J - " s A' I. - .... , , J r ' 4 w. , - --. v. ' . 1 - 7. . I - - - - - - - - - ' - 1 mmmm Jn YOTT GFT TIP WITH A LAME BACK? Kidney Trouble Makes You MlseraWe. Almost everybody who reads the news papers is sure to know of the wonderful cures maae Dy ur. I Kilmer's Swamp-Root, I the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy. ii istne great medi cal triumph of the nineteenth-century; dis covered after years of scientific research by Dr. Kilmer, the emi nent kidney and blad der SDecialist. and is wonderfully successful in promptly curing lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou bles and Bright's Disease, which is the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr, Kilmer's SwampRoot is not rec ommended for everything but if you have kid ney, liver or bladder trouble it will be found just the remedy you need. It has been tested in so many ways, in hospital work, in private practice, among the helpless too poor to pur chase relief and has proved so successful in every case that a special arrangement has been made by which all readers of this paper who have not already tried it; may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book telling more about Swamp-Root and how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. When writing mention reading this generous offer in this paper and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co.,Bing hamton, N. Y. The regular fifty cent and Home of swamp-Root. dollar sizes are sold by all good druggists. Neckties Caught in Her Bonnet. She was large and mpjestic, and had just purchased a flaming red necktie for her husband, whom the clerk mentally pictured as sm 11 and meek. Turning to wa-lk away, she noted a smile on the face of a by stander, but, held ber head high and passed on. She had not gone far, however, when she felta tuggging at her arm, and there was a small cash boy, 'Say, lady, will you please bend down your haad a little,' at the same time grabbing something whjch gaye her bonnet a jerk. One of those wretched ties strung on . a line overhead had caught on her hat din, and was streamsnggayly and gracefully down herback!New YorV Mail ana Express. Mrs. R. Churchill, Berlin. Vl. says "Our baby was covtredwith running sores. DeWitt's Witts Witch Hazel Salve cured her." A specific for piles and skin diseases. Beware of worthless counterfeits. Hambrick & Company. Hardly Worth. Mentioning. A clergyman says that he was one dav called down into nis study to preform the marriage ceremony for a couple in middle life "Have you ever been married be fore?" asked the clergyman of the bridegroom. "iTo, sir.,' "Have you?" to the bride, "Well, yes, I have," replied the bride' laconically; "but it was 20 years ugo, and he fell off a barn and Kinea nisseir wnen we a oeen mar ried only a week, so it really ain't worth mentioning" Tit Bits. ' Mrs J K Miller, Newton Hamilton Pa, writer "I think DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve the grandest salve, made It cures piles and hea,s everything All fraudulent imitations ar worth- lese. Hambrick, & Co An Abused Wife. ' Married Daughter Oh, dear such a time a I do have with that hus E i band of mine! I don t have4a minute's peace whn he's in the bouse. He is al ways calling me to help do some thing or other. Mother What does he want now? Daughter He, wants me to traipse way upstairs just to thread a needle for him, so he can mend his clothes. K Y. Weekly. Colds are easily taken and often de-' velop into bronchitis or consumption. You should cure a cold promptly with Dr. J ohn W. Bull's Cough Syrup. This celebrated remedy is most effi- menu tuiu win cure a coia once. 19 O u a II II iri COUCH SYKUP F.uft.. a. ' - a -a rrumpuy cures dtUDDOm VrOIQS. Doses are small and pleasant to t&c. Doctors .recommend it. Price 25 cU. At aU druggists. ,1U i s npjijj jr r ir i ' M IMS. I . . I -t .