Courier 0:10 ..; iisi:cd in 'the center of a fine . .. .. rowing section, " making it of the best advertising mediums units and warehousemen in r counties. circulates 'tion, Granville, Dur- swlII counties, m IsortU i.'.l! in : v. us . - -- . - - - . , ; ,. v-r-..-. NOELL BROS, Proprietors. HOME FIRST: ABROAD NEXT, SI.00 Per arirVAdvance in :. ,i!iu ILilifa.v county, Vir- :;dn2 rates reasonable; terms ,;.'vn on application. Vol; xii. '7:Rpxboro,..'Nor Person County Courier iblished every Wednesday by nroEiiii beos iPublis: .---...-i77. . 3.. v. When his love affair was frowned 1 1 i? j.1 x 1 ,T,OCTr.1,T y nA-DpvQ pn dj ms lamer, me inuuouaire uar i RU: t.oblUiNAL LArvUO. vester manufacturer, C. W. Deeriag, z-zszs.-s!? jr., enlisted in the army and is now a private atrort Sheridan, HI. Chief Justiee Fujler absolutely denies that he is to, resign and be come general counsel for the big New York Chicago St. ' Louis, railroad combine at $50,000 annual salary. 1 I":'-t.i! M ;;, tllTT. Attorney at Law Roxboro, N. C. .os n the several couts of Uie State, 'on lion givn to all business intrusted OMicc in Court House. lc.3 LUNSFORD, Attorney at Law, Koxboro, N. C. era! Al r JfO .,TiTTmm o HT1V A TT jOwNE, I.lkiUili-A oc ijix x .xx x , 5 Attorneys at Law, ... .! i'i Uie several Courts of the State. -. " :";.(' :or. tion jrlven to case in Person, .uul Caswell counues, jiuu iu me i w u Business entrusted to our care will vrumut attention. 0::u e? in Roxboro and Durham, W 5.1TCUIN, Attorney at Law, Roxboko, N. C. es w. t rover his services arc required. )-lico rarniers' Bank Biiiiding. c :. U I SSI K AD A. L. BROOKS Y. "INSTEAD & BROOKS, Attorneys at Law, Roxboro, N. C. S Hvial attention given to Federal pnuTU'e, both in the State and at vahi;iton. Attend regularly the Courts of Person and Caswell. All business intrusted to our care will receive prompt attention. Twenty Years Proof. Tutt's Liver Pills keep the bow els in natural motion and cleanse the system of all impurities An absolute cure for sick headache, dyspepsia, sour stomach, con stipation and kindred diseases. "Can't do without them" R. P. Smith, Chilesburg, Va. writes I don't know how I could do without them. I have had Liver disease for over twenty years. Am now entirely cured. Tutt's Liver GOD KN0WETH BEST. MELANGE OF. DOTS. Dr. E. J. Tuckek, SURGEON DENTIST. n-.-E up stairs in i-j-.v building, W. J. Johnson & EOXBORO. N. C. I) A. hiOil'i'ON, Practicing Physician, Roxboro, N. C. i. "or- his professional services to the people nf 'xuoi'o ami surrour.ilincr country. Practice B!l tu linmcUes of medicine. 1--4-1T JAS E RANDON, Barber Slxo-p, ROXBORO, N. C. Yhen you come to Roxboro, don't forsc t me I am always willing and readv to accommodate my custom ers, and always keep up with tlie MANY A latest styles. A BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY doesn't always mean a chance to get work. It's a business opportunity to have a chance to save money on the necessi ties of life. You can find a chance like that at the Caoh Grocery Store of W J. JOHNSON & CO. where is always found the freshest and best of all seasonable goods for the inner man. Plain and Fancy Gro ceries, Confectioneries, Foreign and Domestic Fruits, Cigars. Tobacco Snuff. Our line of Heavy Groceries.such as Meat, Meal, Flour, Lard, Mo lasses, Sugar, Coffee, &c, is allright, and our prices are the lowest. W. H, B, NEWELL, Watchmaker and Jeweler, j "Story of the Confederate States." WRITTEN BY JOSEPH T. DERRY, of Georgia. This is a true story of late war, by a Southern man, and endorsed by the Generals. Joan S. Coleman, of Moriah, N. C. is General Agent for this county Droo him a card and have him call on you. Prices from $2.50 to $3.50. Sold only by by subscription.. Sub scribe now. J. S. COLEMAN, "Gen. AgeDt for Person Co. Salesmen Wanted! Good wages to sell our Nursery Stock. Apply for terras. We will have for Spring and Fall, 1895, an immense stock of Apple. Pear, Peach, Plum, Apricot, Cherry, Grape, etc. and DINNER TABLE has been made or marred by the table appointments ia china or other less cost ly ware. The fastidious housekeeper will devote almost more attention to - these equipments than to the food itself. And, nowadays, artistic designs may be had at so low a price as to make it inexoosable to forego them. We have a fine lineof China