The Courier ,g published in the center of a fine tobacco growing section, making it 0 u. of tlie best advertising mediums for !iu ich;int3 and warehousemen in ml joining counties. Circulates i ,,v v in Person, Grauville, Dur- ,u Caswell counties, in .North i. and Halifax county, Vir- 11. HI! (.'.iro. A w using rates reasonable; terms .de known on application. Ill: PROFESSIONAL CARDS. V M KIIIUTT, Af-Tni-y at I.hw Roxboro, N. C. i .-i'siM tlie several courts of the State. i: I'ulion givon to all business OiUce in Court House. Hi L1JNSFORD, Attorney at Law, Eoxboro, S. G. QON E. MERRITT & BRYANT, Attorneys at Law, , in the several Courts ol the State. -!'( -il liter tion given to case in Person, n , iii and I as-well counties, and in the Fert- Cr !l I.oir i'i liusiness entrusted to our care will r .reive promvt attention. Offices in Roxboro and. Durham. w. - V vITCUIN, Attorney at Law, Roxboro, N. C. nttriner his services are required Office Farmers' Bank EuiMing. C.5. W INST A.P A. L. BROOK - WIN STEAD & BROOKS. Attorneys at Law, Roxboro, N. C. Special attention given to Federal practice, both in the State and at Washington. Attend regularly the Courts of Person and Caswell. All business intrusted to our care will receive prompt attention. Dr. E. J. Tucker, SURGEON DENTIST. Gffi'K upstairs in vv. J. Johnson & GV new building, ROXBORO. N. C. 1)' It. A. aiOKTON, Practicing Physician, Roxboro, N. C. tlei. his professional services to the people of Hoxuoro and surrounding country. Practice tlie branches oi medicine. 10-4-lv JAS, W, BRANDON, Bar"ber Slxo-p, roxboro, n. c. When you come to Roxboro, don't forg t me I am always willing and ready to accommodate my custom ers, and always keep up with the latest styles. W. H. B. NEWELL, Watclnnaher and Jeweler, "Story of the Confederate States." WRITTEN BY JOSEPH T. DERRY, of Georgia. Thi3 is a true story of late war, by a Southern man, and endorsed by the Generals. John S. Coleman, of Moriah, N. C. is General Agent for this county Drop him a card and have him call on you. Prices from $2.50 to $3.50. Sold only by by subscription. Sub scribe now. J. S. COLEMAN, Gen. Agent for Person Co. Salesmen Wanted! Good wages to sell our Nursery Stock. Apply for terms. We will have for Spring and Fall, 1895, an immense stock of Apple. Pear, Peach, Plum, Apricot, Cherry, Grape, etc. Also small fruits, shade and orna mental trees, roses, etc. We make a specialty of wholsaling to large planters direct. We will sell to re sponsible parties and take note pay able in six, twelve and eighteen months. Write us for wholesale prices. Ad dress : Southern Nursery Co., Winchester, Tenn. Feb. 20-ly Ask Your Neighbors About the cures made by Tf'AOC without medicine, or write for in formation free. For sale or rent. Local testimonials. JOHN N. WEBB, 728 11th Street, Washington, D. C. Caveata, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat ent business conducted tot McoenaTC Fees. Oub Office is Opposite U. S. P.ATeNT Office and we can secure patent in loss time than tliose remote from Washington. Send model, drawing or photo., with deacrlp--tion. We adrise, if patentable or not, free ol narge. Our fee not due till patent to seen red. A Pamphlet. "How to Obtain Patents," with names of actual clients in your State, county, ot town, sent free. Address, C.A.SftSOW&CO. P PatenY Orricc WASUiPieTnfc. O. C- VOR DTSPEPSU, ladigestion, and Stomach disorders, take BROWN'S IRON BITTKBS. All dealers keep it, SI per bottle. Genuine hs trade mark tad crossed red lines oa wrappe tftft PER NOELL BROS, Proprietors. Vol. xh. Roxboro, North CAEOLiNArWEDNESDAY EveningV Arrest disease by the timely use of Tutt's Liver Pills, an old and favorite remedy of increasing" popularity. Always cures SICK HEADACHE, sour stomach, malaria, indiges tion, torpid liver, constipation and all bilious diseases. TUTT'S Liver PILLS A BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY doesn't always mean a chance to get work. It's a business opportunity to have a chance to save money on the necessi ties