibit of wild animals was verv rrrA A li a I. Swv.. .itugeuier it was a splendid DIJUW. 7 much, and especially mention a deo aniatmn recited by Knox Moor-. Knox is a bright and intelligent vouth. and he i . . 1 . w . . ' opuKe witn suenzeal and enthusiasm as to make an impression on mary of our minds. W twi uaa 11 ran thnr when he reaches manhood he will hp an honor to the county in which he lives. Mr. V. S. Bryant, as had lWnro been announced, was not tWp n deliver the address. Rev. Dr. Mor ion was there in his stead. Dr .Morton is an excellent speaker, and we 1 egret ery much that I. is speech was not long.r. He hiid snokpn ... 1.. 1 y ... r uujv a snort, win ii m un i iisriiceu 10 rain so hard he hm to stop. Even if some us did get wet and spoil our hats, we feel amnlv rnuid f r - i nr miH 4-K m ft j i-i 1 UU LIIII- III 'PUT l'iil'L't.1 r v v - -a. i i iv 1 would say thrit he deserves much credit for the trouble whif-h vp know he must have had to sret nr. such an entertainment. Mav his future efforts be as successful as his past ones have been. .M. L. mi ... xne AUanta .National Rnihlinrr uoan Association is establishing a 'i uuaru in tne citv with Mp f. lowing officers: W. J. Johnson President W. H. Harris. Vi-P.; aent, k. 1. ieatherston. LSeprptsirv and 'L'reasurer, J. R. Wilkerson r.o. a"! 10 ucuiuemv one 01 me best associations that has been or ganized here, the securities b..-io absolutely safe. Dr. R. A. Morton went up to Dan ville last week, where he had an operation performed on his little boy. He returned with his family Monday evening. ine new rresovtenan cnurcn is much improved by the porch in irouc, ana mv. 11. n. 31 as ten now begins to paint the church, and will do it well. Messrs. J. A. Long & Co. have erected anew awning in front of their store which is a great comfort as well as an improvement. It looks real city like. iMienaJas. A. Carver has settled with the State Treasurer, having sent down yesterday a check for Vss?.3"), which Person county was UUe tlie Mate. Mr. C. B. Pay lor, of Milton, was in town vesterdav. He savs he Milton is iust entering a bright future, and has great r,onfi- thiuks bright deiicc in th.it town. iev. 1. t. Morton returned last evening from Caswell county, where "f mis oeen conducting a meeting at lied House. His next series of meet ings "ill be held in Durham. 'ir. L. II. Daniel, who was a wit-i-8 in the Federal Court, returnee this morning. He iuformed us that he grand jury failed to find a true "HI against Ur r Cl A nl The Danville, Va., Militarv Insti ii . ' J tute boys, about 60 strong, under command of Lieutenant Bvrne is in . T IT... ... " - camp a: ix)cn Ldiiy this week. All cuose wisuing to hear some irood music and se. some fine drilling wumu ue ampiy paid tor a visit to this beautiful resort know the boys will have a delightful time, for there is no more pleasant plae for a frw days recreation anywhere. ZW,6n is the number of Home Uomfort bteel Ranges sold iu the TT. S. up to Jan. 1st 1895. This is evi dence of their great popularity. mis touuty is now canvassed aud you will have an opportunity of buy ing one or tnese popular ranges. Mr F. T. Neal, a very clever gentle man, is the manager for this section. Read the testimonials which they puoiisn in another column. Ibe distillery of Col. D. M. An drews was seized bv DeDutv Col lector S. G. Woods last Wednesday eveuing. Jhe distillery was not ruuning, aud we understand that the officers, Messrs. Mebaue and Causey, who examined and recom meudea the seizure, reported the warehouse and book?