and Crock ery Ware, and the price is very low. When yon want the best that can be found to go i -n your table don't forget Your friends, SOnifctime. when all life's loMonR . have been learned, Andsuoand stars forevermore have set, ' "' The things which our weak judg- uients here have spurned The things o'er which ve grieved with lashes wet- Will flash before us out of life's dark night, As stars shine most 'in deeper tints of blue; 4 v . And we shall see how all God's plans were rignt, . ' And now what seemed reproof was love most true. And we shall see how, while we frown and sigh, God's plans go on as "best for you and me; - How, when we called, He heeded hoi our cry, Because His wisdom to the end could see, And even as prudent parents disal low, Too much of sweet to craving baby hood, So God, perhaps, is keeping from us now Life's sweetest things, because it seemeth good. And if sometimes, commingled with life's wine. We find the wormwood, and rebel and shrink, Be sure a wiser hand than yours or mine Pours out this portion for our lips to drink. And if some friend we love is 'lying ! low. Where human kisses cannot reach his face, O, do not blame the loving Father so, Bat wear your sorrow with obe dient grace! And you shall shortly kuow that lengthened breath, Is not the sweetest gift God sends His friend; And that sometimes the sable pall of death, Conceals the fairest boon Hi3 love can send. If we could push ajar the gates of life, And stand within, and all God's workings see, We could interpret all this doubt and strife, And for each mystery could find a key. But not to-day. Then be content poor heart! God's plans, like lilies, pure and white unfold; We must not tear the close-shut leaves apart Time will reveal the calyxes of gold And if through patient toil we reach the land, Where tired feet with sandals loose may rest, When we shall clearly know and un derstand I think that we will say: "God knew the best. Selected form SALT OF THE EARTH. W.J.JOHNSON & CO New! A poor brick mason, W. F. Finger during the financial panic was thrown out of employment, yet was unwil ing to be idle, so he proposed to his Methodist brethren that we build nice brick church here at Asbury church, near his home in Lincol county instead of our old, ugly and dilapidated house. They pleaded "hard times and no money." But un -jt- dismayed by his unpropitious en K3 Y vironments and his poverty, he went to work alone, made' the brick and put them in the walls, until rtr nice stylish brick church worth $1,500 Tust arrived: The latest and now stanas as a monument oi ms rawest in General Merchandise at labor and generosity. His neighbors admiring his pluck under difficulties, C T WILLSON & CO'S came to his aid and wbiIe he did the DriCK. wont, nicy uauicu iuuiuci auu We bought largely and bought assisted him, in his imposed labor of He alone did $1,000 worth of 1 . A 11 1 1 1 I 1 1 .1 l. t l l a specialty ol wtioi3anng to large -pv PnOflq Notions i0eS worK' ana inemoers planters direct. We will sell to re- J v bore about one-third of the cost, say New! , Highest of all in Leavenhig Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report It it said that it is easier to a habit than to reform it. It is said that you should be great in act as you haye -teen in thought. It is said that truth U the proper ty of no Individ ual, but is the treas - ure of all men.- It is said that no man can be prov ident of his time who; is not prudent in hia choice of company. It is said that there is nothing so sweet as daty, and all the best pleas ures of life come in the wake of du ties done. - It is said' that good manners are made" up of petty sacrifices. Tem perance, courage, love, are made np of the same jewels. It ia said that a noble life crowned with heroic death, rises above and outlives the pride and pomp and glory of the mightiest empir of the earth. It is said that habits, soft and pliaut at first, are like some coral stones which are epsily cut when first quarriedi but soon become hard as adam&ut. It is said that l'r safety is in hav mi lotty ideals and in constant la' bor to secure their realization. Let he getting of numcy be a man's deal, and he will uf necessity grow toward the dusk. It is said that if you prepare dish of food carelessly you do not expect Providence to make it palata