. . , . . . . . . . .; , ,- - . . The Courier . ,bilH'il in the center of a fine ''l'lvii rowinjr sectiou, making it . ,,' oi tiu' best advertising mediums ,i ill T. 1 COUULIL'S. VJHUmitUMS in lYrson, Granville, Dur- i.:.. n: a".! v 1:1 1. l::llli j-ml c.iswrii counties, m jxortn ainl Halifax county, Vir- ,'ili!:l- rates reasonable; terms n,.. known on application. SESSIONAL pAFDS W" ,,. "i ;:;! ITT, . ; Attorney at Law Roxboro, N.C. . ., ..i l ie several courts of the State. ,: ,., .Mm iiiv.-n to all bnsiness entrusted i in Court House. IS.1 .VXSFORD, Attorney ai Law, ito.ttioroi N. C. m KKKITT & BRYANT, Attorneys at Law, Roxboro, N. C. , ,,.( in -lie several Courts of the Stftte. o,.,'n i! atternon srlven to cases in' Person, "'L;., I i aswell counties. " 11 i -1: liiisiness entrusted to our care -will iveive 'i.llti aitcuiiuut KITCHIX, Attorney at Law, RoxBono, X. C. i tierever his sei vices are required. m Farmers' Bank Bui.hn;r. , i N - r V U A. ,L. RROuK ; WIN STEAD & BilOOKS. Attorneys at Law, Roxboro, N. C. Prompt attention to all profession Im.-ir.c-ss. Practice in tne State in ,1 Kedera; Courts. Dr. E- J. Tucker SURGEON DENTIST. i YV. J. Johnson 2.0XB0UO. N. 0. Uffp k up siairs I) ii. A. AivrtlON, I'm -siclng Fhynician, Roxboro. N. C. 'lit! r!ifesional services ,o the peutiii 1 -i'.rnmnilingcountry. I'rac.ici n-ij.-s i if medicine. :,'.GXIZEl) 1S3-2. V1RGIMA FIRE AXD MAHIXE ISIRCE COMPAN Y. RICHMOND. Assets - - ?550,000 INSURES AGAINST FIRE AND LIGHTNING Tin- "i i ''ompany, n nv more tlian half aen nr.- in successful operatiorj, has paid HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS ul I ;-es to citizens of North Carolina issues a v.tv simple an i concise policy, free of petty ri-:ri'('tinns, an 1 hoeral ia its tSrms end con .1! ns. w. II. PaLMES, President, tt" II. MCCARTHY, Secretary. DMHINES, District Agent, Milton, N. C. JAS, W, BRANDON, barber SZfcLcrp, R0XB0R9, N. C. When you come to Roxboro, don't fori: t me I am always willing and ready to accommodate my custom ers, and always keep up with the latest styles. , V, H, B, NEWELL, Watchmaker ajid Jeweler, Salesmen Wanted ! Wj1 wanes to sell our Nurserv ck. Ai.plv for terms. We will Uav Tor Spring and Fall, 1895, an immense m )Ck of Apple, Fear. Peach, 5 um- Apricot, Cherry, Grape, etc. Also smail fruits, shade and orna "'al trees, roses, et. We make "PPCiav of whnlsaling to arse Footers .iirect. We wilfsel! to re- ab?e,!P i':irtlCS and take note paj" Hontl'.-1 SX twe've an( eighteen drelj1.1' fr whoIesale prices. Ad- s'-tiikux Nursery Co., Winchester, Tenn. Fe rui Vll, Jf old clothing to the Harris steam dye works, Tt, Kaleigu, N. C. grantee to make them look !!!ainfor a little money. BRADBURY PIANOS. seJmiU l"T US,R '" Schools and Col "r'l'rl"K,en''-lose this advei tisement. r . G. SMITH, c, x. w., Washington, l C. "'! l:;.t( "ferhvi '""sirsilea catalogue. wV, I?!",' ,v,u- ''Vasbington, n. -md used one of our Pianos for MbELL BROS, Proprietors. Vol. Why? Jh I I don't know. Worry I expect. Worrying about what? Well, you know the servants are a heap of trouble. The children' worry me a heap. I cm broken down. In the morning I generally have a headr.chc ; Along tovards evening my back feeis as if it would break. Every time thebaby cries I nearly jump out of my skin, i am so nervous. Your system needs toning up. Why not take Browne ron Bitters the best strengthens:-. - ms..'-z fnn!?. it wi!! give you r. gooi avp ilio, nake your blood rich a. 'i p'r-., f yea strength, make life a pier. :; :. No! only tike ii yourself, "cut iva . : o the children. It is f ieasrnt t.. . !e. 5.TiaIi dose. T.'