of life. You can find a chance like that at the Cash Grocery Store of W J. JOHNSON & CO. where is always found the freshest and best of all seasonable goods for the inner man. Plain and Fancy Gro ceries, Conf ctioneries, Foreign and Domestic Fruits, Ciars. Tobacco Snuff. Our line of Heavy Groceries.such as-Meat, Meal, Flour, Lard, Mo lasses, Sugar, Coffee, &c, is all right, and our prices are the lowest. MANY A DINNER TABLE has been made or marred by the table appointments in. china or other less cost ly ware. The fastidious housekeeper will devote almost more attention to these equipments than to the food itself. And, nowadays, artistic designs may be had at so low a price as to make it inexcusable to forego them. We have a fine lineof China and Crock ery Ware, and the price is very law. When you want the be3t that can be found to go t n your table don't forget Your friends, W.J.JOHNSON & CO. New! New! New! Just arrived : The latest and newest in General Merchandise at C.T.WILLSON&CO'S We bought largely and bought early, and feel sure that our line of Dry G oods, Notions, Shoes, Hats, Ac, cannot be downed in either price or quality. Special attention is paid to SHIOIES. Don't put off buying them, for when oar orders will have to be duplicated they will surely come higher. Handsomer and better shoes than ours you will not see at any price. The best selected line of FURNITURE shown in these parts. Full stock almost anything you want in suites; bedsteads, tables, chairs, &c. The prices are the lowest at whicli good goods can be sold. We are under price on these things. CARPETS! CARPETS! We are agents for a large New York Carpet factory and have a full line of samples to select from at New York prices, freight added. Don't forget this. We especially ask you to remember that our line of Groceries is second to none. A.complete as sortment at astonishingly low prices, in fact prices generally will so sur prise you that you will conclude it is a "surprise store." All kinds of barter oougnt ana . . . . . i sold at the Exchange Store, C. T. WILLSON & CO., Prop's. Administrator's Notice. Having qualified as Administrator of Bettie Beavers, I hereby notify all persons owing said estate to come forward and make immediate set tlement, and all persons holding claims against said estate are hereby notified to present them for pay ment on or before the 4th day of November, 1896, or this notice will beplead in bar of their recovery. This November 4th,-1895. " H.J. WHITT, Administrator. Ripans Tahules banish run.. Ripans Tabules .: a gtanuard remedj Ripans Tabu Jes : best liver tonic fiipans Tabulea prolong life. Ripans Tahules cure nause. Ripans Tabules curt headache. Ripans Tabules cure liver troubles. Ripans Tabules cure dizziness. SON INTRODUCTORY SERMON. By Rev. T. N. Ivey, of Wilson. Theme : "The Holy Spirit and liberty." Text: "And where the Spirit of the Lord if Uiere is li erty." II CorinthSana, 3:17. The text embodies a truth which is much wider than that intended for the Corinthians at the time, it was written. Paul had been contrasting the "tet ter" and the "spirit." He said that the letter, representing the law, means death, but that the spirit, rep resenting the grace of the Gospel, means life. Further on he says: "Now the Lord is that Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty." By the Spirit oAneTorThat victory which Satan won in Lord he means the Holy Ghost- The . i Holy Ghost is the conveyer of Jesus and His merits to human hearts. He is the Spirit of the Lord. By liberty he means ireedom from the guilt and fear of sin, and Jrom sin itself free dom from the jaw of sin and death." It is the liberty "wherein Christ hath made us free." But Paul's statement-contains a truth whose horizon sweeps beyond the circle of that truth which lay. at the time under Paul's mental eye. It is one of those ; cumulative truths which belong to the world, and whose fields grow arger as i.he successive spirit-guided tges lift the enfolding mist. The text states a princeple. It is a uni