Th e Courier - - - - " . ?? , :.,li..'.nnisr counties. Oirnit-. . w . --1 V f Il U 7 I Vt- II II tt ll II - v M h vlj ! ji yy : ' piii.liied in the center of a fine ,a v.. growing section, makinr n u h liest advertising niwlinmJ iit-fvn.-inra anu warehonspmon --"v. u iu id u.'.miii rouuues. Uirrmlfo lai-viy in t erson, Urauville, Dur n;1m Md Caswell counties, in North Carolina, and Halifax county, Vir ginia. - A :w-i using rates reasonable; terms a known on application. sessional cards. NOELL BROS, Proprietors. Vol. xii. HOME FIRST: ABROAD NEXT. Roxboro, North Carolina. Wednesday E SI. 00 Per Year in Advance. W M K UU ITT, Attorney at Law Roxboro, N. C. ''s la the several courts of the State. ci i;ongiT;n loan business ntrusted Mlee in Court House. I i'NSFOKD, 3 . ttorney at Roxboro, N. G. Law, To those living in malarial districts Tutt's Pills are indispensible, they keep the system m perfect order arid are an absolute cure for sick headache, indigestion uidjcina, torpia liver, constipa tion and all bilious diseases. Tutt's Liver Pills THE CHRISTIAN IN POLITICS. BY REV. L. G. BF0UGHT01T. vening; October 30, 1895. No. 11. Person County Courier Jablished every Wednesday by BEOS., E0XB0E0, N.a TEEMS 01 SUBSCRTPTIOH : vue wpy One Tear, . . . . 140 One Copy Six Months, . 50 Cash Invariably in advance. . QOONE. MEKRffT & BRYANT, Attorneys at Law, erai :n t he several CourU of the State. , ; aitevsion eiven to case ia Person, I.i'.mI linsiness entrusted to our care will O'Vioo in Roxboro and Durham, w v. K ITCH IX, Attorney at Law, Koxboro, N. C. . .-. -. : er uii sei vices are required aruiers' Bank DutUiing. Co A. L. BROOKS EAD & BROOKS, orneys at Law, ; xboro, N. C. tuition triven to Federal Mate and at resrularlv the SEASONABLE GOODS -AT- REASONABLE PRICES, -AT- PHILIPHOWARD&CO'S BARGAIN IIOUSR. -Oil Our !--ri! m the :r !!. Attend t iVron and Caswell i'-k' intrusted to our Ae prompt attention. care Dr. E. J. Tcckek, EON DENTIST. W . J. Johnson & stairs 111 ROXBORO. X. C 1) A. M.tjrON, 1'rn ticing Physician, Roxboro, N. C. Of ti':-'l" :l ;---4-iv ia ifessioiial ser iocs ;o the rcoule i s irmun-hnsrcoantrT. Praetirp 'f medieiue. JAS, W, BRANDON, ban?be:r SZbLcrp, ROXBORO. X. C. When come to Roxboro, don fori: t me I am alwavs wilhno- and mr custom i: ' of S'UllillP- Cit,l ia yerr onipiete. and we. are sure if yu will call Mi hear our prices we can convince vou that ;r huuse is the HOUSE. Wo carry Drv Goods, Cloth- inu:. Hats, Shoes, Notions, and a l irge Hue of Groceries, in fact even- line is a "Specialty" with u . We invite you to call, and promise to seli you the "best roods tor the least money." Don't take our w. rd for it, but come and see. Yours truly, PHILIP HOWARDS. CO Jne bowing: is a synopsis of a re cent bunday night's sermon delivered in Roanoke, Va. The theme was "The """":uu 01 tne .Ballot." H.,TeXtu?t'uder ano Caesar the things which be Casar'8."-Luke 20: real-,- to accommodate ers. an l always keen latest styles. up with the W, H, 3, NEWELL, Watchmaker an d Jeweler, "Story of the Confederate States," WRITTMX BY JOSEPH T. DERRY, of Georgia. rr i ... mis is a true story of late war, by Southern man, and endorsed by the vjenera.s. John S. Coleman. ofMoriah, N. C, i general Agent for this county urop u:m a can! and have him call on vou. r2.V) to $3.50. y s.ibscription. Sob- l'rice s." i ., rom J. COLEMAN, ?nt for Person Co. a spf 6I"J0S ffiout! (ire,- esm-an Wanted ! 'j.-- j sell oar Xurserv AM' y for terms. We will NT::.- and Fall, 1835, an uk of Apple. Pear, Peach, ;'"'Cot, Cherry, Grape, etc. . fruits, shade and orna " - roses, etc. We make "v o!" w!iol3a!ing to large iirect. We will sell to re 'art:es and take note par- -'-a, twelve and eighteen for wholesale prices. Ad- OfTIlEi::v Nuksery Co., Winchester, Tenn. Hi,. 