-e only tht -jr.'t bk- th Z-ii 'jet or v. r.i!?Tjr 330 N CHE;! EAu.MOrt, Mt PH1LIPHQWARD&C0., riJOFKIEL'OKS OF TIIK t v 'GAIN ; ) R i; Do You Know i-rv N lit fiii". ;W! v 'if i V e; c IT tiltl'l IP lihori -00- Do You Know That we handie Cloth iiti'i uutirtc.U'f ! stivpyon raonoy : in thlriij in thii line? ii n r full a3 -oo- Do You Know That we carry a Heavj- Groceries, such line of Meal. Flour.' Meat, Sugar. Coffee, i etc., which we offer at the LOWEST J PRICE. -oo- If yon don't know all of the above to be true, Call at the Bargain Store and iet us convince von. PHIIIPHGWARD&CQ. McClnre's aaazme c FOR 1895. Voium IV begins December, 1894 A solendidlr illustrated life of NAPOLEON, the great feature of whicu will be SEVENTY-FIVE POR TRAITS of Napoleon, showing from youth to death; also portraits of his family and contemporaries and pictures of famous battlefields; in all nearly 200 HICURES. Begins in November through eight numbers. and The runs Eight Napoleon Numbers, $1,00. TRUE DETECTIVE STORIES by authority from the archives of the PINKERTON DETECTIVE AGENCY. Lincoln and Pickerton (Nov. 1894.); the Molly Maguires; Allan Pinker ton's Life; Stories of Capture, Tr.,iu robbers, Forgers, Bank-robbers, etc. each complete in one issue, )2 in all. SHORT STORIES BY W. D. Howells " BudyarJ Kipltr.g Conan Coyle Clark Russell Robert Barr Octave Thanct 3ret Harte Capt. King. Joel Chandler Harris and Many Ofhers. N OTEU: CONTR 1BUTORS. F. Marion Crawford Archdaacon Farrar Sir Robert Ball Prof. Drummond Archibald Forbes Thomas Hardy ; Sen three 2 cent stamps for a sample copy to the publishers. 3. S. MeCLURE, L't'd, 30 Lafayett Place. New York. ai ui QiigP- lorfriciLmu y - v ,-rTV'l7lV, NETS. TKNTS and S Ii I lY Fji. . fjnortliii? Gool. , Double nreoch Llii.r PhotGnni.. 7 to fl WO. Wiim e I c-.rt.np noiible S hot - June. o V'it- inirlo Hint Uuno. t'i 50 lo 41.0: , i" io" Icuon &lf workers. $Z t.. $10 All klmtoof Carlri.lm. ShellsM ftps, V arte, T-1"": Pouches ami Piimers. -end for ill:ilr.ite.I cat- a,rtg,OBEAT WEsTkSN GUK WOKKS,- , Pittsburg ,!'. Don't Roxboro, North Carolina; Wednesday Evening, Jupte 5th, 1895. No. 42. SPEAK THE TRUTH TO CH1L0KEN. Good parents should have in mind that wheh a child reaches the ad vanced age of i years he usually be gins lo develop a natural passion for kn.-rt -Sedge. This is a much more im- poriant singe m his career than most people think. Once stifle this early spirit of inquiry and you may do the child irreparable injury. The parent has now .the opportunity of laying the foundation, of a wise man or a fool, for although the elementary knowl edge acqniied by oue so yonng may appear trivial and premature, it' is really the basis, on -which all his later educatiou is built upon. More than this, it is the habit of seeking infor mation that is necessary to encourage! and stimulate. Forced studies at too early an age aie greatly to be deprecated, but we are always safe in letting the child learn what it has a strong desire to know. And this desire or curiosity is the best guarantee we could have that our instruction will receive close atteutiou and be impressed on the memory. Shakespeare's rule is a golden one, in 'youth or manhood: 'No profit grows where is no pleas ure taken; in brief, sir. study what you most affect." The questions which these young sters are perpetually springing on us are oftui very extraordinary. One little fellow, a short time ago, said to his father, "As God can do every thing, can He make a stone so heavy that He can't lift it?" Many pa rents would have been puzzled to give a satisfactory answer. The worst thing we cati do in difficult cases is to say, impatiently, "Don't bother me child!" If you are igno rant on the point submitted to you, it is much better to say, frankly, 'That is one of the tilings your father doesn't know. Ask me something else, my child." But the great difficulty with most people is to" find a way of answering these questions that shall be intelli gible to the young mind with its I scanty knowledge and very limited i vocabulary. But with patience and ! perseverance it can generally be man- iaged. Take a case in. illustration Little Fred has been looking out of the I . O ; window, and suddenly asks his father, What is snow, daddy?" The father replies "Don't bother me now, I'm i reading." The big brother, home i from school, comes to the rescue: j '-Snow is moisture in the air that has j been frozen into crystals in a temper iature of 32 degrees or lower." ; The mother then breaks in: "What j is the use in telling the child that i stuff? Come here, Freddy, dear, Mother Carey is plucking her goose and snow is the feathers." Later