versa! truth. "Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty." The theme towards which its thoughts converge is the relation of the Holy Ghost to liberty. Liberty is a commonplace word. It has been worn smooth by the wheels of constant and often improper usage. Yet there is magic in the very 6ound. What other word can grip the human heart more firmly than this word 'liberty?" He who speaks and sings of liberty sends the echo of his voice around the world. No speech on home rule, tariff or finance will live as long in the human heart as the speeck of Paul before Agrippa or of Patrick Henry before the Virginia Assembly. The song which Miriam sang when the last Israelite had turned his back upon the Red Sea, and the jubilant Magnificat of that Mary who sang of Jesus the coming Deliverer, wi.l soar duriDg the rising and falling generations as far above the sweetest notes of the world's pri ma-donnas as the song of the lark soars aboye that of the sparrow in the hedgs. Thero are many definitions of lib erty. We will not be exact. Per haps it is adequate to say that liber ty is the possession ana proper use of those rights and privileges granted us by an all wise Father. The eagle wetting his wing in the thunder cloud, the lion holding his royal sway in the domain of the jungle, the mountaineer climbing his wind-swept crags, the child of God exulting in the blessings of his adoption, are free because each is using his God given rights and privileges. Since the possession and enjoyment of these rights and privileges are con ditioned upon obedience to certain beneficent controlling laws, it follows that liberty is obedience to law, not freedom from it. We are intercepted at every footstep by lines of natural civil, ecclesiastical and spiritual laws. When we walk parallel with these laws we walk toward and in liberty; when we-cross these lines we set our foot in the domain of slavery. The world has been testing the truth fulness of this statement, and history is uothing but a record of the exper iment. The French people found it true in those bloody days of the Revolution. The prisoner in yonder jail has found it true. The thous ands of wrecks being floated this night by the waves of appetite and lust into the harbor of failure and despair have found it true. Liberty is the supremacy of law. When law is supreme there is freedom. A fail ure to recognize this fact has thrown the machinery of the world out of gear. Anarchists and socialists in the church and out of it are howling themselves hoarse as the disciples of liberty. Their liberty is the disguised spirit of lawlessness. It wears mask of beauty, but beneath are the "raw head and bloody bones." The liberty of three-fourths of the world's inhabitants is nothing but defiance and abrogation of law. It means for humanity the fall of Lucifer, and to as deep a hell. Let the truth be taught fn our homes, our schools, cur churches, on our highways and in our hvwavs. that ooedienoe, and nothing but obedience, is liberty. Liberty comprehends all that God in His deepest loye designs for the world, animate and inanimate. Since liberty is the possession and. proper use of God-given rights and faculties since such rights and privileges mean the supremacy of law; since the su pretnacy of law means the suprema HOME FIRST: cy of ., God, every .-: trne law being nothing but the expression' and an thority of God's will, and naving-God at its terminus; then it follows that liberty is no mere term of secularity. but is something which swings itself into the realm of the spiritual, and planting its feet on the grand doc trine that God is love, resolves itself into the. richest expression of that love and becomes .the compendium of all blessings. It comes from God; its light streams from His throne, its Dote of victory is the echo of His voice, an d the period of its universal sway is the Millennial day when God shall call through the archway of im mortality a redeemed universe. No one but God Himself fully comprehended the fearful magnitude the Garden of