eft." if II 1 1 If f I' I ll II Sit ff is a: ' I I The Courier. Entered according to Postal Regu lati-ns at the P.stofiiee, in Roxboro Is.C. as second class matter the "kilter" for this enterprise, of dreus or owners mat ";"V seeing this machine make a private special mention -particularly those 0,T,0v;m(.ny trial for the satisfaction made by of the owners, and we are clearly of struck us most forcibly. a nn;n;nr it-, in . success, that ? fJh ir rotton planters of well, everything you ever thought of ,0 v o- . ... i e 1, Jfc ic fn . i m U- tho I in tho WftV nT IHIICV U-i io iv MisaissiDDi ana xexaB, wunc A DASTARDLY DEMAGOGUE. t.h Italiins but these And the Woman's Building It does look as if there are some men in this world who, it matters not how successful they may be, and what positions they occupy, cannot rise above the lowest type of the dem agogue. Senator Butler, of this State, PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY N JELL 3ROS., Prop's. cotton fields are large and the laud be seen in this building or the annex fecfc' example of this elass. Pocket handkerchiefs valued at SoDU SHIOULU ituu j-v w o held at $750 I'lu- aiitors ar- in ao wise responsible lor views expre&sed bv correspondents. SUBSCKITTIOE ,-,ipv one year. 1 copr- six month a. - !. onnl: of the cotton, ana wranwrpan 1 ... .. I i j;a aawr i-nn un n ten r - -. i . . k n irraan I nnw itih.ii v uiu vuu oy ....... - d does not liiienerc wini vuc j - , I . 3 A Ki vufihaB unn,m;nBf.nton. In its worm are noi coiwmuieu w ... j a tnn,k off the leaves while you will find numbers of hall terms: - " , . , - 0 . . O.lo nf n1 i nn ti,o BtnV H. is a wondertui screens, o uaucio, j . I I A. m s 117- a svithmi r no t 50 piece of machinery. " e "A JT. Passin? on we come to tne ouin- uie rwm nnoi.gw ADVERTISING RATAb j? R. Building, which was de- the city of Macon, ua., was me umn lvear ou.w, wu-ua.. : . - UIUD1 year $40.00; Uneuarter . the rinia's room waa full, eqaal, if not umn lyear jsso.uu. - " . n.rir. to Macon's, litre we ipent Ttjavsievt ADVTiRTisEacENTs: ualirorma iJuitaing. iueiuuiuv -r . one inch 1 week ?l; weess i.u, ble arrangement here is a ia-gewwer 1 month $2. Two inches iwfeeKi.Jv, centre q the buiiding, of we were bo mucn interebu u, UUi f'tYSS Moorish style, made of orange.. She well, we saw all we cared to l thU 1 week $2; 2 wee.s -.o0, alort PYhihi a 300 nound squash and building. But seriously, to thos, J(J i . y .Til J rPLAMA a on .3 i: f ,-T,oortprt on LOCS a17S IWnnQ POUrU. lUtic to Ale'.liscuJlJL3 r . i . , . i i i i Vimc a reading items, 5. cents per emade of raisins and various work, and every Jauy onoiuu oe ioi line ur tacn uiwiu- other mctures made or mnereui, coi- uuuui P,.f , . . . . . . . PV(,PWuni v j;- .. . I. .. ... 1 l .1 ! 1 1.1 I"'- ....-i, v...,U, AU aioue wouiu .. - .,, r ... . TT - His whole song for the past two years has been sympathy for the farmers, and a pretended desire that agricul tural products should advance in price, and yet when this is being realiued, he comes out in the Cauca- dian in a column editorial seemingly bewailing the fact that it is so, and saving tnat it is only uone o kuj out the sentimtiit iu reference to the free and unlimited coinage of silver, and id only a political trick designed for tills purpose. Instead of rejoicing .1 f 111 1.4 If i :it i lie rue! lUiti uie ruimt-M are get ting nearly us nir.ch again fnr their cotton as thy did last year, way down in his heart he is sorry thut it is ti ue because it may operate against Every mother should 1-now th-u croup can he prevc?itod. The hoarse ness. Thi3 is followed by a peculiar rough cough. It Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is given freely as 6oon as the child becomes hoarse or even after the cough has developed it will prevent tho attact, 25 and- 50 cent bottles for. sale by W. R. Uanr brick & Co.; Druggist?. ROXBORO. N. C, Oct. 30, .... .1.. i it:, i iu: ored fruits. In addition to tms sne it ougnt, tnis uuuumg has an exh bit the prettiest oi