- i I H 1 v? .- Mi oi5?rnnB for Infants and nh OTHERS, Do You Know paregoric jlUy Bateman'a Drops, Godfrey's Cordial, many so-called Soothing Syrups, and most remedies for children are composed of opium or morphine f Do Yon Know that opium and morphine are stupefying narcotic poisons f To Yon Know that in most countries druggists are not permitted to sell narcotics without labeling them poisons ? Do Yon Know that you should not permit any medicine to be given your child unless you or your physician know of what it is composed ? Po Yon Know that Castoria is a purely vegetable preparation, and that a list of its ingredients is published with every bottle f Do Yon Know that Castoria is the prescription of the famous Dr. Samuel Pitcher. That it has been in use for nearly thirty years, and that more Castoria is now sold than of all other remedies for children combined t Do Yon Know that the Patent Office Department of the United States, and of other countries, have issued exclusive right to Dr. Pitcher and his assigns to use the word Castoria " and its formula, and that to imitate them is a state prison offense 1 Do Yon Know that one of the reasons for granting this government protection was because Castoria had been proven to be absolutely harmless? Do Yon Know that 35 average doses of Castoria are furnished for 35 oenta, or one cent a dose f Do Yon Know that when possessed of this perfect preparation, your children may be kept well, and that you may have unbroken rest 1 Well, these things are worth knowing. They are facts. The fac-simile signature of Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. THE PEOPLE'S B A,.thA,iToH lanital Rtnrk d:h im . - - i-ivi Surolus - - - r I, I I i a i rtNfi. Prpc. .1. s. J. S. BRADSHER, Cashier. DIEECTOES: J.. A. KONG, A. R. FOUSHEE, . J. S. MERRITT, I. A. N0EL,L J. M. BLALOCK, T. J. STEPHENS, GUSTO M E R S. Conducts a General Banking Business cnsistent with business principles to its Always has money to lend at 8 per cent. We . call special attention to oar Time Lock, Burglar and Fire Proot Safe We want your business, and solicit correspondence. g PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT and potassium Hakes Marvelous Cures in Blood Poison Rheumatism and Scrofula P. P. P. purifies the blood, buildd up the weak and debilitated. cive strength to weakened nerves, expels diseases, giving the patient health and happiness where sickness, gloomy feelings and lassitude first prevailed. For primary, secondary and tertiary syphilis, for blood poisoning, mercu rial poison, malaria, dyspepsia, and in all blood and skin diseases, like blotches, pimples, old chronic u'.ccrs, tetter, scald head, boils, erysipelas, ecsemar-we may say, without fear of contradiction, that P. P. P. is the best blood purifier in the world, and makes positive, speedy and permanent cures In all esses. ladles whose systems are poisoned snd whose blood is in an impure con Li tton, due to menstrual irregularities, sre peculiarly benefited by the vron derful tonic and blood cleansing prop erties of P. P. P. Prickly Ash, Poke Boot and Potassium. 