- of Mr. W. R. McBroom, ths former Storekeeper. all right in every Darticnlar. w V - Messrs. Winstead & Barnett, who had the misfortune of having their prize house burned about two weeks ago, was fortunate ju being insured with the reliable agency of Messrs. Featherston & Long, now R. E. Long, for on last Monday they received a j check for the amount In every in stance where this firm has met with a loss it has been paid oromptly and satisfactorily. This is insurance that insures. A Terrible Visitant. Paii. is aUays a terrible visitant. nd olten domiciles itself with one lor lilp. This infliction ia i.reventi lile. in easts nf rheumatism, bv a timely re6ort to Hostetttr's Stomach Hitters, which checks the encroach ments of this obstiuate and danoer- nis malai'y at the outset. The term dangerou.s'' is used advisedly, tor ri.ru mutism is always liable to attack the vital organs and terminate life. No testimony is more conclusive and concurrent thau that f uhvsicians in testify to the excellent effect of ths Bitters iu this disease. Persons incur a wetting in rainv or snowv t - j weather, and who are exposed to draughts, should use the Bitters as a prtventige of ill effects. Malaria, dyspepsia, liver and kidney troubles, neryousness and debility are also among the ailments to which this popular medicine is adapted. For the lnhrtneities, soreness and stiff ness of the aged it is highly bene facial. Grand Jury after Judge Norwood. As stated in the Wilmington Mea senger. Judge W. R. Norwood, a, fa sioni8t who was elected at the last election,- was gloriously, drunk when he turned up at Lumberton Monday In luvlH nnnrt . ; - . if Yesterday several genlleineri w&o have friends m Robeson received let ters, giving particulars of this "HoDor s" jag and the subsequent action 01 the grand jury, which has presented him to 1 the sheriff for drunkenness. vv hen the judge came iu Monday ue wa tight; Dy the time court shonld have convened "tight" was not proper word to express his condiiioii, -orunk" was the only word that would do. So all day long the judge iay iu ms room at the hotel while the lawyers and solicitor were idle and the witnesses, who had assemb.ed. drew their pay from the county, t All that night Judge Norwood was in the hands of his- friends, arid Tuesduy morning he was sitting, un steady it is true, but nevertheless there in the judicial chair. Court busi ness grew monotonous, however, and large was the head of the iudge. So after an hour's rigartnarole. court ad journed Ibr the darii That afternoon the Judge drank again and on Wed nesday the court was again idle. I Thursday morning there was still no sign of the Judge, and the laav atmosphere of the court room grew oppressive. So Thursday afternoon the grand jurv concluded that it at lease would do some:;mrk. The first business was t present Judge Nor wood for drunkenness. And still the Judge ia jagged and no court is held. Newl & Observer. Waal a Word Mill Do. Byron reminds u. that a word is enough to rouse m.-iiiknid to mutual slaughter. Ye., ; t here is power n a word Marat !. on, for instance. Waterloo, Gettysburg, Appomatox. Great bai tl- s t!ie.-e, inn what a ert. oa.iie is goirg on in iiiHiivasick and suffering l. dv. In rvours. nprhnns i.'Ke cui'iiivi'. 1 (.:,n win. Ua to your aid Dr. Pierce's Golden Medi cal Disco'-erv. It acts Dowcrfnllv upon the liver, cieauses the system of all blood-taints and impurities: cures i.i . ' an nu nors trom a common Blotch or eruption to the worst Scrofula, Salt-rheum, "Fever sores," Scalp or X) 1. CI.!.. !.. . 1 . . , ,1 , r 4-vuigu oKui, iu snort, an diseases caused by bad blood,; Great Eating 1 , i,.. . : . 1 1 1 t 1 -. 1 uiucia lajuuiy ueai unuer us uenign nnuence. Especially potent m cu ing letttr, Jiczema. Erysipelas, Boils oaibuucles, bore JSres, Scrofulou Soresiid Swellings,!! Hip-joiut Dia CUSPS "VVhlf-a Smul inns'' o n A 1? arged Glands. i fisl The Debs Case Decided. Washingtom, C, May 27. The habeas corpus case .f Eugene B. Debs, et. al., growing out of the great railroad strike at Chicago, last sum mer, was decided in the United States Supreme court to-day, its unanimous opinion being read by Justice Brewer. Theopinion embodies an exhaustive discussion of the contentions on be half of Debs et. al. The petition for a writ of habeas corpus is denied. See. Hoke Smith was once a free silver man. He was actually asubtreasurv man said so. even printed it in his paper. He is in Cleveland's cabinet gets $8,000 a year of the people's money. See? Caucasian. Yes, and Marian Butler was once "simon pure advocate" of Democ racy and in favor of the control of