- . . 1 1 . a . ... GOD KEEP YOTJ SAFE. God keep you safe, my little love, All through the night; v close in His encircling arms Until the light. - My heart is with you as I kneal to pray; . Good night! God keep you in his care alway Thick shadows crep, like silent ghosts, About my bed, I lose my self in tender dreams, , iVhile over bead, The moon eomej stantins through my widow bars, A silver sickle srleaminsr mid the ' t - I stars. For I, though I am far away Feel safe and strong ' To trust you .tlius, dear love, and yeti The night is long I say with sobbing breath, the old, fond pjByer Good night; sweet dreams; God keep you everywhere! - - M. R. H. ' Miss Annie J3. Gunning, Tyre Michigan, says : "Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cured me of a severe case of indigestion ; can strongly recommend it." Dieeets what vou eat without aid from the " stomrch, and cures dyspepsia. Hambrick & Company LIST OF UNCALLED FOR LETTERS The following letters remain in the Roxboro postofflce, the postmaster oeing unable to deliver them : MEN8' LIST. W. R. Ashworth. D. M. Biirnett, F. 0. Carroll. Charlie Toran. C. A. Jackson Rev. R. P. Lawson, Mack Lamberth. Kyle Lispcomb. J. J. Lea. Bauister Monroe. T, G. Mitchell. W.E.Morton. Dclphin Morton. S R. Oakley. W. T, Parrish. C. A. Puryear, two. R. M, Russell. Jim Thomas, two. " E. M. Tyson, V Allen Williams. Smith Warren. G. W. Wagoner. WOMEN8 LIST. Miss B. F. Winstead. Louie Palmer. Jennie Lansford. Martha Lawson. Nannie Jones. Mamie Johnson, Rose Johnson. Ella Harris L. E. Harrison. Bettie Haskins. Sallie and Mattie Qlayton, Jennie Brooks. Vernie Goods. u Mrs. Mollie Tons. " Charity Bolton. " Addie Bowes. " M. A Lee. Parties calling for above letters mast state that they were advertised in The Courier of March 7, 1900. 'kfter 30 days they will be sent to Dead Letter Office. I W. H, LONG, P. M. : ' ' ' : i For wounds, burns, scalds, , sores skin diseases and all irritating erup ions, nothings, soothing and healing as DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve: Mrs. Emma Bolles, Matron Englewoop Nurse'ry, Chieago, says of it: 'When all else tails in heeling our bab;es, it will cure," Hamb'rick and Co. Fast typesetting ' There is; an old printer in the gov eiment printing' house wno worked on the Haptford Courant when tjie late Eobert Bonner was setting tf pe in that office. 'A "tourist" came along, and, getting in a day, offered to bet ten dollars he could set more type than any man in the office. Mr. Bonner told- the "tourist" he was not a gambler, but that he would chance him $10 just for fun. The money, was put up and the two men got down to their cases in twenty four hours and twentyeight minu tes Mr. Bonner had set up and '. cor rected25,500 ems of of solid menioh , beside taking . time to 'eat three pieces! of custard. - 4 . ' 1 ' 1 BLICKSENSDERFER TYPEWRITER $35 AND $50 i Best low priced machine on the market. Scientific key-board Saves big percentage of time. Writing fully insight. Portable only 8 pounds. Prints direct. Changeable type. Will do thr work ofany $100 machine. To see it .is to want it. Send for printed matter. K. M. TURNER, Southern Agt., t Atlanta, Georgia. wnmiM cpuie m Etrect This table in effect Nov. 19, 1899. DURHAM DIVISION : Leave Roxboro For Durham 7 :48 p. m., daily exce Sunday; 8 :16 a. m. For Lynchburg 8 :16 a. m.. daily ex cept Suniay; and 6 :07 p. m., for South Boston. -T-C5 SOLD TO s mLL point ifc rtr cr i Ki ViiSSOUHi, KANSAS. ASKA, COLOf i f i ;.cS'l,S01JTH-BE31 .;. t'S ' t9 4 C.O'"' oft r fi p. f 1 . T Sl vt D COACHES AN O SLEEPING CAST J, .