au, repay ior a my ro think in the Manufactures and Great interest is displayed in the Liberal Arts Building that would fill Educational feature pf the Exposi- u., RrPa! cotton States and interna- von w;th delight. Among other tiou. in a Duiiaing ror ims special . J- ... T. . ..1 I i Ll tiona! Exposition. rhinrs is disolaved here a rerris purpose a scnooi is uiugut vwry ... . . i ... - i . A lO .'ill- in ATLANTA c;fmn h. Ar.lanta. which we have all read and heard so much about re cently. Leaving Durham at 3:30 A. ll., we arrived in Atlanta at 9:30 p. M., Atlanta time, it being 10:30 by the time we use. We went by Greensboro over the Southern, and consideriirg-the train we were on was possible for a city the size of Atlanta. We doubt if any city of 110,000, save Atlanta, would have had the nerve and enterprise to attempt it. Just what amount has been expended satisfied with what it is. He tells the farmers that if he could he would persuade them to make lots pf cotton next year. "Make 13 or 15 million bales if you want to. It will not go down, no matter how much you make." The reason given by this solon is "next year is election year." He aflds remember one thing you market and sold before election." The fact of the business is that the only 'thing in his mind is elections, and if it were pot for these he would care no more about the "beloved farmers" than he pretends to care for the gold bug. We submit that the reasons as signed by him for the advance in the price of cotton, and the advice given the farmet; for next year, could only have originated in a mind that has been utterly debased by pursuing a course that has had nothing in it but self, and which sees no advantage to anybody, and desires none that does not help self. It is a positive calam ity that we must be represented in the United States Senate by such a had been cou'ieniPD'e demagogue. Green- vine rtenector. On Tuesday evening, Oct. 8th, ac- w, , 0 feet jjio.a jtij every car morning from 9 to 12 o'clock, in companied by Mrs. J. W. Noell, we ... , different kjnd of fruit, addition to the kindergarten which boarded the train for the great Jixpo- , . . j arrangement. is conducted, iu tfte basenient of the . w I xneiieAt p.aoe . want to tret vour cotton in fv,ir,u,.tr Wall Th a is a very The JNegro Building, in wnicn , . large building Mrs. Noell advises every display in it is composed ot the ladies to see to it that they do work done by tms race, is a reveia- not visit this department with a gen- tioa as. to the advancement made by tleman early in the morning or they the negro. will not see very much in the Wo- Saturday night we remained on man's Buildiner that day and any the grounds to see the illuminations. a local, made ;gool time and was one at an interested in machinery, and thereby witnessed a fairyland very enjoyable to those who enjoy &nd al, Qg wspaper men are interested eoeue, the like of which we had in fast Dresses, could easily 6pend a never seen before. The artistic ar especially noticeable on this train, h l dav here You will find ma- ranirements of colored lights and . ,, i - ii j i " r and that was tne Kinaiy manner auu , . . - d all at work Jananese lanterns all over the grand r n l ir I. I J I -pleasant smile or vapt. jviooney, wuo kin variou8 things, from ping up, nlaza produced a most dazzling ef was in charge ot tms train. ie naa but tfae mogt interegting thing to us feet. Some little idea as to the mag- a pleasant answer tor all questions were the t ynesetti ng machines. Only Litude of this wonderful fire display -i .i i i i " i " - l - and seemed to tase a aeugnt i tw0 of these, the Thorne and Mer- can be had when we tell you that 20 making every one enjoy tne trip. 2anthaler. were on exhibition. Of tons of chemicals are burned up in ue candidly aamit mat it is a gi eat . pse we lik e the latter best and making it. This to be aDDreciated deal bigger show than we had thought , . . connt win fllow it mnet (Vrtainlv we would we will invest. not have felt that we After spending several hours here cheated had we seen nothing else on we passed out and found ourselves 0ur trip, on the Midway. It embraces pretty There are scores and scores of much evervthinsr seen at the World's Afchr fchinca that should receive men 11 J. I ' O- weareunaoie to say, out ceruuu.y Fair Here you will find representa- tion, including other buildings, but hundreds of thousands and very tiveg of near all QatioQ and fake . f . T 1 1 . 