affairs by the Caucasian race: He not only Bpoke it from the housetops uuojdiuteu is in nis uaucasian. He IS now iust the onnoaite. Ha ho& succeeded, by a fusion with the antagonists of Democracy, in getting into the Senate, and gets' about $7, 000 a year of the ueoule's moner. See? Frankliu Times. Don't! Don !t to Don't for the sake of a lit tle credit pay from 10 to 50 per cent more for goods that: you can buy . for at the 1 Tm ML nacKeTOTO . Mrs. X. 0. Eanes, of Lynchburg, - Riming som- days with "flier. The CouaiEB ,Jgw;i pleasant visit from her and "sister Miss N rannie, last Monday. The excursion to Durham yester day was quite a success, financially and everv other wv. Wo pan a-iv ner I Dositivelv that we never nw nnp acknowl- I manaored hettpr. Thu pnlnrorl ronnlo were given a car to themselves, and they occupied that car. The loud and boisterous crowd which usually attend on these occasions were con spicous by their absence, and there was not a drunken man on the trip going or returning. Messrs. S. W. McDuthe and R. J. Hall were the managers with Mr. Hall in immediate command. We have always had an 11 the f';iau nf TToIo .... w:Ui. avevaun fr urpurmnna hnf tu Vor was argued before the Su- Messrs. McDuffie & Hall advertise Feme Court recently by Mr. W. W. one we will have no doubt of tvery- thiuj? beinff done for the comfort of 0 o ' their patrons that is possible. The ladies were looked after with the kindest attention. Closing Exercises at Bethel Hiil Institute. Dear Editors: The commence ment of Bethel Hill Institute wil tuke.place next week, June 5th and 6th. We extend to each aud all a cordial invitation to be with us, The following is the program : Wednesday, June o, 11 a. m. Sermon by Rev. R. Van Deventer, of Burlington, N. C. Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. Entertain ment Thursday, June 6, 10 A-. U. Ad dress by Rev. W. E. Hatcher, D. D., of Richmond, V a. Thursday, 2 p. M. Declamations and essays. ihursday, 7:30 p. m. Concert Rev. R. Van Deventer is a fine preacher, and we hope mauy will avail themselves of this opportunity 01 hearing him. Dr. Hatcher is universally known, and is considered one of the finest orators of the South. We urge all to be present on Thursday even at a sacrifice. The Dr's address will be a rare treat, and we don t know when such another opportunity will oe given. we wisn to begin the exercises promptly at the hours stated, and hope that all will be present in due time. Sincerely, - J. A. Beam. 1 r . J isshs Eugenia Bradsher' aud A'Wie May Merritt who have been f ending the Xormal and Industrial tne summer vaca- iiegeuM.reensboro, returned home Saturday for the s LlOll. flecidV, client. cue plaintiff, the court favor of Mr. Kitchin's hi Mr. V o. if'ni- ft TJ 1. -e 11.. "1 kj. iiiviti .. iir r.np ruimi. 'i-W firm ,.f Af..:i.i. . ierit down ta Kl;u it ' tod..f.,i . 'sl .wonuay 7. 1 ecie-ai clients in WU1 oiirt ibis week. the Fed- which is in session there M.-SS 1 .11 L-i n ,r T 1 1 in th; . v "jug nave an aa, sr. ask hi J-ney very pertinently Thev h Pfy t0 Prices for a Range?" . st' then ffnm Can i tt 1 test, to be equal to the iv. . Mc. PZAr suranre firm of W 1,', i; lei'ston & L'"'g, of Rox m m" Idi8S0,lved l7 "iittual chased ' E- "S '"W pur Feathe, HltfreSt of & L husir.e I Und wil continue the YwWn 1 MeiTitt and G. H. HUrh awbUSht of Mr. (VH. r'nl and v u" the corner of Rail: t0 erect a prize house. Wut l e H completed by Commencement of the Roxboro Institute. The following is the program of the fourth annual commencement of the Roxboro Institute: Wednesday, June 5th, 8 p. m. Annual Concert by the students. Consists of Recitations, Essays, Dia logues, etc. Thursday, June 6th, 10:30 a. m. Literary Address by Bev, TV If. Ivey, of Wilson, N. C. The tune for the Concert has been changed to Wednesday night, and will not take place Thursday night, as previously annouueed. The address of Mr. Ivey on Thurs day morning will be a great treat o jsl I who hear it He neVds no iutrod no tion to the people of Person county, having labored s successfully for four years" as pastor among them, and having been brloed by all who knew him, as few people ever are. He is a speaker of rare attraction, ;'n man of scholarly tastes and attainments, a thinker and observer of unusual ability. Let all who : can come to hear-him and enjoy this occasion. - AH friends of the Institute: are most cordially invited. -!