263 VOTES CERTAIN. Th i s i s t h e G I a l m N Made .by The Republicans. SURPRISETO BOTH SIDES Evidently Large Vote Cast ?or Altqeld in Illinois. ELECTION NOT CON CEDED (liTTrjA an. 'Til ' 1ST iv J. Th turns from the entire country, ' at- though incomplete, .in' some - States, f'o Wf .o i ' - -7- , . v ,,. , . . v. - 1 JIVJ Ul II UttlllJt 11JOU1C HJC CICvyllUU I oflMcKiulev. A sufficient number of Btates has declared for the . Re- are sure for him are as' follows: Electorial Votes: Massachusetts, 15: Michigan, 14; AUnnnt o. xto4J .TT..mfi? at.:,.,. ' -in. tvt. v.i, ' oc! Tir.vfWti'Q. n oq. nJL. ' 4; Pennsylvania,' 32: RhoUe Island 4; South .Dakota, ' 4; -Vermont, 4; w . it- ,10 . . a . . . 7 ' tnta V.KI-t - 1 - xne returns snow, some interesting ieaiures ana m some respects nave heavy - pluralities . for McKiiiley 1.1 u: mu, du:x without ciuuu. xuc iiuuuwu ticket' was silccessful.in Massauchu- setts beyond what,was claimed: for it by the most. enthusiastic prophet of Republican success. ' - v . ' : . f. ;Jfew York and -Pennsylvania; me Avith'each other for. the largest plur ality and the figures at band do . not muicate wmcnone or tnem- nas jjur- passed the other. . Each . State , has given me xvepuoncau uauuiuaie ue tween 275,000 and 280,000 majority. To these Illinois is a ffOOd third for plurality to theN winning candidate, ii ine perceuuige oi gain, uver iue presidential election ot lay, tnat i nas so iar oeen snown, continue u tne ena, it win srive a niuranw oi not far from 175,000 In the Gu bernatorinl race . Al tgeld has been badly defeated, but is : not buried so deep and is probably about 60,000 ahead of the Democratic Na tional ticket. There has evidently been a large vote cast throughout the State for McKinley and Altgeld. the ratio of Kepubhcan gain continues to the end ot the country McKinley will : haye approximately 200,000 plurality in the State. ; a i,' a 1.1LL LijAimo urtiAi. " . ' -r - T' tt r " Z Chairman-James K. Jones tele- grapueu ouauu .ampj o clocK p. m.; as ionows I v - ' 1 . II 1 .. - " 'Chicago, Nov. 4, 1896. "Election'very close; ; -Indiana and lonbt. Eithe- . State will srive us the victory. . "James K. Jones. . , KENTUCKY DEMOCRATIC CniAGO, Nov. 4. The following has been received at the National Democratic headquarters ; ; : ' Louisville. Ky.y Nor. 4. Ken- tucky surely Democratic;- not lesa than 3,000 and hourly increasing, The opposition hag resorted to every political contrivance to keep oht the returns; , ; . . ' ' " , "H. H. SOMMEBS'v "Chairman State Committee.'. ; republican . claims. . - -Louisville, Ky.', Nov. 4. M. E. Stone, Chicago:- "Kentucky is very close. ! Many counties - . are remote from relays and , telegraph and re turns are: slow. At this hour, 3 :45, we believe we have an-- advantage of 8,000, corrections and re visions may change this. slightly..- . ... . . - -SAM J. ROBERTS. publican part to make certain 263 ""J votes in theElectorial 'College V for imeU, e Jfo LorLr 'im vjc. hA "d Chairman California, 9; Connecticut,-6; Del- conoeue win: owie-oy an? means .eware, 3; Illinois, .24; - Indian ' 15; e can lose Kentucky, and! hen have t 19. nf t a o enough votes to wm. , . . - Iowa, 13; Maine, 6: Maryland, 8; !. .-. .; been a surprise to the leaders ot both been most extraordinary. I have-just political parties. ; The'New England received-word from Kaleigh, "N. C, States have as was expected, -giyen whinh states that .: North iiarnlinji is hones still confident. Mis Private' Advices (Assure Bryan's' Election; Chicago, III:,. Nov. 3. At" inid- nigut Uhairinan Jones gave out the following signed statements 4 There ii no , foundation for the claims of the Rejm blicans. .There " is at this Hio, midnight, no reason to think that ahy one of the States claim'ed by me fur Mr. Brvanl.has failed to, vnt for him.: While misleading reports pn vale ad vices . ass ure us. that each one or thse btates has gone for Mr. Bryan.. ' For two. hours the moat ex travagant j Claims' As- to Heutucky ad luuiaim nave oeen .teiegrapnea an T . ,1 ! ; t- .'