THE ONE THING- NEEDFUL. BOXBOKO. N. 0., Sept. 37, 1899. OLD WEATHER SIGNS. Sayings in "Which Sailors, Travellers , and Farmers have Believed infoi Many Years. Thunder on Sunday is considered by the weather-wise the sign of the death of a great man; on Monday, the f death of a woman; on Tuesday, if in early summer, it foretells the abun dance of grain; on Wednesday, war- abunda.ce of sheep and corn the farmer may reckon upon; on Friday, some gret man will be murdered; on Saturday, a general pestilence and great mortality. ; Friday's weather shows what may be expected on the following Sunday; that is, if it rains on Friday uoon, then it will rain on Sunday, but if , Friday be clear, then Sunday will be laic la iuicab&u(.ui uu j. u m uuw i v. ne as well. . The twelve days immediately fol Inwina flhrifitmas enote the weather for the coming twelve months. One day for a month. .The day of the month the first snow storm appears indicates the number of fnow storms the winter will briflg. For example tne first snow storm comes on No vember 29 look out, then, for 29 snow storms. There is an old sajing which or iginated, peshaps, for the benefit of school children that there is only ' one Saturday in the year wtthout sun during some portion of the day, A gale, moderating at sunset, will r increase before midnight, but if it moderates after midnight the weath er will improve No weabher is ill, If the wind is still. If the full moon shall rise red, ex nect wind. The sharper the blast the sooner it is passed. A light yellow sky at sunset pre sages wind. When you see northern l;ghts you may expect cold weather. Hazy weather is thought to prog spring, fair .weather in summer and ram in. autumn. Storms that clear in the night will be followed by a rain storm. Three foggy mornings will surely be followed by a rain storm. If the ice on the tree mtrlts and . runs off rain will come next; while if the wind cracks off the ice snow will .,: follow. When the leaves of trees show their underside there will be rain. 'When the perfume of flowers or ; the ordor of fruit is unusually np tlced rain may be expected. When the sky is full of Stars ex pect rain. , . If a cat washes itsels calmly and smoothly the weather will be fair. , If she washes "against the grain" - take jonr mackintosh with you. If she lies with her back to the fire there ," jyill be a squall - v . vus wiiu tux n , mui a up auu uair apparently electrified indicate ap proaching wind. f '-If pin's are restless ' there will be : i?indy weather. r Pigs can see the - wind. f j ; Sir weeks from the time the' first katydifi is heard there will be frost," - . Flocks of crows' signify a cold summer. . , , - m mmmm m m mm mmm m mm. m cm n - mm wm mm m mm V: When the swallow .flies low to the ground rain will come soon; when i they ifiy high expect fine weather. DeWitt'sXittle ? arljrEisers per manently, cureiChronic('v pohstipatibn, VhiliousneVs kerypusBess, .worn jOntf feeling i cleanse a and regulate thb : entif c. By stem! Small pleasant; never " ipe 'or sicWen ;fam , Hambrick' &' Pompiny.1 f VI 3 tiA. "3?t O XtL X -V. : i , ' CtI Kind.Voa Haw Always BoqX;;. Bears the SOME OLD EPITAPHS. "Here J lies, thank God; a woman t , .who . . - Quarreled and stormed her whole life . through; , Y - , Tread gently over vher mouldering form; Or else you'll rouse another storm." ' " . . - . I'Here liesParker.Hall.and.wbat is more rarish, ) He was bCrn; bred and Ji&nged in St. . Thomas' parish. f 4Here lies'John Hill, a msn of skill, His age was five times ten; , x He never did good, nor never would, Had he lived as long again." . "Here lies a Peck, which some men ay, Was first of all a Peck of clay; This, wrought with skill divine, while fresh, '" ' ' ; ' ' ! Became a curious Peck of flesh; Through various form its v Maker ran; Then, adding breath, made Peck a man. Full sixty years Peck felt life's bub bles, Till death relieyed a peck of tioa bles. Tnen fell poor. Peck, as all things mu3t, ' Aud here he lies a Peck of dust." "Here lies the body of Lady O'Looney, Great Niece of Burke commonly Called the Sublime. She t was Bland, passionate and deeply relig ous; Also she painted in water colors, And 'sent severa pictures to the Ex hibition, She was first cousin to Lady Jones. And of such is the Kingdom of Heaven." "Here liei Lord