ROXBORO, N.' 0., April 19th, 1899 PATCHWORK." In an ancient Eastern city dwelt a ' kiag of .wondrous power, Whose domain was far extending and whose wealth grew hour by hour, Till he planned to build a temple like the wise old king of yore, That his fame might be eternal and might sound from shore to shore. So with gold and gems and earrings , they build up the arches high, But could find no window that could please the monarcy's eye; And a solemn proclamation was re- ec! oed far and wife By his own right royal heralds and by prince and lords beside. Know ye," said the solemn message 'tis the king's most gracious will . That a great reward be offered for a painter of most skill. And whoever makes a window most . artistic in design Shall receive a crown and - kingdom which shall second be to mine." from all those wide dominions came the artists one by one, And they worked with care unceasing . till the windows all were done. And were lifted to their places, in among the arches tall, For the king to give his judgment which wan the errandest of them all. But they had not counted rightly there were still one empty space, And no time was there to purchase a new window for the place, When some one of them remembered a poor workmad who in fear Humbly begged the piece of the crys tal lying near; And b patient cutting, fitting, using up each fragment small. He had a patchwork window that was the plainiest cf them all" And its many colored figures every shape and size and style Made the workmen jeer and cavil, made the skillful artists smile. But it must be used one evening, and mid so much beside It would simply pass unnoticed till its place could be supplied; So they fei it, like the others, in its frame of carvings rare, ' For the king was then approaching and the shouts rang through the air. On he came in all his glory, gazing -. gazing up at every hand At the saints and martyrs holy, at the old apostles' band, At the calm, sweet-faced Madonna, with her wondrous Child and Lord, And at angels bringing tidings with their white wings spread abroad. 4 But before the 'patchwork' window1 paused tue Kinr in great amaze. For the setting sun was shining with rare and ruddy blaze Through the scarred and the criss cross tracing, and he watched the sumbeams pour A hundred brilliant rainbows on the tessellated floor. While the nave was filled with glory, with a splendor from on high. And the people bowed in silence, for the Lord seemed passing by, "Bring the artist!" cried the monarch "his shall be the crown of gold;" And the workman humbly kneeling gained a wealth and power untold. From the legend, lull of meaning, shall we not take com age new Thatgour work will be accepted, tho' it seem but poor to view? Tn our weakness bring we offerings, prayer and labor, money, time, But at best we make but patchwork when we aim at deeds sublime. But we know that in God's temple all our works shall find a place, Though we mourn because our neigh- - bors build with greater power and grace; But when through our patient life - :. work shines our heavenly Father's love, It will glow with matchleas beauty and be fit for heaven above. ; S. C. B., in Iaght and Life. "To Err is Human." People like to talk about attractive things in advertising. In a company recentlv the proverb above quoted, and which appeared at the head; of one of a well constructed series of advertisements ot xlooa s oarsaparifia ; was so much discussed that we doubt if any one. w,uT ever forget from the source whence it 'came v VHood & Co. are' using these proverd adver tisements on a very broad scale, , and they are attracting discussion and favorable comment every where. RAM'S HORNS BLASTS. : y ' . : m. -.'- v . 