10: i if si I a m ii s : ' -r : 44 SHI -m The-Coubiei ' faltered according to Postal Regu iati 113 at the .Foatojlicd, in Roxboro, N .-- U. as second-class- nutter. w ' f VBL1SHED Vi EEKIiY BY -T"" NOELL BROS., PropMl hi.- Editors art- in UO' wise responsibly tfj views expressed by wrrespqndeuto. - ' SUBSCRIPTION TKRMS 1 tHipp. one ycar,,"J $1.00 " ADVERTISING BATES One c-i Inmn 1 year $80.00; One-half, .eol uun 1 year $40.00 ; O.nequarter, col umn 1 year $25.00. . f " ' ' ' ;- Transient Advertisements : One inch 1 week $1; 2 weeks $1.50; 1 month $2. Two inches 1 week $1.50; 2 weoks $2; 1 month $3.. Four inches I week $2-, 2 weeks $2.50 ; 1 month "il ' ' ' ' -T. U. . - ..- :. - dve iseneDt8 inserted W. Local 'ijc"a reading items, ?l peat er line io ach insertion. RUXBOEO, N. C.;' April 29,' 1896. THE RE PUB Lit Ni VENTION. H CON- The Republicans of Person County held them County . Convention, .hist Saturday to name delegates to "the different conventions to be held next month. - j Early in the day it wa quite evi dent that everything was : not going altogether lovely When asked what was the matter, one of the f aithf ul explained that Mr. - Satterfield ."had the. deles-ates in caucus trying to O " . instruct for Beed, Dockery and Set tie, and it leaked out a little : later that he was also trying to have him self endoised. for the Senate. But at about 3 :30 o'clock the court house bell ran? and the Convention was ; O called. to. -order.. It was strictly McKinley and Boyd affair from start to finish. m . fiji- The resolutions as found elsewhere were read, and adopted. The names of the delegates were then read out and afterwards -elected.- ; Then came the" fun. Each delegate was required to come. before the"" convention and pledge himself to vote only for Boyd in the convention and for McKinley delegates to the National Convention. One delegate said if -a majority of the district were for Reed he but that was as far as he got, for the chairman told him there " was, no Reed "folks" in this county consequently the delegate decided he was a McKinley man, and never heard of such a man as Reed Everything went lovely until Jibe name of S. T. Satterfield wai: reached when'two of the Sejfega .shouted ne is me man we; are aicer.?: ( tiia ,.uame was called, and for the first time in many years he was 'absent from a Republican convihtion..' He was sent for and the messenger re- : turned and stated thaU Mr. Satter field said "he was not coming. Thereupon the convention proceeded to take him down as a delegate and substituted Mr. Pixley. And think ing this was not punishment enough for the insult he had given the con- ventiquit was proposed jand warmly . discussed to reconsideF. the vote on the resolutions which Mr. Satterfield nimself hact written and requested passed' by the convention, exonerating him in his Wake county trial, and but for the timely interference of Mr. John P. Woody these resolutions , would have been Withdrawn. It did look to an outsider that Mr. Satterfield had lost his grip on - the colored brethren. Out of resolutions. instructing for himself for the Sen ate, Settle for Congress, Dockery for Governor and Reed for President he could only carry his county conve tion for Settle, It was pitiful to be hold how " the mighty had fallen. J, Fiank Clark, staff correspondent of the United Press, who has is pent the past five -months -in Cnba,'has -.returned. ; : : ' -- ;" He says Spam has demonstrated , her, inability to : put . lhe Cub down; that the Cubans are winning numbers of engagements; tha: when he left Havana a week "agor the in- 8urrection,was larger more, f ormida ble, and apparently, more promising of success than at . any time j within ' the past 14 months; that it is- almost impossible to send any news," except it be favorable to Spain; 'that atirdci ties are being commitledancl