THE LOST JEWEL. How 'did such a srreat roush mouster as I am come to marry ;a delicate li -tie daisy of a French girl like Pearl Trillars? Well, it's quite ,a story. , . , 1 ' - -v . I had jujst come home from a two jviU Uruium u. MM.w of Pon Natal, i All the diamonds that ever glittered in the valley of Sindbad the Sailor would not make such a place as that endurable. I hadn't any home taspsak of, and yet J was homesick the whole time T was ,at Port Natal., At first I had no greatiuck to speak of. The fields were crowded as myself, and after four or five : mouths I began to feel almost like despairing. ' But I resolved to stay on, and it was well that I did, for on Friday, May 17, 1870, I found a great stone thnt looked like a rough, dirt in .Crusted pebble at first, but the sec- oad glance told me it was a diamond such as is found only once in years. Silently I dropped it into my pock et and strode cff homeward, slouch ing listlessly along, as i always did.- "Hello!" cried a wiry little Cape Cod man. "Densley's 'played ouL Why, Densley, it ain't noon yet by the best chronometer in Boston." "I don't care," said 1. "I am going hanie." ''Pshaw! I thought you had more pluck. Faint heart neer won big diamond yet. Don't give it up, man." But I went back to the colony, wondering that they did not hear the confused beating of my heart, which seemed to fill the tropical silence with a noise like a reveille. When I was alone, I drew out the great stone and feasted my eyes ot its fair proportions. I danced I sang in short. I had been seeking it a I Sijore of years. I had found it at last. Weil, I said nothing of my discov ery and came back to the States, with the diamond in a little, leather sack fltitohed ou the waist of the flannel shirt I wore underneath the linen one. It seemed rather necessary that I should civilize myself a little, so I dropped into the first furnishing store which lay in my way. The young girl behind the coun ter struck my eye pleasantly, as a rm j - l might have been done. She was tall and slight, very pale, with great al mond shaped eyes, a mouth like scarlet coral, and an abundance of dead black hair that seemed to weigh her small head down with its heavy duskiness. 1 1 was clumsy and did hot know what I wanted. Peail Trillard did. She told mefnlainlv what was neces sary and what was not. So I bought - my?outfit and paid for it and went 7 n,ome wuii a part unuer my arm Via Toof xr a a rn re oonf Vinmo tpiIVi i: . :i.t i .1 . . yuw a vuu ii uw w u.uu uviuv, uivu Pearl's black almond shaped orbs still haunting me. It was January, and a fire had just been lighted on the hearth of the xoom. I had engaged. . I sat down in front of it when supper was over ana took out my pocketbook -to the inner compart- ;; jnent of which, since my arriyal in port, 1. had , transterrea the little chamois leather sack which held my " fortune to have a look at the pre cious stone. 4 . , There was no sack there. - , ; I searched through annd through ;: the faded leather flaps of : the .worn . f " ' -s-, ' ' pocketoook. ; , , ' I shook out the skirts of my coat: I even got down , on my , knges to search' the floor beneath, but 'the iinmnnfl- fnd' its recebtacle were 1 fc v " -T 1 1. A ........ . gone. : : : , . For a minute or two it seemed, as if i the whole room was in a whirl around me My heart stopped puls ing, my blood grew chill and a dead ly sickness stole through my whole beingv ; t ',' c. The diamond the diamond for which I had toiled and striven aud waited and sufferedthe , diamond, it was gone. . ; N . I believe I was for a moment in sane. I rose and staggered blindly toward the pistol which I always carried in the breast pocket of my outer coat, with some vagu idea of putting an end to my life which had been such an uttr failure. When there came a soft little knock on the panels of the door, I supposed I must Lave answered, "Come in!" for the door was pushed open, and Pearl Trillard stood there, with a little boy her brother as 1 learned at her side. "I found a little paper parcel on the oounter this afternoon after you naa Jett, sir, ; sue saia. "nere sis only a little clear stone in it, but The reader can sruess the balance of this story they are happily mar ried. As the season of the year whtii pueumonia, la grippe, sore throat. coughs, colds, catarrh, bionchitis and lung tioubles are to be gcarded against, nothing is a fine substitute" or will "answer the purpose," or is "just as good" as One Minute Cough Cure. That is the one infallible remedy for all lung, throat or bron chial troubles. Insist vigorously upon having it if "something else' is offered you. W. R. Hambrick & Company In nearly every street in Japanese cities is a public oyen, where, for a small fee, housewives may have the dinners and suppers cooked for them. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of There were 249,145 marring license issued in England and Wales e Jast year, more than in any year since 1876. For frost bites, burns, ndolent sores, eczema, skin disease, and es pecially Piles. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve stands first and best Look. out for dishouest people who try to imitate and counterfeit it. It's their endorsement of a good article. Worthie s goods are not imitated G.tDe Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. W. R. Hambrick & Co. Admiral George Dewey is to sail for New York, on his flagship, the Qlympia, in a few weeks. Admiral Watson has been ordered to Manila to relieve him. . , J. Sheer, Sedalia, Mo., conductor on electric street car line, writes that his little daughter was very low with croup, and her life fa ved after all physicians had failed, only by us ing One Minute Cough Cure. W. K: Hambrick & Co. A recent find of a. set of ivory pins, a little gateway and three balls indicates that the ..Egyptians played nine-pins quite 5,000 years, ago. , If you have a cough, throat irrita tion, weak lungs, pain in the chest difficult breaching, croup or hoarse ness, let us' suggest One Minute Cough Cure. Always reliable and safe. W. B. Hambrick & Co. , , It is stated that 90 per cent'of the common ; contagious - diseases are carried from h ouse to house by the domestic pets of the world. 1 "Give me a liver regulator and I can regulate the "world, "said : a gen ius.. The druggist hand ec him a bot tie of De. Witt's Little Early Risers, the famous little pills. W. R. Ham brick & Co. . ; , . - There are in' .the United States over fifty ; distinct secret order, with more;thah;70,000 lodges and 5,000, 000 members. " -v , ' ' Happy is the man or womaii rMir -tr;. ji' jrood hpartv . meal ' V i who hfi 11.1 Suffering afterwarcl.,; If you .cnuotf tirtnty take. Ko'io ?i'i life, ir. f'oriild Of Dvsiuet a : Ji Ulili"! .1 hi I 3tlOl)i V. K.' Hambrick & Uu. WAR IS HELL. :"War is hell." . ' ; - Ah, well! V . -- We pray, "Our Father, t Thy kingdom come,"' ; Then build our ships 1 And forge our guns ' , ; To kill thy sons; Our brothers. . Then pray, that Thou wilt well Direct our shot and shell, ; And give us help In'making hell. "War is hell.", Ah well! Peace. on earth," The angels sang. ' Ah Christ, we worship Thee 'Mid clang of arms " And battle's roar, , . Where hate and wrath Shed human gore. , And think we serve Thee, well Wit a cruel shot and deadly sbeli ': ; In making hell. - !. C "War is hell." t Ah well! "God is love," we say. To him we pray To wir? the day, To help slay That we may well Perform our pari s In making heil. "War is hell." Ah well! "Thy will be done on earth. Not yet. Unless the prayers we raise. God will not change our. ways. Man causes all man's woe. Man is man's friend or foe, His to say, war or no, His to stop shot and shell. His to quit making hell. . Exchange. Bears th The Kind Voii Have Always Bought Signature of It happened to be a crowded car. A seedy-looking man, very much the worse for liquor, rose to give his seat to a lady, when a robust man slipped into the vacant seat, leaving the lady still standing. "Sa-a-y, ycu you fellow you," said the booy, but chivalrous indi vidual, as he swayed to and fro hanging to a strap, "I I'm drunk, I know, but I FU get over it, I will; but you you're a durn hog, and you will never get over it in in this worlp no, sir,, never!" And the other passengers agreed with him. Exchange. Dr. Miles Nervine A REMEDY FOR TH Effects of Tobacco: rrHE excessive use of tobacco, especially - fcy yoS men is always injurious and undoubtedly shortens life materially, Mr. Ed. C. Ebsen, compositor on the Contra Costa News, Martinez, CaL, writes ; "I have used Dr. Miles Restorative Nervine and re ceived much benefit from It. I was troubled with nervousness, dizzy spells and sleepless ness, caused by the use of tobacco and stim ulants. I took Dr. Miles Nervine with mar velously good results, allaying the dizziness,' quieting the ; nerves, S and enabling me to sleep and rest, proving in toy case a very beneficial remedy.' D. Miles, Restorative Nervine is especially adapted to restoring" the nervous system to its normaL condition oder such circumstances. It soothes, heals ana strengthens. Dr. Miles' Remedies ? are sold by all drug- atltc?, first bottle - lr r-oney re- ase-s of fcio hi At and cerveafree . BsL MILLS MEDIC. 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