Coningsby; be civil; The rest God knows, and perhaps the devil." "He scorched along the boulevard, He scortched across the hill; He scorched ihto.a cable car, We think he scorching stili. "Beaton the market for coughs and colds and all bronchial troubles. For croup it has do equal," writes H. Whitford, So. Canaan, Conn., of One Minute Cough Cure. Hambrick & Company. An Arkaneas prisoner addressed following note to a friend ofhis : "Dear Bill : I'm in trouble again. I shot the judge on the hench and general principles, and they went to work aud arresttue for it." A CHARHED LIFE. In a railroad accident the other day a man sustained ten complete fractures of the bones of the limbs, ;ree fractures of the pelvis, and a score of bruises, gashes and sprains, and yet he is recovering. Men ana women sometimes withstand great physi cal violence,? but suc cumb to the invisible germs of consumption W ... ,1 can be seen only, under a powerful microscope; The starting point of cunsumpaon is in me stomach, which, ;when deranged, makes bad blood - because diges tion is not perfect, and in bad blood the mi crobes multiply and flourish, jj Sooner or later, the luncrs are at tacked, and in the weak spots the germs begirr their deadly : work of tearing down the". tis sues. Dr. Pierce's covery stops the encroachments of con-' sumjption microbes. ' It builds up and fortifies the whole system by aiding the stomach in its many functions. It assists in the proper assimilation of food. This scientific remedy cures lingering coughs,1 bronchitis, bleedings at the lungs.' and every other "; symptom ' that eventually ' leads to consumption;:. Dr..ILrV. Pierce, of , Buffalp, N. Y who makes this won-; derful Medicine, eivesw, fatherly, ad vice to allwhb write hn ' t J V J" 5 ' T t. 3Ust spring I was"taen wi'tlb'severti pains in my chest, and was so weak I could hardly walk about .the house? says Mrs, GE.rKerr, of F&rt Dpd. Webster; Co., Iowa; I tried Several pnysioans anq: tney toia me I had consumption, but that I might ' brush it over ' and terhats live a good many years. I heard of Pierce's m try sonie o(rt: . Before I had taken the first bottle 4 jvw?m medical uiscovery ana i uiousrht I-. would Ivwas very muth better? I took; five bottles of it and ;have ttotyet had any return V2SS&g&&i$g.. of the .trouble. avorite Prescrip- gooa results.". U 111 II mm M WT mm mm m . w Some one'talls tbe' story of a phil osopher y ho wasrossing a stream. As he entered the ferry boat he pick ed up a pebblp, and said to the ferry- man : 4 ;A . JjDo you knpw geology?"... i' . y. , ?N5;" answered:th J- Xhen one-quarter of your "life is lost." T ri ' :t7 "i As th ey went on, . the philosopher, picked up a leaf that was floating in the stream, and said : ' uDo you know botany?" ' - ."No." "Then one-half of 4 your life is lost." isi:--1 Wr'M By and by they reached md-stream and the phi losoo her. looking up f to the starry heavens, said:. ' "Do you know astronomy?" ."No,'sir."-; .; V. "Then,"' said1 the ' philosopher, "three, quarters of your life is lost." Just then the ferryman looked up the stream and saw a wall of water coming down upon; the dam had burst He turned to the philosopher and said : "Sir, do you kuow how to svim?" "No." v:nz' . , ; Then," saidi the ferryman "the whole of your life is lost." In the i cut crieis of hu man life, theeries and excuses are of no value. Exchange. "They are simply perfect," writes Root. Moore of LaFayette, Ind., of DeVVitt's Little Early Risers,' the "famous little pills' for constipation and all liver ailments. Never gripe. Hambrick & Company. A Wise Suggestion. "The young man had married the rich man's daughter, and wasn't killing himsels with work to support her. One day the father called him up to call him down. . x "Look here," he said emphatically Why don't you go to work?" "..- "I don't have to," the son-in-law replied with brazen effrontery. "Well, you will have to." . "Why will I?" "Because, sir, I can't live always to support you." "rsut you win leave us some thing?" Not much, I won't. There won't be any thing to leave." The son in-law was alarmed, "Great Jupiter," he exclaimed, "you don't mean to tell me you have sothing." 