1 ,7 1 BROS, Proprietor HOr.lE FlRGT: ABROAD MEIIT. 01.00 Per Ycqrui Aclvonco. VolXI1I. 'ROXBORO; NORTH , 0 AROLIJf A, . WEDNEspAt EyENiNGj '-. April .J-Vj 1897.' No. 30: . , j . - - - ...... - - iV - l7 II I I I II I A i 'I ". , i i OKLAHOMA TOWN DISAPPEARS. LOSS OF PROPERTY AMOUNTS TO HALF A MILLION, : , - OyclonB Leaves Onlsr Four : Houses to Sfteen Hundred Inhabitants --filled, Tliirty--flve; - Injured' One Hundred'and Sixty. ; Guthrie bklav, Marcti 31Chan dler, an interior boom town fifty one miles from Guthrie is a mass of rains. At six o'clock last e veuing a cyclone, dealing death and -destruction7 'to ev erythiog in its Datht swept down up on the town and almost completely wiped it off the face of the earthV- Of the lt500 inhabitants, ' thirty-five , were killed outright, and fully 170 were jnjurt d. Of the latter ' it. .is thought ten will die. and twentyfour others are in a dangerous condition. The remainder of the- population is homeless. v The Presbyterian church, Mitchell's hotel and. two other build ing are all that remain Standing - - These have, been turned to-hospi tals. The property loss will aggregate half a million dollars. ; f - There are not half enough cofflusto bury the dead. The storm came from the southwest, almost without a moment's warning and, across the town, first demolished the business district,,then laid low the residence portion and passing on, jspSnt itself in the open prarie. The wrecks of the buildings took fire, and in sC short time an awful holocaust followed. , Many of the injured . buried in the ruins. were burned to death before help arrived. The people were slow to recover from the shock of the calamity, and not until rioon today did anything like system prevail in - the work of relief At 11 o'clock 'to v "night particulars are' meagre., Save one slow working telephone wire 'out of Chandler and ; but one telegraph wire from Guthrie,. the town is prac tically cut off from the outside world., - The storm' broke upon- the city suddenly. The sky was .clear an hour 'before. - Shortly before six o'clock a mass of dark clouds gather ed in the southwest and whirll north., It soon- developed into a tunnel shaped' monster and bore down up on the outskirts of the town, as the mass to ached the ground the roar was deafening ; ., ,Thefunnel split as it hit the south - west border of jGhandler, which is sit wated on a hill overlooking the Cow Creek J valley,' and one-half . frent through the'town and then turned north,. Before escape was possible the cyclone. had passed -through the town, tearing through the business districts Stores .were hurled right and left or lifted high in to the air and tossed in every, direction. . Chief justice Dale of the Oklahoma Su "preme Court, was holding court in - the court house,- was crowded. Jie r ran with his wife to a v hollow. The two were protected by a, large boulder and were unhurt. . : - ' ' V; ' Don't Do It." I Bill Nye once said: . . ' ' ,t ' , ltDo hot attempt to cheat an editor out of a year's subscription, to his pa per, or any t other, suui. ; Cheat , the minister, cheat 1 anybody and every body, but if you have any regard for future , consequences, . dph't . fool the editor. You will be put up for office sometime, or want some public favor for yourself A or - yonr friends, and when your luck is a. thing of beauty, a joy forever," the editor will open, on you, knock your castles into a - cock ed hat at the first tire, y He'll subdue you, and then you'll cuss your stup idity for, a driveling idiot, go hire some mah to knock you- down5 and kick you for falling. - . , , : - ; Boats used in Shaw. ' . - Shaw, Miss., 1 April' , 5.Ploughs were rnnning through the fields ad jacent to Shaw Saturday. ' Twenty four hours later boats were running through : the business streets. The fields are now from 4 to 6 feet under water The water is still rising slow ARMENIANS :mXSACRED. ' American Minister Makes " a v . De ,:v::. mand for Troops to - Guard the , , American, Missionaries. V; : v