ble. Neither, if through Years of "oily you misguide your own life, need you expect divine interference to bring round everything at last for the best. It is said that a man whose mind is enriched with the best sayings of his own country is a more indepen dent mau, walks the streets in a town or the lanes in the country with far :ore delight than he otherwise would lave done, and is taught by wise ob servers of man and nature to exam ine for himself. It is said that just as the notes of chord in music while each in itself is distinct, yet blend in sweeter and richer sound than either one alone can give, so the powers of the intel lect and those of a moral nature tnuet be blended together for the effective accomplishment of anv worthy purpose and for the -enroll ment of anv individual life. It is said that prosperity is consis tent with intense worldiiness, intense selfishness, intense hardness of heart; while the grander features of human character, self sacrifice, disregard of pleasure, patriotism, love of knowl edge, devotion to any great and good cause these may be strongly de veloped in men who have utterly failed to achieve what is called for tune. It is said that if we are in any de gree damping the hopes, thwarting the plans and discouraging the en 1 ABoaiiE w Why Some People Do fiot Succeed. They are lazy. Theynegleci details. ' They overlook the small things. They have no eye to business. They hope for fortunes to drop in their laps. -j- They let their help waste and de stroy. "' .. ' . They let their fires burn at will. They are slovenly in their shops., t They let their shops get thy and dirty. r They try how. cheap they can do everything. They fail to advertise. They have too rnnch outside busi ness. They talk politics too much. They fail to invent or have new Lideas. They are penny wise and pound foolish. They imitate their neighbors. They are uot polite or accommo dating. They think most things take too much trouble. They fail to push business. They know not the best is the cheapest. Thev know not the power of method. They are illiberal to home enter prises. They attend to everything but their own business. They become rusty and lose am bition. Exchange. THE PASSING OF POPULISM. Mo Place to Kiove To. Ex-Cengressman Yoder, of Ohio, in commenting on the recent elec tions, told a party of friends the fol fowing story at one of the uptown hotels : 'In one of the counties in Ohio a German was running for sheriff on the Democratic ticket. He felt vtry confident of election, bnt when he read the returns ne iouna he was snowed under by about 4,600 major ity. This roused his ire, and he said to hi3 wife : "Dot settles it. We vill move out of dis Shtate where dey treats a Democrat like dis. Ynst you pack oop our tnings rignc away unc git ready to move away." 'He left the house in great wrath, but in about an hour he returned and found his wife tearing up the carpets and taking down the curtain poles. " 'Shtop dot, Kathrina,' said the German, -yust you let deni carpets The Populist purty in Randolph, as well as in most sections of North Daiolina, has many well meaning citizens who have in the past been zealous Democrats. These men first went into the Alliance to right wrong, and when told that they were by their conduct aiding the Republicans they denied the charge, and declared they .vonld never fuse; iiut last year cney aiu-. tuse with a party whose policies and principles are as far removed from theirs as the east is from the west. And what did they make by their trade? "Noth ing save Boss-Butler is senator and a few others have county jobs. The rank and file of the party are still in the cold, barren plains of desolation, stiil crying that the gold bugs have swallowed the country and that- old Satan is going to devour all the land, including hoofs and horn. While standing on the ragged edge of noth ing they see their former political enemies comfortably housed from the chilling blasts of winters disas trous storms. Lonely and sad with out a shadow of hope since the late elections, they are lost, yea entombed beneath the soil of the frozen battle fields, from Nebraska to Massachu setts, while here and there in the dim distance is seen a Populist pulling the tail of the Republican kite, beg ging not to be ielt to die neglected, un honored and unsung. Now, kind