on, when the youngster finds that snow is certainly not feathers, he says to himself, 'mother is a story-teller like all the rest of us,' and moral influence is lost. If the system continues, the child finds he is humbugged and stops asking questions a convenient but deplorable state of affairs. Now, what that father should have done is this: He . should have laid down his book and said: "Well, Fred dy, snow is wet up in the air that gets frozen and -falls down." He would then be asked: "What is frozen?" and would reply, "When anything gets hard and white ( with cold." If tne question is then put, "Why does it fall down?" a suitable reply would be, "Because when it is frozen it gets too heavy to stay up." Such answers as these would be i inteligible to every young mind, and although they are far from scientific, they really leave nothing tt be un learned. And this is the great point to be always kept in view: do not teach a child anything that it will have to unlearn it after years. It is just as easy to tell him that the stars are suns ever and ever so far off, as to say that they are holes in the the sky for angels to peep throngh. Bui on no account should a child's imagination be crushed ; on the con trary, it should' be stimulated in ev ery reasonable way. This may at first seem in contradiction . to what has already been written, but it is not so. All that the writer contends is, that in matters of physical science and everyday fact, we should not wilfully mislead our children. Let them by all means remain loyal to their fairies and other little childish fancies, for these are on quite a dif ferent plane. They form the poetry in their young lives, and jt is a com mon fallacy that poetry and scientific knowledge are opposed. The vault of heaveu has more poeiry fo,- the astronomer than. -for.-the. ignorant I star-gazer ' , The popular table ot banta Glaus does no harm whatever. . Pireitiy the1 little skeptic lies awake and finds out the fraud that has been practiced upon him. He simply realizes, with more'pleasure than disappointment, I GOI HOME FIROT: that the good , saint rwas merely poetic figure for his loving parents. I here was just this much to learn and praotically nothing to unlearn As for the fairies, why. jwe all stil believe m them -in the world poetry ; every wood ard dell is peu pled with them in our playful imag inations. -. ' finally, what a lot we can learn from these clear-headed 'youngsters. "Out of the 'mouths of babes and sucklings" we get problems that may well puzzle men of learning. If a change question .sends ns to a text book that we have not opened jfor ten or twelve years, let us not be im patient, but thankfnl for the oppor tunity of recovering what had slipped bur memory. ; If it leads , as to seek and acquire additional knowledge, it will be a gain to ns as well - as to the child. The late Prof. Tyndall always en couraged school boys to ask him ques tions. One of them wantpd to know why the part of a towel that had been dipped in water was darker than the dry portion, and the man of science remarked that no man had ever asked this question, and very few would have been able to give the correct answer. Thire is nothing to gain and a great deal to lose by humbugging our children. Norfolk Pilot. ' A Smart Dog. "bpeakin' of smart , dogs," said Mr. Stretchitt, "reminds, me of a dog I owned t'other year. That 'ere dog knowed when it was Sunday an went to cnurcn regular anwpjijdn't chase a rabbit to save your life on that day if one went skippin' right under his nose. He was the' beat rabbit dog in the country, too, and loved the sport amazin'ly. He knowed 'God Save the $ueen' from 'Rule Brittannia, an' would keep time with his tail on the floor when I was playing of 'em on my fiddle; That pupcouId just do anything you tojd him. I never seed his equal. I waS in hopes of teaching him to talk when he met his death. He had already learned to howl two or three tunes, an' knowed his alphabet, Butone morn ing the poor pup was practicin' a new trick he intended to asUnish us with an' come to his death unexpected. He was behind the barn when it hap pened. I