8PBrNGFIHLD, Mo. , "-. Ui-' ' ' J can speak ia the b'-h. : . :. : vl Tour medicine from my 'irn 'jr.al knowledge. I wasaffectc! wi'.ii deart disease, pleurisy and rhcamati.;ij lor 35 years, was treated by the very beat physicians ana spent hundreds of dol lars, tried every known remedy v. : th out finding relief. Ihav-. o;y l.iitpri one bottle of your P. P. P.. and "?n cheerfully say it has done mo r:mre rooa man anyening i nave ever tutton. I can recommend your m edict n o to ail aullerers of the above diseas js. MRS. M. M. YZAUY. eprlngfleld, Qraen Ccuuty, llo. TO THE U D And Adjoining Counties. When yon come to Roxboro, with or without tobacco end want to buy goods, don't bay until you haye seen ns and get onr prices on -. Ury-(jrOOCLS, bJlOeS, GrrOCerieS &C. We will save you money. We rent, clerk hire, and bad debts we will II Fop In Olir OWIl house, and SpII ..... - ' advantage we are Very Lowest Prices. r If you have any barter,- such as Eggs, Chickens, Butter or Country Produce bring it to us, we will give FULL MARKET PRICE . - AND SELL YOU GOODS AT " LOWEST GASH PRICES. Thanking our friends for their past patronage, we solicit a contin- ane of the same Your Friends, I 4 I Children. i is on every wrapper. - - c o0n00 - - $40,000 : : I I - - 53.800 , II I I J , I A MERRITT. Vice Pres. O. B. BROOKS, J. L. BPOOKS, T. H. SRTEET, Extends every accommodation m OLD SORES CftTftRRH, K1AURIA, JONEY TROUBLES and DYSPEPSIA ilsfc entirely removed by P.P J. Prickly Ash. Poke Boot and Potas el'im, the greatest blood purifier on eaj-th. Abshdebs, O.. July 21, 1891. Messrs Lippman Bbos. , Savannah. Ci. : Dkajs Siks I bought a bottle or roar P.P. P. at Hot Springs, Ark. .and it has done me more good than three .Dntbs' treatment at the Hot Springs. i'.ad throe bottles C. O. D. Beapectfnlly yours, JAS. M. NEWTON, Aberdeen, Brown County, O. Copt. J. D. Johnston To atl whom it may concern: I here v testify to the wonderful properties) cf P. P. for eruptions of the skin. I !:r.;,red for several years with an un si .-'r.tiy ind disagreeable eruption on my fane. I tried every known reme dy bn. in vain, until P. P. P. was used, and am now entirely cured. (Signed by) J. D. JOHNST0IT. Savannah. Qa. Siln Cancer Cared. Testimony from the Mayor of SequinTeX, 8BQUTK, Tbt., January 1, 1893. Messrs. Ijfpman Bros. , Savannah, Ga. : Gentlemen I have tried your P. P. P. fur a disease of the skin, usually known -s skin cancer ,of thirty years' standing, and found great relief: It purifies the blood and removes all ir ritatiun from the seat of the disease prevents any soreading of the sors. I have taken five or six bottles rr.d feel confident that another course will effect a cure. It has also relieved ran from indigestion and stomach troubles. Yours truly, CAPT. W. M. BUST, Attorney at Law. m Ga m Diseases Moned Free. ALL DEUGQISTS BELL IT. LiPP&IAN BROS. PEOPEIETOES, Uiicmaa'i BlocbJSaTannah. fia FARMERS won't ask you to help us pay house we will not make any bud debts nnr TTo,,; a;n " &vm. "'uU& able to give you the Napoleon's Family Quarrel Over the Sale of Louisiana. When Monroe arrived on April 12th, Liviusrstone had an amazing proposition to set, before him. JSona- lpare wttnk'd to sill Louisiana. Whatever opposition Bonaparte u ministers had made he had silenced, the Chambers he had not even to.i- 5U 1 ted. The only serious hmder- Irance he seems to have encountered, was in his own family, with his brothers Luoien ami Joseph. Lncien had secured Iouisiana for France in 1800, by the treaty of San Ildef.i)2o; and