- - . WL. FotrsHEB. How's This! We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward lor any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. if F. J. CHENEY & Co., Props., Tolede, O. We the undersigned have khown F. .1. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in ail business transactions and fin ancially ahle to carry out any obli gations made by their firm. West & Truax, Wholesale Drug gisU. Toledo, O., Waiding. Kinnan & Siarvin, Wholesale- Druggists Toledo, Ohio. ' Hall's Catarrh Core is taken inter nally, acting directly upoa the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price, 75c. per bottle. Sold' by all Testimonials free. Druggists. Three Children Bitten by a Mad Dog. Sometime ago a dog belong! ng tp a man living in the vicinity of Mar tinsville, Spartanburg coui.ty, was bitten by a mad dog. Instead of killing the dog as he was begged to do, the man penned it up. Tuesday it went mad. and broke out of the pen and bit two ol i s owner's children and a child ofa neighbor. Demo crat. Agreeably Surprised. I had a very severe cold on my lungs th;it caused much soreness and gp.ve me considerable unea9iness.in reward to The result." says Mr. T. E. S.iuii.h. oi iiilierit'a, Mass. "A local dru;istctUed my attention to Cham 'leriatu's Cough Remedy, and on his ? reeOiiionuation l gave the remeilv a c. e!'nl trial. . The resqlt snrprised tne ; ; 1 recovored entirely m three dars." 25 and 50 cents bottles for pale by W . Ii. Hambrick & . C, DnigiKt. r -" ' '' ''x:':'.' 1 ir , r-k i . ur. nerce s reuets cure perman eutly constipation, biliousness, sick headache and indigestion. It Docs Good. A cold spell about the middle o May is not an unfamiliar experience ror agricultural - interests, nor by any means a bad one, according to tne piagmenc oi atj entomologist, wuo writes to tne JNew xork World Plant lice and other destructive parasites, which begin- hatching when the thermometer -rises above seventy degrees, multiply with such rapidity that if they be not killed by com waves alter tn; nrst warm weatuer oi iuay, it would be im possible to raise either fruit or granes. while many ctreal crops would be greatly damaged. This theory may be cold comfort to the individual losers by May irosts, out it leaves room for the be lief that in a larger view such visita tions are blessings in disguise, and worm in ine aggregate lar more than they cost Philadelphia Record. The Performance of a Shelby Four-Year-Old Two ladies and children were viS' iting Tuesday afternoon the home of Mr. William McArthur and parents in oueioy. i wo children were play ing in the house, when Speight Beam. the four-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. u. Augustus Beam, seized a loaded rifle in adjacent room, ran into the hall aud pointing the rifle at his little playmate, Bertie Webb, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C M. Webb, ex claimed, MI believe Pll shoot you." men, a ter a moment s pause, the little fellow said, "No, I'll kill the dog," and pointing towards the dog, it was shot by the four year old chap. The dog will die. That sirl had & narrow escape from death. Shelby .aurora. Horse Killed by Lightning. rhers was a severe thunder-storm at Forest City Thursday. A horse belonging to Lon Hardin was struck and killed by lightning. The horse was in the stablt, but there were no marks on the building to show that it h:sd been struck. ; There was & heavy hailstorm, but it is said to have lone no serious damage Democrat When Baby wag sick, we gave her Castoria, When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria, A Happy Ending. : ' Ottekviixe, Va. "For fifteen years 1 ,was a great sufferer fioni Dyspepsia, and nothing relieved me until 1 tried Simmons Liver Regula