seed him curlin' his tail over his back 'and jumptn' through the curl. In one of his leaps he broke his back and died." London Tit-Bits. Extravagance. One item of extravagance heaped upon the people by the last Legisla ture is explained very strikingly by a recent bill for dockets for the Justices of the Peace made by the Register of Deeds of this county in pursuance of the requirement of the law. He or-, dered twenty neV dockets and the bill for the same was $37.50. In this county there are 54 additional Justices of the Peace to whom the county is required to furnish these dockets. The Fusion -'.Legislature does the dancing, but the 'people pay the fiddler. It will further be re membered that this is1 only a small item in the expense of this political luxury, as the necessary books must be furnished by the State and paid for out of the people's money. And all this for something that is con fessedly not necessary. Asheboro Courier. Why He Flew. . During' the battle of Bull Run a Union officer, searching for strag glers, discovered a man making rapid strides for safety. , . "Here, man, what are, you running for?" he exclaimed. "What am I running for?" he re plied, without ; ;dimiqishingf! hjp speed, however? "why because. I want to get away from them pesky bullets back there, and I want to get away fast, and I haven't got any horse to run for me. That's why I've got to do my own innning. If I only had wings I'd fly instead of running, but as I haven't this will r have to do. Good-by!" he shouted as he passed out of sight. A Hot Summer Coming. Sergeant Dunn, the N New York weather expert, says that we may ex pect a hot summer, according to the rule of temperature average. He shows thatthere ha$ been a deficiency of 286 degrees since, Jainjary 1st, and declares that ' thc-'-.WtfjtlteT'-ia bonfid to even tip." St. Louis (j lobe Democrat. ,- . Distresseij Young r Mothe.'t ravel ing with crying infant "Dear me 1 I don't know what to do".withlthis baby." . . "Kind and Thoughtful Bachelor (in the next seat) "Shall I open the window for you, madam ? " Chris tian Weekly. ABROAD NEXT. -3 - C V : Highest of all in Leavening .v The National Orink. "Let me tell you a thing or two about the great American beverage," sai4 Mr. John G. Law, of Boston, prepident of a big tile manufacturing conpern, to a reporter, at the Hotel Page. "What is the national bever age?. Perhaps you'd say whiskey, or beer, but you'd be away wide of the mark!. Soda water is what I am talking about, and I speak advisedly when I call it the great American beverage, for it has certainly become the national drink. In the first place it is a peculiarly American tipple. I came across one fountain in Venice; London has three, and perhaps, in the rest of Europe tnere may be a dozen. The n . . i 1 amount of capital invested in this! trade all over the United States is enormous, running so far up into the millions that 1 m afraid to give' figures. That it is a lucrative busi ness goes without saying, for how else could men afford to pay $4,000 ta o,uuu ior tne nuge ana ornate affairs from which the pleasing 'soft stuff is drawn. "A New Orleans man named May told me that his yearly profits from his fountain were $30,000. One Sanders,-a Detroiter, who owns an $8,000 fountain, the finest displayed at the World's Fair, does 'a rnshing business, and his sales run from $300 to $700 per day, the year round. In Buffalo, Stoddard Brothers employ thirty girls to handle ice cream soda, aud it takes 3,000 glasses to accom inodate their trade. They sell it at 5 cents per glass, and there is a net profit of 100 per cent. In Boston, Thompson's Spa, the greatest soda resort at the Hub, easily clears for its owners $50 000 a vear. There are in thtJJnited-Statel0,00a , f onntins i - in operation, and manufacturers are getting more orders now than they ever got." Washington Post Braggadocios, Beware! Bill Brown's babyish brothers (boh beiug bad boys), bamboozled bandy-legged Bartholomew Braham by breaking Bernice Braham's beauti ful bamboo bonbon basket. Bernice, being Bartholomew's brother, became belligerent ; because, before Bill's lad brothers