20-ly McCl lire's sazme v ' Vol u m FOR 1895. IV Begins December, 1894 A splendidly illustrated life of NAPOLEON, the great feature of which will be SEVENTY-FIVE PORTRAITS of Napoleon, showing from youth to death; also portraits of his familr and contemporaries and pictures of famous battlefields; in all nearly 200 PICURES. begins in November and through eight numbers. The Eight Napoleon Numbers, $1,00 TRUE DETECTIVE STORIES by authority from the archives of the PifiXERTON DETECTIVE AGENCY Lincoln and Pinkerton (Nov. 1894.); ne aniiy juaguires; Allan Pinker- ton's Life; Stories of Capture, Train- robbers, torgers, Bank-robbers, etc. each complete in one issue, 12 in all SHORT STORIES BY runs W. D. Hqwells Conan Coyle Robert Barr Bret Harte R lid yard Kipling uarn Kussell Octave Thanet Capt. King. ioei Chandler Harris and.Many Others. NOTE JJ CONTRIBUTORS :. Marion Crawford -Archdeacon Farrar Sir Robert Ball Prof. Drummond Archibald Forbes Thomas Hardy Send three 2 cent stamps for a sample copy to the publishers. S. S. McCLURE, L't'd, 30 Lafayett Place. New York. Ask oui- Yoio-Mmrw KS J A About the cures made by Without for medicine, or write ftr in mation FREE. For salfl nr ront. )Cal testim()niaig JOHN N. WEBB. 728 11th Street, Washington, D. C. j" virt Land Sale. to - V1 a mortgage deed made iVl")rrVDfl Juneau, and of 1,1 tl,e Reprister of Deeds office the K '., " ''rj,1nty, C '-On I will sell to T ft Hr bidder, door for cash, at the in noxooro, on lr4C-t r, In to:-. u'":,--iid 'J. .N I ' IS-i 'H?-i",I:." Urh day of November, trar-t ;'.',0-k, M., the followine "l . TO-Wir. A nntnir - ' I lain L. 1 CLMlt " townshin. Person filc-h.." '. " "djoinintr the lands of "U 11 i s "- 'r-'. Keuhen Carver and f)r,.... 'V. K"fwn as the Paid ti?iono;'V "r'an's Part ip the di' itair.f.. ' "-'W uuncan land. T hi ni 1)6 - acres mnrp nr loco 'r'' d;ty of Or-t,ober. 1895." UAVID LONG, Mortcaee. GEO. O'BRIANT, Assignee of David Long. Notice of Sale for Taxes. At the Court House door in Rox boro, on the 4th day of November, 1895, I shall sell the following prop erty, duly leried on by virtue of the tax books for the years 1893 and 1894, towit : Lea Farley 1 house and lot near Roxboro. Williams & Walker 150 acres in Woodsdale township. J. R. Chi8enhall 1 house and lot in Roxboro. Harvey Collins 1 bouse and lot near Roxboro. Sale is to satisfy the taxes for 1893 aDd 1894. Terms cash. Sale at 12 o'clock. This 25th day of September, 1895. J. A. CARVE K, Sheriff. I am aware that I am standing on dangerous ground. I never stand anywhere else. Life itself is danger ous. Everything in ljfe j8 danger ous. It has been said that a grave yard is the only thing that is not- 1 have learned that this is not true. I was nearly scared to death by a "will o' the wisp" in a graveyard when a boy. The other day a whole citv was poisoned by a gravevard. Ev erything is dangerous. Shall we turn our backs upon a thing because it is dangerous? Be careful," said a man to me the other day, "in handliujj this ques tion, ibis 1 am goin.ii to do; but I shall be more careful to tell the truth than to please a few politicians. Don t forget this. rhere are two classes of people who don't believe in a preacher going mo politics and carrying his church. The church member, who wili per- j haps go heaven, objects because he says a preacher's business is to pre pare men for maven. This may be true; but perhaps we'd differ as to wnat win get a man to heaven. No man is going to heaven unless he lives right, no matter what he be lieves. Life is no sport. Life is a living reality. The Christian be longs to God, soul and body as well. No man's soul can be right wheu the body is all wrong. To live the goat life here means to live the goat life hereafter. A sheep's skin on a goat's back, brother, don't make a sheep. We are not going to be judged by our hides, but by our hearts and our hides together. The reason these good brethren oppose takiug religion into politics is because of a mistaken idea of the mission of the church and the sphere of the pulpit They say the preacher, for example, is to deal only with the heart side of life. In Tennessee the constitution forbids a preacher hold ing office because it says his calling is to get men to heaven. "Preach the word," i3 one of their favorite quotations. Yon have heard them. Sometimes