'll- I I iih.eiy minionfa. amusements of everv descriDtion. We nnnHv pan onlv civp a mnrpr ac. uiic ll i ouumciii pS,UUn, , . fo-eifirn . , ry fc . . yet there are exhibits ot many tnings vilaffes and other Diea8nres to be La AA nnr W, fhp nnmW of hnilrl and many xoreign nations. It grates h g v&n which is on the s. . fl . Rf. on tne nerves to see now Jittie tne uest i ,:v,u. u 1 . , . - i uiuci ui iuc owiluuuuuh, wucu jvu ami otner uuiiaings, twelve principal enter tbe tunnel tlie scenery present- structures, as follows: Manufactures ed is indeed enchanting. Alsd a ride UnQ Liberal Arts, Fine Arts, Agri- on the fhoenix Wheel, which is 130 culture. Auditorium, Administra feet high, is very enjoyable and af- tion, Fire, Machinery, Mineral and toras you tne best view of Piedmont Forestry, Negro, Transportation, rarK, as tbe Exposition grounds are Electricity, and Woman's. The called, that you can get from any buddings, unlike those at Chicago, point. Uetore leaving Midway take are Gf different colors, which adds to . ' the advice of the many signs you their general attractiveness. see and "bnoot the Shoot." This tk. ,v.: io nn amo.11 fsi. amusement is a boat seating eight or tare, is furnished by Gilmore's fa- ten persons, which shoots down an mona band, the Mexican Orchestra, incline plane and out on a lake, and the Chimes in the Tower on Art When it first strikes the water it Pol wni The mnaiV hv rl, gives a considerable lunge and unless Chimes is very sweet These Chimes you hold tight you will find yourself are to be the largest in the taking an unexpected bath. world mu - i. 1 ur ,i -r , 1 j-uc ut ounuing is lLe forestry. The Columbian Liberty Bell, xne arcmtec.ure, as wen as tne ma- which is on its way around the world, oeriai, iena to maxe tms one o the ;, 011 exhibition and will prettiest of the main buildings. Here probably until the Fair closes, when we am not spena a great deal of it wm proceed on its way ume, utcaure wooo.8, stones ana mm- The visitor to the Exnosition Rhonln Crai8 were not very interesting to us, nofc g0 with the idea of se ing an ex Uuuku tucic arc Buuie omer exmoits hibition equal in size to the World's to be seen here. h,;.. rt- ; i j . I vail. 11 IO 11UU JUOI IAJ UU BO. .a. Having previously spent several trin f, thp , RTtin9;finn ttnf1 Atinf..io hours in the Art Building we pass not merely a trip of pleasure but it the various State buildings which what a WOnderful country is the r. ." Southland of ours and fills us with favor of a continuation of the fusion pride and patriotism. We say un- of the Republicans and Populists, hesitatingly "go and see it" The and says that it "firmly believes tha chargss in Atlanta you will find very the people will continue to combine National Republican Commiliee. New York, Oct. 23- Hon. Thos. H Carter, Chairman of the Republi can National Committee, issued the following: The Republican Na tional Committee is hereby called to meet at the Arlington Hotel, Wash ington, at 2 o'clock p. m., December 10, 1895, to designate a time aud place for ibe meeting of the national conversion in 1896. and to transact such oiiur business as may be neceS' ssry. A Silver Monomaniac, They say a fellow in Henry county, Mo., is ao cranky on the silver quea tion, that he digs up all the golden- rods and marigolds, raises white corn and won't speak to his wife because ehe has golden hair, is for ever denouncing the gold cure, won't keeD the srolden rule and doesn't want to enter the golden gates. Evanston News Register, I the Breast Mr. A. H. Crausby is one of the best