broke Ber- nice's beautiful bamboo basket, both began behaving badly by besmear ing; Bartholomew's big Bible bind- tBoth Browus,. .being big babies, boggled before Bartholomew Bartholomew beat both Browns badly. Both' Browns, being big babies, began boohooing. Bernice bellowed : "Bravo, Barty ! Beat both braggadocios ! " ' -Barty beat both bravely. Harper's Young People. - A strange but true 6nake story comes from Vance township. Two little children, Chester Manus and Maggie Condor, had been for several days going to a small - stream, ' and playing With a water- moccasin. On last Saturday they caught the enake and, when found one of the children bad. the. reptile by the head , and the other had -hold of its tail, carrying it along a it It had been a string. The nake made no effort to bite the chiljdren and they said' that they had beep playing with it for sometime. We, have heard that snakes will not harm.-babies but do not -know how ffioh truth there is in the statement. -r-Monroe Enquirer. : ; . i (,,.s4. Another jEilslaoation of the Douglass To Do. They have some 4 unsophisticated magistrates, in Bladen bounty but the one, wiq ..defended the Legislature for passing the Pouglass resolution on the'ground that Presideuii Cleve- laud ordered them to do it find, threat-; ened. to put them in jail.if theyjdidh'tJ takes the cake. The poor man can't read and it seenis Jlwt some., wicked Populist invented the fake and fooled him by pretending to" oead from the Star. Of course the Star -njver per petuatd such nonsense. Washington star. : r;; v;' Some Danger of It. , ; , , The editor of the Spiketown Bliz- zard had just started .'oil . a little railway jonmey with-his'wife- -across coiuitry. . As the V conductor , ap proached him he drew from iis pock et somewhat .ostentabously. wallet and was about .toopen-itwhenj wallet and was about toopen it when the little woman by his side? leaned ; - t-'-'-t over aud whispered in hirear: v the They; tQrM-Chicago Tribune (MM 1 1 ,r wonidii'i let these people see all; jaundice, duious ieverr duious- Dasement oi , noneer warenouse. passes you've got, - Mortimer ness and kindred diseases. . LVer TI!?1-' i no -Si . 11 .think you are. a- labor agita-, xja I 2. DSlle . - I -T , - : v.- t- : j. i1-. . -.- .-. y - -r; - ...... ...i. . - ... . - .. . vi . ... .... . ... - -: ... . f .... Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report n w n3 i . r i Their Pants Were All Right. A traveling photographer set np his booth upon a vacant lot: near a Rhode Island village recently. -Five merry maidens were, out for a Walk Postoffice Inspector Conard differed When their attention was xyintrhr. lwL,;W li-5-nr. , . i , j- -j the display "of photographs on the outer wail of tne tent "Oh, girls, uu lct 8 or picture taKen," uixeu a ciiuoy oionae witn nuny hair. The suggestion was adopted, and a noisy consultation with the aiwet termiuateu in a aecision to ue uiKeu. auer tne manner ot tbose lammar cneruDs wno gaze out at one tnrougn a nole in the cloud.. The STS and the camera manipulator was short--of clouds. But he was a man of infinite re- sources and he promptly improvised the ethereal background by cutting a slit in a large newspaper. Through ge newspaper. I hrough the hole in the naoer each of the fi vp pretty heads was thrust to be snapped at bv the camera. When the tie- vel oping process was completed a hor- rible discovery was made. The news- paper page had Contained a mam- moth advertisement of ready-made clothing, and there beneath each cherubic countenance was the linel in large display type: "All our pants are double lined.