meth ods of warfare .are 'being -followed which are hot ; countenanced,, bj civilized nations. ; '1 r '""'"' .The .Spanish army stands .ahaut as follows: , Regulars,',; 140,000 j .vol ; unteers, 60,000. Of ! these j 25,000 - have succumbed tor the bullets of 'the insurgents or to disease, ; and 15,000 are in the , hospitals. J- ' , In about' three weeks t the jctinj . season will set in, which will greatly aid the Cuban cause1 'X-'j' ' M j J : The railroads in . the Southern ... Passenger "Association t'haVe firially agreed to carry bikes f 05 twenty-five cents,', any ; distance, '. oh" first-class, ' .', fare. The Seaboard J Aix Line ; does not belong to this association. '; , , ? Desperate promises are being made by the admirers of Russell a secure delegates for -him. r ; The., latest is that Russell twill .turn.; every - negro in the penitentiary- 'out df elected goyernon- . , The convention Saturday instruct- ed thr,tirtigtirps1xv:tli State conven tion tovote fur Mr. Jas. E..;Boyd, of reensborof for Governor.! Mr. countyt botixJleniocrats and Kepub- iCans, who would be glad to see him. nominated for-" this high' position HeT? onejof ITie b ramies t men in the Repuhictii party iu NprtK. ParoHna ,0 day. - - - - 1 The Concord, Times elassifi.es ; its Democratic State exchanges ; as fol- ows: For free silver, 24;' for sonnd : "-' :V.i-- mt ,.L Lit money, au. ms was orouguu ou by the statement of -the Asheboro Courier that there were uly four sound money Democratic papers in the State. . " We certainly have' the Times ;,ou our" exchauge' list, and we are jfor souhd money., ' . : -. : ; v What War Must .Mean for Spaini . - ! v Thus- when, for . ; really j effcciie purposes , of modern j Ji aval warfare, our present fleet is 'compared j with that of Spaif ,it is not extravagant to estimate that our3 is quite three'' or four-!tinies "as pt werf nl. Our A t lantic squardon alone, now under the conimaud of ,the -;. Rear-Admiral Bunce, would, at least with, the aid of two or three other of .our swift cnusers, quite easily suffice.' to an nini late the bpanian navy. ; ine vr&r, if it weje declared, would probably be an extremely brief one, consisting of a naval engagement or two in the gen eral vicinity of, Cuba. : The .encour agement which the Cuban insurgents would derive from hostilities between Spain and the United -States would enable them to make . speedy work with General Weyler's troops. The outcome, then, of a - declaration of war by Spain; against the i: United States would-seem unquestionable. opam wouiu Jose ner . navy ana would lose Cuba too, in a few: disiis trous days. :Yet it ha3 -.for : mouths been the opinion of the most com petent observers of matters ' diplo matic and international, " that the recognition -of the belligerency of the Cuban insurgents by our gov ernment would be met with a prompt declaration of war on Spain's part Even Casteler seems ready to figh us. From "The Progress .s of the World," "in May Review of Reviews. " : Wliy They Desire no Change . Th commissioners . of -. Harn ett county, says the Dunn Union, Ahave decided to Lave no ' change! in the schools, for the following reason:. , '-' -1st.' ' Because the books now in use are and have"'.heret6f6rd?!be'en r in ; al respects acceptable5 to i 1 the'- teachers pnpils; and pahs'bf ,f-the public Schools of Harnett couilty ' so far as this Board has been able' to ascertain ; 2nd. ' Because of the -largely in creased eost of text books to patrons and pupils, which . would necessarily result from any change in the list of books now used. - ' 3rd. -Because, it ,has been made apparent to us that the list of the text books now in use in the- public schools in Harnett county comprises only such books as have been thor oughly examined by persons,- known to us to be competent for such task and who in our opinion have .the