friends, who are will ing to listen to reason, we ask you to read the utterances of Richmond Pearson and Thomas Settle and other Republican politicians, in this State, who although elected to Con gress by Populist votes, now feel that they don't need Populist " votes to secure their election. If Populists are honestly in favor of fee silver and low tariff, how can they fuse with Republicans? While many of them are honest and no doubt sincere, the fact that they have been deceived and dishonestly ueait with cannot De success f ully controverted. There is nothing in common be wei'u the Republicans and Populists, -uid their union is an unnatural alii ance. it looks as though it could not continue, and yet those who are in a position to know say that there will be fusion again iu 1896. Ash- boro Courier. Madrid, Dec, 6. A- special . dis patch from : Santa . Clara, -Cuba, to the Imparcial confirms the f reports that the rebel leaders, Maceo, Gomez, RolofF and Serafin Sanchez, have united- their forces and are now leading an army whose strength is variously stated to " be from 4.000 to 8.000 men. The intention of the rebels, the dispatch says, is tolnake a strong and concerted effort to invade the district of Matanzas, put a stop to agricultural work, destroy crops and inflict other , damage. The corres pondent states that the ruin of the combined army is imminent owing to the difficulties in the way of their retreat. . " ' - V- :- ' . . .The Rebel Forces. TEEMS OF STJBSCBTPTIOIIS ; One Copy One Ye,01 1.0,; 7;: . Cash invariably in advance . .. A Democrat Elected. Lorjiavrx.tE, Ky.,- Dec. 7. In the special election, held in the sixth and seventh wards' of Louisville today Anthony Carroll; ex-Speakfit" of the last House, defeated Charles- Blatz Republican, by a majority ' of 452 The re-election of Mr. Carroll makes the General assembly a tie on joint ballot with 68 Democrats and 68 Republicans and two Populists. One of these Populists is pledged to vote for the republicans, who endorsed him, and the other with the Demo crats. Bradley will be inaugurated Tuesday. Ayeis vfe. j Received A-AJigv ' World's Fair ; V .ME DALY I , 1 - AT 1 I WORLD'S y ; as THESBESf ,' . . .-7;. Family PHYSIC STATEMENT. Office of Register of Deeds, rBBSOH OODHTT. , Roxboro, November SO, 1895, Pursuant to the provisions of Sec- 7 tion 713 of the Code, the following :. statement showing items and nature of all compensation audited by the7l Board 01 uommissioners - or ' Person county to the members thereof, sev erally, from December 1st, -1894, to V' riovember autn, isao, both inclusive, . -is submitted to the public: W. T. Noell, Chairman, for 28 days services as commission er and on committees at $2..$ 56 00 560 miles travel ..... . . ....... 28 00 J.;P. Wade For 15 days' ser- vices as commissioner at $2. . 31 00 C. A. Whitfield For 24 days' ' 7 services as county commis- I eioner at $2 per day ......... 48 00 44 miles travel at 5c. 2 20 !.-7o Total amount paid. .... $165 20 There were no nunnifled accounts audited nor any allowance made the board except as above stated, I here by certify to the correctness of the foregoing statement. H. J. WHITT, Register of Deeds and ex-Offlcio Clerk to Board County Comm'ers. At the Cross-Roads Hotel. "Well," said the rural landlord, wbat'll you have for breakfast?" "I think I would like a fat rabbit," replied the guest. All right. Here, John I You dad- burned loafer, yoa ! Grease my gun andcall the dogs !" "Why," exclaimed the guest, "what are you going to do?" "What am I a gwine to do?" "Yes." , "Gwine out to hunt the rabbit Boxlsoro, iT- O. hat's what !" Atlanta Constitution. Breeders Of TllOrOUgllbred Poultry. "None but the best," should SOUTHERN POULTRY YARD FiX-Congressman Ben Cable, of llinois has a little daughter who has the making of a great financier in her. One day her father called her to him. "My dear," said he, "a man this I 1 deavors of one who is struggling to alone. make them fruitful, we may be very " 'But vat is der matter mit you, sure that we are fighting against the John ?' asked his wife, 'yust a leadle eternal principles of good. Even vile ago you said git ready to move, though the idea may be a mistaken unt now you say don't git ready to one and the effort sure to fail, it is move. better and kinder to let it die a nat- " 'Veil, dot's so, I did say dat, ural death than to stifle it prema- but I yust been down to the depot, turely. Philander. Photography vs. Drunkenness. We commend this story to the at tention of our temperance contempo raries, "merely adding," as Mr. Rich- ilOW S Ilia 1 UUU3, OUaVAU IIUU I V j. I - mental trees, roses, etc. We make hly. and feel sure that our line of love The Discovery Saved his Lite. Mr. G. Caillouette, Druggist, .iR.,'v.iiir.nnM. kht. if u. Beaversville, 111., says : "To Dr. sponsible parties and take note pay able in six:, twelve and eighteen m nn Mi. q lV.itn .