known iuid most hig-hly respected citi zcus of Memphis, and resides at 153 Kerr street in that city, Some years ayo his wife noticed a small 1 itrap in her breast. She thought iothiin-of it. but it increased m sib aniciiv, and soon broke through tl . . . . . .1 , - skin ani' ccmui'-iiccu to uicniiiyc ihc wai at once put under treatment the best physicians, but the rery scon luuncl V.t liiey co-.ua uo ner r ocxi, aT.ct j t::ply prescribed antiseptics tc keer- the plac-e clean. Both grs.zxC.th-r ihcr at:4 sunt, by the wu hn'.l f': ! with enncer, mu vhen u prised of this fact ihc doctors said th;- iitate iu the Uuion Xorth Carolina has here. If the Pop. Legislature had done nothing else, this act alone refusing to make an appropriation for this purpose was enough to call down tiie whole State. In some places, but very much scattered, save her exhibit in the Forestry Building, oa will find exhibits from this bfcate, while other States, nothing like so rich in natural advantages, have State buildings. The visitor to the Exposition, especially those who visited the Vorld's Fair, may feel just a little reappointed on the first day that the grounds are not larger and that there are not more buildings. This fueling, hDwever, will disippear after he has spent a few days and finds every day that there is something ucw for him to see. The design and arrangement of the Exposition is good. The grounds cover about 200 acres, and while naturally very beautiful, have been niuch improved and beautified by a lavish expenditure of money. . The grounds are like a basin and from almost any position the various build ings can be seen, thus making the distance very .deceptive and very much enhancing the beauty of the "whole. The buildings are largely grouped about the lake, Clara Meer, Which is a beautiful sheet of water covering about 30 acres. Across this there are two bridges' and Streams of people are continually passing to and fro. The park is Ijautifully laid off, the grass and ( fergreen shrubs being very pleasing t the eye. The slopes and terraces are grassed and are reached by steps inclined walks of macadam. There are twelve main buildings, "3 chides scores of lesser ones, all of hich are filled with exhibits that a. re worth seeing. As to which is the anost interesting, that will depend t niirely upon the taste. Right here jt us say, if you have your wife with I on don't visit the Woman's Build- i ig until after you have seen all you vaut to see of the Exposition. Had f ome kind friend given us this little t p we might have told you more a')Out this great show. See. To the lover of Art this Building ould certainly require considerable ti aae to go through with anything JiKe justice to it. The Transportation and Electric Building each will interest all who are interested in these lines, and the Electric display in this building is dazzling and beautiful at night and "Will be enjoyed by all. The most interesting thing to us in the Trans portation Building was the American Cotton Picker. We had the pleasure, through the courtesy of Mr. William T. James, the man who is furnishing how is ir NOW? One year ago there was much dis satisfaction amongst all classes of people at the price of cotton. Farmers said constantly that they could not do thus and so with "4 cent cotton." And truly they could not do much. But many, strangely enough charged the low price of cotton against the government Jfnu the financial condition of the country; and Populists all the time stuck to it that supply and demand had noth ing to do with it Now that the price of cotton is twice what it was a year ago, do these same persons who blamed the government and the Democratic ad ministration for low price?, applaud the same government and the same administration for the good prices of cotton ? We nave tne same financial sys tem and the same environments, so far as the government is concerned, but the entire cotton crop of the country is quite short. Does it not now look like supply and demand regulate prices sowewhat ? No one can be more delighted at the improved cotton market than we; and we mention this matter only to point our grumbling friends to the fact that it never pays to grumble, and especially so when we locate the cause of our disadvantages or misfortunes in the wrong place. Scotland Neck Democrat. The Caucasian declares itself in hcv w hat she aricr !ia: ti." ':;ic he a . j . - i i. - . , .... 