Eden. Satan knew bat little about it. As we can see in the acorn the full outlines of the un developed tree, so God saw in fallen Adam and Eve the outlines of a vast humanity. But what a vision it was.! lines of hellish law winding througbf piercing and binding- every faculty and power; lines of divine law, warped, twisted, tangled, trampled in the dust the "law of siu and death" burrowing in the great heart of hu manity, and like some titantic devil fish sending out its black tentacles to grasp God's creation from the hu man heart to the amoebae in the ditch. But God devised a nlan of iberation. "God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlast ing life." When the "fullness of time" came Jesus appeared to give the only tree life, to speak the one eternal truth which makes men free, to point out the only way that leads from slavery to liberty which is Sal vation. What is the relation of liberty to tha uirr nhoo? a of5,,a .tnJSlc- wm not ciose me moutu ticism savs that lihertv is onlr the fortuitous aecomnaniment of the bo-I J J called spiritual force said to be resi- r I a : .v. r.:: nu u t n.i n. ui k Ai uuu o;i jo iiuau buio uucibjr io bus vu- rect product and necessary result of this sniritnal neraonalitr. "Vnr where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty." The intimate relation- ship of the Holy Spirit and liberty is seen in the revealed truth that the Holy Ghost is in this world as a- Re vealer of Christ. To reveal Him is His function and office. There has been going on in this world a process of divine revelation ever since the flaming sword was placed at Eden's gate to guard the way of the tree of life. For 4,000 years the Father re ve.iled Himself tn onr fathers at finn dry times and in divers manners. He spake from the whirlwind and in the deep visions of the night. He flamed in the burning bush, in the overshadowing clond and in the alorv above the mercy-seat. But after all man looked at Him as "through a glass darkly. lie was seen as a mouBtain is seen through a veil of mist. Then for thirtv-three vears Christ revealed the Father. He lived wearing the stigma of lowly birth wul 8noat irom Poie lo Poie ana cry of the great heart of the Church and poverty, staggering under the mingle its sounds with the roar of all against the cruelty of an ecclesiasti wAKrhtd of the world's renroach and seas and oceans. You say that Paul cal oligarchy. How unfair and cruel, the world's iniquity. He was misin- wa8 dePrived of his political liberty then, is it to lay the crime of a deli terpreted, criticised, cursed, perse- when he. a Roman citizen, lay in the rious few on the shoulders of Christ's noted. His rioheat nearls were caat dungeons of Caesarea. That free Bride! Humanity has been lifted before swine. He was betrayed by a member of Hisjnner circle, denied bv His most ardent follower, tried before an insulting tribunal, con- ly to be vindicated as having noth- ing wrono- in Him. He was led to Calvary and lifted np on high not high when we measure from sea-level but hi-h enough, thank God, to tear the veil away from the Father's face and reveal a face of infinite love and mercy, glorious in the light of recon- ciliation. He wasJaid low, not far beneath the earth's surface, but low enoup-h to shiver the gates of hell and olace His feet on the prostrate form of Satan to proclaim victory to ransomed I world. He rose and ived for forty days on earth. He eft His disciDles on Olivet and as- cended through the parted clouds to the right hand of His Father, where as the Ancient of Days, our great Hfoh Priest, our Dieadine; Advocate, w will sit until the restitution of all x.