69 Cents for Nothing, Just issued, a wonderful catalogue of everything tn eat. wear and use. It costs ua 62 cents to print and 17 fonta tn mall eooh trnr.- x t Ms free to all who write for it. This book contains 304 pages (size 14iat1oj, in has 10,001) Illustrations, and quotes lTOYrutl is at nuvivmv ftivba v vuuouiucig. ncre is ine dook : This valuable cata logue tells all about Agricultural Imple ments, Baby Coaches, Bedding, Bicycles, Boots. Buggies, Can-. dfes. Carpets, cigars, Clocks, Clothing, Corsets, crockery. Curtains, Cutlery, Farm Wagons, Fur niture. Men's ' Fur--' nisaings. Glassware groceries. Harness, Hats, Hosiery, Jew elry. Ladies'Clothing, Ladies' Furnishings, Lamps, Mackin toshes Mirrors, Mu sical instruments.Or gans. Faints, Pianos, Pictures. Portieres, Refrigerators, Sad-, dies. Sewing- Machines, Shirts, 8hoes, Silverware, Stoves, Tinware Tobacco, Towels. Trunks, Underwear, Upholstery Goods. Watches, and thousands of other articles. With this book in your possession, you can buv cheaper than the average dealer. Ton can save large snms of money on everything you need, at any season of the year. " Lithographed Carpet and Fug Catalogue, and our Clothing Catalogue with aamples attached, are also free Exprexzage paid on clothing, freight paid on carpel. Which book shall toe send your Address this way: JULIUS HINE5 & SON BALTIMORE, MD. Department 909 W. LUNSFORD, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, ....Roxboro, N.C.... W. H, B. Newell Watchmaker and Jeweler, ... .Roxboro, N. C. . . Dr,' E..J. Tucker, SURGEON - DENTIST, Office up stairs in W J. : ohnsoir & Co's new building. ; i" ?H f ' HOTEL DOWDY, ' ' Roxboro; N. 0. ? R: H: DOWDY, Proprietor. The best Hotel on tlie border ofjN. 0. or Va. Table supplied with' the best. Your every want supplied it in the power"The Old Men' BOONE BRYANT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, . . Durham, N. C Always attend the Superior Court of lYrson county, aud will go there -t s ich other times as the business of nts demand . C. T. WILLSON & CO. ..General Insurance Agents,. . . . .Roxboro, N. C Life, Fire, Accident and Surety Bonds, Safest and most reliable Companies rep Bsented. Give us your business and we wfll give you real protection R. J. TEAGUE, M. D. O.P. SCHAUB, M. D. TE AGUE & SCHAUB, Practicing Physicians, Offer their professional ser vices in the practice of medicine in all its branches, to the people of Rox boro and surrounding country. Spe cial attention given the treatment of diseases of nose and throat. Oulce hours: 7; 30 to 8.30 a. m. , 1 to 2 and 7.30 to 8:30 p. m. Office over Louis Goodfriend's store. ' J.S. MEURITT. Vai. ?. MERRITT Merritt & Merritt, Attorneys and Counselors at Law, ' .... Roxboro, N. C. ..... . Practice in all the State and Federal Courts.- Special attention given to cases in Caswell, Durham, Granville, and Orange counties. V. W. OTCHIN, A. P. KI ICH IN. KITCHIN & KITCHIN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, . .. .Roxboro, N. C. Practice wherever services are re quired. ; C.8. WlflSTKAD W. T. BRiiDSHEK Winstead & BradsKer, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, J . ; iRoxboro, N; C; .."7. Special attention given to: Federal practice, both in the . State . asd at Washington.. Attend regularly, the Courts of Person 'and Caswell. All business intrusted to our care will receive prompt attention. COLE & HOLLADAY Photographers.; Gallery open Every Friday and R. J. Hairs Harness Store. City Directory TOMMY SETTLE GETS IN LINE. EX CONGRESSMAN SHOWS HIS COLORS. oays -tie win Not be a Candidate For Any Office of a Party Which Makes Its Opposition to White Rule the Basis of its Platform. Greensboro, N. C., August 30. In an interview today ex-Congress man xnomas Settle atated that he would advise the adoption of the proposed Constitutional Amendment relative to the restriction of the present ignorant vote of the State. He added that he believed it would be the wisest thing for all concerned "for the best wisdom of the State." The adoption of this amendment he added, will be the one and wisest solution of the most difficult