-' !6XETS REA4 0VCR TSE 0 WESTERN RAILROIi i i5ST and OlMCKEpT LINK. , Um Maps. Time-Tblef, Desctipti?' r; Station Ajent, or to vV'-S a tie pi SJ. JAS. W. BRANDON BarlD'er S3xOt, ROXBORO, N. C When you come to Roxboro, don't forget me. I am always willing and ready to acoommodate my custo mers, and always keep up with the lates tyles. ' Facts That Ready January 1st THE 1900 Every Patriot and Vote Ought to Know; e AND ENCYCLOPEDIA, 8 e f me 3 a u Containmg Full Infofmatlon Upon Ail Statistical; Fads . - '; and Figures ' The j over New 600 Congress. Pages A Complete Guide to the vv Fortficoming Elections SPECIAL r-'.'V The South Africari FEATURES. I War; War in the Phil- $ ippines; The Interna tional Peace Congress ; Our Naval and; Military Esta blishmerits ; -The Samoan Settlement ; r The ; Great Trusts'and Their Capitalization, and many other subjects1 equally vital interest ' '' . A complete History of. each of the. Ships in , the American . Navy, by Edgar tStznion Mac hyf Historian: U. S. Navy. the standard American Annual. Postpaid to my address. : THE WORLD, 5 JEvcry Politician I a Copy. 'Price 25cts WORTH OF SELECT TREES FOR OrderatonceV as this offer is made .to close out sur plus, of these fine varieties, and only-holds "good until tne supplyis exhausted: 1 larly Harvest Pear, 1 Japan Plum. 2 Summer Pearmain Apple 2 Stumj) Apple : z Lowe Apple . 2 Oonnets SouthernEarly Z Emma reaches 2 New Prolific . 1 Greensboro Will cost you, if ordered ot once 2.25 (f. ob,.) You cannot afford to miss fine varieties at this price. j , JOHN A. YOUNG, Prop., v ; j , Greensboro Nurseries, : f?; Greensboro, O. FOUNDED IN 1842 Were it a Contest In which the purpose the longest in musical satisfaction was ! the goal, we would enter the lists; but as it is a struggle to get your morieyat all .hazards, offering in exchange some thing tvbieh sounds well today, without a ghost of a chance of living tunefully till tomorrow, we retire from the content, and beckon those who want real worth to come aside while we sell STIEFF which will be a "thing of beauty and "aj joy forever. ? ; ; Remember we sell direct from factory .and won't bur- ! : den you with the middleman's profits. . ' W. J. Ramsey & Bko., DURHAM, N. C. ALLISON & H For 1 J TTQ1GQRNJ '''Stap-Brahd'Eer-tilizer, "Anchor Brand" Fertilizer, "Little Giant The oldest establi bag guaranteed to-be of Faimers can makQ no ALLISON & ADDISON Mfgrs., T (Branch Carolina-Chemical or Sale by ( 4 Satisiiefl Ciisli)ffli;M f - . . . .. . '' -.-t- .' . " T-.i-' ' v , . - -"'V, . . .'. W Orq - 2 & & "jH J Q 3- - " " 1 &oi .0 0 & & ' ii"tn 8 o .Jl J3 .. - Jt: S o o p s - . -! c' 5T3 i i ' - ' 2 o . 5 P'- . - . O O' 2-S-.;p"4 ' 4 " - t c 5 g B g 2 catalog price. - ' ; $1 00 41 00. 50. , 50 V iodv .1 oo .1 00 1 oov i. 50 ; ; 75 ; ; , 25 25 50 Peaches 50 50 . 50 5(i Total Discount S7.25 5 00; t , this chance of trying these SING THEIR OWN PRAISES of making youx dollar last them a ADDISON'S B izers n A cM Phosphate. PIANO ': - 1 R 1 CO. t RAUi n m ' w mm n mm h h m il fl III PATENTED. Ba Fertilizer brands in the South. : Every : mistake by using them. Co.) RICHMOND, VA1.' J A LbNG. -4 V. :. . t -