best interest of the school children ... of North Carolina at heart. Scot land Neck Democrat. ;. . A Good Scoop. Mr. L. H. Harris, mail agent' on the Western, "tell us of the lucky find of a tenant of a piece of laud' in Jackson county last 'Saturday. The ianu is situacea near waynesviiie. and as. the man was- plowing' his plow struck an obstacle and" would not budge. fHis curiousity was '-.ex cited and he plowed around what he supposed was a stump or . something 01 me Kina 10 see exactly 4 now nis plow' had struck Vhen he unearthed several handsf nil of . gold : coi n: -' He continued to dig .and the . coin con inueclto come.. . And when ;he' hai gotten, out all- he had .no less1 than bushel-aud a half of Mexican gold coins. . .. The: latest date on' any of th coins bears the date of -1790, 1 piaking ibip6ryears.; old, . ?From . this date they range, back many years. 'Ii rs not known how the money r came- to be . buried here as .the land is!" in sparsely. settledsdistricL-Saliabury World. - ..is-.. As to Col. Skinner's ; zeal jfor the cpntinuance of , Jlepublicah-Populist fusion in' .the State, district uid counties, it may, be -said again, as Uncle Remus', buzzard when survey lug ine. uying mujet ne got intruss in dat case.".' The : news from the first district is that even -with a re newal of theJ;f!ision of ,94i.Colone Skinner can. scareely be save'dJ With pfut it,ihe is.-a Certain goner.--Char lotte Observer vi- Baptist Jubilant, j Atlanta,' Ga., April; 23. :The Baptist, Home, Mission Board pas3ed resolutions thanking all who' have I assisted -'in,' securing the ' release of jur. A. li. Diaz, the Baptist ; mission ary' arrested by the Spanish in - Hav ana. , Dr,' Diaz was cabled to come direct to Atlanta. The, Baptists are jubilani' ' They, acted promptly and secured the speedy " release of their missionai-y. j , . . .-. - - , . NEWS. "An El.kin ; hen set on 17 eggs, brought off 19 chickens, and twoof he' eggs' did not hatch. - Fifteen thousand acres of land in Dumberland and Harnett counties have been purchased on which an ex tensive settlement of'Norwegians and Swedes is to be made. They will be brought on steamers lo Wilmington. CoL W. S. Pearson, of Burke, who was in Statesville this-weeky told a friend: there that ha would be an independent frte silver candidate for Congress. 'in the eighth- district this year; and that he would be iu the fight to., the; finish. Col. ' -Pears. m ngured. prouiineutlv- in the silver convent iou recently held in Burke J. R. Gattis. a prominent resident of Durham, 66 years of age, fell dead astiight during a -.revival meeting at I Ik- iiethud iat eti rr-i t v . . i J. ne Jroou lists in their euucit a Washington Thursday night la.-ucd i .. - - ... a statement to the effect j that iur portea interviews with, tne reope e party Senators and. Conjivasmn to the effect that the People's pa.-ty might support lhe nomination of one of the old parties for President are incorrect. -': " W ""-"-;."-- - ' J ' " ." , .... "' Gen. Weyler.Thursday offered par don to all the insurgents in Pinar del K10 province' who will surreuder. " In Bamberg, S. C, acotUm factory is being built in which : negro iabr will be employed. ; rheodore H. Price, of New, York Stock Exchange firm of Price, McCormick & Co., saidi Thursday that he had been authorized to bet $10,000 even money that William McKinley would be nominated for President as the Republican candi date, and that, barring his death or his declination of the nomination, he would : be elected. Rev. J. W. Miller,' of iHenderson, 26 years of age, is called ito be pa8' tor of Eu taw Place Baptist church at Baltimore, and accepts. 