Constantinople, April It is re ported here that disorders have oc curred, at .Kurji, r in the .vilayet of Britis. It is . stated that several. Ar-: menians w4re killed, but no" further details are given, x '.I ." k The political outlook is so decided ly uncertairirt hat b iisiness in Constan tinople has come to a complete stand still. -A general feeling of uneasiness prevails and as a result prices at the bourse display a downward tendeucy. In local stock yesterday there was' a heavy decline all roundl . The diplomats here haye telegraph ed - to their respective : governments the broad lines of the scheme of ; au- tonomy f or Cretes : upon which they agreed, r The detaijs of the" plan have not been divulged.and it is probable that nothing 'definite concerning it will not be known until the' powers pass upon the scheme. , The ambassadors have called the attention of the .pdrteto the fears that are entertained that "there ' will be a massacre of Armenians at Had j in in Anatolia, which place escaped the fury of the Turks and' Kurds during the previous r massacres.; When the several'districts of Anatolsa were be ing ravaged by the( Tu rks some months 'ago the Hon? A.W. Terrell, the American minister, i warned -the porte that the United States go verhr ment would demand the head of the governor of the Had jin district if any harm should befall the three 'Ameri can lady missionaries who1": were loca . tedin Ha'djin) 4 :. T . v r.3Iri:Terrell-has no W- resumed his warning ahd has demanded that a troop of soldiers be detailed to guard the residences of the missionaries -V A Christian governor was appoint ed, for the vilayet ot Hadjiu three months ago,' but has notr yet arrived at his post. ' ' . " ' ,: - v - - - ' : , Hester's Store. ; . Good morning, 'Mr. r Courier ! How are you? r s , v.0ur farmers are quite -busy just now planting corn; will get through in a few days anjl then we'll go fish ing. " - ', Mr. Wi S. Thompson our popular youn merchant at this place keeps things, livelf. but he WILE slip off on a trip South(east) once or twice a week.- "v ; ' ; . Mrs. J. L. Brooks has been on the sick list for several ;days; hope she will .be better soon. ' , ' s Miss Kay te Hester, one of our, best girjs,- has been at her Grandmother's for the best, two or three weeks.' . ' AVe presume Miss ,Corinne Brooks had a pleasant, horse-back, ride? last Friday p. m.V itwas raining, but she don't mind the rain when the wind don't bio w," , . ; . M easles no c q u i te pi ayed out -yet; Mr. B. L. 'Bra'ds he r's family are giv ing, it a trial.- -- - 'V, v I'm afraid of the , waste-basket, "so fare well, dear Courier. X' x Colonel K. T ' Durin-the winter or 1893, F.-M Martini of Lon rReachr iWest v Ya. contracted a severe cold which; left hi m ; w i th a cough. ' I n r speaki ng tt h6w he cured r it he sajs : used several kinds of v cough f syrup but found no relief until I bought a hot tie of Chamherlain'a C9ugh Remedy wnich relieved "me almost, instantly, and in a short t'mejprought about a complete care When'troubled with a cough or cold U3e this remedy and you will; not find it necessary to try severarkinds before you gee . relief. It has been in the market for over 20 y ears'and constantly grown in favor anu popularity. For sale at 25 and 50 cents per bottle by Druggists. -..i. y " S' . . "i , : ; Scotland won' the j championship footlball game Saturday defeating England bj a score of 2 to 1; . NORTH CAROLINA CULLINGS INTERESTING NEWS FROM ALI OVER ''OLD NORTH STATE " - Condensed ITews Picked: up Here and - There in : our Exchanges-- Happening of a Week in' Jteada 'bleForm. '., .'-"'. At Southern Pines, on April 28th, there will be a"vlSouthern enter state insurance conference' held, , to call attehtion to the immense amount of money, that is annually going but of the South'for life and accident insurance.- ' : -1 : ';' ; -' ' ' - ' The North Carolina Building and Loan Association ,; whose headquar ters were at Charlotte, has gone into -.7 ' the hands of a receiver. Judge Wt A'. Hoke is ill,t 'Morgan ton. f'. r. Nine , thousand v dollars worth ot building is being done in Lumberton this year.