was proud of his work. He had won rank as a diplomat from the I affair, as well us an enormous fortune; and when Joseph came to him,. - leyl iw him the General was rfnijr I o sell the recent acquisition, he vvns angry, The two brothers hurried to Bona parte to remonstrate. They foui d him in his bath; but, in the fashion of the day, he received them, and at once introduced the subject ''Has Joseph told you I am going to sell Louitiauar he asked oi Lucien. "Yes," answe.ed Lueien; "but I flatter myself that the Chambers wil not give their consent." "So do I, as I have told you," put in Joseph. This opposition fired Bonaparte, who promptly assured them that, if he wished, ho woukt sell Louisiana without the consent of any one whomsoever. The debate grew warmer. Joseph rusneu to tne uio wnere ms urouier .i .i l I i 1 1 was submerged In opaque water, and declared if be dared attempt such a thing he would himself mount the tribune in opposition. Bonaparte, innous, sprang up, exciaimiug. -xou are insolent! I ought" but slip- i i r.ii ,it: t v. ; p , ' uclu&'"6 ""f"1" II UIV.U nilUkl) MUM V y WMV. il,arrel An hour later Bonaparte and Lucien resumed the conversation in tQe former's study. Lncien cou tended the sale was unconstitntion ai Bonaparte taunted him with the term, told him that lie had less respect for the constitution on the 18th Brumaire. Lucien, in censed, informed the General that i he were not his brother he wonld be his enemy; and Bonaparte, excited dashed his suuff-box to the floor, ex claiming, "Yon my enemy! I would break yni as I do this box!" These scenes were .repeated more than once before the negotiations were finished, but they seemed not to have caused any hesitation on Bonaparte's side, for, in spite of all opposition, the negotiations were finally completed, and Louisiana was ours, the price being sixty million francs, we to as- sume, m addition, the spoliation claims of our citizens against France up to the amount of twenty million francs. Bonapart was reioiced. It was an admirable war measure, and he told one of his councilors' in glees "I have giyen England a maritime rival that sooner or later will hum ble her power." Ida M. Tarbell, in McClure's Magazine for June. What the Gum Swamp Parson Says. It is small things that connt in the battle of life. I have seen men get out of an elephant's way with out any trouble, but they had a ter rible struggle to get rid of a flea. They say silence is golden, I sup pose, because silver is making such a noise for the people. No man goes fishing without bait to attract the attention of the fish, but some of these very fisherman are trying to catch the public without even the promise of bait. When I bear a man say he loves his neighbor as himself, I put him do wn as a liar or a man whose opin ion of nimself is below par. - When the political pot gets to boil ing some poor candidate gets in the soup. Lots of people have all the faith and hope necessary, but when it comes to charity they keep" it at home. Atlanta Constitution. , Collectors Directed to Hold Up. " Washington, May 21. Commis- siones JYiuier tms atternoon sent the follwingtelegram to all collectors of siones Miller this afternoon sent the internal revenue in the United States "Dispense with services of all per sons employed under allowances made