'Aaron Linker, " good farmer o Cabarrus county, exhibits a five- peunyweight; piece of gold, found. it is stated, by an old - colored woman in the stomach of a cat fish caught from a little stream in Cabar ius. "' It is reported that the find has caused great excitement and that people in that section have aban doned ploughing to fish and hunt for sold. ; It is a pretty good fish yarn, whether true or not "' Secretary Ayer, of the Populis State Executive committee, said, to day: "Democratic Populist fusion is impossible. . I have not the slight est. idea the-ropunst otate conven tion would sanction it even if a pro position were made. Certainly no proposition has been made. - Shad and herrings have been sell ing lately at unprecedentedly low prices buck shad only 10 cents per pair and rose shad 18 cents per pair; herring, $1.00 per hundred whole sale. No danger of anybody starv ing where such prices as these pre vail. Newberu Jonrnal. B. N. Duke has sent to Treasurer Jarraan, at Raleigh, a check for $15 as a contribution to the fund for the Kerection of headstones to the North Carolina Gonfe lerate dead at - Win cheste, Va. Durham Sun. " An alligator eighteen feet long was killed not long ago in northeast branch of New river. He was shot to death by Capt Purdy and Mr. Mclutyre,. ' " Reports from the huckleberry re oion indicate that the Sampson Blue will hit thisyear in ample quantities The crop is one that brings consid erable revenue to bampson, - Duplin and Bladen counties and is hailed with exceeding delight j by the pick aninnies. ' - 'N l !Activity '.continues in '- Cabarrus gold rniDing ; circles, s Mr Sandy Smith veslerday showed the Concord Standard a second bar of gold tha weighs 500 pennyweights. It is beauty, and is the product of - the Widenhouse mine, of i which Mr. Smithe has the management-1 W. A. Smith has effected the sale of a gold mine'in Cabarrus for $52,000 to Northern -: capitalists. Concord Standard. ' , - . - The Mrrganton Herald-has start ed a Marion edition of its .weekly. - The Democrats of Jackson county have'eudorted James II, Merrimon for Congress and declared for free silver. - The Oxford : Orphan Asylum is wrestling with an epidemic of meas les. One -hundred and forty , chil dren have been down with it. The town of Lexington has ; im posed a tax of $25 on the Southern Evpresa Company,' which threatens, in consequence, to quit d6ing busi ness there " - ' ,t ,Itis alleged 'that Senator Pritch ard is pressing Robert O. Patterson, of Asheville, for the chairmanship of the Republican . State Committee and that Patterson is now canvass ing the State from that place. Patr terson Ciiat the "vote which elected Loge Harris secretary of the- com mittee.' : " ' ,- STATE The shops of the Seaboard' Air me at iiaieign, were ournea at 4:40 'clock Wednesday morning. .' Lossl ibont- $60,000; insurance $50,X)00.J This fire throws 125. -workman out of employment, but it is thought the hops will be immediately rebuilt t -1 ii.. 1 j.u lub luau eieubiou, tue luulcdi i was Close between Latimore mem.") knd Ouinn fPoo for . clerk : of Cleveland county court" The case was referred to exr justice "Uurweli who decided that Quinn had been elected by nine votes. - The Char otte Ubserver learns that 1 tne case, saving come up upon : exceptions in the Superior court, Judge Bryan re versed the finding of ex-Justice Bur-- we!l, jiiid tbf Case comes up to the Su--1 ine four The : 1 1 k i ;i t h .? tocoanu I. . Recently ,1. lv'. Kestler,' of Cabar rus,, who calls himself a: Popnlist, has been "falling 1 he. Populists and j assistant Republican papers full of communications advocating fusion witu tue xvepuuiioau uu auj -.wiuia. Ul 1 KIlHA nfl AM' nil The milk in the cocoauut leaked out when the Radical convention of - .. .-: . .j..