-New Eng- land Ornn.r - Cursed the Thunder. Some weeks ago a white man nm,i w,wn,.,i wio t 1 i. , , , , . .vo, aa " tt,m uaYlus no piace to. go, was sent the alms- ed y o,n, f fMMh and people house. He was able to walk about who have vjHf been per his room and converse with those snaded to take something else have who visited him and attended to his wants. On Saturday. Anril 27th. Erlea- ton was sitting in a chair in the "door ! i "'o iwui, w iieii a niunuer storm came up. At every peal he was veryj profane and Cursed the thunder. Suddenly Eggleston toppled over from his chair and on the floor as though he had been struck by thun derbolt When assistance arrived the unfortunate man was found to have sustained a stroke of appoplexy. He was taken to his bed, where he lay until Monday night, when he breathed his last; never having spoken a word from the moment of the attack. Eggleston was an Englishman by birth, and had been in this com munity aoout six years, and is said to have been a mill operative. ' As stated above, he had no relatives in this city, but it is reported that he has a daughter living in England. Danville Register. She Knew All About It. I can give you gas if you think the pain will be tod" great to endure,' "said a dentist to an elderly colored woman who had come to have several teeth extracted. No, sah ! No, sah!" she said, shaking her head very emphatically. "You don't gib me no gas. en hab me git up out'n dat chter en walk home dead. No, sir! T read de news papahs ! '.' One day the children were having i an object lesson on the blue heron. The teacher called attention to its small tail, saying : 'The bird has H j.sked the scholars to write adescrip- tipn of the bird, and a little German girl wound up by saying. 'The blue heron has a tail but it must not -'be talked about.' luternal revenue receipts for the first four months of this calendar year - Bhows a decrease in manufactured to bacco for the United States of 811,535 pounds, as compared with the same ' months of 1894. Cigars fell -short to the number, of 32,266,903, while cigarettes increased 665,720 in num ber and snuff 630,392-in pounds. Secret of Beauty is health. The secret of health is the power to digest and assim ilate a proper quanity of food. This can never be done when the liver does not act it's part. Doyou know this ? Tutt's Liver Pills are an abso- --.i vv.-ri.-s , , . pepsia," sour stomach,' malaria, - . . . , i;. constipation, torpid liver, piles, S 1 .00 Per Year in Advance. Postal Officials Disagree. Wilmington, N. C, May 30.' The postmaster at Southport has got- ten gotten into trouble. His house needed repairs, and he claims it was about to tumble down over his head. He tried . to borrow some .money to hxit up, but his security was not sat isfactory. Having several hundred dollars on nand of money order fund s, and believing in a paternal ' govern ment, he applied that money to re- pairing his houke" asking th eminent to wait until he could pay it back. He thought this was fair, but iiui uiuj, oixu uu eunesuay ias$, after fequlring his soreUes to make" up the the deficiency, 1 the inspector turned the postoffice over to a ladv i who was selected ' by the bondsmen to conduct the bnsiness for them j nntil the Department at Washinfrton should select a successor. The post- master has his house repaired, but he ia out of a job. A DISREPUTABLE PRACTICE which the people of the South are resenting, is the efforts of KS5 ffiTK!? later because tiey make more monev bv th imitator. . onrl money by the imitation : and thev care little tht. f hov cwi'nrllo fne people in selling them an ""erior article. , if a the money fne7 are alter, ana the people can T nH wh doing, and merchants are having a hard time trying to cet Deorde to take the stuff they offer them m. place ot oimmons laiver liee- nJatorwhich is the "King of Liver Medicmea" because it never ,to g1!6 et n I n n .. mm-. - A I 1 . I uuuuics, juts eure mat you get caramons iaver JKegUiator. IOU I TT " T 1 . mr' !PE5f&k me same U1 Butuiu a oi me nea on the B eSts package. Ifc has f never fail- always come, back again to The j wia j? nena. Uetter not take any- 6Is! bfc . ??de W J'IL Zeilin & Co., Philadelphia. SOUTHERN POULTRY YARD Breeders of Thoroughbred n ui.. .1 ruuury. "None out the best," should be the aim of every one. Need we say more. No . more expensive blood ex ists than flows in the veins of our fowls. Th,e following are our prize' winners: Light and Dark Bramahs, Buff, Par tridge and White Cochins, R. C. B S. C. B. and S. C. W. Leghorns, Barred and White Ply mouth Rocks, Black ' LangshanS, Eng lish Red Cap, Golden, White and Silver Wyandots, Black