for income tax work, at close of business on' 25th inst., reporting at once number discontinued and 1 salaries and expense allowance of each." Many more or li ss ingenious specu: eg 8 nistory,of the last dec Sion Of the Rnnrflmft Pnnrr l of the United States utJon the in come tax law have been circulated, and the supposed attitudes of several of the justices thereto ; at various I dates between the close of the re argument and the re assembling of the court yesterday have been set forth with much detail. Cure for Bright's Disease. It is claimed, and twenty-five phy sicians of prominence say ? that the claim is just, that Drs. Rawlings and Cheatham, of Sandersville, Ga., have discovered a enre for Bright's disease. .The most.proeressive'of al the' sciences is : Medicine, and ": there DO YOU RIDE . The grandest outdoor sport 13 cycling; the best bicycle is a Victor, inade in the largest and finest bicycle plant in the world. OVERMAN WHEEL CO. Makers of Victor Bicycles and Athletic Goods. 0TON. NEW DETROIT. PACIFIC 9AN FRAKplSCQ. GREENSBORO, N O. -00- 1,000,000 Fruit, Shade ; I Vines and Shrubbery in Thoroughbred Poland China Pigs ' entitled to registration, at reasonable prices Also yosr c zr potjltey. Write for prices and get the best. I wislf to call special attention to my Shade Trees. Large and flnei asortment in the State. RELIABLE AGENTS WANTED. JOHN A. YOUNG, Proprietor, City Ofnce, 228 South Elm Street, Greensboro, N. C. Bxtllc soda Is inferior to pmetage sodm. BEWARE I Imitation trade sarlcs and labels. is the whole story about I AP 'MP HAffER Costs no more in Made only by CHURCH fc CO., New York. Sold by grocers every-rhere. i i Write lor Arm and Hammer look of valuable Recipes FEME. I RIPAN ONE GIVES RELIEF. Ask Your Neighbors About the cares made by without medicine, or write for in formation free. For sale or rent. Local testimonials. JOHN N. WEBB. 728 11th Street, Washington, D. C. A VICTOR ? YORK. CHICAGO. DENVER. COAST, PORTLAND. Ml ill and Ornamental Trres. almost endless variety. 9ieai8ieBEaes9iH than Other package soda never spoils S UFSO0GS0 - m SOPH! flour universally acknowledged purest In the world. DEAL DIRECT! - Engraved Visiting Cards, Stamped Writing Paper, College and Wedding Invitations, Etc., Etc. HARRY LEE HOFFMAN, THE ENGRAVER, 113 N. Charles St., BALTIMORE, MD Wm fm Durham. N. C, Jan. 12, 1895. . Lyon Mfg. Go., Brooklyn, N. T. --.Gentlemen: I was rendered entirely helpless -from rheumatism jn my right side : ami arm and had to give up worE I' used Mexican Mustang; Liniment freely, and with in a month I was able to be about and can now attend to my business regularly. . Whenever my arm or side hurts me I rub the Mustang Liniment in well and plenti-. fully, apply a warm flannel when going to bed, and in the morning all pain lias dis appeared. I hope all who -arc troubled with .-. rheumatism will try this liniment and con vince themselves of its.vaUie. Yours, - Weigher iu Blackwell'a J. R. CLIFTON, : : Durham Tobacco Co. 204 McManus St. Durham, N. C, Jan. 11, 1895. . Lyon Mfg.