you hear preach ers, who are anxious to excuse them selves, prating about "the word x here is old Dr. Go Slow. He comes before his congregation of benches, and after declaring himself out and out in favor of preaching "the word," proceeds to reproduce an antequated essay on "the Jews." Old Dr. Dry as a Cane declares for "the word," as he conies forth to engage the atten tion of his hearers, while he gives them a probable solution of a long vexed problem in theolov. Dr. - oj Please 'em All comes in, too, in the plea for "the word," while he pats and puffs and pants, agreeing with Sister Sue and Brother Jim, though as different from each other as the monkey from the man. When I began to preach, a brother said, "Never say anything about pol itics, because you will have all sorta your congregation." Another I x x criminals and paupers. Ninety per Cfnt. nf f V nn n ... -r Kilo j,WCB iriea in itoanoKe police courts is the result of whiskey made legal by your vote. Let's get me salt on before the meat rots. THE HOOT OF THE MATTER. I believe in getting at the root of the matter. The way to cure a car buncle is to cut it opeu. The way to cure a chili is to cure the cause. What Wnnlf? xrnn C JV. imun 01 B mam ti. u-i.. , , ij naniui uruwina Business. lithaTll "a? 8hakiDg Theof Hickory Press to a bJ i v v f6ll0W audCaro1 has just sold" a single hint frm 8hakiDg " for What kind of tree thinking if he would stop the shakes was it fmi o he wmM of u:,, . .75 uurji-iat. ...u.wjuijcumiis. JtouKnow Airy News he would shake the slats out of the Being away from home, the above of the thing. This is what so called tember 11th and 25th escaped atten Christian voters are doing "mon- tionJ Keymg with the effect rather than It was a walnut tree. We have Z -8oarmoytoserre others, some better even, but none it-ou.w. vny not stop the re- for sale. Plantonm.wl wtu , ? oluu,ululuBrl piaui, wainucs. loacau plant 160 liesent pontics is the enemy of trees on an acre and never interfere v.g.. im. cmircil stands for witn tanning. In 20 years time the nu,...,. uer prayer is the prayer of trees will be worrh $75 a niece. You Christ : "Thy kingdom come, thy can get one year's growth by placing alii ilAi AAiL i -.l.i - J i O wu CiirL" t is hi heaven." rne walnuts m single laver on smooth Her marching ord.-rs are, '-Co ye into ground aird covering with thin layer all ihe w.irld and make disciples of of dirt; then, when they' have had every creature." I'uhtics grants this about two good freez s thev will in theory and stops it in practice, crack open; then the first warm spell Their platf. rm is seln'sli, their meth- plant them in squares in an old otls devilish. The man who does field, 160 to the acre. The walnut more stealing "gets there." A Con- enriches the soil ami soon you will gressinan in North Carolina was have a fiue field tit for nnlMvin. nominated because he stole his way and your walnuts will also be increas ing the Legislature. The laws they ing in value at the rate of ten cents pass are mainly such as retard the per tree each year to a certain period kingdom. The Washington Post is when it is augmented in almost . ou,wailug ice suppression of geometrical proportion. Finest bus -.v w ocuu missionaries to tor- mess in the world. "Savie?" A big eign lands because it costs so much field of walnuts planted now will be v protect tnem. Why not suppress more value to your boy when you die aim comoiues because they than a big bank account North cost so much to protect ? Why not Carolina is the home of the walnut suppress the whiskey traffic because Hickory Press. it costs so much to protect? At Highest of aD m livening Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report WHERE VANDERBILT GOT . HIS IDEA. least half of the expenses of all our courts and the nation is chargeable Bible Proof Madam," Baid a tramp to a lady to whiskey. This would upset their u8e' "Wl11 you Please Sive a stronghold. Ex-Mayor Hewitt of man that is 0,1 1 of work something 'I n. A. ZJ7 7 New York, has said he would rather have one saloon behind