1 '-rf the most noted specialists of New York hen treated her. After treating her awhile, this doctor admitted that the creditable to the State's represented Florida's display is little, if any, less interesting tlian California's. Ala bama has an immense display of her minerals, and just' outside of her building is a coal mine in operation with tunnel and all complete. By some, Arkansas's agricultural exhibit was thought to be the best, certainly it was good and second to very few. They have a handsome display of pictures of cattle and poultry made from shucks and different colored grains of corn, which a Bhort dis tance away appear to be paintines. The most , interesting thing about Pennsylvania Building is the old Liberty Bell, which stands on tha portico. The Administration Building, Congress having" made an appropria tion of $200,000 for the building and exhibit, is also a most interesting place where you can spend hours without tiring. Next to the Midway we would say that the live fish dis play here attracted more attention f rinn rt h ni-U!. .1 FT! I uau aMjrmiijg ease, xnere are so many things of interest here that it would be foolish to try to enumerate them. The Manufactures and Liberal Arts Building is a most interesting place. especially if you have plenty of mon ey, for here nearly everything is for sale. The exhibits are varied, em bracing everything from the small souvenir up to the articles of fabn lous price. Two of the prettiest displays here are made by Mellins Food and the Singer Sewing" Ma- chiae Co. Of course there are hnn reasonable, no more than it would to keep that organization (the Dem cost you in auy other city at any ocratic party) under the band of ordinary time. J. W. N. publie condemnation as long as such combination mav bfl npp.pss.nrv Tl,n to . 3 : -: .. I J J mCUluuB bu oitcu Necessarv? Nenessarv fnv what? To needed in every home and so admir. kp,n nntur an,i pr;tw,q i amy auaptea to tne purposes tor 1c. f - aW 0 -ni t lature to pass assignment laws and which it is intended, as Chamberlain's Pain Balm. Hardly a week passes but some member of the family has need or it. A toothache or headache may be cared by it. A touch of rheu matism or nenralgia quieted. The HP VPfP nain nfhnrn rr ana lrl nrnmrtt.lv relieved and the sore healed in much Aingtou Investigation committee appoint negro magistrates? Necess ary to double appropriations and in crease the burden of taxation? Or, perhaps, it is to elect another uon partisan judiciary, orappoint another less time than when medicine has to be sent for. A sprain may be prompt ly treated before inflammation sets in, which insures a cure in about one- third of the time otherwise required At any rate, such "reforms as these are the result of fusion as already tried in the State, and we do not believe the honest, hard-working, tax-paying farmers of the State can Cuts and bruises should receive im- be ag1" similarly fooled; To them mediate treatment before the parts principle, even though sneered at by become swolen, which can only be the Caucasian, is dearer than keeping done when Pain Balm is kept at in power such petty partisans as were i - hand. A sore tbroat may be cured brought to the front at the last elec before it becomes serious. A trou- tion. News and Observer. blesome corn may be- remoyed by You Can Believe applying it twice a day for a week The testimonials published in be or iwo. a lame Dactt may De eurea half or Hood's Sarsaparilla. Tbev J 1 J m 1 1 a. I . . . " anu several aays oi vaiaaoie lima are written by honest people, who saved or a pain in the side or chest, have actually found in their own ex relieved withont paying a doctor bill. J perience that Hood's Sarsaparill Procure a 50 cent bottle at once and purifies the blood, creates an appetite . ! 