. f I if. ROXBORO, H. 0.;;Maroh":i5, 1899 A VISIT TO HEAVEN (Marie Annie Henson.) ' Ji a' J : 1 1. - ' ... , I xu a. uuw wny aiuue lib was Sitting, As if , in thought was the gray 1. v ,: head bent low, r And'th beard on his osom was , , rested' ' r- ' Was as white as the new fallen snow. Y As I watched him, a great flood of T Filled my heart and a shadow was thrown O'er the future's bright picture Fd painted, ! V Would I some some day be old and alone? v; ''Say, grandpa," (for thus 'twas the . A j eld man - - Was called by his old friends and . new.) "Of what are you thinking," I ,. , questioned, . , , "as you six nere tne oreary aays through? There are so many good things, my . girlie, That I could scarcely tell you them all, But the thing that I think of, now, mostly, Is my visit to heaven last fall. Yes, you look surprised like the others, Rnf. ohM if r h-nA M nan he.- Though it does seem so strange that the Master Should let in an old fellow like me. "XUU csec, twos iu tuxa way it up- , , v nened: T7q'ttq lioon rtlrkoa -Priori r I a ni in (i nu ; , r j The Master and me and the old wo- . man When my old woman, girlie, was i,00 i UCLC I 'Twas soon aite I found Hm we" "'"""r " 7u 7 r . , , 111U.11 icu, i Were bantized together, you know, And He's loved us and stood by us " always, Sinn tfcofe old dava. bo lonar. loner - ' " i ago. vv en. me-uovs buuu trrew uu aiiu 1 married . , ' ' A , t, . The srirls went to homes of their - own; Then we wer, more to each other 4Lftn pWr ' - "T , ne oia woman ana me wnen alone. SVip was alwava a frail little creat- . . . ure . A wee little woman liKe you, And often, so often, when ailing, I'd by her all the night th xxxxvt .v. & - power To the 'Pos ties He gave, He'd give me, . . And. holding her .hand m mine, ; t : Sirlle ; . . ; , The old woman'd get better, you seer , utBhe couldn't stay-here with me always, -. . ' t $0 matterV hdw good she waa nursed, . ' .AndHwastfe,-yeabest,thatHe..,..?hite,; - , , ; ;.'lTi;2ZSS left me, - , And to heaven took the'old woman "Then the phildren all begged me to - break ud. , .1 ; And dome live with them, but jou know Tw'as useless for them to ,r be, talk .'Twpuld almost break my heart, V - child to go. . V ; ; - "From here vvhefe her light ; step, I . ; s fancy, . . ' . Thear m the hall on ths' stair;. And once, I was, sure that I saw her, In her blue , speckled dress, stand- ' - ing there. 'VT was upon the hillside, they laid her, , . " And of times at night do I go . Up there and talk to the old woman, Just like I used to, you know. "Last fall 'twas, that I; too; was ail- I was home-sick for heaven, I ', ? ; guess--" ,( ,J When, at once, I don't know how it happened, Such a sight as my old eyes did bless! "'Twas glorious!" The old man laugned softly, "Th& prettiest thing to behold, The city a little way off, dear, The streets, the purest of gold! rFfiWflrr1 mp T catxr pnminor o nor- . " riage, r. Z i. u-j. iL ' Drawn by horses as white ag the snow,, ; v Strange I didn't know where I was at, dear, But as I stood there a wondering 0. r"A voice from the carriage cried gladly: 'There he is! You've come at last Pa!" In a moment I was clasped in strong arms 0f my boy who was kllled in the war. 'AH dressed out he was in fine broad cloth Finer far than on this earth is VrmcrVir , , , The carriage wss pure gold and bu- T ver ' And all was the prettiest sort! We daghed up the gtreetj and ,twa8 somehow rPL0. fu i,ftnflo t Daw tnnV I airh I UIJ CJC. I T'll lr r rmr if. a era i n nn f Vip nrnpr xvn wiine, ucai, auu tuico otunco , . , I ' mgn' Qh the h in he iaughed soltlv 4 , , .. Ana aasnea on a tear, -wnac waB una . In her blue speckled calico dress- - ,,Sh floated down int0 my w J dear, in the gracefulest wav as could be a fi,Q rQQ iiMfr . . . The babe that 1 never aia see. " 'Twas born when away at my j ufp - wfao sick nuto death( BO Uutwhenl come DacK to tne motner I found that our baby was dead. . . "There 'twas with its white wings so . httie, Just fuzzing up sort as could be, . And there, locked in each other's arms, deari Was tne little oiu wuuiau auu me. . 