him in pol tics than half dozen churches. Look at politics in our own county. Every man up ia a "whiskeyite." They range from a distiller down. Tell me that the politicians, are the friends of the church? The poli- , "T ouceiUU' 11 tician obiecta to th nlinfc wead by the sweat of - t G into politics, of course. He says it is oecause he loves the church. Yes, to eat?" . ,TT . "xes, sir, if you will go to the wood-pile yonder and split wood awhile." "Oh, I am so hungry!" he pleaded, eXTT i wont you give me a bite to eat first?" Wo, she said, "I have to earn mv my brow, and you can too, "Madam, I can prove by the Bible loves the church. What does he do inat " 18 wronS for me to sPlifc that for it? He loves the church when Ta llow can you do that?" he is running, and that is all. I will tell you why he objects. He knows that the principles of Christ will up root their rottenness. He knows that the standard will be elevated and the old "bums" will have to take a back seat Liet the ch urch in to poli tics. They "Will you give me my dinner if tell you?" "Maybe," "Well, didn't God make that wood and join its splinters?" 'Certainly." 'Well, the Bible says, "what God "None of your high flown explain- Send your old clothing to the HARRIS STEAM DYE WORKS, Raleigh, N. C. They guarantee to make them look new again for a little money. in preacher present said : "Young man hit sin wherever you find it" Tha is what I am trying to do. I would not give a snap for party politics, The whole thing is a sham and a raud from beginning to end. I do not believe that the man ever lived who can remain in politics and be honest. "Preach the word." What do they mean ? They say it is med dung with nothing but religion. As matter of fact, they mean med ling with everything else but re gion. Religion touches every phase of life from the cradle to the grave, and township constable to Presi dent. THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD. Christ said of the Christian, "Ye are the light of the world." A light is to show the right and the wrong way, like a guide pointing out to a stranger a path. In politics the church is not a light When did you ever hear of a platform being formed in conformity to religion ? The whiskey devil makes politics, and you know it The bums and the court house loafers make the light, and the church follows. . SA.LT OF THE EARTH. Again, Christ says, "Ye are the salt of the earth." Salt is intended to prevent decomposition. Salt is never applied after a thing is rotten. Salt must be applied, and this before a thing is. ruined. So is our reli gion. We have reversed the order. We spend our money dealing with results build colleges, orphanagi-s, 7 11.,. . . . . are citizens. They are teachers. We J0 t0&etner Iet no man put have been savin?. "Go it hovs Tt asunder-" US be like Lannea oh RaftioKon fi,J "Well, but tut icau aim sav rnunm. mpv aro Christians, and as such are responsi- P118 madam 1 nt my dinner." trie to God. No vote i ihmwJ auu ugutll away. You can t throw away a righteous act Ah, the sacredness of the ballot! Listen. God is SDeakinc Making a Lamp Noxious. Some women, through motives of economy, turn the flame in a kern- "MoSeS, I opne lanrn I nor htV, , j.. what is that in your hand?" -Only i " Z I??' III t-fTT'tlO f .-r i-1 11 : feiV.v uuuajr wmcn ueorge Vanderbiltis making "at Biltmore in North Carolina, the young mil. linn a? ro haa , . cinciuwieu a more se rious purpose than is generally known. ! A great deal has been written about The Girl at Church I S UDaTY, , w You pride yourself on your polite- CaaPel Bcores of bed-rooms, and the ness. You count yourself a man- aimJ of servants which will be re nered girl, and would be very indig- quired to keep it up, but not every nant if you were told that you were one know f.W f vt,u .. lackinginordinarypohteness. When tends to make his estate a Mecca for you are invited out you are careful all tho who are seriously interested not only to be prompt, but to be con- in the study of 8 sideration do yoii-diow God when land enough t. ... " you