problem now confronting the people of North Carolina, irrespective of race, and of all the Southern States. WILL NOT BE A CANDIDATE FOR AN Y OFFICE IF PARTY OPPOSES IT. Although urged by friends to be come a candidate for Congress of the Fifth District, or for Governor, he said: "I am not willing to and will not stand as a candidate of a party for any office which makes op position to the opposed suffrage amendment the basis of its platform." Mr. Settle continued, adding: . "In national politics I am a i Re publican,, pure and; simple, but Lde- ciare to you tnat l nave no sympathy with the political log-rolling now, so much' in vo ?ue with s6me North Carolina Republicans' 5 & As generally known throughout the South, ex-Congressman Sett'e is one of the ablest young Republicans in the South a Republican "by an cestry," his father having been one of the ablest of the Supreme Court Justices of North Carolina. This, his first definite indication of the stand he will take in the coiping great fight, will encourage Demo crats and exercise a great influence over the thousands of white Repub licans of the western counties of North Carolina, many of whom are similarl y situated as -he and imbibe . . . . . ... the same principles which t?ev public ly has represented in the halls of Congress aud other high offices of trust, as a Republican. No Right to Ugliness. V The woman who is lovely in i"ace, form and temper' will always have friends, but one who must be attraci tive must keep good health? - If she is weak, sickly and all run down, she will be nervous and irritable, it she has constipation or kidney troub.e, her impure blood will cause pimples, blotches, skin eruptions and a wretched complexion. Electric bit ters is the best medicine in the world to regulate stomach, liver and kid- TievR . and to nuriiv tne Diooa. It gives strong nerves, .. bright eyes smooth, velvet skin, rich complexion. It will make a good-looking, charm- ins, charming woman ot a run down invalid. Only 50 cents at J. D. Morris Drug Store. 2 NOTICE: ' . Seal bids : for. superintendent of Poor House will be received from now until first Monday in October 1899 on which day said bids will be opened and lowest bids made known. No one need bid unless bidder is recommended by some good citizen or farmer as being a suitable person. Commissioners reserves the rjght.to reject any or all bids. ' J -r-i' ,H. J- WHITT, Clerk toBoardf , : This Sept. 5tb 1899 f - . ; J. :-' For an easy shave call on me shop nn stairs, over Louis, Goodfriend's store. ' . S. E. Wooding. -V.k painless . Land. After trials, vexations, disappoint - ments, aches and pains, it is consol- ing to know there is a land of pure delight where saints immortal dwell, free from pain and all else that causes existence unpleasant, such we believe is the haven of rest reach ed by our much esteemed brother in Christ Rev. E. J. Montague, whese soul took its flight on Aug, 23rd, 1899. Its departure was calm, peace ful, gradual and serene as of a new born babe that had never knowri sin He hd preached the blessed old story of Christ for "about 45 years. To churches Antioch, Aarons Creek, North Fork,' Mt.- Harmony, Providence, Snow Hill and probably others. His last and .most precious ministry to him I believe, was at Snow H.U1 a little church near his home where he met his own dear family, consisting of his wif five amiable daughters and one son, together with those of his neighbors that he could indace to come. He not only preached once a month to them but taught the blessed Bible every Sunday. The little church as ! I passed it today, seemed to be shorn of its strength, it's leader gone on before to that home of peace, joy and rest that he so often had told his little flock about. Sleep on precious saint, for nearly 67 years yon battled with lifes trials but trials' ache3 and pains arc all over, ana we believe jou are resting sweetly m the enjoyment of a reward provided to the faithful. ' '' - Calm is thy slumber as an infants sleep. But thou shalt wake no more to toil and weep. Thine isa perfect rest secure and deep. - Good nfght, good-night. w' T. H.