ONE OF TWO WAYS. ' The bladder was created -for one purpose, namely, a receptacle for the urine, and as such it is not liable to any forov of disease except by one of two wava The first way la from imperfect action' of the kidneys. The Second way is from careless local treatment of other diseases. CHIEF CAUSE. Unhealthy urine from unhealthy kidneys is the chief cause of bladder troubles. So the womb, like the bladder, was created for one purpose and if not do tored too much is not liable to weakness or disease, ex cept in rare cases. It is situated back of and close to the bladder, therefore any pain, disease or incon venience manifested in the kidneys, back, bladder or urinary passage is often, by mistake, attributed to fe male weakness or womb trouble of some sort. The error is easily made and may be easily avoided. To find out correctly, set your urine aside for twentv four hours; a sidi ment or settling indicates kidney or bladder trouble. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp root, the great kidney, and bladder remedy is soon realized If you need a medicine you should have the best. At druggists fifty cents and one dollar. You may have a sample bottle and phamphlet sent free by mail, upon receipt of three two-cents stamps to cover postage on the bottle. Mention, The Courier and send your address to Dr. Kil mer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. The proprietors of this paper guarntee he genniness of th offer. THE LOSS OP THE MAINE. The President Sends the Senate Statistics as to the Killed and Saved. In responding to a resolution President McKinlev transmitted to the Senate a report from the Bu reau of Navigation with regard to the loss oi lite by the Maine disas ter. . " ' Number on board the 'Maine at the time of the disaster Officers 26: sailors, 290; marines, 39; total, 55. Number saved Officers, 24; Bailors, 60; marines, 11; total, 95. Number lost Officers, 2; sailors, 230; marines, 28; total, 260. Bodies recovered Officers, 1; sailors and marines, 177; died from injuries, 8, total, 186, Those buried in the cemetery at Havana numbered 166; buried at Key West, 19; buried at Pittsburg, 1. - Number of bodies not rocovered Officers, 1; enlisted men and marines 73; total, 74. The work ot recovery, says tne report, was continued until April 6 when the wrecking tugs were with drawn, and nothing is now being done in that direction so far as is known, and the last bodies reported as recovered were sent to Key West on mareh 30th. No estimate has been made of the parts of bodies JL which were recovered and buried. It is a great leap from the old fashioned doses of blue-mass and nauseous physics to the pleasant little pills known as De Witt's Little -Early Risers. They cure constipation, sick headache, and biliousness. J. De Morris. Mrs. Cleveland's New Portraits. Mrs. Cleveland recently had a new set of photographs taken, the first time she . has been photographed since leaving the White House, and has given them to Mr Bok, with permission to publish them in The Ladies' Home Journal, where they will be publicly ; seen for the first time. The set also includes the first authoritive photographs published of the new Princeton home of the Cleveland's. It's the .wise man. that attends his own business. to The man who gives to advertise his charity has no charity worth ad- vertising. - . ! ' After, cleaning plated goods, a n t i i j I . J nnai run Ding witn nssue paper win very; much improve ;the polish. "So you have real food in your stage banquits?" . "Yes; but the manager takes it out or our salaries. ;. WORKED LIKE A OH ARM The old Man's Grasshopper Scheme Cured the Mule.; . . v "I was riding along a roaclin Mc- Cracken county, Kentucky," remark ed a traveling salesman, "wheal saw a mule running 'toward me with a singletree dangling at his heels. With great difficulty I J succeeded .in turning out of his way, and he con- muec to go down the hill at a lively pace. "About a mile further on 1 'saw two front wheels of a spring wagon, and a shore distance away the othr wheels and the wagon-btx, "I looked around to see if Hhe driver had been hurt, but jfinding no one, 1 drove on rapidly. "In a few minutes I met a man walking down the road rather has tily. " 'Stranger,' he queried, 'did you see a mewl down thai?' "'Yes.' " 'Did he havi a rag over his year?' " " 'I didn't see any.' " . . u 'Waal, it's all right. I recon he'll stop when 'e gits flustered outy an l reckon e s cured.. TP "'What is he cured of? " I ask ed,' " 'Balkin'. Yo' see, 1 heard thet a grasshopper put in th' year o't a hoss or mewl M cure 'im from balk- in'; so I tied a rag oyer the critter's year so it couldn't get out, cotched a grasshopper, put 'im in, an', stran ger, it's th' bes' remedy I ever seed. Th' mewl didn't give me time to git in th' wagron. I never