- 'j ....... Cabarru3, composed . : chiefi y of ne groes, passed the f ollowi ng .resol u- tions:.. . "Resolved, by this convention, that in case the Congressman from this, the Seventh district, is given to the Populists, we hereby endorse for that position J. Ed. Kestler, of Cabarrus." News and Observe. "'-, Perfect Wisdom . W mid-give us perfect health. Because men and women are not perfectly wise, they must take medi cines to keep themselves perfectly healthy. Pure, rich , blood is the basis of good health. Hood's Sar saparilla is the One True Blood Purifier. It gives good health- be cause it builds upon the dation pure blood. true f ouiv HOOD'S PILLS are purely vege table, perfectly harmless, . always reliable and beneficial. " Laws Without the President Approval. ' Washingtoit, April .27. The President, as was expected, has1 let the agricultural appropriation bill be come a law without . his signature, presumably because ib thwarted .Sec retary Morton's purpose: to abolish the seed distribution system. Four other bills also have become law without approval. They are the acts granting a pension 1 of $100 a month to Jos. A. CooperJ late briga dier general. U, S. A.: ; granting to railroad companies in Indian Terri tory additional grounds; 'granting a pension to Martha Brooks, of Ne braska, and an increase of pension of Mary B. Houk, of Tennessoe, widow of Congressman Leonidas Houk. This is the Simple Question Has the Democracy of North Caro lina, in one defeat, lost all of its back bone and is it willing to allow the very same crowd that wrecked the party in 1891 to come in and name half of the ticket in order that a few 1 Democrats may have -the; chance of being elected to hold some office? Marion Record. - j Anxiously tvatch declining health of their daughters, i So many are cut off Dy consumption in early years that there is real cause for anxiety, In the early stages, when not ; beyond the reach of medicine, Hood's Sarsa- panlia win restore the quality and quantity of the blood And thus give gooa neaitn. iteaa tne following letter: - t -m m. w '."" . . "- -u is uat jusc 10 write abont my daughter Cora, aged 19. She was com pletely ran down, declining, had that tired feeling, and friends said she would not live over three months. She had a bad (DOOgCll and nothing seemed to do her any good. I happened to read abont Hood's Sarsapa- rilla and had her .give it a trial. From the very first dose she began to get better. After taking a few bottles eha was com pletely cured and her health has been the best ever since.'' Mbs. Addih Peck, 12 Bailroad Place, Amsterdam, N. Y. " ' I will say that my mother has not stated my case In-as strong Werds as I would have done. Hood's: Sarsaparilla has truly cored me and I am now well. CosA Peck, Amsterdam, N. Y. Be sore to get Hood's, because " Sarsaparilla Js the One True Blood Purifier. AH druggists. $1. treparea only byo.1. Hood fie Co., Lowell, Mass. HftA,1 r:il- arepnrelyegetable,re. ."yw o ruia napie apq peqeaciai. 250. .rorbale. corn, : . : WHEAT, . - .CATTLE, , also OLOVER.; ' Standard brands - - Fertilizers. of; General Merchandise. 1 1 t n rt W w 1 J. liuninhnm. CUNINGGAM, N. C. (Q)(Q)(C J". .A.. Xj01sTC3 people J USt " O U T Way ! ' ; jtg the steady pull along fViio cfnfp frPRb frnm dav An .rw.., . , aae spurters. au. our prices uic vcty iv,w .. ' .cvwyujfmlucjriu.Ba,, jhTher MaSTlificent DisplSY of Spring Styles proclaim "us styles and lowest -prices.a space does not allow. - Dress Goods: Novelties in every line. We are showing not only the high priced" silks, etc., but we have the prettiest line ot wash goods imaginable. They are stylish, neat, and serviceable combining all the qualities sd much needed these hard times. You will regret it if youdon't see these goods. ' . - , , Millinery Department Is again under the-coutiol and management of Miss Cuningham. an experienced trimmer, who will be delighted to' hnve yon inspect nef , aepartment. - it ; is a cosv - 1 little den lor the-ladies-everv I ... ....... . . . . j thing private and comfortable. 