NEWS OF THE WIRES, Happenings of the Past Week told in Short Paragraphs. . SOME NEWS OF IMPORTANCE. Foreign, Domestic and State Squibs are Included, Which Makes it Interesting. TUESDAY. Natal is now free of Boer tioops. General Brobant gains a victory oyer the Boers. x President McKinley still -favois free trade for Porto Rico.. Edward Flanagan, the famous Atlanta murderer, is dead. Many women who are good shots are found among the .Boer prisoners. a Tha spnate agrees to the confer- .LUU ' - o ence report on the financial bill. The Kentucky house tables a bill to repeal the Goebel election law Thf national convention of the snoml democratic nartv convenes in x Indianapolis. The scenes on the recent battle fields between Ladysinith and Colen- so are most horrible. PAPPiit. "British victories have a very quieting effect on the rebe Dutch of Cape Coioay. Alfred Harmer, of Pennsylvania, who was elected to every congress save one, since 1870, died today. .Near Baxley, Ga., twenegroes kill, a white man. Taey also mortally wounded his wife and kill 3ais infant. The preliminary trial of Harlan Whittaker, charged with the murder of Governor Goebel, was begun today. j seph G. Metcalfe, of .New York, a real estate broker, is arrested on charge of being a fugitive from jug-, tice from North Carolina. On account of bad health Admiral Watson will give up command of thf Asiatic squadron and he will be succeed by Admiral Remey. In West Virginia 100 or more miners -are entombed by an explosion. Many wounded and fifty dead bodies have been brought out. WEDNESDAY. Newport "Nfcws plumbers go on strike. A British force ha3 entered Trans vaal from Zululand. There are no Boers within twenty nrles of lady smith Philadelphia has a $700,000 fire in the retail dry goods district. Cornell's base ball schedule incln des t wo games in this state. There is a supposed case of bu bonic plague in Chinatown, in, San Francisco. A British steamship libels the Ola Domin on steamship Jamestown for $3,500. Grover Cleveland passes through Charlotte going to Florida. He is in good health. By a flank movement General Roberts drives the Boers from their position in his front. Ratifications of the Samoan arbi tration treaty are exchanged between the three powers. Four negroes supposed to be the murderers of Dan Minis, in Georgia have been arrested. '' In Hinds county, Mississippi, there is se terrible epidemic of small pox. Nearly 100 deaths have oc curred in one section in the last six weeks. THURSDAY. . Secretary of War Root reaches Havana. The condition of affairs at Mife- kinsr are becominer horrible, estill there is no talk of surrendreicg. Another batch of Kentucky demo crats are indicted in the federal court for attempting to intimidate voters. A Russian, said to De an American citizen, hae been sentenced to! imH prisonment at Kimberly for signaling to the besiegers. . '. - Senator Bacon in trodujes an amendment to the Porto : Rican bill providing for fret : trade between Porto Rico and the United States Secretary Hester shows'-that up to the close of -February .the r cotton brought into ; sight; was 1,754,524 bales less - thkn If or same time last year. - t Three " battalions of troops -who have been the longest time in the Philippines are tD be returned and recruits are to be sent out to take their places. " A Filipino society in Manila has i aised a fund from which to reward the slayers of prominent Americans The man who killed General Lawton got $25,000. V ; FRIDAY. Both British and Boers are pre paring for the seige of Pretoria. : . . .. When General Roberts reaches the Transvaal frontier he wiH have 70,-' 000 troops. ; ; There is a general impression in England that the South. African war is nearing its end. ' : : Baltimore firm has brought suit to recover money paid as duties on tobacco from Porto Rico. l Two towns in Luzon garrisonedby our troops are beseiged Ly Filipinos under a Chinese general. : The Boers say Johannesburg will be razed to the ground before the British will be. allowed to occupy it; Debs and Harriman is the national ticket of the amalgamated social democratic and socialist labor parties. General Bates in South Luzon attacks ' 2,000 Filipinos. He thor oughly scouts the provinces and, leaver garrisons in many towns. The Boer forces in front of Rob erts are completely disorganized. The latter is continuing his advance and expected to reach Bloe.mfbntein in tw; oi three davs. The Kentucky sepate reconsiders its vote on the state guard bill and then passes it. Governor Tciylor had, ttie 'night before, shipped the list of the rifl-s and other state guard property to London. Warrants charging complicity in the Goebel murder have been issued for Secretary of State Powers, ex Secretary of