Minorca, Hou dans, Indian Games, Pit Games, Imperial Pekin Ducks, Bronze Turkeys Toulouse- Geese, Belgium Hares. ' , Fine birds for sale. Eggs . in season, $2.00 a sitting of - 18, except Indian Games, . which are $3.00. These birds are unexcelled. Write " for' catalogue. W. A. & MRS. ANNIE E. JONES, Prop's, " ' ROXBORO," N. C. perlj jZers! Fertilizers!! Look to vour interests, and buv the following High Grade Fertilizers for ?ota Tobacco and Corn : Ober's Special foi' TobaCpO, Star Brand, Star Brand Special for Tobacco, Anchor Brand, - - ' British Mixture, ' ' : Sea Fowl, . ; ' ' , Slaughter ', I :. , House , ' Bone , Slaughter H mse Bone Spe ?cial for Tobacco, J ' ; Baugh'sRaw, Bone, Old .Dominion, Farmers Friend Histo Grade, T ' " - Doable Bone " " Phosphate for 1 ; r: corn:;; Use any of the above brands, and jou will make no mistake. Large 1 quantities Kept on nana ana storea in V J off for fc . Person County Courier Published every Wednesday by ISTOELXi BEOS.; ,r - EOXBOEO, N. C.-: - TERMS OF BTBSCKIPTION : One Copy One Year, 1.00 50 One Copy Six Months, - ' - " Cash, invariably In" advance. ' ' C H. Hunter Can' be found "V at: ? " Old: Stand r . With a complete line of. . Both Heavy and JFancy. SllOeS I ShOP?! ShnPQ y". OUUrJ&l OllUGS Foreign and; Domestic Fruits Confectioneries! Pi ince Albert SALT. Cigars, Tobacco andJ.SnofF. Come an' - I Highest price paid for Eggs. - Chick ens, Turkeys, WaxHides, and Fur. Thanking my many friends foe past I favors; I remain"yours to please, " BIG IKE. M. H. Garrett & Co. General Merchants, Roxboro, N 0. i We are daily receiving and " opening an entirely NEW STOCK of General Merchandise consistin&r in part of Dry-Goods, Notions, -Shoes,- r Groceries, &c. which jwe pt1omisoourtoi'ends v and- customers wlIT be sold as low as same goods can be bought anywhere. IdWhen you come to town with chiokens, eggs, butter, wheat, corn &c, come to see us George T. Thaxton and George Garrett will show you everrv atten tion desired and sell you goods ; as cheap as anTbod examine our new goods before buying. Very respectfully, M. H. -Garrett & Co. In Webb building, next door to W. R. Hambrick & Co. . - 9 12 3 THE , Applicants for Membership -IN THE . " Person County Branch OF THE r- - - FARMERS' MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE ASSOCIATION -OF- NORTH CAROLINA, : Met in Convention at the Court House, on Saturday, May 18th, 1895, and effected a permanent organiza tion. . - ; - - ., : - ' .. ' - Mr. J. S. C. Carpenter, the State ' Agent, made a brief explanation of the plan and stated the object of the meeting and the necessary steps in cident to effecting a large and per manent Branch. , THE FOLLOWING OFFICERS . WERE NOMINATED AND ' DULY ELECTED: THOS. W. PASS, President. Nj L. WAGSTAFF, Secretary and Treasurer. - JOHN R. SIMS, Supervisor Rox boro Township1. G: W. MOORE, Supervisor Flat River Township. ' JOHN E. HARRIS, Supervisor Bushy Fork Township. . H. D. FOUSHEE, Supervisor Olive Hill Township. E. T. MOONEY, Supervisor Allen- . ville Township. RJ A. WILLIAMS, Supervisor Cun- tngham Township. - . -O. H. - MITCHELL, Supervisor Woodsdale Township. : : - E. B; READE; Supervisor Mt. Tir zah Township. . r. GEJSTKI, Supervisor Hollo- way's Township. - -i ' J. U. JUHJNSUJN. : ; , and D.E. CLAPP. -Mayl 3m .- Local' Agents. T,t Notice of Seizure. IT; S. IstkrnaL Revenub ' : COiLKCTOR'S OFFICE, . . ! j - ' 1 , RALEIGHN. C.lMay32v'9o. - Notice is hereby given of the seiz-' nre by the United .States or the fol- lowing property for' violation of the Internal Revenue Laws of the United Stat-s; .-: About 28a gallons of Corn Whis- key, 2 Copper Stills, Caps and Worms, said to be the property : of :D. M. An- drews, and seized near Roxboro, Per son county, N. C.; on the 22nd day of May, 1895. - . ' i " , , - x ' Any person -or persons claiming ; said property will appear at my oK fice in Raleigh, N. within 80 days from date of this - notice and make claim,: or property will be declared forfeited to the United States. -. ' F. M. SIMMONS, . , ' . : Collector 4th District,. N. C. 8. G.. Woods, - - . . Deputy Collector. - May 22, 1895. . ; ' -tt - N