1 m& ior the celebrated R & G . - Corsets, and when once you buy this you will have no other. Merchants, Mechanics, Ministers, Lawyers, Doctors, Men & Boys, Young & Old, Furniture, Carpets, and We have more floor space devoted to this line tan any other firm in this section, and our line has neYer.been more complete. Ve Carry Almost Everything, , i and it is folly to waste your time looking elsewhere, but come direct to. us : for anything you want, and lOtol we can supply your wants. Respectfully, " UOlSTOr & GO- Shooting Pains in any part of the body are tisually caused by Neuralgia, which in turn is caused by a low state of the blood. Purify the blood and the pains cease." TERS purifies the Browm Chskicax. F7B BERMANN & GOODFRIEND, ROXBORO, N. C. Wonderful Values Our success in Roxboro has been due to the " fact that vre.are the ' " ' : Peoples and always have bargains to offer those who call on s. . . VE CARRY the largest line of clothings in Person County and dety anybody to meet our prices. DRY GOODS ' . tor everybody, v. Be NOTIONS ..to please the most SHOES none better, and prices the lowest . " Vhen- it comes to ' GROCERIES we lead them all. In short, our stock is complete, and our prices the lowest We can't begin to enumerate our many 1 bargains, but. only ask that you give us a call. ; 7 . Respectfully, " " , " - ' Bermann & K S&IentiSo American Agency fcr DESIGN PATENTS, wttkm JZ r "isf IBe anaoooK write to fiiE.LS.00? 861 Eeo", Nbw York. Slitl?? 8ecurlxl8 Patents in America. SleiT,faKttake5ou.by U8ls brouRht before the public by a notice given free of charge in the jfrUutifif -ocrifnu JIJiS8 rIS??? 'any otentiflo paper In tbe pian shonld be without it. Weeklv ftq (.- r -'l 1.S0 six months. Adto Wn&' co! VsBiy 3 jij Eroadwty, fcTy York Cityr &o CO., of i.Q3cToor. ' with the long" strokes that 'makes rlav with business. iWe'arC not . . , . always the promoters of Jatest thorough description of which - .... ,f i - testify to the merits of our cloth ing. We have- the kind tq suit every size;: every - shape, and every person. . i $UifS,-$tsw MS; : of every description for the hot weather, bole agents lor Noell Bros. $2.68 Pants. Matting. Brown's Irom Bnv ..1 blood. Co., Baltimore, Md. in every Department Friepd; sQre and examine the quality." " IIP! , A ' 7 i v f I fastidious Goddfriend. Adminictrqtprg Notice. 1 Havinjj'this day qnalified a.a ad nanistrat.or on the estate of the: la-e John. Tillman deceased. . I ihereby notify all persons owing said: estate to come forward and make immediate settlement, and those holding claims against the estate are notified to present them to the- nndetsigned lor ppyment on or before the 20th day of April 1897, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery, -This the 18th day. of April, 1896. D. T. TILLMAN, Administrator of John Tillman. $232 Saved!' : $500 Should Pay -. 2.68 - - Do Pay V $2.32 r Sayings A little calculation for you. It's an illustration of what happens; when you buy ' " - - - - and the only proof that they're not $5 pants is the $2.32 in your pocket. ' , " - -' ' 1 '- - "'. : v ' FOR SALE BY ?' .' ' : J. A. LONG & CO. Roxboro, tl. C. - J.'S- Cuningham, ; Cuningham, .NC. VORINOC fvfDQACCO GUAM ' - Henderson, N. O., rv'j October 1." " j F. S. Royster, Esq. f . . - - D e a b Suv?. I - bought larrtdy. of your Ori.ioco Tobacco'; , Fertilizer 'the'- 'J pjist season- It ha3 given entire satisfaction 111 the . field.' In fact, L. haveyet; " to know v of a siilglej in-' stance in-which it has not come fully up. to expecta- -tions, both in growth and " curing of ' the plant -It " ; stands at the head.' . ... -, JTours very truly u. Y. Cooper. , t DnvcTrn ruaun 9R9. N.C.& NORFOLK.VA --li i-irrmirT- For sale 'by ' C. T. WILLSON & CO., Roxboro N. C. : . . Tilatiy Icrson r Ire hrofcen d -wij from overwork or household lares Hi fiu ns Iron Dinars Miuilds iho system, aids digestion, removes ex nf b..e. cures malaria. Oct the genuine. B,"B-U-V fe."