did see mewl so sprightly. I reckon the 'hopper's got out now, an I'll. go on an' cotch the mewl. ' " Washington Star. A Safe Rule to Follow. Smiley I make it a rule never to ask a gentleman to return money he has borrowed of me. Dobson Then how to you manage to get it? Smiley Oh, after I wait a reason ble time if he fails to pay up I con clude that he is not a gentleman and then I ask him. N. Y. Jour nal. One Way. . Rey. Longnecker I wish I - could think of somt way to mke the con gregation keep tneir eyes on me dur- LittleiTommv Pa, vou want to mi ' put the clock right behind the jml pit. x . Whene'er a man attempts to drown His troubles, then I note He always seems to think they are ': Located in his throat. Brooklyn Life. A war poem by Rudyard Kipling, especially appropriate to present cri-. sis, will appear in McClure's Magazine for May. It is described as treating, with all of Kiplings wonderful sweep and subtlety, of the torpedo, with its "strength of twice three hundred horse" "The doom-bait in the darkness - - freed The, mine that splits the main" , Gossip. Our neighbors rip us up the back, Their flood of talk ; we cannot stem; r But they would do it worse alack! If they knew what we say of them. Twenty Years Proof. Tutt's Liyer'Pills keep the bow els in natural motion and cleanse the system of all impurities An absolute cure for sick headache, dyspepsia, sour st'opach, con stipation and kindred diseases," "Can't do withbut:thm"; R. P Smrih,c Chilesburg,. Va. writes I dont know howl could do without them. I. have had Liver disease -for . over twenty years. "Am now, entirely cured. Tutt's Liver Rills v Wanted Boys and Girls. We wiil send'any reputable boy "Or irl a $3.00 lot of.our Vegetable and Flower Seeds (any kind wanted) and win give a nice JNickle Stem Wind and Set Watch when the seed are sold. , No money in advance simply write us you accept this offer and we willaor ward the seed charges paid. We only ask. that settlement be made in thirty; days Seds are needed by every one and you can easily -earn a watcn. is one are better than King's Northern Grown. We have World's Fair Medal and Diploma; and make big offers to get you to helo us intro duce our brands. W give Suits Of Clothes, bicycles, Buggies, Guns? and many other valuable . articles. Write us a postal to-day and com- mence a nice little .business. - T. J. KING & CO., Richmond, Va. Grand Premium "List and testi monials sent-with thd seed. Speakpg of Strength. CustomerIg that what you call a strong cup of of coffee? Waiter Sure, Mike; you couldn't hardly break one of dem cups -with an ax. i " . : ,- Do you take Tte Cdnxxrar? If not, why not? It is only $1.00 a year; six months 50 cents; - three months 25c. Tte Qlnurtcr prints all the local and county news, and also the -important news of the State and Nation A Reply. Creditor Look here, now, I want an answer. When are you going to pay my bill? Chollie Aw- m'dear sir, I'm no prophet. Mr. H. E. jSwift the well known representative of-J. N. M urdock Wholesale Druggist, of Parkersburg W. Va,, says : I was completely laid up with CholerarMorbu8; I ooueht a bottle of Dr. Kennotts Extract of Blackberry and was completely cured with one dose, would not be without it if it cost me Five dollars a bottle and heartily - receommend Dr. Ken notts Extract of Blackberry as the best remedy on the market for Cholera Morbus. Diarrhoea, etc. For sale by W, R. Hambnck k Co. Shake Into Your Shoes. Aliens Foot-Ease, a powder for the feet. . It cures painfal, s.wollen, smarting,, nervous feet auu n-oLaiitty toe suns out OI corns aiiu Dunions. ' it's tne greatest discovery of the ag" Aliens Poot-Ease makes tiffht or newshhes ffi ea9y.f It is certain cure for sweatine. callous and hot, tired. Sold by all druggists and - shoe stores By mail 25c in stamps , Trial package r ttujCi. Alien uimsteaa, LeKoj, jn. i. NOTICE -SALE. - i t By virtue . of the power vested in me by a decree or the Superior Court, in a special proceeding entitled R. C. Harrin, et al, exparte, as commissioner of said court, I will on the 1st Mon day in May, 1898, (it being the 2nd day) sell to the highest bidder at the court house door in Person county, N. C-, the land described in the peti tion in said special proceedinsr, to-wit: That certain tract of land which the late (Jrowder Harris lived and died, situated in Holloway Township Per son county, bounded on the North by Rebecca Smith: East, Charley Stovall South Horace Royster; West, Jack Thomas' containing 112 acres more or less. Terms of-sale cash, balance in 6 months. This the 28th day of March 1898. T.C.BROOKS, Commissioner. . Bisi23iua JBOO'ltpn 0ff aoTor minanox sat oa otbs VWVSlVa HIVH SM3IMVd SENT FREE to housekeepers Liebig4 COMPANY'S Extract of Beef COOK BOOK-- ' telling howXo prepare mapy del " . icate and delicious