1 . Sm. 1 I . juu wm nefer regrei h. ror saie uy strengthens tne system and abso W. R. Hambrick & Co., Druggists. ojriadd pooS (oi 'xsak tool eitraap DoiemOinJt n . , f aarxjerff most ejtMonu .:ld not aitc::ipt to sav ir.t::--::b!o. Althou; A Change. -ooo- We are now in our.new quarters and with more room and a larger and more complete stock you will find us ready to supply your wants in Hardware, Stoves, Tinware, Crockery and Building Ma terial. Tin Roofing and Guttering done promptly and at lowest figures. Call and look over our stock LUKIN & LONG. The HARDWARE Eflen. Philip rlo ward & Co. Have moved into the store formerly occupied by Lukin & Long as a Hardware store, and are display ing a full line of eneral Merchandise. "We have remodeled, painted and cleaned up gen erally, and are showing the Lowest Prieed New! New! New! Tust arrived : The latest anc newest in General Merchandise ;;t C.T.WILLSON&CO'S We bought !arre!v nnd bought early, and fVei sure tha:, our line of Dry Goods, Notiors, Shoes, Hats. &c, cannot he downed in either price or quality. Special attention is Stock that can be found. We SAVERS and you will be very light if you do not see or goods before parting with vour hard earned have some MONEY much in your own )f(id to SHOBS. i.-,. i: .7 in Hint wit n f Don't put off bnyhig them, for when our orders will h?ve to he dnulicsted thv will surelr coue higher. Handsomer and better Shoes than ours you will not see at any price. The bet selected line of FURMT U 11 E shown in these parts. Full stocit almost anything yon want in suites, hedstea'iX tobies, chairs, &c. The prices :ire the lowest nt which goo i goods can be sold. We are under price on these things. Come to us, we will help you save them if you buy Dry-Goods, Notions, Hats, Clothing, Shoes, Groceries &c, from the BARGAIN STORE. PHILIP HOWARD & CO. Remember the place, Hardware store just above Hambrick's Drug store. NORTH CAROLINA, Person County. NOTIOE. IN SUPERIOR 0O.-JR.T, Nov. term, '95 Harriet Snipes, ) Sara Soipes. ) The defendaut above named will take notice that an action entitled as above lias been commen in the Superior Court of Person county to obtain a judgment for divorce A viscula against him and in favor of the said Harriet Snipes. And the said defendant will further take no tice that he is required to appear at the next term of the Superior Court of said county, to be held on the third Monday in November, 1895, at the Court House of said county, ia Rox boro, N. V., and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the ntaintiff will aoDlv to the Court for CARPETS! CARPETS! i t!)e relief demanded in said complaint. agents hr a :ur--e 2ew, D. VV. PRADSHER. We are mmmm 11 - lhiT;ii York C "arpet I'dftory and hav- a full line ot samples to se.iecl Iron; at New York prices. Freight added. l!nn't f.ret t!-.s We especially ask you to remember that our line of Groceries Clerk of the Superior Court. Winstead & Brooks, Atty's. THE Columbian University, WASHINGTON, D. C. Rev. B. L. Whitman, D. D., Prea. is second to none. A complete as sortment at astonishinsiv low onees. ir. fo nr!,.no.r.r.!l!!l C.. cnr. !THE PREPARATORY SCHOOL. Ill I't I . V. O V. U - C I I 1 II 111 V O VI I I - prise you that you will conciuue it is a "surprise store." All kinds of harter bought and sold at the MRS. A. H. CRAUSBY. case was hopeless and further treat ment useless. "It is difficult to im agine how despondent we all became," saici Mr. Crausby, "knowing- that she must die and unable to give her any relief. I had spent over five hundred dollars with the best medical skill to be had, and felt that there was no further hope . "One day 1 happened to read an ad vertisement of S. S. S., recommending that remedy for cancer, and in view of the failure of the most eminent physi cians in the country, I