1 . .. , v .... .. The nursery makes the nation. Meditation is a tonic for po )r memory. - . Use of sense makes no one poorer. Some little men love to live in the clouds. ' ' ' : Love's debts can only ba paid in love's coinage. Genius is individually concecrated to a, loft v aim. All the world comprehends the argument of love. The least things are the ones we can least afiord to lose. Slander is like mud; it only sticks where it finds afflinity. Man may heal our diseases, but Christ heals our woes. Godlikeness is the best argument fjr the existence of God. Christ stands at the srmmitof all being calling us to follow him. Better be true at the bottom, than false at the top of the ladder. True Science is reading the writ ing of God oh the face of nature. Ther3 are not many better cables in a storm than a mother's apron strings. Storm-clouds hide the sun-lit peaks as sorrows hide the heights where sonow is unknown. As the season of the year when pueumonia, la grippe, sore throat, coughs, colds, catarrh, bronchitis and lung tioubles are to bef gaarded against, nothing "is a fine substitute" or will "answer the purpose," or is "just as good" as One Minute Cough Cure. That is the one infallible remedy for all lung, throat or bron chial troubles. Insist vigorously upon having it if "something else is offered you. W. R. Hambrick & Company. While two men were out hunting near Salem they found the body of a baby girl in a creek. The body had been wrapped in cloth and a flat iron tied to itto make it sink. For frost bites, burns, indolent sores, eczema, skin disease, and es pecially Piles. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve scands first and best Look out for dishonest people who try to imitate and counterfeit it. It's their endorsement of a good article. Worthle:s goods are not imitated. GetDe Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. W. R. Hambrick & Co. Three cases of smallpox have de veloped in the detention house at Kinstou and they were removed ,to the pest house. There are no cass in the town. If you have a cough, throat irrita tion, weak lungs, pain in. the chest difficult breaching, croup or hoarse ness, let us suggest One Minute Cough Cure. Always reliable and safe. W. R. Hambrick & Co. The Directors of the Insane Asy lum, at Raleigh, held a meeting Wednesday and re-elected Dr. Geo. L. Kirby as Superintendent. "Give me a liver regulator and vl can regulate the world," said a gen ius. Ths druggist handec him a bot tie of De Witt's Little Early Risers, the famous little pills. W; R. Ham brick & Co. It cost the United States govern ment $,8529.40 to try, and convictj the two Asheville bank wreckers. Itch on human cured in 30 min utes bv Woolford's Sanitar Lotion It never . tails , boia . oy Hambrick & Co. " W. R. When hope's mainspring is broKe is twain strong faith alone can mend it asain. - " ' J. Sheer, Sedalia, Mo., conductor on electric street car line, writes that his little daughter was very lo w, with croup, and her life saved after all physicians had. failed, oaly by us ing One Minute Cough Care. W. Ik Hambrick & Co.s i..:!u Vs s 1 The alphabet is not as bad as you you suppose. Only four letters have been in jail. . CURES WHERE All FISF FAILS. Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good.. .Use in nme. sold Dy druggists. NINE CENSUS DISTRICTS. How tho Counties of North Caroli r naare Arranged for Enumeration Purposes. ' Washington, , April II. The Connties composing the nine census districts of Ivorth , Carolina have besn divided up as follows: First District. Currituck, Cam den, Pasquotank, 'Perquimans, (rates, Chowan, Hertford, Bertie, Martin Washington, Tyrrell, Dare, Beaufort Hyde. ; Second District. Northampton, Hahfnx, Nash, Edgecbmle, Wilson, Pitt, Wayne, Greene and Lenoir. Third District Carteret,Pamlico, Craven, Onslow, Jones; Duplin. Pender, New Hanover, Brunswick, Columbus, Bladen, Sampson, Fourth District. Robeson, Kich moud, Moore, Nash, Harnett, John- ston, Chatham, Wake. Fifth District Warren, Vance, Franklin, Granville, " Durham, Or ange. Person, Alamance, Caswell. Sixth District Rockingham, G"'1 ford, Forsyth, Stokes, Surry, YaiUiii, A legahny, Wilkes, Ashe, Wautauga. Seventh District Davidson, Rac dolf, Rowan, Mecklenburg, Cabar rus, Stanly, Montgomery, Anson, Uuion. Eighth