- Co. Brooklyn, N. T. : ' - ' Gentlemen : For 15 years I have used flexican Mustang Liniment, and consider it . the best liniment on earth ; I am never with-. . out it..", 1 recently used it on a bad gall on"-, my horse's neck and it cured it in 3 days". ' v 1 had, also,' a bad pprainin my leg and liad ' to use) crutches several days. As soon as ' I commenced to vise 'Mustang Liniment 1 . felt relief, and -in a few'days was entirely v well. ;,! recommend it -to any one needing . a liniment for horses or for self, with confi- -; i dence that they will ret their money's worth. . . - - - Yours, - JNO. R. HUTCHINGS. - Of parrington & llutthings, . - '-. . - Prop's Keam'a Warehouse, Buihain, N. C ' THE- PEOPLE'S MUTUAL FIMS INSURANCE CO., -OF tfORTH CAROLINA; 1 Begs to announce to the public-; that they have conformed with j all the requirements of-Ttlieir " - charter, and . of the insurance l laws of North Carolina, and '" i Wednesday,, May 1st, legan i9 1 suing pedicies. ; . : ; V; , - ' " If tiie'people of North Caro-; .Una, and especially of this sec- ; tion will give ua the support we i 1 think they will, and that very i many have already promised us,: we believe that we can build op ' 1 a company that not only will Save You a Great Deal of Money, but will be a pride to the State. ' We especJ. to pay all losses 1 promptly We will write only ' small, well scattered lines on the , lu st classes of property, and will ; be as prompt ill making" settle. ; nients as any companyr OorLservatism will be our motto. Our offices are in the Merritt Building, tip fttairs, an e cor ; dif lly invite jon U come and see us before renewing your pol icy. Read Your Policy and See When it Ex pires. T. II. STREET, President, ; J. S. MEKR1TT, Vice-Pres., A. R. FOTSHEE, Treasurer. R. D. APPLE, Sec. and Gen. Manager. North Carolina, ) Person County. Bj virture of the power given ine in a deed of trust, executed on the 1st day of May, 1894, by R. A. Walker to eeieurp certain indebtedness due Mrs. P. V. Williams. I will, on the 10th day of June, 1895, sell at public auction, at the (Jourt House door in Roxboro, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described tract of land: One tract lying ana being in Person county, and in Holloway's township, bounded on the east by the lands of Dr. Win. Merritt, north by Dr. Merritt, west by the public road leading from Roxboro to South Boston, Va., and south Dy J. w.uiay ton. containing 30 acres, more or less. Same conveyed to R. A. Walker by J. W. Brooks, on the 4th day of April. 1894. Part of the Blackwell tract. VICTORS. BRYANT, . Trustee of Mrs. R. H . Dowdy, Executrix of Mrs. F. V. Williams. May 6th, 1894. - . Land Sale. By virture of a mortgage made to, me by Sam Royster, colored, I will, on the 1st Monday in June next, sell at public auction, to the highest bid der, for cash, tho tract of land of said Royster, nearBarnett's .Mill, adjoin ing the lands of Georgeana Duncan, K. A., Williams ana otners, contain ing 19 aures, more or lets. ; C. M G. WA(i STAFF, By Attorneys. mm . NEW : - . THE OMLY PERFECT FOR Wheeler & Wilson MfgrCo." . ' Atlauta, Ga. COPYFUGHTS. CAW I OBTAIN A PATENT 9 Tot ft prompt answer snd an honest opinion, write to MIINN & CO.. who harahad nearly flfty years' experience in the patent business. OommuniOBM . Hons strictly confidential. A Handbook 01 la formation concerning Patents and bow to ob. -tain them sent free. Also Catalogue oi mechao. ical and scientific boofef lent free. Patents taken througSMunB ft Co. TeoeiTe Special notice in the Scientifio American, and fhua are brought wider