get to His house-? Too little of this sor, no noise and do not hesitate to turn and may be, as he can go for mil in Zir r I i ZJU " oatPthe:confines of his domain quiet and comfortable. Then you He proposes, therefore, to create a tT.h 8,gn " k ""School of his own on this picacher. He one whose sermons property, which includes, amon you do no admire, so while he is other cultivated and uncultivated trung to do his duty you coolly read tracts, one forest alone of more than your prayer-book or hymnal, or look 100,000 acres,.. He will build a 2 arouud the congregation, and catch- lage containinff hooL .tor. . mg the ee of a friend, give a shrus- nit..- : j ... .-,,, w, . w r 1UU apanment8 wnll mu0.. tue sermon is be rented to all nronerlv -jit?' give vent to a sigh of student wl n iU .l.f ii I w avail inem- cnanKtulness, aud von nevpr rpoi.i in 0i-.'.n r ..... . w.; u:, ! , , . Ul tne iauc offered there ..-.. LI ls uau oenavior on for the study of the science . ,a uu ueuav.or not oniy to are his hobbv. The farm the cleryvman. but. ikof -i ; . "J ' . ' . """" ""uu conaucteu alter the most approved When tbTrTr i, ntific fashion, and forestryfwhich W he, the collection is taken up is almost unknown ifl Amerf you look here and there and every- wi become in . few where to see who is dennsitino-o Viov . x. ... J te not. R.fnM f i.. ;v,t; r6 : r ine greatest impce to us, win you crane yourself like a bird with nrar.hWllv an "1 Aye IffJI TMIlt IJ WAS THE ONLY Sarsaparilla ADMITTED AT m Fair. GET The Best. of over which will be re the benediction is said be carried on experimentally and ourself hke a bird with nrMfaWn. , r ., . i r "-'j u caicuii ueyer ueiore tuat )UU Will Deattempted in couq ready to star out the very minute it Yanderbilt has just returned to New is ended. I do not suppose you York from Biltmore, where he had realize for a moment how dread- bn . fl il:. tt ... . . "'"S ""c summer in a ful this s How it is giving an completed wing of the great mansion, opportunity for an unbeliever to say, He expect, to have thefouse finished their CoH 7 X , . in for a Christmas bousewarm ,dW S,en?ey 80 lmpllte gsts at which will be .cnange. cbiefly rnembers Qf The editor of the Penitentiarv l8 Poe Wr0te a St0ry once about in ews sends forth this unique bit of 7, luwuie was 60 iarge philosophy: r iajiuscape . gardening was the Drink and the ean? drinks wit onl nobby that could make any se- you, swear off and you get it alone: r;ous.inroad8 on and it may be tor the barroom bum who drinks . . . gave Jvlr- Your rum. has a oneno.h7pna W0 I ma laea. Xiew York, his own. The Queen of Fashion THE FASHION PAPER OF THE DAY. Snperb, Strictly Up-To-Date Desi'gns, Illnstraticms and Fashion Notes. Reliable, Bright and Clean. A year's subscription for Only 50 Cents, inclnding. free, your choice of any one of the Cerebrated KcCall Bazar Pattens, and all patterns to subscribers Only 10 or 15 Cents. Send a a-cent stamp for a sample copy to THE Mcl'ALL COMPAXV, 46 Iiat nth St.. Aew Vori OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO o o Sun. Feast and your friends are many. ppw iim-L.- fastandthey cut you dead; they'll Th.w n n' not get mad f you treat them bad c V I 1 -xp enmeni; 1 u . , ' Station has added another division so long as their stomachs are fed. t thtt 0OT7O, , , . ulvl81on Steal if you get a million, for then wh 2 ' 1 r?JiUT bfl th6great Pivi8ion- Among the specific studies t, ,. . K aC n for this division will be first to wnne me little one goes to jail. ascer tain the1 breeds of poultry which can be recommended for different sec tions of the State, how to raise them inclnding the best a shepherd's crook, Lord. 