tor. This is the best medicine in the world. I am now in good health." Mrs N. J. Collins. Your druggist sells it in powder or liquid: the dow- der to be taken dry, or made into a tea. . s Killed his Brother. ' Is ews reached us yesterday of a sad affair which occured a few davs ago in the. lower part jf Polk omintV, near the South Carolina line. Two mothers named Gibhs h! fi-rht ritey fought "fist Miid.Fkiill" for three ours. Finally on- g,t the other lown and beat him to death. Dem- Are you all tired out," do yon ha v. that tired ' feeling or idck headache? You pan be relieved of all theBe by j taking Hood's Sarsaparilla. .Votioe! N -. All those who have been appointed ,to take the Tax List for the year 1895 are requested to Uiet the Commis sioners the first Monday in June to receive the blanks they will need and to receive some instructions from the Board: m regard to their work. C A. Whitefield' " For Board of Co. Com. ; The following oarap-ranh whi.'.ri " i o--i- is taKen rrm an exchange, contains a lot of good advice. There is noth ing like sunshine for the sick as-well as well persons : . "Seek the sunlight, is the ad vice or all D resent dav hvowniaio '""i'ho un uic Bumiy siue or the1 i ... i Hospital ward recover soonest Thel pet-ton who always walks on the sunny side of tht street outlives his shade seeking brother bv ten vears. Sleep iu rooms where the sun has lied its rays all dav. IWk in the! snnlight all you can." Gul'eriintorial candidates are t ear Hiked of. The Oxford Led ier s-iys : "We see the name of ex Congress t . , ' iimn joi,ii in. Henderson mentioned ... lor inivi ruiii. We want -to see the next. Governor (-mue from the. west em part of the State and fronT Alle ghany county instead of Rowan, and Hon, R. A Doughton should be tint man. He is a young, vigorous Democrat and as Sueaker of tin. House and President of Senate has shown that he is a man of ability and would grace the Executive chair." re. Don't forget that th e Only STRICTLY CASH STORE in Roxboro is the Racket Store. Don't fail ' to see the Ne w Spring Stock at Racket Store. Every article a bargain, from a Paper of Needles for lc. to a New Sew ing Machine for 5.00 at Racket Store. Premium Brand. If you want to make the' : Finest Tobacco, That will command the HIGHEST PRICES, Secretary Bruner, of the Agricul tural Departmei t. estimates the sale of fertilizer tags this ear at about I two or three hundred dollars per) weeK. ihis is quite a small amount. comparing the sa'es with those of former years.. Last -spring the sale of tags amounted to one third more than they have this spring. News and Observer. USE The question of better roads de mands tne attention of our officials, but private enterprise and public Bpjnieu citizenship snonid wake up. Better roads will save teams, lima. t uccis, i ni; i case popuiauon, me value of property and help schools and. churches. M. PREMIUM BRAND" Fertilizer, Made by the RICHMOND COANO COMPANY, Richmond, Va. PABST -EXTRACT- alt and Hops "Best Tonic." H7 For sale by-s C. T. WILLSON & CO., ROXBORO, N. C. rpught Steel Ranges Guaranteed to be the equal, if not superior, to any; in beauty convenience, workman ship, durability and cooking qu'al-lties. Why pay two prices, when they can be had here at home at reasonable prices ? - lukin & long: &C0.; March 6-3 ra PAINT YOUR HOUSES, -AND- They Will Look Better AND- Lasti Longer. -oo- GET YOUR WIFE O-OOID STOVE, And Make Home Pleasant. I -A- FOOD. Dn Ynfi Want tn Koan Cool This Summer? FOR Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Nursing Mothers, Strengthener, Nervousness, . Apetizer, General Debility. 25c. L ARGE BOTTLE. MORRIS' DRUG STORE. JFSO BUY 1 I I Vj VV IN U ill K 5 minute Ice Cream Freezer. -oo Keep the Chickens off Your Garden by Using POULTRY NETTING. It is Cheaper than Evtir. -oo- Notice of Dissolution. The co-partnership heretofoie exist. ftg between Featherston & Long-, Insurance Acents. is this dav dissnlv. ed by mutual consent, R. E. Lone having purchased the entire interest. The busines will be continued as usual under the name of R. E. Long, and the attention of the owner will be given to the business as usual. ' R. 1. Feathekstojj, R. E. LQjrg, I h vive ibis day sold my interest in the lusurance buMine to Mr R.