before the public with out eost to the inventor, ThU splendid paper, issued weekly, elegantly illustrated, has by far the largest circulation of any scientific work in the world. , 83 a year. Sample copies sent free. Building Edition, monthly, tso a year. Single copies, 25 cents. Every number contains beau tiful plates, in colors, and photographs of new' -nouses, with plans, enabling builders to show the ' latest designs and secure contracts. Address MUNN ft CO, Mew York, 361 Broadway TTSH TOBACCO OIL LINIMENT For all ailments requiring, a first-class - . liniment. Coleman's Medicated Tobacco Soap For all kind of skin disease. Famous Cleaning Muid For removing spots of grease on clothing. Er. R. y. Monia. with Educator C'omoanv. Printers ami Binders. Durham. N-X savs: ! have used Tobacco -il Liniment on my little son, who was a sufferer of rheumatism At one time while toothing seemed 'to relieve him, I bought a lttt!e of this liniment, and while one of bis Ipstb was swollen nearly twice its size, one application entirely relieved all pain, and re- uueea an swelling Dy next morning. Kefnre using the liniment, he was unable to walk, and in a few days after using it, he w.ig able lo run and play, as thoi gh never afflicted. 1 pro nounce it a goou liniment. " Tobacco Oil Liniment has been tested for over nine years, and has given universal satisfaction to an wno nave tried it. -7ASUFACTDKB OMT BT-,, , DURHAM SPECIAL M'FG CO., DURHAM, N. C. For sale In Person county by J. D. Mor ris, Roxboro; Dr. J. I. Coleman, Hurdle's Mills; Vol. J. S. Cunlngham, Ouniner ham'e: T. D Woody, Bethel Hill; J P. "lingen, Ai; JN. Lnnsford & Son, Kurl; Tilley & Veazey, Moriah: A. W. Tillev. Bahama; W. H. Long & Co., Bushy JJorK. SUXIVYSIDE FLORAL SURSERY, J AS. M. LAM B, Propr , Lock Box 55. Fajetteville, N.C. , oo . Some of our Specialties are: MAGNOLIAS, CAPE JASMINES, in pots; ROSES, TUBEROSES, 25c per d zen; EXTRA FINE GLADIOLAS, 35 to 75c. per dozen ; EVE H GREENS. HEDGE PLANTS. T GREENHOUSE PLANTS, in variety. GikmI stock. Reasonable prices. For price lists address . . j as a bore. . -.-' We Solicit Consign ments ' Df Grain, Hay, Butter, Eegs, Live and Dressed Poultry, Pork, Game, Roots, Fur, - Wool, Green- and Dried Fruite, &c. We; can give you better and prompter .service than any commission house in .Washington. Refer to Citizens' National Bank. " - J. F. SAUM & C0.. Wholesale Produce Commission Mer chants,- - ' 925 Louisiana Ave., WASHINGTON, D. C. General Merchandise. JACOBSON & SOHMERS, roxboro; n.c. . We have ooened - a line of New Goods, in the Foushee store, one door below .Wood r & Yancer. con sisting of General Merchandise, Gro-- ceries, &c, which we are oflering cheap. Come to the New Store, for New Goods at " - l- ; Popular P ri ces V . . Very Respectfully, - - JACOBSON & SOHMERS. Kramer's 33-tlMy tour ff bailing; inv "ik vtsiung UUIIIm mienum, ni'Deveningen, Habile, a ntwerp, Brussels, I'aris.. Versailles. London. EUROPE FOR : $195. Yorfc. Edi nourgh and G las cow, all expenses paid. 'in other . tours. send for Clark's Tourist Gazette ' W. I. VAN WICKLE, . 