- V-' ' 1 j ' - " ' i " Professor Setzler, of -North Caroli na : col 1 e ge h as .i r esi gn ed ; t o , take a course a-John Hopkins. . "i , i - '. ; ' - - " ' f. - t It is said ; that v the State printers' are nearly swamped with, work; that .their presses are running night and -Thirty merchants have been- in dicted in. Surry county for not return -their purchase tax,. ' , j " - ' Adjutant General Cowles is an ap plicant for the position of Minister to' Greece, to succeed Minister, Alex ander.N - ". ' r ."'. The North Xarolina rolling exposi tion car-is to be ifinicheil ." byjAngufit 1st and will be.namedror v trie; city that bids highest for, that honor. Ra--leigh; Wilmington, ? Ashe ville J and Charlotte will setid in seal bids. Rev. Thomas Dixon, is coming to North Casolinat in ; the fall and will spend some days with his relatives at Shelby., v; - , ' - -v. " - " -fl-'-f : " "-- - - " - h '.. - The salea of fertilizers this season t it is said, will reachVnearly $3 500,000 rfar beyond the usual amount. This goes out of the State to a great de gree, as but few pf ; the fertilizers spld here are made in the State. J This, 'of course is a severe drain on , the agri cultural wealth of the State. . f V Governor Russell has appointed! i as directors of the deaf mute -asylum at Morgahton, Di, Henry of Cfoncord, M..L. Reed, of Ash ville, L. A- Bristol of Morganton. T wo of these are Dem ocrats'i-' " ' - AH State'ansurance (life and fire) licens expired yesterday ; andbnly .44 have rehevved. vLast year 109 renewed immediately. - . , . 4 , .". t - - , 7 - ti ".-, - . ' ri" The Secretary of Stat has received a number of copies of amendment to the election law. All, wanting these J can get them by applying to the Sec retary of State. . ' . , In a few daysx & white woman y will have finished-a twentvvears sentence in the penitentiary j but by virtue of good behavior she has gained nearly 3 years' time.She will have coming to her , about $95, which is . the largest ; sum any convict, has ever received for good behavior. Press-Visitor. t '' - t " "- ' " -r i The oldest convict in the ppniten tiary died a few; days since at the age of 8( years. . ,He was a. life prisoner and had served for more . .than thirty years. - r e- , It is stated that "W." L." Spoony " of Burlington," who graduated at.c the University 6fr North Cat olina, several years ago, has made an invention for for which he" received ten thousand dollars in cash and ten per cent on all sales. . - "v " v, 1 r ; The 5 white guards at the State farm, on P-oanokeriver, near Tillery, have this week been replaced by col ored men. ' " ,v . . . ' - - - . " There is over 4,000 yisitors in Ashe ville. j 'z . The Hickoryj Times he s changed hands. - . ' . CUBAN REFORM AT LAST: Weyler is Instructed From Madrid to Introduce ThemPeace . for W ASHIU QTOK, , Arpil ' . 5.4-Senator Allen (.ailed up the resolutions pro-; testing against the ' summary execu tion;of , Rivera the captured Cuban leader and he is. vnow speaking upon "'-1. '' ' ' ' ' -'S.. .'' V v .'Madrid,5 A pril 5.-4The. government has sent a dispatch to General- Wey ler instructing iimf. to introduce into the administration of affairs in Cuba theTeforms which the cabinet recent ly agreedto institute oil-that ' island. Epoca; the: semi-official j organ says that negotiations ior restoration of peace in Cuba are in progress with e v ry, "prospect of successful : conclu elasjbn.: l ) i : ; A X " """ fhr"' ' 1 r'" 1 " , y l r An Affidavit. : ' ' ' V - "This is to certify tt;at on May 11th h walked to Melick's drug store oh 'a pair of crutches and bought a vbottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balmfor' in fla in in atory rheumatism w Inch ' had crippled me up. After usinjj three bottles 1 fam completely cure"d. v I can cheerfully recommend it. Chas: H. .Wetzel, Sunbury, Pa. b worn, and subscribed to before me. -on August 10. 