-Street. Off for School. Roscoe Wagstaff, of Winstead, left Monday evening for Raleigh, to enter the A.'& M. College. Misses Lou and Mollie Walters, of Woodburn, were in town Monday, and left -on the evening train for Oxford, to enter the Seminary. Willie Coltrane went over to Dur ham, Monday evening, to enter Trinity College.- . Miss Sula Scoggin left Tuesday for Scottsburg, Va., to enter the school there. Others will leave in a few days for different schools. J Tobacco Notes and Personals. ' J. T. Morton and H. M. . Yarboro returned from Latta, S. C, last i Sat urday, whre they had .been engaged in the tobacco business. - Lr J. Winstead, of Xanville sPent Sunday in town with his mother. New tobacco is . being sold here 1 now in larg quantities, and. at very satisfactory "prices. Lots of tobacco has been cut cur ing the past week. . Some of our far- mtkm sav that not as t. eood crop has beeh made as, was .expected two months ago. W. B. Field Goes to Atlanta. . . r Willie E. Field left Thursday eve ning for Atlanta, Georgia, . to accept a position with an electric com pany of that city. Mr. Field : bad been connected with, the same farm until they went out of business about two years ago,1 - The concern is now in new hands, . and they were very anxious to secure the services of this young man. Mr. Field s has many friends here who wish him "the very . . . .... . . . is . - -r ..... . " ' . " best possible success in his new Home. j Improving the Walk. . ' : C. H. Hunter is making a'decided improvement in 'front of his store by , puttmgin win do ws to the basp men t and laying the walk with vitrified brick. When itis finished it will be one of the nicest pavements to be found in Roxboro. It is learned that Mr. Hunter will in the near future put in lare plate glass window?, which will' greatly improve the ap pearance. Colored Baptizmgs. fc Sunday was & favorable day for colored baptizings Twenty seven persons were baptized at Tui tie pond Sunday morning, and nineteen were baptized, it is learned, at Buchanan's pond. It is estimated that ' between 400 and 500 people attended at the former place about as many whites as colored, and it was a well-behaved crowd. Elder Graves, the pastor of the colored Baptist church at this place, baptized them. v r ' w 1 Goes to Pennsylvania. J. Arthur Jones left Woodburn last week for Connellsville, Pa,, where he has accepted a position '8 clerk in a hotel. Mr. Jones is a bright young man ana will no doubt fill the position with much credit. His many friends in this county :wish for him much success in his' new home. He will be -greatly missed m the Woodburn community. Preaching Announceme. ' Rev, R. H. Broom anuouncesUhat protracted1 ser viceslat; Brooksdale-are to begin on Thursday September 14th, 1899, at 7:45 p m. Only eve-. ning services win oe. neiaf ior tne first four days, including, Sunday, Beginning on Monday, the 18th1, the usual order of services, at 11 a. m. and pi m., will be1 observed till the meeting shall close. , 1 , It is hoped that the entire com munity, moved by earnest1 desire to receive good and do good, will attend every service. ' Army Worm on Deck. Wyatt, N. C, Sept. 4. There lias appeared in our ' section, wo at is known as the "Army W orm," and no doubt can b found throughout he county. They are devouring the grass crop and also the late corn. ; In some sections the late corn has been stripped by these of its fodder. They have takeu to the field"; peas, ? where there is not the grass for them. Also have taken to the cotton in" places. Should they take to the cotton ' they will damage some to a great extent: You assume no nsk when you buy Chamberlain's ColiCi Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, v Hambrick will refund your nloney if you are not satisfied after using it , It- is every weere admitted to be - the most successful remedy in 1 use for bowel compaints and : the only one that never fails; it is pleasant, sale ana reliable. - ' ' . ' - " . Dissolution Notice. The mercantile partnership here tof ore existing under the name and styly of C. T. Willsoh & Co. com posed "of C. T. Willson ana A. 5 R. FouaheeJ has this day been. dissolved 6y mutual consent.