-E. Long-, who, has h.-ul the entire care and control of th books etc., for-the past 12 moot lis, and do most -earnest ly ask all my friends to give him their hearty and cordial support, assuring them that he will treat them right. Thanking my friends for their nast favors, I am theirs truly, 1 ! iATlllBSTOX, . Keep the Flies out of Your House by Using WIRE FLY SCREENS. All For Sale at ' LUKIN S LONG'S HARDWARE STORE. Ad m inistrato rf s N ot i ce. Having this day qualified as Ad ministrator of the- estate of Calvin Daniel deceased,. I hereby notify all parties having claims against said estate to present them to me within twelve months from this date. Those owing said estate will please come forward and make prompt "payment. This the 18th day of May, 1805. - W. A. DANIEL, Administrator'of Calvin Daniel. W. W. KrfpHjK, Attorney. NpTICEI By virtue of the powers vested in m by the Clerk of the Superior Court of .Person eounty.-as its Commis Referring to the above notice I bee tv,T, nr Jit.heamf,arnT ff Pubh0 sioner, I will sell at the Court House that l will continue the; Insurance Li !,, rt. rr..-.j m"! Agency heretofore reconducted ' bv Featherston & Long, and respectf u- iv Buiiuiii acuuuuaHuce oi in eener- ous patronage given the old firm. My line ot companies represented consist of 9 of the very strongest - Insurance Companies do.ng business in the coun tryi and I can safely guarantee you pbrfkct protkqtion. My experi ence'in the business erives me a ureat advantage over new-agencies, and is an insurance against errors, ' which mighty prove very costly". Again inanKing you for past favors, am k Tours truly, " - ' ' " R. E. Long. This May 2sth, 1895. door in Roxboro. on the Third Mon day in June, it being the 17th' day, to the highest bidder, at public auc tionr the following described land and premises, to- wit: ' - ' V One tract of land, situat ed in Person coanty,, Roxboro township, on the public road leading from Roxboro to Hillsboro, adjoining-life lands of Jeff Farley, George anoT Robert .Satter field, containing 69 acres, more or less. - The terms of sale are: .. One-half cash; the remaining one-half to be paid in six months; the title to same to oe retained by me until all the pur chase money,! together with interest, his naid r W. P f KRRITT - I May 13, 1893. - Ccun'rofSale. C. C. CRITCHER FOR COLUMBUS BUGGIES, TYSON & JCNLC HUG- .GIES, BARBOUR BUGGIES, CINCIKriAU BUGGIES OF ALL KINDS. COFFI NS AND CASKETS. We have a large assorted stock of Coffins and " Gaskets on-hand to suit thex hard times in ' prices. Will be glad to serve the people day or night Hearse will be Furnished with all Coffins priced not less than $15.00 FREE. Wagons, Buggies and Photons in the Jatest style. We have a large stock ol Furniture that we are offering cheap. Picture Frames made to order. Call and see our btock. ..' .. ' .'v Repairing done on short notice and all work guar anteed. Blacksmithing of all kinds done in the best of style. If you want your Buggy painted in the best , style or tne least monev. come to see ns. Your friends, C. C. CRITCHER & CO. omeihiiig LINE OF New BERMANN GOODFRIENDS Spri no uiiimvniirfiini uayu ihi 'Mia We have the reputation, arid we intend to maintain it, for sell ing the BEST CLOTHING FOR THE LEAST MONEY of any house in this section. When our buyer goes North he buy s more Clothing than any other five merchants in this county, arid buying in such large lots, with the ready cash, you know gives us a big advantage; , ' Come and See Our Stock. We carry at all times a large and well selected stock of ry (Sooclls, potions, 'Hafts...,; and Shoes all of which we bought to sell and and have priced them; low down. When you want PLOWS or PLOW CASTING, or anythinff in the Grocery Linei remember we will sell them cheaper than anybody. - ; ; '; When you want r: - ; D call on vour Verv true friends. BERMANN "&' GOODFRIEND, Roxboro, N. .C.