confess I had little faith left in any human agency. However, I purchased a bottle of S. S. S. , and to my delig-ht it seemed to benefit her. After she had taken a couple of bottles the cancer beg-an to heal, and astonishing- as it may seem, a few bot tles more cured her entirely. You can probably better understand how re markable this cure was when I explain that the cancer had eaten two holes in the breast two inches deep. These healed up entirely, and although ten years have elapsed, not a sig-n of the disease has ever returned, and we are assured of the permanence of the cure, which we at first doubted. "As my wife inherited the cancer, I certainly regard S. S. S. as the most wonderful remedy m the world, and it is trul3' a Godsend to those afflicted with this terrible disease. You may be sure that I shall always be grateful to that remedy, for without it my home would now be desolate and my chil dren motherless." The above is but one of many re markable cures being- daily made by S. S. S. Cancer is becoming- alarm ingly prevalent, and manifests itself in such a variety of forms, that any lump, sore or scab, it matters not how small, which does not readily heal up and dis appear may well be reg-arded with suspicion. We will gladly send to any address, full accounts of several other cures fully as remarkable as this one. For real blood troubles, fc. . fe. nas no equal. It wipes out completely the most obstinate cases of blood diseases, which other remedies do not seem to touch. S. S. S. gets at the root of the disease, and forces it out permanently. S. S. S. is g-uaranteed purely vegeta ble, and is a positive and permanent cure for Scrofula, Eczema, Cancer, Rheumatism and all traces of .bad blood. Our valuable books will be mailed free to any address. Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga. Exchange Store, C. T. WILLSON & CO , Prop's. -EXTRACT- IVIalf and Thorough preparation for the College, for the Scientific School, for the Naval and Mil itary Academies, and for business. "Best Hops OHiCi lately ana perraenently cures all diseases caused by impure or defi cient blood.. Hood's Piio.8 for the liver and bowels, act promptly, easily and ef. fectiveiy,. " Valuable Lands for Sale in Bushy Fork Town ship, on the First Monday in Dec. By virtue of a judgment rendered in the Superior Court for Person county, N. C, I will, on above date Fell at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, in front of the Court House door in Roxboro, N. C, two tracts or parcels of land. One Jot, said lands, in said State and county, Bushy Fork township, bounded on the north and west by J." A. -Long; south and east by Wm. McCplough, containing 11 acres more or less, known as the "Jas. Bradsher Place." The other lot, bounded on the north and west by Dr. R. S. Baynes, south and east by E. S. Malone, known as the Malone land, containing 42 acres more or less. J. S. MERRITT, . Special OomrAiBsioner. k. FOOD. FOE Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Nursing Mothers, Strengthener, Nervousness, Apetizer, General Debility. 25c. LARGE BOTTLE. MORRIS' DRUG STORE. CHE COLLEGE. Full Classical and - Scien tific Courses. Open to stu dents of holh sexes. THE C0RC0RAKCE!?jTIFie SCHOOL. Forty-seven professors and instructors; twenty three full departments; twelve full courses of study. Special students admitted. TAc LAiV SCliCCL. Twelve professors, includ ing two Associate Justices of the United States Supreme Court. THE MEDICAL SCHOOL. Thirty professors &nd as sistants. The course is four vears. THE DENTAL SCHOOL. Seventeen professors; un usual facility. The course is four years. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY doesn't always mean a chance to get. work. It's a business opportunity to have a chance to save money on the necessi ties oflife. You can find a chance like that at the Cah Grocer- Store of W-. J. JOHNSON & CO. where is always found the freshest and best of all seasi nable goods for the inner man. P!ain and Fancy Gro ceries, Conf ctioutnes. Foreign and Domestic Fruits, Cigars. Tobacco Snuff. Our line of Heavy Groceries,sach as Meat, Meal, Flour, Lard, Mo lasses, Sugar Coffee, &c, is all right, and our prices are the lowest. MANY A DINNER TABLE has been made or marred bv the table appointments in china or other less cost ly ware. The fastidious housekeeper will devote . almost more attention to these equipments than to the food itself. And, nowadays artistic designs may be had at so low a price as to make it inexcusable to forego them. We have a fine lineof Chinaand Crock ery Ware, and the priee is very low. When you want the best; that can be found to go n your table don't forget Your friends, W.J.JOHNSON & CO. THE GRADUTE SCHOOL. Courses of advanced instruc tion, leading to M. A., M. S., C. E . E. E. and Ph. D. Notice of Salefor Taxes. At the Court House door in Rox boro, on the 25th day of November, 1895, 1 shall sell the following prop erty, duly levied on by virtue of the Tax Books for the year 1894, to-wit : A store house lot, containing 2 acres, in Allensvijle township, known as the Centre Grove lot, adjoining the lands of W. L. Thomas, T-. W. Wright and R. A. Stanford. Sale is to satisfy the taxes of the heirs of G. W. Yaneey for 1894. Terms cash. Sale at 12 o'clock, m. This 21st day of October, 1895t . J. A. CARVER, Sheriff. For Rent. I hay a good store for rent at Gordonton. ' Ii is iu a thriviujr com munity, and a good stand fur c ueral merchandise. Address LUi. It. S. Baynes ?24w. Gordonton, N. C. ' For catalogue descriptive of the several schools, address Robt. H. Martin, Sec'y. Roxboro Tobacco Market. Corrected weekly by A. S. de Vlainlng, President Tohaeco Board of Trade. October 30, 1895. FILLERS. $2 00 to $ 3 50 3 50 to 6 00 Common, Medium, Good, Fine, 6 00 to 8 00 8 00 to 11 00 SMOKERS. Common, Medium, Good, Fine, Common, Medium, Good, Fine, Fancy, Common, Medium, Good, Fine, Fancy, 4 00 to 5 00 5 00 to 7 00 7 00 to 10 00 10 00 to 12 00 UUTTEK6. 11 00 to 13 00 13 TJ0 to 15 00 15 00 to 18 00 18 00 to 20 00 20v00 to SO 00 WRAPPERS - 10 00 to 15 00 15 00 to 20 00 20 00 to 30 OU 80 00 to 50 00 50 00 to 65 00 Notices. The letting for Superintendent of Poor will be had on first Monday in November. Bids will be received until that day seal and deposit with Register of Deeds. This Oct. 7th 1895. , W. Noell, Sale of Valuable Prop erty in the Town of Roxboro. NORTH CAROLINA, ) Person County. S By virtue of a mortgage deed duly executed by A. P. Long and wife, on the 10th day of April, 1894, we will, on the 4th day of November, 1895, sell to the highest bidder, for cash, at the Court House door in Roxboro, one parcel of land and the improve ments thereon, situated in the town of Roxboro, Nortn Carolina, adjoin ing the lands of J. A. Long, Mrs. Hannah S. Cntcher, and Reams Ave nue, being that lot upon which is located the bar room occupied by Frank Day and J. GK Andrews, in 1894,. (and now occupied by John Luneford.) This lot begins at a rock corner on Reams Avenue (J. A. Long's cor ner) and running with said Avenue 25 feet, to J. A. Long's corner again; thence in a south-westerly direction to an unopened alley in the rear of the Critcher building; thence with said alley 25 feet to a stone in J. A. Long's line; thence to the beginning. This property has bar-room, ten pin alley andrestanrant upon it, and the buildings well improved. Sale at 12 o'clock, noon. E. M. WALKER, Mortgagee. PEOPLE'S BANK, Assignee of E. M; Walker. Notice. The undersigned, having qualified as Administrator of the late James Ashley, hereby gives notice to all persons owing said estate to coine forward and make immediate pay ment ; and to all those holding claini against said estate to present them to the nndersigned on or before the 14tn day of October,"1 1890, otherwise this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. This 14th of October, 1895. JAS. T. CATES, Adm'r, ' Come Testa mento Annexe NT. Luksford, Attorney. Ripans Tabules prolong life. . Ripans Tabujes cure nausea.