-t jj tmngS, lanuiXig lun ujiug niva -su mending the bruised reed. Through those everlasting gates which lifted nn thP.r heads to His heavenward thPTA name earthward the Ho lv Ghost to point humanity to salva- tws nnen o-ates. to reveal Christ Christ had revealed the Father. Hear j- O , wht r.hriat aain inst hefore His era cifixion. "But when the Comforter U come Whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the SDirit ' tmth -which nroceedeth . from the Father. He shall testify of Me " The rAvlat.ioTi of Jean. " hv the Holv t i s.i.j VjrUOSt is luspuercu wiuuiu tuc uuw of theee words: "And when he come He will reprove the world sin and righteousness and judgment." - w. . . Y ABROAD NEXT. Highest of all in Leavening Power. It ultimates'. in the revelation of Christ's knowledge and the imparta tion 'of Christ's life, in which alone are the actuality and . power of lib erty." . . The. Holy Spirit, produces and pro motes liberty directly Jay revealing jiberty to the individual. He makes the jndividnal an epitome of liberty, AH liberty resides actually or poten tially in one to whom the Holy Spirit imparts the life of Christ. Hemirrors the g-eat concavity of liberty as the dewdrop mirrors the great concavity of the sky. He holds the past, pres ent and future of freedom as the acorn holds the undeveloped tree, The Spirit begins the work by mak- ing the individual morally and spir- itually free. He make this moral and spiritual freedom the unit of freedom, The sinner "convinced of righteous- ness and sin and judgment" bows at the footstool of mercy. Being justi- fied by faith, he has peace with God through the Lord Jesus Christ, lhe Spirit comes to remove the remains of sin. to flood the chambers of the soul with the glory of the Lord. "Reflecting as from ...a mirror the glory of the Lord, he is changed into the same image from glory to glory." Free from the guilt and fear of sin, from sin itself, he becomes freer and treer. He is changed into the image oi Christ, irom glory to glory. Here is true freedom. He has liberty of conscience, actual and potential, He 18 D0 l0DSer Qnder the law bat ander of his own Science or that of an ' .tt... IT. S-!...! 1,, ... xacic i lmeiieciuai iiDeny, -.1 A lCB1 auu He knows the wutn centred m jesus Truth to him is sacred. He will speak it and ailW 8Peak jt- Here is the 6cuuui uuwuj. He has the life of Christ. Christ said: "Ren der nt Caesar the the things, that are Caesar's and unto God the things that are God's." The one who has spiritual liberty will ever believe in political freedom. In him is bodily freedom. "In Christ there is neither bond nor free." All men are equal because all men are brethren. The ! unnswue win never iorge nnns oi ! ?lt I 1 J I steel to bind the limbs of the hum- blest of God's creation. The man who is morally and spiritually free lo . luUDOU- M DU" is free indeed 1 uo uwcr UC&1 can noia uim- 1 oa saT luat JQn Uu88 waa dePnved ot ma lree" dom of Rect and conscience. The 8Pirit of John Hu3S was as free 88 the winds that whistled through his na- tive UU18 or tne river that Dore his dom of intellect and conscience will ket S,ve mind and heart a voice that spirit ot aul, which never blanched !n tria forta nnrcflnnti'riTi o rid AaaiYt uuo iaw "4 f"-"""" "' u ,lvc" u" 01su ""S" "u uuustibuuuu ui buio nee guvciuuicuk wh?8e flag rippl6S in bJ h- iUU DOjr su"u" "ao a That freedom which he enjoyed in the presence of God has uttered dur- inS tuese centuries an eternal protest r&a4"0,' v- '"""J 8trak the shackles from of 8laves aIter tne garment8 01 a nauon UBU "lwM- od tne rist-posessea, tne I .OVv m nA&OADQirirf rnon 1 a frfla lniaan ""i"s " . eternnally free. Place anywhere a soul to whom the Spirit has revealed and imparted Jesus, and its freedom will work like I the leaven which the "woman took and hid in three measures of meal" -internally, atom by atom. God does not purpose to free this world bv families and nations, but by indi- viduals. You wish to give larger 4 1 :-4- -e.A,m i .,vr,nrMo 1 1 epuiuum uccumu hi juu. w"S"g" tions; Remember ihat one good happy shouting Christian can do more than the eloauence of vour nreachers. the melody of vour grand organs or the architectural aslheautv of vour churches that lift - " . their gilded crosses into the very - elonds of heaven. Cuba, that beaut eons maiden of the sea, holds out the world her .shackled ' hands and of bess for bodilv and civil freedom. That freedom will not be