..' - . .. ; .BO BUY your hardware ......... ff. "and sUnes'-'at v ' the cheapest re 3 . " liable plae. . - ?4 -AVe ;:band.le-"A'J6fa-l& 3 J. 4 goods only;- and fgj . s ; ks they ' can be ' , ; ' bonght :any whert--14 p - in-America. r-' . M We have , just - com- 0 ' ' pleted onr con- : tracts ,with the ; manufacturers for pS - . plows, . etc., and 5. 3 . .. ' -. can, saveyou nion- pj -' ey on them. . 1 Oj S SEE NEW PJJICrs THiS Wtf.K': fg Boy Dixie plow, $ 1 125 M ' 1 Farmer Friend. I Atz hovd plow, stocks, 85 g 50, 55, 60, 65 m ha Mattocks, N 85c. fur or special naattock. ; We gnarantce it , fit .CiUawayiharrowsr Peed p Cutters .1 Jorn i-!iinfArn ctp A good No. 7 cook stove ! B. for I -Every where;; $ 0.50.' These Aw Cash Prices. No Time v-. LUKIA &1.0NG. The Hardware Men. . i - m s MAIN STREET, ROXBORO, N. C. m - - - - - - rj :M!IITHIS BE AUTIFUL4I ajjSl.OOO R AMBER BICYCLgj J ' - . -pnj- - : eg y -' feS .: : - ; . - v . - 'iff ... 3 ' t -.- v- Bicycle, at a regular race, at any race-meet sanctioned by n. ry . . wm aiso uooaie isuu.uu in goia towara aeirj expenses! of the meet at which this "fastest mile" is made, -s - jit may be in 4 minutes, perhaps 1:50; but ihere is no ' limit;, no string to the gift For further particulars W J . De, Morris, the Rambler Agent, Roxboro, N. C. -. - ? . ... .? r - t .. ' - ; TIS BEAUTIFUL WHEEL - . I .,2, GORMULLY & JEFFERY MFG. RAMBLER AGENT ,i riF MORi?is. sen-- 1 1 -,- " !1 j:Buy Right! I BuyDrugi The inodern piure snonld f u the goods 1 people yaTtor7i qnalitv thev have at, the Pric, they-onght to pa WE HAVE----" TWO MISSION . une to furnish dm- r uihi can ne Mi!,,, .the other, to fllrijil(1 uiusa .t just xney.are worth. That's oar aimc . to see ng. ICE I am now $ pand to fiu ice in any quantity. I J no cbarge for delivering.! . Call at cellar under Peel Bank. : J. H. HARRIS ., ,. .-. .. . ,: U 6 Zell's 'Tobacco f erniizer. The old reliable kiel true... ;,Sure to n.ab fi n e, to .1 gh, 1 eatheri bacco.-. The fact has :b -en used 10 i yeais in. this 1 section! suthcient reconimenit of . its merits. For sal; O, T. WILLSON. I ' Roxboro, N, 0, TOBACCO GROW of fine, yellow tobacco, placing their orders, vrol " well to read and consioi following: -A ' Col. Jobh a. 'Milium: . . Infrham. I'ers?n eci, endowe FKEMUlf ; : mane bv Ku-hmuna b . - - Kichmond, Va. His nriops have avera? " well - for tobacco growl .- . : .. a.iJ past season, anu mc im . "are taken trom his bills for crops of 1895, viz $32, $37 $39, $42, $431 $49, $50 per hundred p j. j .... .? ' . RICHMOND GUANO CO, Richmoni P Minium JCrur1 VoriillKfr lll.i- thi Klrhinnnii ;imiio . . f icuw and eftonw nd it to tobarco gr"" This brand of fertilizer b s w rj popularitv among the f.-irmerg wltffl vllfkw tAhgRMi Mml ift entille.1 t-1 -,IT ihe commemlBtion it is e-wistantlv I shall handle Amble the quam. j hat I hn-vn il.mp hftretofor-'. li"!"! - - JOH-N S CUN'H For sale by C. T. Willson & Co.. March 1' 3ms. Roxte J . W. R. HH BRICK & m " " M M full Line schoc; rg M& BOOKS, STATIONEr f'IBl CONF'ECTIONERIej :C1GARSAT0EACC . . (. ',. p - "' s WILL BE PRESENTED I-.:- to the ameieur rider, who, before November ,1, 1896, will have the fastest rai!e made -in eomDetition dnrioff this season on "fj $1 500.00 IN - K - ? - - - MINUTfl t J ...... I , : - y II CatalogMef f ;. . ....... 1 ..: . , . ' II - was tbe sensation ot the X ew York Cycle sbois iilrer and ohl j embossed, with goldplaled nipple and otjjer tmall parts, siW ; piatad handle bars, spokes, bubs, and other bright parts. BiaW : r ony rimsi sclid Ivory .turned goia-tipped and jewelle);ba,,dle, The head is crowned with'a ciIet of pearls, surrounding immense amethyst, while amethyst and turquoise gem rt Into other parts. " VaUip, S l.OOO.OO. ' f X " -

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