'Only leave it burning. Vet not needed in . w - 1C is read or wnrV hv a tv,; , ij enough. Golead my people." -L0yft ; w CZT gar, what have you?" "Only an ox oil consume, W M rt! I j v M W V goad, Lord." Enough. Go use tha goad as 1 shall tell you." And this done, six hundred Philistines fell "David, what have you ? " "Only a sling." "Enough. Go kill Goliath." "Dorcas, what have you ? " "Onlv a needle." "Enough. Use it" Brother, you are standing .at the ballot What is that yon have in ytur hand!"' "Only a ballot" Enough. It is sacred. Use it to the glory of God. The man who prays "1'hy kingdom come," and votes for an old soaker, is not for Christ Biblical Recorder, the The Story of Judge 0'B. Robinson and Squeaking Shoes. A good joke is told on Judge Rob inson of what occured at Jackson court. An old gentleman, a fire eat ing Republican, dressed in his big blue jeans pants and loud squeaking brogans rode 20 miles to Webster to see what he had never seen before, a Republican judge. Arriving after court opened he entered the court room his screaking shoes making the walls echo all around. The judge suspended business and gravely watched his late supporter walk leisurely up the aisle, inside the bar, aud on to the most remote cor ner where he turned around and stopped a moment to inspect tne udge, when he was surprised to hear m very peremptory tones from his honor: bit down there! Sit down. shoes and all, and don't get u;t till court adjourns !" - j The old fellow sat still -till recess. 1 when he went out and said he'd be dad blasted if ha f vrr vorrl fnr prisons, and the like, then vote for a other Eepublican judge." Franklin party that continues to make the! Press. rroa Afft nnl- 1 1 sw uuco uut uum, anu nence is thrown off into the room, giving a horrible odor, which is not only of fensive to the smell, but poisonous to human life. The gas thus thrown off is capable of causing diphtheria and some contagious fevers. If the lamp must burn, leave it well turned up and put a big shade around it Exchange, A House Cleaning Tragedy. It is currently whispered that. Mrs. -, while cleaning house, asked her husband to nail up some ; he refused; she looked ft at him, told him his conduct was without a , and then beat him with her s- until he saw . He now lies in a ,tose state, and may soon be a fit subject for dis. A man must be an his life in that way and put a . to his ex istence. British Printer. Tne negro of this region can often throw in a word to describe situation when a scholar who is conversant with many languages would fail. The other day at a station on the Seaboard Air Line, this side of Ham let a lady approached, and being a stranger and seeing an old negro man asked : '-Uncle does the vesti bule train stop here?" "No marm," answered the old coon, "she do not tven hesitate." How a Moonshiner Flanked The Revenuere. fhe "heathen f!hinoo' i . vuiuwu AO AJUU III I m with the Tar Heel mnnnh!r economically, Baker, the man who was caught sell- treatment for diseases and insects, ing blockade liquor in a grave vard and how to DreDare and ahin tn at Henrietta, as related in our last market all poultry Drodnets. Itwih !eHiflC?n J8T Ver h.ulf- a,dozenCe- be the endeayor to foster the indus. H tbl Vh!: North Carolina so that a prof- trial and was released from jail. He ltable and financially paying busi' then had all his beard shaved off ness ma7 be inaugurated In any put on a new suit of rlnt.hea locality rvr on nv form A a knf when he appeared for trial there wa 1,-iti. -f..i ?a i i.. .. I uailHl ka 1CUUUCU. bUO ICLUrilH not a solitary witness that could u , , swear postively to his identify. The vestment should always be result was he was discharged But large Uncle Sam has his liquor. Ruther- The Station proposes to publish fordton Democrat. . . .. ... vvmuui uuucuui) mj u ring tne A New Hnlplfnr n..rk.. uwlv kuo nbbeuuuu OI me Mr. R. H. Wright has decided to Pf tate, and to extend build a nice brisk hotel, three stories 8 knowledge to all who raise high, on his lot on the corner of Cor- PopIf M would be of benefit in the coranand Peabody streets right at management, preparation and ship the Southern passenger station. He ment market, has already had the plans drawn and says that he will build it early next poultry manager in charge of spring. He does not intend to make the Poultry Division of the Experi it so handsome an affair aa th ment Station will K r v t? tt Carro ina but will have it furnished Low of the Rlvd-' p ' u ' -t,.