carried warahina. bnt bv hearts which the Srvirit has marie free in Jesns. Cuba i.u u. e u-t - t i will uuver uo tret) uutit sue utu ucouo. is The eyes of the world are turned of toward' Turkey. That nation the "Sick man of the East.4' This m $ 1 .00 December 25, Latest TJ. S. Gov't Report r?r sick man is holding a Belshazzar feast in the palace of the nations drinking human blood from goblets of abomination. - The world says: "Turn loose those war-dogs howling at the gates of Constantinople, and with dripping muzzles let them fend the tyrant of nations from limb to limb -and 'tear to tatters the silver crescent' xf -Muiiammed. No;-' the Spirit who breathed opon the valley of dry bones .and called them into pulsating, throbbling life can breathe upon the bloody land of the East and make it beautiful with the light of Christian liberty. Let the leaven of spiritual freedom work. The Holy Spirit produces and pro- motes liberty indirectly through the Church of Christ. The Holy Ghost took His place in the Church on the day of Pentecost. Hitherto He had been with the Church. Among the ia8t words which Christ spake to- His disciples were these: "Ye know him for he dwelleth with you and shall be in you." The Church is called in the New Testament the temple of the Holy Ghost. Body is the word used. it does not mean the physicial body, but the corporate Church of Christ. Christ is the head and the body. The Holy Spirit is the heart The Holy Spirit works through the Church in revealing Jesus to the world. The Church of Christ, then, has ever been an instrument of liberty. "And where the Spirit of the Lord is, there "bertyj The statement made in all ages of the world since Christ that the Church has ever been on the side of slavery seems to me a shocking and blasphemous statement. It means the constant absence of the Spirit from the Church in all ages o her existence. It means that the Spirit of liberty who descended on Lhe Day of Pentecost in a shower of fiery tongues, burning into the very heart of the Church and . making a glory brighter than that which shone above the mercy-seat, plumed His wings for a final flight from her altars and her throne of power. , If the Spirit had been with her there must have been liberty. Who will sav that th KnirU Ka koon .ha,- the church during all her past? It must be confe8sed that at times the I . : . ... ... Uhurch has not followed the instruc tions and yielded to the power of the Holy Spirit. But in every instance wherein there has been manifested a reCreancy of trust on the part of the Church there has been a strong pro- test, though it may have been a silent one. aarainst such recreannv In the . a j dark days of the Inquisition, when Zion's chariot-wheela were anat.tftre.-l ith blood. there was an earnest out. gradually by a Spirit-guided Church I n a a. i into me sweei, awnospnere oi lioeriy. noosing at xne immeaiate surround- ings, it is aimcuic to reauze now nign humanity has been lilted. From the little shiro-town of Caldwell county, nestling liKe a peari in a sewing oi mountain-peaks, there is a beautiful turnpike-road of twenty miles in length to a famous ihountain resort 4,uuieet aooye me levei oi me Bea. Who that has ever traveled this road can ever forget it and the sensations proaucear rirsc, an ascent t-o me Drow 0f a MIL where you are greeted i .'il. a. 1 1 . . A. 1 . l-Si.. witu uie sweet ureatu oi uv.wuw pine and the panoramic picture of PrPie mountains swinging meir ser- 1 . . T 11 - pentine coiumns-aiong tne-circie oi I . i I ; r .&. I jk. peany uorou. xuen scene arouna tne orow oi scenwu I mlia 10 wnere a peuuciu stream rings out its unsung music over m peoiuy ootiom. uuuwr ou a wuuv level roaa winamg netween a smg- ing brook on one side and gray, 1 moss-covered crags on the "other. A. i " genue ascent u wuci tu, greeted with a revelation ot grandeur, A aescent, witu gramte vommu tow- ering above you. and in your ear the sound of waters fretting and f uming through a rocky bed a hundred feet -.