- , All the per sons indebted to the firm i are earn estly requested to come forward and nav immediatelv. ,Thes book , are kept at the old stand, either, member of the firm will r collect or receipt for the sams. ; , . - . C. T. WILLSON, : - A. R, FOUSHEE, y We pay the highest market prices for peacfies and green snaps, snaps must be young and tender. t Broods & Carver. j Deafness Cannot be Cured bv local annlications. as th nt 117 ' .' ' " jicauu luc uiBcaeu ufiiiuaoi mtj ear. There is only one wayj to cure 'deaf ness, ana that is ; by - constitutional remedies. . Deafness is caused by. an inflamed condition of the mucuous lining of the Eustachian Tube, When this tube gets. fuflamed you have a rumbling sound sound of : imperfect hearing, and when , it is.entirely clos ed deafness is the result, and unless the inanimation can be taken out and this tube restored to its formal con dition, hearing will be destroyed for ever; nine eases put of ten are ! caus ed by cararrh. which is nothing but an inflamed condition ofthe mucuous surfaces. . . - ' We will aive One ITnnrirftfl nllnra for any case of Deafness (caused ,br' cataf t) that . cannot be cured . by Hall's Catarrh Cure.' Send for. circu- : lars, free. 1 ' : F. J. Chenet & Co., . . Sold bv Druersrists. 75c. ; .c " Hall'sPamily Pills are the best. - ; - ; i . . i m ;.':- David Lassiter colored, is the last arrival at the State penitentiary. h He is from Granville ,-. countv and was . under sentence to be hanged Friday . hxif the : fev,erjnor; commu ted i t , to REGARDLESS ORAGE; . The kidneys "are responsible : for. more sickness, suffering, and deaths ; than any: other organj? of , the Y body : ,A majority o the ills , aflTteting npnnlp. t.n.datr i trACfiahlft in " tridnftir trouble. It prcvades all classes of society, in all climated, regardless of age, sex or, condition, , " ? .jrJThe symptoms of kidney trouble are unmistakable, such .as rheuma- tiHrtinftn'rftltria. RleenlesanGSSv naih or dull ache Jn the, back, a desire to urinate often day brlf night,' ; profuse or scanty supply, - ' v ' , ; r-- : Uric acid; or. brick-dust deposit in urine, are signs of, cloggedj kidneys, causing poisoned. and.j.germ-fllled blood, v So meti m es th e v heart acts bVdly ,Kand tube -1 oasts', (wasting- 'of the kidnevs are found in the urine. which if neglected will result in Bright's Disease, the most dangerous ' form of kidney trouble. , u " All these symptoms and conditions are .promptly ' removed s under he influence of Dr, :Kilners Swamp- v; xvooii. xv uas a wuau iniuo .icuw tion for its wonderful r cures of the most distressing cases. ' ; : - , ;No one need be lonstTwithout it as it is so easy to get at any drug store at fifty cents or one dollar. :You. can nave a samnie Doiue oi inis wonderful discovery, . Swamp.Root . and al)Ook telling all about it, both s snt to you absolutely free by mail. Send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Cb.. Binghamton, N. Y. - and kindly mention that you read .this -liberal offer in The Courier, (! ' . Ex-Congressman John Nichols' says ex-Judge Spencer B. Adams will be the next Republican nominee for Governor. Loge Harris, on the contrary, says that . the nomination will go begging) and -will .literally have to be forced upon some one, v : It is about rime to begin the heavy winter sewing. Everybody will need a good sewing machine and can get the best ac Moms' Druar Store, all the latest improvements and ' attach ments, 3 draws,,on thirty (30) days trial for $17.90. Money refunded if not satisfactory. ' y' : - Up todate this year the Secretary of Statehas granted charters to 136 corporations, against 118 to this date last year, r Of the 136 na less than 22 were to cotton mills. This shows an unprecedent development. Q I 7.30 gets high grade Sewing Machine with all latest improvements on thirty (30) days trial at Morris' Drug Store. ' ' That book you -; have - forgotten breaks a set. Please, return it. 7 .E. J.Tuckee it I want the book you have belong ing to me, by Oct. 1st, 1899. . . . E. J.Tuches.