1894 Walter Shipmdn.'J, P.. For sale by; Drug gists V :"v':n;y: v.v-: j . - - ... ' . ; Madrid was giayly " decorated Sat nrday; with flags in; honor, of the vic tories of the Spanish troops inctHe Philippine islands. ", '" .' - u-'4--1 1 " ;.r m State of Ohio,' City of Toledo ) : 1 V-" 7;Lucas COUNTY, ' I af Ht ,Frank J. Cheney makes "path." bat F J. CheneyJ& Co doing , bnsi nessne8s in 'the ' City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid and that said firm-will pay ;the sum of.;, One. Hundred Dollars, for each ; and every case of Cattarrh that cannot be cur ed by the. use - of Hall's. Cattarrh Cure i" ' ' -" . " - - . , ;FRANK J. CHEJNEY.I . Sworn toBefbre.me and sribscrib ed in my presence, ths 6th 'day of December. A. Di 1886.'- J SEAL AW. GLEAS0N, ' )": V'" s1 Notary pnblic.' Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken iuter- I nally and acts cirectly on the blood and mut'pus sufaces of; the system. Send for Testimonials, free,. . u FRANK J. CHENeY & Co.; Toledo, "Soldby, Druggists, 75c. . r Messrs. Jones and Boykin, solicit tors fori the comp'nant in ' the in junction case brought :by Mri V:R Tucker against Governor Russell and others, in Which Judge, Simohtpn is sued ai restraining orderreturnable before-him;: at - Greensboro, have re ceived abetter frpm the Judgeinform' mg them that hehas ,allowedthe defendants 20 days time io file their answer.. , - ; . - - t . .v 4 - ?t The Seaboard Air Line is planting flower gardens at each station along the main line and- the agents are at work' onthese improvements at every place along the line. : - ; - " $2, 68 is all that, is necessary to pay for a genuine first-class pair of pants. They are j ust right in every particu lar,made of good material, finished in the best style. and l fit - unsurpassed. Made by Noell Bros. Paints . Co; , Rox boro, N. C These goods are usually sold for more money than' this "and it .will pay you to" investigate. ' Sold by - : , ' -. " J. ALong Son & Co. - . . . , i, , v Fire Saturday destroyed six stores at Keysville Va., loss $15,000. PI I IT! and-Wh,skey Habits UuLJ enred at home, with , , x'.oat pain. Book of par ticulars sent feee. B. - IS. WOOLEY, D., Atlanta, Ga. Of fice 105 N, Pryor St. ' LDnGu iin uuO S?5T?rr ? rrotect j"T I ' ; tv' rr t'':: jvJ v- -"Writs .r,Z" JI.. ti CO., I zz-t At -r- s.Xrr ir-ton, I. fcr t" !r ' Ur j ti x::T7 3Li c cj t; It; i . rr V, - O n r3 Absolutely fcara. S Celebrated for its great leavening strehgthand healthfulness;1 Asarea the fopd against arum-: and all forms A of adulteratibn common to the clieap brands.' Royal ' Baking- Powder Co., New York; . . . , v - Representative Otey, ;of Virginia,. v hasfintroduced a bill to promote agrU . -, culture by a payment of bounty ;on agricultural products, such bounties ; to be paid by a special form .of ex-f port certificates, payable on demand! , Hyco, 1 Orinoco, Columbia 'High Grade; and; Colombia' Solvable are ' gdods'.-of wide ., reputation.1 t Ther are sold.in , Roxboro only - by rC, :T -' v inson a ( o., wno , Hl. sell you right and treat you square: ; ' BEST;;BiCY.CL."E -o- -0: V s "RA.MBLER'- has gained this v-titlearBEST byo'mg BEST-.-., " Service on- all kinds of roads. ASK ALL who have used the -; RAMBLER; they are, the - ories Wha;. ;. . ; PRATS E;RiMBL:ERS; f97-Rahiblerv g; r; 280 ? ($100 Last Year.) '96 Rambler's, as long; a3 they last,-. .vQQO "Ideal." 040 and 050; VVaverly," , . ;; . 050; Clip per, 05 0 a nd 0 60 . 'Come -to see me Before yoi buy, . v .: . : MORRIS, ; ' '. l-t"The . By ke Druggist" $2.32 S $5.00 Should Pay ; 2,68 - - bo Pay : ' $2.32 Savings A little calculation for y ou. It's - an illustration of what happens 'when you buy - - : " . -' - - ' ... .: .- - -: 11 .; Uncil.CT)' fy-v .DrosCoiJyl"", ZJ. - j'- . - " .s,. . .- j" - .a . . v . a . . . v i . - " - J - - , t . , - . . . J I : and the only, proof that they're not 05 pants is the in your pocket. . Fry 1 " rv : "V- 1 : , - , i,- 1

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