-r a. 1 oeiow. ow passing pot . w.c - tne.sunilgnt . seems w img, ,iucu to passing its nook, never greeted with the kiss of sunbem.moonDeam or star- Deam- A8cenaing,aecenaiDg,uest;iiu in ing, ascending, you arrive at your I destination. W here are your xou are toia tnat you are ,uw wet aooyc tu - sea. . You cannot realize it. xou i - - . ' I nave seemingly gone uowu u WM. is as 3 ou haye gone up. louaretaKen to -ue Drow 01 auu turn w Per Year in Advance. 1895. No. 19- down It seems as if - you are look ing from the battlements of the skies. Yon gaze on a r hundred 'mountain tops beneath you. "The forests below ook like emerald swards, and the ittle cabin on the mountain-side can be carried in your hand. You realize by looking to the bottom how high you have come, aid yoa realize that though at times there may be a de scent, yet the whole road practically may be an ascent. . A The Church of Jesus; Christ, and guided by the Holy Spirit, has been. bearing humany for 4,000 years along the road which leads from slavery to universal freedom.' During the first stage she wandered through the low grounds. From Calvary she began to mount with renewed vigor. But ... e n all her journey - has she .notde. scended? Yes. The men who had seen the glory of Pentecost had hardly fallen on -sleep before she de scended into the depths of false Jew ish theology. When Constantine saw in the heavens the fiery cross, and afterward carried that cross on ins victorious banners, she descended into the corruption of a State Church and an elab orate Christian formalism. During the travail of the Dark and Middle Ages she descended into the awful gloom of pagan philosopy, pagan superstition and pagan immorality. In the the eighteenth century she de- scended into the dephs of a gross materialism culminating in the hor rors of the French Revolution. But has she has not also ascended? Yes. She has never, thank God, descended so low but that she has not -risen higher; and we haye only to look at the position of humanity when Christ walKed and talked on earth and the position of humanity now to see how high in the atmosphere of liberty it has been lifted by the Church of God. Condensed Testimony. Chas. B. Hood, Broker and Man ufacturer's Agent, Columbus, Ohio, certifies that Dr. King's New Dis covery has no equal as a Cough rem edy. J. D. Brown, Prop. St. James Hotel, Ft Wayne, Ind., testifies that he was cured of a cough of two years standing caused hv la trrir,. bv Dr. B, j e--x j -- King's New Discovery. B. F. Mer- ril, Baldwinsville, Mass., says that j he has used and recommended it and never know it to fail - and would rather have it than any doctor, be cause it always cures. Mrs. Hem ming, 222 E. 25 th St., Chicago, al ways keeps it at hand and has no fear of Croup, because it instantly releives. Free trial Bottles at J. D. Morris & Go's Drugstore. Chicago's city hall, which was built on a marsh, is setting badly and the officials are badly frightened. Did You Ever - 'Try Electric Bitters as a remedy for your troubles? If no', get a bot tle now and get relief. This medi cine has been found to be peculiarly adapted to the relief and cure of all TTomalA rmnlaintn. pxprtmor a won-I derf ul direct influence in giving strength and tone of organs. If you have loss of appetite, constipation, headache, fainting spells, or are Ner- vous, sleepless, excitable, melancholy or troubled with dizzy spells, Elec tric. Bitters is the medicine you need. Health and strength are guaranteed by its use. 50c and $1.00 at J. D. Morris. & Co's Drug Store. .REGULATOR GOOD FOR EVERYBODY and everyone needs it at all times of the year. Malaria is always about, and the only preventive and relief is. to keep the Liver acjive. You must help the Liver a bit, and the best helper is the Old Friend, Sim mons Liver regulator, the Red Z. Mr. C. Himrod, of Lancaster, ..Ohio, says: "simmuns l.ivek kcuulaiuk broke a case of Malarial Fever of three years' standing for me, and less tean one bottle did the business. 