Stare Fmley, John T 'Powers, brother of the Secretary of State: Jno. W. Davis, capitol police man, and W. J, Coultou, clerk in the office of i be State Auditor.. The last named only has been arrested. Filipinos' kill sixty-eight China men and forty Spaniards. SATTJRDAY. , - . General Oth is goiug ahead in oi ganizing municipal governments in the Philippines. Queen Viccoria leaves London The 4 route through the city was lined with cheering crowds. In Mississippi a negro is iyi:ehe3 by negroes because of a crimina assan It of a 10-year old girl. In South Carolina cotton mills with capital amounting to $3,775,- 000 have been organized within the year. The growing hatred between the oeople of France and England causes anxiety to the forme: govern ment. The circuit court of Kentucky de cides that the legislature is the sole judge of the election ot a governor of that state. . A bill is introduced in congress to relieve General La tou's estate of v a charge for rent of camp grounds at Huntsville, Ala; y j ,; :The commissioner of internal j re venue will enforce. 4 the law exclud ing gifts or orders for them from packages of tobacco and cigarettes. Six" New cotton mill companies are projected in Georgia; one at Columbus, with 20,000 spindles will manufacture only a highT class ot goods; The troops at Lexington, Ky., are ordered to Frankfort, by Taylor, but a body of democratic soldiers guard the armory and will not let the arms be taken out. " :.....:' - Shake Into Your Shoes. Allen' 8 Foot-Ease, a powder. It cures painfnl, smarting, nervous feet and ingrowing nails, and instantly takes tho sti Dg out of corns an d binions. It's the greatest comfort discovery of tlie;age. Allen's Foot Ease makes tight or new sho-s feel easy.. It is a certain cure for sweat- ing callous and hot, ..tired,', nchng feet. .Try it today.- Sold by all druggists and; shoe stores! By mail for 25c. in stamps Trial s package FREE. Address, Allen S. Olmsted, Le Boy, N.-Y; . ; ; "jqo MinuLe Qou;i? ',ure, xures.: 1 . - That is -wlsat 1 was made fori - - WOOD'S HIGH GRADE Our. business in Farm Seeds is to-day one of thef largest in this . Country. A result due to the fact that quality has always been our' first consideration. 1 We supply all Seeds required for the Farm v ( GRASS & CLOVER SEEDS, - Cow Peas, Cotton Seed, ; Seed Oats, Seed Corn, Soja, Navy & Velvet Beans, Sorghums Broom Corn, Kaffir ' o Cortf, Peanuts, Millet Seed, Rape, etc. Wood's Descriptive Catalogue gives 7 the fullest information about . these and. all other Seeds ; best methods of culture, soil best adapted for differ erent crops and practical hints as to what are likely to prove most profitable togro-w. Catalogue mailed- free upon request. ' - T. W. WOOD & SONS, SEEDSMEN, - Richmond, Ya. There are sixteen portraits of the fair and patriotic daughters of ttie South in the April number of The Dt-ineaton The article: they illus- tivte deals with "The Patriotic Work of Southern Women." It is a powerful testimony to the ability of southern women for public organiz ed work. Waldoo JTatcett is the author and he r touches his subject most sympathetically. The Delinea tor can be procured from any news dealer. This .s the magazine that for twentv-seven vears has been full of suggestions for women regarding the affairs o home management. $100 EEWARD. $100. Tne readers of this paper will be pleased-to learn that there ia at east one dreaded di&ease that science has ben able to cure in all. its stages, aud that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh fJare is the only po3i'tive cure known tf the medical fraternity. Catarrh beinor sl constitutional treatmeat. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken' interu ailv. actins directly the bloon uud mucuous snrfaces oT th sy"ei, thereby destroying the t'o-uudatiooUif 1 the disease, aad giving the patienr, strength by bwildiag up the' consti tution and assisting nature ot doing its work. rFhe f ropretors have so muchfaith in it3 curative powers, that they offer $100 for any case it fails to cure. Send for list of testi monials. Address, . -; F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. Sold hx Druggists, 75c. Hall'a Family Pills are the best. If ,the political weather vane in Washington is safe to predict frolm Wm. J. BryaD and Win. McKinley I will be rival candidates for the oaes- r - . -.. ' X idency in 1&00. ;The courtesy of choosing their ,vice-prasidential candidates is a ew phase of politi cal ethics that marks a long step from the earlist days in the country when the vice-presiden was a form idable rival for executive honors. New" ideas prevail in political procedure as in fashions. 