1225 Pa. Ave., VTashlngton. O. C : in writing enclose this advertisement.' - lMarchl3-tfl " DA 1 Vrr?TrnoTDincii?!?o-'-. Caveats, and Trade-Mark obtained, and all Pat ent business conducted fpr Moderate Fees. "Oo Office is Opposite U.S. PTETOrricc and we can secure patent iu leas time toon those remote from Washington. s - - ; Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip tion. .We advise, if patentable or not, free of charge. Oar fee not dne till patent Is secured. ?t Pamphlet, "How to Obtain Patents," with names of actual clients in your State, county, or town, sent free. Address, v . i c.A.sttoiy&co. Atlantic and Danviiie Rv, 00- THE ONLTf LINE BETWKEv Norfolk and Danville WITHOPTCHASCB OF CAEs. IN.3 lNo.l daily STATIONS. daily I H Sun. Leave ciin. j 6l 9 40 i2!; 9 J 4 lj . 9 2, 411 q,; Arri ) II; 211 5 45 5 53 6 0a 6 Otf 6 19 6 35 6 42 6 47 7 02 712 718 7 29 7 84 7 46 7 66 8 02 8 05 8 14 8 32 8 48 9 00 a m 9 20 9 45 9 53 Norfolk (Ferry) West N orlbik Churchland Shoulders Hill Beambn Suffolk Copeland , .Holland Elwood Franklin Storys Oourtland Fope Capron ,. Drewryville Adams Grove Green Plains J- R. J unction Belfield 1 Pleasant Shade Edgerton Lawrenceville 10 04 110 10 10 22 10 39J 4 00 j 9 05 10 46 8 49 110 51 1107 1118 1125 11 37 111 421 1155 12 05 12 12 1215 12 24 12 53 100 115 No. 5 a m p m 115 125 142 149 155 2 09 2 16 2 35 2 51 2 56 Leave Arrive lawrenceville Charlie Hope Brodnax ' La Crosse 6 00 6 09 6 27 6 83' 6 40 South Hill Union Level Baskerville Boydlon Finchley JfiffrpSS 6 53 1 00 -1 18 7 32 7 37 7 44 3 04 Clarksville Junct 7 46 7. 55 3 06 815 3 30 3 39 3 47 3 54 4 06 4 15 4 26 4 35 4 53 5 07 5 25 p in Ularksville Buffalo Junction Nelson VirRilina Christie Mayo LVnniston Alton Cuningl-am . "-' Semora , Mil'-on Blanche Danvil'e .8 07 8 16 8 25 8 32 8 45 8 54 ,9 04 9 13 9 30 9 '42 1000 a m ! lo not stop. W. H.TAXLOR, CHAS. O. HAINES G. P. A. : Supt. HflriolkiIesiirrill.il Time Table ia Ellect Xov. 18tli ls:;i . i'OKHAM DIVISION. - Leive Uoxlioro For Ourhani, 6 47 p m.Taily 2 Hi-;.. :.i i :.? Except ?nniay : For l.j 1:1 1 1 i i i - s : Daily 7 44 a m. I) iiy fcxeept mm iiav. MAIN LINE , West Boiint Leave l.TEehbci:- fa 5K)5 a. m. for.Koanoke. Ksdfci'd, n: and Pocahonta. '! for h.ckv .,: s. t 8tationg v inplon .-tiem Tivision . . i Knai ftke 7.-IU a. m. Willi Wj.pliir. . ;u laiinpii Limitel fur all poii.ts ;in U Pullman sleepers I laim le In Jioii:; ! Ve-'' Orleans. Inning i r atiacl.'-'t 2:85 p. m. uailv. "'Tl! K nil- ' PHtS," for Kfisnoke, lneKe!i. Ker.ova, I oliimlum nrf t liiim i Ituffielt g'.. ier l,'oanke t f'oiiin .In-- i ! -i i. . mange, a ibo Knoxvme. ' l:attMi.i ; Itrixtol aiut iiiH?rniM!iHtP "pnirm. 1 Sleeper, nniuuin ioi nauaiii! . ARRIVES LYNCHBURG DAILY FROM Tfi r - WEST. ,12.30 a. m., T :S0 p. 1,1. EAST BOl'KD. .LEJYE LYKCKtl V 1:15 p. m. for i.iclimtir;)! IVterslnsvr .m ' Norfolk; arrives Petersunrg.5.45 p. m cnnniM-i. inir witb Kschmsnd and I etcislmig-'liai iinii arnrii g at Kirhmond at 7:0t!p m ;;.ri;v.iu a' Norfolk 8:40 p. m. 12:45 a.m. Arrive Petersburg 5: SO u- m ., rim neclingwith It. 4 P. B. h . dailv: arrives Richmond 7 m.;arrn eat .Norfolk 8:20 ;i, m. Pullman i'alaee sleeper to Norfolk A m Pullman Palace fleeiier Helween Lynclilm: and Hichmonii. This car will lie reaih'ai Lynchburg at 9:(M) p m, for passengers. ARRIVE LYNCHBURG DAILY FROM THE EAST. 4:55 a. m: 2:10 p. m. W1NSTNN SALEM DIVISION. Leave Roanoke Daily. 