-.Q f.r- mdnlaoola rvrima Afl. QUalitV. dres3 . Special attention is paid to Southern Nursery Co., Winchester, Tenn. Feb. 20-ly isn't true, it's yery good." A woman n Salem, Fa., determined that her hu HdtS, &C, $500. Here is what one man? a poor cannot be downed in either price or mason and a Methodist hero can do ! Let others follow the example of W SHOES F. Finger, a bright young man who looks like a boy. This church began last year has recently been finished. Here is another example worthy of imitation. A modest, timid and quiet Handsomer and better Shoes man, whose modesty is only exceed- shand should know how he" looked a" the Physicians for miles about, when he was drunk. She knew how DQl uu vo" auu "uo &lvcu u au" helnnkerl well enough and needed told I could not live Having Dr, I XT' KTa nSortAvorw in rm cfrvrA T not that any man should tell. her. 0 "-"J " "J Her children also knew by sad ex- Dnn't. nnt off buvins them, for when our orders will have to be dnnlir.ftted thev will surely come higher, Ask Your Neighbors About the cures made by than ours you will not see at any ed by his merit, Mr. Vogler, of Liu- price. The best seiectea line 01 colnton, saw and appreciated the T7TTr?NTTTTT"R FT ueed of a home or Parsonae fur tue t UlvlNll U Kr Methodist itinerants and resolved shown in these parts. Full stock that Lincol nton Methodist church almost anything you want in snites, sboald have one, so he bought a nice S 'T V&r " S reMdenc. for 1650 u had it renova jroods can be sold, we are nuueri i, "-'"6 TF'ADE without medicine, or write for in formation free. For sale or rent. Local testimonials. JOHN N. WEBB. 728 11th Street, Washington, D. C. I price on these things CARPETS! CARPETS! We are agents for a large New York Carpet factory and have a full line of samDles to select from at New Vnrk nrices. freisht added. Don't a. w fr" - " o forget this, cost $1,000 for a two story parsonage and made a present of it to the Methodist church. Such men are the salt of the earth. Shelby Aurora. Cayeats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat ent business conducted for Modcrate Fees. Oub Office 19 Opposite U.S. Ptewt Officc and we con secure patent iu !et tune than tuoee remote from Washinetou. - - bend model, drawing or photo., with descrip tion. We advise, if patentable or not. free ol cnarge. uur iee not cue uu patent is eecarou. Cure For Headache. As a remedy for all forms of head w0 n,.iaiir ask vou to remember ache Electric Bitters has proved to V j 1 that our line of Groceries is second to none. A complete as- 1 sortment at astonieihingly low prices, i: nonprallr will SO Bur- A pamphlet. "Hot to Obtain Patents with "" V"--" K- nJ';"x-A ,t ? names of actual clients in your State, county, W nnse VOQ tnat you WUt couiuwc iu i d. . t i . . - l I v op patent Office, iviuiikcton. D. C- Jtipans 'f abules cure nausea.. Rinans Talulc-s cure headache. Ripans Tabulcs cure liver troubles. Ripans Tab ulcs cure dizziness. All kinds of barter bought and sold at the , Exchange Store, 1C. T, WILLSON & CQ., Prop's. be the very best. It effect sa a per manent cure and the most dreaded habitual sick headaches yield to its influence. We urge all who are affile ted to procure a bottle, and give thi remedy a fair trial. In case9 of hab s r. mil cnnstinatiou. Electris Bitters cures by giving the needed tone to the bowels, and few cases long resist the use of this medicine. Try it once. 50cents and $1.00 at J. D. Morris & Co's Drugstore. , '. unt there is no place to move to, said the German." Washington I Post The Review of Reviews for Decern ber, in its "Progress of the World" department ' plunges as usual into the discussion of important current topics. The assembling of the Fifty fourth Congress, at home, and the