'The National Magazine" for March. Dissolution Notice By mutual consent the partner? ship heretofore existing between the undersigneu, doiug business under the name and style of .Noell Bros. Pants Co " is this day dissolved. R E. Long retires from said business on this date, and the business here after belongs to Jno. A. Noell and J,W. Noell. ? March 3rd 1900. , ; RE Long s . J A Noell JWNjoell. 1 JUST A VORD ABOUT YOU R EYES: , Thousands of people will read this advertisement tod?A a,id re fuse to be convinced; that the . warning contained hereinfapplie to them. ; r ' . IF YOU : could know the exact condition ot yourNehesight, and realize that 1 b y vy earing the proper glasses now vou' iniglit. save , yourself micb . Hufff ring and inconvei ience; in - ? y"'i--m to cpme4 ' - . ' jyOULD-YOU; 1 ; J hesitate to b'ayeyour eye - exam- - r - ineur i - - t , i will. ; v . ' gladly examine vour eyes ai d tel you their rue -condition wlhout any cost whatever, j y -.. - ? dr;s. rapport, ' ; ; 7 C-.- -' Eye Speci alist City Directory . " ' " ; 77 i W. H, B. Newell'. Watchmaker and Jeweler, . Roxboro,tNVC...,. i: - bxm Dr. E. J. Tucker SURGEON1- DENTIST, . Ofticb up stairs in W. J. Johnson & Uo's new buildiug. HOTEL DOWDY, Roxboro.N. O. J iR. H. DOWDY, Proprietor. The best Hotel on the border of N. C. or- Va. Table supplied "with the best. Your every watt supplied it in Xtie power "The 01dMra.M n . BOONE & BRYANT.' ATTORNEYS AT LAW, . . Durham, N. C. . . . Always attend the Superior Court of rrson county, aud -will go there s icq othertiines as the'busmess of Vnts demand . . C. T. WILLSON & CO. '. . General Insurance Agents, . . . .Roxboro, N. C . . . . ( Life, Fire Accident and Surety Bonds, Safest and most reliable' Companies rep- esented. Give us your business and we will giye you real protec ion ; ' E. J. TBAQOB, M. t. 6. P. SOHACB, M. D. TEACUE & SCHAUB, Practicing Physicians, : Offer their professional ser vices in the practice of medicine in all its branches, to the people of Rox boro anolsurroundingicountrv. Spe cial attention given the treatment of diseases of nose and throat. Offl.ce hours: 7:30 to 8.30 a. m. t 1 to 2 and I 7.30 to 8:30 p. m. Office in the old Foushee Hotel. 1 Vj W. KITCHIN, A. P. KirCHIN : KITCHI1T & KITCHIN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, - . . . ;Roxbcro, N. C. . . . ; Practice wherever services are re quired. '..: C.S. WIS ST ft AD VV.T. BKDSHEK Winstead & Bradsher, : ATTORNEYS AT LAW, .... Roxboro, N. C. . . . . Special attention given to Federal practice, both in the State ai; d at1 Washington. Attend regularly the Courts of Person and Caswell. j Ail business intrusted to our care i vil I repeive prompt attention. COLE & HOLLADAY, Photographers. r Gallery open Every Friday and Saturday or eacn week, over K J ; Hull's Harnesp Btore. LUlfSPORD, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, .... Roxboro, N. C. . " ;' William D. Merritt, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, ROXBORO N. C. s , Practices in allthe State ahd Federal court t. . Prompt attention given to bjusiness. Front offices, Court, square J. S. Merritt.- Luther M.Carlton. Merritt & Carlton, Attorneys and Counselors y at "Law, . jiRoxboro, N. C. . . . . . Practice in all the State and Federal Courts. Special attention given to cases in Caswell, Durham, Granville, and Orange Counties. - -' ; and Wh lake y Kl)lti cured ,t home with' out pain Book of particulars-sent f FREE. 3 DR. B. M. W00LLEY CO.. uttice. 104 North Prjor St niion Ml If 7 5 i Auanu faa. . I am selling the following .well known btands X)f Fertilizers for flne'tobacco and corn drops of 1900. V ORINOCO. DOUBLE oWx, : . v : COLUMBIA, c - OWL, OWL SPECIAL, ; r - . PERU VI AN AIIXTURE, PREMIUM, HYCO. j r PILOT , - GILT EDGE, FARMERS BONE, ThesQ goods have -been used with much satisfaction for years ana aro y - - j- Me growing in favor. Call and get prices before f yooj ment on car loads, for cash. . ' , .... i " ' - II. II WW - Mm,:: . . DEALER IN Groceries; Provisions 1 i - Shoes, Domestic, Dry Goods, Furniture, Fertilizers, rV"-. A..: I Tobacco, V Snuff; . :A Country produce; " 7'- prices ;: Paid for Hides. 1 " . " . . - AT 1 C. T. Willson & Cd.'s old sV r T n : i DON'T THE BEST i feARGA3MS !TJ SHOES AND GROCERIES m BUT IF YOU , WANT THE BEST v BARGAINS IN SHOES AND GROCERIES DON'T FfAIL TO CO TO HUNTER'S. ; 1 live hnstlihg man to do 7 ousiness ; xqr. une. Dinger Manufacturing. - Co." in Person county, with head quarters at or near. Rox boro, N, C. A good contract for the light man. ? . ' ft V For particulars write to- C. A, UOWAKJJ, , Box 236, Danville, Va. A VINCO, : 4 high' grade; if . WANTED COLUMBIA SOLUABLE, BOB WHITE, . ? ; : ZELL'S TOBACCO GUANO, i SPECIAL FOR TOBACCO, X 7 ,j VICTOR DISSOLVED BONE. AND OTHER BHANfDS. 1 bay. ; Special lndnco i f H FOUS EE X