District Caldwell, Alex aider, Iredell, Davie, Catawba, Burke McDowell, Polk, Rutherford, Cleve land, Lincoln, Gaston. Ninth District Mitchell, Yancey, Madison, Buncombe, Haywood, Hen-! derson, Transylvania, Jackson, Sw i?n, Macon, Graham, Clay, Cher okee. Before the discovery of One Mins ute Cough Cure, ministers were great ly dislurbedby coughing congrega tions. No excuse for it now. W. R. Hambrick & Co. This year should be a bargain. For rtasons you'll divine; It looks like 1900 Marked down to '99. Chicago Record. Bears the Signature of Th8 Rind You Have Always Bought We pity the man with a mother-in-law, ' That he need3 it may be true: Butit might be well think of his wife, For she has one, too. ' W, Lofton, a farmer near Mt Olive, keeps a herd of 100 goats. 1 HfiWAY. WOMEN used VY to think "fe male diseases ' could o n ly-be treated after 'lo cal examina tions" by physi cians. Dread of such treatment kept thousands of modest' women . silent about their suffering. The in troduction of Wine of Cardul has now demon strated that nine-tenths of all the . cases of menstrual disorders do ; not require a physician's attention at all The simple, pure taken in ?the privacy of a woman s own home insures quick relief and speedy cure. . Women need not - hesitate now. ' Wine of Cardai re quires no humiliating examina tions for its adoption. It cures any disease that comes under the head of "female troubles' 'disordered menses, falling of the womb, whites." change of life. It makes women beautiful by makinsr them well. It keeps tnem young by 1 F . Keeping xnem neaitny. $l.uu at - the drug store.' . For advice in cases requlrln? special ; hrectjons, address,' giving' symptoms, f-adies Advisory Department." ' i The Chattanooga. Medicine Co.. Chaiia- nooga. Temu ; , ' I f 17. L ADDISOff, I3.D., Carj, Kiss., says: ; "I nse Wine of Cat dul extenslrely la my practice and find it a most excellent preparation for femala froubies. - """" " '' iiiinj;, ar r '" mists r ' P . iim 7fflTiTrillHimillHMIMIIllinilMIIMn)MIIPIUlMIIIIHIimiMimHnilimT!pn(r HJitntiiiinttiutlniiti'ttiniinil'iiitHi'it' ;'i'i;n; ti':M'MKMi:n;it( ;ti JgelableKeparMib slimlating theloodatidRegula ting the Stomachs andBoweis cf Protnofes Digcstion,Cheerful ness andlfestContains neither Opmm,Morphine nor Mineral. Not Karc otic. PumjJcm Seed' jttx.Senna Anist Sed Fkppennizit -JftCarionakSoda, Ifam Seed - Cftfifod Sugar Aoerfect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach.DiarrliDea, Worms ,Lonvuisions , x evensn ness andLosS OF SLEER Facsimile Signature of "NEW "YORK. EXACT COPV OT WRAPPER. - ..iii 0 as IVIONARG s Are recognized the world over as representing the highest type of excellence in bicycle construction. " , OO KING and QUEEN $25.00 I ne Dest pair oi bicycles on earth for tbe money. MONARCH CHADLESS $75!, ilMRCH ROADSTERS $5022; DEFIANCE R0ADSTERS:$35i:; MONARCH CYCE MFG. CO., Lake, Halsted & .Fultoni Streets, Chicago. Branches NEW 'ORK, LONDON, HAMBURG. Send 20 cents in stamps for a deck c f nbncrcii Playing Cards, illustrating Jessie Bartlett Davis, Lillian Russell, Tom Cooper, Lgq Richardson and Walter Jones. IS THE ONE THAT SEES TO IT V '"' FIRST That the Clothing are of good Quality. SECOND-Thatlthey are Fairly Priced. That the Clothing we sell are of good quality, knowing one? will not doubt; that they are. fairly priced; : even competitors will admit. Just now we are conducting aO-p.y . During which! many of bur most will be sold at specially. reduced i SHOES SHOES Not' to burn but to sell. vWe haye all the leading styles in all widths at greatly reduced prices. ' , , , i Don't forget that we also keep an up-to-date inc cf general mer chandise. . : - - . vu . v". -, ...v- r -"-" -- n33t hi i ; For Infants, and Children. Tfe'ICied;Yoii; Have I : -'Always iooght I ' ' ' ' I Bears tho t t Thirty Years THE CENTAUR COMPANY. NEW YORK CITY. - - ..-tBmffmm- eepitr (CYCLES irfloinnifl popular lines of Winter Clothing prices. s f, : - r ! SHOES! n r o " n oJfuTrJO(SO10Ja (o)(