'That's about the size of it." "I have a suggestion to offer," he said in a businesslike manner. "What is it." "Well, I suggest that you take out say, $100,000 life insurance on your self to saye wear and tear on my mind. K E. Turner, Compton, Mo., was cured of Piles by De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve after suffering 17 years an i trying over 20 remedies, 1 Fhys icians pnd surgeons endorse it." Be ware of dangerous coanterfeits. W. K. Hambrick and Company. GidRid of the Negro. Gebbktillb. S. O., Sept. 18. Gen. M. C, Butler has written a let ter on the face question, in whieh he takes the position that the eovern ment should provide a home in Cen tral or South America for the negro race. The letter1 is addressed; to a' NeWj- ITorker who recently asked Butler some questions as to the race. Speaking of the proposed emigration Geberal Butler says: " mind it behooTes. the gov ernment to carryout'the proposition; of President Lincoln and f, provide i a home in Central or South America or elsewhere where the negro may be induced tojeniite .fand set 'up for him. TIt would be : infinitely bet ter for the negro, who : can. never reach the' full measure of American manhood and vciHnsbip7vwith bisi environments, bf raoft.predjudice and ostracism "it M-iit y:l-HhluArx- Uw . - t Bears tlio : rl1!? ' yo Hays Always fioifii IttRfi f r"" fQi J fn f II . ' ' ' , - I n II X1 IMI III tmmm mmmmmmerniiuuiu. ...... ii 1. . . ... .1 .. 1 t Ml r AgctablePrcparalioufbrAs sliiiilatlng iheToodandRcgtila- ling the Stonachs andBowels of r I ftotnbtes IDicsUon,CKeerful uessandRestGontains neither Cm,MorphineiiDr Mineral. NOT NARC OTlb. Alx.Senna v HtKfulUSJtl- . Anise Seed. Jrppernant' - -. JhCarianakSod HZrmSeed - Clarilud Sugar ) Wrdeiyr&Ftvr. ; . mmmwmmmm mmmmmmmwmmmmm f Apcrfect Remedy for Constipa tion , Sour StomacbfDiarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions Jeverish- oess and Loss OF Sleef. ' Tac Simile Signature of NEWYOBK. EXACT C0PV OT WRAPFEB. fill B ii D P La Greensboro, N. C. For all kinds of fruit, shade and ornamental trees, vines, and plants. Ii is our aim to produce the very bst in vaiiety and grade of stock regardless of cost and we sell as cheap as any first-class ' Nursery can do business. Tour patronage solicited; agents wanted. G reensboro Hed of Registered Poland This herd is composed c premium stocky M ud overy pains taken to keep them up at theii "nigc iandard, and I sell at about one-half the pricr 1$a 'h tock is usually sold fo Single cars here. v . JNO. A. Yo DNGi Proprietor. GIVE THE BOYS AND GiRLSlHANGE. ! SCOTTSBURG NORMAL COLLEGE offers Two (courses Scientific and Classid leading to degrees. A normal course for special training of teachers. A commercial course, adapted to all neecs of busmest life. UNEQUALED facilities for a thorough course in Music. - Good music room,, well heated and lighted.! (Jood instruments of the best tone and aetion; Under the directicn of Mrs. Jennie E Botesa; full f graduate of a New. York Conservatory who keeps in touch with 'the newest and, most popular ideas in the musical ideas in the world, r Has had 20 yeers exper fence in teaching music and conducted a large conservatory of mus'o 15 years. Instuction in Elocution and Art. r -.' BEST and ocost approved methods: ; Healthful location. Excellent re ligious advantages: Home influences and 1: parental oversight. Not a saloon in a radius of ten; miles. :: Charges reduced, facilities improved. Next session opens Sep 12, Write for Catalogued Address, a 2 2m REV. C. R. HAIRFIELD;res.f Scottsburg, Va. m m mm m .MX , . . I Y mmT.liyiM Tcvcr end Does Ifot Contain Csisiss Xlcr Otier m m m mm m m ' ' . v i. .-. , A. Ucly 6 Son, Dime Box, Tex., sayv "IUEion'a Pepsin Chfll Tonic is the l)e8t we Jhare eres handled. Ur ton prescribes it In his practice, end says It is the only ChiU Tonic which child cn take without injury f the ctoaach."3 1 1 L Price - CHQ?lf UFG. CaCltesj'iv GrstsilgrTe"!?: r;. , For sale bys J. D;; MORRIS, Boxboro, : Ht'i G. 3 ma For Infants and Children. Ttie Kind Ysou Have Always. Bought TH CCNTAtf R COMPANY. NEW YORK CITY. pig $6, pair $10, f. o. b. Tonic c!I Crrlsl Trcuiiri. Peison. uFor -Over f";-v;.:-; ." Jy- ;''. Thirty fears U U VX U Li Li in Id Doe Nt Injvre the StOBMh 27cr ETcct the Bearing. "- ; Ur H;1 .buy. ia 1 ? ri -A vr' ' When tte bowels are bstirfale SigTiatrixe

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