.!. I"-s;.:-i 1--; 11 j 7 ""y-, "itum w ldSt minutes on roommittee, as- sure us that both are safe for us. ...1 t j r. i i Ail 'D "'' '"''" ' . 1 ' 1 i ,J iJ 1 . i"y-eiteu. -11 have teen-no nutavorable re- " State that we have xcept from Kentucky, J,on es. ' Repor ts f ro m that State indicate7 a larger defection than we had anticipated,'' but we do Pelved a message from State Chair- awn Martin, stating that Indiana was. absolutely certain for Bryan Prna.e telegrams from Jliohigan m- "' " a""8. the Democratic committee based thnir honest of Krvan fi e (ration linnn " r : ' ; "i At 1:15 a. m. Chairman Jones said: Thiawhnie nffiir Miia .roninrr ha LhsnlntHlRaf'fop Rfvan hv t'Mnt - . . ,v 20,000 majority, andyet reports have h,n o? vino- if.' t MnKinW n thA eveQing; j This is only a specimen of thg ;Wav things are sroin? .The? Ee- Innblicans seem to have taken charsre nfthft remrns arid are sending them out uxsiut theitowii nurnoses. There 1B something rong about ",th5. way the things have been going to-night" : Both; Democratic and ' Populist leaders emphatically claim Bryan's eiection: ; s T hp.iie.vft t.W Varlv rnn'rta 1 ar to "prepare the country to.believe that McKinley is elected,'1; said Chairman Ge6, T: vVashburn, of the Populist Nation Committee. , BUTLER DOES NOT GIVE Says Country Returns Now All Look Favora- : Waghin2ton Nov. 4. Chairman Bailer, of the Populist National coin mittee. is riot ready to conqede the electi nl but says : "Every represen Itative from the back districts is' in Jour favor.- This is especially, true of South UaKota, wmcu we uaye carrier xToninnlrif ' whnh nokft more favorable by later returns. Our best . . fho nnnntr .n . wft f . t . j our vote will . - ' . o , be until it is in. Secretary Edgerton. said : , 'We have -carried every Southern " State; with thexception of; West ' Virginia and : Maryland and possibly Ken tucky; also eyery fetate Wt 'st of the TVTi3crnririvpr' with the ftvp.ention of CaIifordiaandf Kortlr Dakota, and returus are being received .which in- dicate that they may vr be placed in the Bryan column. ; In the . centra west reports are being received -.from Indiana and Minnesota, which may add them to the Bryan Voteana give him a 'majority .We are . making great gains in Cougressmen and will have 150 silver men anu zo ropuuoi,. in the House, ay exuuwuc """"6 oh President, but await . reliable, in. formation from the "districts 1 not yet reported.,; ; - , MANLY'S FIGURES- Will Elect Bryan and Seven Silver Cong ress men. Contest for Governdr Close, with Chances Favoring VVatson. Washington, N'ov. 4. The As-r Knriatpd Press has received . the ioi lowing dispatch from Clement Manly cratic Committee of North Carolina : "Bryan has" carried, the State; by 20,000. "Silver, Congressmen. are elected ju the Firsts Third,; Fourth, f ilth, Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth dis t ric t s.' . The Set;on & a bd Nin th are in doubt. . The. contest over the gov ernorship is very close, with chances tavonug Watson, - the -Democratic no ni i ri ee; T he Legislat u re wil ! pr6 b ably be auti-pemocratiQ by a" small - THE LATEST- BULETlW. ; J- " . '--.,- 1 : - - v -' -New York;-Nov. 5. Mr.VBnan givf-s out thev to) lowing : j . - kTbe Democratic. Natiouar:Qom- mjtteeclairiis enough votes ; to. -make a majarity in theElectoral College, bu 1 1 h e vote is Ver j c Ibie ' i n several of the State's aud the result will not be kiio w n posi ti vely until , the entire vote is counted. In all close contests it 13 wise for both sides to watch, the returns to guard; against the possi bility otv'a mistake; intentional- or unintentional.' TO LEASE THE A & N.,C. Newbern,,N. C, .Nov. 3. This ad vertiseriient appeared to-day," in t the Newbern-Journal: , . - NOTICE; - - C A special meeting of the stockhold ers of the Atlantic and North Caroli na Railroad .Company;will be held at Morehead, oh Monday, 9th day of November. 