-!' v- uuni . A-OJIUJ, XT ments for a $2 per day house He WD"n' u Ue W1" enter says he will try to find a thoroughly Pa ms wort on December 1st on competent and experienced man to tue farm of the Station adjoining the ui it. oo mac it win be iState 'air Grounds. , propeny managed, it will be a very uesiraDie aaaition to the town. Durham correspondence News " and JDseryer. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Nothing LUCK! IT. -oo- -AT- C. H. HUNTER'S STORE-- i Yett can eret what von want m Heavy'and Fancy GROCERIES, Fndts, Nuts and Confectioneries, Big Drive in Shoes at old prices, and other things too tedious to mention. PRICES GUARANTEED. I pay cash for Hides, &c Come along soon, and "Get in the Swim." Truly yours, C. H. HUNTER. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO o o o o o o o o o o o o 'i o 6 . o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o ' o o o o o o o o o o o o o o SOUTHERN .b vouieueraie veterans' reunion near Murfreesboro, Tenn-. last week. Bishop Quintard. of the Protestant episcopal Church, said in a public address : "As I stand before too tn. day, comrades, and say I believe m J voa ana tiis Son Jesus Christ, so uo x stana ana say 1 was rieht in supporting the Confederacy. It is no matter of opinion with me, and no mere thinking we were right, I know we were right, constitutionals rioht" The bishop was a Confederate sol aier. SIMMONSN Most Disagreeable. Miss Buzbuz Do you sell postage stamps? Drug Clerk Yes'm Miss Buzbuz Well, let me have five twos, please, give me nice ones, won t vou? VREGULATOR7 Are you taking Suixoira Ltvee Reg uultok, the "Kino or Lives Medi cines?" That Ia what our readers want, and nothing but that It is the same old friend to which, the old folks pinned their faith and were never din. The last ones I bought! appointed. But another good recom- all Btuck together in my pocket be fore I d been carrying them anound a week. Roxbury Gazette. mendatito for it ia, that it is betteb than Pills, never gripes, never weak ens, but works In such an easy and natural way;1 just Hto nature itseli; that relief comes uick and sore, and one Major W. A. Graham, of Lincoln, says he has a colored tenant on his piaue wno made this year with one Why is paper money more valuable1 K" fe0s- mule 9 hlp9 nf f caa ua.i.L, 3 . C J . re valUHDily'-neodfltakeaHverreinedv. - w.Wu,uw uuaueiajbiiau coinf uecause when you ;pntand everyond should iake c of corn, 3,000 bundles of fodder, jit in your pocket you-double-it and ""oniMW BegoIatoK- v.i ot: : near 75 gallons of sorghum and a lot 1 When you take it out you find it ia-' 'B-.nmWnX& Tbed Z of peas. Concord Times. Ureases. ; : .K'.-.iW.ttamiBper, J.H.Ze0in& POULTRY YARD Breeders of Thoroughbred Poultry. "None out the best," should be the aim of every one. Need we say more. No more expensive blood . ex ists than flows in the veins of our fowls. The following are our prize winner s : Light and Dark Bramahs, Buff, Par tr idge and White Cochins, R. C. B , S. C. B. and S. C. W. Leghorns, Barred and White Ply. mouth Rocks, Black Langshians, Eng lish Red Cap, S.S. Ham burg, Golden, White and Silver Wyandots, Black Minorca, Hou dans, Indian Games, Pit t- Games, Imperial Pekin Ducks, Bronze Turkeys. Too louse Geese, Belgium Hares. Fine birds for sale. Eggs in season, $2.00 a sitting of 18, except Indian Games, which are $3.00. These birds are unexcelled. Write for catalogue. W A. & MRS. ANNIE E. JONES, Prop', ROXBOKO, N. C. hOtGunJM- Revolver tmhju esw S 17 F T f?i KTS, TENTS and OJJillXliO, Kportlnir Goods. Double Ttrecch Londius' ShnL f Jena n tn iwi. Single Breech I.oit!np sshul Gaus, tt it, ii Breecb Loadtne and Kfnn&tiHv w.nM ti .. t40; Mntzie Loading Doable Soot iim, J4 to S29; Single hhot Gain, $3 54) -to $10t tuble Action self Cocben, 3 to $10. All klmta ot CartrulgeB.jShelU. t'ps, Wds, Tools, Flasks, POOCMS Mid Pitmen. hAni) fnrilliairmtAA Jofue. . Address, Utt JEA.T wee IBN G UN WO RKS, it H : ' SI 1 : j Vi i it J X J it n -1 1 i ; ; . i l.i :i X - 2 - 1 s .