1 shall use it when ia need, and recommend it' Be sure that you get it. Always look for the RED Z on the package. And don't forget the word REGULATOR. It is SIM MONS LIVER REGULATOR, and there is only one, and every one "who takes it is sure to be benefited. THE BENEFIT IS ALL IN THE REMEDY. Take it also for Biliousness and Sick Headache both are caused by a sluggish Liver. - J. H. Zeilin & Co- Philadelphia. WANTED: ir"i 1 1" m 1 11 laiii a ire A BRIGHT BOY OR GIRL In this and every town in the vicinity They guarantee to make" them , look & wnere mere is not -oujr agcub, ira.4.1.. to anil the New York Ledger. Ameri- flew SlJ for "ttle money. ca's Greatest Story .Paper, oy week, and act as agent, makiner cents on everv copy sold. No charge beinpr made for unsold eopies. No Possible Risk.: For full particulars call at the office of this paper. Person County; Courier; : Published every Wednesday by KOELL BKOS., BOXBORO, N.C. THESIS OF SUBSCETPTION I One Copy One Year, -' . One Copy Six Months, - IX) :50 Cash Invariably in advance Ayer's WAS THE ONLY Sarsaparilla Admitted at THE Woifs Fair. GET The Best. STATEMENT. Office 6TtKG.isTER 6V Deeds, Persok County. Roxboro, November 80, 1895. Pursuant to the provisions of See- tion713 of the Code, the following statement showing: items and nature of all compensation audited by the Board of Commissioners of Person county to the members thereof, sev erally, from December 1st, 1884, to November 80th, 18C5, oih inclusive, is submitted to the public: W. T. Noell, Chahinnn, for 28 days services as couiiuissiori er and on committees at f 2. . $ 56 00 560 miles travel . 28 00 J.,P. Wade For 15i days' ser- ' vices as commissioner at $2. . 81 00 C. A. Whitfield For 24 davs' services as county commis sioner at f 2 per day 48 00 44 miles travel at 5c 8 20" Total amount paid. .... $165 20 .There were no nunnified accounts audited nor any allowance made the board except as above stated, I here by certify to the correctness of the foregoing statement. H. J. WHITT, Register of Deeds and ex-Officio Clerk to Board County Comm.' ers. SOUTHERN POULTRY YARD ZKosrToor, DfcT- O. Breeders of Thoroughbred Poultry. "None but the best," should be the aim of every one. Need we say more. No more expensive blood ex ists than flows in the veins of our fowls. The following are onr prize winners : Light and Dark Bramahs, Buff, Par I ii J J TTT1 J. ft V! tl S 11 '""S ? " wmwyocniM, a. . a S. C. B. and S. C. W. Leghorns, Barred an White Ply. mouth Rocks, Black Langshans, Eng lish Red Cap, Golden, White and Silver Wyandots, Black Minorca, Hou dans, Indian Games, Pit Games, Imperial Pekin Ducks, Bronze Turkeys, Toulouse Geese, Belgium Hares. Fine birds for sale. Eggs in season, $2.00 a sitting of 13, except Indian Games, which are $3.00. These birds are unexcelled. Write for catalogue. W A. & MRS. ANNIE E. JONES, Prop's, ROXBORO, N. C. " THE rn,imhjan I InivfirsitV. WASHINGTON, D. C. Rev. B. L. Whitman, D. D., Pres. THE preparatory SCHOOL, Thorough preparation for the College, for the Scientific School, for the Naval and Mil itary Academies, and for busi ness. THE COLLEGE. Full Classical and Scien tific Courses. Open to stu dents of both sexes. THE CORCORAN SCE1NT1FIC SCHOOL Forty-seven professors and instructors; twenty-three full departments; twelve fall courses of study. Special students admitted. THE UW SCHOOL. Twelve professors, Includ ing two Associate Justices of the United States Supreme Court. 4 THE MEDICAL SCHOOL, Thirty professors and 'as sistants. The course is four years. ' THE GRADUTE SCHOOL. Courses of advanced instrnc-"-tionj.leading to M. A., M. S , C.E-i E. E. and Ph.' D; THE DENTAL, SCHOOL. Seventeen professors - un--, usual facility. The cburse is four years, i ; For catalogue descriptive of the I several schools, address - ' Robt. H.MARTisf, Sec'y. Send your old clothing to the HARRIS STEAM DYE WORKS. tne 2 Many Fersons Lt broken down from ovamrork or hoosaholA aroa - Brown's Iron JBitters - tebnilcLi the system, aids digestion, remojrvs ex-. toes of bile, aad cures malaria. Gettegul$w K, V

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