1896; . ( ' . ' ' 'Stockholders will be passed free to the meeting on the mail train - Satur day, the 7th day of November, 1896. : : ,VV. Sv (JHADWICK, ' . , Presidents" It has leaked out here that meeting has been called for the thir pus pose of leasing the Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad, and. that the lease is to be made to a syndicate, already formed, and without submitting it to the General Assembly. Two or three months agoVthe scheme of -leasing this road ) "Was foiried, and it, was be lieved that the '"Governor anu ' the Directors had decided to make iiuxucuiatu lease. , jl uej' wem peiouou-1 ; j.x i , mi ed to postpone, n not ananaon, tne leiue.auuuuuimg wa until to-day when ; the above notice appeared. - , - .-, The directors of the road x met Newbern Monday, and determined to call a. meeting for. the. purposee of making the leane. ..' - . ; It is understood that, some of .the laigci oiuuujucio ;iuo; ;iuou,cuiu some of the" directors , are interested in the syndicate that proposes to lease the road. It is known that while f it ib ijiuwdcu vuuoxuci ;niuuv v uw i 5re parties who would lease the road but who will not be invitedtp;'ixnake..:';QC; 26 a bid. There is an air of secrecy ibout the whole business - that ? does not please those who have learned of it.. it. Yesterday a gentleman as,ked another who was conversant witn tne miena- ed lease, if it was not true that a lease was to be entered into at the meeting of' the stockholders next Monday His reply was:; uYes, .but rinn sflv'a wnnlTflKnnt it?' ' ; V Wreck On The Southern. : ' . . T t-vTWd-rnisr N fl TCw ' 1 hprfl was a big wwt- nn thfl Rnnthfirn on railroad rieAr here 'this, morning. Thirteen box and coal cars were srriashed One fireman, John Brown, had his, leg1 broken and a ' biakeman had his leg scratched. The freight go- mg towaru ?iyury uu Way,' ailU Wailicu tb vUiliaU.,oia.KJ.v. iut the . first and second sections to pass- Then it started to, Salisbury and ran into the third section of tne norm- bound freight. The engineer on the third section lead his orders wrong, And started for Conrad siding, and wa.s ffoinsr down a six mile hill at the rate of sixty miles an hour when he o. fhA fixtra from Greensboro two miles below Lexington, All of the ir, v,oh trains inmDed. . 1 whfln von are looking at a picture a ' crood lu? no Pnnrtenns0to Tour fel- nw creatures as- you are to a pic- Highest of all-in Leavening Powen- I 1 x : I " r. . V I . - I v. I - I Allensville Kicks.' '' - ' - - : " ' I lurs. Emily S. Tingen who hus been spending a , fewweeks visiting herdanghter;Mr8."WijAi!.Leneaveat LaGrange, N.' C, returned home on the "17th ' , . : v -. ' ; - s;- . " At the.home of the . brides father oh thel4vh,v Mrs. G. D.' Redraon, Mr H. -T. Gates a rid Miss A1 ste Red were united in the holy bonds of matri many;-. Re v.. Ei J" Montague iofflciar Mr. and Mrs. W. L Tingen, .after spending ' several weeks'in Eastern Carolina returned .home on the ,17th. Mr.T. ,M.Bumpas8t returned home on the 12 in8tr..v .after spending 'the summer nea Kinston curing and grading ubacco.v . . - v t . - Mr. and Mrs G. K Slaughter: left on the evening of the 22 j nst.; . for Moortsville, Iredell' County,8 N. C:, wher.they expect to' make .their.jf a ture home. " Mr Slaughter -will stop over at iBurlington to see his brother J. Slaughter; also to take in, the Cou n ty; Fair w hich is ; being held i ri Burlington this.. week. ,; ; t . Messrs. J. Tingen and' G. Slaugh ter, will also" take in the f Burlington Fair this week. : , , : ? Mr Cr0 Slaughter,' who has' been in Lenoir county,for the , past' . four months. curing and gradingi tobacco is expected :, home on . the 10th -; of No vember,' ' -" ' - ' -; r DnrOctober the 23, l96;.the home of Mrs Jane'Valker was a scene of gaity Wpreasure,; 'at;, being- the i. ""f".i ' . ' "ti.. -"-..i l r:.. uimaiuay oi-uwiejugufcexiM maKe i.an diej -Longl before the hour ar 'P?; rived 'strong .'frien f jyg(j 'gtTOUg were posing smiles arid : exchanging anticibations of the aDDroacuinir evenL . At 3 o'clock -p. m., James