disturbed condition of Turkey and some of the European powers at this moment present questions which cal for extended comment this month. nTM-iA ftii'tAi" o tan lamfAa aAaAanl graphs to the boundary dispafe.. be- climate nrthis section of the. conn tween Great Uritian and VeneReula, I try can produce ripe iraic, ac King's New Discovery I owe my life Was taken with la grippe and tried perience, but the man himself had a very.improper idea of the state of his case. So once, when he came home and fell into a maudlin slumber, she sent for a photographer forthwith, and on his arrival she set before him his work. She ordered the photo grapher to photograph ber husbaad as he sat in his chair. The photo sent for a bottle and began its use and from the first dose began to get better, and after using three bottles was up and about again. It is worth its weight in gold. We won't keep store without it." Get a trial bottle at J. D. Morris & Co's Drugstore be the aim of every one. Need we say more. No more expensive blood ex ists than flows in the veins of our fowls. The following morning offered papa this room full Li ht and Dark Bramaha Buflr Par. of gold if he would sell little brother, tridg e and White Cochins, R. C. B Now, that means gold enough to fill this room wall to wall and from floor to ceiling. If I sell little broth er for that sum I shall be able to buy you everything in this world you want Shall I sell -him?" "No papa," answered the little girl promptly, and then before her delighted father could embrace her for expressing so much unselfish, affection she went on : "Keep him till he's bigger. He'll be worth more then. Washington Post . Ripe Apples and Cherries. Dnrham has a fine climate and one in which anv one should live in peace and happiness. G. C. Ross, who lives in the northern portion of the city, has apples of a second growth, that are grown and ripe. A twig bearing' two or three apples is on exhibition at the drug store of Heartt & Farthing and those in doubt can go and see for themselves. There is also a tree on Mr. Boss' place that has cherries of a second growth that are ripe. What other S. C. B. and S. C. W. Leghorns, Barred and White Ply. mouth Rocks, Black Langshans, Eng lish Red Cap, S.S. Ham burg, Golden, White and Silver Wyandots, Black Minorca, Hou dans, Indian Games, Pit Games, Imperial Pekin Ducks, Bronze Turkeys, Toulouse Geese, Belgium Hares. Fine birds for sale. ,Eggs in season, $2.00 a sitting of 13, except Indian Games, which are $3.00. These birds are unexcelled. Write for catalogue. W A. & &?..A?:MIE E. JONES, Prop's, ROXBORO, K. C. THE .- ., Columbian University, WASHINGTON, D. C. RevJB. L. whitman, D. D. Pres. Kb and the results of the recent "ejec tions in various States are reviewed and summarized. Bat this depart ment of the Review is by no means confined in its range to politi cal or governmental affairs; it covers" such subjects as the foun dation of the Luther Leagues of America, the doings of Schlatter, the so-called "Healer," in Denver, note- Worthy events in the educational world (Mr. Rockfeller's latest gift to the University of Chicago, the inaug uration of the new president at Col gate University, etc.,)and biographi cal notes - on important men and women who have died during the this i " " ."" i l J3 season, which is tne seconu crop gathered this year ? Dnrham Sun. PREPARATORY SCHOOL. Thorough preparation , for -the College, , for the Scientific ' School, for the Naval and Mil- " itary Academies, and for business. SIMMONS THE COLLEGE. Full Classical and Scien? tine Courses. Open to sta dents of both sexes. . . THE CORCORAN SCEINT1FIC SCHOOL. Forty-seven professors and instructors; twenty-three foil departments; twelve - full courses of study. Special students admitted. GOOD FOR EVERYBODY and -everyone needs it at ali times, pf the year. " Malaria is always; aboiav and the THE LAW SCHOOL. Twelve professors, includ ing two Associate Justices of the United States Supreme " Court. month (Eugene Field, Signor Bonghi knly - ventive an? reKef is fep the and others. Still Hustling 'Ten years ago," said the conteui plative gentleman, "I, was a bachelor grapher did his work and did it well, au(i hustlinsr for a wife. and; when .the photograph was fin- "And now?" ished and laid beside the husband s "And now I am not only hustling plate at breakfast it was a revelation j f0i. niy wjfe for r mother "and and the sobered gentleman exper- 0f i r aullts." Ex ienced a decidedly new sensation Thflrp. wus no need of exolanation: Catarrh Cannot be Cured, f 1lT .'ll. t- i -w -n-nvTyiA mtATfl n c 4- li n the thing explained itself. There WAL ArrAnua0( !5 -j . . . ... cannot reacu tne seat 01 me uisase. was no chance ot contradiction; the J, or constitutional sun tells no lies. There was no disease, and in order to cure it you room for argument; a reform has tak- must take internal remedies. Hall's en )lace. Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by one of. the best For rheumatism I have found noth- physicians in this country for years, inr equal to Chamberlains Pain Balm, and is a regular prescription. It is T .,': ' composod of the best tonics known - T r -rr combined with the best blood pun- J. W. Young, ft est Liberty, V . Va. ner8 acting directly on the mucous The prompt relief it affords Js alone aurfaces. The perfect combination worth many the cost, 50 cents. Its of the two ingredients is what pre - continued use will effect a permanent duces such woneerful results in cur cufe. ' For sale by W. R. Hambrick J8 Catarrh Send for testimonials. & Co., Druggists. It Sharpens. The appetite, improves digestion, and restores health and vigor; all'the organs of the body are aroused to healthy action bv Dr. Picrce.s Gol den -Medical Discoyery. More than all. the liver and that's the key to the whole system. You have pure blood or poisonous - blood, just as vour liver chooses. The blood con- - . . . .. ... trols the blood, the "Discovery" con- Messrs. R. K. Daniel & Co. are of fering bargains in furniture. free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., -Toledo, O. ,"Sold by druggists, price 75c. Liver active. You must help the Liver a bit, and the best helper is the Old Frienctl SIM MONS Liver regulator,- the REtZ. Mr. C. Himrod, of Lancaster; OhioJ says: 3iAMUis LivtK utuuLAiUK. broks a case cf Malariahrver of, three years' standing for me, and less than one bottle did the business. I shall use it when in need, and reepmmend it 77 Be sure that you get it Always look for the RED 1 on the package. And don't foreet the word REGULATOR. It is SlM; MONS LIVER REGULATOR, and there is THE GRA3UTE SCHOOL. -47 , Courses of advanced initruc- ; Hon, leading to M. A.r M. S., E . E. E. and Ph. D. THE DENTAL. SCHOOL. frnla thfl Hirfir. You can escape j ust about half the only one, and every one wno laices it is ills flesh is heir to, by being ready ! sure to be benefited. 1HE BENbi-n is. far thftm. , Thrace the sratem no 1 ALL IN THE REJWuUY. 1 aKe n.-aiw 101 with this medicine,which prevents as Biliousness and Sick Headache ;' both are well as cures. For all diseases caused 1 caused by a sluggish Liver. - hv a disordered liver or imDnre blood 1 J. H. Zeilin & Co., Philadelphia. Drspepsia, biliousness, the .most stubborn skin, scalp and scrotnloas Administrator S NOtlCC anectionsue, runwe Ja U Having qualified as Administrator only remedy so certain and effective nf xatl Wvem: : I herebv notifv LUUli. UUUB UBCU. Ail la IY IU J.nvl, 1 oil TJArgOIlB OWlIlIf BB.1U. KHLttlO COUW Spnd for a for a free DamDhlet. ;.Ad-l forward and make immediate eet- ninnAKonrir AToHinol I tlementv and r all persons holding r ;.. I i 1 n Into n rn Inor iaa trl atir.0T.A A1A hAVOnV Association, Buffalo, N. i. JXT'tTt. Secretary Carlisle has accepted an SEJfiS S notice Vnl invitation to deliver an aaaress on the government finances to, the bus' iness men of Richmond. Va., be plead in bar of their recovery. This iNOvemoer n, - , , H. J. WHITT, , N . , Administrator. as- THE MEDICAL SCHOOL. Thirty professors and sistants. The course is four years. -' Seventeen professors; un-' usual facility. The coarse is four years. ' 7 For catalogue descriptive of the? several schoolsaddresaV 7 r'oBTiIIklRTTii.Sec'y Send your old clothing to the ' HARRIS STEAM DYE WORKS, i7EeigbG:?Qx ", They guarantee to make them look new again for, a litth money. . Many persons - -. i Are broken down from overwork or household , tares , Brown's Irou Bitters ; tebnilds the system, aids digestion, temojet ex -. ts of bile, and cures malaria. Qet the genoioe. ' ii-i..-: vs., ::S-77-c 7 - 7 77 v 7 77T7P

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