dishes. Address,JLiebig Co., P. O. Box 2718, . New York City; SUlot 1 have " moved' my Barber and shoe . shop and am j now thoroughly prepared to; 'do allwork. entrusted to me in the - best -"manner, and for the lowest cash ' prices. Give me a trial I Satisfaction guarnteed. . S H E R r.1 A Tl L E E - Shop one Door South Gates Bar, Main St J. A. LOMr. SdiSsI -i ; wm mm. n i mim -. . m. o. uieKKi i . - m m 0 m roxboro, n:g. Capital Stock, Surplus and profits, Transacts a general banking prompt and careful attention ness solicited. A NT E D TRUSTWORTHY and active gentlemen or la dies to travel for reanonsihlfti established house in:Person County. Montaly $bo and expenses. Jf osition Steadv. Enclose self addresser! pit- velope. The- Dominion Companv. W. D. AMIS & CO., VIRGILINA, VA. Always Lead in LOOK AT THEM. Chenille Curtains $2.69 per pair; Lace Curtains 89 cents per pair; . Carpeting 39 cents per yard ; Matting 15 cents per yard; Counter panes 59 cents each: Pins 1 cent a paper; Needles 1 cent a paper ; Blacking 1 cent a box; Envelopes' cent a pack; Paper 3 cents a quire, Soap 1 cent a cake; Blueing 1 cent a box, Hooks and Eyes 1 cent a card ; Teaspoons 5 cents & sett; Claw Hammer 10 cents; Hatchets 1. 10 cents ; Brace : . (carpenters) 29 cents; Mens Collars .' two for 5 cents; Men's Cuffs 10 cents per pair; Car of salt $1.00 per .: . sack,: .-". HEADQUARTERS EVERYTHING. for Examine our $2.68 Pants- Equal to those sold at $4 by other merchants. Jir Agents for Barbour Buggies and. EusseU Wa gons. enness Absolutely and permanently cured in 9 days by a new scientific and invigorating treat ment. No publicity no injections no restraint. Can be given secretly. No " free 'treatment scheme. FPr. pontic address in strictest confidence R. A. GUNN, M.D., ' 41 East 21st Street, New York City. ...BRICK.- Building Pressed i BRICK. Fire-Proof J Also Tile work executed in best Style. Refer to" R. E. Long. . - - " BOSTOJN" BRICK CO., Soath Boston, Va. SAVEDFRO W! 'A LIVING CRAVE. WE FORFEIT if oar testimonials are m ga not true. Have the druggist show la p H them to you, or address with stamp ' and we will send them and book free. The ELIXIR ot YotTTH cures all Nervous Diseases, such is Weak Meuloryj'ljoss of Brain Power, Lost Vitality, . Sihfrtiy Emissions, Vericocele, Evil Dreams, Headache, r'alns in the Limbs and Sackl and Insanity, caused by routhfnl ei rors or excesses, over indulgence or abuse ot xtr kind of either sex.- Ask for ElJXIB of Yotjth. ,Iq. ablet i r liquid fori. Take no other, tl per bottle oi os, for f 5. Sold under a guarantee to cure or money rr!T:j.del. Prejiared onlr by - - -v- - v- riliS GKMAN HOSP1TAI HEBTETDY CO., i i rand Kavj da, Michigan, U. S. Ar . Y Forsaleby ...W; Rv HAMBRICK & CO.vU; DeWitfs Witch Hazel Salve ' . Cures Piles, Scalds Barns. ' ' V Low Prices Iflte "S" "fS J. S. BRAD8HER, 13- Gashierr 1 9 vice-pres. $40,000. 5,500, Ibusiness. Good facilities. F$ in all matters. - Your busi-.pj" ' - .'. . roxboro. When yon come to Roxboro don't forg t me I am always willing and ; ready to accommodate my ens to m ers, and always keep up . with the latest styles. - -. -. . Your Money Is Yours Bat no use wasting it. V You're going to buy a Suit or Overcoat, VOU mv storv manv t.ims . : "hnt it. v wiiynear repeating. ii w ; . .. -, - . .. A Tailor-made Suit tits better, wears " better, and gives bet ter satisfaction. A Guarantee that my $25.00 suits are, the equal of others' $40.00 suitb. If a Suit I make don't fit, you , , . v won't have to take it. Don't Leave until you see my sam- pamples to select from. when you need a nw Suit of Clothes or Overcoat, or anything call on me, my shop is over the Post Office, Depot street n n ivi a re a " v The ra5cr. S100 Rewafd... For any case of Eheiima- tism, Kidney, .Liver, or rsian oer l rou Die. tnat k i u-r NADINE fails to : cure.; (Jail and tesi it Iree: lou dpn't have to buy. ; KiDNAf)iNB: Medicine Co.. 404? Inter-Ocean Building 60 YEARS' . V EXPERIENCE : A- Mr. Trade Marks Designs. Copyrights &c .- - Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether' ail' ' invention is probably patentable. .'Communica tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents j;; sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receire. ' special notice, without charge, in the , Scientific JSmeiicmi. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Xargest clr culation of any scientific Journal. Terms, $3 a - year ; four months, f L ' Sold by all newsdealers.' ;r.1lJIII &Co.36,i,a'' Hew York , -; Branch Office, 625 SU Washington, D. CS. ; ; CSTA8LfSHC0V M 1966. I S A M s 0m 059; P street, Washington. DA C 0 n ' Nil .7" Yl Thirty-one years active practice, upuncnuw Talidity and; patentability. Write for book cf instructions and references. EDSCM LOS 91S

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