T. performed the ceremony. ;. marrl'affe allenioved a most excellent supper given by the groom's; parents. js a yery" popular young, couple anuftneynave a nost ot inenus ;wno are glad t6 see them wedded , but SOrry to miss them from theif circle. Both are expelierit'young people, and none can preuict out a uuppy xuture " ' ; . ' - - ' -: ; r . JuMBO. Two Lives Saved- jjrs Phoebe Thomas, .of Junction City, Il. was lold by .her doctors she had Consumption and. there was no hope for her but.two bottles Dr; King s New Discovery completely cured her and-she says: it; saved ?her life.,; ,Mr; Thos.Egffers, 139 fclonda, fct.-:ban Francisco, suflered trom.a dreadtul cold, approchmg Uonsumptioa,,. tried without result everything else then uuuUi uue uuiue ui iiiu" a Discovery and. in-two , weeKs cured. -He is ..naturally tuanKini. It is such results, of which these are samples, that prove tne wonaeriui efficacy of; this medicine in Coughs and" Cold sV Free trial bottles at J. D. Morris Drug Store.: Regular size i&Q amJ hQQ Blindnes9 df heart is worse than Blindness of eyrij T5 BlPod ,s LUq It is the medium which carries to every nerve, muscle brgan and fibre its nourisnmentiand strengtn. blood is pure, rich and healthy, you will be. welUiif impure, diseases will soon overtake you. noon s oarsapn arilla has power to keep; you , in neaiLU uy.uiamug yum uiouu xiuu auu pure. s Hood's Pills are easy to take, easy to operate. Cure indigestion, bilious'. Latest V. S. Gov't Report. n. Don'J Tobacco Spit or Smoke Your Life Away is, the truthful startlinff title of a . boi)k about NorTo Bac. the harmleaa- guaranteed tobacco habit cure . that braces up riicotinizel nerves .elimi nates the nicotine poison,, makes weak men gain strength, vigor t and; man hood. V Yo nrun no physical or r financial risk, as No-To Bac is sold x by druggists - every where under a -guarantee to euro orj irioney refund ed . Book free.' Address J. De Mor-, Hs. Roxbpro. N. C.V t : : fl; R.:: FOUSHEE :5 GO. . .O .... i , .t.Fihe Dress ;: Goods & , -' , ' ' ' -Vv. vJN otionsv-,; ' ' '- V ' - ' '.. ' r 4 Paste this in your; bonnet short 1 x sentence plain, .chat, but ail ' Vv naked truth; and' about hot styl-. ;" J ish 'stuff: X Digest' it and you'll-; surely pmfit thetehyv -1 ' '"'i' We have a nice line of. ; - DRESS GOODS ' V 'i: Of the latest weavei in the-rietr . knobby French patterns;: in . all V :the new shades. ;Blue And black V Serges, and '.Henriettas; V , ; ma r : 1 11111111-. - -ir- rii:ii " w - " - , W W W ; : on ly 20 eontc. V ; ' S - Good IVorcteiJ at-1 0 etc. .Ve have krimiihneoC- - V "v TRIMMINGS r., ........ , , . 3 x ; .TT'Consistrnp-of rill t!.-f.hrrfri-r small i and i large . buttons match, silks, velvets, etc. ' Our heavy ; " 1' to DRY ' GOODS : - Department ' is 'complete in i which y oil will find some real ' bargains' in, ;Percals, - Qatings ; Calicoes, Cheviots; Tlaids'Pant Goods; and Domestics. Jn flan nels,1 4on'tVsay .a word . but ; come arid see our prices. They are regular Qold Gtand- a rd prices. ; We have 'a big line of i . CAPES VAND ., JACKETS' for; ladies and misses in Astra Ncafl, Seal'-Ptush; and;1 Ladies, ; Cloth Also a line of children's cloaks cheap. - . , Call and see our stock before . - buying, and we ' will sav.e you some money. . v - . s liss. Pauie - Y'ancey.i8 still with 'us with a full line of Millinery . Vand' will be , glad to "have her friends to call. J ' - . YOURS TO SERVE,- A. R: FOUSHEE & fcsT At -Woody. &';Yancejs old stancL MY MILLIMERYIS STILL AT MY. ; OLD STAND. I have just returned from :the Northern markets where.1 have bought a big line of Millinery consisting of imported hats of the newest designs. . I have a -big line of Misses hats,, also baby caps for all the kid3. Come and see me ' when you need any heard gear. : Dresses made to order in the latest style by an experienced dtess maker. -. - : T.IISS PALLTE VATTCEY . At IVccdy ti Ycr.ccy's CI J ClirJ, V.zw A. 11. Fcu:hc3 tt Cc "Ch'm'n. Rep. State Com the Chairman or; tne, state 1