12:1(1 p. m. for winelon Salcm and intermediate stations North Carolma Division. Leave iM.laaki :r. a. m. (duiJv exceitt Sm-daT.t for l:eiiv vr and 10:05 a. m. daily, for Ivan one ami ';(!s..m Clinch Valley iivision. Lcav- i ; cfticl.i daii 7:30 a m fr Norton, LouisTilk- ami a points on R. k. via Norton. Durham Division. Leave LvnchhnrL- ,1 n' n c.tatior.), Dailv 2:45 p m for Diirha,n ar.i intcr- meaiaie stations, arrive Lynchburg fii in lnr nam 11:45a.m. ," All inquiries as to rates routes etc I y answered. - . . I' I" For additional information ani!v ut Tn l - M. F. li.M.I. Passenirer Agent !'t-:!M V W B BhVll ). ' " - G P.andT agent ho.ii:i to General Office Icoanoke. ya ' SOUTHERN RAILROAD " (PIEDMONT AIR-LI N.) CONUEN8ED SCHEDULE. IN EFFECT -APRIL 17TH, 1895. ' saunuel spencer, Tf. W. "Hnidekouer an . Kenben Foster Eecei vers DAILY SOUTHBOUND Ho 35 Noll N.i 17 Lv Richmond .. Lv Danville Ar Greensboro ' 12 55 piu 6 10 pm 1 45 pm 2 00 pm 4 10 pm 4 10 vm 12 OS am 6 45 am 8 32 am 6 30 pui 10 15 pm b05 am 10 35 am 6 10 am 11 3:)au. 8 28 am 9 o5 am 8 ! am 10 10 am 11 OH mi. .152 pm 5 22 pm 10 10 am 11 40 am I.T Golds boro Ar Ualeigh Lv ttaleigb' Lv Durham At Greensboro . 5 15 piu 7 20 pm I.y Winston-Salem 12 night ' 7 45 pm 9 17 pm Lv Greensitoro. Ar Salisbury Ar 8tatesville Ar Asbeville - ' Av tlot Springs lv Salisbury Ar Otaarlotte 9 17 pro 10 55 pm Lv Charlotte -Lv Spartanburg... Lv Greenville Ar Atlanta- - 10 55 pm 11 40 am 2 50 pm 410 pm 9 00 pm 1 05 am 1 57 am 5 2i am . DAILY NORTHBOUND No 13 nT3G S3 9 00pn- X'm 3 20 an ; 27 I'm 4 20 am '' M Pnl 7 15 am S 30 m 7 15 am S 3Ii i 1 15 am' S30 pm 8 47 am: yttpi" 12.53 pnii 2 16 pm 7 03 pm, 7 55 pm 8 47 am 9:l' 10 15 am JO 48 ni" 4 00 pm .r. 3" l,nl 10 15 am 12 09 pm. 2 55 pm . 1 lOpn 3 00 pm 1015 am 10 4S" 1145 pm lUt'a i 4 40 am Lv Atlanta Lt Greenville Lv Spartanburg 4 7 50 um 2 14 am 319 am 6 40 pm ii 10 pm 6 40 pm 8 10 pm Ar charlotte Ar charlotte L charlotte Ar Salisbury t HotbprinR?, Lv Asheville Lv Statesville . A r Salisbury Lv Salisbury Ar Greensboro 810 pm . 9 55 pm Ar Winston-Salem 12 00 n't Lv Greensboro , A r Durham A r Raleigh 133 am 5 50 ajd 7 30 am 8 0S am Lv Raleigh Ar Goldsooro 12 50 Lt Greensboro Ar Danville . Ar Bichmond 9 55 nm 12 30 am 00 am Between West Point and Richmond. " l eave West Pqint 7 60 a h daily and 8 50 A M daily except Sunday and Monday, arrive Richmond 9 05 an4 10 40 a m. if turninz leave Bichmond 810pm and 4 o P M dailv "except Sunday; arrive n Point 5 00 and 6 05 v M. Between Richmond and Ral . eigh via Keysville. Leave Richmond 12 30 y m daily; lfve Keysville 4 00 p m; arrive Oxford (J lo P tn,, Henderson 740 p. m-j Dnrham 7-40 p m, Raleish 7 40 a in. r ReturniiJA' Jeave Raleigh 10 85 am, daily ,Turl. am J I 30 am, Oxford 12 55 p. in; arrive Keysvife 3 1 p m Richmond 6 65 p. ni. daily. . , Trains on 0. &H,B. R leave Oxf""1 6-20 p, m., and 7 00 p ui, daily except day, 11.05 a. m:, daily, and arrive at Hen derson 7.10 p. m.i and , 7.50 ria''J except Snndav. and 155 p. m dai.y- e turning leave Hendi'rstm 11 00 a m., vf?' . and arrive at;Oxford 11 50 a. m., and oio p. daily .except Sunday, and 'i SO p. m daily, t - J. 8. B. THOMPSON, - Supt. PirBt Division, ' ' Danville, a. . :W.B. RYDER, -- . - Supt. Second Division, . .v - Cliarlotte, ls; W.H.GREEN, - W.A. TUKK. - Gen. Manager, Gen. Pas. Washington,!). C. Washington. JJW. PA! are no limits to its -c possibilities.- '9 I Rutherford Democrat. , - -' -. " :