'Theh.we went in the house and I jested, rk .On a bed, dear, so soft- and. so With my loved ones all sittiug around f - . me;, . , in a stcond . somehow it all 7 van ; 1 ished, y - V Old neighbors stool, there .'round mv bed, v Bendingr me with kind; anxions faces,:, .V: . And I had famied, they said. . 'Course it seemed! hard to b'lieve what I lold them,' ' ' t . , .:But the Master, wio's so gbodJo me,-. - . v - u f Just knew ,how J'ni : homeich for ; , heaven, . :. J T . v And took my soul on a", visit, you c 'Tis enough noy to y fit here ' a- thinking ' Of his, good u ess and how glad I'll be Wnen I see Him in His' beauty, up . yonder, ' ; Where the old woman's waiting ' for me. "He knows how to comfort us al ways; What? I'm sorry, dear chiJd, vbii you must go; We'll finish our talk up in heaven First house on the corner, yon know." As the train sped away from the mountains, - A hush over my spirit was cast, A sweet, sohmn hush, as if angels, Had brushed with their wings as ? . they passed. Wttle Pimples Turn to Cancer; Cancer often results from an im purity in the blood, inherited from generations back. Few people are en tirely free from some taint in the blood, and it is impossible to tell when it will break out in the form of dreaded Oan cer. What has appeared to be a mere pimple or scratch has developed into the most malignant Cancer. I had a severe Cancer -which was at first only a fe-w: "blotches, that I thought -would soon pass away. I was treated Dy several able physicians, but in spite of their efforts the Can cer spread until my con ditlon became alarming. After many months of treatment and growing steadily worse, I do sx. cijaea to try . a. s. bottle nroduced an im- Viff provement., I continued the meaicine, ana in ym four months the last lit y tie scab dropped off. nd not a sign of the disease has returned." , 1 Ten vears have elansea. i JK. Jb . WILLIAMS, , Gillsburg, Miss. it is dangerous to experimeni; wirn rl . mi -1 J T . 1 j.1 111 viUlJfX . . ,X11C UlocaSo IS UK3 KJLXKX Lilt DiVlU i pnysicians. &. &. o. is tne oniy cure, becau.!P it; is thVnly remedy which goes ueep enougn iu reacn uaucer. O for The- (Swift's Specific) is the only blood W. guaranteed Purely vegetable All others contain potasn ana mer- curv. the most dangerous of minerals. I Books on Cancer and blood diseases if Onfo T-oo-mo THE SOUTHERN RAILWAY AHeal to N East via the dnesapeake Line Steamer. The pleaeure-seeking tourist can accomplish no more delightful rail and water lourney to the rorth or Lbast than via the bouthern Kailway to Norfolk, th nee the Chesapeake Line Steamers to Baltimore. The Chesapeke Line is Ue fast mail route. Th. fleet consist of the most week dav at 5:45 o.m. for Baltimore todching at Old Point Comfort. These ships were especially coni j the most fastidous taste can suggest; The . cousine is unexcelled and every attention possible is-shown to the traveler. xyri, .rr. .1 . that point, giving an opportunity to visit: Old . Poiiit Comfort -::(Fort-.'-Mohi oe); Virginia Beach, and Newport agent Southern Railway or write'E. L. Verfaon, Trav.ass, Agt.f Cbar. nn siQDUU'' Jf LSJS(RbAiifl!i tbert finis. -Ii c-ti UM nBobySrUP - tbavalosas,-SmsiTaoias;-Piiss25cts. .hi DaD itffniMimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiniinnii'M'itiiiiiiii)iriitiiiiiiMtiiHtii cdetablcPrcparatioriforAs- slmilatiiig thgToodatidRegula ling theStomachs andBcjwds of ftomotesMgesUoaCheeiful-, ness and Hesctoniains neiaiEr Opmmorpldiie florMoeral; NotNarcqtic Pumplaa Seed" , ; AlxJenno C. Carbaaait Saia ffStmSeed" Ctanfod Sugar . Anerfect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca; worms convulsions ,r evensn aes and Loss OF SLEER ' TacSinule Signature of NEWYOHK. 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